6 things I really need to tell you about from yesterday:

Still working on the recap… it will be up tomorrow morning but I have 6 things I really need to tell you about from yesterday.

1.MY BANGS FRIEND (my best friend from Northern California that took care of me and still takes care of me) SURPRISED ME AND WAS AT THE FINISH LINE YESTERDAY. Yes, those are tears. This girl means so much to me and I didn’t let her go for 10 minutes once I saw her.

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It has been way too long since our last reunion. It felt so right to be together again.

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2. My favorite post race treat. Diet coke and apple fritter (2 things that I cut WAYYYYY back on lately so it made it that much more delicious).

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Followed by 6 lbs of salad (1 lb of it being salt that I put on because I wanted salt so bad yesterday).

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3. I got to babysitCandice’skids last night and we had a real good time eating pizza and fruit, playing games, 100 piece puzzles and movies with treats.

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4. I kind of loved running tothis songyesterday. It’s a good one. I will post my full playlist soon!

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5. Hung out in the grass for a few hours post-race listening to some great tunes and going over every detail of the race with my training partners.

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6.The race offered a free 1k race for all of the kids yesterday (with shirts and awesome medals)! Not much cuter than mini running shoes!

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Tell me a thing (or 6 things) that you need to tell me about your weekend PLEASE!

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Congrats Janae! You did it!


Bangsfriend!!!!! How cool was that? She is so sweet I hope you all are friends for a long long time :) I hope you relish all that you accomplished yestday !! you did a great job and have many awesome memories that go along with it (ie: sissy and bangs) Did Brooke try to run the 1k or your nieces and nephew? Enjoy today :)


Congratulations Janae. You did it!
You have an amazing family and friends


Awesome job on the marathon! SO fun that Bangs showed up:)
My sister surprised me yesterday from Calgary! They had it set up so I was waiting for a UPS package between 10 + 11 in the morning, but it was really her!


Love this so cute! Best friend surprises are the…BEST. My BFFL’s husband and I planned a secret trip for her to visit me in London, we coordinated dates and he wrapped up the plane ticket to give her for Christmas. It was amazing.


What an awesome surprise! Such a good friend :). And great job on your race!


Amazing job with the marathon! Having a lot to look forward to afterward hopefully helped. Can’t wait for the full recap! After all the build up to it I’m feeling relieved for you that YOU DID IT!


Awesome job on the marathon! You rock! Six things. 1)Got a sports massage and have bruises to prove it. 2) Ran too many errands I wishh I could get everything at Target. 3) Weight trained, spinned & swam yesterday. 4) went to the Y for instructor discovery hour. 5) bought a cute dress at express. 6) booked a flight to WI to see my mom who had heart surgery in April.


You kicked butt, Janae! And so awesome that you good friend was there at the finish for you!

Our weekend? Well we’re visiting family in PA and also attending a wedding. It’s been interesting doing all that with a 6 mos old. She has been a total trooper but I think she’s getting tired of all the excitement. I’ll be happy to get home tomorrow night!


i can’t wait to hear more about it! And that’s such an amazing surprise to have Bangs Friend at the end, I can only imagine how you must have felt when you realized that!

From my weekend: I saw The Faults In Our Stars yesterday and it was amazing. I cried SO MUCH because it’s such a sad movie, but it is fabulous.


I can’t believe she did that!!! How amazing is she?!?!!!

Congrats again!!!!! I can’t wait to read the whole recap!:):)


You have great friends and family, I can imagine how great it was seeing your friend there.

P.S I really hope you ate something more than just a salad after running the marathon.


Donuts, pizza and candy are also mentioned in this post:) Also, I don’t post everything I eat. Thanks so much Meggy and I hope you have an amazing day!


I am amazed by anyone who runs such a long distance, I am a runner, but those distances are just to big for me. That’s why I’m always wondering how much marathon runners should eat after their runs :)
Hope you’re having an amazing relaxing weekend!
Looking forward to your recap!


Way to gooooooooooo!
I conquered my first tri. Didn’t drown, didn’t fall, didn’t walk, and won my age group and was 4th female overall. I’m still most proud do the fact that I did not drown- and I wasn’t last in the swim!
Again, congrats on your marathon! You’re a rockstar!


