Tuesday Tangents.

5 miles that felt like death with a side of heavy wind. 2 miles @ 8:00, 2 miles @ 6:50, 1 mile @ 9:00. Man, I better feel like myself again on Monday. Special request to any of you reading this right now—> cross all of your fingers and toes that I will be fully recovered by Monday. OR if you have some sort of good luck charm that has worked for you in the past, please FedEx it to me so that I can have a chance to use it.

I’m doing a thumbs down in the picture below and I am telling you this because when I pulled it up on my computer to blog it took me a minute to remember what I was attempting to do in this picture.

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My view while typing this. I think it might be time to update our family photo, the one below is from 1994 and there have been a few additions… like 19 grandkids.

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I just saw this onCandice’s Instagram.I think they nailed it:

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You wouldn’t believe how many shoe selfies I have of the two of us on my iPhone. It brings me more joy than it probably should.

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Little man is dressed as a football and smiling like usual today.

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Bath time is probably Brooke’s favorite time of the entire day.

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I had an intense craving for chicken noodle soup. It was so intense that nothing could stop me from obtaining a bowl.

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How Brooke decided to pose when I pulled out the camera and she stayed frozen like this for a good 20 seconds.

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An amazing reader and fellow dessert lover sent me some of her favorite spots in Boston for treats! I wanted to share them with you guys too!

Flour Bakery has a shop close to the finish line. Joanne Chang is the owner and she has a few cookbooks out. It’s yummy. Georgetown cupcakes also has a shop close to the finish line. (Not ‘local’, but good, nonetheless.) Petsi Pies in Somerville is delightful. I’m a huge fan of their apple crumb pie and their brownies are worth it. There are famous donuts from Union Square Doughnut in Somerville. Kane’s in Saugus is a famous donut spot, too. (Really good!). JP Licks has great ice cream. The North End has great cannoli (Mike’s Pastry Or Modern Pastry). Boston Cream Pie (really cake) was created at the Parker House Hotel. The Buttery in the South End also has great desserts. I like some of the baked goods from Rosie’s bakery. The SoWa market should be open that weekend and they have great stands and food trucks. I like the Tramisu at Scampo, if that’s your thing. Tremont 647 has great banana pudding. Lulu’s in the North End also has yummy cupcakes. The desserts at Alden and Harlow in Harvard Square are good. The make a ridiculous buckle

72 degrees today and snow tomorrow. That sounds normal.

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I’ll be taking over theWomen’s Running Instagramaccount on Saturday! Make sure to follow along!!

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LovedKara’s guide to Boston.我不知道读什么/研究h about/obsess about once Boston is over.

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What are some of your Tuesday tangents??

Who has some tasty Boston recommendations for us?

What things do you find yourself reading the most about on the internet?

Last craving for something that you had and did you fulfill the craving?

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I love his football outfit! He is such a cute little one for sure. I had a craving for a chocolate shake on Saturday. It started as I was getting my hair done and I immediately made one when I got home (would have been easier to hit a McD’s drive thru, but I have to make my own non dairy shake). I feel strongly in just going w/ cravings because when you have what you want your whole world becomes right!!


Now you have me craving a chocolate shake and Brooke is asleep so I can’t go get one hahaha! Maybe I can convince my sister to bring me one right now;) Glad you had your craving fulfilled!


Oh, yes, you seem to have the world’s best sister, I bet she would. Tell her when she is desperate for a favor sometime you will deliver (this is what I do w/ Rick and it works!). Normally I am much more of a vanilla girl so when it was a chocolate craving I figured I better pay attention and honor it!!


Tuesday Tangents: Why cant summer break be here yet? My procrastination has come to a whole new level. I need break before it gets really bad. Also, I like lasagna. That is all.
-Never been to Boston, but be sure to keep us updated on the food situation :)
-I find myself reading a lot about running on the Internet. There’s just so much to research and learn! I’m constantly finding new things!
-My last craving was an acai bowl and you better bet I drove down the street to get one! It was heavenly :)


Bukowski Tavern in Boston. Peanut butter bacon burger. Sounds kinda gross, but it really is good. Also huge, so share it with someone! I can vouch for Flour Bakery and Mikes Pastry for cannoli, so awesome. I really like Stephanie’s on Newbury, I’ve gone there for dinner every year I’ve gone to Boston.

