Filling our Pitchers with RUNNING Water.

I really really really tried to sleep in this morning, but my body would have nothing to do with it. I went to bed ultra early again and my eyes popped open once I hit 8.2 hours of sleep.

I got bored just laying there and decided it wasn’t very kind of me to always wake up Billy just because I can’t sleep….this whole trying to be a little more selfless in my marriage is really difficult.

我起床,跑,因为这是最正常的humans do when we can’t sleep (you know we are all a little bit crazy right?).

I did 8 miles on the good ol’ treadmill while watching The Bachelor. Courtney, you hurt my brain to watch you and every time you talk I cringe a little.

All you bloggers out there and your oats in a jar, I am telling you that fruit in a Costco cottage cheese tub is SO much better. Okay, I have never tried the oats thing but this breakfast made me beyond happy. Don’t worry, I will wash my hair before I go out in public tonight.

Photo on 2 17 12 at 8 08 AM

I had about a cup of cottage cheese left in there and added a cut up pear and grapes, my students think I am disgusting for eating cottage cheese and loving it so much. Let’s talk about the benefits of cottage cheese other than just the deliciousness of it.

In 1/2 a cup of 2% Cottage heese you get:

14 grams of protein

10% of your daily calcium recommendation

2.5 grams of delicious fat

(a lot of sodium but since I sweat so much, I don’t really pay attention to that to be honest)

Only 4 grams of sugar (may be a lot for you but for me, that is really low)


You know how I love talking about the book,“Mile Markers”by Kristin Armstrong? Well, today is another one of those days. There is a chapter that talks a lot about love. She includes a quote by Katharine Hepburn which is beautiful, “Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get, only with what you are expected to give…which is everything.”Can you imagine how much better all of our relationships would be if our main focus was on what we gave to the other person in the relationship?

One thing that makes it easier to focus on GIVING all day long is running:)

Kristin says,“I can pour myself out all day long, filling everyone’s cups, because my pitcher has already been filled.”She says this after talking about her love for getting up at 5 a.m. to get insome miles with her friendsand returning home before her kids even know she left. I think that running and time with friends are both necessary for filling our pitchers.

I remember in Jr. High, one of my friends mom would get up EVERY morning at 4:30 or 5 a.m. just to go out on a run…in the COLD and the SNOW and I thought she was crazy. I look back on it now and realize that was her way of filling her pitcher up to the rim so that she could spend the rest of her day trying to fill other peoples pitchers.

I think that this is a huge reason that 99.9% of us love to run. It helps us to feel fulfilled so that we can return the love to the people in our life. I know that I am a better teacher/wife/sis/daughter/friend when I take the time to fill my pitcher up and take the time for me.


Do you pay attention to your sodium intake?

-I don’t. I don’t ever really add salt to my food but I also don’t pay attention to what the sodium amount is in food.

Have you ever tried the oats in a jar thing? What blog food trends have you tried….spinach smoothies?

Do you run to fill your pitcher? Does your pitcher feel like it is low on the weeks that you don’t get to run as much?

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I was SO mad when Ben picked Courtney again? What is wrong with him? She is such a psycho. And her gloating makes me even more mad!
I’ve never done oats in a jar either but I don’t like my oats cold either and isn’t that part of the equation? I had a terrible run last night and am going to try again tonight, please please please let it go better!


I actually love Courtney – love to watch her, but completely agree, he must be an idiot


Courtney is the smartest girl there…she is playing that boy. Her little face she does is out of control though! haha


I have tried spinach smoothies and was pleasantly surprised that they aren’t as awful as they sound!

我不注意钠摄入量。在contrary, I have to be careful about sodium and electrolyte loss when I run so I take Saltstick capsules (which aren’t really made of salt, as the name implies) and try to eat something salty after a long run.

Absolutely I run to fill my pitcher, and absolutely it feels like it is low when I don’t get to run as much as I’d like. I’m looking at a few weeks upcoming low pitcher weeks since I’m trying to nurse a knee injury. Unfortunately biking and elliptical machines just do not fill my pitcher the same way that running does. =(


I never pay attention to sodium. Ever!
I think the way I pour myself out to others it to spend time at the well. If I’m not in the word, how can I pour out to anyone else?


