Brooke’s First Haircut

Workout: 8 miles in the same time that I did 9 miles yesterday. Just took it nice and easy today and I tried to think if anything cool or interesting happened on my run but there wasn’t.

One of my favorite things that I have been doing while I am in Utah is putting our clothes in the dryer for a few minutes before putting them on. Brooke especially loves this.

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Billy doesn’t love it so much when I go down to our laundromat in California ever day and pay $2 just to put our clothes in the dryer to warm them up for a minute before we wear them. If you have your own dryer, please tell me you take advantage of this.

One of the things that i REALLY miss the most about living in Utah is texting my Mer (yes, she texts and it is so awesome) to go to Kneaders together. My mom and curly came too (my mom babysits curly a few days a week and the other kiddos are at school).

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I had the turkey and cranberry sauce sandwich.

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They also give out tons of free samples of all of their different desserts and breads at the front. The chocolate and caramel covered pretzels are too good.

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As you can tell I kind of really like jam… it tastes just like pie filling.

We had a very important appointment after Kneaders.

Brooke and I had a haircut. My sister does hair (she is incredible at it) and she was very worried that Brooke wouldn’t like the shampoo massage but I reassured her that she would love it. Brooke was in heaven… she is a smart girl and knows that scalp massages are the best things ever.

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My sister trimmed my hair and also gave Brooke a little trim.

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Followed by styling her hair complete with a little gel. I wish you could see it in real life, the picture doesn’t do it justice.

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When was the last time you got your hair cut? Who does your hair?

What was the last sandwich that you had?

Any other laundromat users?

Anything eventful happen on your last run?

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Aw, I love that you did a mother-daughter haircut! So cute :)
我们试图让我的祖母文本但她内华达州er figured out how… oh well… we tried. I think my favorite thing to do is climb into warm sheets. But I don’t take advantage of it as much as I should.


I love to clothes in the dryer!! When my kids were little they would not get out of bed in the morning for school so I started warming up their clothes. They loved it and it made mornings so much easier. Last run was Saturday with my sis. Love long runs and long talks, it’s the best.


The picture of her in the cape getting her hair cut made my day!


With Brook’s hair slicked back I am not distracted by its cuteness and I focus solely in those cheeks. Can’t get enough.

Luckily we got a place that had hook ups for a washer and dryer when I was about 7 mo prego with Annabelle. I then convinced my parents to buy my washer and dryer as my college graduation gift. It totally workled! I can’t imagine not having one with all the blow outs that newborns have. You will be blessed for these trials ;)

And I totally make the same face as Brook when I get the scalp massage. Though I am sure it is much more adorable when she makes it and very creepy when I do. Oh well. My hair dresser keeps letting me come back. I get my hair cut this week! Yessss. Too bad all I ever do is get a trim. I am such a wuss.


AW I caught myself giggling when I saw the pic of Brooke in the chair. I swear she is the cutest baby I have ever ever seen!


I actually got my hair cut today too, weird! Loving Brooke’s new do!


This is ADORABLE! I giggled out loud at Brooke’s little haircut…what a cutie pie!

I last got my hair cut right after my wedding. It stays pretty healthy so I don’t cut it often. I see my stylist quite often though because I’m addicted to blow outs (I get them for parties and special dates).


Every time I drive by Kneaders, I always think its a place that does massages, like a Massage Envy type place-lol. I got a much needed hair cut on Friday. I usually see Amy at Fete in downtown Boise.


I totally giggled when I saw her in the cape & in the sink. TOO cute. I love that you guys did a double haircut. WHat a nice mommy & sis!

I love Kneaders. I need to go there & get their sweeeeet french toast :)


Oh my gosh the picture of Brooke getting her hair washed just made me so happy !!!


Mmm I love Kneaders! I have yet to try their lunch menu, but I love their breakfast choices and breads.
I love Brooke’s little haircut! Too cute! I’m getting a cut and highlights tomorrow – yay!


