I have 1,000,000 thoughts about today and I don’t really even know where to start but I do have one really important thing to say.

Thanks Sissy.

I saw her at mile 20.5 and just hugged her and cried for at least a minute telling her how I couldn’t finish (not because of my injury but for a few things I will tell you about later).

She looked at me and then said, ‘Let’s do this.’

She ran from 20.5-26.2 side by side with me. In flip flops and jeans.

My new favorite memory ever with her.

IMG 3196


See you soon Boston 2015.

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So happy for you!! That is almost my exact BQ time and I will be there in 2015 as well! You are amazing!


Isn’t it great how sisters can pull you out from despair? I have a sister that does that exact thing. Congratulations to you for gutting it out and earning a trip to Boston! Also congrats to your sister for being the support you needed at that moment in time:)


Great Job, Janae!!!!!! And sisters are the best!!!!!




Totally agree!


That’s awesome!!! :)


God Bless sisters I tell ya! I don’t know what I’d do without mine! What an amazing experience and Janae be proud of all you have accomplished thus far! All of us are proud of you and I am so thankful for your uplifting blog! Lots of virtual hugs and positive encouragement coming your way!


Congratulations! Your sister is officially the sweetest girl in the world. I’m sorry you felt so bad, though. :( I hope you are still happy with your performance, as you should be, because 3:29 is a great time, even if it’s slower than you are capable of. My long-term goal is to run a time like that!


Sisters are the best, congratulations on your BQ you deserve it. Virtual hugs coming your way


Eeep! Boston….even better! You deserve it–so happy for you! Your sub-3 will be here soon!


God this makes me want to cry out of happiness and love for you. What a tremendous sister and love and family you have. It’s not wonder you have such love in your heart as well, even when it’s hard. You can do hard things! So proud of you J. You’ve become a friend through the years, and beaming with pride for you both. And for Brooke! :) <3


Awesome finish! Can’t wait for the recap. Your sister is amazing! I am trying to figure out running in flip flops for 5 miles! I don’t think I could do it…


You have an amazing sister. And I hope her achilles is okay after running in flip flops. Yikes. But SO proud of you. You have earned this with all of your hard work.


You made me cry crocodile tears and then I immediately sent the link to my sister! I don’t even REALLY know you, and yet I am so proud of you – and your sister!! GREAT JOB!!!!!!!!


Is it weird that I don’t know you but I’ve been thinking about your race today? :)

This picture gives me the warm & fuzzies.
Family members are truly God’s blessing.

Goooood job!!!! U r awesome!!!!!!!!!!!


So incredible! You both are rock stars but how the heck did your sister do that?? Shows the miracle of love. Truly touching.


You’re lucky to have such a sweet, supportive sister! You’re both amazing. Way to go!


You made me cry! What an amazing sister you have and congrats on your BQ!


Ha I cried reading this. Congrats! And yay for sisters!


我爱你和你的妹妹。恭喜! !太激动了and happy for you. I love you and your blog because, for me, this is really what running is about. Personal accomplishments, with family and friends and love as a main support. SO happy for you, and I love your sister even more for running in jeans and flip flops for a 10k to help you finish. This is family, this is love, and this is what running is about.


I got tears in my eyes reading this….I have two sisters and wish for the kind of relationship you have with your sister. I would be there for them like that, but it would never be reciprocated :( Great job on finishing…happy your leg held out. Can’t wait to hear the rest of the story.


Wow, congrats on that, girl! I’ve only run 1 marathon before, but I also thought I couldn’t finish after mile 20. Just so hard! That’s really awesome of your sister though!


SISTERS! I’m pretty sure they are the greatest gift on the planet. Great job to you, and great job sister for pulling you through. If only we could see ourselves as our sisters see us! Now go enjoy some froyo!


So very happy for you!!! Congrats for finishing in a very difficult year.


I keep re-reading the last few sentences and I’m sitting here a teary mess! Sisters….they are amazing. What in the world would we do without them? So happy for you!!!!


Congratulations, Janae!! You are so lucky to have a family like yours, but I am sure that you know it. I can’t wait to hear the recap of your race. The photo of you and your sister brought tears to my eyes.


恭喜! !


Wow!! Good job to you and sister!


Congratulations! You did it! What your sister did, was truly amazing. True demonstration of love.


Sobbing here! I’m so freaking proud of you for so many reasons. xoxo


Big congrats!!! What a moving picture and story. I can’t wait to hear more about it!


