Back with my Brookie and MY NEW BLOG!!!!!!

What do you think of my new blog design? We are still working out a few more random things with it but I’m pretty excited… I mean I only had the last blog design for 5.5 years. I think we were all ready for the change.

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Let’s go over the Saturday things:

1.我一大早起床打treadmill for 10 miles. On long treadmill runs like this I usually read or watch Netflix for a chunk of time but yesterday I just stared at the pool and thought about how much fun the previous days with my friends had been and all of the fun new memories. I love when running gives me 78 minutes just to be by myself and think. 10 miles @ 7:53 average pace.

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2.An awful picture but this little fridge was in the gym and it felt so so so good to use these cold towels after such a hot run (I’m pretty sure the heater was on in the gym;)

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3. I packed as fast as possible, took Uber to the airport and demolished this egg sandwich bagel (I have a thing for these lately).

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4. The best. But really. Our reunions.

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5. Brooke put on her snow sock for us to play soccer in the house and we had a pretty intense game.

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6. While I was gone she told my mom that she wanted to go get pizza with me when I got home… and that is what we did.

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7. It was Saturday night, so of course we did our Saturday night tradition.

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8. Hung out with some of our favorites for a bit.

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9. Snacked on the fruit of the month. I’m too lazy to cut it up anymore so I just eat a half at a time:)

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What are three things that you are doing today?

How have your weekend runs felt?

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I love the new look!

I ran 10 miles on the treadmill yesterday too. I’ve never run that far on a treadmill. Sometimes I just play music, but yesterday I watched a few episodes of Mad Men.


I love your new blog design Janae! Love all the pics. My weekend run was great! I had a 10 miler and it was snowing the whole time, but once I got in a groove a few miles in, the run felt fantastic and was my longest distance since last fall. Whoop!


I love the new blog!! I’ve been wondering when you would upgrade for a while. Its gorgeous but I think the font is a bit small.


I love it, too but I agree. The font needs a size adjustment. But I love it. Very sleek.


I love it too, but I miss being able to enlarge the text on my iPad


I’m loving the new design! So pretty and clean! It’s always good to be home after being away for a few days back to your own bed and own routine!


New design is great! I don’t know how you did ten miles on the treadmill with no distractions. I would have gone crazy. Have a great Sunday with your family!


Love the new blog look, but as an FYI the pics in the header don’t show up well on my cell. I use Chrome, if that matters for coding. :)

Love that you and Brooke were dressed like twinned when you came home. :)

Today I am doing back weight training. HIIT on treadmill, and Mexican dinner with my family that just got home from a week away. Can’t wait!


Love the new design! Target trips on Saturday night are the best. This was the first weekend without any runs in months and it was so odd! Can’t say I miss those 10 mile treadmill runs though..:P


I love the new blog.

Yesterday’s run turned into a walk.

Three things today, watching my son play soccer, having my hair coloured, making a lasagne.


It looks great – a much cleaner layout and I love the fixed header with your favorites + about me! I have a 22 mile training run today, then shopping! I love reading your blog!


Love love love the fresh clean pretty new blog! 3 things for today- getting my butt out the door for 14-15 miles, going to a diner for brunch after and then Target. Stop me, i’m getting wild over here!


Beautiful blog design! It looks so fresh and clean. Yesterday was an off day from running and I went hiking. Hopefully I squeeze in a few easy miles today!


Love the new blog design! It looks great and so fresh and clean.


I am obsessed with the new and clean look!!


Love the new design! I eat cantaloupe like that too. Why cut it up when you can eat half in one sitting ;-)


Your blog looks so nice and clean! Today is all about getting back to routine for us. Sunday routine and weekly routine.


Very bright, white and crisp. ;-)


I am loving the new blog design! It is so simple and classic. What a fun reunion (: You and Brooke are too cute.


This looks really good! What Gretch said: fresh and clean. Nice work! Great job getting that 10 miler in on your vacation, and on the treadmill. That takes dedication.


Love the new blog!

Glad you use Uber. :) I’m an Uber driver so its nice to hear that other people use it.

