TRY IT, what Andrew wants for our wedding cake and an upside down bib #.

Another treadmill run side-by-side for our Saturday morning.

孩子们有一个生日聚会参加(它们pretty popular) yesterday at noon and so we hit the gym for a later than usual run while they partied (it was 100 degrees at that time and I can’t last .2 miles in that temperature). 8 miles @ 7:40 average pace 1% incline. Even though we don’t talk while we are on the treadmills running, it still is way more fun to treadmill run when Andrew is on the one next to me.

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Rewind to breakfast—> ever had pancakes with peanut butter on top? No? Try it this morning please.

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Right after our run we drove straight to Harmon’s for our favorite salad bar and sushi. The orange things on my salad were dried apricot pieces and they made for an excellent salad topper.

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And then we went to pick up the two kiddos (yes, Brooke is really tall for her age:)

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They had a pirate party complete with a piñata.

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And then we just hung out at Andrew’s brother’s house for the rest of the day because it was way too hot to go outside. I must have lived in the pool as a kid back when I lived in St. George ha.

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THEY MADE LASAGNA (aka my favorite meal ever… I request it for my birthday pretty much every year) for dinner and it was so good.

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Followed by a new to us dessert—> Two thumbs up.

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Lots of playing around.

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And you know something is funny when she tilts her head back as she laughs.

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Andrew requested funfetti for our wedding cake. I mean, it’s not a bad idea.

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Once all the kids were in bed we picked up a Redbox and it was a good one:

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My friend sent me this snap. She had her number upside down the entire time for her race yesterday:) It happens.

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At what temperature do you decide to hit the treadmill (how hot and how cold)?!

Ever forgotten your race bib or something important on race day or pinned your bib on wrong?

Favorite chick flick?!

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Anything over about 80-85 and I’m on the treadmill. I have little tolerance for heat. Cool weather I can deal with way better.

I’ve never forgotten anything for a race but I’m always super paranoid that I’m going to. Before we travel for a race I check my stuff like ten times and before I leave the hotel room for a race I also check myself a million times. I don’t know why I’m so paranoid about it!

我爱funfetti !任何有洒中央h fun! I bet Brooke would love that too!

PB on pancakes is my favorite. I do pb and fresh fruit on my pancakes all the time. I don’t even remember when I had butter and syrup on them last!


i used to work at a bakery and people would order their wedding cakes there–I just NEED to let you know that one of the options was a gourmet/homemade/artisan funfetti and it was so good an plenty of people ended up going with it for their wedding cake! So tell Andrew, it’s possible for dreams to come true!


How to lose a guy in 10 days! Watched it last night and even though it’s an oldie I still love it! PS I have almond butter on my pancakes every morning. I heat it up over the pancakes so it melts. It’s the best!


I watched that movie last night too! Always a good choice :)


I run on the treadmill whenever I feel comfortable. If it’s too hot or I’m just uncomfortable running outside for some reason I run indoors with no shame.

I actually raced with my bib upside down once and I never realized it until raced photos. Haha I was worried that my time wouldn’t count but it did thankfully.


Anytime it’s over 85 and the humidity is over 90%, I try to do the treadmill instead. I say try because living in Florida even though you hate it, you sort of get used to the weather. Sort of….


PB on pancakes is so good! I like Greek yogurt on mine. I always follow a checklist for race day so I don’t forget a thing – once I almost forgot my Garmin!


No treadmill for me in the summer, I’d rather go at 5am haha Summer is so short here, everyday feels like a blessing! I keep the treadmill for ice storms ;-) Favorite Chick flick? I’d have to go with the Notebook… ! It was crying fest haha


It has to be super hot and sunny for me to choose the treadmill over outside. Or, I guess if it’s too dark and unsafe I choose it then, too. I live in Florida so the cold really doesn’t exist :) I’d much prefer running next to someone on the treadmill rather than solo. My favorite chick flicks (can’t pick one) are My Best Friend’s Wedding, The Proposal and How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days.


Hahah I’m with you Emily. In Florida it’s simultaneously never too hot and ALWAYS too hot to run outside. All of last week I was running in feels like temps of over 90*F even though I didn’t start my runs until after 7pm.

My favorite chick flick of all time is Sweet Home Alabama. I could watch that on repeat!


under 30, I’m not running outside. over 80, I’m not running outside haha. even if the weather is ideal, sometimes I’m just not running outside. it always depends on my mood.

favorite chickflick is easily mean girls. I could watch it a million times over and never get bored.


My wedding cake was funfetti!


