10 Ways Andrew and I Differ…


11.04 miles with friends very early in the morning.

I still love cottage cheese with grapes very much.

We are trying so hard to make it be summer here.

She had a busy day.

I carbloaded on potatoes for a workout today.

And we have some changes happening over here (that started yesterday and it all happened sooner than expected but I’m so excited)!

It’s going to be a challenge keeping Beck away from everything!

26 days!

Random topic alert—> Ways that Andrew and I differ:

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1- I meet my friends at 6 am to exercise, and he meets his friends at 11:30 pm to exercise (they STARTED playing soccer the other night at 11:30pm)

2- His toes have never experienced what it feels like to be warm, and my toes are always toasty (unless I’m running in the snow). He passed this trait to all of the children.

3- His body does not allow him to fall asleep during a movie, and it’s basically a guarantee that I will fall asleep no matter what time we start a movie.

4- Andrew can separate dreams from reality, and I simply cannot for about 30 minutes after I wake up. I can’t tell you how many times I have been ticked at Dream Andrew.

5- He gets stressed with traveling with kids, and I don’t. I stress about every other item/time in our life, and he doesn’t.

6- Andrew will eat the cinnamon roll BEFORE it goes in the oven, I choose to eat it after it goes in the oven and is cooked;).

7- I think birthdays should be a month-long event and a large part of our yearly budget, and he would be happy with just a pie and a bike ride.

8- Andrew likes to play a game where he works on something the last possible second before it is needing to be done, and I like to stress myself by worrying about it so I get it done asap otherwise I will have an ulcer.

9- I have patience with kids in the morning and he has more patience at night… it works out quite nicely for us and our kids.

10- I’ve had three different last names, he has only had one ha.

And a bonus—> He wants creamy soft serve ice cream and I want icy soft serve ice cream. Also, he doesn’t put toppings in his ice cream and I use ice cream as a vehicle to get toppings into my life.


If you have a partner currently, what are some ways that you differ?

Any of these that you relate with?

How many days, weeks or months until your next race?

Are you seeing signs of spring where you are?

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This was such a fun post. My husband and I are total opposites in so many ways. I think over the years we’ve been together (12 years this November) we’ve rubbed off on one another in good ways though. For example, my husband has always been outspoken when he feels something is wrong or someone’s not being treated fairly. I’ve always had trouble standing up for myself. Being around him has taught me to speak up for myself and my loved ones more. :) We also differ in small ways too- I love cold, crisp weather and he wears longjohns and sweaters anytime it’s below 70 degrees! I do not get it. He loves the heat in Louisiana and I want to move to a place where we can experience cool weather more than a few weeks a year! Also, he loves sweet treats- ice cream, cookies, etc. and I am all about treating myself with salty, spicy, and carb-y foods!
Also, I had to do a double take of that picture of you and Skye- she is looking more like Brooke everyday! 3 days and counting until my first half marathon; so excited and nervous! Have a great Wednesday, Janae! :)


12 years! I loved reading about the things that have rubbed off on each other because I feel the same way with Andrew. I am on your team with the temperatures and I’m really into salty foods more than ever right now. I totally agree, when people see them they think they look so alike.

THREE DAYS! I am so thrilled for you and cheering so loud. Have a beautiful day, Emily and sleep great tonight!


12 days until my next race, which is a half marathon on April 2.

No, unfortunately, we’re not seeing much spring around here. We’ve had a colder-than-average winter and I don’t think we’re out of it yet. I’m so ready for springtime!


Thanks for helping me avoid the rain (again), at least for a minute. I actually may be more like Andrew in most ways (I stress SO much about travel with the kids and my feet are always cold), but the late night workout will NEVER make sense to me. For me if it doesn’t happen by 9am, it’s going to be VERY hard to make it happen. Here are three funny ones for me:
Upacking after travel- I need to unpack the MINUTE we walk in the door. Like I can’t sit down until everything is unpacked, put away and in the wash. My husband will let his bag sit there for days.
Sauerkraut, cabbage, just generally Germanic foods… my family is Italian and my husband’s family is from Western Pennsylvania (think Dwight Schruete-ish). Some of his food taste will never make sense.
WRAPPING PRESENTS FROM SANTA. My husband insists that Santa wraps his presents for the kids, but in different paper than we do. I say this is crazy. Please settle this debate.


