Tuesday Tangents!

I have a new friend to friend postlol滚球 雷竞技 today!


Skye could not look up for the picture above because her eyes have not seen sunshine in so long that it will take time for them to acclimate. IT WAS 50 DEGREES YESTERDAY. I think we made it.

5 treadmill miles @ 7:52 average (Andrew was gone… but I am hoping there will be a few sunshine miles later on this week).

I made it over to the dermatologist and she is starting me on a few creams so I’ll keep you updated on how that all goes.

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Skye went down for a nap and I put dinner in the crockpot.

Leftovers on the window seat for lunch. Theseburrito bowlsare so so good. As I was eating I realized that the dinner I made for last night resembled the burrito bowls with chicken, corn and beans being the star ingredients ha. Killing it with variety over here.

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We haven’t gone to the park after school for a very long time.

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We hit up the slide on repeat.

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Chicken cream cheese chilifor dinner!

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I also picked up some rolls and honey butter from Texas Roadhouse to go along with our dinner because they have been sounding so good for a long time.

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4 more shifts and his capstone will be done!

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Let’s get talking about some tangents:

*Brooke and Knox have come up with an excellent business model where the outcome is 100% profit for them. They told me that they are going around the house and putting little price tags on items that they don’t think we need anymore. Then they are going to invite people over to buy the items, take the cash and hit up Target to buy the toys they want. Sounds like a real win-win for everyone involved;)

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*Last week I was getting ready and putting on my bra and wondering how I grew out of fitting into my bra overnight. I then realized I was trying to put my bra on over my bra that was already on. Turns out, I’m ready for the taper. (I’ll include a random picture that does not involve me wearing two bras at once;)

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*有一天后我连续3日长期佤邦s thinking back to my first half-marathon. I crossed the finish line of my 1st 13.1 and said NEVER AGAIN. I remember thinking in those final miles that day you couldn’t pay me to do a marathon. And now I’m excited for my 50 miler. Something is wrong.

我没有一张照片从我的第一场比赛,但我do have a picture from about a month before the race when I was living in Hawaii and definitely not training for a half-marathon.

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While we are talking about Hawaii… turns out my hair is a little bit more curly out there compared to Utah.

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*We will be moving to Holland, MI next winter… HEATED SIDEWALKS FOR THE RUNNERS?!?!

*This comment is from a few years ago and it is one I’ve kept in my ‘favorite comments folder’ for when I get nervous about a race or some other goal I’ve made for myself.

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*Anyone living in Vegas? Last week when Andrew’s sister Facetimed us (she had to laugh that we were in bed at 8:45…) it was snowing in Vegas.

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*Andrew will remember this when the going gets tough on race day;)

Always keep your wifes picture as mobile screen saver whenever 18632980

*I love whatBethsharedyesterdayin the comments about how she got through her bad patch… I’m totally going to use this for running too:

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Just one more reminder that I have a new friend to friend postlol滚球 雷竞技 today!


Share a tangent with me today!

Do you have curly or straight hair? Or in between?

-In college it was pretty curly (especially in Hawaii) but now it is pin straight except for a few random spots.

Does your city have anything special for runners?

-Other than some really nice paved trails and gas stations that are very kind to me using their restrooms… I can’t think of anything.

What three ingredients do you find yourself using most often when making meals at home?

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Texas Roadhouse rolls are THE BEST!!!! I haven’t been there in forever, so I obviously need to go get some soon.

我的头发自然主要是波浪/卷曲。我过去have super curly hair in high school, but I think I stripped it all away when I straightened it so much in college. :/

I’m big on chicken, veggies, and Wheat Thins. I’ve been eating at this place called CAVA a lot lately, which has some amazing chicken and veggies that you can get in bowls or pitas. SO good!


I know… I feel like I need more today too haha! I always think of you when I see wheat thins, they are so good! You have gorgeous hair. Have a wonderful day Natalie!