I am usually reading running info or random celebrity info. I have an obscene knowledge of celebrity trivia. Completely useless.

Brownie cravings. I get them about once a week. Man, now I really want a brownie!


THANK YOU SARAH… pbbb sounds heavenly to me. I can’t wait to try these places out:) Have a great day and send any awesome celebrity trivia my way. PS My mom makes bomb brownies… I need to send them to you!


Brownies in the mail would no joke be the best mail ever! I hope you try out the PBBB…I tried it because I read about it in Runners World and my husband and I still talk about it! If you try it, can you tag me in the Instagram photo so I can enjoy it all.the.time?? :)


Bukowski’s is awesome! They make an amazing grilled cheese, too in addition to that crazy delicious burger Sarah described. Add avocado and bacon ;).


I read somewhere that Desi says she’s going to Bukowskis post-race…


Um, that football onesie is amazing!
Tangents: my hubs and I get a date night tonight.woohoo!!
I ate breakfast this morning and then got to work and saw donuts, so I ate one anyway


Enjoy your date night tonight! The best! Atta girl… donuts= happiness.


I’ll be praying you’re fully recovered and ready!!

Tuesday Tangent: I wish it were Saturday, because that’s my favorite day ever. Oh, and I am really happy about a sugar cookie a student brought me today.

I love reading blogs on the Internet and hearing people’s stories. :)

I am totally craving PB&J right now, and I have full intentions of fulfilling that VERY soon!!


Janae,今天我有一个运动按摩(我在助教per madness phase for my first Boston too!), and my awesome massage therapist said that his clients who get sick/have a mild injury in the few weeks before a big race always do really well on the big day–because they’re forced to take a little step back and not get to the starting line worn out and over-trained! Good luck; I predict we will both have awesome races on Monday! :) Oh and I can definitely vouch for Flour Bakery; that place is amazing.


Kate. Your comment made me feel so much better. Thank you so much for sharing what your massage therapist said. So glad you got a sports massage today:) PLEASE let me know how you do (you will rock it) and hope to see you there!


I will let you know, and I look forward to reading your race report! I tripped running on the trails last week (luckily just ended up with a skinned knee and elbow), so it made me feel better too. :) Safe travels and maybe I’ll see you in Boston!


If you’re into burgers at all, Boston Burger Company (http://www.bostonburgerco.com/menu/burgers) isn’t too far from the finish line, and they have the most outrageous burger toppings. My husband and I are overly into burgers before/after races.


I have a deep love for burgers and outrageous toppings… that sounds like the best meal ever. Thank you so much for the recommendation. Off to go drool over their menu.


I am getting SO excited for you! Boston is the race of a lifetime, and I’m saying my prayers and crossing my fingers that you feel rested and energized come Monday!

PS – Nothing better than a tiny shoe selfie!


Football baby! The cuteness!


Praying that you feel 110% on Monday!
Tuesday tangent: Now that things are in place for my husband and I to move to Seattle, I’m like chomping at the bit to leave the Midwest rather than enjoying our last month here.
我喜欢看任何关于运行在线和can also read recipes for hours. What’s really weird is how I love reading background info and context for anything, especially if it’s a movie or TV show based on history or literature.
我渴望红薯不是havi后那么糟糕ng them while out of town so I bought like 8 pounds of them at the store today.


Tough run on the track. Painfully good pre-race massage. Filmed a news spot to support St Jude Heroes!
Boston: I can’t wait to eat a cannoli from Mikes!!
I love reading blogs online.
I am craving guacamole and just made a big bowl with dinner!!


I read way too many blogs and gossip websites… I need an intervention! I am sure you will feel better on Monday. Remember I had the stomach bug up until 3 days before my marathon and I did great (even though it was hard)!


Boston is the best for carb loading! Go anywhere in the North End for dinner the night before the race…I have too many favorites to list! Whenever I’m back home I make sure to fill myself with lobster and dessert. Mike’s pasty is a great place to stop after the race…I ate so many cannolis after I ran the Boston marathon! If you like chocolate, Burdick chocolate (from NH) has a shop not too far from the finish line.


I will light a white candle for you Monday morning. It will send healing energy your way. I know you will have a great race.


