I Need a HUGE Favor + Weekend Happenings + Training Log

This friend of mine is the best of the best. We were very good friends in college and somehow convinced the department to allow us to student teach together and have stayed close ever since. She has been going through something so incredibly hard over the last 7 months and while she is normally a very private person, she needs help and if there is anything you can do to help it would mean a lot to me. Every dollar helps.

Her amazing husband was on his way home from work the day before Thanksgiving last year and was in a horrible accident due to weather conditions.

They were told that he wouldn’t make it through the first night, but he did. They were again told in January that because of an infection he had become septic and he wouldn’t survive because his kidneys were shutting down, but he survived.

Once he no longer needed the hospital level of care anymore, he was not accepted into a Neuro program. My friend (Jules) felt very strongly that she should take him home to care for him 100% for 2.5 months and then Jeremy was accepted into an incredible Neuro facility because of the progress that he did make with tracking, pointing, thumbs up and alertness. Insurance allowed him to be there for a month but then he was accepted to another Neuro facility in the Sacramento area. They are able to visit him through the glass door and sometimes they will open the door for them to see him as long as they are at least 6 feet apart. He can hear their voices and smiles when he does. His progress is very slow but it is happening but they have zero insurance funds left. He needs more time there where they specialize in brain injuries with the amazing therapy he is getting and care and due to COVID, it is really scary to transfer him elsewhere… he needs to be where he is to give him the best chance to continue improving and to come home to his family.

Insurance will no longer pay for him to be at this facility so this is where we can help!

They have a gofundme set upHEREand they need a total of $170,000 (they have $80,000 so far) to continue. Anything helps this sweet family and it really would mean the world to me if we could help. THANK YOU friends, this community means the world to me.


Let’s talk about the weekend for a minute.

I decided to hit the track for some 400m intervals. I did 8 of them with 200m jogging recoveries after each one and averaged about a 7:45 pace for the 400s. I noticed big time over the last two weeks since my last track workout how much harder it is lately to get my legs moving but I’m happy I did it. I listened toLindsey’s interview with Mary Cainand I really enjoyed it.

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We then got ready and headed up to Layton and after months away from church, Skye definitely didn’t remember the whole ‘reverent’ part of it;)

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We still won’t be going back to church for a while but my niece was baptized and so a small group of us were able to be there with masks on.

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Then we went with Andrew’s parents up into the mountains.

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For lunch we went to one of my favorite restaurants in Utah, The Silver Lodge in Big Cottonwood Canyon and ate outside. The food here is amazing and the setting is gorgeous because it is surrounded by trees and mountains. We started out with nachos (olives were taken off immediately;) and then I had ribs (not the prettiest picture but I had been thinking about ordering them all week) and a side salad.

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Afterwards my MIL had the idea to go put our feet in the river and it was so refreshing.

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Skye definitely ended up getting as wet as she possibly could because putting her in a river and telling her to just get her feet wet is like putting all of us in a running store and telling us to not want everything we see there.

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And then on the way home I needed some cake so I picked up this gorgeous slice of heaven.

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Here is how Andrew’s week looked. He is 2 months and 21 days away from his race!

*12 miles @ 8:38 average with his training partner. They did this on a flat course and he said he really prefers a long run with hills over flat so the St. George Marathon is going to be perfect for him.

*4.2 miles of trails with 680 ft of elevation gain at 10:41 average.

*8 miles @ 8:47 average. 2 mile w/u, 6 x 800m at the track (with 2 minute walking recoveries after each one), 2 mile c/d. His 800m (or .5 miles) intervals were done @ 6:30 average pace.

Here is what he will be doing this week:

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I had a solid week of training too. I hit the trails one day and the track on another day so I’m very happy with how that went! My runs ranged from an 8:51 average pace to a 9:51 average pace.

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Another reminder if you can possibly donate to help my friendHERE!


Random tangent—> The schools in Utah have decided to start up again in August and we are still trying to figure out what we will do. The requirement is that everyone wears masks if they do go back to school. Our kids have only ever worn masks for short amounts of time so I was hoping that you guys had any recommendations for good masks for kids? I want to have a good stock of them to choose from and do my best to make it a positive/exciting time for them.

Any face masks for kids recommendations for me?

Parents reading> Are you sending your kids back to school?

Feelings about olives?

Have you been doing speed workouts during this time of races being canceled? If so, give me some examples of what you have been doing.

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Your dress is so pretty!!

