RUNNER POWER FOODS recipe with Blue Apron!

As runners we have a very important job to do each and every single day in addition to the whole ‘lacing up our running shoes and working our hardest out on the roads/treadmills/trails’ thing. We have the job each day to fuel our bodies with nutrients and calories that will keep us running happy.

I’m stoked to share a recipe today fromBlue Apron(they deliver all of the farm-fresh ingredients you need, in the right proportions right to your doorstep—> aka no grocery store trips or wasting unused ingredients) that is full of RUNNER POWER FOODS that is delicious, filling and will help to fuel you well for your next run.


I really want to focus in on salmon for a minute because it sure has a lot of awesome benefits and I think most of you can agree with me that salmon is quite delicious too. I think it is one of those magic foods that has the best of both worlds—> full of nutrients and amazing flavor! Just a few things to know about salmon:

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Sources of info:hereandhere.

One of the many beauties about Blue Apron is that they send out wild-caught Alaskan Sockeye Salmon that is sustainably sourced!! Fish lovers will love to know that all of their seafood is sourced sustainable and the majority of their seafood is wild-caught. Certain species are farmed only when it is more sustainable and higher quality… their fishing methods are minimally invasive to natural habits too. They do NOT use antibiotics or hormones for any of their seafood and you can learn even more on their mission pageHERE!

Let’s get on to the recipe——> Mexican Spiced Salmon!!! Besides just salmon this recipe is full of other awesome foods for runners like avocado, black rice (full of antioxidants and vitamin E) and some delicious citrus:)

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Blue Apronsends the freshest ingredients… I’ve received many many ingredients from them over the last 1+ year and each time the produce, spices, meat is perfectly fresh and full of color and flavor.

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Mexican Spiced Salmon!


2 skin-on Salmon Fillets

2/3 Cup Black Rice

1 Avocado

1 Navel Orange

1 Lime

1 Bunch Cilantro

2 Tbs Pepitas

1 Shallot

2 tsp Mexican Salmon Spice Blend (Garlic Powder, Ancho Chile Powder, Sweet Paprika, Ground Cumin and Mexican Oregano

1. Cook the rice!! Heat a large pot of salted water to boiling on high. Once boiling add the rice and cook 27-29 minutes, or until tender. Remove from heat. Drain thoroughly and rinse briefly under cold water to prevent sticking. Return to the pot.

2. Prepare the ingredients: While the rice cooks, wash and dry the fresh produce. Cut off and discard the peel and pith of the orange; medium dice the orange. Pick the cilantro leaves off the stems; discard the stems. Using a peeler, remove the green rind of the lime, avoiding the white pitch, mince the rind to get 2 tsp of zest (or use a zester). Quarter the lime. Pit, peel and medium dice the avocado; toss with the juice of 1 lime wedge to prevent browning. Peel and mince the shallot; place in a medium bowl with the juice of the remaining lime wedges.

3. Toast the pepitas: While the rice continues to cook, in a medium pan (nonstick, if you have one), heat 2 tsp of olive oil on medium-high until hot. Add the pepitas; season with salt and pepper. Cook, stirring frequently, 2 to 3 minutes, or until toasted and fragrant. (Be careful, as the pepitas may pop as they cook.) Transfer to a paper towel lined plate. Wipe out the pan.

4. Cook the salmon: While the rice continues to cook, pat the salmon fillets dry with paper towels; season with salt and pepper on both sides. Coat the skinless side of each seasoned fillet in the spice blend. In the pan used to test the pepitas, heat 2 tsps of olive oil on medium high until hot. Add the seasoned fillets, skinless sides down, and cook 2 to 3 minutes per side, or until browned and cooked through. Remove from heat.

5. Make the vinaigrette: While the salmon cooks, season the shallot-lime juice mixture with salt and pepper to taste. Slowly whisk in 2 Tbs. of olive oil until well combined.

6. Make the salad and plate your dish: While the salmon continues to cook, add the lime zest, avocado, orange, toasted pepitas and vinaigrette to the pot of cooked rice. Drizzle with olive oil and toss to thoroughly combine; season with salt and pepper to taste. Divide between 2 dishes. Top with the cooked salmon fillets. Garnish with cilantro. Enjoy!

Not going to lie… I was pretty proud of myself when I saw (and then tasted:) the finished product.

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As a runner when we are hungry we need to EAT and I love thatBlue Apronmeals can all be prepared in 40 minutes or less. They constantly put out new recipes and cuisines that help us to get out of the habit of making the same thing every night (hmmmm one of my biggest problems!). You can find a ton of more awesome recipes like this oneHERE. No more dinner ruts!

Meal prepared while listening to the Disney Pandora station as Brooke showed me all of her latest and greatest dance moves.

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*****THE FIRST 100 READERS WILL GET TWO FREE MEALS ON THEIR FIRST BLUE APRON ORDER—>GO HERE!! PS there is no commitment- you can skip or cancel the service at any time! *Sponsored byBlue Apron… thank you for supporting me, the Brookers and our awesome sponsors!