Huge congrats on your first tri! YOU ARE AMAZING and you won your age group…wow!


You have amazing friends and family…I love it! So many congrats again <3


Well one, you captured my attention for sure this weekend and I was rooting for you. I stopped my own run at 3 hours after your start to check your status. Kept checking every 5 mins after that. You’re kinda my hero now :). 2 it’s father’s day! 3 end of a solid training week . 4 tomorrow is a rest day lol and 5 I’m going kill some sushi tonight because it’s oh, father’s day. Stay blessed J! Continued support from dis Hawaiian!


CaCan’t wait to hear tge full recap. So glad your friend surprised you…so nice of her! You’re killing me with that fritter! It will be so fun to see Brooke do her first race. Xo, Jess


I’m crying so hard after this post and your last one! I miss my sister so much and it makes me so happy when people cherish their families and loved ones. I would have tried to run six miles in flip flops for her but I’m really not sure I could done it ! Amazing. Today’s post makes me want to be an awesome friend like bangs friend. And also makes me want a donut! Congratulations janae. I hope you have a fast recovery!


That’s great that you have such an awesome support system!

I also listened to that song during my race yesterday…it pumps me up!

Today I plan to pack a little, study a little, then attend my cousin’s son’s third birthday party :)


祝贺你,Janae ! !我妹妹和我都意图d your blog, and we were rooting for you all the way! Like everyone else, I got teary-eyed reading about your sister running with you–sisters are the greatest! I’m looking forward to hearing more about the marathon–I’m running my first this Fall–especially since I’ve heard it’s emotionally as well as mentally challenging for many runners. I’ve been cheering at our Minneapolis one for many years and it always overwhelms me to see such amazing and dedicated runners! You’re inspiring!


Congrats again on completing!! You are an inspiration! Best thing from our weekend was definitely How to Train Your Dragon 2 with the little guy! He loves those movies!


I am so glad your Bangs friend was there for you. Look at how loved you are! That should make you feel awesome. I cant wait for the recap.

Something I need to tell you…I got a GARMIN! No more holding my phone for mile after mile and being tempted to break it when the free running app doesnt work. Yay!


Aww Bangs Friend!!! What an awesome surprise! One thing I need to tell you is about the Sesame Ginger Salmon I had for dinner last night, delicious!!


Congrats! 1. I’m super proud of you! 2. Glad you didn’t have injury problems during your run 3. Awesome reunion news with your friend. 4. You are so inspiring and positive. 5. Reading this post took me back to those great post- marathon feelings. 6. You make me want to run my second marathon – if only my hip will cooperate :)


It’s been so long since bangs friend!!!! I am dying to read your recap!

I’ve had a great weekend which included my husband taking a whole night to feed the baby while I slept in the guest room trying to make up for 6 months of lost sleep!


My 6 things:
1.I am injured (mildly…periformis muscle?) and still plan on doing Chicago marathon in October!
2. I did 90 minutes on the elliptical today and felt great. No pain, just when running.
3. My son (23 years old!) is coaching me… even though it’s my 20th marathon! He is 2:44 marathoner and is super smart. :)
4. Donuts…. craving one right now!
5. Dad coming for BBQ at 3:00.
6.我为你感到骄傲跑!完成马拉松再保险gardless of time is always a SERIOUS accomplishment! Well done, HRG!


also here with a piriformis muscle injury! feel better soon! 90 mins on the elliptical this am too, just not the same as running! especially when the weather is beautiful…


Congrats again on the finish and the BQ! Can’t wait to hear the recap. One thing about my weekend….after reading about your sister and how she ran with you, I decided I need to go visit my sister who lives 2 states away, asap. Planned it out yesterday, so thanks for the inspiration. :)


Sounds like a great day! YOU DID IT! Woo!


Congrats, Janae!! I started tearing up thinking about you and Bangs friend (not out of jealous, I swear ha!). Have a great day!


Awwr lady — I’m super happy for ya, and I love that Bangsfriend was there at the finish line.

A few things: coffee tastes better with friends; house shopping is a pain in the butt; I just can’t get into the World Cup; and I need chocolate in the worst possible way.


