最好的和最差的调查+所有的星期天stuff + a way for us to hang out on your next run together;)

Another weekend has come and gone. Another week of running is about to begin along with another week full of carbohydrates for me:)

Andrew was at the hospital again yesterday so it was just the two of us for breakfast. Bisquick to the rescue and I even shared the last peach with Brooke (talk about sacrifice;).

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Brooke and I went through myfavorite cake cookbookand of course she chose the rainbow sprinkle cake for her birthday cake. I’m excited to try this out for her birthday and luckily it will just be a bunch of 5 years olds so if I mess up then I can just distract them with fruit snacks instead:)

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And then we were off to church together. This was Brooke’s third summer wearing this dress that I got for her but I think this will be the last summer… when I told her that she reminded me that her baby sister will use it all of the time. She has a good point.

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After church we were looking everywhere for Beretta and found her under Brooke’s bed. She needed our help to get out which really makes me wonder how in the world she got there in the first place!

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I took my Sunday nap while Brooke watched a show next to me and then we got to work makingbraided breadtogether! She has figured out how to braid!

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Dinner was over at my sister’s house and someone was excited to see Brooke… these two have sure bonded lately.

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Andrew was able to meet us there after he finished with school!

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My sister made her famous bbq chicken pizza that is so incredibly good!

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It is super simple too—> Sam’s club pizza dough (you buy this at their food court), the best bbq sauce ever (sweet baby ray’s), chicken, mozzarella, red onions and cilantro. Homemade pizza tastes so much better when using apizza stone(I think) and we usually sit it in the oven for about 30 minutes @ 450 degrees before putting the pizza on the pizza stone!

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My sister always has a salad just like this one in her fridge at all times. She is so good at having an awesome option for her and her kids to eat from whenever they want. I love her salads.

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My niece was excited to eat dinner because she can finally have real food again. She had her appendix removed this last week and had to stick to certain foods for a while. She requested the bbq pizza for dinner because she was craving it so bad.

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Quite the entertaining person to sit across from at dinner.

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We later came home to make Cheerios bracelets and then she was off to bed and Andrew and I got to hang out.

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And because I usually have 5 pictures of my Sunday night desserts each week but no longer have any desire for dessert… I will include a picture from Megan D’s IG story. She and I definitely disagree on this debate… yay or nay for you?

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And another screenshot from an IG story I saw yesterday:) It’s fromMary @itsamarython(if you don’t follow her you should, she is awesome). This quote really had me thinking about post-pregnancy racing again. I think going watchless for some races might be my thing. I love when I am able to truly run according to the way my body is feeling rather than my watch making me stressed that I am going to fast or feel defeated because I’m not going fast enough (aka slowing me down even more). Why not run a race sometimes based purely on the way we are feeling?! Such a true quote for me! What about you?

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AMY CRAGG took third at the 2017 world marathon championships in London yesterday!! This was the first time an American woman won a world championships medal in this event since 1983… WOW!! She finished in 2:27:18!

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*****I did a podcast with Rylee McDermott from Man Bun Run last week and it is up todayHERE! Check it out if you want! This way I can kind of join you on your next run or road trip or time spent cleaning the house when you listen to it:)****


Time for a best and worst survey!!! I want to hear the good and the bad about your life:) Answer all of them or just a few! I want to hear from you!Also, I’ll choose a winner using random.org from all of the survey entrees and send the winner some chocolate or treats of their choice:) (answer one or more of the questions to enter:)




最好的跑步装备有使用吗?Worst piece of running gear you have used?


Best race you’ve ever done?

Worst race you’ve ever done?




最好的比赛前餐你吃过吗?Worst pre race meal you’ve ever had?


Best decision ever made during a race?



Best time of day to run?Worst time of day to run?



Worst running memory?


Best running injury (aka one that went away quickly.. an easy fix)?

Worst running injury?


Best running supplements you have tried?
Worst running supplements you have tried?
Best running outfit you’ve ever worn?
Worst running outfit you’ve ever worn?


Best running fuel/drink you’ve used during a run?
We will just include one on this one:
Feel free to add any of your own best and worst questions in the comments and I’ll answer those:)

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Best time of day to run? – Morning or afternoon when the sun isn’t too hot
Worst time of day to run? – The middle of the day during the summer. I can’t handle the heat!
最好的原因,这些天你跑步/锻炼吗?– To get back in shape and to create healthy habits for my future.
Best running injury (aka one that went away quickly.. an easy fix)? – Sore thigh (idk what muscle it was since it’s not a hamstring or quad)
Worst running injury? – A sprained foot, I ran the first and last race of a cross country season because of it

These were fun questions and made me think. Have a great day Janae!


Best decision I ever made during a race was not to worry about the fact that I was going faster than I ever had in a half marathon. I ended up getting a PR that race :) The worst decision was to continue a race with a broken hip simply because I didn’t want to get a DNF. It resulted in me being out for months with that injury.

Best pre-race meal: Wheat Thins and a banana. Worst pre-race meal: anything with peanut butter. It ruins my stomach in a race.

Best reason that I run/work out: It allows me to escape from everything troubling me and helps me process my thoughts better and also just makes me happy. Life has been rough for almost a year now, and running has definitely helped me through some difficult times, but I miss racing and hope to be able to do it again soon.


Brooke is adorable -love her hair!
These questions are fun! Best running gear: swiftwick socks, Brooks and Saucony shoes……..Worst gear: Nike shoes (sorry, love their clothes but not the shoes)
Best race: any of the 5 times I have run the Franklin Half (now renamed Hillbilly Half)……..Worst race: my first half marathon………glad I did it, but I had just gotten over the flu 2 days prior……..but I did win free shoes
Best post race meal: fajitas and burgers (a tie)……….worst post race meal: sandwich………I was still sooooo hungry
Best pre race meal: pizza…………..worst pre race meal: this was just pre-long run, not race, but never eating Taco Bell again
Best running memory: running in the Country music half marathon 5 days after Boston bombing, even in the rain the runners’ were so strong and unified………..worst running memory: oddly that same race! At the end it took me 20 minutes and a stranger’s cell phone to find my husband (then fiance), even though I had seen him at the finish line………..there were just so many people and it had been raining for hours so I was soaked and shivering
Best injury: the runner’s knee comes and goes but it is easy to treat………..Worst: these darn shin splints in my left leg………only hurts when I run and fades after first mile
Best fuel: Huma gels or candy like swedish fish……………worst fuel: anything else!

Have a great week!


That survey is fun. I might need to steal it and use it on my own blog. About running injuries, I don’t think any are good but I actually believe breaking a bone is much easier to fix. Bones heals 100% with rest, while muscles could heal but it takes time and they are always going to be a bit weaker.


I completely agree with you… I feel like the places where I had my bone injuries are the strongest ever while the muscle ones always pop back randomly! I hope your day is a great one Hollie!


Gotta love a good survey on a Monday morning! (I love filling them out haha)

1. Best: “Strength isn’t about looking a certain way. It’s about feeling a certain way.” / Worst: suggesting getting by on too-few calories on days that include heavy training. EAT!
2. Best: Can’t beat a good pair of shoes. / Worst: Old, worn-out shoes with cotton-y socks.
3. Best: The Sunburst 5K (and other races, but I did the 5K) in my town has the best post-race snacks that I’ve had at a race. / Worst: My first 10K was mis-marked and we ended up running 7 miles instead of 6.2 (and I was not prepared!)
4. I don’t really have many memorable post-race meals! Maybe after my half!
5. Best: Always ezekiel toast with PB and banana. / Worst: Anything with dairy
6. Best decision: Don’t stop/don’t look around (I wanted to beat my sister in a turkey trot, and I did ;)
7. Best time: 7 am, even though it’s hard! Worst time: the only time there’s a bad time to run is if it’s too hot or humid!
8. Best memory: I’m still riding the high of my first 10-miler ;) Worst memory: Trying to slog through 100% humidity and having to quit less than halfway through a long run
9. Best injury (haha): blisters? Worst injury: shin splints — had to pull out of a 15K race
10. Best supplements: does Nuun count? Worst: Does Gu count?
11. Best outfit: usually capri tights and a tank top. Worst outfit: shorts. Can’t do shorts=chafing
12. Best fuel/drink: I’m liking Nuun tablets for electrolytes. Worst: Gu. So bad!
13. I run/workout to reach my goal of completing my first half marathon! And to stay healthy and active ;)


LOVE THAT ADVICE. So so so true Joanne! I need to come to the Sunburst 5k… sounds awesome! OH I DO NOT like it when races aren’t accurate with the distance. I hope you are having a wonderful day Joanne! Thanks so much for doing the survey today!


Best fitness advice: if you have to choose between fitting in a workout or getting good quality sleep, choose sleep.
Worst fitness advice: if it doesn’t hurt, you’re doing it wrong (yes, working out causes soreness sometimes, but not real legitimate hurt/injuries/serious pain!)
Best time of day to run: early morning for me, preferably just when the sun is rising!
Worst time of day to run: mid-afternoon, in the summer, when it’s unbearably hot!
Best running memory: the first time I ever ran 10 miles and realized I could totally do a half marathon…so I signed up for one and did it!
Worst running memory: getting injured during the Las Vegas half and feeling absolutely defeated…and then having to hobble/limp back to the hotel for at least a mile walk.
Best reason that I run/workout these days: I do it for future me. I have a lot of family members who are very overweight and just all around unhealthy, and I see the struggles they have with even the easiest of things like walking around their house. I don’t want to end up like that. So that’s my motivation! That and the fact that I honestly enjoy it!