Brooke learned how to pose from the best, you. haha. and My daughter loves bath time also. She’ll start yelling “dath” and ripping off her clothes until we let her take one. lol.
last thing I craved was cucmbers, and I suuure did eat a ton once I finally got them.
Hope you start feeling better Janae.!! crossing fingers for sure


You must be getting the storm that just blew through my town. it was 75 yesterday with gail force winds overnight. 50 today with a quick snow shower this morning. So ready for tanks and flip flops!

Thanks for the list of great places to check out in Boston. I’m def going to check out the spots in Somerville. I’m there for the first 2 nights before we move into the city. I can only vouch for Mike’s pastry for cannoli. I’m not running 26.2 this year but I am doing the BAA 3k Saturday so that at least deserves a few bites….and a large DD coffee!


I just saw that taper picture on Instagram.. So funny. At least you know you aren’t alone and everyone is going through the same taper issues! I have a feeling you will be 100% and kicking butt by Monday!! Take lots of vitamin c… It makes a world of difference.


Try essential oils for the sickness. I am a recent convert. My 3-year-old got sick two days before we were supposed to go on vacation. I put some oils in a diffuser for a couple of nights and put some on his feet, spine, wrists, and areas (i.e. chest, sinuses) that he was having symptoms with and he was good to go by the time we left for our trip.


WOW!! Okay, that is awesome! I’m going to have to get some from my friend that sells them. THANK YOU!!!


I can’t stop craving baked potatoes which really isn’t a problem because it’s been real easy to satisfy. Hope you are feeling 100% super quick.


And thank you for deciding what I am going to have for dinner tonight… a baked potato:)


another vote for Flour Bakery in Boston. Their sticky buns and homemade Oreos are amazing. The Kane’s donuts your reader friend mentioned now has a downtown Boston location. Their coffee rolls (cinnamon rolls) are HUGE and delicious. If you like BBQ, try Sweet Cheeks by Fenway Park. Get the biscuits with honey butter. So. Good.


You must definitely get a canoli from Mikes Pastry. And also get the Butternut Squash Ravioli from a restaurant called Giacomo’s in the Little Italy part of town. Absolutely amazing. I still dream about it and can’t wait to go back. Good luck!! You are going to do amazing.


I’ve had a craving for a nutella and banana crepe for a couple weeks now. I finally went to indulge and when I got home I realized they had given me a nutella and strawberry crepe. Not exactly what I ordered, but it was yummy! And it did the trick.

In addition to running blogs, I’ve been researching lower leg pain. I can’t seem to get over the shin/calf/ankle pain that I get regularly. Really puts a damper on my running progress. But I’m finally going to the orthopedist, so I’m hoping for an actual diagnosis so I can move on with my life…er…runs.


Tuesday tangent: my jeans stayed up today yet I forgot to wear my belt. Hmm. I think I ate too much on vacation.
我的过敏困扰但我一直忘记ting my meds so I keep buying more. I now have a lifetime supply of Mucinex D!
My boyfriend and I met for coffee after work and it totally calmed me down.
I’m looking forward to live streaming the marathon on Monday. I’ll look for you! :)


I go to the Paramount every year for brunch the day after the marathon. There is nothing better- get over there and have some huevos rancheros or amazing French toast and celebrate being in the best city ever :-)


JP Licks and Mike’s Pastry are Boston must-dos! Every time I visit I always make a stop there! Dinner anywhere down the same street as Mike’s Pastry is sure to be delicious too! As well as around Fenway Park (THE BEST fish & chips!)


Kanes donuts, yes. But,I wouldn’t bother with Mike’s pastry. It isn’t worth it in my opinion. I hear the sticky buns at flour are amazing, though!


I have a cough that will never end. It’s not a fun tangent, but it’s true none the less.

I’m usually reading about something running related (training, shoes, race…shoes) online.

I’ve been on a chocolate craving/binge – thank you easter candy.


What are some of your Tuesday tangents??
**Watching my kiddo do karate, or “Ninja School”, as he calls it, was a highlight today. He’s only 5 but he’s so serious about it.
**I finally made a friend who also runs. Is that not like winning the lottery? Sure feels like it.

