I think not + fueling the runs and races!

(leggings,long-sleeve,shoes((20% off))

9.27 miles @ 8:34 pace with Jo and Lauren. Jo and I were very thankful that Lauren brought her watch because mine was dead and Jo forgot hers. Lauren is definitely the responsible garmin wearer in our group.

The three of us went to the library.

Is there a better french fry? I think not.

试图让这些腿感觉新鲜的但是我想ssing that won’t happen again until April…
A busy afternoon of kid activities.
Dinner needed to happen quickly so we mixed these three things together and it was delicious.
Along with this and some fruit and veggies.
He has mastered the bottom lip quiver.

Let’s talk about fueling for a bit!

I am not a dietician, so I’m just sharing what works for me. However, two of my favorite running dietitians arehere,andhere–> they offer so much great advice, so check them out.

It wasn’t until after Skye was born that nutrition during the run really started clicking for me. I finally realized the importance of starting early with my fueling and keeping up with it.Marywas my coach then, and she would include notes on my workouts/long runs of when to take my gels. It was an ‘aha moment’ for me that if she included when to take my gels, taking those were just as important for my overall performance as the paces and everything else she included in the notes. I was going to trust her completely and follow every note she gave me. I would take my gels every 30ish minutes, and it paid off withfinally hitting the goalI worked for eight years to get. Humas were my favorite gels during this time!

IMG 5158

This is what I have found to work for me now:

Long runs (or over 80ish minutes) or workouts: If I am doing a 20 miler or more, I mimic marathon day (below) with my fueling. Anything less than that, and I take a caffeine Maurten right before I start and a normal Maurten every 5 miles.

Easy runs over 10 miles or 80 minutes: I take a caffeine Maurten before the run and then another non-caffeinated one or two throughout the run. If I’m running much more than 80 minutes, I’m usually doing a long run or workout, and not easy.

Marathon day:咖啡因Maurten 5 minutes before the race and then another Maurten gel (mostly non-caffeinated except for one more caffeinated one, usually at mile 16) every 4 miles. For me, that means I am taking a gel every 26ish minutes of the race. Maurten gels (the only gels I use now) don’t have electrolytes, so I like to switch off with each aid station between Gatorade and water. One of my favorite parts about Maurten gels is that you don’t have to take them with any liquids, so I can take the gel at exact times and not have wait for the next aid station I get to.

1/2 Marathon day: The same as marathon day, I have the one caffeinated gel before the race and then a gel at miles 4 and 8 and sometimes at 12, but not always that late in the race.

For my 50-mile ultra-> Every 30 minutes, I took in about 150-200 calories.

Long trail runs:我觉得我通过燃烧卡路里的方式更快n these types of runs, so taking in fuel constantly (not as measured with this because I’m usually eating food/candy on long trail runs) is the key. I feel horrible when I slack off on my nutrition on the long trail runs.

I drinkliquid IVbeforeeveryrun. I love the taste, and it works wonders for my hydration–> codeHUNGRY-RUNNER-GIRLgets you 25% off and free shipping.

As far as hydration during the run goes, I stink at this in the winter. If I see a water fountain, I’ll go to it and grab a drink, but I don’t plan well for this. I plant water and Gatorade along our routes during warmer months or carry a handheld bottle.

Here are a fewpositivesI have noticed for me that might help motivate you to fuel more during your runs:

*The more I fuel during my workouts (i.e., gels throughout the long workouts/long runs), the faster I recover. I feel so much better the next day on my run when I properly fueled the day before during the big runs/workouts. I feel like garbage if I don’t.

*My stomach is so used to it on race day because I practice so much with them (at least twice a week) during training. Practice taking gels during your marathon-paced workouts too so that your body is used to taking it at the pace you are going to run on race day.

*The better I fuel, the faster I run. Seriously, these endurance events are one big eating contest… the people that can get in enough calories fly. I will never forget how good I felt at Boston 2022 when I took a gel on the dot each 4 miles/26ish minutes. I cannot stress enough how much good fueling during your runs will do for you!

BeforeI run, here are some things that I love to eat: ego waffles, graham crackers, oatmeal, toast with peanut butter and blueberries, bagels with jam or english muffins.

Also, if you haven’t tried Maurten, I need to send you one to try. I have never had any gut problems with these and I can’t believe how much easier they make it for me to fuel on the run.


