Procrastinator + Andrew’s Good News + Running Shorts!

I started off the new week (the new week starts for me on Monday even though Andrew ((and pretty much everyone else)) says it starts on Sunday:) in my favorite way:

Most of my 8 miles yesterday were with my sister. I’m really thankful for this time that we are able to make new running memories together. Normally we aren’t able to run at the same times but because her husband is working from home, it’s really nice to be able to go together now.

Below is one of my favorite memories together of her running the last 10kish of a marathon with me in flip-flops when I told her at mile 20 I was going to quit. PS seeing this picture of her run in flip flops made me google ‘fastest marathon in flip flops’ and up came anarticlefrom 2012 of a man running a 2:46 marathon in flip-flops?! I can’t even imagine. PPS the fastestbarefoot marathonwas done in 2:15!

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When I got home, Brooke was ready to go on a run too. Somehow she looked 16 while we were running.

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She experienced the joy that comes from running through a sprinkler on a hot morning run.

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We decided to go out for take-out for lunch. Skye insists on having her window down whenever we drive in Andrew’s truck. She see’s too many other cars with dogs sticking their heads out the windows and thinks her puppy needs to do the same.

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Fries topped with onions, cheese, onion rings, pineapple and barbecue sauce are always a good idea.

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It almost felt like Andrew and I had a date because the girls were just running around in front of us the whole time while we ate.

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Andrew received some of the best news he has had in quite some time—> The MLB is planning on starting Spring Training next month and the season around the 4th of July.

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AnotherInstant Potmeal for dinner for the dinner procrastinator that I am. I think the Instant Pot is going to solve a lot of my dinner problems. I am not good at thinking about dinner until later on in the day so to be able to just throw something into the instant pot and have it made quickly is making dinner happen:)

We made theInstant Pot Buffalo Chicken Tacosfrom Pinch of Yum and they were amazing.

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Followed by a cereal party.

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Two more things to talk about today….

*Jenni asked me last week for recommendations of my favorite running shorts so here are my top 3 (from top to bottom in the picture below)!

1. My current favorite are the BrooksChaser 5”and3”. Depending on the length that you like to wear (I have both lengths), the Chaser are an amazing short. They have a phone pocket, they are super lightweight, they do not cling to you in the slightest, the thick waistband is amazing and they offer a lot of fun colors/patterns. They also have nice side slits in them that keep you cool and allow for flexibility in the short throughout your stride. I feel like the cut is very flattering too and they feel like something you can go out and run errands or grab brunch in afterwards. You can’t beat their quality.

2. For racing and speed days I love theSenita Rio 3.75” shorts. The side pockets are awesome, the price is great, they are high waisted and come in so many fun colors/patterns. They offer longer lengths too! A lot of their items seem to be sold out right now and I’m guessing that’s because of the virus but you can sign up to get an email when they are available again. There are similar versionshere.

3.IVL Race Pace Short. I have them in black and love the thick and comfortable waistband and the stretch shorts built into the shorts that don’t move around on me at all while I run but give a bit more coverage (2 shorts in 1). They are pricey but after a ton of washes so far, they are still stink free and hold up perfectly.

4-6th (not pictured) place go to—>Roga Shorts,Amazon great dealandRun Times.

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*Rachel shared this with me and she might be doing the same thing herself! HOW COOL!


What website is your favorite/goto for recipes? Do you go to that one for both meal and dessert recipes or do you have different ones for both?

Running shorts> Tell me your favorite!

Are you a procrastinator with anything in your life?

What goals are you working towards this month? My brain is craving setting some!

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My favorites our Mel’s Kitchen Cafe, Our Best Bites, and lately the Joanna Gaines cookbook! I’m actually doing a “Julie and Julia” thing with that cookbook and writing all about it right now. It’s been sooo fun!


Brooke, this is so so awesome! You’ll have to share with me your favorite recipes from her cookbook once you are all done! And if you need some taste-testers….;) Hope your Monday is a great one!


I love that story about your sister because I have a very similar experience. In that same marathon (probably not that same year) at mile 21 my sister saw my face and knew I needed mental support and ran (walked because I was so slow haha) next to me for the rest in her jeans and flip flops! She was supposed to run the marathon but got injured so she couldn’t run it sadly but that didn’t stop her from helping me. Sisters are the best!


NO WAY!! Tiare, our sisters should be friends because they seem so alike:) How cool that she did that and was still able to experience some of the marathon. What year was it for you? For me it was 2014! I hope you live close to your sister too:) Have a wonderful day.


I love for browsing! It has photos and recipes from tons of different blogs and is great for browsing.

The Senita rio shorts are amazing! I’m currently wearing the maternity version, which are some of the only maternity running shorts on the market (how is this not a bigger market???). Senita also makes great maternity running tank tops.

I’m working towards adding in more strength training, yoga, and hiking this month!