I do have a question for you or anyone else – any suggestions for ways to pamper your feet that won’t make them super sensitive? I’ve gotten pedicures before but then they seem to smooth off all my callouses and I get blisters when I run again. My mom was massaging my feet after my race on Saturday and told me my feet were tough and dry! Any tips on things to do to make them a little less like scary runners feet?!


Best time to run- morning hands down! I don’t know how evening runners do it!

Best running memory- it’s a tie between my first half marathon and running the Boston Marathon! Both are special accomplishments for me.

Worst running memory- probably how nauseous I felt after my first marathon. But I did BQ, so that made up for it!


watchless太难了对我来说,但我知道我娘家姓的d to do it more :) Love this survey btw!!!
1. Best: take rest days/ Worst: static stretch before you run
2. Best: flipbelt, garmin, moving comfort sports bras / Worst: (don’t hate me) brooks shoes….
3. Best: Richmond Half Marathon 2016 / Worst: Charlottesville 10 Miler 2017
4. Best: Smoothies / Worst: anything with meat
5. Best: pb toast/ Worst: eggs
6. Best: start out slow/ Worst: start out fast
7. Best: morning or evening / Worst: middle of day
8. Best: 1st female in a 5K race! / Worst: getting chased by a dog and fearing for my life :(
9. Best: NONE!!! / Worst: shin splints/ IT Band
10. I’ve never taken any running supplements…
11. Best: shorts and tank top / Worst: anything baggy
12. Best: gummy bears, shot blocks / Worst: cherry gu (yuck)
13. Best: for my sanity!!

P.S. I am super jealous of Brooke’s hair…she is growing up so fast – I know she will be great with a little sister!!
Have a great day Janae!


Best Running Injury – NO running injury.
Worst Running Injury – Femoral stress fracture. I bet you may agree!


Hahaha yeah, that is the best running injury:) OH goodness.. yep, those femoral stress fractures are the WORST. I am so sorry you had to go through that too! Enjoy your week Holly!


Best time to work out? Mornings!! I am totally a morning person!! So worst time is evenings. How anyone can workout at night is beyond me! I’m ready for bed!
运行memory? Best would be a foggy day a year or so ago when I had had a bunch of bad runs and was so discouraged and burned out. The fog kept me from seeing distance in front of me and all I could hear was the sounds of my footfall on the wet gravel and my breathe. It was the most incredible run.
My worst was a day in July when I ran late in the morning. I too hate the heat!! I had to stop and squat under bushes and trees to get out of the sun!! It was horrible!! #winteriscoming!!


Amy, thanks for sharing your answers… I loved hearing about your best running memory. That run sounds absolutely perfect!


Beat time of day to run? Morning! Great way to start the day! Worst time of day to run? Middle of the day when its way too hot!


最好的跑步装备有使用吗?Worst piece of running gear you have used?
Best piece: Brooks Launches! I always used the Adrenaline but switching to the Launches was truly life changing.
Worst piece: a fuel belt that would never stay put. I think it last for 0.2 miles before I ditched it
Best race you’ve ever done: Hartford Marathon in Hartford CT.
Worst race you’ve ever done: A spartan beast in Killington, VT. SO MANY PEOPLE. NO WATER.
Best post race meal you’ve ever had: Any time hibachi is involved.
糟糕的ra后ce meal you’ve ever had: No such thing.
Best pre race meal you’ve ever had: The classic of oatmeal with peanut butter. Works every time.
Worst pre race meal you’ve ever had: Bagels don’t work all that well for me and it makes me sad.
Best time of day to run: My favorite time is about 9 am, right after breakfast and I feel the best.
Worst time of day to run: Evening! There is no energy or motivation left for me.
Best running memory: Every marathon finish, no better feeling in the world!
Worst running memory: Once I ran 18 miles and it started pouring ran at mile 2 and stayed that way the whole time. My water bottle was leaking. And I was running around a reservoir where Geese hissed at me almost the whole time. I cried.
Best running injury (aka one that went away quickly.. an easy fix): Cuboid subluxation. Lasted 1 week!
Worst running injury: IT Band…
Best running supplements you have tried: Huma Gel…..thanks Janae!
Worst running supplements you have tried: GU does not sit well with my stomach.
Best running outfit you’ve ever worn: Love to run in shorts and a tank top!


SO glad you love Huma… that stuff is the bomb and I agree with you about GU:) You did 16 miles in pouring rain… yeah I would have cried with all of those things happening too. Oh the IT band, seriously the worst! Glad that you love the Launch! The best! Enjoy your day Tess and thanks for sharing:)


best fitness advice: It’s more important to move throughout the day than to run 20 miles and then crash on the couch for the rest of the day.

worst fitness advice: crunches will give you flat abs (not if you keep eating too much)


最好的跑步装备有使用吗?Mission Anti-Chafe balm and Moving Comfort sports bras
Worst piece of running gear you have used? This old water/fuel belt that used to bounce like crazy.


Best race you’ve ever done? New Jersey Marathon 2014!!!! My PR and the only marathon I didn’t hit the wall.
Worst race you’ve ever done? I did the NYC half in 2013 and had to run extra miles before and after to make it my long run. It was super windy that day and I was just in a pissy mood. I couldn’t handle running into the headwinds and i was so tired and ended up walking the last few miles back to my car instead of running them….stopping for Starbucks on the way. Having been injured now i promise to never get pissy during a race or any run. I miss it so much


最好的种族食物你吃过吗?坏后种族饭你吃过吗?I had some delicious pancakes after a half marathon in Philly a few years ago. And the day after the NYC Marathon I ordered a reuben and fries and it came with a pickle. So good. All the salt that my body must have been craving.


最好的比赛前餐你吃过吗?Worst pre race meal you’ve ever had? Superpretzel soft pretzels are my fave pre-race meal. Too much coffee is my worst pre race meal. There’s a fine line and I swear 4 oz is ok and 5 oz is NOT ok :)

Best time of day to run? 11am Worst time of day to run? 6am (ugh not a morning person)


最好的运行内存吗?运行5 half marathons in 5 days in 5 states in Sept of 2013 with 4 other amazing running friends who were running full marathons each day. We had a great time.
Worst running memory? When my running capris ripped at the inner thigh seam during a half marathon and i chafed so bad from the flesh rubbing the other pant leg it bled. I finished the race and then cleaned up my wound


Best running injury (aka one that went away quickly.. an easy fix)? NONE! LOL!
Worst running injury? My current toe issue. Not even sure what i did but it’s been 20 weeks since I injured it and only 3 weeks in the middle of this journey have I been able to run.


最好的比赛前餐你吃过吗?我吃了一些关爱rnight oats with blueberries before a triathlon in 2015. I was worried since I ate it a little earlier than I had planned – which was still about 1.5 hours before race start. But I was full the whole time without being uncomfortable! And it’s now my go-to race breakfast.

Worst pre race meal you’ve ever had? For whatever reason it didn’t occur to me to make overnight oats Friday night before my 5K on Saturday morning, so when I woke up, I had nothing prepared to eat. I panicked because I was running late. Which, I shouldn’t have worried, this was SUCH a small race, so I grabbed the first things I saw. A banana & leftover egg noodles with butter. All was well until about mile 2.9, and then everyone got to see a repeat of the noodles & nanner on the way out. Oops. NEVER AGAIN.


best time of day to run is for sure the crisp morning hours. When the sun is yet to shine, and the air has a sharp crispness to it. It’s like a secret life no one knows about. Then after the run, you’re back to sun shining and day starting. I usually end up at a coffee shop or with a breakfast plate as recovery. Best part of running

Worst time of day to run is dinnertime. Either I had freshly eaten dinner twirling in my stomach or I’m sacrificing my run to get to dinner faster. You can’t win if you run around dinner time.


I love that you said the ‘crisp’ morning hours… what a perfect way to describe my favorite time of day to run too! I agree about the dinner time running too. I hope you have a beautiful day Emily and thanks for your comment!


A muffin with peanut butter.

Worst pre race meal you’ve ever had?
A frozen Amy’s Enchilada dinner. No details needed :)


I like raspberry hammer gels when I use fuel for long runs/races! and my best time to run is the in morning, preferably by 7:00 am.


Megan’s IG picture/question: either way on the walnuts but nay on the milk chocolate chips. ;) :D


So do you only do dark chocolate chips in your cookies?!?!


Best time of day to run – Sometime in the morning…ideally between 6-8am
Worst time of day to run – Middle of the afternoon. I can’t do the hot afternoon runs. The evening is tough for me to. I’m really just a morning exerciser!


Best fitness advice: become a Les mills instructor (body pump body combat).
Worst fitness advice: Never miss a day/you’ll never regret a workout <Best gear: obviously shoes that fit properly
Worst gear:shoes that don't fit!!


major nay to nuts in baked goods!


Best race you’ve ever done? Twin Cities Marathon! (My first marathon – the scenery and the spectators made it a great 1st marathon experience)
Worst race you’ve ever done? Lola’s Half (Lake Waconia, MN) Soooooo hot, humid, and hilly.
最好的种族食物你吃过吗?Any kind of burger!
Best time of day to run? In the Summer – Early morning
Worst time of day to run? Anytime in the afternoon when the sun is out and the humidity is high.
最好的运行内存吗?Crossing the finish line at my first marathon
Worst running outfit you’ve ever worn? Crops instead of shorts during a fall race because I underestimated how warm it actually was.
Best running fuel/drink you’ve used during a run? Shot bloks usually work well – but I tend to get hungry while running, so I really like stinger waffles :)
最差的运行燃料/喝你在运行使用? Gu – I hate the texture and it doesn’t settle well.
最好的原因,这些天你跑步/锻炼吗?Because I can – and to prove to myself how strong I am.