I definitely have curly hair. I used to hate it and there are times of year when it’s a pain (humidity) but now I just lean into it and don’t try to fight it. I actually found myself wishing that my daughter, who’s only 10 months old, might have my curly hair but so far it looks very straight.
I don’t think there are any special running amenities in my current city, but I’m pretty new here so it’s possible I’m just not in the loop yet. Where I grew up the local forest-park at the center of the city had cross-country ski trails specially marked all winter long! I used to run alongside them and still miss running on snow, my favorite surface to run on.
Dinners are pretty random and varied around here, but I tend to have breakfasts on repeat, with scrambled eggs + guacamole or sliced avocado + some sort of leftover roasted vegetable + either fresh blueberries or a scoop of mango salsa. I never seem to get tired of it!


I LOVE CURLY HAIR … keep leaning into it:) . The place you grew up sounds amazing and I hope you are loving your new city. I’m coming over for your bfast. Have a great day Sara.


Your food looks amazing. Can you come cook for me?? :-)

My hair is really in-between. If I blow dry, it’s straight, but otherwise it’s super wavy. Sometimes the waves look good and sometimes they definitely don’t!!!

I use sweet potatoes a LOT in meals. I also eat eggs for dinner very often . . . so good and easy! And beans of any type are probably my third most-used. I got a really good elliptical workout in this morning and this is making me hungry!!


Hahaha come over for dinner whenever you would like! Way to go on your workout this morning and you know my feelings towards sweet potatoes. I’m glad you eat them often! Sometimes our hair just likes to keep us all guessing. Have a wonderful day Kristin!


Tangent: We got 17 inches of snow overnight! No school and I am going to challenge the kids to make igloos in our snow berms for a picnic outside.

My hair gets thicker and wavier as I get more and more of those white/gray hairs! Used to be fine and straight. I have to use smoothing lotion and not wash as much to keep it from frizzing. I wear trucker hats a lot!

We have a really long, continuous path (multiple counties) that have porta potties different community groups (ie Scouts) provide. Locals will plow it with their four wheelers during the winter. The heated trails would be amazing!!!!

I feel like I am always putting chicken or pork in a crock pot OR making brinner. When I am meal planning I ask my kids or husband for their suggestions. If they don’t chime in-they don’t get to complain about what’s for dinner!


What?! 17 inches OVERNIGHT! You need to send me a picture of the igloos… that sounds like so much fun. Drink extra hot chocolate today. That path that you have sounds awesome. Hahaha those three meals are always delicious to me too. Have a wonderful day Jenny!


I’m so excited for you, I wanted to write this. Then I hesitated because… jinx. Then I remembered you’re not jinx from the last time I hesitated. Just in case, soft voice: you didn’t fall this winter. It’s a very nice thing.


Hahaha YAY!!! Good memory:) . I made it through. Have a wonderful Tuesday Lee!


My hair used to have random waves in it and it was so frustrating because I couldn’t just let it air dry I always had to do it. Then after having 3 kids it got a little wavier every time. So it’s waves now. But it still has very little volume most days haha.


You have gorgeous hair. It’s interesting what pregnancies do to us! Have a wonderful day Jenny and spring is almost here (I think).


That slow cooker meal looks great! OH my goodness and your link back to the recipe has little baby Brooke! She has had great hair from day 1. My hair has always been in-between but since having a baby it is now more on the curly side when I let it air dry, ha lets get real which is always. I think I cook with broccoli and mushrooms a lot. And Trader Joe’s spices. Have a good day!


Right?! She was born with just so much hair. I hope you make the meal, it is so good! I need to get more spices at TJ’s… you’ll have to let me know someday your favorites!


Tangent – I am missing the sun. We have had so many cloudy days in a row now. :( Love living in OH, but Feb/Mar are the long, hard stretch of winter for me.

My hair used to be much curlier, and I fought it. I still fight it and it’s less curly now. Wish I could embrace it.

我的社区有一个地方跑步俱乐部,但是什么都没有else that’s especially geared towards runners.

Garlic, onions, and olive oil are used almost on a daily basis in our house.


Amanda, it really is so crazy hard to go without the sun for a while… I totally get it. I feel so off when I don’t get in some sunshine for a long stretch. I hope the sun peeps out soon or that the next few weeks fly by! Embrace the curls!!! I love curls:) . Have a beautiful day.