My last hair cut was in June, July? One of those months. I am so attached to my hair that it frightens me to cut it. However, I am getting one this weekend. My friend just got hers done and I’m completely obsessed.


布鲁克的照片在她的爱洗头。Hilarious. My little boy used to hate it when he was a baby!! I cut my own hair, which I’m starting to think may be a mistake. It’s easy enough as it’s all one length but I think I might look a bit better if I go to an expert!!!


How totally adorable can you girls get?! I used to love to jump into the warm clothes out of the dryer when I was a kid. I’ve never put clothes in the dryer before putting them on, but I do hold them in front our gas fireplace for my daughter before she gets dressed! Craziest thing on a run was Sunday at CIM running through flooded areas in the nasty storm! The crazy thing about it was that I actually liked running through the cold water…felt great on my swelling feet :)


I can’t!!! That picture of you, your sister and brooke getting her hair cut just MADE MY DAY. How cute is she??
I love babies way too much.

Man, my mom can’t even turn on a computer, let alone text!


If the dryer is not an option, always iron your clothes before putting them on- love the feeling of warm clothing!


I do that with my fluffy blankets sometimes before burying myself in them. Can you convince him you are using the wrinkle release function? ;-)

That picture of Brooke in the cape is priceless! Love it!


Seriously, as I’m reading this my sweatshirt is heating up in the dryer for me to put on before leaving to a party! :)
Those haircut pictures are just too precious…so so adorable!!


Aww! That picture of Brooke getting her hair washed is way too cute! I got my hair done today! It’s pretty blonde :)


I don’t know how I haven’t thought of heating my clothes in the dryer! I just warm myself with a hair-dryer occasionally. I’ll be adding the clothes dryer trick now, thanks!!


Love the dryer trick :). I can’t imagine needing to go to the laundromat as the parent of an itty bitty baby! That would be so hard! As for haircuts…I do my own…badly :P. And my 10 year old daughter has never had her hair cut. She was pretty much bald until she was 2 so I think I have just been so excited she finally got hair!


Janae!! That picture of Brooke getting her hair washed is about the cutest thing ever. I can’t get over it. She is adorable! And I loveeee putting on warm clothes from the dryer. It’s the best feeling :)


My favorite hair dresser guy moved to Washington:( I’ve tried to replace him and am disappointed every time. Where does your sis work? I have naturally curly hair and it looks like she does too, it’s always safer to go to someone who understands curly hair. Maybe she needs a new client?


The picture of Brooke in the chair is hilarious. The last time I got a haircut was about a month ago, and I donated my hair. So, now I’m enjoying the ease of short hair and how my life is suddenly so much better.


When I was in elementary school, I always put my clothes in the dryer before I left. It was so nice!! Of course I took advantage of it!


I rarely get my hair cut (maybe 2x a year), but I get it colored every 6 weeks. We are VERY lucky that we got a washer/dryer in our apartment in Chicago. It wasn’t one of my MUSTS, but I’m sure grateful the places we ended up at has it.

The last sandwich I had was egg and cheese on a bagel.


Oh my goodness, that picture of Brooke getting her hair washed is the cutest thing I have seen in a long time!!

I am so overdue for a haircut/color but I finally have one scheduled for 12/14. It is just so darn expensive that I put it off for as long as I can.


Awwr your first mother-daughter haircut with Brooke! I just died of cuteness overload. You both look gorgeous :) I just started getting my hair cut by a lady who’s been cutting my dad’s hair for the past 20 years, so she’s known me since I was pretty young and feels like an old friend of the family; and I think my last haircut was around 3 weeks ago so I’m probably due in another 3. I used to be horrible about keeping up with getting my hair cut, but I’ve noticed a big change since I started going more regularly.


Girlfriend, clothes RIGHT out of the dryer are the BOMB. I do a ridiculous amount of laundry because some of my absolute favorite things are clean warm sheets, towels, socks, and PJ’s… the best!

