1st stop on the road trip of 2013.

I am seriously about to divide one days activities into three posts. No complaining.

Saturday morning a miracle happened. I woke up really really early and ran. I haven’t done that since I was a teacher and was forced to wake up at 5:30 every morning if I wanted to run. It felt **good and I am really close to challenging myself to do this more often. Who knows… maybe 2013 will mean I get out of bed before 9 a.m. more often.

**after I was done… my fingers almost completely fell off because they were frozen.

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Our first stop on our epic (I know that 99.9% of humans hate that word and think it is overused but it actually is the perfect way to describe yesterday) road trip up the coast.

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Brooke was really studying every little part of the beach.

She especially loved it when I took her to go chase the seagulls.

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After exploring the beaches and walking around the shops and downtown we yelped the best pizza place in Santa Barbara.

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Just throwing this picture in because the fire looked really cool.

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They brought Brooke a high chair and I gave them a really weird look like there is no way that my little infant can sit in such a thing. I guess she is growing up. I caught her trying to blow bubbles… she is actually really quite good at it.

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We went to a pizza place and ordered panini’s. We also both ordered the exact same Philly Cheesesteak panini’s. I don’t know what our problem is.

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It was INCREDIBLE. I could eat that for lunch everyday of my life.


What time is the EARLIEST that you have ever gotten up to go running? To go to a race?

Favorite beach?

Steak: Yay or Nay?

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Love the picture of you and Brooke on the beach! You are both too beautiful!!
Can’t wait to hear about the rest of your trip! =)
PS. Is that a PPB bag?! I have one – it’s my favorite =)


Earliest I’ve gotten up to run: 330am. Last Oct (2011) I did a 30 miler for my 30th bday. Had to get up and get the miles in before my husband had to go to work! LOL
Fav Beach (in US): LBI – grew up spending a couple of weeks there each year. Love it
LOVE steak =)


I refuse to get up before 5 but usually I sleep in and run later in the day. Sleep is so important to me.

Amelia Island Beach in Florida is my favorite. I used to live and work there. It’s the perfect quiet small town beach….highly recommended!

That pic of you and Brooke on the beach is gorgeous!


I have gotten up at 4 to run or make races I think that’s the earliest though. My favorite beaches so far have been Antigua on our honeymoon and the Cayman Islands. Brooke is precious in that close up pic!!!


Chasing seagulls is the best :) the day def looks epic. I’m not a huge steak fan so I probably would’ve gotten the pizza though.


My favorite beach is Myrtle Beach in South Carolina. I have never been to the west coast though, so I’m probably missing out on some great ones.

I absolutely love steak, I just don’t get to eat it nearly as often as I like.


Those beach pictures are beautiful!

We go to Avalon & Ocean City in NJ every summer, but my favorite beach there will always be Ventnor! :)


I work at 6 am and used to wake up at 3am to work out! Now, I can barely drag myself out of bed at 5 and work out after work.
I grew up in So Cal and so my “home” beach is Huntington, but for a summer I lived in Florida and every weekend we’d go to Siesta Key Beach that has soft white sand. I miss it!
p.s. I love your shoes!


That looks yummy! I am loving all your beach pictures cause where I live we are covered in snow. I am a teacher and I get up at 4:45 every morning to run, it’s sooooo early but I am used to it and some days I hit snooze and don’t but I always feel better on the days that I do. Enjoy the rest of your trip!


我喜欢所有的pictures!!! The beach is gorgeous. I love steak- had it last night, actually :)


favorite beach is Gulf Shores, AL mostly for sentimental purposes, it is the beach I grew up going to.
Running early, there is something about it that always makes you feel a little extra bad a$$.
Have road trip day 2.


When I was in graduate school and student teaching, I would get up a 4:00 two days a week to go running. That is until I became exhausted from school and student teaching (I was 47 at the time) and had to cut myself some slack. Now the earliest is about 5:00.


My goodness…that picture of Brooke holding your finger is absolutely precious! Looks like quite the day!


You all look like you are so happy and having a GREAT time! Brooke’s getting so big!! I can never seem to run first thing… I need my breakfast! On an off note, where did you get your shoes? Love them!


I usually like waking up early to run…that’s when I feel at my best. My favorite beach that I’ve been to is Sam Walton or any of the Destin beaches in Florida. The picture of Brooke blowing bubbles is so adorable.


I love love love your boots!! Where did you get them?


Thanks Erin! They are Steve maddens and I got them at Nordstrom rack!


I can’t say I have a favorite beach – but I certainly have favorite moments at beaches and lakes. Hawaii – Honeymoon ; the lake I grew up on in the summers and now the lake my kids enjoy all summer.

