哈利P. Rocks and Embarrassing Billy

Monday night=family night (even though every night has been family night….Monday night is just official family night). What better way to spend time together than watching wizard’s fighting each other, eatinghomemade popcornand candy. Note to self: Do not eat that entire thing of popcorn by yourself so that you can only fit in a handful of Mike and Ike’s.

I LOVED哈利Potterso much! I could go see it again right now!

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One of Billy’s biggest pet peeve’s is my movie clapping. I do not know why I feel so compelled to clap when I like what I see. I was in luck yesterday because everyone else was clapping too…..I think we clapped at least three times throughout the movie and of course at the end.

(Re-inactment…..I did not force Billy to stand up in the middle of the movie to take a picture….I am not that insane)

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We were too full from popcorn to actually eat a real meal for dinner but we scientifically figured out that fro-yo and sprinkles would magically fill in the crevices between kernals in our stomach quite nicely.

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I have quickly becomeCharlie’s favorite human beingonce I shared my mochi’s with him. Yes, I let him lick off of my spoon sometimes. I am prepared for 98% of you to be grossed out by now.

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I shouldn’t have introduced him to Yogurtland’s deliciousness. He has turned into an addict like me and he will do whatever it takes to get his fix.

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And for your viewing pleasure. I caught Billy doing the Robot on our evening walk. Priceless. I think he is my favorite roboter ever (tied with myneice’s robot).

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Check out my GUEST POST on theAMAZING LAURA’s BLOG!!!You will be obsessed with her blog!


What is your FAVORITE month of the whole year? Why?

-July. Billy’s b-day, no work and lots of swimming.

Do you let your dog eat human food?

-My MIL doesn’t like us to but I sneak Charlie a cracker or two every now and then.

If you could only choose ONE ice cream flavor for the rest of your life, what would it be?


What is something you do that embarrasses your family/husband?

-Movie clapping, dancing anywhere there is music and eating my entire cafe rio salad by myself.

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Favorite month?? October and November because of the leaves changing and the weather. I find these months to be perfect for trail running.

My husband hates it, but I do feed our chihuahua, Elvis human food. He’s so darn cute!

I LOVE anything caramel ice cream too!

Sometimes I speak before I think.


Favorite months used to be anything summer! But now It’s spring or fall because I know I can run longer faster and harder and I look forward to it!!

我没有狗,but my cat likes sliced ham so if i make lunch in the morning for work, she sticks her paw in the air and that means she wants food :)

One flavor ice cream… probably vanilla, because I can do so much with it and add a lot to it!


Haha! Looks like you got to the cinema prepared… I love eating popcorn at the cinema. Doesn’t work without for me. Believe me, I’ve tried! Your movie clapping is just too funny! Keep on doing that!
I miss Yogurtland so much!! Where in Cali are you? I “lived” in Santa Barbara for 6 month and I.loved.it.! And I miss it terribly…
Love your blog! I’m addicted… ;)


Favorite month would be: eeeehm, I guess July, at least a bit of summer here in Germany…

I simply love yoghurt ice-cream! Since I’m vegan always looking for soy-alternatives.

I drink water straight out of the bottle, too lazy to use glasses…


Your comment made my day!!! HOW ARE YOU LIVING WITHOUT YOGURTLAND!?!?! We are in Rancho Santa Margherita! When you were you in Cali?!?! COME BACK!!!


June: end of school year/start of summer, my b-day, our anniversary

Everyone associates mint chocolate chip with me, but I agree with the above poster you can do so much with vanilla so I am saying vanilla.

My husband hates when I make myself sound less intelligent then i need to, like last night I say “I’m going to beddie-boopsie-tootsie” instead of just saying I’m going to bed.


BAHAHHA I am going to copy your beddie-boopsie-tootsie….let’s see how Billy likes it:) HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND ANNIVERSARY LAST MONTH!!! Now I am craving mint chocolate chip:)


I live december because all our families get together and everything revolves around family. And… i love christmas.

My mom hates it when we feed our dog real food. But she REALLY likes cheese sticks, pudding, pb pretzels, and popcorn.

Fav ice cream flavor?? I’m going to say vanilla because you can make it “healthy” with lots of fruit. Or … add lots of candy.