Santa always had a different wrapping paper in my house!!! Seriously, is Santa really going to stop at every house to wrap… the man’s got a schedule!!! Now that my kids are teenagers, they each get their own paper so that I don’t have to label


哈哈哈,当我长大了,圣诞老人从来没有包装的我们presents, but our family did a thing where Santa got my brother and I each one big present that was out. My husband’s family is big on everyone getting 10,000 little presents from everyone else so I guess that’s part of it. We argue about it every year but my argument is similar, does Santa REALLY have time to wrap presents?!!?!?


Bahaha I loved reading this so much! In regards to santa, he doesn’t wrap their stocking stuff or their one present… I’m a selfish parent and want most of the gifts to be from me and Andrew vs him haha. BUT I am on your side, santa doesn’t have time to wrap all of those presents! I am so with you on unpacking after a trip. I have to do it the second we get home and Andrew was the opposite but I have transformed him thankfully;). I seriously said that same thing to my friend today, if it doesn’t happen by 9 am, it isn’t happening ever. Have the best day, Arianna!


I love this post! It is so interesting to think about the way you can be different from your partner. And to see what traits your kids get! My next race is the Pittsburgh Marathon on May 7! Not sure exactly how many day away that is…


MAY 7th! That is coming up! Cheering for you:). I hope you have a beautiful day, Jenny!


So rude! If you don’t like the content, don’t read it or just move on. Keep the negativity to yourself.
我不知道Janae个人但是我们有塞弗ral conversations and what I do know about her is that she is an amazing person with an amazing outlook on life and family.


Thank you so much, Susan! That means the world to me, I’m so grateful for this amazing community. Have a beautiful day and I love our chats!


Potatoes are the best carb ever. And your new house project looks exciting!
My husband and I are 95% total opposites – I guess we are a good example of ‘opposites attract’?! E.g. he is VERY spontaneous, and I am obsessed with planning things for weeks in advance. I can relate to the one about being a morning & night person – usually I am the night owl, but during this pregnancy I am in bed by 8, and up super early – my husband is still watching a movie until at least 10pm every night. (PS we found out our baby is a girl this weekend! So now we have a boy, a girl, and and another girl on the way!)
My next race is 27 weeks out. I signed-up my husband and I for a 5k, when I am two and a half months post-baby. It’s always hard for me to find a new running routine with new babies (but KEY for my mental health). I figured I would sign up for some motivation just to start somewhere. ZERO goal times for this one! :) Have a fantastic Wednesday!


Thank you, Katie! I can’t wait for everything to be done haha. Opposites attract… I LOVE it. Pregnancy sure changes us and it’s a girl… AHHHH. So so happy for you! I love that you are doing that 5k with your husband. Love your perspective about getting back into it all… amen. I hope you have a great day too!


A friendly reminder we all have a choice. We can choose to read the post or not read it. We can choose to write a positive or negative comment or write no comment at all.


Have you tried pineapple in your cottage cheese? Sooooo good!


NO, but I will today! THANK YOU! Hope your Wednesday is off to a great start!


I’m with you on most of these! I’m an early bird and my husband is a night owl, so if you have any tips for balancing that specific difference, I’d appreciate reading them! Also, thanks for the awesome headband recommendation. You linked it a while back and it’s something I never would have chosen, since it’s listed as a men’s headband. I bought the gray one, and it is literally my favorite headband. I’ll probably buy the black one to wear at Boston (in <4 weeks, yikes!), since it's versatile enough to be an ear warmer, or a sweat-catching headband.

A sign of Spring's arrival here in Ohio … everyone's allergies are starting to act up!


Is it weird that I am looking forward to allergies haha. Right?! The headband is perfection and actually fits my head since it is a men’s headband. I better get to see you at Boston and I’ll think about those tips… I think we both just do what we want ha so we don’t try to change the other person (because biologically, I don’t think it is something we can change)… But it does mean a lot of our dates are in the afternoon ha. Happy almost taper time!


