Woke up Saturday morning and my cold was pretty much gone. Score.

My sister slept over Friday night so that meant I could sneak away in the early early morning to get some miles in. Total of 13.8 for the day and I loved getting a lot of those miles withCandice. She really needs to stop being so busy all of the time so I can see her more:)

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Came home to my favorites cuddled up and watching cartoons (my sis was giving Brooke a head massage… Brooke is living the dream).

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The only person I allow to eat from my salad. I don’t think restaurants make a profit off of me with my incredible salad building skills.

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After the three of us took a nap (that felt so so so good) we went up the canyon to our favorite spot.

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Full on sprint to go feed the fish. The fish food smell somehow leaked into my skin and I cannot get the smell off.

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Park days better never end.

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We had dinner together and then the most important meal of the day:

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YAY for more workout clothes and less jeans! I think we should all live in yoga pants.

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What is your favorite meal of the day?

Do you wear jeans or yoga/leggings/workout pants more?

Sugar cookie or chocolate chip cookie?

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Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day, but I always make it taste like dessert! ;) I can see how jeans are on the decline. When I was on vacation from work, this summer, I lived in yoga pants and workout gear. I was actually a little scared to put on my “real” clothes- hoping they’d all still fit. Haha!


Favorite meal hands down is breakfast and I could seriously eat if for every meal of the day too. The workout clothes fashion trend cracks me up. My Mom told me about that the other day. I’ve been wearing yoga pants and leggings for the last two years as I’m sure many others have been. Apparently fashion is catching up with all of is who are trend setters!


Breakfast is definitely the best meal of the day! I wear workout pants more for sure… they are just too dang comfy. Chocolate chip cookie all the way, because chocolate.


I don’t think I’ve worn jeans in the last year at all. I have never really felt that jeans were even that comfortable. I guess when they aren’t too right. I’ve always found stretchy and knit pants as well as skirts and dresses much better. That’s just my opinion though.

Those cookies look pretty good. I thought of you yesterday, I was reading an article about how some Dunkin donuts use frozen and reheated donuts. I’m not sure I believe it but who knows.


I definitely wear yoga pants more for running errands, hanging out at home, etc — but I still wear real clothes for going out with friends :)


Favourite meal of the day is dinner, it would be dessert but I try not to eat dessert everyday!! I literally wear leggings and workout pants ALL the time but now that I don’t have to wear a uniform at school anymore, I’m starting to wear jeans more, I feel I should look half-decent a couple days a week ;) Those cookies look amazing but I’m a chocolate chip cookie kinda girl! Looks like you’ve had a super fun weekend!


Favorite meal is definitely breakfast! I would eat it for very meal every day if I could!

I live in workout clothes. It takes a special occasion (or a meeting at my daughter’s school) for me to put on real clothes and take my hair out of my braid!

Chocolate chip cookies! Not a big sugar cookie fan, because I need chocolate. :).

Off to run! Have a great day!


Breakfast rules! I get up so early I eat it twice and I am totally OK with that.
When I work from home (3 days per week) I am all about my yoga clothes.
When I work in the office or go out, jeans is my thing.
Chocolate chip cookie > sugar cookie!


YES to living in yoga pants! It’s what I do 90% of the time anyways ;) And breakfast is the reason I get out of bed in the morning… Sometimes I end up eating it for every meal >:D


Breakfast is my favourite meal of the day, followed closely by dinner. But lets be real, any food I consume post run is the best. Ever since I started running and discovered the world of workout wear, it’s all I ever want to wear – I try and refrain from doing it too much though!


Yay! Super happy to see we”re in the workout clothing age now :)


BREAKFAST! 100%. Plus breakfast for dinner, of course.

I love workout clothes, I live in leggings. In fact, I only really own one pair of jeans and they do not get much use! Have a great weekend :)


At home or at yoga I wear yoga pants. Anything else that requires me to leave the house I wear jeans.


Favorite Meal: Dinner

I live in Florida so I pretty much live in workout clothes, jeans, yoga pants and sweat pants are generally all too hot!



If I could live in running clothes I would! I also like to wear casual dresses that I can wear sandals with!

My cold is finally on the way out too. I forced myself to go for a 15-miler yesterday and felt soooooooo much better by the end! A friend asked how I felt after and I said, running always makes me feel better ;)


See, I always knew I was just ahead of the fashion trends ;)


I dislike jeans, they are not comfortable at all. I tend to throw on a dress or a skirt.


Breakfast will always be my favorite meal of the day. Although sometimes I eat breakfast foods for lunch or dinner :)

I wear jeans way more than yoga pants. I love my mini boot super stretch jeans from a lucky. They are my favorites.

Chocolate chip cookies come first! So long as we are talking fresh baked. I can’t est prepackaged though. I’m a chocolate chip cookie snob :)

The views from your fish feeding spot. So pretty


Breakfast is the best……..french toast, biscuits, scrambled eggs………..mmmmmmmm!