I embarrass my husband all the time. :)


I dance in public. all the time. and not well.


Love the clapping picture. Although, I’ll admit. That’s a pet peeve of mine too. Or people that “talk” to the movie. “Oh no you didn’t just go in that dark room!”

Ice cream flavor: vanilla. Because you can basically make it any flavor with whatever toppings you put on. Yes! An ice cream loophole!


AHHH WE CAN’T GO TO MOVIES TOGETHER!! At least I don’t talk during them:) Good call on the vanilla!


charlie is my favorite! I would totally share my spoon with my pup. I miss her!


OMG HP was AWESOME! I’m definitely seeing it again in 3D IMAX. Charlie is adorable, and you two must be soulmates since he loves mochi :)

I love October because the weather is the perfect not-too-hot, not-too-cold, and the leaves are all changing color and I still like my classes lol.

Mmm definitely java chip ice cream from coldstone. The best!

I embarrass my boyfriend with my crazy all the time. I can’t even describe it. It’s too crazy for words lol


I have to go with September, my birthday and our anniversary! And usually the weather is till nice too :)

I would go with french vanilla ice cream because it can go with anything and any topping!

Now I really want to watch the last HP movie and this one!


I love November and December because of my birthday and Christmas.

I let my dog eat almost any food that she will eat that isn’t bad for dogs. I also let her lick off my spoon sometimes. She is a picky pup though, she doesn’t like a lot of foods.
Probably peanut butter flavor.

I used to be an embarrassment to my family just by being me, but I have normalized a bit ,but I also don’t spend as much time with them so that helps.


October is my favorite month. No question!! It’s my birthday, my boyfriend’s birthday, and Halloween. I am pretty obsessed with the fall in general, but sadly, it’s not quite as wonderful now that I live in TX and not Ohio. I miss the beautiful trees and crisp weather. Sigh…now you have me missing fall weather haha!

For favorite ice cream, I’m going to stay with the theme and say pumpkin! Love anything pumpking!


Hahahhaah- Movie clapping- love the reinactment ;)
I LOVE that top- it looks so pretty on you..& it’s purple- woohoo!
1. fave month: hmmm, probably july too! because we have our annual family trip to Wildwood (although we aren’t going this year b/c we took too much time off for our honeymoon & wedding..but SO worth it :) )
2. I always gave my dog people food! But she wasn’t allowed to beg. She was so good about it. & she LOVED peanut butter…we were two peas in a pod ;)
3. vanilla bean. love it.
4. always taking pics of my food, although he’s getting used to it :)


BAHHAH Billy is getting used to the picture taking too:) Wildwood…where is that!?!?


It’s in NJ. On the shore. SO MUCH FUN!!! Just a whole boardwalk of fun rides & tons of DELICIOUS food!!!!- think circus food times 195847283. YUM!


我最喜欢的月probably November: Thanksgiving, fall, hubby’s bday, and Christmas just around the corner!
My favorite flavor is peanut butter. Bonus points if it’s mixed with chocolate :)


My ice cream would be Heaps of Love–mmmmm! Or strawberry. Can I have two? ;)

Apparently my husband is “not ever embarrassed by anything I do.” This is what he claims, so I guess I’ll just keep doing me. :)


My favorite is October- Bryan and my birthdays. Fall in the air. Pumpkin lattes. Cabin roadtrips to North Carolina :) July takes a close second- LOVE summer!

My favorite ‘icecream’ flavor is toffee candy frozen yogurt- love the crunch. Its the best combined with warm banana bread! DELICIOUS!!!!


My Mom is a movie clapper as well. The other day we were walking down the street, past a church that’s bells were playing. When they finished she clapped and cheered.


Favorite month of the whole year is a tie between september/october (i say October bc its the month of me AND my boyfriends birthday!)…I love the whole back to school vibe, i love the hoodie weather, I love the transition from summer to fall here…it just makes me so happy!

unfortunately I do sneak my chihuahua human food..but ive been doing it since he was a puppy so its hard to break that habit from him now, plus he is just too darn cute.