我的周末开始低但收盘高。1)下滑道n on Thursday and banged my leg up pretty bad 2) massive bruise on Friday and it hurt to walk, so realised i needed to take a break 3) moped around Saturday frumpy cause I couldn’t do the long run I had planned 4) read your marathon post, and was so inspired that you went out and finished it, that I got up on Sunday and 5) hit the weights and elliptical before I 6) head into town to meet up with some old friends. Happy weekend!


Yay to bangs friend!


That’s awesome, Janae!! Congrats!! It sounds like yesterday was a GREAT day :) Hmm I really only have a couple things from this weekend… 1) my friend from high school whom I haven’t seen in 2 years surprised me at work!! 2) I’m 2 for 2 on good runs this weekend, which hasn’t happened since my knee tendonitis!! 3) Reading any of your posts (especially this weekend) is so motivating for me personally to stay strong and fight through; you’re such an inspiration!!

Can’t wait to read the full recap :)


I would be pretty choked up too if a good friend from out of town surprised me at the finish line.

I had a pretty good weekend too, I got to watch hockey, soccer, and go to Word Camp and meet a ton of other bloggers.


Surprise appearances by best friends are the best!!
Between your flip flop running sister and bangs friend you are a lucky girl.

Congrats again on a great marathon and way to take care of yourself so that you could run healthy.

Six things: 1) I ran yesterday for the first time in 5 weeks. Finished my slowest 10k ever but was so humbled to be able to run in the back of the pack with some women who were giving it all they had! (It was an all women’s 10k) 2) so totally sore this morning. Lol. 3) went to Central Park twice yesterday. 3) that meant almost 8 hours of traveling (just under 2 hours each way) 4) made the most perfect cup of coffee this morning. 5) with 3,000 pics on my phone I’m finally going to do the arduous task of backing them up to my computer :) 6) my blog turned 1 on June 13th!! :)


I don’t know what I’m more jealous of: your awesome sister, your awesome bangs friend, or your BQ :) What a great day yesterday was!!!!


Nice job on the race!!

I made baked oatmeal for my son who is 2. As he was devouring it he kept saying. “I ike it… i ike it”


So happy for you.


I read two books yesterday :)
I was reunited with my BFF last night. I haven’t seen this girl in 7 months!
I had McD’s twice in the last 2 days (road trip, ick)
We are leaving for a cruise today!!
I haven’t been able to sleep well because I am so excited!!

Congrats again on your race!


Yay for BANGS friend surprising you…of course, I cried…again! I surprised my good friend at one of her marathons. It is such a fun memory! I think we both cried too :) Congrats on the marathon…you are awesome!


I was thinking of you! Congrats!


That’s so sweet that bangs friend came to see you finish!! You are surrounded by such loving and caring people Janae :) very happy for you!

Went for 7 miles yesterday (first time running in a week in middle of marathon training no less) and went to a rather disappointing Giants game. Sending time with my family for Father’s Day today.

Hope you have a good time with your dad and family today!


Congrats again and that’s so amazing that Bangs Friend was there! I *might* have teared up reading this. My things:
1.I finished reading the 4th Game of Thrones book
2. I, for some strange reason, have gotten into the World Cup
3. There are 10 days of school left
4. On Canada Day (July 1st) my son is running his first 1k!
5. I enjoy doing laundry
6.My favourite thing to do each day online is to read your blog posts (I might sneak onto my Ipad at work just to check)!

Can’t wait for the recap of the race! How are your legs feeling?


congrats! i’m so happy for you! it sounds like you couldn’t have had a more perfect marathon day :) can’t wait to read your full recap!!


Love love love #1! It’s great that the moment was captured in the photo :)
And my thing for the weekend… playing kickball! It was so much fun and I love that anyone can play.


Janae I don’t even know you and I’ve been on the lookout for your marathon update/recap since yesterday afternoon! I can’t wait to hear all of the details. Congratulations on qualifying for Boston and hopefully this is your first step to getting back to your greatest potential as a runner. Excited for you!


Congrats Janae! You are so lucky to have such an awesome sister (5 miles in flip-flops and jeans!) and such great friends! What a great surprise to see at the end of your race.