What foods do you think are important for runners to include in their diets often?

Are you a fish fan? How often do you eat it?


What does your run look like today?

-I’m running outside for the first time in FOREVER it feels like… It’s a miracle;)

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Huge salmon fan but I don’t eat it enough! I used to eat it almost every day for lunch but the wild caught got too pricey. I would say sweet potatoes, plantains and ground beef are my 3 most used ingredients. Bacon is up there too!


Sometimes I wish I liked the taste of fish because I know it’s really good for you, but I just can’t do it. :/

今天的运行是一个简单的5英里。它一定费用ls good to be running again after taking some time off for a strained ligament in my knee!!


I still need to try blue apron! I love hearing that salmon is good for us runners because I honestly think I could eat it every day!

The 3 ingredients I cook with the most are sweet potatoes, chicken, and either broccoli or brussel sprouts!


I just think its important for runners (or anyone) to know what works for them. Some people can run on a vegan diet (Scott Jurek), others can’t. Some people have to avoid gluten. Some people thrive with Paleo. I think it is just important to figure out what works for you. That said, this recipe looks DELICIOUS!!

My husband and I both love fish, but we’ve been living with my parents while we build a house and my parents do not love fish so we haven’t had it nearly as often as we used to since we’ve been living with them! I think the three things I cook with most are garlic, onions and pepper. It works for basically anything!

Run today – one hour at easy pace. I’m excited to get to it after a long day at work!!


That first picture is stunning! And the salmon looks yum, btw :) .


Anything with anti inflammatory properties like avocado and spinach.
And Swedish fish! Omegas??!! Lol


I don’t know why but up until the last few months I would eat fish once every few months. Now its at least once a week if not more.
I can’t say I have too many staples but chicken and broccoli are both huge to me. I don’t know what I would eat without them! :)
我在雪地里跑了一天…不得不运行时间mile….not the most fun I have ever had! Be careful and have fun!!


I love salmon! I could eat it everyday if it wasn’t so pricy for wild caught. I cook with eggs, potatoes, and green beans all the time.


I absolutely love salmon and lately we’ve been having asian salmon at least once a week though this recipe sounds so delicious it may replace the Asian flavors next week!


We try to cook salmon 1-2 times per week. Salmon is one of my favorite fish. This looks like an interesting recipe. Perhaps I’ll try something similar soon. We normally just grill salmon.


I love salmon and this recipe sounds amazing! Of course I love e all the health benefits too.
I’d say I cook eggs, spinach and chicken the most.
Thanks for sharing the recipe!


I love salmon, but I don’t eat it terribly often.

I don’t do a lot of cooking at home, unless you count cereal as cooking. I’d really like to see that change though; we eat out way more than I feel we should.


I have never beet a fish person. I hate the fishy taste. I’ll take a bite here and there but almost always come out of it remembering that fish is nasty. Haha.

Hoping to get a treadmill run in tonight since it looks like I’ll be taking sick kiddos to the dr today.


important foods for runners (especially women)- stuff high in iron- pumpkin seeds, nuts, dark leafy greens, chick peas


I think fish is okay, but my boyfriend is a vegetarian, so that means I don’t eat it much!

The ingredients I cook with most are probably garlic, noodles, and onions. Garlic pretty much makes it into anything that I cook, besides baked goods!


Salmon is one of my favorite foods! We went to Alaska last year and had the freshest, most delicious salmon I’ve ever had. Three (okay 4) ingredients I cook with most often are sweet potatoes, zucchini, chicken and eggs.


High protein foods and carbs are super important for runners. Oh, and gummies. Let’s be real.

Love fish! Salmon, tuna, and shellfish are my favorites, but don’t eat them often enough. I cook a lot of sweet potatoes, and love garlic, peppers, rice, and chicken. Not necessarily together :)

Yay for running outside! It was snowing and 20 here yesterday, will be sunny and 60 this afternoon. NC winters at their finest!


I love sweet potatoes and oatmeal as a runner. They both make a huge difference in how my muscles feel! My run today was 6 miles outside!


I love salmon and don’t make it enough! Other loves are sweet potatoes, Brussels sprouts and almond butter. I swear I could live on almond butter alone!


I have been reading your posts about Blue Apron for so long… I finally put an order in! I am excited. The meals look AMAZING. Thanks for always sharing.


OH YAY!! Let me know what you think Emily and I hope you have an amazing day!


Can’t live without tilapia, spinach and avacados. YUM!
That picture of you running looks epic! Where are those tights from?


Thank you Chelsey!!! They are from Nike! I’ve searched for them online but can’t find them anywhere:( I need to get with tilapia more…it’s been a long time! Hope you have a beautiful day!


我认为最重要的跑步者的食物可以吃re carbs. It’s the basis of energy we need to fuel our runs no matter what the distance. Plus, can’t we all agree that carbs are the most delicious out of all the macronutrients. just sayin’.

but I’m a salmon lover too. a good salmon salad can cure many woes. But ,y protein of choice is eggs. I could easily eat them for every meal


i LOVE salmon. and anything with avocados = instantly better.