What have you found to work for fueling your runs/races?

What is your go-to gel for running? Have a favorite flavor?

Who has a race, birthday or anniversary this month?

-Andrew’s bday is on 3/14!

Any blog post requests? If you have a question, I’ll write a post about it!

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I love hearing about your fueling journey, Janae! It’s super helpful. I love Gu gels, the Caramel Macchiato and Espresso Love are my favorites. I’ve never tried Maurten but I know I need to. :) This month will be my first half marathon, EEK! I am finally over the flu (it hit me HARD over Mardi Gras week) and my first run back yesterday felt great. Now to just build back up to where I was. I am so nervous/excited! Happy Wednesday, Janae!


Emily! Happy first half marathon month. I am so so excited for you and I am SO thankful you are over the flu. You are back! Can’t wait to hear all about your race.


Great timing on this post. It’s officially nutrition month.
Thanks for always having great nutrition messages.
Gels: I like Maurten but feel like I do better with gels with more sodium.
Shania! I finished her episode yesterday. It was really good! I loved each time Dax would say “Let’s go girls! ba da da da da da!” So cool that she lives in Switzerland. Maybe she has a few travel tips for you. hehe


Happy nutrition month to you and I hope you always correct me when I am wrong on anything! I really admire you! Hahaha Dax was hilarious on that episode. Yes, I should message her;). Hope your day is off to an amazing start!


I’m trying to be better about fueling after running too. One of my track coaches said that waiting until I get home after track (about 20-30 min) is too long to wait to fuel. So now I’m packing snacks and meal prepping things I can eat quickly after workouts!

My sisters birthday is Saturday and on March 18 we are going to see Taylor Swift!!


Oh I am so with him on that and love that you pack snacks to have right after. TAYLOR… You are going to have to give me every detail of the concert. Happy birthday to your sis and I hope you have a great day, Mariah!


Where is the cheapest place to order a small Maurten quantity to try them do you know? Or are there any discount codes? I want to try them but I’ve never tolerated a gel before and those are pricey so don’t want to waste them if I don’t like them. I use those clif bloks but it’s so miserable chewing during a race. During a training run I don’t mind haha

What about a blog post about qualifying for Boston? I know you’re far beyond that but many of your readers such as me are just short of qualifying and I will take all the tips


Hi Sara,
I know on Thefeed.com you can order single gels instead of packs of gels like on Amazon. I like this feature because I don’t want to spend the money on 25 gels, I sometimes just want 5 gels. I then google thefeed coupon codes and ‘sometimes’ you can get lucky with a discount code.


Thank you!


Sara! 1st send me your address and I will send you one! These are a little weird at first because they are like jello but so good on the stomach. And 2nd, I LOVE THAT IDEA! I am totally going to write that post. Thanks friend and have a beautiful day!


Thank you for sharing the importance of fueling and resting. I am not at the level of running to require gels, yet. However, you have provided a great road map if and when I need to start. I have a weird question – how do you wash your running clothes and Andrew’s workout clothes? I have tried different ways to get the smell out of the workout clothes but I am not successful. Considering the amount you wear, what is your process? Thank you for the inspiring posts!


Hey Tiah! Do you mind if I ask this question in tomorrow’s post to get everyone’s opinions. I don’t do anything special so I don’t have any great tips for you! Hope your morning is off to a great start!


Thank you – I am excited to learn tricks from your running readers!


I want to highly recommend Charlie Soap laundry detergent (liquid or powder). My husband and I are heavy sweaters and our workout clothes stink but washed in Charlie Soap really works!


Thank you, Mary – I will have to try this!


I am a stinky, heavy sweater who lives in hot and humid Texas a couple of tried and trues:
1) Tide (POWDER, its important) with Oxyiclean;
2) Lysol or Clorox laundry sanitizer (it is not bleach)
3) Hot water
4) Air dry
5) Wash day off… don’t wait – if you are in a hotel, hang to dry until you pack back up.
I used to have clothes that hold the stink, but this has worked.

Also – if all else fails look @gocleanco on insta and follow her laundry stripping guide.

Happy Sweating!


I do pretty much the same thing for fueling, every 4 miles during the long races. I use Untapped Maple Syrup gels in the Raspberry and caffeinated Coffee. But if you’re not careful and get maple syrup on your fingers it can get real annoying! I use Enduropack electrolytes as my electrolyte spray in my water with some creatine before I start running.
Sometimes I feel like the amount of supplements that are required in running is like a expensive Science experiment!