I have not been doing speed workouts (or strength, oops), but I was reading Runners World magazine this weekend and one of the articles was about how doing speed and strength make you faster and less prone to injury. I know those things, but guess I needed the reminder haha. Going to try to start, even if it’s just strides during a long run, or a tempo run!


Hahah you are not alone in that Mariah… I need the reminder of all that strength training does for us every single day ha! Keep me updated and you are going to rock those strides. Have a great Monday and thanks!


Donated! No different than a takeout drink somewhere. Hope it all comes together for them.


Thank you so so much Katelin, that means the world to me. I hope you have a beautiful day!


So far where we live school is starting as normal. Kids only have to wear masks on the bus. I’m sure it’s subject to change at any moment however! I’m hoping and praying they get to go to school normally all year. And I’m so thankful my kids do not have to wear masks. It is extremely unhealthy for them to be breathing in them, especially for that long of a time. And how do they expect kids to actually keep them on all day? It’s really sad that our government doesn’t just let us go on as normal and let this thing pass through! But it’s an election year so….


I understand this time is hard for everyone, but would you be saying you just wish it would “pass through” if anyone in your family had to be hospitalized (with possible lung damage) or died due to coronavirus? This is not about politics or an election year. I work in healthcare and this is serious. Please think about the health and safety of others during this time.


We live in Florida where our covid numbers are high, and they just announced school will start 100% virtual in August. When she heard that my daughter burst into tears (she’s supposed to start middle school) and my son announced that his senior year of high school is ruined. I feel so, so bad for them! There has been so much backlash over this decision that we’re thinking they still may change it (again) but then that opens up a whole other can of worms about safety issues. I don’t know what the right answer is, but at least I’m lucky that my kids are older, since I have to go to work. I don’t know what working moms with small children will do.
On a lighter note, olives are delicious! Have a great day Janae!


Jenny! That is heartbreaking. I am so so sorry. I’m glad you will be able to keep working because I wonder what families are doing in that situation with young kids too! Keep me updated if they change things again and I hope Florida’s numbers get better and better!


I love the “olives removed immediately” disclaimer! ?. That’s the first thing I would have done as well. Is it a pregnancy thing or just a general dislike?
Sending prayers for your friend and her family; that’s so awful and I will reach out to support any way I can! Thank you for allowing us to be a part of helping them feel comforted and loved. You are a good friend♥️
Have a happy Monday!


Thank you Autumn! It means a lot to me! I don’t normally ask for this kind of stuff but this friend’s situation is so so hard and I know we can help! Thank you again!
Olives are a no for my entire life ha but maybe during pregnancy I do like them since everything else with me is so different… maybe I’ll try one?. Have a beautiful day!


We got face masks online from Old Navy for my seven-year old son. They are cotton, washable and come in a pack of 5 for $12.50. They’re a good size for his face and he doesn’t seem to mind wearing them. They have a lot of colors and prints to choose from. I have several of the adult ones for myself and my husband and they’re the most comfortable I’ve tried.


SO good to hear… thank you so much! I will definitely grab those for the kids and me. Thanks Kate and have a beautiful day!


我们决定不送儿子上学在英足总ll. He is (should be?) in pre-k, but he was signed up to go to school 5 days a week and it was essentially a full school day (just 1 shortened day) the US is really not doing well with the virus, if you look at the trends in other countries, and for us, it was not only about him, but also about the vulnerable people around us. I feel fortunate that he is not “officially” in school so we can just choose to keep him home, but I’m self-employed so this has some major implications for my business. It’s a lot. I hope schools are able to safely reopen near you.

I have heard good things about gap brand masks, and athleta sells them with adjustable bands to make them fit a big more snug. I also heard good things about the masks from old navy, and there are tons for sale on Etsy. We let my son choose a mask in hopes to encourage him, but he also has only had to wear it for a really short period of time and even then, it was a big of a struggle to get him to leave it on. Good luck to you guys!


Iowa is going back 100% and no masks required. Very thankful!!


I wouldn’t say that the entire state of Iowa is going back 100%.
The Des Moines district is doing a hybrid approach.https://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/news/education/2020/07/01/des-moines-public-schools-fall-classes-plan-covid-coronavirus-concerns-reopening-virtual-classes/5356367002/


Megan, that is a lot. More than a lot. I am so sorry about what you are going through trying to figure out how to work with your son during this time. Please keep me updated with how you guys are doing!
I definitely want to try the Athleta ones for me, thanks so much for the help!


