2点。Baby shower

My goal this morning was to see how late I could sleep in but the ladies next door decided to have a party at 6 in the morning so I am wide awake and wanted to say hello real quick! Billy is running for the both of us today and knocking out 15 miles and I am about to go eat bagels for the both of us, actually the three of us.

Even taxi rides are a good time with these girls. Turns out LAX airport is huge and so it only took us forever and 92 text messages to find each other.

Jess picked out the best hotel in the world. Five words: free warm cookies everyday here. They make the perfect dinner appetizer. Can you believe how gorgeous her tan is?

We were all starving so we started walking around to hunt down food.

All three of us are the most indecisive people in the world and so we literally flipped a coin to make the decision for us…this method always works for me.

Say hello to the special of the day. Blackened fish (I don’t even know what kind of fish) and pasta. Now that teaching is almost done for the year I think I will look into becoming a food critic, my talent for writing food descriptions should not go to waste.

Finally I had my beloved froyo from Pinkberry. Salted caramel and peach, it was delicious.

5 hours of sitting and talking outside and it was time to go back to the hotel.

I came back to this. Best baby shower ever. Pretty sure my little girl will now be the best dressed baby after these presents.

Have you ever been to Pinkberry? How would you rate it? Do you like the tart types of froyo?
-it was expensive but the favors made it worth it.

Do you tan easily?
– no, unless you count the three minutes it takes my self-tanner to start working.

What time did you wake up this morning?
– too early.

Are you decisive or indecisive when it comes to choosing where to eat?

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I went to Pinkberry for the first time a few weeks ago – and AM OBSESSED. It is SO much better than other frozen yogurt in the area, I wish they had one in my little neighborhood and not just downtown in the loop. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the salted caramel and want to eat it every day all the time :)


Fun with the girls — awesome! Pinkberry is kinda pricey, but I do like their blood orange flavor. Yum! I woke up at 3:30, then 4:30, then 5 (when I was supposed to wake up), but I went to bed super early (for me). I tan pretty easily, but then I never wear sunscreen because I rarely get burned. Not good because I don’t want skin cancer.


Ahhh – you’re in my neighborhood!!! Have the BEST time ever and don’t be surprised if a crazed woman who you don’t know runs up to you and seems to think your best friends. :)


Erin!!! Let’s play! I love your city!


Yay!! I would love to!!! When are you here until?


OH NO!! I just got hope today and saw this!!! Next time I am there we better hang out!


我看到我的邻居的孩子一夜之间我叫醒了你p way earlier than I wanted (i.e. before 7). Funny how I can do that for a run with no problem but if it’s to care for a living, breathing human not so easy.
I don’t tan super easy and used to not care until a lady at church called my pasty. Now I hit the tanning bed once a week for 10 minutes. One of thoe terrible habits that I know I need to break. I’ve tried self tanners but they make me itch.
I am very indecisive when it comes to food. There tons of amazing restaurants where I live so I make my hubs choose 99.9% of the time.


I’ve never gotten to try Pinkberry, but I would love to! :)

不,我不会轻易晒黑。我不想要to get skin cancer, so I try to stick to self-tanner. ;)

Looks like you’re having a great time!! Enjoy!


Indecisive. Not only about where, but what. Chris totally hates that i have to go hunt down our waiter before placing the order because I changed my mind.
Looks like one of those weekends with friends you’ll remember for a long time.


yay!! You had your first baby shower! thats too cute

im so indecisive, i always play the 5-3-2-1 game to choose restaurants…one person names 5 restaurants, the next person picks 3 they want, the next picks 2, and then the last person picks which one from that. it makes decisions much easier!

i love tart yogurts, but im not a pickberry fan. too expensive, and i prefer self serve…you can play with it as much as you want that way!

have a great weekend!


You’re in my neighborhood! I’ve never commented before but love, love your blog. Have a blast!


Ahhhhhh come find me! I love your city!!!!


You and your friends are so cute! You are a lucky lady to have such sweet friends to throw you a 2 am baby shower. I think you are smart to spend some girl time before the baby comes:)
I rock what I have recently learned is called an Arctic Tan – meaning I could have played Snow White if Kristin Stewart had backed out:) Hopefully it will mean a life time of no wrinkle or skin cancer scares for me!


I can’t wait to see what your friends got you and babyrunnergirl! :) That food looks amazing, you should totally take up being a food critic this summer!


Don’t get me wrong, I love running and training for marathons but i would rather be sitting on the couch eating bagels ;)

I have never had pinkberry – I always opted for Tasti D Lite when I am in NYC


How cute! I’ve never been to pink berry because we don’t have them in Florida.
I tan very easily, I can be in the sun for an hour and get a shade darker!
我slept forever last night, I woke up at 8 :)
I’m indecisive about EVERYTHING. I can never make a decision!


Not sure if its the same hotel, but the Double Tree gives free cookies. When I was little, it was like heaven! (even now, I’d love them though. Who am I kidding?!).

Pinkberry is my absolute favorite froyo place. Whenever I know its in the area, I make a special stop there. Its a must! They are supposed to be getting some cool summery flavors soon too.


Pinkberry is my favorite froyo place ever. Too bad there’s none near me because it’s ruined all other froyo places. LOL Salted Caramel is my favorite but their plain, peach and watermelon are also delish!


Um so im reporting back that i did a froached egg and turkey on a pumpernickle bagel. With avocado and honey mustard. And cheetos. Now im having dark chocolate covered pretzels. Best recovery meal after 50 mile bike and 4 mile run!


I have never been to pinkberry! I came so close in New Orleans on a work trip, but everyone thought I was kidding. really, guys? I wouldn’t kid about frozen yogurt. my favorite place is called spoon me. it is wonderful. I only like the tart favors if they are also extra sweet. i.e. not original tart. salted caramel sounds like I would be in love.