Freakin’ amazing!!!!! You are one strong woman and you have one awesome sister! Congrats!


yah definitely teared up. i’m sorry the race didn’t go how you wanted it to but it’s incredible how much love and support you have in your life. there is always another race and i have no doubt you will fulfill all the dreams and goals you have in your heart.


Great job, you can be proud of yourself


You are amazing! Such an inspiration!!!


this give me chills every time i think about it


Oh my god this is reaLly the best story EVER… I love it! Huge congratulations, I can’t wait to read all about it!!!


Congrats! Can’t wait to hear about it and so glad you have such a wonderful sister to be there for you.


What a beautiful bond! Congratulations to you! Wishing you peace and comfort for whatever is troubling your mind today. :(

You are inspirational!!! Truly!


恭喜! !I seriously think there is nothing better than the love of a sister. So happy you have yours!!!


Wow, what a blessing! You have such an awesome support system. Cheers to a job well done-by you and the sis :)


Your sister is awesome!! Congratulations on finishing and qualifying for Boston!


No matter what hardships you have in your life you have blessings to counteract them. What love from your sister. Congrats to you on BQ!


Such a blessing that your sister was there to support you! I’m so happy that you finished! Congratulations!


Sister of the Year award material right there! Congratulations on your race!


Sisters make the world go round- Janae I’m so proud of you!


Totally crying, congratulations!


you did it!! it’s true, you CAN do hard things. congrats! can’t wait to hear more about the race!


I hope you have iced, ate and had a nap. I am super excited for #boston!


Congrats on an awesome job done! Sissy is awesome too! This is the sweetest story it made me cry. I miss my sister.


Well done! You totally inspire me every morning when I get out of bed and it’s freezing(I’m in Australia ) I think Janae does it and I keep going!!! So thank you and well done!!!!


Makes me tear up. Congrats Janae, you’re a strong one!


I wish I had a sister, and I wish my daughter had one two…but she’s just got to deal with two older brothers :) Your’s seems like pretty much the bomb. Congrats on a BQ post injury!


You’re both amazing!! Congrats on the great race and finish…anxious to hear more!


Yaayyyy, you rock! Way to go, girl!


Congrats Janae! I have read your blog for so many years I feel such strong emotions for you today! You are such an amazing, strong woman and I just congratulate the heck out of you.


Your sister is the best. I know you really wanted a sub3, but that memory with your sister will be cherished so much for the rest of your life. You are an inspiration, and your family rocks!


You are amazing.



Epic story. Congratulations, Janae. You are just amazing (and I love your sister too)!


Congratulations Janae! I’m so thrilled for you and also so happy that you have your sister – they really are the best.


Congratulations! Sisters=Best Friends! You are both great inspirations to everyone around you!


Congratulations! And that is the sweetest thing ever! Sisters are the best. :)


this picture is beautiful in every single way possible!!! congrats!!!


Brought a tear to my eye, love the bound you girls have.


I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE you both!!!!!! That made me cry!


This made me cry! So proud of you. You are amazing!!!


I am so crying….my sister is running a marathon next weekend and I would like to say I could run 6 miles in flip flops if that got her to the end. Best. Story. Ever.


好吧,也许我泪流满面而阅读that – sisters are the absolute greatest. Congratulations :)


I ran Utah Valley today too! I was just telling my family about your story, and they totally saw you and your sister while they were waiting for me to come in! They were amazed at the flips flops! I also BQed!




I shed tears reading this. What an incredible person your sister is an what an amazing accomplishment for you with all that you’ve been through in training. We’ll done! Time to celebrate with a big froyo :)


Crying! So happy for you. And your sister sure is something special!


Well Done Janae and Sis! Enjoy the post-marathon recovery/rest! :)


i cried reading this and seeing that picture. what an amazing family you have, Janae. You are so blessed and the best part is you know that :)


Chicaaaaaaaaa — you ROCK! Woo Hoo!!!! Amazing job well done – and you brought tears to my eyes in sharing your story of your sista’s incredible love and support. That was so beautiful xx


I love this. I love my sister and this made me emotional, as I know she would do this for me too!!!! Congrats. You are awesome.


Way to persevere! You’re back in the marathon game now, and you will get that sub 3 soon enough. Take care, enjoy your accomplishment, and eat all the effing junk food you want, sister. You’ve earned it.

Also, your sis is a rock star. You are so lucky to have such a supportive family.