I LOVE cottage cheese…I don’t watch my sodium at all, if anything I try to increase my sodium intake ;) and I’ve definitely grown away from looking a nutrition labels because carbs and sugar are required in high amounts if I want to thrive! :)
running when you can’t sleep is totally normal! I’ve been sleeping like a rock lately though so no early runs have been occurring.
I hope you have a fun weekend ahead of you!


Cottage Cheese still scares me a little…. and I’ve tried Overnight Oats but not in a jar as of yet! I still think the best way is over the stove they get warm and thick and creamy :) with cinnamon sugar and sliced strawberries!


i’ve tried a lot of the blogger food trends… the oats in a jar, the spinach in smoothies, etc. i like them all (at least so far)!

i just saw the AF 1/2 marathon badge on the side of your blog… are you running that?!?! that is going to be my first half! :)


“fill your pitcher” I love that! I definitely think running helps me to be a better overall person to my loved ones and it helps clear my mind and relieve stress.

Speaking of cottage cheese…I actually replaced my usual salad dressing w/ cottage cheese for lunch today! It was so delicious and way more filling!

I watch sodium to a certain extent but I think having a little extra sodium in your diet is okay especially if you are running so much because you are replacing much needed nutrients back into your body.


I do pay attention to it, and always buy reduced sodium foods etc. It is crazy how much sodium is in things when you label read!
I tried oats in a jar for the first time last week, loved it! I am also PB obsessed so thats why I liked it so much. I have been drinking green smoothies for years. Love them too, and you cannot taste it at all!


I will admit that before I became an avid blog reader I had never tried spinach smoothies, putting pb in my oatmeal or even greek yogurt!! No turning back now!

I eat fairly healthy 90% of the time so I don’t really watch sodium too much. Well until I started swelling (I’m 29 weeks pregnant) a few weeks ago and my dr said to really be careful with the sodium. This is not good advice since pregnancy seems to have me craving tortilla chips and salsa…. like everyday :)

爱“填补你的pitcher” metaphor. So true is many areas of life!


Right now I have four kids with the chicken pox and a husband who is leaving to my favorite city for a five day conference. Tonight I’ll be running, even though I don’t particularly want to, just to try and eek out the last bit of quiet and me centered time before he leaves. I am definitively a better everything when I’ve had a little time to myself and more often than not I spend that time running.


Not related to this post – but I need to tell you that if you haven’t you should go to the store and buy the new chocolate frosted flakes … TWELVE grams of sugar, and worth every delicious bite! Annnnd the chocolate milk left over in the bowl is the perfect refuel btw!


Thanks for the nutritional info on cottage cheese…I honestly have given up on it, but you may have made me a convert.


I’ve tried & am loving protein pancakes (they are made w/cottage cheese!)
Don’t really watch the sodium though. As for my pitcher- Running is a huge factor in keeping me on an even keel. I just feel ready for anything when I’ve been running. I get similar boosts from climbing, sweating in general & also the temple. I’m so glad there are other nuts like me who Willingly sacrifice sleep for the exercise boost :). Here’s to endorphins!!!


i LOVE this post! i agree with everything you said about returning to the people we love. we all deserve to do something for ourselves, and i think it makes us better people for those that we love. really REALLY great post, it definitely hit home for me.

also, you must just be reading my mind lately because i loved the post about fears and perfectionism, and then your follow-up post about doing speed work on the track. i am currently training for my FIRST MARATHON (!!!) and about a year ago i stress-fractured my pelvis while doing some speed training (also probably coupled with overuse and pushing myself too far and not listening to my body). while i’m ‘healed’ now, i get SO FREAKED OUT when i have any strange feeling where i’ve had my injury, and i am so scared to go out of my comfort zone with speed (and i run slooooow and really want to pick up the pace). it’s been really good reading your posts lately because i can relate to them so much, so thank you! and please get out of my head, kthanx :)


I recently have started using the bottom of PB jars and cottage cheese tubs as the base of my oats/ cereal bowls… ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS!!!