How can you ask such a question about the ONE ice cream flavor!! impossible!! but if I truly had to choose, i’d say butter pecan :D

im sure the one thing I do that embarrasses my boyfriend is how hot I look in the fall/winter doing nighttime running with my head lamp on…its not geeky at all right?

going to see harry potter this saturday with my best friend, cant wait!!


I’m definitely one of those 98%-ers grossed out by the spoon sharing! Do you know what that dog licks girl!? haha

My husband HATES when I scream if something is scary on TV or in a movie. He gets so annoyed at me, like I can control it or something!


April or October because they are the best running months.
HAAH! Of course I let my dog eat people food! She’d be sad if I didn’t share.
Either peach or apple cobbler ice cream
Of course, I got married at 21, so having been married for almost 7 years, he has learned to ignore a lot. However, when I don’t move the showerhead back to the original position after I shower, he is super irritated! lol!


I still have to watch HP but I want to read the last book! (I know, I had forever to do that…)

Ice cream flavour for the rest of my life? Cookie Dough!!

I am such an embarrassment. I`m so loud. And my need to take pictures o fme doing a handstand everywhere while on vacation!


I still have to watch HP but I want to read the last book! (I know, I had forever to do that…)

Ice cream flavour for the rest of my life? Cookie Dough!!

I am such an embarrassment. I`m so loud. And my need to take pictures of me doing a handstand everywhere while on vacation!


I loved the movie too and everyone was clapping at the end of it! I love the month of October because of apples, leaves, cooler weather and cider donuts :)


Fav month: July, also. I love summers, swimming, sun, tans, 4th of July and BBQs!

I don’t have a dog, so I’ll just say that I would like to *think* that I wouldn’t let him eat dog food.


I embarrass my husband constantly.


Favorite Month of the Whole Year: Well it should be July since it’s my birthday. But, I just LOVE the holidays. Time off from work, snow, lights, presents. I definitely love December. Plus, Christmas in NYC is literally “magical.”

When I had a dog, I let him eat whatever he wanted. He always found a way to get to the food anyway so after a while, I gave up.

Ice Cream Flavor: Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough

I love that you clap in movies. I love when people clap in movies because I think it makes them more fun :-) I embarrass my family on my blog by posting our conversations/email chains. They looooove it!


My favorite month of the year is December! Christmas and time with family just can’t be beat. If I could only have one flavor of ice cream for the rest of my life, it’s probably be vanilla. You could dress it up with whatever you’re in the mood for. My husband gets really embarassed when I am overly-friendly to people. It happens quite often.


I wish I could sneak my puppy some mochi, but he has crazy bad food allergies and can only have his prescription dog food!

It embarrasses my husband when I wear yoga pants (when im not at the gym) or leggings in public!

I love all the months, except January. There is nothing to look forward to in Jan (except MLK day! It’s Jan.’s saving grace).


I love the reinactment picture, you guys are hilarious. My husband gets embarrased when I laugh at movies, that’s right laugh! There was this one time that my friend and I couldn’t stop laughing and he was getting so annoyed. He kept telling us to stop and it only made us laugh harder, this went on for some time. Of course, we were the only ones laughing at said part. We found it most hilarious but I guess the others did not. Some people are just boring I guess ;)


Favorite month – July (my birthday and summer = no school!).

No people food for my dog. She was really sick when I adopted her so diet was really important. She’s a-ok now, but I’ve just kept up the habit. (I do love puppy kisses, which is probably more disgusting to people than her licking my spoon.) I do let her try out any food that falls on the floor as I’m cooking. Luckily she’s not a begger and she doesn’t go after any food that is left out – not that I’ve tested that theory too often!

Favorite ice cream – coffee with heath bar (and it’s ok if chocolate chips accidentally fall into the bowl)! YUM! But I also agree with the vanilla argument that it can be transformed into any flavor….

I tend to embarrass myself more than my family…. It tends to happen accidentally, so I can’t think of anything I consistently do.


right now I am in love with Tillamook Chocolate Peanut Butter Ice Cream. I ate two bowls on Sunday night…it was soooooo good!
I embarrass my boyfriend when there are freebies being handed out and I get over excited and take more than my fair share. I’m addicted to freebies of any kind!


