Trader Joes In My Belly

Meet my new best friend:

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Yep, she is gorgeous and I want those shorts so badly. Mona is training for the Portland 1/2 Marathon in MAY….anyone else running it? I really want to!!!

Mona sent me a box of the best Trader Joe’s goodies ever. Packing my lunch has never been so easy and so delicious. These items are all one needs in life to be happy. Cookies dipped into cookie butter? Why not?
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Rumor is that Utah will be getting a Trader Joes. This means that since Billy and I just saved a million dollars on our lunches for the next 3 months (there was a case-lot sale that we hit up and now our lunches only cost .15 everyday), now we will be able to load up at TJs for our dinner food and chocolate covered everything.

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Cheapness feels good but probably is not the healthiest thing for us. At least I take a multivitamin:)

Because I really love to leave you with random things, I had to open my window yesterday at work. It is January in Utah, this is not normal.

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Happy Friday and your homework this weekend is to eat some of your favorite foods, sleep in a little, ignore some of your chores and to get a good sweat!


What are you doing this weekend?

What is your least favorite chore?

-Cleaning the bathroom.

Have you ever tried Cookie Butter?

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that cookie butter stuff is dangerous in my house… last night i consumed about ten too many spoonfuls of the stuff. i LOVE it. are you really serious about utah getting a TJ’s soon?!?! do you know where? my world would be complete if the rumor is true!

this weather sure is crazy, right?! i’ll gladly take it though! have a great weekend girl!


Haha! You drink a lot of water so it should be okay but GIRL those instant noodle things are sodium bombs!!!!


Yep, they are out of control. Good thing I drink a gallon a day! Have a great weekend Krissy!


My husband and I are training for the Portland RnR 1/2 marathon this spring- our first ever 1/2! coincidentally, it will be on the anniversary of my first race, a 5K that was part of my journey to losing 61 lbs. I am so excited :)


That’s awesome! Congratulations to both of you!


Tabby!! That is the coolest thing ever. 61 lbs…you are incredible. Will you please let me know how you and your husband’s half marathon go!?!?!


Cookie butter?? They do not have this at my Trader Joes but I am going to Portland this weekend so maybe I have to track it down :). I plan on eating tons of good food and sleeping in this weekend on a little train trip down to Portland to spend some time with some awesome ladies. My least favorite chore is vacuuming because I have to do it ALL the time with an extremely hairy dog!


I know Lauren… i’ve been looking and looking at our trader joes for it, but it doesn’t exist (insert a million sad faces)!!!!!!!!


I went for a run yesterday in a short sleeve top. In Iowa. In January.

Cookie butter sounds amazing!!


WHAT!?!? That is crazy awesome…hopefully the weather doesn’t change!


Cookie butter? I need some of that STAT!
我们有一个TJ在缅因州的如果我们有一个(在sticks) you’ll have one soon I bet.
Not doing anything too exciting this weekend I’m afraid to say- but I do have some AWFUL household chores planned, laundry, bathrooms cleaned, vacuuming all that fun stuff. Boooo!


I was so excited when Maine finally got one. We spend a lot of time up there and its great to have the new addition. I cannot believe how much the greater Portland area is growing!


我爱Portland! It is the perfect tiny city- plenty of things to do, not too pricey and fun.. I don’t love the summer crowds but there is nothing better than spending a summer evening grabbing a beer at Novare, oysters at J’s then stocking up on 1 LB candy bars at TJ’S!


My husband’s company, Wafels & Dinges, bartered the cookie butter deal for Trader Joe’s (it’s from Belgium)- they’ve had it on the wafel truck for years- it’s called spekuloos in it’s native form, and now EVERYONE can enjoy! Huzzah!


That is so so cool. I have had the spekuloos on a waffle when I was in NYC…that’s where I recognized the flavor! Thanks Keelie!