I want to do the Twin Cities Marathon SO bad… that is awesome Kori! I will stay away from the hot and humid half:) I LOVE the stinger waffles too… so much and I agree, I’m not a fan of Gu anymore either! Keep running because YOU CAN (I love that)!


你曾经收到最好的健身建议吗?Not really advice, but just listening to other runners say that you can do more than you think you can. It helps me to hear that there was a time #X miles seemed impossible for them, but they did it.
你曾经收到最健身建议吗?Run through the pain, it’s all good!
Worst piece of running gear you have used? Shoes that weren’t for me.
Best race you’ve ever done? My first half marathon.
Worst race you’ve ever done? Shawshank Hustle a couple years ago – I was just barely over being sick & had no business running a race.
最好的种族食物你吃过吗?All of them, I’ve never had a bad experience of gorging myself after a race. :)
最好的比赛前餐你吃过吗?Eggs, bacon, toast. Worst pre race meal you’ve ever had? When I eat too little.
Best decision ever made during a race? To not look at my watch the whole time.
在比赛中有史以来最糟糕的决定?Pushing too hard, too soon.
Best time of day to run? I run in the mornings before work, but my favorite time is late afternoon – I love coming home to shower & then enjoying a good meal. Worst time of day to run? Whenever it’s too hot.
最好的运行内存吗?Wow, that is tough, but one memory I love is going out with my husband for his first run.
Worst running memory? That time I had to turn a secluded ditch into a bathroom. Yikes.
Injury…the foot pain I had recently was my “best” and “worst.” Best because it did go away fairly quickly, and worst because I’ve never had an jury before that’s kept me from running, so I was freaking out a bit.
Best running fuel/drink you’ve used during a run? Shot bloks, Goldfish crackers, cold water or cold orange Gatorade…love wearing a hydration vest to keep my drink cold.

最差的运行燃料/喝你在运行使用? Tailwind. I know it’s great for so many people, but it has upset my stomach both times I’ve tried it. I wanted it to work for me, but it doesn’t. :(
We will just include one on this one:

最好的原因,这些天你跑步/锻炼吗?Short-term reason: I’m training for my first full marathon. Long-term reason: because it’s how I keep my sanity, and I love taking care of this body God has given me. I want to live as long & healthy a life as possible.


I loved reading your answers Amanda, thank you! I’ve never heard of Tailwind, bummer it didn’t work! I am so excited for your first full marathon, let me know how it goes and keep me updated with your training. I hope you get some good late afternoon runs soon! Enjoy your week Amanda!


Best fitness advice you’ve ever received: convince yourself you can run/workout in any weather conditions because the best athletes will always practice no matter what (my mom)
Best piece of running gear you have used: I have two: my Garmin, just because it tracks my miles and since I’m an engineer I am such a data nerd it is fun to see how many miles I run & also my purple running socks (swiftwick brand), they make me feel like I can tackle any challenge and I always wear them for a key workout and all races! (they are kind of expensive, but this pair has been worth every penny! haha!)
Worst piece of running gear you have used: shoes that weren’t right for running (but they were a cute color!) but they gave me knee issues. I learned my lesson…
Best post race meal: breakfast scramble w/ extra bacon!
Best pre race meal: toast w/ pb & banana
Worst pre race meal: yogurt, lol I didn’t know!
Best time of day to run: morning between 6 & 7 am (or 5:30 if I can get myself up that early)
Worst time of day to run: never
Best running memory: running a 5k with my family and going back after I finished to finish with my mom. :)
Worst running memory: running 200m repeats in high school and stepping on the back of someone’s foot and twisting my ankle.. ouch!
Best running injury (aka one that went away quickly.. an easy fix): side stitches, just breath and forget about them and they go away
Worst running injury: ankle sprain or knee pain, both sideline you for a few weeks if not longer. :(
最佳运行机构:你曾经穿黑色短裤, pink/orange tank and pink/orange shoes (with my purple socks of course)! It matched so well!!!
Worst running outfit you’ve ever worn: anything with heels, not made for runners
Best reason that you run/workout these days: get away from the stresses of my life and also work on my choreography for my dance team’s upcoming season! I sometimes stop during my runs to try different moves I think up – anyone who sees me is probably really confused, lol, but I love it!


I NEEDED that advice Emily, tell your mom thank you for that too! HAHAH Yes about heels… I don’t know why I ever even try! LOVED hearing about the 5k with your family and then going back and finishing with your mom:) Thank you for sharing and I hope you have a wonderful week!


Best race you’ve ever done? – Murray Half Marathon in Murray, KY

Worst race you’ve ever done? – My very first xc race in high school. I don’t remember where it was but it was called the Twilight Run and 3 of the 3.1 miles was on gravel. No one knew this before the race, so we were all sliding around the rocks in spikes. My ankles were so sore after the race, I almost quit the team. Thankfully, things got better from there :)

最好的比赛前餐你吃过吗?Forevery和lways pb&j.

Best time of day to run? In the morning! But nowdays I have to run after work, so I’ve gotten used to 5:30 p.m. runs too.

最好的运行内存吗?Finishing my first half marathon!

最好的原因,这些天你跑步/锻炼吗?My sanity. Running is my “me time” and I cherish it every day.


I love surveys!!

BEST: A huge tofu scramble with tons of veggies!
WORST: A cheesesteak sub after the Boston Marathon (before I was a vegetarian). My stomach did not like this one.

To keep my body healthy and feel confident!


Best running gear – getting actually fitted for shoes! I ran all through college (on the track team) and was NEVER fitted for my shoes. When I moved to Colorado and starting running longer distances, I went to our local running store and they took me through the fit process – WHAT A GAME CHANGER!!

Also, I finally had my peaches and pancakes last night. SO GOOD


YES YES YES… I am so glad you got fitted for your running shoes Aimee, it makes the biggest difference. So glad you had the heaven of peaches and pancakes;) Enjoy your Monday!


Best Race: Chicago Marathon
Worst running injury: plantar fasciitis…that sucker lingers!
Best piece of running gear: my Garmin, hands down!
Best reason I run/workout right now: to grow my healthy baby and prepare myself for the best and hardest race to come: labor! Any day now ?


我爱这些小调查——它是如此有趣的阅读thers’ answers :)

Best race you’ve ever done? Disney Princess Half Marathon (no competition for the best!)
Worst race you’ve ever done? A small local race that was 90F by 9am. Bleh.
Best: Cake and an ice cold Diet Coke (it was a Coke themed race!)
Worst: Snack boxes from Disney Races

Best time of day to run? Worst time of day to run?
Best: When it’s cool
Worst: When it’s hot ;)
Best running outfit you’ve ever worn? This isn’t too specific, but I love when I can wear a tank top and capris!
最好的原因,这些天你跑步/锻炼吗?For enjoyment!


No to nuts! You can ruin a perfectly good dessert by adding nuts.

I run right now for some time for me. That’s about all the self pampering I get so that’s my main motivator right now.


Man Bun Run has been awesome. I’ll be saving your episode of Man Bun Run for my long run this weekend!


I hope you love it Mary! Let me know how your long run goes this weekend and enjoy your week!


Best advice–this is hard–so much advice, but I’ll write what my coach (Mary, itsamaryathon, actually :) recently told me during a pep talk. “Stop focusing on what you THINK you can’t do!” I’ve been working on getting my head into the game.

Best running gear–Saucony Zealot, first generation, Oiselle Mac Roga shorts, Oiselle Verrazano bra

Best race: KEY WEST HALF MARATHON!!!! This will be my 4th year doing it! Can’t give up that January trip to Key West!

Best time of day to run: MORNING, hands-down!!! I have loved being off school during the summer to be a true summer runner. LOVE morning running so so much.

Best running memory–not one in particular, just any time I’m running strong and happy.

Best fuel: Huma Gels

Best reason to workout right now: I’m training for a marathon, and I have a certain goal for it. I really do think I just like the training though, too–the regimented calendar set by my coach. I look forward to what I’m doing every day :) This marathon (my 2nd :) is so different from my 1st. I’m not thinking so much about the grand finale but really enjoying the “ride” along the way!


Oh, and I have to add this—WORST piece of advice EVER from a PREVIOUS coach—“Unless a limb falls off, you will run 3-4 times this week”—-this was when I was dealing with a serious injury that hadn’t been diagnosed yet and turned out to be a FEMORAL STRESS FRACTURE! Yeah, I left that coach after that injury. Seriously the worst ever.


WHAT!?!?! Yeah… that is NOT okay! I am so so sorry about your femoral stress fracture. I actually had a coach when I had my femoral stress fracture too that had me do yasso 800s two days after a really hard half marathon and I told him how bad it hurt… yeah, NO. Not okay… I left that coach too! Glad you left that coach too! I SERIOUSLY love your best advice from Mary.. how incredibly true is that. How many times do we think we can’t do something that we can. Thank you for sharing! Have an amazing time this weekend at your half, I want to do that with you! Oh I LOVE Huma Gels too.. the best! Thanks for sharing Jen! Have a great day!