The weekend run was only 3 miles, and wasn’t bad, but this morning I need to be better at taking care of my body because it’s all sorts of achy today. :S


Love the new look, it’s not loading on my apple phone correctly though.


LOVE the new design! And the pictures in your header are gorgeous. Sounds like a perfect reunion! I’m 21 and my reunion’s with my mom still make me so happy. I just ran a half marathon this morning! My 10th :)


Like everyone,I like the new design Janae. It’s clean and fresh. I love all of the images of you running as well as Brooke. Everything looks great in my opinion.

It sounds like you guys had a perfect reunion too. I’m jealous of your weekend!


Love the simplicity of the new blog and Brooke is getting so big! LOVE this!


I bet most people were just heading to bed when you were getting up and running on the treadmill. Awesome that you got in a 10-mile run before heading back home.

The new blog looks great. What a difference!! It’s always fun to give the blog a makeover every once in a while. :)


HAHAH but really!!! There was like 1 other person in the gym for awhile because I think everyone else was just going to bed ha! Thanks Kristen and I hope you are having an amazing day!


the new design looks great!! <3


I love the new blog layout! It’s gorgeous and such uses such a great shade of green :)
I had a nice 5 miles this morning! Freezing cold here but fun! I can handle the cold but not the snow! So happy to have none of that hanging around.


I love the new design! It’s fresh, simple, pretty!
Coming home to your family after being away is always so great! Glad you had a great time with your friends!


I love the new design, too! The turquoise cookie rocks! I’m so glad you had a great trip and a wonderful reunion with Brooke!


I love the new design! It’s so pretty!!!! Today’s big adventure is going to be 6 miles between rain showers. Good for you for being able to run 10 on a treadmill. I would rather put on rain gear and just get wet vs. inside for long miles.


My mom asked me before leaving to not run by myself in Vegas so that is why I did them inside:) Thanks girl and ENJOY YOUR SIX MILER today!!!


The blog looks great!


Today I put together my daughter’s new play gym/bouncer, I will be going to a game night with friends and I am going to eat way too many cookies!


Love the blog!!!!! And Brooke is getting so much cuter, if that is even possible!!!


Hi Janae,
I really like the new design!! So clean and easy to use! Good job! I love the logo!


You and Brooke are twinning in your strpies!!! Cute! Love the new design!


I realized at mile 5 of 13.1 that my fuel was at home on my shoe rack! Yes, with 15 years of running Under my belt, I still do rookie mistakes ;-) I managed to finish in my goal time so was very happy… I hope I’m not going to pay for in the next few days…! I love how your blog has been redesigned, it illustrates very well the transition between where you were 5 years ago and where you are now… good job!


YAY! The new design is so clean, and I love the headshot too. Looks fab! Nice work.


I love your new blog, it looks awesome!!!

Three things I am doing today. . . just resting, snuggling my kids and watching “religious shows” haha. I had a baby 2 weeks ago so I’m just chilling at home with her and my other 3. It’s not real restful with 4 kids, but we’ll get a nap eventually. :) It was so nice to have conference to watch last weekend! :)

I haven’t ran in several months since I’ve been pregnant and not able to run but I am definitely looking forward to that!


haha the old design was such a constant that you had to respect the tradition :) but the new design is super chic and totally seems to fit your style! very cute


New design looks great!! I’m with you on the drink-less Vegas trip. I would go there to check out the amazing architecture and shopping :)


It looks great Janae! So clean. Beautiful photos. Love the change! (Bigger the font please! Thankyouverymuch! )


The new design is soooo cute! I love how clean and fresh it looks. Congrats – it is always nice for a change just in time for spring!


New template looks great but I think the logo at the top should be a donut with a bite taken out of it, don’t you? ;) or pizza!


Love the new look! You are sneaky – had no idea you’d be revamping it. What about all your blog sponsers ads though? They seemed to take up a good bit of room on the sides of your last design – are they still supposed to be displayed? Total commitment to getting that run in on the treadmill in the wee early mornings of Vegas!