Ahh my bro bought me cookie butter but left it in Cali! SoSoSo sad.. I must remind him to send it to me!
This weekend I am running 12 miles for marathon training, hanging out with my two besties, and relaxing!!


It’s January in Chicago – and we have NO snow. It’s crazy! What’s up with the weather? My closest Trader Joe’s is about 30 minutes away. I usually just go to Whole Foods, even though it’s so much for expensive!


No snow?!?! That is insane…hope you are enjoying it!


Cookie butter? It’s probably best that I don’t know what it is and how good it is! I may have to work on our taxes this weekend. blech. Least fave chore is cleaning up after dinner.


It’s 70 degrees here in NC today!! Took a lovely walk, but was totally confused by the weather the entire time.


Janae please come to Portland and run the 1/2 marathon!!!! YAYAYAY! I am not running it but I will be your cheerleader and you can sleep on my couch and we will go to all the fro-yo places here and there is a Trader Joe’s within walking distance!


I really want to…off to go convince Billy that I NEED to go. A TJ’s within walking distance?!?! You better not be kidding about that couch!


Cookie butter!! Never heard of it and I love Trader joe’s! Sounds good!


I’m debating going to the free bootcamp class offered by my local Fleet Feet. I know I won’t be doing anything at 10am so I’m on the fence about it…we shall see if I go! Thats my only weekend plans.


This weekend I am volunteering at a race. So excited!
My least favorite chore is folding/hanging laundry. It is the worst chore ever.
I have never tried cookie butter but it sound interesting.


That is so awesome you are volunteering! What race is it. Hope you have a great weekend too!


It is the Running From an Angel 5k, half marathon, marathon and 50k. Oh and I think a 10k too. I am super excited! Thank you for replying to my comment.


PS I hope you have a great weekend.


I keep seeing this cookie butter. And seeing as theirs a Trader Joes 3 miles from my house. I feel obligated to go now.


Holy cow that’s a lot of Ramen!

My least favorite chore has got to be dusting!

This weekend I have no plans so far except shopping tonight and a running date tomorrow.


Utah getting a Trader Joes?? Please say this is true. I need to try all the wonderful things I hear about from there. Not a lot of plans, but I’m just glad it’s almost the weekend!!! Have a great one Janae!!


I am so doing it and have been signed up for it forever. Just the thought of you coming and meeting you made me squeel. I promise I wont be stalkerish (I will practice hard!) but YAYAY!!!!!!!!


This whole “warm weather” thing is SERIOUSLY freaking me out. In Chicago, we just had two days of like 20 degree weather, and today? It’s 55. and sunny. What in the hell.


55…..that really is so so crazy?!?! Winter better not start now and last through July or something!!


OMG! Are you serious about the TJs in Utah! I don’t care if it’s in St. George, I WILL GO.

I might be prepping the house for some renovations our landlord is going to have to do. Lamesauce. And run 8 miles.

I seriously hate dishes SO MUCH. I have tried many times to convince my husband that it’s OK to eat off paper plates all the time.


I think it is going to be in SLC. Have fun on the 8-miler, you are going to rock it.


i have never even heard of cookie butter!! but that sounds AMAZING!!


我爱Portland! reading your post my impulse thought was I’m in.

周末包括一个长远来看,有一个“圣诞dinner” with my dad’s extended family, meeting a friend for coffee, and cooking/baking. i love the weekend!

I hope you have a great Friday night. enjoy…….I’m already in comfy clothes. :)


Erica, we should go run it together. Another Christmas Dinner, you are so lucky. Enjoy every second of your weekend and now I am going to get in comfy clothes;)


Yeah we are supposed to be getting a TJ’s here in Dallas sometime soon…I love going there when I’m in a town that has one!

这个周末开始冬季/春训my running group so I’ll be helping out/coaching with that Saturday. Sunday is a long-ish training run w/ some of my buddies, some are doing Houston. I’m training for the Galveston marathon which is 4 wks away. I hope to sneak a mimosa or three somewhere in there :-)


I want to join your running group…that sounds so fun. You are going to rock Galveston and I can’t wait to read all about it!