The last sandwich I had was a morning PBJ. My favorite running fuel :D

So I just moved to Newton which is right outside Boston. I work in the city but Newton is gorgeous!!! I love it. RIGHT on the Boston Marathon route! So I run every morning around 6:40ish… I see the same runners every morning, and we have developed this like, sense of camaraderie I think haha We all wave and smile and sometimes stop to quickly chat… so cool! In fact, it randomly snowed Saturday… and there were more runners out than usual that morning! I thought I was crazy but my craziness was totally justified that morning. I ended up running with a couple for a few miles… so awesome. I love how Boston and the surrounding towns are so hardcore about running… it is incredibly motivating!


Hahaha awww brooke is too cute! I haven’t had my hair cut since…. May? It’s kinda long… And I have laundry machines in the basement of my apartment building, which we have to pay for :( Rude.


The picture of her scalp massage!
I die!!!!!!!!!!!!


I always put my clothes in the dryer for a little before wearing them when it’s really cold!!! I also put my towel in the dryer and ask my hubby to bring it to me when I’m done with my shower! :) You should try it. It’s the most amazing thing ever!!! Brooke’s little hair is too cute!!!! I cute my own hair and have since high school. It’s hard to trust others with it since I know exactly what I like :) Plus, it’s wayyy cheaper!



Hey. Cute pics, as always.
They make a “towel warmer” that you plug in for in the bathroom and put your towels in for when you get out of the shower. I’ll bet that you could use it in place of a dryer. Look on line for it, or at Bed/Bath/Beyond. I almost bought one for my hubs last year…


Ahhhh thank you so much for telling me about this! I must have it!


I love Brooke’s little hair cut! She has the same hair as my daughter did, so we went to Snips N’ Giggles, a kids barber shop, they get to sit in pink airplanes or red race cars to get their hair cuts. She got her first haircut at 6mths, and it was horrible, I cried! They chopped her bangs insanely short, I had to fix them at home, and did the rest of her hair cuts from then on out!

Love that Mer texts!


My boyfriend’s mom does my hair. I think I had it cut about a month ago. Garsh, I can’t wait for it to be longer.
Hehe, Brooke is such a smiley baby :D


The picture of Brooke having her hair/head massaged is officially the cutest picture of her yet!!!

I always put my clothes in the dryer before putting them on. I do it for the heat obviously but sometimes I tell people its to take the wrinkles out hee hee


I love seeing Brooke pictures! She’s the only baby on earth that makes me want one!


When was the last time you got your hair cut? I just had a cut in October. I’m good for a couple more months. My friend (she’s a stylist to the stars in LA!) did my hair until I moved to the Midwest this fall.

The last sandwich I had was a grilled cheese with tomato, onion and lettuce for lunch. Yummy!


In the NICU when we give babies baths, the usually scream at us the entire time…..until we wash their hair, they all LOVE the head massage and hair rinsing.


You could use the hairdryer when you go back to CA until it gets toasty again. (0:

Curious…maybe you can write…what are your pet names for Brooke if you have any.
I probably would have a dozen …sweet pea, love nugget, pincess, brookster…you know what I mean. Just thought it would be fun to learn yours.
Because I am just in love with her. She will always have like 1000 willing babysitters all across the country I am sure.


I LOVE Kneaders! It’s delicious! The turkey-cranberry-sunflower salad is AMAZZZZING!


It has been far too long since I’ve gotten a haircut. But I’m going to hold off until after I go home for the holidays. That way I can go to my regular girl!

Brooke’s haircut looks great, too :D


OMG! Brooke while getting her hair washed may the best photo yet I have seen on this blog!! That is a riot!

我老公把他的衣服在烘干机里接下来的每一个ay morning before work. This may be partly due to me never ironing his clothes….but I pretend it is because he likes toasty clothes.

I haven’t gotten a run in for over a wk. It makes me Super sad and I hope to get one in tomorrow!!


I am really bad about getting my hair cut. I’m so happy when I finally do it but I probably only cut it once a year. The random salon that I am walking by when inspiration strikes cuts my hair.


Clothes in the dryer for warmth……absolutely! Is there any little quirk we don’t have in common?