Best race: St. Louis Half (although Omaha Half is a very close second). Worst race: Hillbilly Hike Half, not because of anything to do with the race, it was just flat/downhill and I had been training on a lot of hills.
Best Post Race meal: Pie (at the Hillbilly Hike). Worst post-race meal: Kung Pao Chicken. Never again post-race.
Best running outfit: my orange nike shorts circa 1999(?). Still going strong although they are so worn they are only treadmill in the basement appropriate now. Worst running outfit:Nike tennis skirt (chafing!!!!)


Kung Pao Chicken after a race… that does not sound fun but the pie sure does:) I LOVE that you still have an awesome pair of shorts from 1999… the shorts that keep giving! Enjoy your day Ali!


你曾经收到最好的健身建议吗?Don’t compare yourself to anyone else. Let your fitness journey be your journey!
你曾经收到最健身建议吗?A well meaning trainer told me to be content with never getting faster because I probably improve. So far I’ve shaved off and average of 2 min/mile.


最好的跑步装备有使用吗?运行belt for my “stuff.”
Worst piece of running gear you have used? Arm band for phone-I hate how tight they feel!


Best race you’ve ever done? Hurt the Dirt Trail Run, Rockford, MI
Worst race you’ve ever done? A local 5k that was an out and back course. Flat and boring for a girl who LOVES hills!


最好的种族食物你吃过吗?French toast and bacon!
坏后种族饭你吃过吗?French fries and an iced coffee. ????


最好的比赛前餐你吃过吗?Mini bagel & peanut butter.
Worst pre race meal you’ve ever had? Yogurt


Best decision ever made during a race? To base my race on effort instead of my watch.
在比赛中有史以来最糟糕的决定?Conserving when my watch said I was too fast. Thought I would bonk and at the end of the race definitely felt like I didn’t give it all.


Best time of day to run? MORNING!!! Worst time of day to run? Evening or any time after 10 a.m.


最好的运行内存吗?Meeting a friend for a long run in the POURING rain. Not just a little sprinkle, an absolute down pour. We had a blast!
Worst running memory? Hurting my Achilles on a treadmill run a month before a race

Best running fuel/drink you’ve used during a run? I love raisins or cranberries and propel fitness water.

最差的运行燃料/喝你在运行使用? Haven’t tried much other than the above.


We will just include one on this one:

最好的原因,这些天你跑步/锻炼吗?To challenge myself physically and mentally, but honestly, it’s one of the ways I connect more with my Heavenly Father. Being out in His creation, praying, and focusing on all the amazing things He is doing and turning over the hard and heartaches to Him. It’s what gets me moving each morning!


Thank you for your answers Deborah, I loved reading through them! AWESOME advice and that bad advice… yeah, you definitely proved how wrong that was. Huge congrats to you! Loved to hear why you run these days, I completely agree with you. I hope you have an amazing week!


Fitness advice:
Best — If something hurts (like REALLY hurts) stop running, walk home, and take the next day off.
Worst — Take longer strides
Best — Lately it’s my belly band :) Before I was pregnant, it was probably my Garmin.
Worst — These Asics trainers that Deena Kastor swears by. I love Asics, but they were too high on my ankles and destroyed my feet. I wore them for one run and had to give them away.
Best: Boston 2014
Worst: Honestly, none!! I’ve taken something away from each one, even if it’s just “character.”

Post Race Meal:
Best: I love the burger/beer combo
Worst: Salad. It just fills me up without giving me enough calories.

Pre Race meal:
Best: Plain bagel with jelly
Worst: Night before… Falafel. I LOVE falafel, but was burping it up all race. Yikes.

Best: Just… keep… moving
Worst: Going out too fast

Time of Day:
Best: Early morning
Worst: After work (I work nights)

Best: Tie between qualifying for Boston and finishing my 100 miler
Worst: Bathroom issues during a training run.

Best: Little aches and pains
Worst: Three pelvic stress fractures and two spinal compression fractures. Ladies, if you aren’t getting your period, EAT MORE!!!

Best: Honestly, I hate them all
Worst: I still eat Gu and Gels but think they’re nasty

Best: My Brooks Epiphany shorts
Worst: Sports bra that literally ripped completely down the front during a training run. Luckily, I also had a tank top on, but definitely had to walk home after that happened.

Best: Heed
Worst: Lemon/lime Gatorade

Reason to run:
Best: Lately, it’s to be healthy and fit during my pregnancy. Before that, it was to be competitive at local races
Worst: To burn calories and have an excuse to eat. I was never overweight but used running as a way to burn calories. Now, I treat myself with whatever food I want regardless of how many miles I ran. And I’m talking “now” not just as a pregnant woman, but in general. Life is too short!


你曾经收到最好的健身建议吗?Listen to your body
你曾经收到最健身建议吗?I had a friend/fitness coach, and her motto was “Do only difficult things.” She encouraged athletes to always work hard, and not to rest much. I personally think rest/easy days are just as important as a hard workout!
最好的跑步装备有使用吗?Love Oiselle’s toolbelt roga shorts, so I don’t need to carry a belt.
Worst piece of running gear you have used? Cotton tank tops. Talk about underarm/bicep chaffing!
Best race you’ve ever done? OC Half marathon. Had a unpredicted night before and didn’t get dinner until 10pm and got only a couple hours of sleep, but remains my PR.
Worst race you’ve ever done? Boston 2016
最好的种族食物你吃过吗?Inn ‘n Out. Give me all the fries/salt after a race!
坏后种族饭你吃过吗?Sometimes nothing sounds good…
最好的比赛前餐你吃过吗?Bagel and banana is my go to
Worst pre race meal you’ve ever had? Probably eggs of some sort
Best decision ever made during a race? Charged up the hills, because knew the on the downs I would go anyway
在比赛中有史以来最糟糕的决定?Not changing my race plan due to weather
Best time of day to run? Morning, usually as the sun is coming up
Worst time of day to run? After work
最好的运行内存吗?在大学的一些运行of the best girls!
Worst running memory? Lucklily nothing that is actually bad
Best running injury (aka one that went away quickly.. an easy fix)? Plenty of knee and elbow scrapes from falls
Worst running injury? Pulled hamstring
Worst running outfit you’ve ever worn? Wore my Halloween costume during a race, wasn’t the most comfortable
最好的原因,这些天你跑步/锻炼吗?我卡ply just love to run. No reason, other than it completes me.


Best fitness advice: You have to do something that you enjoy and can sustain on your own without professional help (this was from my personal trainer). A lot of people try to mimic what other people are doing because they see success or that other people find it enjoyable and it doesn’t work for the. If you find something you like (running, swimming, cross training, weight lifting) then you will be motivated to do it without help/pressure from other people. Worst fitness advice: 6 small meals a day to keep metabolism going. No. Just no. This is not how I want to live or anything that works for me! I’m sure some people love it, but not I!


你曾经收到最好的健身建议吗?Set a timer on your watch to eat during your long runs! It takes all the thinking out of it, when it beeps – EAT!

你曾经收到最健身建议吗?这是more of the worst advice I never received – when I first started running, no one ever taught me about pacing. Seriously! Pacing, the backbone of long distance running. When I joined a new running club, that’s what we focused on in the beginning and the rest is history!
最好的跑步装备有使用吗?Nightrunner 270 shoe lights! Living in Houston, I do a lot of very early morning runs (to beat the heat). These things are amazing! They make me so visible to cars and light up the path (especially the cracks in the sidewalks) perfectly.

Worst piece of gear? KT tape. Useless & falls off soooooooo quickly.
Best race you’ve ever done? I’m a sucker for thinking the most recent race I did was the best ever so the answer is Ironman Frankfurt. I was so impressed how nice everyone was! Sure the competitive vibe was present, but it really was something to experience people being nice along a race course. I was so nervous about racing in Europe and now I can’t wait to return!

Worst race you’ve ever done? The 2017 Houston Marathon had terrible weather (high temps and high humidity). It took everything out of me. 2018 will be the first time in 5 years I’m not running my hometown marathon. I’m scarred for a while!
最好的种族食物你吃过吗?Mexican food hits the spot!

坏后种族饭你吃过吗?我讨厌一个漆k of options. As a vegetarian, it’s just awful when I have to pick off meat from a sandwich at the end of a race.
Best decision ever made during a race? This one will sound strange, but I made the decision to turn in my timing chip after 1 lap (of 3) during my last half Ironman. My heart wasn’t in the race and I needed to get home to deal with a very challenging personal situation. I toed the line to help distract me from that challenging personal thing, and I’m glad I did. But knowing when to say “I need to go home” was the best decision ever. The support of my friends and family after that DNF was amazingly positive.

在比赛中有史以来最糟糕的决定?忘记to eat (and now I don’t because I set the reminder on my watch!)
Best time of day to run? Pre-dawn!

Worst time of day to run? After work. The heat here does not let up when the sun goes down. Everything just feels stale and hot and oppressive.
最好的运行内存吗?Every finish line I’ve ever crossed!

Worst running memory? I have really hated some long training runs and broken down and cried in quite a few.
Best running injury (aka one that went away quickly.. an easy fix)? Blisters

Worst running injury? My husband had a femoral stress fracture. He was on crutches for 12 weeks and in Physical Therapy for another 6. It was devastating to watch him experience. I would have been a mess. He handled it so well.
Best running outfit you’ve ever worn? Lululemon shorts and a tank top that does not chafe my armpits.