Not gonna lie. I RE ORDERED my groceries to include stuff to make a burrito bowl (minus the rice)! It looks sooo delicious! I am trying to loose baby weight (two babies in two years) and I hope this will curb my cravings for Mexican food LOL

And my hair, even in Texas humidity, is straight. straight. straight. Like it looks like I flat ironed it… but I didn’t. I would LOVE to have some curls!!!


Same here! My hair is “flat ironed” straight on a regular basis. Add any humidity whatsoever and it loses what little volume I might have had and my hair goes even straighter – if that’s possible!!


Oh this makes me so so happy… let me know what you think of the burrito bowl. Ahhh two babies in two years, you have your hands full!


Haha I think we have all messed up trying to dress ourselves, it’s a very complicated process.

My hair is curly in the mid-Atlantic (where I live now) but when I was in New Mexico it was straight or just a little wavy. It gets straight again anytime I go to, like Arizona. I just let it be, no sense fighting it!


Yes, you have gorgeous curly hair… I don’t think I’ve seen it straight! Hahah glad I’m not alone:) . Just read that article… so so interesting.


I would LOVE to have those heated trails! I live in Central NY with an average snow fall around 125.” Heated trails would make life so much more interesting in the winter months!

Check out Tina’s post over at Carrots n’ cake regarding how she is fighting her acne.

My regular rotation of food right now is clementines. Can’t seem to get enough. But what I regularly cook with these days…garlic, pasta and some sort of tomatoes some whole, some diced and some smooth. Yum!


125″ WHAT?! Oh my … that is a lot of snow each season. You guys definitely need the heated trails. I totally will go check that out, thank you Bridgette. I want to come to your house for dinner:) . Have a wonderful day Bridgette!


I thought that pic of you in Hawaii was the niece you call Curly! You look so similar!!


Oh no way:) . I will have to tell her this. Thanks Erin and I hope you are having a great Tuesday!


I bet you can’t wait to see what items Brooke and Knox put price tags on (random pieces of furniture, other people’s belongings?) Kids are hilariois!!!


Bahahah I told my sister and she asked to talk to Brooke and said she would be right over to shop at their new store;) . Have a fabulous day Jenny!


I am FOR SURE going to try that chili for dinner next week, thanks for sharing =)

Would you mid sharing what you eat before runs? I always struggle with what to eat in the mornings before runs.

Hope you are feeling good this week. (also lets do the Leadville 100 together next year ;)


Hey Beth! Let me know how what you think of the chili! Hmmmm you are intriguing me with your talk of Leadville:) . Yes, if my runs are longer than an hour I’ve been eating a pb sandwich usually before I go. Sometimes I’ll grab a banana and during marathon training I used UCAN a ton for my fuel before runs. It’s so hard finding what works before a run… good luck!


Tangent: I really want a tiara. I’ll probably pick up a cheesy plastic birthday one at the party store, but some days I feel like to do a lot and want to make a point of it by putting on a tiara. LOL!
My hair is super straight. I used to get perms in the 80s and 90s.
My city has a 10-mile asphalt path that circles the city limits. It’s great to have a relatively smooth surface that makes a loop, though it is right next to some major roadways and there are still street and business driveway crossings to deal with.
I use canned fire-roasted tomatoes, ground beef/turkey, and chicken for a lot of meals.
So great that you had a nice enough afternoon for the park! Can’t wait until the weather is nice enough for that to be routine.


YES YES YES… you need a tiara, I think this is an excellent idea:) . That is nice that the path makes a big loop! I hope the park enters your life again soon too! Thanks Corey.


Wait…I want a tiara too! Can we make it a thing? Like Tiara Tuesday? Seriously. “On Tuesdays we wear Tiaras.” Someone make this a thing!! ?


My hair is straight except in the back where it’s a bit wavy. Brooke and Knox’s plan sounds like they’ve put a lot of thought into it.


Haha they sure have! Next thing I know it they will want to take it to Shark Tank;) . Have a wonderful day Fiona!


I live in Holland !!!!! it truly is the best!!!


See you next winter:) . That is SO SO cool Jessica!


I have straight hair – spent my life trying to curl it. Ha!

Rice beans and chicken. That seems to be a staple around our place.