Runners need HEALTHY FATS! Im not saying zero carbs, but many runners way over do it. The more healthy fats you eat the better your body will become at burning fat for energy.


Mmmm black rice is SO good but I always forget about it. This recipe sounds absolutely perfect.

My run was outside, three miles, and ended with a walk around my favorite little neighborhood and the sunrise. Pretty perfect. :)


This sounds so tasty! I want to like fish so badly since it’s super healthy, but it’s just not my thing. I’m hoping to give salmon another shot soon.

It’s pouring down rain here in Philadelphia, but I’m hoping to go for a run later today. I avoid the treadmill at all costs!


I love salmon and eat it at least twice a week!! It’s so easy and never disappoints! This recipe looks amazing!! I will be getting my run in on the treadmill today after work before heading out of town tonight!


I love salmon and love that it’s good for you. We like to do almost-sushi-bowls. Grill salmon, throw over sushi rice with sliced avocado, cucumbers, strips of nori and sesame seeds. Season with soy and wasabi. Yum!


I love this idea!! Need to learn how to make sushi rice…


Yum that looks delicious! I love salmon too especially salmon sushi!


I like salmon but hate cooking fish! I know it’s not the same thing as getting real food but I do take Omega 3 supplements!

I think all runners should consume peanut butter. All. Day. Long.


I’m going to have to agree with you about the peanut butter!


This salmon looks really good. I actually copied the recipe because I think I will cook it at home this week.
I think you have a typo in your instructions for cooking the Pepitas, at least that is what I will assume.
Toasting pipettes would be very interesting. I got a chuckle out of this
(Be careful, as the pipettes may pop as they cook.)
That is definitely an understatement.
Have a great day and blessings to you as you enter your 30th year!


HAHHA WOW…. thank you Sarah for finding those errors! My autocorrect just switched it on over without me noticing! THANK YOU and I hope you are having a beautiful day too and that you love this recipe!


After visiting japan we have tried to incorporate more fish into our diets. We love baked salmon with garlic, soy and lemon marinade. And yellow fish curry with coconut milk. Both very simple to prepare.

My top ingredients for cooking are brocolli, sweet potato and rice.


the man and i made sockeye salmon for the first time together this weekend and it was the perfect protein to put atop our salad. SO GOOD. definitely will make fish more often!


Thank you! I have been working on kicking my nutrition up a notch. It seems that I have to reassess and fill diet gaps every few months. Training for my second half marathon and hoping that improving nutrition will improve my time! I have also been trying to research nutrition for muscle recovery…any tips would be awesome!


This actually looks really good, but I just can’t eat fish. I try and try, but each time it just doesn’t taste good to me. :( Today’s run was 6 miles on the treadmill. With this pregnancy and I just listen to my body and take it nice and slow and it felt great today! :)


Hey! I not a huge fan of fish, but I eat it once in awhile. I love shrimp though.(especially with cocktail sauce)???
以前我认为只要膳食是健康运行y and contains most foods from each food group it’s a good choice for you. I don’t think there really is a “specific meal” a runner should eat pre run because every runners stomach tolerates and reacts with different foods.
Today is a rest day for me because I Nordic skied Saturday,Sunday,Monday for more 1 1/2 hours.


We had freezing rain overnight on top of yesterday’s snow so I couldn’t run outside this morning. I might hop on the treadmill later tonight.

We have salmon about once a week, and every Friday during Lent. That recipe looks so good!


I think it’s important for runners to eat enough fat and protein. I eat a lot of greek yogurt.

Three things I buy all the time are noodles, veggies, and tofu.


i love salmon and eat it once or twice a week. Tuna also comes in handy when I need to put together a quick lunch for work. I realized over the years how much I need my proteins to recover quickly from a hard workout : fish, chicken, eggs. And also like my steak and rice the night before a long run or a race.


I didn’t run today – but I did yesterday. Got me some angry miles in, and wanted to cry a few times too… I did a lot of strength training today which felt great, now my legs are jello. :S

I am not a fish fan, I have tried salmon before, and did not like it.


i really enjoy salmon its got substantial flavor and can be prepared so many different way. love that picture of you running with the snow all around you, you look like a total rockstar! im in a new city so my runs are full of hotel treadmills, not so bad though this hotel has a full wall of windows for me too look out of rather than a boring wall :)


I’m a big fan of protein and carbs but try to make an effort to get in some healthy fat (avocados, anyone?)

I’m totally not a fish fan, but I keep trying!

The three ingredients I use the most often are bread flour, butter, and potatoes. So healthy (I bake a lot. Especially pretzel bites = my family is obsessed)..

Not running today, but have a tempo run on the schedule tomorrow morning.

I adore Blue Apron. We live in a super rural area and I was so surprised when I found out they extended their meals to our little town. So awesome!


What type of lip stuff do you use?

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