You’re amazing!! Nothing good comes easy and you’ve worked so hard. Can’t wait to hear the recap; I was thinking about you and saying a prayer this morning for you.


Dang, I think running 6 miles in flip flops and jeans is as impressive as running a marathon! What an awesome sis!! You are lucky to have each other. I’m sorry it wasn’t the race you hoped it would be but glad you were able to finish w/ a BQ. Congrats!!


Woohoo! Congrats :-)


Congratulations!! You are such a great runner! And your sister is such as great sister too! :) Enjoy a good rest now Janae, you deserve it :)


这让我哭!很甜的认定er. And so proud of you. Congrats my friend. You deserved that finish. xoxo


This was so sweet and beautiful it made me cry! I feel like this should be a movie! Great job!


Wahoo! CONGRATS doll! I’ll see you in Boston!


Congrats on your BQ!!! I can’t wait to hear more about the race!


You have such an amazing sister!! You are both my inspiration!!! :-)


Congratulations on the finish and the BQ time. That was an awesome thing your sister did but then you and your family seem awesome, or at least you talk of them in such endearing ways, we all think they’re awesome, and that speaks volumes. You are truly blessed.


Oh my goodness! I’m all teared up! Congrats, that is such an amazingly huge accomplishment on so many levels. Also, your sister is the best. Pedicure and new shoes for her, ASAP!


Those must be some great flip flops-she should get an endorsement deal.


Congrats on your Boston qualifier! I couldn’t imagine being in your sisters’ shoes (ha!) and running that many miles in flip flops!


恭喜! !This brought tears to my eyes and what a wonderful sister you have!


Amazing finish. You are truly blessed. XOXO


You did it! You did it!!!


Congratulations today. You are an all-round inspiration and role model to me xx


You are fantastic. Many greetings from Italy


Fantastic effort. I wasn’t sure you’d be able to get through it with your injury. And you qualified for Boston – awesome!


Long time reader, first time commenter. This post gave me chills!!! Congratulations!!! That photo is absolutely priceless. Can’t wait to hear the details!!!


Congratulations! It’s amazing how running is truly a metaphor for life.


Your sister is amazing, and you are a total rock star!! Congrats on the race and qualifying for Boston!!!!!!!


You are amazing for running a BQ after weeks of pool running.
Your family is amazing too, I don’t know that I’ve ever seen such a wonderfully supportive group of people.
我将在201年在波士顿期间欢呼5. You’ll be amazing.


Congratulations!! You are so blessed to have such a wonderful sister!


You and your family (including Brooke) are an incredibly inspiring. Not just in running but so much more. Thank you and congratulations!


The relationship that you and your sister have is beautiful. Congrats lady!!


Sweet! Great time!


omg CONGRATS. this is soooooo awesome!!!!!


Great job! You have an awesome sister!


The relationship you have with your sister is inspiring! Congratulations on your finish, and congratulations to your sister for running 6 miles in flip flops! Goodness gracious, I hope she doesn’t have blisters from that!


That is awesome!!!! That you finished with an amazing time of course but what your sister did!!!! Priceless!!!!! Sister of the year Award!!!


So sweet! Brings tears to my eyes!! Congratulations!


Wow! U did it Janae! I knew you could. I guess u know that pool running helped. Your sister is so sweet. What a great feeling to be loved like that. Please frame that pic of u and her running. That is a great reminder of love and support. I can’t believe she ran in flip flops!


So lovely. I told my own sister about this today. Your pic with your bangs friend in the next post moved me to tears. I hope you are feeling ok physically and emotionally today and even though we have not met, I am very, very proud of you.


Congratulations Janae!!! I am a long time reader, first time commentor :) I thought about you and prayed for your race yesterday and I don’t even know you!!! I cried when I read what your sister did, that is so amazing :) My sisters and I are so close as well and I love seeing others share that bond. You did awesome and should be so proud!!! You and your little Brooke are so adorable and inspire me :)


Yay!!!! Congrats on the BQ!!! And your sister freaking rocks doing those last miles with you. Of course you know that but what an amazing thing to do :) wishing you a speedy recovery and lots of love!


What a heartfelt, emotional post! Such an incredible story all the way around. Congrats on qualifying for Boston!! This just made me wish my sister was going to be in Duluth next weekend when I run my first marathon!


Didn’t just make me cry. You made me cry like a baby! Congrats to you both! I can’t imagine running in flip flops! I can’t wait to hear the whole story. So glad your injury let you run it and BQ!