My boyfriend ran Utah Valley yesterday – got an 18 minute PR and qualified for Boston. I was (am) SO proud of him. He worked so hard for it for the last 18 weeks. I say your sister in the finish area too! She’s an internet celebrity!


That is so awesome that Bangs surprised you! What an incredible day for you :) I can’t wait to hear more about the race!


You have such incredible friends! How sweet of her to surprise you! :)


我还在爱着你的照片从昨天and the love between you and your sister! You are amazing and I loved meeting you and Brooke at Blend 2014.


Got to run with original posse, sometimes our group gets so big it can be hard to really talk.
We got breakfast afterwards and we weren’t rushed…
Read your race post and got goose bumps and tears!
Played monopoly with my boys..Caleb my 13 year old soon and Charles the wonderful man who came onto our lives 8 years ago after a surprise divorce. Caleb calls him dad and loves him so much.
After Caleb went to bed stayed up to late watching House of Cards!
Woke up and finished The Fault in Our Stars.
You are amazing! I hope to join you in Boston. My race isn’t until December so probably not. You are on your way..good things are coming I can feel it! Xo


Congrats on ur marathon! You did great!

1.I love how when I walk my dog little kids come up and say “look at the puppy mama”… I love it because my dog isn’t a puppy he is full grown but little kids think if it is little then it must be a puppy. I think it is sweet and so innocent.
2. I got to run for the first time in 4 months due to a terrible stress fracture!
3. I had the best gluten free cupcake yesterday.
4. I’m packing to movie into my new apartment.
5. I think I bought way to much fruit at the grocery store this morning!
6.I got to sleep in today!


Everyone keeps saying how lucky you are to have awesome family and friends but I think it goes both ways. You must be a wonderful sister and friend and daughter, etc to have so much support. Congrats on your race! Thanks for the inspiration! I am 18 weeks pregnant with #3 and I wish I could say I ran through my pregnancies but with the way I carry and 2 previous c sections it’s just not happening. After this baby is born it’s on again!


Congrats again! And yes, when you haven’t had something you love to eat recently and then eat it, it is that much sweeter…Totally hear you on the salt – the last half I ran I was craving salt like crazy which is so not my usual craving….I ran down by the beach this morning which was awesome. Had to stop myself from doing too much since I had my long run yesterday…


1.Your last two posts have made me tear up
2. While you were running 26.2 miles I was kayaking 6 with awesome friends and weather
3. Today I have been playing Super Mario Bros with my son for about 5 hrs (at this time)
4. I don’t want to go to work tomorrow
5. This evening I’m going on a hike
6.I REALLY don’t want to go to work tomorrow.


I know we don’t know each other, but I ran a 1/2 marathon yesterday. The first one since I was injured 4 1/2 years ago and when I finished, I thought of you and I was hoping that you finished your race too! Congratulations! Also, what an amazing friend you have!


You are amazing. I’m so glad you got to see bangs friend!! I had tears in my eyes reading this.


That’s awesome that bangs friend came!!!

This weekend my grandparents came to visit from Michigan to meet their great grandson!


WOW! Bangs Friend is the best! :D Sounds like a great post-race day to me!


OH the first picture made my day!

My six things:
Your photos and race <3
Sophia Grace is visiting for Father's Day — Harry is a happy Dad!
BBQ fest is right outside my front door
Spongebob (at this very moment) with Sophs
World Cup
I talked to my Daddio four about 2.5 miles of my long run this morning. Bless.


How amazing to have your friend there!!! I cry during races when I see an inspirational sign held I can only imagine how you felt. And you babysat?? Although those girls look like sweet angels and a movie and pizza sounds fun.
Went to movies with my fam saw How to Train A Dragon.
Have a blessed day with your fam and a happy Father’s Day to yours!!


1 5k race yesterday.
2 It rained a lot yesterday but not during the race.
3 Found out what my Garmin watch does online after owning it over a month. So cool!
4 I ate cookie dough.
5- 5 mile trail run with the local running group- my first real trail run and 5 miles was really hard. It took as long as my 8 mile long run took last week.
6 Heading out now to do moto dirt bike riding with DH.