What things do you find yourself reading the most about on the internet?
**Running, cooking recipes, children’s developmental milestones, Bible verses for (fill in the blank whatever my challenge is today, window shopping (I even add stuff to cart and then eventually just ‘x’ out), random things like “headache in the back of my neck” that lead to scary medical pages I shouldn’t look at late at night.

Last craving for something that you had and did you fulfill the craving?
**Oranges. Yes I bought a bunch of them.

OH! Are you on spotify? I wanted to listen to your playlist, I haven’t heard of most of it.


My last craving was for carrot cake cupcakes and I went in search of the perfect one. The one I thought would be great did not have cream cheese icing (??!) and had nuts in it. The second had spot on icing but also nuts. I guess I’m the only person who likes my carrot cake nut-free!


It is almost a week away still! You will be great by then!


Little insider tip from a Bostonian… Mike’s is wonderful and all – especially the experience – it’s so fun! However, Modern Pastry makes their own ricotta and it has the better cannoli (it’s across the street). Bovas is also excellent. Flour was mentioned and it is also fantastic. For one big, giant, amazing cookie with ice cream on top – go to Blue Dragon in Fort Point Channel (South Boston) (owned by Ming Tsai) and get some noodle bowls and their only dessert – the skillet cookie. It’s UNREAL. (pictured here:http://www.funfitflavor.com/mostrecent/2014/14/3/friday-favs31414?rq=blue%20dragon) Have a BLAST!


My Tuesday tangent? About two hours ago I dropped my iPhone into the toilet. I’m already crossing all my fingers and toes for my phone, so if that works, I’ll keep them all crossed for you too, chicky mama. Get better asap.


you MUST find a way to get to Union Square Donuts!! I live right down the street from there and they will blow your mind. I got one immediately after my 18 and 20 mile runs, and I hope that someone will have one waiting for me at the finish after 26.2 :)


I have no idea if you will be near Finale in Boston but the chocolate cake at Finale IS AMAZZZZZZZING.

I recently had the stomach flu.. so I have been craving hard boiled eggs with pepper and salt like no other to get extra protein.


Diet soda is always my craving. Pack the little one in the car just to go through a drive through to get one.


Get as much rest as possible – be lazy- you will feel fine by Monday! Today was my first day of feeling normall – one week – so you are almost there ! You have worked hard- trust your training.


Yes to every one of those taper signs and symptoms. Uuuugh!

I know you are getting all sorts of suggestions to kick your cold to the curb, but have you tried emergen-c? It’s a serious cold-slayer! I am sending you healing prayers that you’ll feel fantastic by race day.

I agree with many of the suggestions for Boston eats. Mike’s is fun because they have every type of cannoli you could ever imagine. And Modern Pastry and Flour are also great choices. There are amazing cupcake shops on Newbury street, but I can’t remember the names.


Your shoe selfie is adorable!!


I second the oils comment. Start right away! I’m becoming quite obsessed with them as of late. I SO hope you are recovered, rested and STRONG on Monday.


I just tried Cheryl’s cookies the other day and now I’m craving another one. Although, I just loaded up on Easter candy because it was 90% off at Walmart. Now it’s calling my name. Yes, 90% off!!!

My only Tuesday tangent…I bought another nook e-reader today. I have 2 already. Don’t ask. I clearly have a problem. Anyway, please help me out! I tried searching your blog and can’t find what I’m looking for. I remember you, or maybe another reader, talking about a running book and it was different peoples stories about why they run or something like that. It sounded really good and I never wrote down the name.


HEY KATE! I completely understand your love of e-readers:)

你说的是《我最好的比赛。50 Runners and the Finish Line They’ll Never Forget.”

I hope that helps!


That was it! Thank you!!


I just started reading this and after reading the first story, Kara Goucher, I can tell I’m gonna love it! By the end of her story, I could feel tears behind my eyes.


The shoe selfie is too cute!
I have to share this, just incase you missed it! Poor guy..


love the shoe selfie … and i do not miss utah’s crazy spring weather! :) but i do miss you!

xoxox welltraveledwife.com


I’ve been craving grilled cheese and tomato soup for a while now – had it for dinner tonight. Delicious.
And I love Brooke’s pose in that picture. Well-trained for blogging photos :)


I hope you feel better soon. Rest, rest, and more rest is the best medication. I came across this recipe and immediately thought of your love for chocolate covered cinnamon bears. Maybe the spicy cinnamon will help clear up your cold ;)


Kanes in Saugus really is the best. They just opened a new location in downtown Boston though. I can’t promise it’s as good as Saugus but at least you’ll have access to it (Saugus is kind of out of the way for a short visit). JP Licks is my FAVORITE ice-cream!