I used to be brown all summer long because I would splash around in the pool for ten hours a day. now no one believes me.

TOO EARLY this morning, as well. snoring, barking, lots of really unnecessary sounds. the two cups of diner coffee were delicious, but didn’t quite do the trick.


What awesome and sweet friends!


How cute! What a great bunch of friends!

I’ve never been to Pinkberry! The northeast doesn’t believe in fro-yo I think. However, I just learned we’ll be getting a fro-yo place called Orange Leaf. Never heard of it but it’s got fro-yo so it can’t be all that bad!


Sooo apparently Pinkberry is opening in Mumbai in a few months. To say I’m thrilled is an understatement- love their original, coconut and chocolate flavors. You and your friends are a gorgeous trio :)


Warm cookies and fro-yo…doesn’t get much better than that!
I think I am the most indecisive person ever.
I do tan easily–thanks, Mom!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend, Janae!


looks like such a perfect night with your friends!! y’all are all so gorgeous it’s ridiculous. :) I woke up sometime before 8:00am, but that’s likely because I was asleep last night by 10:30pm. Billy and I are very indecisive when it comes to picking a restaurant, so a lot of times we end up just going back to our standard favorites!


I’ve never been to pinkberry. I’ve actually never tried frozen yogurt before! I’m a weirdo. How sweet of your friends! Sounds like an awesome time.


I think I’m one of the few that really hates Pinkberry!


What a sweet surprise of your friends! Also, I LOVE Pinkberry. They opened one in the town we moved from last summer a month after we left. Boo. I got to enjoy some in Orlando during spring break this year, though, and adored it. Love those moshi bits and all the other wonderful goodness I could pile on. I kept tasting my kids’ concoctions to see if the might have come up with a better combo, but they all seemed pretty darn good!


I’ve never had Pinkberry but it looks/sounds delicious! That was so sweet of your friends to throw you a 2 a.m. baby shower :) Awwww!


I tried to sleep in this morning … but the guy using his leafblower across the street had other plans. Oh well! Maybe tomorrow (fingers crossed).

Somedays I’m super decisive and having a really big craving and KNOW I need to go to a specifc place … but somedays I’m so hungry that I really can’t make up my mind. Former boyfriends hated that ;)


Are you staying at a Hampton Inn? We used to stay there for work and I’d eat all of the cookies! Soo good!

Looks like you’re having an awesome time!


I had froyo today, but I haven’t had pinkberry. I am sometimes terrible about picking a place, but if I have a place in mind you are coming along no matter what ;)


I’m indecisive about…everything. It’s one of my worst qualities and I hate it!

I didn’t wake up as early as you, but my internal clock has starting shifting to an early morning wakeup now that I work. Sometimes I still can’t believe I used to sleep in until noon (or later!) when in high school. Oh how times have changed…


I’ve never been to pinkberry, but I hope to go next time I’m in Nashville. I do love tart frozen yogurt!

I tan easily, but not as easily as Daniel. He works outside a lot (at actual work and in our yard/garden), and he is ridiculously tan already.

I didn’t go to sleep until almost 4 a.m. this morning, and then my internal alarm clock went off at six. I stayed in bed dozing on and off and playing on my phone until about 8:30, then I decided to get up.


Don’t like Pinkberry. Too boring. I need non-tart yogurt! Gimme chocolate, gimme vanilla!

I don’t tan easily…I burn, then MAYBE tan.

I got up at 5:55 a.m. – too early, but it’s been an awesomely productive day!

I’m soooo indecisive when it comes to picking a place to eat. Soooo many good places out there. FOOD = <3


I used to think I liked Pinkberry… Until I discovered Yogurtland and other such froyo places where u can serve yourself!!! Now there is no turning back for me….

Enjoy Santa Monica!!


Have you ever been to Pinkberry? Never been but would like to try it! Too bad we don’t have them here.

Do you like the tart types of froyo? Ew. No!

Do you tan easily? Yes, I do and it makes my 14 year old daughter very jealous. The girl is vampire white.

What time did you wake up this morning? I had to work an event today so I was up at 7:00 AM. Yuck.

Are you decisive or indecisive when it comes to choosing where to eat? Usually indecisive unless I am really craving something.


I’ve only been to pink berry once when they first opened and they only has the one flavor. And they only had healthy toppings, no candy….yuck ;)

I looooove ur friends bright orangey/pink top….will she tell is where she got it???

have a fun girls weekend :)


Hey girl!!! It was from j crew!!!


OK I used to like Pinkberry until I discovered self-serve yogurt. ah-mazing.


What a fun girls weekend! Are you staying at Doubletree? I love their cookies so much!! When I stayed there in the past, we used to ask for them every time we walked in the front lobby from going somewhere, and they eventually caught on and had to tell us we couldn’t get 4 cookies each day. It was sad but we still managed to sneak a few more :)


You’re practically in my backyard ;) I’ve never commented before but really love your blog! Have a blast in LA!!


Mandi!!!! Thank you so much for commenting! I am loving it here!!!! You are so lucky to live here. Have an amazing day!


My theory is that every frozen yogurt place dreams of being as amazing as Pinky Berry. It is simply the best.

I tan like a blue eyed red head…….but I have neither. Such a bummer!

Glad you had a good baby shower! So exciting!


I recently had the blood orange frozen yogurt from Pinkberry and it was so good!! Not too tart; just right. :-)


I’m going to assume the pics I got were from the baby shower. I want in on the next girls weekend!! Looks like you had lots of fun.


You better be at the next one!!!!!


I loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove Pinkberry!!!!!

The decorations/setup remind me of the baby shower I threw for my college friend with a bunch of friends , except in my apartment, haha.

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