Random tangent – my trail run with my friends in the snow this past Sunday was the first trail run for me in about 6 months hence I am still sore 2 days later. Obviously I shouldn’t leave 6 months in between trail runs.

Happy tapering and have a great day! Also, it is cool that Andrew is almost done his capstone!


Hahah we always want what we don’t have! Hahaha I’m worried about this race because it has been a while since my last trail run. So glad you got to go with your friends! Thank you Kristine and yes.. so so close!


我有直发,直到我有了第一次then it slowly became wavy. Then I had my second and some days it’s straight, some days it’s wavy. It changes as much as my mood when I’m pmsing! Ha!
我过去hate running in my city until i embraced the hills! I can’t go half a mile in any direction without coming to one; when I started running i would run in circles around my neighborhood (a .40 mile loop) to avoid hills! Now I love them and love doing repeats on them! We do have a long paved path with rolling hills that if it weren’t so remote, I would use more. I am also just a few miles away from some really nice somewhat technical trails that are a dream to run on that ends at puget sound! Those heated streets sound heavenly right about now! It’s soooooo cold!!! Fun fact – I heard that the more muscular you are, the more cold you feel because muscle does not make for the best insulator. I like to tell everyone I’m always cold because I’m so strong! Ha!!
My fav foods to prepare lately are anything with chickpeas, cilantro, red onion, avocado, cabbage and all the spices … so basically everything I’ve always hated up until now! Your food always looks so amazing and healthy!!
Good luck at the derm. office! Have a great day!


BAHAHA that made me laugh… it’s crazy how even our hair can change with hormones! Those hills have made you so crazy strong. I’m going to start saying that too as I carry my hot chocolate and space heater around the house all day. I’m coming over to dinner at your house! Thanks!


Memphis is a big running city. We have a park called Shelby Farms and it’s one of the biggest urban parks in the country. Miles and miles of trails (paved and through the woods), frisbee gold, horse back riding. etc. It’s pretty amazing. There’s a race literally almost every single weekend which is amazing.


I need to come run at Shelby Farms, that sounds incredible!!!


Ah! Andrew is SO close! How awesome!!!! And I think Brooke and Knox have an excellent plan—declutter all that “grown up stuff” and go toy shopping. Win-Win! Skye looks like life could not get any better than sunshine and slides! I miss those days. ?

I live in the same general area as you, so same running perks, haha! I’d just add that I do appreciate that people, for the most part, are pretty good about watching out for runners, which is nice. Well, the cyclists don’t… but whatever. ?

My hair has changed so much over the years, mostly with pregnancy. My “natural” disposition is for loose curls/waves and with some babies it got way curlier after I had them, but after my last (my only baby I had in Utah), my hair started to straighten. Then it was just this weird bend, non-wave look, so I did a Brazilian blowout and my curls/waves never ever came back, even those are only temporary in theory. ?♀️

My cooking routine lately depends a ton on chicken, certified GF non-gmo rice, and fresh veggies ever since being diagnosed non-celiac gluten intolerant. It feels really boring. But last night for the rest of my family I did make a Pinterest recipe, Philly Cheesesteak Pasta, and I made enough to feed them for two nights and I kid you not, they ate almost ALL of it. Actually, devoured is a better word. So much for leftovers, haha! I just stared at them, mouth gaping, and then asked, “So…repeat recipe then?” ?


I HOPE YOU GOT MY EMAIL THIS MORNING. Worst friend ever. I totally agree with you about the drivers. One of my friends was running with her daughter on her bike and a cyclist HIT HER. He was going way over the speed limit on murdock and it was the saddest thing ever! That is so interesting about your blowout… I thought it was temporary too. I am going to have to make that pasta, it sounds amazing. Have a beautiful day Michelle!


Yes, got it! Just replied! ? And Murdock Trail is THE WORST! I am so sorry to hear about your friend and her daughter! I used to live right next to the trail and my husband worried so much about me on the roads and would encourage me for a while to run Murdock, but after a few tries I wouldn’t. Aside from a couple spots where it felt too easy to be ambushed from someone’s fence or a couple of the embankments along the canal, the cyclists were lethal! You know it’s bad when police sit at the crossings of the trail/road to ticket CYCLISTS (NOT drivers) for speed limit violations and improper yielding. I saw way too many cyclist/runner accidents (like your friend, cyclists hitting runners) and cyclist/cyclist accidents on that 3-4 mile stretch I would run that I decided I’d take my chances with the cars on the surface streets. ?