You have an infectious smile :) I just love it. I want to see the HP movie too, but I stopped watching them after the 2nd b/c they just couldn’t compare to the books.

Also, thought of you on Saturday (creepy much?) b/c we had frozen yogurt after dinner!


Yogurtland has come to NJ. I’m sooooo excited! I am usually DROOLING over your posts (still no sign of Cafe Rio’s – boooo). I can’t wait to head to Yogurtland today – any flavor suggestions? I’m thinking Red Velvet! Oh, and it’s on the way home from the gym! Hooray. I may run an extra mile in celebration!
Thanks for introducing me to Yogurtland!


Can you believe I have never seen OR read Harry Potter? None of ’em! I think I have some catching up to do….

My favorite month is September. I love Fall in Canada; the weather is great and its very beautiful when the leaves change and its cool and crisp in the evening.


I LOVE July too! And Caramel, YUMM :)

HP was amazing, and I am glad you liked it too! Have a good one!


可能!我的生日,天气开始变暖,flowers everywhere, school’s out (even though I graduated I still get excited this time of year…it’s like a Pavlovian thing I guess, I see flowers and I think freeeeedom!)

Everything I do embarrasses everyone…not even sure where to begin. Saying “ohhh yeaaaa” macho man style while out in public, making weird faces while out in public, running into things while out in public – I’m a real catch, it’s such a mystery that I’m single.


Janae!! I had my first ever Yogurtland experience last night in Seattle! (We don’t have them in Kansas where I’m from) and it totally lived up to all the wonderful froyo-ness I was expecting…I must say that I loved the coconut and pistachio flavors the most!


I LOVED Harry Potter! I could have stayed in the theatre and watched the next showing when it was over! Awesome!!


I have to agree with Billy on the clapping :/

It embarrasses my husband when I compliment him in public, even if it’s just us and I’m quiet (which I always am). He also hates it when I flip people off or honk while driving, even if it’s deserved (which it always is). What can I say, I have to take my aggression out somewhere :)


Charlie is one lucky pup!
Favorite season is fall- sweaters, soup, more baking, halloween (my favorite, candy corn, is finally easy to find), cool runs w/the leaves changing colors!
My whole existence embarrasses my 13 yr old so it’s fun to just embrace the idea! I’ll sing in the car at carpool or if I’m feeling really crazy, get out of the car to talk to her w/her friends when I pick them up……she freaks out :).


So fun! I always want to clap at the most awkward times. Like at church when someone speaks or sings really well I always want to stand up and cheer my little heart out. he he

I always share icecream with my dog. And I would definitely pcik mint chocolate chip if I had to pick one.

You look gorgeous in all the picks! Have a great day!!


I would definitely be October or November. Its just starting to cool down here in Texas and its as close to Chamber of Commerce weather we ever have.

I dont have a dog but I have a new kitten, and yes, I let him sometimes lick the lid off the ice cream, or I give him a smidge of chicken sometimes too.

口味的冰淇淋?薄荷巧克力! !


I would eat Kilwin’s double chocolate brownie peanut butter fudge swirl ice-cream in their giant homemade waffle cone! Yummmmmmo


I don’t give my dog human food, from my experience with our dog growing up sharing food with the dog will turn him/her into a monster. My dog growing up wouldn’t let us eat a single meal in peace because she was so used to getting table scraps. If you didn’t give her food she would whine, bark and jump on the table. She even ruined some of my mom’s dinner parties because of her love for human food. Let this be a cautionary tale for Charlie :)


yayyyyy!!! i loved HP as well :) That pup is too cute…I always share my Y-land with my pup as well :) That fro-yo looks delicious…I have not been in forever…that needs to change!


I can’t wait to go see Harry Potter! And Charlie is so sweet. : )
When Paul and I first started dating, we went camping. While in the car, we were getting bagels out for a quick breakfast. I was holding mine in my teeth while using my hands for something else. His dog decided to also put MY bagel in HIS teeth. So, we briefly had a tug-o-war with a bagel. I won, but then I thought, hmm, if I eat it my new boyfriend might think I’m gross. If I don’t eat it, he might think I’m wasteful. LOL I ate it. And he still married me. ;)
Sometimes the dog gets a puppy waffle, pancake, or biscuit, but that’s it.
I love October because of the fall colors here in the Northeast.
I couldn’t be without vanilla bean ice cream. My fav.
I embarrass the hubs when I sing in Home Depot or Lowe’s. lol I can’t help it if it’s a good song. ; ) I only do it when no one else is in the aisle anyway.