我抱歉阿布t your friends husband. I’m glad people are helping and that is so terrible insurance will no longer cover.

I am worried we won’t return to school. Districts right now are pushing back to a September 8 start with masks. I’m a teacher and a parent and it’s just really upsetting me right now. Also our governor hasn’t opened daycares yet so that is really freaking me out about childcare for my youngest. It’s just such a mess and I wish it could just go away


Thank you so much Sara! I can’t imagine what you are going through right now trying to figure out your plans for your work and your family. Please keep me updated with what your schools and daycares decide on. Thinking about you.


What a scary situation with your friend’s husband – I donated a small amount, I hope a lot of people do the same, and I will keep their family in my thoughts and will wish them the best for the future.

My mom makes kid-sized masks, the elastic goes behind the head in one long loop so it doesn’t pull on their ears. She has an etsy site:https://www.etsy.com/shop/AAHandwovens

She also does special orders so if there is anything in particular the kids want she can make it for them.


Thank you SO SO much Victoria, that means a lot to me. I will definitely be ordering from your mom. THANK YOU!!!


Gosh, my heart absolutely breaks for your friend and her family. Just donated ❤️❤️❤️


Thank you so much Katie, that means so much to me. I really really appreciate it and I hope you have the best week!


Our schools are open this fall, same as yours, with masks. And my daughter was not trilled with this news. Our trouble is a jr size is too tight and adult sizes are too big. So we are mask searching as well. The town right next to us is offering a choice, go back or keep doing remote learning. I kind of hope ours goes to that as well. My daughter actually did better remote learning but missed the social aspect of school. PS – it’s in the 90’s here, hot and humid, and your feet in that water looked so refreshing !


PLEASE keep me updated on what ends up happening for you guys. I’m so glad she did so well with the remote learning. I hope you are able to find a way to relax and cool down today. Thanks Michele!


Donated ❤️


Thank you so much Nadya, it means a lot to me. I hope you are having a beautiful Monday so far!


Please share any face mask recommendations you get. My kids do not like wearing masks and they keep fiddling with them.


I totally will! So far it sounds like Old Navy has the best deal and masks for kids but I’ll end up sharing what we get and love. Have a great day Mary!


I will be following this as I have not found a mask that does not make mine or Hopes ears totally stick out.

We will be sending Hope back to school in the fall if that is an option. Sounds like my high school will also be back……….but who knows it all seems kind of vague and ever changing.


I was wondering what your high school was planning on doing. Keep me updated with what they are thinking and the plan. I will totally let you know what we end up loving. Thanks Erica, I hope you have a really great day!


So many prayers going out to your friend and her family!

I will be following the kids mask recommendations. It has not been set forth if our kids will have to wear masks. My kids have used them very little and it goes terrible! My youngest keeps pulling it down. My middle child holds her hand over the front of the mask! My oldest has allergies so is always sneezing. It’s kind of comical (I am not making light of the situation, but I don’t know what else to do otherwise I feel I might cry.)
I am 99% sure our kids will be going back to school, but I am sure we will have to drive to/from school.

Way to go on your spadework! I am not doing any speed work. However, I did start triathlon training yesterday. My runs after the bike are way faster since they keep up the quick turn-over from the bike….too bad that doesn’t carryover to my morning runs;-).

Happy Monday!


Thanks Becky, that means a lot to me! It really is so hard for these little ones to wear masks, I get it! I have noticed that with each time it gets easier for Brooke and she gets more used to it (the first time it lasted on her properly about 2 seconds). You’ll have to keep me updated on what goes on with your school district. I am SO excited about your tri training… you are already rocking it. Hahah well it will carry over on race day and that’s what matters;). Thanks and you too!


Donated. Thanks so much for sharing. ❤️


Thank you so much Robyn, that means the world to me. I hope you have a beautiful day!!!


Thank you so much for sharing! My heart goes out to your friend and family ❤.

Its OK here in BC. My friend manages a pre school program in our area. For the summer they maxed out at 16 kids for morning classes but the parents have to to pick up outside the gate and not come into school. They are not mandating masks for kids properly because its doubtful you could make kids that young wear them properly. They do have very strict rules about coming to class etc. But I know crafty people have been. Our school year won’t start until September. Not sure what it will look like for the kids. I know our universities will likely remain online.

I hope you have a wonderful day Janae!