COOKIE BUTTER? Holy crap. I’m going to stop at my TJ’s on the way home from work tonight and check that out. This weekend will be spent studying for the GRE, with a side dish of a 5k on Sunday morning.


Good luck studying and you are going to rock your 5k. Did you get the cookie butter?


Thanks, I need all the luck I can get! I didn’t get the cookie butter because I’m 5 days into a 7 day detox, and the willpower won out. For now…


Least fav chore.. cleaning the inside of the oven!!!!!!


So jealous UT is getting a TJs. My prayer is that CO is next. Never heard of cookie butter, but anything with “cookie” and “butter” in the title can NOT be bad.


Fact – I’ve never been to trader joes nor whole foods.
I’ll be paint balling this Sunday. & yes I will be coming back with big bruises probably haha. Specially since I’m playing with a bunch of boys.


Whatever I do I am going to get my sweat on!
I hate doing the toilets! However, I am so weird when it comes to them, more particular. If a toilet looks gross I will hold it all day long!

I do love to clean though. It’s kind of like a stress reliever….weird I know.


I’m watching the Saints game (WHO DAT!), finishing a painting a started for my hubby (I keep his office artistic!), and running a 12 mile taper race…next weekend is a marathon. I know this sounds pathetic, but my worst chore is unloading the silverware from the dishwasher. So boring. Ii’d rather mop my stairs.


I arrived in Mexico today so I intend on reading, tanning, and drinking in the daytime since it is socially acceptable on vacation.

Least favorite chore is also cleaning the bathroom because I shed hair everywhere and I have no idea how to clean it up effectively. I actually love doing laundry and cooking and doing dishes, it’s super weird.

I have not tried cookie butter, but I saw some at Publix in Florida and I am making one last trader joe’s run before I head back to Africa.


I can live with those chores!


wow cookie butter sounds really good, I love anything sweet. Never been to trader joes though I think we do have one around here!

I will be really cranking up my workouts saturday and sunday because I have been so tired the past two days!


I LOVE me some Trader Joes!
I go every Sunday for my yummy basics.
My boy’s mom even got me a gift certificate to there, since I talk about how much I love it so much!

Hope you get one near you soon!

Also- I reaaaaaally wish they made a vegan version of that cookie butter.
I am gonna have to look around for one!


I took my TJs gift card to TJs today *specifically* to get cookie butter, and they were all out! The guy working there said “too bad, because that stuff is really, really good”. Thanks a lot. Anyway, I’ve heard Biscoff spread is just as good, and I just saw that in Utah last week when I was there visiting, yet was foolishly waiting to use my TJs gift so I didn’t buy it.


我从来没有饼干黄油但听起来azing!! I have had Biscoff spread though and it is soooo good. They have some at Harmon’s in Orem. Yes, I went to their website to search all available stores to find me some. I am in love with the Biscoff cookies they give out on Delta flights (I get extra when I travel and keep a stash at home), and the spread tastes just like the cookies but in a smooth, creamy, perfect-to-eat-in-spoonfuls form.


Ha ha ha when I flew home from Utah on Delta I stole my husband’s packet of Biscoff cookies and totally forgot that I have both packs of them in our baby’s diaper bag, I’m going to go try them now!


Folding laundry!! Bathrooms second!!

I am working out ALLLLL weekend. I’ve been so sick I had to skip some workouts. Time to make up for it. :)
Happy Friday!!


I have never heard of cookie butter…please describe the taste in detail!!

I have always heard that we’ll never get a Trader Joe’s here because you can’t sell wine in grocery stores in Utah. But Costco made it happen, they don’t sell wine in their Utah stores so Trader Joe’s can make it happen, too, right?!?!