Worst running outfit you’ve ever worn? Lined tights during a cold run without underwear = chafing in places you never, ever, ever should experience chafing.
Best running fuel/drink you’ve used during a run? I’m a sucker for good ole’ gatorade

最差的运行燃料/喝你在运行使用? Twizzlers. Good idea, but they were too hard to chew and didn’t dissolve in my mouth.
最好的原因,这些天你跑步/锻炼吗?运行and working out just gets me in such a good frame of mind. I don’t know how I ever managed stress without it. I’m still in the recovery period from my last Ironman and my workout load has been lighter than what I’m used to. It has me thinking I’m crazy! What to do with all this time? What am I supposed to do with all these thoughts in my head?! I had a tough day at work last week and all I wanted was 7 miles along my favorite route here. But, being that it’s Houston in August, 7 PM miles were just out of the question. So I hit my bike on the indoor trainer instead. It was amazing the difference in how I felt afterwards.


That is such a good idea to set a timer for when to eat during a race/long run… I’m going to have to try that one, thanks Jenn! IRONMAN FRANKFURT… Ummmm WOW!!! HUGE HUGE HUGE congrats to you. That is awesome! I don’t think I’d be able to go back to the Houston Marathon either after that! I hope you are having a great day and thanks for sharing and I love why you run/work out!


Best race you’ve ever done? Lake Placid Classic – gorgeous scenery of the Adirondack High Peak region, and despite the mountains, the course is not terribly hilly
Worst race you’ve ever done? Utica Boilermaker – everyone seems to LOVE this race, but it was horribly hot and humid, and the giant after party offered zero shade and was incredibly packed.
Best: one half marathon I raced had vegetable broth at the finish line…not really a post-race “meal” but at that moment, there was nothing more delicious haha.
Worst: After my last marathon I was unable to eat. I had a nagging leg injury and took waaay too much ibuprofen mid-race which led to incredible stomach pain for HOURS afterward…anything I tried to eat made it hurt worse. Not being able to get anything down was so much worse than any bad post-race food.

Best time of day to run? Worst time of day to run?
Best: very early in the morning…5am is my favorite
Worst: anytime after 7am
Best running outfit you’ve ever worn? shorts and a tank top
Worst running outfit you’ve ever worn? a sports bra that chafed
最好的原因,这些天你跑步/锻炼吗?To see how strong I can get!


你曾经收到最好的健身建议吗?如果你维on’t feel like doing it, just put on your gear and step out the front door
你曾经收到最健身建议吗?run on your heels…..JK. I really don’t know on this one!


最好的跑步装备有使用吗?GPS watch OR ipod nano/shuffle
Worst piece of running gear you have used? I think hydration belts are a necessary evil. They seem so dorky to me.

Best race you’ve ever done? GA marathon 2013
Worst race you’ve ever done? Huntsville veterans’ half marathon- WORST COURSE


最好的种族食物你吃过吗?pizza and a coke
坏后种族饭你吃过吗?chili…rookie mistake

Best decision ever made during a race? going without a watch OR only listening to music after the halfway point- I got that from you, Janae!
在比赛中有史以来最糟糕的决定?going out too fast


Best time of day to run? morning as the sun comes up! though right now in GA the mornings tend to be the most humid, I love having that start to my day!
Worst time of day to run? midday…TOO HOTT
最好的运行内存吗?finishing the 2013 GA marathon alongside my BFF
Worst running memory? TMI WARNING- putting vaseline in my butt crack because chafing was a jerk. #lowpoint


Best running injury (aka one that went away quickly.. an easy fix)? overuse IT band soreness
Worst running injury? Plantar Fasciitis


Best running supplements you have tried? TELL ME !! I need this!!


Best running outfit you’ve ever worn? my bday suit. jkjk. I love my Lulu running shorts and my gapfit running tank (it has a split down the back so you can tie it together at the bottom- keeps me lookin’ fly and feelin’ cool!

Worst running outfit you’ve ever worn? old running shorts that chafe and a fitted tank

Best running fuel/drink you’ve used during a run? I love the classic gu’s- vanilla or any fruity flavor

最差的运行燃料/喝你在运行使用? I used to use the clif bar shot blocks all the time until (possibly user error here) I used them during a race- popped one in my mouth as I was ascending a hill, realized that a gu would have been much easier to ingest because I was so winded from the hill that it was nearly impossible to chew!


最好的原因,这些天你跑步/锻炼吗?I find that I thrive when I have a big goal to work towards. I am running my very first NYCM this fall!


Hey Brooke (I LOVE your name:) That is so awesome that you did a marathon with your bff… I love it! OH THAT CHAFING sounds not fun at all! I am so so excited that you are running the NYCM this fall, it is incredible! As far as my favorite running supplements go… here is a post where I share my favorites. I hope it helps!




最好的运行内存吗?运行my first long distance (10 miles ) with my sister.

Best running injury (aka one that went away quickly.. an easy fix)? Groin pain. Just had to do the right stretches and rest a bit!

Best running fuel/drink you’ve used during a run? COLD Gatorade.

最好的原因,这些天你跑步/锻炼吗?MENTAL HEALTH as well as physical health.


Best Race: I have run in some really great small, hometown races (5K’s & 10K’s), but for a Half Marathon, the best race I have run was Rock N Roll’s first race in Raleigh, NC. It turned out to be SO hot after winter training and the event organizers were prepared for us after the race with ice cold wet rags, beverages and food; not to mention the bands and uplifting cheers along the race route.
Best Running Memory: Running my very 1st race ever, a 10K, with my best friend (who slowed her pace to run with me) and crossing the finish line at the same time. A few months later, I flew to Cali to run my 2nd 10K with same friend, who was now in the early weeks of pregnancy, and ran 7 minutes faster and with her still by my side.
Best Running Injury: a calf strain I got when I leaped up to avoid a runner who had fallen in front of me at the beginning of a race. It hurt the entire race and because I had 2 more races coming up a few weeks after that, I had to really work on lifts and strengthening my calf to stretch out the muscle and be sure I didn’t re-injure it. The pain went away after a few weeks time and by the time my last race rolled around, it was gone.
Best Reason To Run / Workout: Aside from eating (even though I know I can’t outrun a poor diet), running and working out is a great stress reliever for me. It gives me confidence in my abilities in other aspects of my life, not just in running. I don’t love it all the time while I am actually running / working out, but I always feel so much better physically and about myself when I am done.
Thanks for the survey Janae!! They are always so fun and these really got me to thinking :) Enjoy your week!!


1. Best fitness advice: Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can. Worst Fitness advice: Run through it.
2. Best running gear: Athleta shorts/capris/leggings with side mesh pockets on the legs (they also have a back zip pocket) AND are reflective. Worst running gear: Nike pegasus shoes. They do not work for me? Why did I try to get fancy and stray from my beloved Glycerines?
3. Favorite Race: The Eugene Half or the Half attached to Grandmas Marathon weekend Worst Race: Running after being sick, then going out WAY to fast only to completely crash and burn into the wall at mile 10 of the Cowtown Half (I have run this race more than once and actually enjoy it…this time it was ALL ME)
4. Best Race Decision: Sticking to my race plan….worst decision….NOT sticking to my race plan ( I feel good! I’m pretty sure I can hold this pace for 13 miles even though I have never run this fast in my entire life…)
6. Best running supplement: ATP Ignite. Hard core love.
7. Worst running fuel for me is anything with caffeine.


Best running injury (aka one that went away quickly.. an easy fix)? The little things…strained muscles or little tweaks
Worst running injury? Stress fracture in my left shin! Ran through Chicago Marathon with it (did not know it was a fracture although it did hurt) and ended up not running after that for about 8 months to recover and very slowlyyyyy reintroduce pain-free running. The upside was that I got really into hot yoga for a while!! But now I’m back able to run, I remember to foam roll and stretch (most of the time) and I hardly ever find time to go to yoga even though I totally should, LOL.


你曾经收到最好的健身建议吗?Worst fitness advice you’ve ever received?
—Umm…this is a tough one. I’d say the best fitness advice I’ve ever received would be with running to not take it too seriously. You can easily get sucked into pressure to feel like if you aren’t as fast as others or not following your training plan to a “T” then you’re failing. This couldn’t be further from the truth and I’m glad I can keep this in mind that we’re all doing our best every day and that’s all we can do! Not sure on worst advice….

最好的跑步装备有使用吗?Worst piece of running gear you have used?
I’d say the best piece of running gear i’ve ever used would be a tie between KT tape for my first full marathon and Features running socks. I never knew KT tape or blister free socks could either make any type of major difference but BOY was I wrong. They both have been and will continue to be staples for me and lifesavers on many runs!

Best race you’ve ever done?
Soaring Wings Half marathon (my second time around!) I thoroughly enjoyed the entire race with no pressure and finished feeling like a million bucks! It was awesome! First time for me to actually stick to my pre-race training plan and it worked like a charm!
Worst race you’ve ever done?
A 10k in the middle of a super humid and hot summer a few years ago. Absolute torture and I though 6.2 was never going to end.


Krispy Kreme Donuts right after I finished running 26.2 miles. Worse post race meal a giant burger and fries that made me feel absolutely miserable afterwards. Blahhh….

Best decision ever made during a race?
Walk during the water stations and drink my entire cup then start back up. I used to try to run and drink at the same time….FAIL. Worst talent in that area ever award goes to me! Ha!
Taking my first ever gel tab during a half marathon and it did NOT sit well with me. I have no idea why I didn’t listen to my own advice and not try something new on race day.

Best time of day to run? Worst time of day to run?
Evening! Nothing better than a sunset run on a cool fall night. Worst time of the day…mid day in the heat of the summer. Yuck!