Love the new blog design!!! It’s so fresh and clean and pretty


I love the new look!!!!


Love the new look! Happy Sunday!


Love the design – very clean and fresh! (And cute logo!)


Hahah, I literally thought I had gone to the wrong blog when this popped up! LOVE the new look, it’s beautiful!!! And pizza reunions are the best reunions, so good pick by Brooke :)


3 things I have done today: Ran 6 miles with my dog, went for a walk in my towns park with my sister, her dog, and my own dog, and went grocery shopping to meal prep for the week!

Weekend runs have felt great! I’m finally starting to do long runs again. I missed them so much!


Nice new look, but actually a little too much white space in the comments section. Seriously, took for ever on my phone to get to the end. Yeah, I know, totally a first world problem there.

I only got one run in today. Did my own 5k on my favorite trail…in the stinking snow. Yes it’s snowing here, a lot. 2-4 inches worth. Even though I was trying to go slow I kept inching my pace up. And even though I was dealing with slips and trying to go at a slower pace I was surprised at how much slower I was then my race last weekend. Means two things. Need to slow down more for training runs, and I did pretty good last weekend!


Love love the new design, Janae!!

I ran my seventh half marathon this morning and felt great!!!


Love the new layout!! <3


Love the new look! And your profile picture is absolutely gorgeous :)


I love the new look! My run on Saturday honestly wasn’t great. I kept getting contractions and had to walk a lot, but hey what do you expect at 35 weeks pregnant haha. I’m just grateful I can still run. :) Today I went to church, made Roast for dinner, and now I am working on my blog and watching Madagascar with my little girl. A pretty good day if you ask me. :) I hope you have a wonderful Sunday as well! :)


LOVE the new design. It looks fresh and clean.
3 things I’m doing today: working out, finishing an application for an apartment in Chicago, and watching the new Pee Wee Herman’s Big Holiday with my husband and sister-in law :)
By the way, where did your friend get her shirt in picture #9???? I love floral design and that color! Tell her I love it!


Love the new blog design! So much more mobile friendly and less cluttered!


I’m really digging the new design!

Great weekend getaway ~ so glad you had a memorable time…and what happiness to come home to!!! That ‘reunion’ pic is so heart warming…looks like she doesn’t want to let go of you!!!

Three things that made it an awesome day today: run, hot yoga, hot barre.

*ps…my hot yoga studio gives us cold towels af the end of class for our foreheads and its seriously amazing.


Loving the new look! Looks like you’ve had a fabulous weekend!


Love the new blog. I would change the font around a bit. The text seems awfully small and the title font is really big. But, that’s just me. Just thought I’d throw that in. I love the colors and how it looks so simple! Glad you had a great trip with a great reunion!

3 things: bagel for breakfast, reading, and visiting the in-laws.


3 Things I Did Today:
1.Read blogs. Love the new look on your blog!
2.Ran 10 miles, started before the sun was out, saw the sun rise!
3. Ate the ears off of a chocolate bunny!


Love the new design! Text size seems fine to me.

Oh, Target! I’ve been to Target 4 out of the last 5 days. I need help!


Absolutely LOVE the new look!!!!!!!! So polished looking!!! ???????????? Glad your back safe and sound!!! Even on date night I have anxiety about something happening to me and my husband while we’re away from our baby.?


Love the new blog!!

3 things I’m doing today: working, course work and a good foam rolling session!

周日运行实际上是我最喜欢的因为运行it’s my long run day. It really puts me in good spirits for the week. And if I get it done in the morning, it means I can sit on my bum and be unapologetically unproductive for the rest of the day ;).


If you are a runner, I would appreciate it if you could take a minute to fill in this 7 question survey. Thanks!


Your new blog is stellar! I really need to find something nicer to work with on mine. It’s been a while since I was here and I thought, “Wow! I’ve really been missing out!” and it turns out it’s new to everyone so I don’t feel so out in the cold. :-)

3 things: got up and went to the gym for leg day, did a 3 miler with my hubby and enjoyed a long, hot bath afterwards.