I just posted about salt yesterday-I am a salty sweater! I found this article years ago about people who are considered “salty sweaters” and finally blogged about yesterday :)


I LOVE oats in a jar! Although I do it with hot oats (just pour them in after cooking) because then it melts the peanut butter! But I love cottage cheese too, both are winners.


I’ve tried the oats in a jar, and I really like them, but I don’t make them very often. I usually forget and throw away my peanut butter jar too quickly!


I don’t pay attention to sodium for the same reasons as you, and I drink so much water. My mom is nuts about sodium- she won’t add salt to anything! I am aware of potassium though, like any good runner:)
I don’t know about the oats in a jar thing, but definitely do the spinach smoothies!
That book hit the nail on the head- I have 2 sick kids at home, and I am so much better to take care of them because I got up early and got my run in! When I am full, I can fill everyone else:)
Have a great night!!!


I love cottage cheese – eat it straight out of the tub all the time – it’s great after a workout and greek yogurt is just as yummy on days where you’d like something sweeter :)


Definitely run to fill my pitcher! And yes, courtney is awful!! Making me not want to watch that show anymore. Good to get to your blog today Janae. I miss blog reading. Especially yours.


LOVE overnight oats (although I make them in tupperwear) and green smoothies, unfortunately the cottage cheese is out for me since Lactose = bad news for the tummy. I also started making my own granola, can’t go back to store bought!


You know how I feel about running with friends. I’m definitely like the Mom you talk about. It’s so important to me that missing time with my family is kept to a minimum. My kids know I run because when they get up I’m in my running clothes, and sometimes when they go to bed I’m in my running clothes, but that’s the only reason why. (Besides when they come to cheer me on at my races!) I’m a much kinder, more patient mother if I can have some time to myself during the day.

Courtney. Bless her for being so ridiculously awful.

I love green smoothies! I have been eating them for a long time. I have one nearly every day. The key is having an overripe banana. I don’t put lots of crazy stuff in mine. Usually just spinach, banana, blueberries and water. I think it’s so refreshing.

I love cottage cheese with potato chips! Odd, yes? Salt is my favorite thing. Well, next to sugar anyway ;).

Love you girl! Let’s get together soon! Wanna come to Heber? I think we should go for a run together. You’ll have to slow down for me though. I’m in desperate need of a running buddy that can run around an 8 minute mile.


This post made me happy! I just don’t understand people who do Not share my LOVE for cottage cheese? Its the next best thing next to beef jerky. Hehe!

I love kristin armstrong- she is such an amazing and strong woman! Thanks for sharing :) I filled my pitcher!!


Ohhh excellent post!!! Heck yes I exercise/run for myself, BUT also so that I can be better at all other roles in my life. My fam knows when my own pitcher isn’t full and the demand that I go run! ;)
I’ve been doing OIAJ a spinach smoothies since college. I swear that I made them up!!! Honestly I just decided to try both back n the day and have been making the ever since.
I do watch my sodium intake. It’s the anatomy teacher/ nutritionist in me…


Why do so many people hate on the cottage cheese? It’s delicious :-) I have definitely tried something similar to your cottage cheese and fruit in a cottage cheese tub! I’ve also had oats in a jar, but not many other of the trends like spinach in smoothies or chia seeds!


Love this post. I especially enjoyed what you said about our pitchers being full, mine has felt super empty lately and only last night did I discover why! Jilian Michael’s Ripped in 30 helped fill my pitcher! I need to get back to running! Thanks for the inspiration. :]


Oh Ben the Bachelor. I blog about him on a weekly basis :)

Do you pay attention to your sodium intake?
Yes, but I’m not nuts about it because like you said, we sweat a lot!

Have you ever tried the oats in a jar thing? Yes! And I love oats in a jar! I look forward to the ends of the PB jars now :) and I’m currently putting chia seeds in my cereal. What has the blogworld done to me?