I can’t really run over 75 when it is humid! lovelive n Virginia, so our summers can get pretty brutal. I will take 20 d renpatemps over heat anyway! I just run early and I am usually ok, but weekends when I want to sleep in are hard.

I love the movie The Intern! It is one if my new favorites.


Peanut butter on pancakes is amazing!! I also discovered that a little but of PB on a Krispy Kreme doughnut heated in the microwave for about 10 seconds is unbelievably good!! Try it!


If I had a treadmill I would choose it 80% of the time that it’s so hot. But now that’s a decision of driving to the gym or just heading out the door and running, so I just run outside.


I ALWAYS put peanut butter (or any nut butter) on my pancakes! It’s the best. Lately I’ve been mashing some banana to put on top, too. If you mash it really well and put on top of the pancake when it is still hot, the banana turns into a nice glaze. No need for syrup!

Between 30-80 degrees I will run outside. Anything above/below, I’m indoors. During the summer I will try to run in the early morning/late afternoon. I’ve noticed since moving from IL to MT, that MT has way cooler mornings even on the hottest days. Ideal for running!

One of my favorite chick flicks is 10 Things I Hate About You.


Favorite chick flick is “Somewhere in Time.” Jane Seymour and Christopher Reeves.


I hate the heat but go out early enough where it’s not too bad. Cold weather wise, I can handle it pretty well. The only reason I’ll hit the treadmill if it’s negative temperatures or there is ice on the sidewalks.

My favorite chick flick is probably Dear John, which I am watching right now on Freeform!


Under 25 and over 80 (maybe 85 depending on sun/humidity) = treadmill time!

I’m with Andrew on the cake … Funfetti all the way!


I’m 40 and I have eaten peanut butter on every pancake I have consumed my whole life! The best!


chocolate chips pancakes with peanut butter will take your pancakes to the next level of deliciousness


I LOVE peanut butter on pancakes. So delicious and makes you feel like you’re at least getting some nutrition from your breakfast. :) My favorite chick flick is probably How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days. I have watched it a million times.


I don’t think I can run anything above 80 either…. But I know during the marathon it went over 80 for sure.
In the mornings, it’s usually around 65-70 so it’s perfect for me. Heat just wears me out! But I don’t like cold either (so picky!!) during the winter times the mornings gets down to 52-55 I’m usually freezing my butt off when I run. When I read posts saying it was a perfect morning at 40-50 degrees I’m wondering how is that perfect?!? That’s soooo cold!!! Haha

I watched The Choice too! Was pretty good :)


I ALWAYS eat peanut butter and bananas on my pancakes and waffles. It’s the best!

You could make his groom’s cake funfetti!


My husband and I chose to have funfetti for our wedding cake, too! In fact, the bakery was able to use sprinkles that corresponded to our wedding colors— I loved it! From the outside, our cake looked “elegant” and “grown up”; but when you cut into it, it was a PARTY!! :)


FOR REAL!!?!?! I am going to meet with the cake people tomorrow and I’m going to ask if they can do the same thing with the sprinkles! Such an awesome idea!


Pb on pancakes is delicious; so is butter and cinnamon -sugar. We mix sprinkles into kodiak cakes for funfetti protien pancakes. Kids love it. So do I.
I hit the treadmill if it’s stormy, heavy rains, or the roads are so snow covered that there is no place to dive when cars refuse to slow down.


Yes to PB on pancakes! Also, Nutella is good on them! :)
I would still rather run outside, no matter the heat………..if I have to take it inside then I will, but I get sooooooo bored on the treadmill.
小鸡电影……嗯……这么多!我是一个对Fa抽油ther of the Bride (1 & 2), but I think my favorite has to be While you were Sleeping……………it’s so good!!!!!!!! 90’s genius!


My brother was our family’s pickiest eater and the only way he would eat pancakes was with peanut butter on them! It is pretty amazing as it melts and becomes gooey.

我甚至不自己的跑步机上,所以这不是一个该俱乐部n. It’s rarely too hot or too cold in So Cal or Hawaii as long as I get my run done in the morning.


Upside down bib?! Oh no!!! No, I have never forgotten anything major before a race. However I plan EVERYTHING out and typically pack a week in advance and check it over at least three times.

I am really not a fan of treadmill running, but I live in Tampa, which means during the summer I have to be up super early if I have any shot of getting in a decent run.


Nothing below 60 degrees and nothing above 90 unless I’m super well hydrated with tons of water stops in between.