我从来没听说过foodgawker但听起来敬畏some and like a really great way to find new things… can’t wait for more recipes. That is so so great that Senita recognizes the importance of designing clothes for women for all different stages of life, that makes me love them more! Love your goals and I’ll join you in those. Have a great day Isla!


Yay!! Thank you for the feedback about the Senita Rio shorts – I love the colours available!!! And than you Janae for answering my question :) :)


Best thing I ever came up with was to set a “dinner prep” alarm on my watch at a time I’m almost always in my kitchen (12:30 pm for me). Then when my alarm goes off it forces me to think about dinner and decide if there’s something I need to do (ie take something out of the freezer, get meat marinating, etc). I still use my instant pot nearly daily (mostly for steamed veggies on the side if I don’t need it for my meat) but it helps me not get to 5 pm and realize I never got the meat marinated or something like that. ?


辉煌! !噢,我非常爱这个想法切尔西,thank you so much and I’m putting that on my phone right now to try out. You may have solved our dinner problems for us! Have a great day:)


I love the Baseline shorts from Senita! They look similar to the RIo. I had also noticed they are sold out of a lot lately! I wanted to buy more haha.

Favorite website for recipes is by far! She has the best recipes, I swear everything I’ve made from her blog or cookbook turns out amazing. She makes everything so easy to follow, but it looks great and has the best flavors.


I will have to try the baseline next, thanks for sharing Mariah! Just bookmarked her blog… the biscuits on the main page made that decision for me. THANKS and I hope you have a great Tuesday!


Love that Marathon in a day video. Very interesting!

我有一个运行的目标:5月最后一周virtual 100 miler! (In a week) So just over 14 miles a day. Never done that many miles in a week before, not particularly well trained at the moment… but 7 miles in the morning (early, before my son wakes up) and 7 miles in the evening (after he goes to sleep)… sounds strangely doable! Any tips for me?


HELEN. This is incredible. I am SO so excited for you and cheering you on like crazy. My biggest tip would be to really prioritize sleep that week! That is a lot of miles and with enough rest and sleep your body will be so much happier. I think that is a great idea to split it up each day and hopefully you can get in a nap or something in the middle of the day. Make sure you are eating something right when you finish too to help your body to start the recovery process. Save up your favorite podcasts and enjoy this amazing accomplishment. Oh actually my biggest tip is to let me know how you are doing throughout it ha… I’m so interested by this! GO HELEN!


I’m so jealous of your ability to run through sprinklers! A lot of places here in FL use reclaimed water, which is better for the environment but ewwww not something you want to run through.


Do you have a coupon code for the Chaser shorts ? thanks!!!!!!


Hey! I don’t but I’ll email them and ask! Have a beautiful day, Marley!


I totally agree that the week starts on Monday. Why else do they call Sat/Sun the “weekEND” anyway? Is Andrew’s weekEND Friday/Saturday? I know that his schedule is loopy bc of nursing shifts but COME ON bro!

Best recipe site/app is All Recipes,’for everything. I am so love Ling Arthur lately for flour based stuff and Pioneer Woman.

Running shorts—> So disappointed not hear that Oiselle Riga’s dripped off your short list. Mine favs are Oiselle Toolbelt Rogas (all the pockets), Oiselle Trackstar shorts (compression underneath), and Oiselle Banana Split Shorts (like old school but not poofy).

I am a procrastinator with everything in my life. Give me something without a deadline, watch it never happen. Races are the deadline! Signed up for the Virtual Great Race across Tennessee (with 18,000 others). It is 1000K, so approximately 5 miles a day to finish by the race cutoff time of August 31, 2020.
I need to move three trees we planted this winter and just learned they are 6 feet off of our property line. My husband (and the neighboring property owner) says leave them (translation we are not going to help you dig), but I feel weird about it. My son wanted fruit trees in our yard and now we have fruit trees near our yard – it’s just not the same…


Hey Tonya! I agree with you and hopefully your comment will help convince Andrew! The Rogas are definitely 4th place at least? I want to try their split shorts! Okay, that virtual race sounds incredible and I’m cheering for you! Keep me updated on the tree situation, I hope you find the perfect solution and enjoy that fresh fruit. Have a beautiful day, Tonya!


Does anyone have any recommendations on buffs to wear while running? Our trails opened this week and require face coverings and I wore a mask and it wasn’t so great. Not complaining at all- just looking for a solid option.


Great question and so happy your trail is opening up! If no one answers in comments today I will ask as a question in tomorrow’s post! Have a wonderful day, Coco.


I have a buff from Rabbit that I really like!


The gal from Koala Clip sent out an email today saying she’s considering making a mask or buff for running with super light material for warmer weather and asking if there is interest. So maybe pop over to her socials.


How do the Chasers fit, size wise? I don’t have any Brooks shorts, but according to their size chart, I’m between a Small and a Medium. Not sure which way to go…

Go to sites for recipes for me are Pinch of Yum, Cookie and Kate (vegetarian), Half Baked Harvest, and Two Peas and Their Pod.