I really like my jeans. I have to wear khakis to work 5 days a week, so I am itching to get to wear other clothes as much as I can. I love how comfortable yoga pants are, but they are so casual that I feel sloppy if I go out dressed in them. Vacations and staying at home are ok, but other than that I like to get dressed up a bit in jeans and a nice shirt.

I love chocolate chip cookies………warm out of the oven and dropped in a cup of milk, then you eat it with a spoon! Yum!


Yay! Glad you are feeling better! and cookies… the most important meal of the day for sure!


Favorite meal is definitely breakfast! Pancakes, waffles, french toast.. all my faves.I wear yoga pants literally everyday. As soon as I get home from school on go the sweats! And I hate that with animal food smell! My cat treats always leave a smell on my hand. Happy Sunday! Hope you have a relaxing day!


I’m still a jeans girl… I work out in leggings, and lounge around the house in sweats, but jeans is what I wear pretty much the rest of the time :)

Homemade sugar cookies made itch tons of butter and homemade butter cream frosting are SPECTACULAR, but they take a lot of time. So I’ll say chocolate chip cookies, and sugar cookies for special occasions :)

You really do have incredible salad building skills! Have a great Sunday!!!


Eating any food is my favorite time of day! I wear a flight suit or scrubs to work but under my flight suit is usually workout clothes. Especially in the summer I can wear my running tanks and shorts in an attempt to stay cool.
I prefer chocolate chip cookies but the best are homemade snicker doodles.
Yum nummy!!


I love breakfast, mostly because I feel anything goes. Pancakes, pizza, smoothie? I’m good with it all.
90% of the time it is a chocolate chip cookie, but there is always that 10% where that won’t cut it and I prefer a sugar cookie (usually around the holidays).


Breakfast all the way! I’m great with more workout clothes and less jeans, they are without a doubt more comfy :)

CHOCOLATE CHIP! My ultimate comfort food.


Favorite meal is probably dinner because it’s the one meal I get to sit down and actually enjoy (not shove food in my face) with the kidlets.

I wear workout shorts more than anything else right now. And since I’m coaching, many days I’m wearing 3 different workout shorts each day. Good excuse for shopping, right?

Chocolate chip all the way, unless of course the sugar cookie has frosting ;)


I wear jeans more; I’m still trying to break into the workout-wear-for-allday-wear club.

Breakfast is the best!

Chocolate chip, baby! For me, if it’s laden with sugar it better include chocolate.


I don’t remember the last time I put on jeans…especially since working in a running store you’re kind of required to wear athletic clothing! I freaking love it – I never get out of my yoga pants/running capris.

Chocolate chip cookies.

I love both breakfast and dinner equally, lunch I could really care less about since I kind of graze all day in between breakfast and dinner.


i do love jeans, but i love workout clothes even more… this is very good news! now if only we could get away with wearing yoga pants and running shoes to work ;)

breakfast is definitely my favorite meal of the day. i love it so much that sometimes i even make brinner, too!


我是一个大的早餐的爱人!我住在露露激励crops and love all cookies, but Chococlate chips are my favorite. Also, I love your white run glasses!


Breakfast is definitely my favorite meal of the day! No question about that.
Usually I’ll pick a sugar cookie…but I love both.
If I’m not in scrubs or nice work clothes, you’ll find me in either workout clothes or some type of comfy clothes.


I love running clothes and dresses. That pretty much sums up my wardrobe…

Favorite meals is lunch.,,I LOVE A good sandwich with chips
And a pickle!!!!:)


Dessert is my favorite meal-lol!
I wear scrubs to work, but other than that I’m usually is workout clothes.
Chocolate chip cookies win, but I love sugar cookies too.
Utah is so beautiful.
You have killer salad building skills.
I can’t get over how grown-up Brooke is looking. I miss those baby with awesome wild hair pictures you use to post. :)


If I fit in my jeans a little better these days, I’d probably try to wear them more. :) Getting them on right now after a summer of no training and stress eating is kind of funny.


我认为我最喜欢的因为最近晚餐se they are the most creative. I hate wearing real pants and would love to live in sweat pants or yoga pants if I could:)



I love chilling in my workout clothes but I cannot stand the trend of yoga pants as real pants. Grocery shopping, schlumping around, etc yes but if you are going out then nothing beats a great pair of jeans or a beautiful dress.
Chocolate chip, hands down.


Here in New York you see a lot of sweatpants but they are really cute, sort of fancier sweatpants? if that makes any sense at all? So the pants will be comfy with a drawstring but still have a cute top, keeping it from looking too “workout-y”.