Finishing my 4th half marathon with my boyfriend’s 1st ever. It was so much fun doing something I love with him! Also a tie with finishing my first ever full marathon and realizing I JUST FINISHED A FULL MARATHON AND LIVED!! Woo hoo!!
Worst running memory?
Realizing a blister on my foot popped at mile 18 and having to finish the rest of the race in serious pain. I’ve never felt a pain like that before. Doesn’t sound like it would be bad, but only a runner could imagine that sort of torture.

Best running injury (aka one that went away quickly.. an easy fix)?
Tight IT bands that loosen up with a few good foam rolling sessions!
Worst running injury?
Terrible IT band pain that popped up mid 16 mile long run day. Yikes! That one hurt and felt like my leg snapped in half!

Best running supplements you have tried?
Scratch Labs hydration packets.
Worst running supplements you have tried?
—————————– Definitely those gooey gel tabs. I can’t stomach those for the life of me.

Best running fuel/drink you’ve used during a run?
Scratch Labs hydration/Nuun hydration.

We will just include one on this one:
I run/workout because it makes me feel the most “me” if that makes sense. It gives me such a sense of foundation that brings me back to feeling my best. Doesn’t matter what muscles I’m toning or whatever–just a good sweat session seriously makes my soul feel 10 million times better every single time. I get to breathe deep and spend some time listening to my favorite podcasts/music/worship sessions. I can’t ever think of a better way to get that post-run high! It’s the best!!


Of course auto correct changed my Skratch labs to scratch***. Oops!


If you haven’t read the extra mile by Pam Reed, you need to. I read it once 8 years ago, and then read it three times last month. One of my favorite things she says in the book is that you can actually run twice as far as you think you can. SO if you think you can only do 6, you can really do 12. I think about that a lot when I’m on my long runs!



Best fitness advice: find something you love and you’ll keep doing it.

Best decision ever made during a race – stopping at mile 17 during the 2014 Honolulu marathon to put band-aids on my toes. It was pouring rain and I could feel blisters starting up. I lost some time but I saved myself a lot of pain!

Worst decision ever made during a race – starting out too fast too many times.

Best running memory – crossing the finish line of my first marathon.

Best running fuel/drink you’ve used during a run – Hammer Endurolytes

最差的运行燃料/喝你在运行使用– anything with sugar alcohol (Xylitol, Sorbitol, etc.)


Worst fitness advice: It’s okay if you lose your period as a runner, so long as you feel healthy and are in the healthy BMI range. I lost my period years ago and didn’t mind because I kept getting faster and fitter, and now I am really paying the price. I have now had to give up running entirely in my quest to get pregnant, and I had no idea what harm I was doing to my body. I really appreciate you bringing attention to this issue and I would love if you could do a guest post with Tina Muir or Nicola Rinaldi; I really think your readers would benefit!


Oh Leah, I am SO sorry you were told such awful advice. That is not okay. Keep me updated with how you are doing and hopefully your period will come back soon. I will definitely ask Tina to write a guest post. Such an important subject! THANK YOU!


Best time of day to run if running alone: morning when it’s cool, crisp, and gorgeous.
Best time of day to run with friends: whenever schedules align!
Worst time to run alone: at night, when creepers are out.
Worst time to run with friends: when you find out no one else can make the run and you really needed some girl time.


Leave the watch at home sometimes.

Don’t you think you are setting your goals too high.

Best decision ever made during a race?
Sticking with a pace group.

Too much Gatorade!

Best time of day to run?
Morning… start the day off right.

Worst time of day to run?
Any other time of day… I cannot get motivated.

Best running injury (aka one that went away quickly.. an easy fix)?
Pulled muscles all along my rib cage… super painful and I thought they would never heal but a few days later, I was running again.

Worst running injury?
Multiple stress fractures in my pelvic bone… they took months to heal.

Best running outfit you’ve ever worn?
Shorts and tank tops in hot weather BUT with lots of Vaseline all around.

Worst running outfit you’ve ever worn?
运行capris that were WAY too small… OUCH!

To get a taste of home.


你曾经收到最好的健身建议吗?Worst fitness advice you’ve ever received?
Best: listen to your body!
Worst: if you do 100 crunches/day you will “get abs”.

最好的跑步装备有使用吗?Worst piece of running gear you have used?
Best switching to 5″ spandex running shorts instead of split leg for long runs.
Worst: socks labeled for running that gave me the most enormous blister on the bottom of my foot.

Best race you’ve ever done? Syracuse half marathon coming back from a mid cycle injury.
Worst race you’ve ever done? Run to the Sun half – 80+ degrees, I was over dressed and just a mess for my first half.

最好的种族食物你吃过吗?I’m not sure… Wegmans hot bar? but after my first marathon (DNF bc it was canceled part way) I had ~2 gallons of water over the three hour ride home and it was amazing I was soooo dehydrated. Worst post race meal you’ve ever had? Nothing! Like literally not having a celebratory meal and just heading home.

最好的比赛前餐你吃过吗?Burrito at a local
Mexican diner or in the morning and Everything bagel with peanut butter and raspberry jam.
Worst pre race meal you’ve ever had? Tortilla with banana and peanut butter

Best decision ever made during a race? Hold an easy pace for first 4 miles.
在比赛中有史以来最糟糕的决定?Go out flying with everyone else.

Best time of day to run? Morning!
Worst time of day to run? After dinner. Don’t understand Andrew, my husband does it too.

最好的运行内存吗?Every time I pushed through a hard workout.
Worst running memory? Someone threw a plastic bottle at my head from a car…

Best running injury (aka one that went away quickly.. an easy fix)? Bruised toenails that didn’t fall off.
Worst running injury? IT bands!!!!!!

Best running outfit you’ve ever worn? Saucony 5″ right short and my purple long sleeve tech tee.

Worst running outfit you’ve ever worn? Capri running pants too big in the waist and a tank that chaffed under my arms for a really by race.

Best running fuel/drink you’ve used during a run? Black cherry or caramel Gu

最差的运行燃料/喝你在运行使用? Watermelon Gu
最好的原因,这些天你跑步/锻炼吗?Training for my second marathon/ because I love it.

Ps love her dress!


你曾经收到最好的健身建议吗?Worst fitness advice you’ve ever received?
Best: run your own race!
Worst: no excuses!

最好的跑步装备有使用吗?Worst piece of running gear you have used?
Best: my Garmin! <3

Best race you’ve ever done? SF half marathon.
Worst race you’ve ever done? No bad experiences yet! :)

坏后种族饭你吃过吗?Not having a meal after a race… .

最好的比赛前餐你吃过吗?Steel cut oats.

Worst pre race meal you’ve ever had? Not having a meal.

Best decision ever made during a race? Running by effort.
在比赛中有史以来最糟糕的决定?Starting out too fast.

Best time of day to run? Morning!
Worst time of day to run? Don't know. I used to be an evening runner.

最好的运行内存吗?My first half!
Worst running memory? My head not wanting what my body wanted.

Best running injury (aka one that went away quickly.. an easy fix)? Black toenail.
Worst running injury? None so far.

Best running outfit you’ve ever worn? Shorts and tank top.

Worst running outfit you’ve ever worn? Long pants and a bra that chaffed.

Best running fuel/drink you’ve used during a run? Powerade.

最差的运行燃料/喝你在运行使用? Gu… *eewww*

最好的原因,这些天你跑步/锻炼吗?Staying fit and healthy.


Worst race: it’s a tie and it’s the same race. My first half marathon, I was so nervous that I threw up all my breakfast. I shoved a piece of toast down me, but other than that, I was running on an empty stomach. I tried some gu for the first time mid-race and my stomach did not like it. Then I drank too much Gatorade about mile 8 and my stomach sloshed for the rest of the race. I hit mile 10 and had to walk the rest of the way. I finished in like 3 hours. Three years later I did the same race again. I was trained and ready to go. Then I got a sick the weekend before. I tried running anyway (since I already had the shirt) and had to walk the first time at .5 miles. I did finish it, but it was 3 hours again and it was miserable. I also found out I was pregnant 4 days later, which probably didn’t help.

Best race: two months after my first bad half, I ran a relay and my leg was 13.1. I was 11pm, I was mostly alone on the road, but it was the best race I’ve ever run. Also, I took a half hour off of my PR, which felt really good.


你曾经收到最好的健身建议吗?Don’t rush or push too much, and do what feels right to your body

最好的跑步装备有使用吗?My running watch
Worst piece of running gear you have used? My running watch – because there are times I focus too much on my splits that the run is no longer enjoyable.

Best race you’ve ever done? Detroit Free Press Marathon
Worst race you’ve ever done? Indianapolis Women’s Half Marathon (subjected myself to it twice)

坏后种族饭你吃过吗?White Castle cheeseburgers

在比赛中有史以来最糟糕的决定?Thinking that the need for Vaseline wasn’t there…..

Best time of day to run? First thing in the morning
Worst time of day to run? In the evening

最好的运行内存吗?运行the majority of races with my best friend and re-hashing all of our stories.

Worst running injury? Stress fracture before my first marathon (I still ran the race)

Best running supplements you have tried? Advocare O2 Gold

Worst running supplements you have tried? Off the shelf pre-workout

Best running outfit you’ve ever worn? Nike capri’s and a tank top

Worst running outfit you’ve ever worn? For my first half I swore I had to look professional…..those shorts were way too short and that tank way too uncomfortable…..Oh the things we learn.

Best running fuel/drink you’ve used during a run? Gatorade

最差的运行燃料/喝你在运行使用? Gu

We will just include one on this one:
最好的原因,这些天你跑步/锻炼吗?To have time for myself while setting a good healthy example for my boys.