I just love that picture of you and Bangs Friend! What a cool surprise! Hope today is a great one!! PS – that salad looks amaze! Your salad making skills never cease to amaze me! Seeing it in person a few months ago really opened my eyes to new possibilities! Layering the bottom of the plate with cucumbers…my new favorite thing to do with my salads. Genius!


That song is on my playlist too! Have you tried rockmyrun. It’s a pretty cool app, I love it for running


Awww you’re so awesome. I’d love to root for you and hug ya at the finish line! Amazing work!


BANGS FRIEND!! Wahoooo! I’m so excited to read the recap!! And I see that you picked outfit #2… good choice :) :)


Congrats on the BQ, and congrats on having such amazing friends and family members. :)


I love that Bangsfriend was there for you! So nice!


That first pictures makes me SO happy for you!!


The bangsfriend picture pretty much made my day.

My weekend was wonderful!
1.I ran on the beach on the ocean in Florida!
2. I ate awesome seafood with my college girlfriends.
3. I came home to IL with big hugs for my fiance and dog.
4. I slept in my own bed for the first time after vacation, which always feels so awesome.
5. I spent the day with my family.
6.我打扮得去out to dinner with more family.

I hope you’re enjoying Sunday!




Can’t wait to read your recap! Congrats again on your BQ, and please congratulate your sister on her flip-flop run!

I had a great run/brunch at our annual Miles’ Pancake Run yesterday. What could be better than two groups of running friends coming together to run, and then eat? :-)

Little tiny running shoes are the cutest!


I’m so, so proud of you! YOU ARE A ROCKSTAR!!!!!

Here are six things from my weekend:
1.I went to church for the first time in 6 weeks because I’m always busy on Sundays or out of town. I forgot how much I loved it!
2. I got to go with my brother and sister in law to take their golden retriever, Molly, to the dog beach yesterday. She was so cute.
3. Goat cheese in a omelet is always a good choice, just FYI
4. I ran 4 miles this morning, woohooo!
5. Pretty Little Liars is addicting…
6.I’m wearing whitening things on my teeth right now. I don’t like it because it makes it hard to drink water.


I would absolutely freak out and cry if my best friend surprised me at the finish line! How exciting!

I ran 16 miles over this weekend, and am putting off packing for my trip to London later this week. Procrastination, party of one.


So happy that Bangs surprised you! We’ve had great weather in the Bay Area lately, so we were sending you sunshine, happiness and good juju yesterday :) I can’t wait to read the whole recap / how in the heck did your sis run that far, that fast in jeans and flip flops?! My hero!


Congrats on the great race Janae! You’re such an inspiration, and I totally feel ya on that post-race diet coke!
– I did a 5k race this morning. I kind of crashed and burned but it’s alright.
– My mom did it too! It was her first one and I’m so proud of her!
– I doubled my $20 at the casino today….then lost it all.


Love that your sister helped you get to the finish. Can’t wait to read the recap! Congrats again!!


Forgot my six things!!
1.昨天上午6.28英里跑好简单。Taking easy before NYC marathon starts /23!
2. Weather here is perfect (connecticut)
3. Found a marathon plan through runners world smart coach and I feel in love with it.
4. Have a huge knot in my calf. My stick is my new best friend.
5. Two out of the three kids are sick this weekend.
6.Really want to try pool running this summer.


Best race story ever — we are all so proud of you!!

By the way, don’t resist the salt!!! You probably know this already, but your body was probably super-low on electrolytes after the race and desperate to get some stat. Salt is good for you! :)

Like everyone else, super-excited to hear your race recap soon. :)


P.S. That is one amazing hug. You know it is true love if a friend hugs you THAT hard after you’ve just run for 3.5 hrs. I get so sweaty-gross at races that I cringe to let the race volunteers get close enough to cut the re-usable timing chip off of my shoe. :)


AH!! I am SO excited for you :) What a fabulous weekend! 6 things for you…
1.I totally played that magnetic fishing game – it is the best!
2. I don’t usually run with music, but I kind of want to – suggestions anyone?!
3. I ran a half on Saturday, just by myself, nothing special. I’ve been in a rut since my marathon in April, so it felt really good that I could still run 13.1 fairly comfortably (but slowly)
4. Also I totally thought of your race while running…cheering you on from the East Coast!
5. I decided on a fall marathon and am trying to find a plan that incorporates speedwork.
6.Salt after long runs…I crave it too!