I had some froyo today. My friend told me to try taro so I did and it was delicious. They also had watermelon and pineapple froyo, which was just amazing. Everything I was hoping for!


PS…I’m from the north shore of Boston so I’ll be there on Monday to cheer you on from the sidelines! I know you’ll be rocking it! I signed up for the text updates too….pretty cool!

Love the other recommendations. I love Boston Burger Company, Bova Bakery in the North End, Neptune Oysters, Salty Pig, The Parish Cafe.


Boston burger co. has a couple of locations and is a great bet, and Bukowski’s I think has two shops as well and is a lot of fun.

Boloco (stands for Boston local company) has awesome burritos and burrito bowls in really fun combos, they also have some awesome milkshakes. Not sure how it would stack up to cafe rio though. :)

J.P. Licks is all over the city, and as an ice cream fiend you absolutely must go– the original is in Jamaica Plain and has a huge cow on the side of the building, but all of the locations have the same fabulous ice cream. I’m partial to the pb cup sundae if you want to go really crazy.

Gourmet dumpling house in Chinatown is always packed but great for Chinese food, especially (duh) soup or vegetable dumplings.

L.A. Burdick has amazing chocolates, particularly sipping chocolate (like extra thick, rich hot chocolate, and there’s a location right by the marathon finish. Expensive but so worth it.

Finally, there are all kinds of pizza options depending on what you like, but my personal favorite is dirty water dough company on Newbury street. Do yourself a favor and try the Mac and cheese pizza, you will not regret it.

But seriously, there are about a million amazing places in the city for fun and fabulous eats, you will not be disappointed. I hope you have so much fun!


WOW!!! Thank you so so much Molli! I can’t thank you enough for all of these recommendations. They are all making me drool. I need that mac and cheese pizza right this second!


Definitely go to Parish Cafe- only a few blocks from the finish line. My favorite is the Bristol Sandwich, but everything is SO good. Flour Bakery has great breakfast sandwiches, Mike’s Pastries has great cannolis, JP Licks is amazing ice cream, there is so much good food in Boston, and Picco in the South End has great pizza!!! Have a great race- running Boston is an incredible experience!



So I’m in Germany this week. I have been walking every morning along the river and working out in the gym at night to get my strength training in. Last night 2 Italian guys kept saying chow to me. I couldn’t figure out if it was hello or goodbye. After I took the train back to Munich, I stopped for Thai food. It was so spicy I needed a desert to cool off. I had this strawberry pastry thing that was so delicious. I noticed nothing here tastes overly sugary. It doesn’t leave you craving more.


You will feel better by Monday, and you will do so incredible! I have no doubt! I will be keeping you in my prayers :) I feel like I search for everything on the internet ha. Searching sicknesses is probably the worst though because I found out I’m dying every time ha!


My Tuesday thoughts are deep! I’ve been doing some intense spring cleaning and have felt compelled to remove lots and lots of things from my home that are no longer productive. It has been a really great opportunity to be grateful for what I have, and to realize that we really don’t need much to live happy and productive lives! You asked for it my dear :)
Craving tonight is chocolate, and I don’t have any, but I do have Chocolate Roobios tea by Yumi tea, so I made that instead and it’s a healthier antidote for my crazy sweet tooth!
Feel better Janae, drink some peppermint tea. This whole thing is going to blow over before Monday!


Totally craving Oreos tonight. Just waiting for my kids to go to bed….

EVERYTHING we ate in Boston was delicious when we were there. I had a steak at the Fairmont Copley Plaza that remains to this day the best steak I have ever eaten in my life.


Before Chicago last October I felt terrible for all two weeks before the race. Every run seemed to feel like death. I took a few extra days off and really focused on my mental game. Come race day, it was magic. Hard, but still magic. The same will happen to you. We always have our worst runs the last week or two. I’ve got all my fingers and toes crossed for you! Go rock it mama! xo


Hey janae,

Long time reader and just wanted to comment how excited I am for you to be running boston! I lived in boston for five years (moved to sf in the fall) and marathon Monday was always my favorite day of the year by far! There’s some magical that happens in boston and along the course and it’s indescribable. I’ve never run the marathon but always cheered on the sidelines and am so sad to be missing it this year.