Do you run to fill your pitcher? Does your pitcher feel like it is low on the weeks that you don’t get to run as much? Umm, yes, my pitcher feels so low right now :( I feel heavy and weighted. I messed up my knee at a half this past weekend and I haven’t run since Sunday. Wah.


Definitely run to fill my pitcher. That’s a great way to explain it. I’m trying to decide on the MS100 century ride. Did you love doing yours?


Yes yes yes I loved it!!!! Such an amazing experience!!!


So weird that I blogged about Mile Markers and sodium today, too. That book has been a life changer in the past week since I started it. So extremely motivating! I’ve been on the fence for 2 years about running a marathon because of the time it would take away from my hubby and kids. But after starting Mile Markers, I’ve realized that running makes me a better wife and Mama. Bring on the marathon, baby! :)


I am not a fan of oats in a jar. I think they taste soggy and chewy and I prefer the texture when made in a pot a million times better. It’s worth the very slight extra effort for me! As for my pitcher… I totally feel it when I don’t run/exercise. I am going on week four of an injury and I can definitely feel a difference mentally. It’s no fun. :(


I love spinach smoothies!
I sort of pay attention to sodium. I don’t add salt to anything but I have definitely noticed that since I’ve cut my processed foods down it has been in the good range. Processed = sodium


Courtney….ugh, don’t get me started.
I’m currently trying to figure out what the right balance of running, work, and friends/family time is to keep my pitcher full. I would love to run every day if I could, but lately trying to do so with my schedule (i.e. getting up at 3:30…oh the wonderful life of being in residency), has left me worn out, bitter, and made it seem like more of a chore than the usual fun I have with it : ( It’s so hard for me to find that balance..*sigh* Definitely running on low right now, but at least it’s FRIDAY!!


Awesome post J!!!!! I am a much better person after my morning workout. Awesome way to think about life. And I try to watch out for super sodium filled foods, i can tell when I’ve had too much salt! But cottage cheese rocks:)


I don’t like regular oatmeal (pastey consistency yuck!) but I love overnight oats. I get the goodness of oatmeal in a much nicer consistency for me. If I add a mashed banana, it’s almost like ice cream.


I have to say that for me running doesn’t really come naturally … I am not particularly fast and I not particularly good … but I love the feeling I feel when I have finished a run … I am still amazed that I actually can run for 2 hours … and I have to admit that when I accomplish it I feel good about myself and I AM ready to give to others … yes … I have to admit running, yoga and exercise … does fill my pitcher and though I am not an early riser but I AM ready to give when I am happy and proud of myself!


I love the idea of filling the pitcher, great analogy!


Love that quote about filling your pitcher! Also, I love cottage cheese and your students just don’t get it yet. I tried oats in a jar and honestly it wasn’t that great. I eat oatmeal almost everyday of the week before work. But I like it in a bowl ;). Have tried the spinach thing and its great! I like smoothies so I am a fan of adding extra greens to my meals. Have you tried the cake batter dip or cookie dough dip??? AH-MAZING!!

I watch my sodium intake bc high blood pressure runs in my family even though I get sweaty almost every day and always have low readings at the doctor. Its amazing how much sodium is in really random things, like bread, and frozen foods. I try to keep my eye on it so I don’t have to worry about in the future.

I run/exercise to fill my pitcher. I definitely feel it if I can’t workout a lot or my routine gets messed up.


I LOVE cottage cheese. I eat it almost every day. I like it with apples, grapes, strawberries, pretzels, and nuts!!! Not at the same time- but actually I should try that! Haha! I don’t watch my sodium- I probably should but I’m sure I sweat it all out!! I haven’t tried oats in a jar but I have a whole document full of things I’ve found I want to try!! So far I’ve tried spinach smoothies (YUM!) Switched to greek yogurt, and almond butter! I love all the new ideas!!!!


I LOVE cottage cheese and fruit – especially berries! My boyfriend thinks it’s nasty though, which is fine by me… more for me! It’s great if you add in some kix, cheerios, and/or chia seeds too, for some added crunch! nom nom nom I don’t have much salt in my diet, so I really don’t mind the higher content in it, and sometimes i eat it just because it’s higher in sodium… especially after some long run/sweat sessions!