Oooh, ramen noodles! Brings me back…and it’s my 7 year anniversary this weekend! So we will be going on a hot date:) probs to the casino. $20 in the slot machines and spend our winnings at ben and jerry’s.
Cookie butter, never tried it, but think I must.
couldn’t agree more on the bathrooms, misery.


TJ’s cookie butter = crack! I LOVE IT! Delta serves the cookies that the butter is made from (Biscoff). This weekend I am running the Disney 1/2 Marathon. I’m headed to bed in about 3o minutes (7:30 EST) since I have a 2:30 wake up call!

My least favorite chore is cleaning the bathroom with cleaning the kitchen floor and putting away laundry tied for a close second!


1. speculoos is the BEST most AMAZING thing i have ever tasted.

2. i am running portland. sign up NOW.


Chores? I hate all of them, especially taking out the trash. Y.U.C.K.

This weekend…bachelorette party. yikes!


Mmmm I loooove Ramen noodles. So not healthy, but oh so good! I love those shorts too!!!

Chores… um, all of them? Particularly cleaning the toilets. Ew.


That’s a lot of noodles :)

Hub is taking me to Boston to see Blue Man Group – one of my Christmas presents. Add good food, good weather, and shopping = perfect day with hub!

Happy Weekend!


LOVE Trader Joes! We are getting one in Dallas too…can’t wait!


I’ve never even heard of cookie butter but I like the sound of it! and Mona is the cutest! what a nice girl :)

love your classroom!


Cookie Butter? I feel an extreme need to drive to the nearest TJ’s an hour away. That is what I doing for the first part of my weekend. The second part will be stuffing myself with Cookie Butter. Oh, and maybe a run and aerial yoga, too! Enjoy your weekend!


Top Ramen, Cookie Butter, and Salted Caramel Cookies sounds like a dangerous combination!


我甚至没有看到交易员的黄油饼干joe’s but now I want some! I think my plan for the weekend just became to track this delicious looking cookie butter down and enjoy it with anything and everything =)


Dishes. It’s never freakin’ done! And folding laundry. I’ll throw clothes in to wash all day. Now folding, different story.


Your friend is gorgeous and I totally want those shorts too!!

No plans this weekend except for a long run :)

Laundry is probably my least fav chore, and folding it too.

Haven’t tried cookie butter


Ahh – i really wanted to do that Rock n’Roll Portland! It’s the inaugural one of that race in Portland and I’ve always wanted to do a RnR! My friend is getting married that weekend, so he’s made me promise not to sign up, but good luck, Mona!!!


Hey girl, happy new year to you and Billy! I have lots of catching up to do.. but as always, I love reading your blog!!
I love the homework you gave us for the weekend too :)


That sounds like excellent homework—I’m doing all of those things this weekend! :)


I wish I had a TJ’s!!!
I’m running 12 miles tomorrow! Then just relaxing, maybe going out, and getting ready for school to start on Monday.
Putting away my laundry. I cannot.
I’ve never tried that brand, but I’ve had biscoff spread and it’s sooo good.


Hahahah I just realized: you eat like a college student. I LOVE IT.


dang, her shorts ARE cute!!! :) and wat a good friend sending u TJ staples! i can’t believe u don’t have those there…lame!!!

and ya, cleaning the bathroom icks me out too. :P


It’s funny that you were able to open your windows in January in Utah… we are experiencing the same thing in Wisconsin. Last year at this time we were buried under several feet of snow… and today it was 50 degrees out! Felt like spring was arriving early, even though I know that’s likely not the case :)

Enjoy it while it lasts!