Steak – a huge yes with grilled onions. :)

I think earliest runs have been at 5am – last summer, so I could beat the heat and get outside instead of the treadmill.


Aww, she looks so big sitting in that high chair! The pizza looks yummy too. Glad you were able to get up for a run!


Love the beach pictures! I’m not a big beach person:-/
The earliest I will regularly get up to run is 4:15am, if it’s going to happen, that’s when I usually have to get up. I got spoiled when my kids were out of school over christmas and my husband was home more. My 4:15 am morning are going to make a comeback this week:(
The earliest I’ve gotten up for a race was probably 5:15.
I like steak, only if we eat out. I don’t love to make it. Although, I made a great filet once – but for the price, I would rather have someone else cook it for me!
Looking forward to reading more about your “epic” trip;-)


What a great day! We drove the coast from L.A. to San Diego in 1996. It was beautiful!


Brooke knows what’s up, chasing seagulls is the best! And the earliest I’ve ever gotten up was 4:30 so I’d have time to eat something before leaving for my long run at 5:20am. I had to run 3.5 miles to meet my group at 6am to do the rest of the run. That was an early morning…


Beautiful photos! I love the beach… I’m not sure I can pick a favorite! Where did you get your diaper bag or what brand is it? It’s super cute – love it!


Earliest is 2:45!! Blasted Arizona summers and long runs for marathon training don’t mix we’ll. And it was still 90 degrees at the start of my run. Ouch!

I crave the beach!! It’s a requirement to go multiple times a year. Looking forward to a northern cal/San Fran trip in a few weeks! But my all time favorite is Cannon Beach in Oregon. Heavenly!


I get up by 4 am daily but more often than not it’s 3:45 am if I have a 4:30 running departure. I NEED java before running. It is hard, especially in the winter, but so worth the great start to the day that it provides. Best part is that I usually have at least one, if not two, running pals that join me.
Steak, nay. I can honestly say I could go the rest of my life without ever having another steak and be just fine with it.
Siesta Key…..best beach ever!!!


Looks like you guys had a fun time.

I’d pick just about any other food over steak. I don’t hate it, but it’s just not one of my favorites. Eating it once ever couple of years would be fine by me.


I lived in Santa Barbara for 2 years and muss it like crazy!!! Such a beautiful place. Looks like you took full advantage:)0


Your boots are really cute! Have a fun time!


omgsh, that last picture!
have so much fun, looks great!

I remember getting up at 6am to run 6 miles..that’s the earliest that I’ll ever go running!


Those pictures of you and Brooke are amazing. I don’t get up before 6 to run but maybe once I live a grown-up life – aka no longer a student – I’ll have to. And I actually had steak for dinner last night!


I regularly get up at 4 to run. I have been spoiled over Christmas and have been running when my hubby is home to be with our girls. I am really enjoying my time off work, hanging out with the girls and sleeping in until 7(!). Sad that my pre-dawn runs are returning this week.


Beautiful pictures! I love road trips!


So your NEXT baby can have a name that starts with J so you don’t feel left out! ;)


For just a recreational or training run, 5am. For a race, the Disney princess half. I was up at 3am I think. Had to be on the bus at 3:30.

Favorite beach is Emerald Isle NC.

YAY to steak! I volunteered at an ultra race over New Years and have to say I was making fun of the Vegan’s.

The Kidless Kronicles


We have the same boots!
And Brooke is *the* cutest baby.


Okay, those pictures are so stinking amazing. I really should invest in a better camera. The earliest I woke up was for my first race at 3:30am! Way too early, I’ve learned my lesson to only run races pretty close to my house haha


love your outfit! all your pictures are beautiful – looks like an epic time :) (i’m a big fan of the word, whatever)


Steak is definitely a yay! Have fun!!


I use to get up at 4:30 to run because I had to be at work super early. I would never run after work, so that worked for me. I don’t miss those days!

LOVE Santa Barbara! One of my favorite places in the world. We ate Olio Pizza the night before the Santa Barbara Marathon in November. Pizza never lets me down before an epic (had to use that word!) run!


I love that you guys stopped in Santa Barb! That’s my hometown and where my parents live :) 5am is the earliest to go for a run and 4am for a race. My favorite beach is Butterfly Beach in Santa Barbara! It’s the beach right beyond the big cliff in your 3rd beach pic! :)


What time is the EARLIEST that you have ever gotten up to go running? I think the earliest I’ve woken up to run is around 430? I used to workout before work, not so much anymore!

Favorite beach? Thats a good one…. Clearwater Beach in FL was pretty awesome, they had an amazing grouper sandwich which I think is why I’m biased.