Every 4 miles is just the best! Ohhh I know that sticky feeling on your fingers from a gel, torture ha. Off to check out that spray! Hahaha but running is a cheap sport… no, no it is not. Have a great day, Dawn!


I wish Maurten gels weren’t so expensive – they’re hard to justify when on a tight budget. They are by far my favorite, but I have to alternate with other gels to keep the cost down. Similar to you, taking a gel every 4-5 miles definitely works best for me too. I would love for you to do a post on relationships! What do you and Andrew do to stay happy despite being busy, making life decisions, and having big goals? Thank you, Janae. I hope you have a great day :)

Ugggg I seriously wish they were like $1 each… wouldn’t that be dreamy?! They are just the best. ABSOLUTELY! I’ll get working on that post now. Thanks Jenny, have a beautiful one!


Thank you for sharing your fueling tips, this was very helpful! I started using the Maurten caffeinated gels the day of the Houston Half….not a good plan but I had forgotten my gels at home in Costa Rica….. I have a difficult time with the consistency of the Maurten with the first ‘gulp’ but then no issue. I haven’t tried the non-caffeinated ones yet because they are difficult to get here.

我喜欢混合凝胶-我做一个小顾和SiS. My favorite flavor is probably the GU Espresso Love and my least favorite (I know you didn’t ask) is the SiS Double Espresso….I just can’t anymore….

I have my next race this month….the New York City Half Marathon. I am very excited and I hope that I can top my time from Houston….

You live in Costa Rica?! Ummm can I come visit? I would love to hear about how your training in Costa Rica! The consistency is very strange in the beginning (like jello?!?) but I am so glad you loved the caffeine gels. Of course I want to know that… I feel you, I can only do certain flavors so often before I put an end to it.

I am SO thrilled for you to run that half, and very jealous! You are going to have the best time. Have a beautiful day, Kristin!


Running in Costa Rica is good. I live in the central valley, so most mornings it is cool. During the rainy season it is perfectly normal to have 100% humidity. The only problem is that it is NOT flat!!! It makes it really difficult to get in a low HR recovery run.

I did have a question if I may! I can’t get your post run drink here and I am having issues with recovery. Any suggestions?


I love to hear about how you feel and hydrate during runs. It’s very helpful. My good running friend and her group swear by Maurten gels. I really want to try them. It has been so long since I’ve done long runs (over 10 miles). But I am getting that long run itch again, and I know I want to be better at fueling. I’ve always used some sort of chews during marathons, but it’s so hard for me to chew, swallow, and run all at the same time, ha ha.
Beck’s pouty face is adorable! Have a great Wednesday Janae

SOOOOOO happy to hear that long run itch is coming back. You’ll have to tell me all about your first long run back! Try the Maurtens and let me know what you think, so much easier than trying to chew for me! Hahah he pulls out that lip often. Thanks Wendy, you too!


I want to try fueling for a long run (long to me, short to you). I just started having a pre run snack of banana and graham crackers and I think it does help me. I want to try something mid run. I thought I’d go back on your previous posts and see what you’ve tried.

As far as this month goes, next week is my wedding anniversary. 26 years! We were so, so young when we got married. It hasn’t always been easy but we’ve grown together and our marriage is solid after all these years. To celebrate we are getting away for the weekend in Kansas City.

26 years! AHHHH that is so exciting and you guys are goals. Have the best time in Kansas City. Yay for getting in the fuel before and I try during… you will feel the biggest difference! Thanks Betsy!


Hi Janae! Great post! I think I fuel similarly to you for the half (I haven’t run a full yet). I’m definitely not typical but I like carrying all my water on my back. It really helps me drink a lot more water and have a place to stash all my stuff but it’s defynit for everyone.
My anniversary’s coming up! March 13!
Have an awesome day!


I haven’t tried many gels so I’ll have to try this one. My stomach doesn’t like much, but I also have realized how important it is in how I feel. Maybe I’ll like the Maurten gels.

I also have a birthday this month, on the 16th. It’s my big bday the big 4-0. We’re celebrating by going to Disneyland because that’s what I wanted to do. ♀️ We’re also going to head to Mammoth next month when the snow isn’t as nuts. I’m actually okay with this bday. I feel equal parts like I’m young at heart and how am I this old, and like it only gets better with time. Hoping I still have some faster days ahead of me as I’m coming back from a time of not running. Just been working on base building and strength. Tell Andrew March is a great birth month!