I’ve never even hear of cookie butter and is it rude that I laugh out lough when I think of you as a teacher? Seriously not being rude but you’re so cute, do your students even take you seriously? I can’t believe Utah doesn’t have a TJ. I guess they are always a little behind compared to AZ. Do you have Krispy Kremes yet? Hopefully not, they’re bad for you any way. This weekend we are having fun w/ the kiddos, dying my Paula Deen hair and seeing War Horse. I’ll let you know what I think of it. Have you seen it yet? Do you have any advice for me on my knee? Being that it’s barely over a week away from my first half I’m kina panicking. Chime in if you can spare a second. :) Thanks. Xoxo, Jessica


Your homework assignment for us at the end of your post was very cute :) It made me wonder, do you ever talk to your students about the importance of eating copious amounts of broccoli and exercising in your classes that are not health/fitness related? I can’t imagine having you as a teacher—I’m sure all of the boys have your yearbook picture with a heart around it in their bedrooms and the girls all probably wish that you were their best friend :) Have a good Friday night!!


Just to clarify: “I can’t imagine having you as a teacher,” not because you don’t seem like a teacher but because you seem like the coolest teacher in America and it would probably be the greatest class of my life


Kristin, I totally know what you mean! You are the sweetest and your comment was so nice. Ha, my students all know about my veggie/candy love and running obsession…I talk about it in every class ha. Hope you are having an amazing weekend!


Cookie butter?? I’m so going to TJ’s this weekend!


Cookie Butter hasn’t been in stock yet when I’ve gone to TJ’s but I’ve seen it on blogs…I’m a little nervous for once I can get my hands on it!


The Portland half is actually going to be my first ever race! Good luck to Mona on her training :)


Good luck to you Lena and I can’t wait to hear all about how you rock Portland!


Trader joes in Utah? Oh my I’d make extra trips down there from Idaho, put my life in jeopardy with Utah drivers to go to trader joes!


Janae’s task for the weekend: bake cookies using cookie butter…your time starts now :D


Has anyone ever told you that you remind them of Jeannie on the Ellen show? I just feel like your personalities are similar! It’s a good thing :) do you know who I’m talking about?


Sarah!! You are the sweetest in the whole world, thanks so much!! I do know Jeannie and that makes me happy. Have a great weekend!


Holy cow those salted carmel cookies look so good!!! Buying them next time I go!!!


This weekend is packed for us but all fun activities! We are hitting up the farmers market this morning and then I am headed to a girls friends baby boy shower. We are watching our friend coach basketball tonight and then heading over to Lupe Tortilla for fajitas after the game. Do you have Lupe? It is amazing. Their beef fajita meat is from heaven.

As always, love your blog! Thanks for always making your readers laugh and smile on a daily basis!


I am sooo not a fan of anything involving dust..but not into’s at the ultimate bottom.


let’s just say I’m very acquainted with cookie butter on my pancakes, apples, oats, spoon ha! it’s awesome and you’re in luck because last time I went to TJ’s she said they were out and not getting any more shipments in.


Trader Joes is my favorite grocery store ever! Unfortunately they came out with the cookie butter a month after I found out I’m gluten intolerant… So rude


This weekend my husband and I went to home improvement stores to get supplies and ideas for our new house!!!! :-D

I don’t like doing the laundry. Just because it’s so time consuming.

I haven’t had the TJ’s brand cookie butter but I LOVE biscoff spread! If only it didn’t cost a million bucks.


alright, you have to text/fb me your address and birthday. I’m sending you the best TJ’s care package ever when the time comes.

I’ve seen those salted cookies but never bought them because…TJ’s always disappoints me with their sweets! the packaging looks soooo good, but sometimes they just don’t deliver. However, I loved the holiday iced gingerbread cookies. They were excellent


My husband and I are running the Portland 1/2 Marathon in October. I ran the full Marathon in 2010 and have been begging him to do a race with me since and so for my Christmas gift this year he signed us both up for the Portland 1/2. I’m so excited!! We are going to do a few smaller races from now until then to get him ready.


Are you talking about the Portland rock in roll half in May? I am running that…and can’t wait!!


I’ll be in Portland in may for the RnR. Got some family nearby so I’m making it a nice vacation.

I have successfully avoided buying that cookie butter. If it is as good as it sounds, there’d be no stopping me.

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