Nope and that makes me so happy!


Brooke’s cheeks may be the cutest thing in the world!! What a sweetheart!!


I live in Florida so I am always hot but the dryer idea certainly is fantastic for the cold weather months.

I think my hair cut was over 4 months ago, but I’m out of money right now so I might cut it myself soon :) My last sandwich was a home made turkey and cheese, plain, on wheat bread. For some reason I’m obsessed with such a plain and boring sandwich.


Cutest pictures EVER!! She’s what, FOUR months old and she’s smiling and laughing during her hair cut and getting all gelled up?! TOO CUTE for words!!!!!!!


I go to a hair school to get mine done. It is cheap and they do a good job.
Best thing about having a house is the washer and dryer!
This mornings run was AWFUL. But I did see about 20 bunnies, which was cool.
Last sandwich, if you call it that, was tuna on an english muffin.

The Kidless Kronicles


I love to put my pjs in the microwave and toast them up as long as there is no metal on them of course. Love warm clothes on cold days


That is such a great idea!!!


I got my hair cut/colored last month. I usually keep it at a dramatically angled bob, but after my last 1/2 marathon (London’s Run to the Beat) I decided to try and grow it out so that I can put it all up in a ponytail when I run my first marathon in Paris in April. Last sandwich – turkey and cheese. We have a washer/dryer at home but something about the British machines here in England – they take forever! So most Sunday’s my husband takes the laundry on base to get it all done at once. Last run was yesterday & I’m attempting to train my dog to run with me. It was trying to say the least. Thankfully she only tripped me once. I’m hitting the treadmill today; snow, slush, and ice are not my idea of fun to run in. By the way your little girl is super cute!!!


Since I work from home, after I run, I’ll put sweats in the dryer for me to put on after I shower. It’s glorious in the winter.

I got my hair cut two weeks ago. My friend from high school is an awesome stylist.


Too cute for the mother daughter haircut! My little girl had her first hair cut yesterday too! It has been a few months since my last haircut. Nothing eventful on my last run. I often see deer when I run (whether it is in the park or in my subdivision), but not many since it started getting dark earlier.


Too precious! I love Brooke’s face during her first professional shampoo! :)

我一生有光的头发——从一个非常light brown to really blonde. On Sunday, I decided to go dark – very very dark! I absolutely love it, but it shocks me every time I look in a mirror! :)


Love the haircut pictures! Brooke looks so cute.

I am actually getting my haircut today! I grew it out for over 2 years for my wedding, and am ready to take the plunge and cut alot of it off. Time for a change!

Foretunately we have a washer and dryer in our basement…my husband introduced me to those great smelling dryer sheets too. Ahh…I love the feel and smell of my clothes when I take them out now!


Brooke is so cute. I love her hair.

I am actually surprised you had your sister cut her hair. I thought it was rule of thumb to wait forever to give them their first hair cut. LOL!! Seriously. My husband asked about cutting our 6 month olds hair and I told him NO WAY. She won’t be getting a hair cut for a long time.


I got my hair cut in June and it was a disaster so I’m never going back to that person. It’s a shame because I’ve been going to her for years but the last time was just too bad. Plus she was constantly on her phone.


I can’t believe she’s already ready for a haircut, too cute!


I had my hair trimmed the day before Thanksgiving. The gal who cuts my hair, Hala, is an immigrant from Iraq. She came over in the early 1990’s and to hear her immigration story and how she worked so hard to now be the owner of her own salon (which is very successful and wins local awards for “customer favorite”) is inspiring!

Last sandwich (??) I had was scrambled eggs on toast. Does that count?


Oh my gosh, Brooke getting her hair washed is so cute!! Love it :)


Curly looks so pretty and JUST like your sister in this picture! She’s growing up right here on your blog.


Love these pics, too cute haha. What’s that? Oh, your sister wants to trade hair with me? Ok! :) (But seriously, it’s ridiculously lush and beautiful!)


love the new dos :)
I use my dryer every single morning to ‘iron’ my clothes…works wonders.

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