Steak: Yay or Nay? YAY! And omgsh cheese steak panini sounds AMAZING! I’ve been craving cheese steak for a while, I might have to make some this week!

p.s I love your pictures on the beach it looks so pretty!


Earliest I’ve gotten up to race was 2:00 a.m. We were doing the Inaugural Disney Goofy Challenge in 2006 in Florida and needed to be in the corrals by 4:00 and it was freezing that year. Will never do it again…lol!
LOVE the pics! Brooke gets cuter and cuter.


The beach pictures are pretty! I think the earliest I’ve gotten up for a fitness related activity is 5. Steak is a definite yes, and I don’t have a favorite beach because I’m not a beach person.


I have gotten up at 4:30 to be running by 5:00 but it was painful. I finally got a treadmill so that’s making it easier!

I hardly sleep the night before a race because I’m so excited/nervous. So I could wake up at 2:00 and think it’s 6:00 a.m. I wake up constantly to see if I’m late haha.
Your right I do hate the word epic haha but you used it well:) and your boots/petunia bag are darling and Brooke looks as cute as ever!


That picture of Brooke at the restaurant is too cute!!

I go back and forth with steak. Sometimes I love it and then other times I find it too heavy. Depends on my mood.


Your boots are adorable!


3点。所有的迪斯尼比赛开始一个不敬虔的hour and they want you in your corrals in the 5 o’clock hour since they start closing the roads. So my alarm usually goes off at 3 so I can get out the door by 3:30-3 :45. It’s a little insane but totally worth it because Disney races are just fun! :)


Looks AMAZING!!! I’m glad you had a great adventure :) I woke up at 4 a.m. for the NYC Marathon because it took a good 45 minutes to get to Midtown to catch the shuttle bus. Ay! :) Usually I get up at 6 a.m. to run.


The earliest I’ve ever gotten up is 4:30 to get a 22 miler in before going to work. Surprisingly, this was an easier wake up call than our 8 am sunday long runs in college, alcohol is not a very good way to carboload before a run.

Also, I LOVE your boots and need to know where you got them!

Great pictures!


That is crazy early!!!! They are Steve Madden boots and I got them at Nordstrom rack:)


isn’t santa barbara so pretty? love it there.
the pics on the beach are gorgeous!


啊,公路旅行so much fun! Jealous.

I hate, hate, HATE waking up early to run. I’d say the earliest I’ve gotten up to do it is 7:00 (for a race, maybe more like 6:00 or 6:30) and that was so I could run to work (when I lived in New York). I suppose I COULD wake up earlier if I really, truly could not make time for it at any other point in the day, but I’m pretty good about finding a reasonable hour to run. I love sleeping!


4:45 is the earliest I’ve gotten up to run–I did that a lot this past Fall as I was training for my 2nd half marathon and starting my first ever teaching job…I don’t know how I did that every day!
I love your bright shirt–you look gorgeous!


As of right now the earliest I’ve gotten up to run was 5. That’s about to change next weekend because I’m running the Disney Marathon and am going to have to get up at 3!!

My favorite beach is Plum Island in Newburyport, Massachusetts. Second favorite is Siesta Key in FL.

Steak is a nay. I don’t eat meat anymore, but when I did, I never really liked steak enough for it to be worth it.


Ooh, looks delicious! Have a safe trip!


Earliest I’ve gotten up to run was probably 5:30. I got a full-time job recently, so I’ll probably have to make that or even earlier a routine. SICK


West coast beaches captivate me. I grew up in FL so I love how different the beaches are in California.

The earliest I have ever gotten up to run is 2am. And yes, it most definitely was for a race (Disney- they start theirs at 5:30 am and you have to be there by 4:30). I’m not a morning person so you’ll never see me up early just for a training/regular run :)

It’s really hard to choose a favorite beach. I think I’m gonna have to go with the beaches where I was raised and still live. On the gulf coast of FL off Anna Maria Island and Longboat Key, Lido, ect. We have powdery soft white sand and they hold so many memories for me. Although I did love the color of the water in the caribbean….

Steak YES! Love steak. Although I can only eat it tender so I pretty much limit it to filet or philly style sandwich.


I hate mornings..I would much rather run in the evenings but its too hot in FL during the summer. The 10 miler and half I did at night were so much fun though. My half at Disney next weekend starts at 5:30 so I think I’m gonna have to get up at 3. Gulp! Considering I can’t fall asleep before midnight, that’s going to be rough!


I think they earliest I’ve gotten up to run is like 5am for a race. 6am is usually my earliest for a regular run.

Looks like you guys are having a great time!


Okay, I have been eyeing your adorable boots for like the past two weeks posts. WHERE are they from? I need them now.


You are so sweet! They are Steve Madden boots and I got them at Nordstrom rack!

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