Some restaurant recommendations:

The Beehive
JP Licks
Daves Fresh Pasta (best sandwiches and desserts!)
Met Back Bay (amazing brunch)
Pizzeria Regina’s



Dinner with my friend who is an amazing ultramarathoner!
Craving a piece of dark chocolate which I fulfilled! :)
I love reading all things running.
Can’t wait for Monday!!


I read running/fitness/blog sites all the time online- it can be really distracting but also so inspiring!


I don’t know why or how but this stuff works! Promise. Promise.http://www.amazon.com/Kick-Ass-Immune-4-Oz/dp/B00EB5NCLO


When we were in Boston, we ate a post-race celebration dinner at the Parker House, complete with Boston Cream Pie – although I think I enjoyed the famous Parker House rolls more!
I highly recommend getting Italian food in the north end – and cannolis.


brooke is going to be such an expert picture poser when she grows up! :) I love the shoe picture of the two of you!


Haha!!! I read, ” little man dressed as a football, SMELLING as usual”. I might have a problem with good smelling babies


So excited for you that Boston is right around the corner – winter finally ended here and it looks like the weather is going to be perfect!


What day will you be at the Expo? And will you be at the Brooks booth? I’m hoping to bump into you! :)


Why did Brooks get rid of the bumpy shoelaces in their new Pure line?!??! Makes me sad….


Kane’s donuts has a location in downtown Boston too (Two International Place) and they sell a red velvet donut.
Flour is amazing – everything is delicious and the sandwiches are as good as the baked items.


and try sweetgreen if you’re in the mood for a salad – there’s a location near the finish line.
Good luck next week!


After I ran Boston, we went to the North End and got cannolis at Mike’s and at Modern so we could compare and I could judge for myself which was better! In the end, it was a toss up, but I was happy to have multiple cannoli!


Find a JP Licks. You’ll be glad you did! Not sure where you are staying (i.e. in downtown Boston or a ‘burb). I think it will be kind of crazy where ever you are, but I can try to recommend some places that might not have insane crowds if you need some!


BOVA’S BAKERY! They are located in the North End and are open 24hours!!! Whether you are in the mood for a cannoli, rice ball, or calzone, they have it all!


zpack;)和唐’t run until the marathon just rest and you will do great!


Sooooooooo on the taper madness line and checking the forecast every 5 minutes… it’s making me extremely uneasy right now for race day Monday. I’ve run in the rain plenty but not really ever a “cold” rain being from Florida… and not a marathon. Have you? Or do you have tips? I know we can’t control the weather and I am trying so hard to not stress over it so figure I need to bring everything with me to make the best of it if it does go that way!


I just wanted to send warm wishes your way. I hope you’re feeling better and will be praying for you. All of your hard work and tenacious optimism will pay off. And remember: It’s quite the feat just to qualify for Boston and to be running there. You don’t have to prove anything. Have fun, and savor it. We will all be cheering you on!!!!

My latest craving was quiet time, which I am getting now thanks to my sweet 10 YO daughter who told me to go rest while she plays with her younger siblings. :). Brooke is just going to keep becoming a greater and greater gift to you.


Wow – I cannot believe that the Marathon is right around the corner, it is one of my favorite days in the city!

For some Boston recommendations – I have to second the call for anything at Flour, Picco or the Met Bar! All are excellent choices and in the Back Bay by the finish line! My favorite is the Greek Salad and Raspberry Seltzer at Flour, the mac and cheese at Picco, and the Salmon bowl at Met Bar! They also have amazing burgers like every way possible at the Met Bar.

For donuts you have to try Blackbird if you are getting into town before Monday! This is a new donut place that opened and they are only open Thursday – Sunday 7am until they sell out. Amazing and fun flavors!

Tattee – Another favorite place of mine, and they just opened a location in Beacon Hill. They have fabulous pastry’s and salads! Close to the finish line but a bit out of the craziness!

Good Luck and I’ll be cheering from the sidelines!


Yes to Georgetown Cupcake – they are my favorite, and started here in DC!

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