Pretty sure Brooke knows how to braid better than I do, haha!

Worst fitness advice- “no pain, no gain”
Best race – NYC Marathon!!!
Best pre run snack – banana with a tiny bit of almond butter


Love surveys! Re. Fuel – best is cliff shot blocks for me boring but they work! Worst was a honey stinger waffle on a long run in Wisconsin because it froze solid!


best reason I’m running — mental health!! and to lose a few lbs!


Can your sister give the ingredients for her salad and how long it lasts in her fridge as wellnas other healthy eating tips she has with her children.


我要写一篇关于她的饮食tips for her kids!! Great idea! As far as her salad she puts lettuce, green/red/yellow pepper, tomatoes, cucumbers and basically any other vegetable that she has. They usually last in the fridge for about 3 days! Thanks Lindsey and I hope you are having a fabulous Monday!


Best race – the Detroit half marathon with my brother in law (actually I did the 10k because I had just started running after my 3rd baby) – we awkwardly hung out pre race feeling weird without our spouses (who are siblings). :) it was so special though because through running he had lost a lot of weight and now is super fast! He finished in 1:40 something which is way faster than me!
Worst race – an indoor 10k at the Utah Olympic Oval. Sounded really cool but it ended up starting really late, the timing chips broke so we had to count all our own laps, my baby was screaming wanting to nurse (because of the start delay) with my poor helpless husband and I just kept running by them. Yep it was bad. :)


Okay, first I have to say that I saw your mom at the store today! I was all “You’re Hungry Runner Girl’s mom!” I probably freaked her out but she was so sweet and asked my name and was an all around gracious woman. And so beautiful! ?

Best/worst gear: shoes that were wrong for me (worst), my CW-X compression capris (best).

Best/worst injuries: Misdiagnosed stress fracture that landed me in a hard cast for 6 weeks and is still a super easy spot to reinjure (worst), just being a little sore from a good hard run (best).

Best/worst race: running a 15k on the misdiagnosed stress fracture (worst), a couple local 5k races where I was in the zone and got great for me times (best).

Best/worst fuel: cliff shot blocks (worst), honey or agave sticks (best).

Some questions for you: best/worst running socks? (I’m weirdly super picky and I’m always on the look out for a great pair.) best/worst songs currently. Best/worst running memories.

Have a GREAT day, Janae! ?


AHHHH MY MOM TOLD ME SHE MET YOU AND SHE WAS SO HAPPY!!! I agree, my mom is the best! A misdiagnosed stress fracture, okay that is awful! My favorite running socks = Bombas, Brooks and Stance! Worst socks= anytime I try to wear socks that are not meant for activewear ha! I will put together my favorite songs asap! Thanks Michelle and thanks for saying hi to my mom!


Best race decision: To use 2 of my friends Huma gels for a half marathon, despite never having tried them before (I know, I know, such a bad idea). They were so much easier on my stomach than GU!

Worst race decision: To run my first half marathon without an inhaler. Asthma plus race anxiety gave me a whopping asthma attack I hadn’t anticipated, making miles 4-7 BRUTAL. I was so scarred I didn’t try that distance again for two years.


Oh Kristy, that is NOT okay! I am so sorry you went through that experience during your first half! I am SO glad you love Huma… I DO TOO!


Best pre-race meal: Banana and oatmeal
Worst pre-race meal: I distinctly remember the time I was camping the night before a race and forgot to pack breakfast food. I ended up eating skittles for breakfast.


你曾经收到最好的健身建议吗?Worst fitness advice you’ve ever received?
BEST: Fitness is supposed to be fun. If what you are doing is not something you enjoy find something else. Life is too short.
WORST: “You shouldn’t run so much. It’s bad for your knees.” ;)


最好的跑步装备有使用吗?Worst piece of running gear you have used?
BEST: My Garmin Forerunner. I got my first one about 2 years ago (after 8+ years of running without) and I will NEVER go back!
WORST: Those annoying fanny pack water bottles for long runs. They are the worst. Lol.

Best race you’ve ever done?
I ran a 10k in January and came in 3rd woman. I have never been in the top three at any race before so that was very exciting. Plus, it was a new PR!

Worst race you’ve ever done?
I ran one of those “fun run 5ks” once with some girlfriends who don’t run at all but wanted to do this running event. It was a bubble run 5k. When I arrived my friends announced we would be walking the 5k. I was like OK, thats fine. But the bubble stations had so many children it was almost impossible not to step on or knock over a child when going into the bubbles! I was very much not a fan of this.


WORST: I cannot recall a bad post race meal. I really like food…


最好的比赛前餐你吃过吗?Worst pre race meal you’ve ever had?
BEST: Oatmeal w/ banana, honey, and almonds
WORST: Not eating anything…

Best decision ever made during a race?
To stop worrying so much about pace and just relax.

前三英里的一个非常拥挤的马的一半rathon I was getting frustrated because my pace was WAY too slow (like 11 minute miles). So I decided to try and bust out of the crowd! When I did I tripped on one of the yellow bumps in the road and fell really hard on the road and completely tore up my knees and elbows. Lol! I ran the 10 remaining miles, but my knees were very sore!


Best time of day to run? Worst time of day to run?
BEST: 6am
WORST: Anytime after 7pm

Trail running with my fiance (now husband!)

Worst running memory?
Being lost in the dark on a trail in the woods. It was so scary.
Best running injury (aka one that went away quickly.. an easy fix)?
Blisters! :)

Worst running injury?
My current problem of 10 years – anterior ankle impingement and am finally getting surgery to fix it (I hope).

Best running supplements you have tried?
I haven’t used any really except for gels. I really love HUMG gels.

Worst running supplements you have tried?
Best running outfit you’ve ever worn?
Shorts and a tank top!

Worst running outfit you’ve ever worn?
OHH back in the day when I was 17/18 and just starting to run I used to wear these light blue terry cloth shorts that were way too short and this blue t-shirt that was too short. LOL. So embarrassing.

Best running fuel/drink you’ve used during a run?
I love HUMA gels! And for long trail runs and ultras I like bacon and flat coke ;)

Any Gatorade brand fuel/drink my stomach hates and immediately rejects. Lol.
We will just include one on this one:
Best reason that you run/workout these days
1. It is so relaxing to get out pent up stress and anxiety
2. It is good for me
3. It makes me feel good about myself
4. It makes me happy
5. It is FUN!


Best time of day to run – After work between 5 and 7
Worst time of day to run – 12-2


I just LOVE Brooke’s dress. So cute! Okay, let’s see which one’s I’ll answer…..
你曾经收到最好的健身建议吗?Worst fitness advice you’ve ever received?
Best advice: be the best version of you. Meaning, don’t worry about anyone else, but just work on bettering yourself and making yourself better.
Worst advice: Go out and hang on. I’m definitely not a runner that can just go out fast and hang on. You’ll find me knocking down spots from behind.
最好的跑步装备有使用吗?Worst piece of running gear you have used?
Best: I love the apple watch with the nike running app. Paired with my wireless yurbuds leap and I’m golden.
Worst: probably shoes that aren’t meant for me. That just causes tons of issues.
Best race you’ve ever done?
I really love the hot chocolate races because I feel that’s the best bang for your buck. I wish more races had such nice perks but on a pretty inexpensive dime.
Worst race you’ve ever done?
Cross country races in high school when I was still undiagnosed with my compartment syndrome. Those were never good.
Best: waffles or pancakes! Normally I get really hungry about 30 minutes post race.
Worst: when I don’t get to eat right away and it’s just the little bar or chocolate milk from the finish.
最好的比赛前餐你吃过吗?Worst pre race meal you’ve ever had?
Best: I love any kind of pasta and bread. Yum!
Worst: The night before my nashville rock n roll half marathon, we had been dealing with the expo and traffic and didn’t really get to eat any dinner as I’m not from that area and by the time we got back it was so late and I was exhausted. Worst idea.
Best decision ever made during a race?
To take the gatorades offered during half marathons. Sometimes the snacks depending on what they are.
Sometimes I’ll be overdressed because at the start of a half marathon it will be really cold but then the sun comes out and you realize you should’ve ran naked.
Best time of day to run? Worst time of day to run?
Best: I love running at night if it’s not too muggy. It lets me get a clear mind from the day. But only because I like to wake up without an alarm clock. I really enjoy getting my runs over with in the AM too.
Worst: right smack dab in the afternoon when the sun is blazing hot.
My first half marathon, going in with a crazy insane goal of 1:45 and the longest run I had ever done being 9 miles. Achieving that goal and finishing strong was awesome for me post surgery.
Worst running memory?
All my runs when I was undiagnosed with compartment syndrome. Starting them only to be on the ground a mile later, every time. Not fun.
Best running injury (aka one that went away quickly.. an easy fix)?
When my knee got bruised. Healed up quick so it didn’t derail me too long.
Worst running injury?
Compartment Syndrome and then needing surgery.
Best running outfit you’ve ever worn?
Shorts and spandex forever.
Worst running outfit you’ve ever worn?
When it’s so cold you need long tights and fleece, but you also get heat rash so you are just SOL no matter what.
We will just include one on this one:
Let’s me think and process life, but also provides me with something I enjoy doing and can keep me feeling good.


The best time of day to run is in the morning. The worst Pre run meal I had was yogurt….. it did not end well!


Best time of day to run? Definitely first thing in the morning!
Worst time of the day to run? After dinner, I have so much respect for people who have that much dedication!