HAHAHA I love your packed snacks!!! I do the same. exact. thing. No shame. Froyo ALWAYS hits the spot <3


You are probably the most skilled popcorn sneaker I’ve ever seen! That’s just downright impressive.

And my boyfriend hatesss it when I scratch my throat. Granted, I make a really gross noise that sounds like I’m dying, but I think he just needs to be a little more sensitive ;-)


Favorite month: either July b/c I don’t have to work or December because it’s Christmas AND now it’s my wedding anniversary month. :)

Ice cream flavor: one with peanut butter cups in it. Oooh or the red velvet Ben & Jerry’s ice cream. Yum!


最喜欢的月:6月,31天sp之间的联系an between November 24th – December 25th… (it hits Thanksgiving and Christmas!!)

ONE ice cream flavor?!! that’s so tough. probably oreo?

Grr I want froyo right now!! I’ve been meaning to go since last week and haven’t gone :(


Favorite month is December! Love the weather, love the comfort food, love the colors, love Christmas!!, love everything about it. Love, love, love. Ha!

If I could only have one ice cream flavor for the rest of my life it would be Vanilla. It’s my favorite and anything goes with it!

I break out dance moves pretty much anywhere we go. Not sure if it embarasses my fam because they are so used to it, lol!


favorite month is november.

yep, let the pups eat human food every so often.

ice cream….love them all but love chocolate chip cookie dough.

i embarrass by family by doing my impression of barney ( the big purple guy ).


Oh gosh, when I get ice cream cones from my favorite place back home, I definitely let my dog have a few licks. Doesn’t gross me out at ALL! :)

I think my favorite month is November. My birthday, fall weather, and Thanksgiving. Love. OR December, just for Christmas goodies. Man, I’m fat. Haha.


Ugh…I’m so bad about feeding Tally human food! I try to justify it because I don’t give her whole pieces…but I do let her lick my plate after I’m done eating. It’s gotten to the point where she comes running out of my bedroom when she hears me open up the box of cereal–the milk in the bowl afterwards is her favorite :) This isn’t wrong, is it???!


My favorite month is either June or July, birthdays and pool time… good stuff.

Ice cream – Mint Chocolate Chip or a close second is Cookies n Cream

My dogs know what “human” food is because the in laws spoiled them when they were staying with us… I’d rather they not eat any cause it makes them sick… and no one like cleaning that up.


I love October!! It’s my birth-month, it starts to cool off in Texas, and I met Billy in October 2008. :) I love to embarrass Billy, and he does it right back to me!


First of all, you are so extremeley gorgeous! Ever picture of you I think, dannng girl!
I would have to say real vanilla bean, forever and always… I don’t think I could ever tire from that flavor :)


SO JEALOUS YOU SAW HARRY POTTER! i am coming to cali right now and we are gonna see it ok?
JULY is my favv due to my bday plus i USUALLY do not have school–> every b-day my entire life = summer EXCEPT THIS YEAR :(
MINT CHOCOLATE CHIP all the way– if the dairy allergy didnt exist or anything :)
and i am pretty sure the fact that i address every one as YO when i see them embarrasses my BF, he just doesnt say it :)


My favorite month has to be December. i LOVE Christmas and the whole season leading up to it.

Can’t wait to see HP–hopefully this weekend (the hubs is out of town and i wouldn’t dream of going w/o him)

I’d love to find something that does embarrass my husband, but alas, even when I get close to success, he comes back with something 100xs more embarrassing to me so I stopped trying.

One flavor is tough—mint choc chip is delish, but that caramel almond choc i had on saturday from yogurtland was pretty impressive…


i can’t wait to see harry potter this weekend so excited!

Also one ice cream flavor is easy Ben & Jerry’s Chubby Hubby I love that stuff. so bad for you but so good. When it comes to froyo, keylime pie all the way!