I can’t remember the last time I watched a chick flick. My husband prefers the super hero and action movies haha


I mean…. I wouldn’t be upset with a Funfetti wedding cake… :D


I’d so do a funfetti wedding cake…at least ONE layer has to be Funfetti!


We had funfetti for our wedding cake and it was amazing….went so fast!!


I think we might just have to copy you guys! It really is the best flavor by FAR!!! Good to know all of your guests loved it too! Thanks Haley!


I hate the humidity so sometimes if it’s a heat wave here with the hhh ( hazy hot humid) I choose the treadmill! I haven’t forgotten anything for a race yet but I’m always afraid I will


Growing up in the desert, I learned to deal with (shorter) runs in the heat. I didn’t have access to a treadmill then or up until a few years ago, so it was deal with it or don’t go. Now, I’m with some of the other readers – I prefer running outside, but some days if it’s hotter than 90 degrees, windy/rainy, or colder than freezing, I will use the treadmill. Also, if I’m not feeling 100% or don’t feel like dealing with hills I use the treadmill. Every day running outside here is a hilly day!

I love peanut butter on just about everything. Also, Cookie Butter from TJ’s is delicious on most things too!


We tried the Kodiak Protein Pancakes for the first time yesterday in your recommendation. I made them with milk and I liked them, my family was less impressed. I also made the extra protein version with an egg, but I messed up and used two eggs instead of one. Those were not as good.

I like PB on just about anything including pancakes. We have a nearby restaurant with an amazing sandwich called the Elvis Impersonator. It’s house made PB with half a lb of bacon and bananas on housmade bread. It’s deadly, but good.


My family always eats their pancakes with peanut butter on top (crunchy only). To make it even better we put peanut butter and then applesauce on top of that, all slathered in maple syrup. (Note: these pancakes must be the recipe on the back of the jiffy corn muffin mix: The corn muffin mix pancakes are the ONLY pancakes I eat. Once you try these…you will never go back to buttermilk…

Another delicious breakfast staple involving peanut butter is you make toast…slather it with crunchy peanut butter, heat up some applesauce with cinnamon and put it on top of the peanut butter toast. SO GOOD!!!

Let me know if you try either of these :) I cannot recommend the corn muffin pancakes enough :)


These sound AMAZING!! I have never heard of the applesauce addition on either the pancakes or toast but now I have to try it (with the corn muffin pancakes)! Thanks Amanda and I hope you are having an awesome day!



I run outside all year round in Gainesville, it’s never too hot or cold. When I lived in Philly for med school I did run on a treadmill when the ice or snow made it physically very risky to run outside.

Is the Matrix a chick flick? She does find “the one” after-all :-)


People that workout together bond together. :)


Funfetti Cake for sure. I fully support that choice. We load up on boxes of it when we go to the states. Why is is so delicious? It’s what we call “dopey good.”


I love Brooke’s inflatable crown! Too cute!


Treadmill all the way!! Beats the heat any day!! Andrew needs some wireless headphone! ?


I love pb on pancakes and waffles, the Wild Friends chocolate coconut is especially delicious!

When Harry Met Sally, and You’ve Got Mail are my go-to’s.

Upper 80’s with high humidity, 90’s, thunderstorms and ice have me on the treadmill. I have run in 17 degree weather, I wouldn’t want to run in colder weather.


Justin’s Maple Almond Butter is really good on pancakes/waffles too! I melt it in the microwave for 30 seconds first. TJ’s Cookie Butter is yummy too! :)


I had a three tier funfetti wedding cake. It was amazing.


Unless it is perfect outside, I prefer the treadmill. I like to watch my shows while running because it really distracts me.


I have almond or sunflower seed butter and jelly on pancakes every single night for dinner. The BEST.


Ummm…I grew up putting peanut butter on my pancakes. I also put it on French Toast and on Waffles. It gets all melty in the waffles squares. SO GOOD!

I forgot my Garmin at a race 3 weeks ago. Funny all those years I never ran with out and now when I’m without it, it freaks me out. It really took my head out of that half marathon as well. It made me feel like it didn’t count even though it was officially timed so of course it counted but still.


My sister-in-law had a funfetti wedding cake and it was a HUGE hit. Who doesn’t love funfetti?


We had a funfetti cake for our wedding and it was the best decision!!! :)


I love peanut butter on my waffle. Add a drizzle of maple syrup on top!! Mmmm.

My husband had funfetti for his cake at our wedding:)


I won’t run outside if it’s under like 28 degrees or over 85 degrees -> no thank you!

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