1.How do you still look cute after running 26.2 miles???
2. Pretzels after long run
3. Workout with my sis!
4. I babysit too much
5. I should stop watching so many episodes of Parenthood
6.I’ve eaten roasted brussel sprouts every day this weekend :)


YOU GO! Awesome job!


Love this! So happy bangs was there for you! Can’t wait to read the recap:)


Congrats! Glad bangs came to see you!


Yay for bangs friend! I’m visiting my best friend 12 hours away this week and I’m so excited!!! It’s going to be a blast! And a random thing: I currently have about 6 lbs of hummus in my fridge haha. I have already eaten probably a pound between last night and today… A high risk experiment haha.


Loved reading about your sister. Loved that Bamgs surprised you. Right now I am just worried as I think I have plantar fasciitis and. I have two Halfs in the agenda. I’ve been trying to ignore it, but it’s becoming clear, that I can ignore no more. I am extremely sad.

Congrats. And can’t wait for your recap.


Oh my goodness, I totally teared up reading about your reunion with Bangs Friend!
I was reunited yesterday with my BFF after 7 months of not seeing her!
We finally finished unpacking everything in our new house. Now to begin DIY Projects.
I spent about 4 hrs by the pool with my three kids, which was heavenly!
For Father’s Day, we took my husband to all of his favorite places throughout the day.
I watched my kids play in the backyard and swing on our tree swing for a few hours.


Great job on your race! I look forward to the race recap!

Quick weekend recap: My husband, our son, and I ran our first family 10k, I won the female side so we went out for coffee after just for fun :), church this morning with a Father’s Day celebration after (which included puddle jumping with our little guy)!


你和你的朋友的照片带来泪水to my eyes! UVM was my first marathon, and I was so emotional when I saw my peeps at the end. It was nice to meet you after! (I’m Holly’s sis-in-law). You are such an inspiration! Can’t wait to read your recap!


Long time reader. First comment. Just wanted to say you are so inspiring!! When life hands you lemons… Make lemonade!


That’s so sweet of your friend to meet you at the finish line! I still think it’s incredibly amazing that your sister ran with you and helped you finish the race. You have some amazing people in your life! Can’t wait for your recap!


You did it!!! Oh man, that’s a true love hug between you & Bangs friend. So awesome that she showed up to surprise you! My weekend was crazy. Yesterday I went to a funeral and a baby shower…talk about the circle of life!


Congratulations on your marathon! even if it didn’t go the way you wanted to, you still ran a marathon. We shouldn’t be too hard on ourselves…

I ran the ‘Marathon de la Liberté’ in Normandy yesterday – it starts along the D-day beaches and goes through several key spots of that time, so full of memories. I tried to run fast and couldn’t (and realized it made sense since it was my 4th marathon in 10 weeks, duh…) but then I thought just running a marathon is a great achievement and I ran it whole and didn’t give up. I kept reminding myself that those men didn’t give up when they fought for our freedom. It was quite emotional!


hooray! so exciting that you did it! of course everyone knew you could :)


I literally cried when I seen the pic of you and Bangs Friend… what an amazing surprise! Yeah I’m still crying…lol.

I ran a 5mile race yesterday morning and was the first girl… that RARELY happens to me so that was pretty amazing.

And Ella is gaining independence… I went to push her on the swing yesterday and she said “stop it mommy, no.” My heart cried for a second and then I realized… it’s necessary… it just stinks…


Huge congrats to you! I was wishing you the best and I’m so glad you finished. My one thing I have to share is that I got a PR in my half marathon at the UV half. It is hands down my favorite half marathon to date. And now I can’t wait to see what I can do in the marathon at STG!


Congratulations on such a great time! You have such great friends to support you. Enjoy you accomplishment!!


OMG, this made me cry a little bit too! Bangs Friend!!!!! :)


That’s awesome that she came out to surprise you!!


I’m so happy to hear you got through it! I’m sitting here icing my quad, knowing it will all be okay :))


Congrats again, can’t wait for the full recap! One thing about my weekend- I spent it with my amazing family and it couldn’t have been better!

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