I’m with Billy, I hate movie clapping. But I do love Harry Potter…I’ve already seen it twice :)

My favorite month is December. Love me some Christmas and holiday times.


哈利Potter was awesome! We were suckers though and bought our popcorn at the theatre.

This totally has to do with your last post but I am extremely jealous of your crate of raspberries. MMM yummy!


Cute post…Your movie theater lets you bring your own popcorn!?! I wish!

If I could have only one ice cream flavour it would have to be vanilla, because you can make it into any other flavour by adding toppings!! :)


Ahh look at Charlie up there on the table! A fellow fro-yo addict! I love it! :D


I am so relieved that I am not the only one who will let a dog he or she loves lick of the spoon! I do that too, and in public, which is what makes my family embarrassed of me.

Favorite month – May. School is letting out and I have the whole summer to run and play as much as I want!

Favorite flavor ice cream – anything coffee flavored with goodies in it!


Just read that BYU is going to be playing the school where I teach – USM. Let the trash talking begin LOL.


MUAHHAHAHA Bring it on:)


I don’t think it’s gross that you let the dog eat off your spoon :) I’m the same way. It probably actually is gross…but I refuse to believe so :)


I also love July! Daniel’s birthday, usually a trip to the beach, no work, pool time. :)

I let both of my dogs have a few scraps, but I let my lab have more than the beagle – he has a sensitive tummy.

Ummm….I think I would choose either caramel or cheesecake. Something delicious on its own but that could be transformed by toppings and add-ins.

I probably embarrass Daniel by dancing all the time, even if no one will dance with me. I also act silly all the time – and I have a glimpse of an idea that will make someone laugh in public, I will do it just for the laugh. Yep, I’m really five. But seriously, who doesn’t love to laugh?!


I think I am in love with Charlie!


I totally cried and clapped during Harry Potter. My boyfriend was so embarrassed to be seen with me haha.
I am way too obsessed with Yogurtland. I could (and sometimes do) eat it all day everyday.


Did you clap at the “not my daughter you b*tch” part? Because thats’ when our theater erupted into clapping… and I think also when Hermione & Ron FINALLY made out ;)

Love the pics of CHarlie :)))


YES OF COURSE!! LOVED THAT PART!!! No one clapped during the make out scene though:(


我爱你喂查理froyo !
I think I could live off of coffee oreo ice cream for. ev. er.


What do you mean??? I don’t embarass my family! EVER! :-)


I’m just gonna come out and admit that I’ve not only shared my spoon with both of my dogs, but occasionally with random stranger’s dogs. I am a gross kid.


I saw Harry Potter on Sunday and it was awesomeeeee! Hubby loved it too (at points I had to whisper what was going on b/c a boy can’t remember ALL the little HP facts that happen…especially since he didn’t read the books)! I whispered quiet enough I guess because I didn’t get any “shhh’s” thaaaank goodness!! Love your homemade popcorn…so doing that. Where did you stuff it to sneak it in though? haha


HARRY POTTER WAS GREAT – I even got to see it in 3D! Janae, I love you, but I’m with Billy – HATE movie clappers!!


My husband made fun of me for having a 462 bags of candy on my lap during the Harry Potter movie. Literally popcorn, cotton candy, m&ms, sour patch kids, and soda were ALL in my lap…I’m not a very good sharer. I definitely showed him the picture of you with all your candy to prove that I’m not the only woman in her 2o’s that still loves candy as much as (probably more than) any five year old.

I also clapped. Several times. It embarrassed the hubby too. I think we should leave our hubbys together to be all serious and healthy while we run around eating candy and acting ridiculous because of our sugar highs. Just throwin that out there. haha!


july is my fave, too…hot, sunny, and bday month! tomorrow actually :)
when she was alive, we used to feed our dog a lot of human food, but she would leap for grapes. loved ’em.
honestly, lame as it is, vanilla…w/ tons of mix-ins.


I loved the movie and also must see it again. There were so awesome audience interaction when I saw it — not clapping, but perfectly timed hoots of joy.

as to one of your other posts — I am an arrested development junkie!!! I’ve carefully though about my favorite character before, and I often come back to Buster. But then I think about GOB, and George Michael, and Tobias…oh my gosh, Tobias. How do I choose????

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