Janae- I have straight hair but wish I had curly hair! But I guess the grass is always greener on the other side.

Where did you get that wall clock behind Andrew? I need it! :)


HEY!!! Hahah it’s so weird how we always want what we don’t have. You do need it… it is from Four Chairs Furniture and they have the best stuff! (801) 796-3400 . I’m pretty sure they deliver!


The burrito bowls look great! I read the recipe you posted for them and do you really not do anything to the corn and beans? Just serve them straight from the can? I feel like maybe I missed something. Thanks!


HEY!!! I just warmed them up:) Let me know if you try it and what you think!


Yesterday a nurse said that nursing school was like riding your bike fast while being on fire.


Hahaha that is an excellent description!!!!!


Yes! That is Holland, Michigan! I graduated from Hope College in Holland, MI, and it’s a great place to live :) My two boys also do the exact same thing with putting price tags on toys they don’t play with anymore, pictures they draw, etc and wanting to have a yard sale! I never know what to say to them!


I missed the Michigan part:) . SO SO COOL! Haha let me know what you figure out to say to them so that I can copy you!


My tangent for the day is more of a celebration! I FINALLY did 2 pulls ups in a row! It’s been on my goal list and I’m just so excited about it! :)

Curly hair! BUT I do straighten it most days because the curls get a little afro-ish and frizzy if I don’t maintain them. I wish I could let it naturally dry and it would be pretty curly, but it’s got a mind of it’s own! HAHA!

Little Rock, Arkansas (my home) is home to the largest pedestrian bridge in the country!! Woo hoo!! It covers the Arkansas river and is the best place to get in long runs! That’s amazing they have those heated sidewalks though!! How nice of them!!!

3 ingredients I most use in the kitchen would be garlic powder, onion powder, and salt!

Have a great day Janae!!


I love Texas Roadhouse rolls. I used to order a pound of pulled pork and 8 rolls to go for like $7 and we would have pulled pork sandwiches for dinner, it was cheap and yummy.

My tangent is- is that Jenica in the Hawaii photo with you? I follow her on Instagram ?.

I have frizzy/wavy hair- I can’t let it air dry and leave it down, I have to either straighten it or curl it (or just wear it up which I do 95% of the time).

3 “ingredients” I use most in the kitchen to make meals are hot dogs, chicken nuggets, and macaroni and cheese… kidding (mostly lol).


You just changed my life with the idea of buying a pound of pork there too… turns out we will be copying this idea! Oh it looks just like Jenica (I know her in real life:) but it is my friend Ashton! Hahaha I get it. Have a wonderful night!


I know you look like your sister, but wholly molly your nieces look so much like you during your Hawaii time! And woohoo for Andrew!! I bet he’s so excited to finish this part of his journey.

Tangent: I’m in a boot (broken ankle) and my son sprained his finger yesterday. We are quite the pair and I can only imagine what our doctor’s office thinks. Ha!

I have straight hair in the front and curly hair in the back. It’s awesome. (not really).

We have a bike path that runs about 30 miles through our city, which is pretty awesome.

3 ingredients that I always have are chicken, cheese, and avocados.


I was in Vegas last week/weekend for the snow! I even got interviewed on Fox 5 News Las Vegas about the snow! ?


Today, we went out to enjoy the sunshine at the beach because it was gorgeous out.

Then we came home I did my own nails. They turned out surprisingly well! Pink with sparkles (regular polish). Might have to do this more often.

Also taking a rest day from running – because yesterday I ran and then my friend and I headed up a mountain for sunset (totally worth it). We set a pb for us because she was on a mission. This despite me whining half the time because I wanted to stop more and I thought we would be going at a more leisurely pace ha.

P.S. – I can’t believe someone actually said you were being un supportive. Hello, I can’t travel imagining travelling 18 hours in the car with a baby for a short haul trip. I hope the trip goes well for Andrew under these sad circumstances and thinking of your family!

Have a great weekend Janae!

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