I wish I could go for the cottage cheese. I know it’s totally healthy. I want to like it. I do. But I just can’t get past the texture. It just reminds me of a chunky burp. I’m kind of jealous that you like it so much.


这是一个最好的,最激动人心的运行sts I’ve ever read. You are so right in every way! You’re like a skinny, slightly less-green Yoda. Getting a good run in can make you feel happy, accomplished- and once that’s out of the way, you have time left to take care of others! I want to hang this on my wall so I can actually get my butt out of bed earlier.


Best compliment ever! Thank you so much Lindsay, you made my day!


Was it because I called you skinny? Or not so green ;)


Bahaha the part about it being the most inspiring running post…and the yoda part:)


I am terrible at monitoring my sodium intake.
For sure I run/workout to fill up my pitcher. I do it because it makes me feel great about me and that in turn makes me a better mom/wife/student/friend.
Never heard of oats in a jar. Geuss what I’ll be looking up now?


I really like that pitcher’s so true! When I exercise, I am instantly in a good mood and am motivated to spread the joy! I am one of those bloggers who looove OIAJ, in fact I was just getting a bit excited that I can enjoy some tomorrow! As for sodium intake, I rarely pay attention to it either- I rarely eat processed foods and like yourself, I don’t add salt to my food.


my pitcher gets so low when i’m not running…crazy how much those certain kind of endorphins really give a girl a kick! :)

长大的我一样,我妈妈早跑去the morn’s and i thought she was crazy! then flash-forward to high school and i was running with her. :)


Awesome post…makes me want to fill up my pitcher now!
I don’t monitor my salt intake. In fact, I just ate two bowls of salted “chips” w Ben and loved every sec of it. Then we had Tim Tams to balance out the salty to sweet ratio:)


I don’t but I should. I lose a lot of salt through my sweat and my blood pressure is good.
Not a fan of oatmeal, no matter how much I want to be and try to be.
I feel off when I can’t run as much. I am very fortunate that my schedule is so flexible and I can get my workouts in.

The Kidless Kronicles


I love the idea of running as a way of filling your pitcher up–what a great analogy!! I haven’t been able to run much the past few months because my IT band and I are not on speaking terms but I HAVE gotten into lifting weights and that certainly fill me up! My rest days, while crucial, are definitely the days when I’m not in *quite* as good of a mood!

And I do not watch my sodium intake whatsoever! From what I know, it’s only bad for a certain percentage of salt-sensitive individuals. Those individuals tend to have high blood pressure as a result and, since my bp is quite low, I’m thinkin’ I’m good!


It is so true…it is so important to take care of yourself both physically and mentally so you can give to others. I think it’s one of the hardest lessons to learn. Great post!

I don’t watch my sodium intake, but I’m really sensitive to things that are really salty – I don’t like them. Well, except tomato soup. : ) I have also tried spinach smoothies and although it tasted good, my body did not like it. I have yet to try oats in a jar, but I buy the biggest jars of pb possible so it would look a little ridic.


1.) I do try my best to watch my sodium intake. Gotta take care of that heart!
2)。我沉迷于菠菜冰沙。他们使me feel so good! And they are perfect post-run fuel. I use a couple handfuls of spinach, a frozen banana, some almond or coconut milk, and a scoop of vanilla powder. Oats in a jar are pretty good too, but the whole putting a hot substance in a plastic disposable container thing kind of weird me out to be honest.
3.) I LOVE the idea of running to fill your pitcher so you can later fill others’ pitchers. I think that’s a great way of looking at things, and does kind of parallel how I treat running in my life.


janae!! i loved this post so so so much. it’s exactly what i needed. thank you! i tried explaining the filling our pitchers thing to my husby last night at midnight, but of course i made no sense at all. i think it’s because it was midnight. anyway. this post was lovely. xo


what an awesome analogy! we can think of filling up red solo cups like that song on glee…haha.

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