I had also read that jean sales were going down because skinny jeans have been popular for a long time and people just don’t need any more skinny jeans. So they’ll be trying to make flare/baggy jeans happen soon so we have to update :)

btw, I did 8 miles today which is my longest evah (after a brutally hot 10k on Monday that I’m still traumatized from) but I was seriously inspired thinking how we’re all out there trying to get our miles in, so thanks for that :)


I hate wearing jeans so I’m all about that new trend!!


I am a huge breakfast fan! All the best breakfast foods – oats, pancakes, eggs – can be adapted to different seasons and flavors. Plus I have a sweet tooth and breakfast is an excuse for sweeter things (even if just naturally sweet) and lots of fruit.
Leggings and workout tights as pants were super popular (at least it seemed) when I lived in Germany four years ago. Since then I’ve loved to wear them, so I’m glad to see the trend is catching on! Workout jackets can be super cute for non-running wear also.


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Favorite meal is dinner even better from a five star restaurant… Chocolate chip cookies and in a jeans girl. Comfy ones. I wear workout clothes but feel put together with jeans.
I so wish my kids napped!!!


Wow, I need to go visit Utah…that canyon is so pretty.

I’m a big fan of boyfriend jeans, aka the most comfortable jeans ever. Plus I can tell myself I’m being trendy while wearing them.


Favorite meal was the omelet I made for breakfast! I love great breakfast food :)
I used to be a jeans girl, but now I am a happy workout/yoga pants convert! I still have jeans but definitely don’t wear them as much.


That salad looks like a huge mountain of awesomeness!


Breakfast is my all-time favorite! I wear running shorts wayyyy too much in the summer and chocolate chip cookies are my favorite.

Nice run for your morning! That canyon picture was gorgeous!


I would have to go with breakfast food for the win. I love yoga pants and leggings, so comfy! I would choose a sugar cookie only if it is topped with a generous amount of frosting, otherwise chocolate chip. Hope you had a great weekend! I start a brand new job tomorrow and my first full week of night class. Should be interesting!


I’ve never thought about it before, but probably breakfast! I just enjoy the little quiet time before the day begins, it’s the one part of the morning where I’m not rushing around and getting ready!
Also yes, I have totally noticed the sportswear trend! Are leggings trousers now? It seems like they could be. Not sure how I feel about it but increasing comfiness can only be good!


Dinner is my favorite meal of the day. My husband is an amazing chef and prepares a yummy and healthy home cooked meal almost every evening. I feel a little spoiled because of it. I would choose chocolate chip cookies, unless it was a sugar cookie covered in icing (like 2:1 ratio of cookie/icing). Icing always wins.


Breakfast – no question! I probably spend equal amounts of time in jeans and workout pants. Totally sugar cookie!


Favorite meal of the day depends on the day. If I’m traveling, definitely breakfast. At home, dinner.

我穿瑜伽裤re. Hands down. I work at a fitness center part time and that definitely contributes to it, but at home yoga pants will always win too. My husband says that I look dressed up when I wear jeans. That’s probably a bad sign.

我会说糖饼干赢,因为我妈妈讨厌them and refuses to make them, so when I can get a really great sugar cookie, I’ll take it over chocolate chip. But if you put a homemade sugar cookie and a homemade chocolate chip cookie in front of me, I’d probably take one of each :)


First things first: Chocolate chip ALWAYS!

I am really guilty of wearing workout clothes all the time. I actually feel super dressed up if I put on jeans or even real shorts (like the kind without a liner in them). This article makes me feel a little bit less lazy!


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I am totally not a jean person so this is GREAT news :)


Definitely a sugar cookie fan!!! I love my own recipe but my sister introduced me to Swig cookies after a half marathon we did in Utah over the summer. Those are amazing!!! Now your Swig cookie picture is making me want one NOW!! :)


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Jeans:( I’ll wear them if I must but I am a personal trainer so work in training clothes (half my wardrobe is Lululemon). If heading out somewhere nice, I prefer to wear a dress or leggings with dressy sweater or top and boots…bring on fall!

Breakfast all the way. Eggs, oats, anything tops with cinnamon.


Breakfast is my favorite meal, especially to go out for! I love a good pair of soft jeans and sugar cookies ROCK!!!!


Breakfast is my fave by far! I live in workout pants because I work at a gym, but even on the weekends I’m tempted to choose comfy yoga pants. Sugar cookie vs chocolate chip cookie? How can I choose?? Those soft melt-in-your-mouth sugar cookies are heaven, but there’s something about a classic chocolate chip cookie that can’t be beat. I call a tie!


Chocolate Chip all the way!


I’m all for things that don’t have waistbands but I will never surrender my jeans for sweatpants. It’s a line I cannot and will not cross.


Ugh I hate wearing jeans, YAY for yoga pants and leggings! And I would choose a sugar cookie with icing over chocolate chip, but chocolate chip over a sugar cookie with no icing… Haha it’s a science.


What a great day!


Chocolate chip for sure! I LOVE this new trend. I’ve been a fan of elastic ever since I wore maternity clothes!


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