Yes, please send me as many Maurten gels as possible. I cannot afford them so just fuel with regular food.


I couldn’t agree more with Maurtens. I’ve never had a problem taking the non-caffeinated version; although the caffeine one tastes somewhat bitter and I had a hard time with it so I’ve stuck to non-caffeine. I like taking a gel before a long/hard workout or race, then I fuel with a 1/2 one about every 30-40 min.

I used to really like the salted caramel Gu, but I about lost my lunch on them during St. George and I haven’t done Gu since. I don’t love the flavor of Maurtens but I don’t not like it either.

My oldest is turning 19 in a week!


Thank you for posting this reminder! I use SIS gels, I like the lemon/lime flavour and blackcurrant. I have a variety pack so I use the flavours I don’t really love on my training runs. I had caffeine flavour before, but I don’t like them (I like coffee though) For my last two long runs I made the mistake of taking the first gel too late and then feeling I didn’t need a second one because it was only three kilometres before being home. The last time I didn’t have lunch (Just second breakfast after my run) and we went on a bike ride. It was very windy, and I had to ride behind my husband because I felt so weak! And take a shortcut. My moms birthday cake tasted extra good!) On Sunday I have the last longish run before my half on March 12, so I’ll make a note to myself and force myself to fuel every half hour.


I like Maurten as well (the gel with caffeine). I don’t love the price haha, eek! But they don’t taste sickly sweet like other gels do, so I don’t feel like I need to drink right after them.

My question: Gels get expensive – can you just replace a gel with coffee and carbs instead? I don’t mean during a marathon/race because you want quick and easy fuel on the run. But for easy runs over 75 mins and some workouts, can we (runners in general) just get by with the pre-run fuel?


Thanks for sharing! I am training for my second Ogden Marathon (May) and am forgetting how I dialed my nutrition/refueling in last year. I’ve learned through trial and error I have a more sensitive stomach (yay). I’ve been recommended multiple times to try Maurten gels and after reading this I’m giving them a go. Do you have a liquid IV flavor/type you recommend?



Really liking the UCan Edge Energy Gels…..but might need to give the Maurten a try to see what all the hype is about, and now I am really curious about their consistency since you compared it to Jello :)

Any tips on hydrating during a race….been doing more trail races lately where carrying your own water is required but I have a road marathon coming up in May…..don’t want to carry too much with me but don’t know if I want to rely solely on the aid stations, there will be a ton on the course but they always end up tripping me up and I feel like I either spill it on myself, choke on it because I am stressed about trying to throw the little cup in the trash or only get a tiny sip. Don’t want to risk under hydrating since it could be a warm race. Long story short….during a marathon do you carry water? How often/how much do you drink during the race? Thanks!!!


I just bought some huma gels thanks to you! I’ve never used gels, only gummy bears and sometimes skittles but turns out those are a choking hazard. :) oops

My birthday just passed! 2/22

I’d love for you to write about things that are normal for elite runners that regular runners think aren’t? Like when I run and it sucks for the first couple of miles, or my lungs are burning. Race day anxiety, not being able to stick it out mentally on the treadmill. Having a terrific run one day, and a horrible run the next day. Tell me all the stuff that I think “is it just me because I’m not a “good” runner”? That really is universal to humans who run? If that makes sense.


THANK YOU!!! This fuel post is super helpful. Will look forward to putting it into practice.


I use the huma gels in the summer bc i like having them from the freezer or fridge. I usually go with the caffeinated flavors, raspberry or lemonade. For the big races I like maurten and they are pricier but they work really well.

I have a 5k saturday and a half sunday!!


I’m running a marathon in June and it’s my first in 11 years. Energy gels have changed since then! I have wanted to try Maurten, but am hesitant on the price. Where do you find is the cheapest place to get them?


I’m getting back into distance running this year and know I need to do better with my fueling during the race (I used to use candy – like swedish fish, or the clif blocks) but I agree with everyone that chewing and running sucks! What do the Marten gels actually taste like? I’ve had a hard time finding something I like the taste of while running.



Hi Lindsey – I have only used the caffeine ones, but they really don’t have a taste/flavor. The taste doesn’t bother me at all, it is just getting use to the consistency.

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