If you don’t like a blog, don’t read it. Problem solved.


Fun blog! I am definitely a morning workout person….now!! I use to prefer working out after work, but I found that I run better fresh in the morning. I am COMPLETELY out it’s you on point 7. Perhaps that is one of the many reasons that I am now divorced

When is my next race? I’m still on my high from the NYC Half Marathon this past Sunday. It was COLD . I thought of you as I went to take off my sweatpants and realized that I had bare ankles ♀️. Overall I was Very happy with the race. I didn’t think I could PR since the course was much more difficult than Houston, but I think the cold actually helped me! I got a convincing PR with 1:57:57.

So next race, I am running the San Jose Costa Rica Half Marathon mid May and then nothing until Chicago in October!!

Curious, will you be trying the new Hoka Rocket X v2? I have read a lot of reviews about them and decided to give them a go tor Chicago. I can’t wait to try them, they definitely feel different than my Hoka Mach 5!


I’m here for the grape content, actually!
I love that picture of you and Andrew after CIM!
Keep us posted on the house updates. You and your sister do such a great job with interior choices.
I have a 5K in about a month. No official count down yet!
Have a great Wednesday!


Same haha – I cannot count the number of times I have tried something recommended here including food combos, something yummy from Trader Joe’s, and cookbooks/recipes!


Love this post!! I especially love the birthday differences with the month long celebration. My birthday is in April and I already got myself an early present, tickets to see PINK in Philadelphia in September!!
Temps are warming up here but then again, Philly didn’t really get snow this winter. It was quite the mild winter. I don’t think I even saw a plow once here. I’m definitely ready for spring. I’m also counting down to when the outdoor pool opens at my gym, May 1st!!


Wow such a vindictive and mean comment. Don’t listen to this sad, mean, small minded person Janae. A large part of what connects us is our family/values/daily life & your readers connect with you beyond running because of this :)


Annie, I hope that you have a good day.

Janae, the link for the shoes isn’t working, it’s showing the massager.


LOL who hurt you? Hope your day gets better!!!


I can’t imagine reading a nice, friendly blog from a nice, friendly person and then feeling like it’s necessary to take the time to write a mean comment about it, but then again, I’m not a troll so…


In the middle of marathon training, I’m just happy and impressed Janae has time and and energy to blog in general :) If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.


If you don’t like a particular blog post, just let it it go and don’t comment. Janae has always been about being real and lifting others up. This is not a place to bring people down.


Hi Janae! What a fun post! I loved nodding along as I read these. I remember when I first got married (two years ago now!) And I was concerned my husband was a night owl and I am not and I remember feeling better cuz I read that you and Andrew were the same way. It’ll defs help when we have kids!
Have an awesome day!


Fun post Janae!
My husband and I have been together for 31 years, married for almost 29 years… We have many differences, but we do compliment each other well!
Mashed potatoes are such a good carb load food! I also love eating them after a long run too. There’s something so soothing about mashed potatoes, ha ha.
这是一个繁忙的一周准备举办聚会on Saturday, and still getting so much rain! So this week is definitely a no pressure on getting runs in for me. I had some friends that ran the LA Marathon on Sunday, and it’s so inspiring to see all their stories. One friend dropped 25 minutes off of his time from last year! It’s all helping me feel like maybe I want to run a marathon again soon!
Thank you for being you and being real! This is what keeps us all connected!


My husband and I: He’s always cold (toes and hands)…I’m always hot. He has to end with salty and I have to end with sweet. He’s quiet and reserved and I’m outgoing and uncomfortable when people aren’t talking/connecting. He’s very organized and likes a plan and too much information overwhelms me and I prefer to go with the flow. I love to run in the mornings and it makes him nauseous to workout in the mornings.
However, we both love snow and being outside is a way God speaks to both of our hearts and souls!


OMG, let me count the ways…….there’s isn’t enough room for me to start listing the difference…opposites attract?…one of us is a proton the other neutron?
even though I know it’s supposed to snow here on Friday, I’m ditching the winter shoes for my gold old HOKAs for this evening’s run


Yes!!! Icy-soft serve for life!!! I feel like we’re the only two people on the planet that feel this way though ha

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