Best reason I run these days? I’m pregnant (due the same day as you actually!) and it truly helps me feel better mentally and physically even though I’m much slower than I was pre-pregnancy!


AHHH YOU ARE!?! That is so exciting! Please keep me updated with how you are doing and congrats Alex!


Ah I love reading all these answers! And that braided bread makes me want to run to the bakery ASAP haha!
Best fitness advice: Listen to your body! And don’t skip interval training & hill repeats ;)
Worst fitness advice: Anything diet/calorie burning related.. Do something you enjoy rather than focussing on how much calories you will burn!
Best race you’ve ever done: My first (and only) marathon, the Great Ocean Road marathon!
Worst race you’ve ever done: None, I love racing and every race has been special for a different reason.
Best running memory: Being on holiday visiting my parents and my dad joining me for half of my long run on his bicycle. We don’t get to spend a lot of time together now that I live on the other side of the world and just having that one-on-one time with him was so special.
Worst running memory: Trying to keep running with shin splints :(
Best reason I run: So many different reasons! Being outside, socializing, relaxing, the feeling after a truly hard workout, achieving new goals etc! :D


你曾经收到最好的健身建议吗?To breathe, sounds silly but when we tense up we hold our breath.
你曾经收到最健身建议吗?To keep exercising during an injury because the body won’t know what to heal otherwise. (I knew enough to reject this advice immediately. I will only do what the doc and PT say are okay to do).

最好的跑步装备有使用吗?A bondi belt or flip belt. I can’t feel either one when I run.
Worst piece of running gear you have used? the CamelBak – turns out I hate wearing that thing
Best race you’ve ever done? Nike Women 1/2 marathon DC
Worst race you’ve ever done? The Hampton’s Half. I expected beach, not dirt roads. And we ran single file in spots because the roads were not closed down.
最好的种族食物你吃过吗?Either the fish tacos or the shared chicken nachos followed by an amazing spinach salad.
坏后种族饭你吃过吗?Wendy’s baked potato, small chili, and side salad. It wasn’t bad per se, but Wendy’s was pretty much the best option out of the places we passed.
最好的比赛前餐你吃过吗?Pasta with chicken and a glass of wine at a restaurant in the Hamptons.
Worst pre race meal you’ve ever had? Chicken sandwich from a Greek diner. It was not kind to my stomach.
Best time of day to run? I like mid-morning or afternoon when my body has had time to warm up.
Worst time of day to run? at night. I’m just too tired.
最好的运行内存吗?Fellow female runners who found out it was my first race and ran with me for a while. They even came to find me after the race to see how I felt. :)
Worst running memory? Getting tripped and falling during the Nike SF 1/2 Marathon. (although fellow runners helped me up and grabbed my stuff for me).
Best running injury (aka one that went away quickly.. an easy fix)? Bloody knees
Worst running injury? Stress fracture in my hip.
Best running fuel/drink you’ve used during a run? Tailwind
最差的运行燃料/喝你在运行使用? anything with splenda – it doesn’t sit well in my stomach.
We will just include one on this one:
最好的原因,这些天你跑步/锻炼吗?Because I want to. I have friends who swear I need to sign up for a race but I am running because I want to not because I have to. There’s a freedom in that.


你曾经收到最好的健身建议吗?Worst fitness advice you’ve ever received?

Best: I was super inspired by “Born to Run”, so now I feel like I can do anything!
Worst: Non-runners who tell me I run too much. Drives me insane.


最好的跑步装备有使用吗?Worst piece of running gear you have used?

Best: My Brooks Pureflows.
Worst: Capri leggings or too short shorts. You either get chafing on the back of your knees or your thighs rub together.
Best race you’ve ever done?
Worst race you’ve ever done?

My best race was also my worst! My husband and I ran a destination marathon for our first marathon. We went to this tiny town in the northernmost part of Ireland and raced in this tiny race. The winds were sustained at 35-40 mph, it started raining HARD on us for a few miles at mile 16, and the course much hillier than we had planned/prepared for. Also, because of the size of the race, there were only 3 aid stations and NO portapotties (they said to take toilet paper with you and squat on the side of the road if you needed to go). When we finished, they were already taking down the timing mat and packing up everything because we were some of the last people to finish. The only thing they gave us at the finish line was tea (no thanks!) and a water bottle. No food at all! But, the course was BEAUTIFUL. We were on a peninsula and so we had ocean views the whole time. The people were amazingly kind. And I got 3rd place in the women’s division (out of 5 women – and I think the last 2 runners didn’t even finish, LOL!) We have such fond memories of that race even though technically, it was so BAD!



I usually scarf down whatever I can post race, so I’m good with most everything.

However, my worst post race meal was at our last marathon, and the hamburgers they gave us at the finish party were raw on the inside. Ugh.


最好的比赛前餐你吃过吗?Worst pre race meal you’ve ever had?

I’m not good at eating pre-race (butterflies), so I stick with bananas.

Best decision ever made during a race?

To keep on going when everything in me says to stop because I’m so tired.


I don’t think I’ve had any regrets so far!


Best time of day to run? Worst time of day to run?

Best time: 5 a.m. before the sun is out and while the traffic is light.
Worst time: Mid-afternoon after I get off of work and I’ve been at work for 9 hours and I’m too tired.


Any time I have a good run to start off my day, it’s a good day.

Worst running memory?

The first time I did a 17-mile training run, and I had to poop so bad that it was starting to make me feel sick to my stomach. We had to stop at a local restaurant at mile 10 and run in with all of our running gear on so I could use the restroom. I never did recover for the last 7 miles.

Best running injury (aka one that went away quickly.. an easy fix)?

Displaced rib. Happened to me twice last year! Slapped on some KT tape and was good to go.

Worst running injury?

Thankfully I’ve made it through my running career without anything major. Phew.
Best running supplements you have tried?

我没有补充s. I probably should be. I ran both of my marathons last year with Tailwind, and while it was easy on my stomach, the lemon flavor made me super thirsty so I felt like I had to have both water and Tailwind at the same time.

Worst running supplements you have tried?

I hate GU. It clogs my throat.
Best running outfit you’ve ever worn?

I have a pair of running shorts made by Fila that I’ve had for probably 8 years and they’re my BFF. I also love my Injinji toe socks and my Brooks Pureflow.

Worst running outfit you’ve ever worn?

Capris, too short shorts, anything cotton.

We will just include one on this one:

我对自己感觉良好运行。我不是一个超级mazing person (I’m not even an amazing runner), but it’s something that makes me feel accomplished. It also keeps my anxiety levels low. Lastly, I’ve seen a lot of relatives who are sedentary who are dealing with major health issues that I feel could have been prevented or at least helped with exercise, and I don’t want that to happen to me as I get older.


你曾经收到最好的健身建议吗?Worst fitness advice you’ve ever received?
Best – to educate myself on my form and do not compare to others. Worst – that you have to go full bore to make it effective or it’s not worth it.
最好的跑步装备有使用吗?Worst piece of running gear you have used?
Best – good pair of shoes. Worst – cheap pair of shoes !
Best race you’ve ever done? Worst race you’ve ever done?
I don’t keep track of stats, I race for enjoyment. Best is simply when I finish feeling good. Worst was I pushed myself to hard in the heat and got a major heat migraine headache.
Best is cold watermelon !! Never had a worst yet.
最好的比赛前餐你吃过吗?Worst pre race meal you’ve ever had?
I don’t eat a full meal before morning ones, just light food. If it’s later, a BLT works for me. Hmm, no worst. I love a pasta meal though after. But fruit always sounds the best.
Best decision ever made during a race? Worst decision ever made during a race?
Best – To walk if I need too. Worst – not utilizing those water stations.
Best time of day to run? Worst time of day to run?
Best – morning. Worst – middle of afternoon in heat.
最好的运行内存吗?Worst running memory?
Best – when I never ever thought I could run 2 blocks and I crossed the finish line of my first 5k. Worst – when I thought running through injuries was no big deal, and I ran a race a on bad shin injury and made it worse, “because I needed to tough it out”. (I thought)
Best running injury (aka one that went away quickly.. an easy fix)? Worst running injury?
Best – foot pain caused by cheap shoes. New shoes = no injury. Worst – shin mention above. I had a golf ball size lump in my shin. Could hardly walk after the race mention above. Took months to overcome.
Best running supplements you have tried? Worst running supplements you have tried?
Don’t use.
Best running outfit you’ve ever worn? Worst running outfit you’ve ever worn?
Don’t have a best or worst. Still searching for a best.
Best running fuel/drink you’ve used during a run? Worst running fuel/drink you’ve used during a run?
I only run shorter distances, so I don’t use these.
We will just include one on this one:
It’s the best therapy I know. It makes me happy. My day go better. Makes me feel good. I just need it. I feel sluggish, tired and blah and cranky when I miss or skip too many days.


Best time to run is after breakfast but before lunch! I only get to on the weekends because I work full time, but I love that I’m not starving but will get to run home to lunch!
Worst time to run is right after a big meal, woof.
I’m running right now because I was injured & had a baby so I haven’t run in about 13 months! It’s amazing to be back!!


Can’t wait to listen to the podcast on my long run this week! I just started a video podcast and got it approved on iTunes myself, and I’m hoping it will be helpful to people or at least fun to watch.


The best running injuries are those I pay attention to- aka I feel it coming on & I STOP & rest/rehab/stretch.
The worst- I had a foot stress fracture & was in a boot for 12 weeks ?

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