I love the new blog look! I have someone looking through 5 themes this weekend (he’s a designer) to help my update mine :)

3 things: Helping my future sister-in-law make wedding favours for her wedding in Mexico next week, grocery shopping (4 days until vacation = 4 days to not eat all-the-things-sugar) and watching the Blue Jays take on Boston!


Whoa! LOVE the new blog design! I have been bad and have not been keeping up with blog reading (or posting) so when I opened your site it threw me for a sec. :)

Both of my weekend runs felt amazing! And in new shoes too!


Your blog looks great. A fresh look always feels good doesn’t it?!

Taper run of 8k today in preparation for my 15k race next Sunday. The 15k (haha I’m Canadian hence the kilometres) will be my longest distance in a while. Super pumped for it. Spent the afternoon with my kids and prepped for the 10 people we had for dinner to celebrate my son’s 4th birthday. We had bbq’d ribs (yes nice enough to BBQ here in Calgary!) , pasta, a big salad and ice cream cake. Yum.


Love the new blog look!!!! Change is always a good thing!

Cooling towels are the best!!!! On my long runs, I pack a cool towel in a lunch tote with one of those freezer packs!!! So nice to have!!! :)

Sunday, I slowed things down for my long run and felt great!! Been pushing lately, and my body felt it! Started to lose my running mojo! However, I felt great after my long run yesterday and today I am not fatigued like I have been! Looking forward to track work today!!!


I love the new blog!! :)


LOVE the new blog so so much! Especially the pictures that you chose- for the top, side & bottom. The bottom ones are cracking me up- Brook as a bunny :D :D Adorable!


And, sorry, definitely meant ‘Brooke’ not Brook ;) I tried to edit it, but not sure how to.


I love the new design Janae! It is very clean and sleek. I hope your day is going great.


Whoa!!! What happened?!?! I love the new design!


Love the new blog design! Great job!


I’m not one to comment on a blog, but I have been following you for a couple of years now, and I just wanted to say…YOUR NEW BLOG DESIGN LOOKS GREAT!! You’re a REAL blogger ;) Thanks so much for all the advice, tips, and stories…keep it up, you’re great!


I love the new blog layout! Looks clean and modern. I didn’t run this weekend, or last. :( Trying to get back in my groove!


Love the new design!


I am loving the new look! I didn’t do much running last week, but I spent the weekend at Disney world :)


Love the new look!


Love the new style Janae! It’s simple, bright and definitely reflects your personality :)


I’ve been following your blog for years. I love the new look!


I looovee your new blog look.

I ran 8 miles today! :) I normally do my long runs on Sundays but on saturday i fainted… so i was too scared to run the next day. we think I might have low blood sugar? I am getting tested sometime soon.


Love the new blog look. Are the images at the top supposed to scroll through automatically? On my computer (MacBook Air with Mozilla Firefox as a browser) I have to scroll through them manually and if I don’t they sit statically with half of two different photos showing. Hope that’s useful feedback for getting things exactly as you want them.


Love the new blog design!!! change is so good! I had an amazing run on Friday evening and it really started my weekend off on the right foot!


1.I love the new blog layout. It looks great and clean of course, but it runs SO much better. Before I had a helluva time on your site, things bogged it down making it run very slowly. Whatever changed, I don’t have that problem as of the second I brought this new layout up. It runs instantly and quickly now. YAY.
2.我有一个42岁的新手。它让我feel great, but I have a hard time being consistent due to me and my husbands schedules, and one of us being home with the kiddo. I got a treadmill, hoping that helps with consistency. You are a really good down to earth motivator for me. I thank you for that. I will never run the mileage you do, but my goal is a good comfortable 4-5 miles per day. By the end of this summer…I hope.
3. Brooke and I totally need to start a garden full of cantaloupe ! I cannot inhale enough of it. Just this morning, I drove 12 miles out of my way just to hit a good grocery store for more. And I do NOT share with my family. It’s terrible.


The new look is legit! Fresh like an Andes mint!

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