You are amazing. You are such an inspiration to me!


Way to go!!!


Way to go!! So, small world. I’m in a running group here in Houston (I moved from Provo 4 years ago) and one of the ladies I was running with yesterday follows your blog as well. You were thought about during our run :) Does that sound creeperish? haha… sorry. not sorry :)




This made me tear up! You have such an amazing sister and such a special bond with her! Way to go girl can’t wait to see you at Boston 2015!


Congratulations Janae! I am so proud of you.


I’ve read your blog for a long time and always love what you post but this one is the cutest thing ever!!! What an amazing family and sister! Congrats on your BQ!!! All of your hard work, dedication and love brought you to that finish! :)


Beyond excited for you! Congratulations and then some :)

And what your sister did for you goes down as one of the very sweetest, most unselfish acts of kindness I have heard of.

How blessed you are!!


Janae, I am guessing that finishing that race yesterday meant much more than running 26.2 miles. You truly can do hard things, especially when you have the support of your amazing family and friends who give you strength. Congrats on the race, amazing to BQ at this point with all you have gone through recently. Rest up and know that bigger/better things are to come!


CONGRATS Janae!!! I’m so happy for you!! Nothing like a sister to help you get through the bad times <3


That gave me goose bumps.


Wow wow wow! What am amazing sister you have!
Teared up reading this :) I have 2 sisters and there is no other bond like it ;)


Love is running 6.2 miles in flip flops and jeans. Congratulations on your marathon and having an awesome sister!


Congrats! Awesome time! Awesome sister! Jeans & flips! Someone loves you a whole bunch!


Congratulations! You’re awesome and inspiring. This post made me cry- I’m glad you have such a supportive sister! :)


Your sister is so sweet! Congrats for finishing!!!!!!!!


The night before the marathon (my husband was running in it), I was researching where to stand side line to cheer him on and happened across your blog. I spent some time there amazed by your triumphs and felt hope even amidst your trials.

Fast forward 9.5 hours later. My boys and I stood sideline cheering on the runners, waiting for my hubby – right near the intersection at the Riverwoods, mile 20.5. I was already emotional (always am as a sideliner during a marathon) witnessing countless acts of love towards and amongst the runners. Along came a cute girl, with pretty intense emotion written across her face, close to tears. There was someone who new her, called out, go Janae. I followed suit. It was ten feet beyond me that she fell into the arms of a woman who, by the looks of her, could only be her sister. She cried, said it hurt so much, and her sister said, “do you want me to run with you?” Off they ran. I almost called out to them to offer my ankle socks and Nikes to the sister in flip flops. Dang.

After the race, I told my husband how sometime he needs to be a sideliner just to witness how awesome and emotional it all is. I told him about this exact story. I told him about you and your sister.

Thanks, in the most by chance way, of making a difference in my life.


CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am hoping to run Boston 2015 (I am from Boston!)


What an amazing testament of your relationship with her! Congrats on finishing and your time! You rock!


Wow! Your sister is a big ball of amazing awesomeness! I wish I had a sister like her. You are also an incredible runner and no matter what hardship you faced during the race, you still finished with a great time. Congrats on BQing!


Janae you DID IT!! Yippee! Look at all the people who were rooting for you! We should all be so lucky to have an amazing sister like yours. Family is everything :)


That thing about your sister seriously made me tear up!


Congrats! And your sister is pretty amazing.


Congratulations, i am so pleased you have done it and how wonderful that your sister was there for you.


Congrats! So happy for you!


Okay, that made me tear up.


This made me cry a little at my desk. How lucky the two of you are to have each other.


That’s fantastic! What a wonderful sister!


That is so insipiring! An act of true love as Olaf would say!


Congratulations! You’re amazing and so is your sister! Enjoy your rest days!


OMG, this made me cry a little bit!!!


That is truly awesome that your sister ran the last part with you (in flop flops no less!!)!! You’ve got a great family!! Congrats and can’t wait to hear more about the race!


Just said “This is so great!” out loud! Proud of you! I saw Jess Underhill (racepacejess) this weekend and told her how much I love your blog. We chatted about how sweet you are! You deserve this BQ!


What an amazing connection the two of you have, this is so awesome!


CONGRATS!!! What an awesome time and what an awesome sister!



I hope you are relaxing today!


You earned this BQ!! So happy for you. Your sister is the BEST!!!

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