Hey Janice! For me their smalls feel a bit bigger than other smalls so if I was in between I would go down a size! Let me know if you get them:) Have a beautiful day.


Yesterday I said I was doing a 380 mile ultra marathon. Today is the start of day 6 and now I am 202 miles in. I am currently in second. First is at 232 miles, but third is at 166. So I am hoping to catch up to first lol. I guess I am going to be doing a lot of miles today. I started today with 15 miles at 8:11 pace. I hope you have a wonderful day.


我太惊讶了by you… I cannot even imagine! Cheering you on and SECOND PLACE?! You are unreal! GO ALEX!


I love senita, too! I also discovered Boa usa, and I usually buy the men’s small instead of women’s on their website. They’re 1 inch, so very short, but come in amazing patterns (donuts, tacos, hot pink, state flags, etc.) and are around 30 bucks. I also really love Chicknlegs. I started off buying men’s smalls in them too and I love them, but sometimes the fabric bunches weird. I got a pair of the womens and they are much better, but they are elite sizes, so my normal size 6 translates to a different size. I got a large and it’s a bit loose, so I am trying a medium next. the waistband is so comfy, and they have fun prints, too like flamingos, cookies, rubber ducks, and others.


I just looked up Boa usa and they have the most fun patterns ever. What a blast and such great prices! I hope the mediums fit perfect and I need to try out a pair. Hope your day is going well, Loribeth!


Hey! I’m glad you liked the documentary! That is my goal for this month. By June 12 I will do it! You can hold me accountable please haha someone needs to.

Another goal I have is to actually start following recipes. I’m so SO lazy and usually just throw things together and end up rotating through the same meals night after night. One is frozen pizza. And the others involve frozen sweet potato fries, frozen tortellini, a jar of BBQ sauce or cereal. I really admire people who can actually cook. Sigh. Maybe I need to buy an instant pot to motivate me. Having said that I CAN bake! I love Ina so so much and I’ve spent the COVID era baking through her desserts. The most recent project was her lemon yogurt cake, and it did not disappoint!

Hope you have a great day :) And thanks for the short recommendations!


Yes thanks again for sharing and I can’t wait to hear about how it goes! Oh girl… I’m just like you and go for those easy to throw together meals! Let’s work on following recipes together! Okay, her recipes make me DROOL! Baking > cooking so I think you are doing really great. Thanks Rachel and you too!


Hi Janae! I love Smitten Kitchen for pretty much all recipes, dessert or not. She doesn’t have that many Instant Pot recipes though. A goal I have during this time is strength training! Maybe I will finally be able to do push-ups with correct form, who knows? :)


Just went to visit her blog… everything looks AMAZING! Oh the push-ups with correct form, I’ll work on that with you ha. Someday I’ll be able to! Have the best day, Amy!


I really like using for recipes :) Most of the ones I have used have turned out great! My fav is their crockpot lasagna!

Right now I’m digging these CRZ Yoga shorts from Amazon.

Goals this month: I’m really trying to take advantage of the extra time by making sure that I stretch and roll out! I’m also working on making sure that I do some sort of speed workout at least 1 x per week and hills 1 x.


Crockpot lasagna sounds SO amazing right now. And I love the CRZ leggings so I’ll try out their shorts now, thanks! Keep up the stretching and rolling along with speed and hills. You are on FIRE! Enjoy the rest of your day, Marissa!


Lululemon’s Runtime short 4”.

Goal of the month…..I did not really set this as a goal, just kind of started wanting to and now I am having fun with it. It is eating real breakfast. When I am not working from home breakfast too easily turns into something I can eat in 2 seconds in the car. I now do a morning run and come home and make this breakfast and it has been delicious and a great tone set for the day!


Oh I love this goal!! Seriously, what other time in life do we get all of this extra time to truly savor our mornings etc. Keep enjoying and I’ll join you in making some delicious breakfasts soon! Have a beautiful day, Erica!


My goal is to increase my time/distance running! I live on a hill so 90% of my run is either going up a hill or down a hill. I’ve been running these hills for about 2.5 months now and I still cannot build the endurance to get past 3 miles, and it’s making it so hard to recover. Do you think it would be more beneficial for me to only run in my neighborhood maybe twice a week and then go to the track the rest of the days just to get runs in on a flatter surface to build my endurance?


I would love to see your running tank recommendations next!


Janae, so good to see you and your family are safe and well. What a crazy time! I find so many of the things you share to be inspiring and motivating. I’ve been on a hiatus from running for a bit ( resting a nagging knee) and I’m struggling to get back into it. I’m not a pro like you, but curious if you have advice on how to get back in the swing. I’ve stayed fairly fit doing other cardio, (and I’m much older than you- mama of a graduating senior this year) but struggling with finding my groove in running again- everything just hurts! not in an injury way- but in a YEESH! this is harder than I remember way. thanks for always keeping it real! Becca

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