Thank you so much Kristine and thank you for sharing what is going on in your area (PS Andrew and I want to come to BC again soon with our kids so expect on meeting me for a run there once this is all cleared up:). I am interested to see how my nephew that is going into Kindergarten will be able to keep a mask on. Such a different world compared to the start of last school year. Thanks Kristine, you too!


Baxton tried a few different masks before he found the one that is the most comfortable for him. There are some that loop behind your head and some that hang on your ears. He likes ears. Though he liked TN Vols one and a superhero one for the decor, he did not like the thickness of the fabric. His favorite are the blue/white disposable masks you see at hospitals. He complained about it when he thought it was optional, but the more he wears it the less he complains. We wear them at the allergist and for any meetings I have. If they are outside and he wants to take them off I tell him to stay away from people.

Our schools in Nashville are going to be virtual in August. The earliest they would go back in person is after Labor Day, but at this point I doubt that will happen.

I love olives! First kalamata, then green, then black (and though I eat kalamata and green “straight” I will only eat black ones mixed in food, like nachos!
Feelings about olives?

No speed word during pandemic or otherwise :0


Thank you so much for sharing what Baxton has been using and liking the most. I definitely think that they get easier to wear the more we wear them too! I hope that the online learning goes very well in August, you’ll have to keep me updated. I’ll send you my olives ha. Have a great day Tonya!


我不推荐,但我确实看到标准ents are clipping a lanyard to them so when they take them off it hangs around their neck and is not set down on the floor or a table.


That is a fabulous idea! Thank you so much for sharing Adrienne and I hope you have a great week.


As much as it breaks my heart, we will be homeschooling my 6 and 8 year old next year. :( I have never had the desire to homeschool, but as a SAHM I have the option and have decided to do so for several reasons:

-Out of the day camps and daycares that have opened, there have already been numerous outbreaks. It doesn’t sit right with me to not only put my own kids at risk, but the staff, teachers and other families.
——我不感觉很好,我的孩子们在马斯ks for 7 hours a day. I also think of what the environment will be like. They won’t see smiling faces or facial expressions. They will be herded around in cohorts. I imagine the teachers will have to continually stress ( for their own safety!!) to them to stay distanced, don’t play with your mask, wash your hands, stay away etc. That environment sounds stressful and scary compared to them being taught at home.
-CONSISTENCY! Its so important for kids, and I cannot see schools reopening without having at least one or two times where they have to shutdown due to an outbreak. So then they may be out for a 1-3 weeks, and what will we do with them in regards to schoolwork? Homeschooling for the year will be planned, set, and consistent. We will all know what to expect.
我担心这么多的老师,员工,substitutes, the bus drivers etc and my goodness, the families with two working parents. I just feel so much for them and pray everyday for them. I don’t know is “right”.
-I don’t know if I could mentally handle the constant fear of sending them everyday. Back in March I was a wreck until the school closed and we mamas have to take care of ourselves as well so we can take care of our families.

Our school district doesn’t have to have a plan until August 15th. (We would start September 9th). But looking at other states that start sooner and other countries, this feels like the best choice for our family.

I don’t judge anyone for any choice they make. I feel almost helpless to do anything, but I can pray, and I will pray for you and your dear friend.


Well said. I have dear friends that are teachers and they are so, so fearful. It’s horrible that sending kids back to school means putting so many people at risk.


I agree with Zoe, very well said. I have been thinking so much about a lot of these points. Thanks for sharing and your 6 and 8 year old are going to have a fabulous experience homeschooling with you! Keep me updated and thank you so much for sharing.


I LOVE olives. :)

My son is only 9 months old but I will not be sending him to daycare or getting a nanny. If he was school age I would not be sending him to school as well. I work from home- and I am fortunate that my boss is perfectly fine with me keeping him home. Most school districts in my area are giving parents the option for virtual learning or in person. I honestly dont see school staying open once it goes back to in person in august. GA is getting hit hard with new cases of covid-19.


That is what I’m thinking too… numbers are increasing here so I really wonder if the schools will actually stay open once they do open because of the numbers. I am SO sorry that Georgia is getting hit hard too. What an AWESOME boss to work with you and your situation with your 9 month old!

Have a beautiful day.


Prayers to your friend and her family.

Our district is proposing all elementary schools open 5 days/wk, middle and HS kids will do a hybrid of distant and in-class. I plan on sending my daughter to school (2nd grader) next month only b/c we both work. Luckily, I only have to go into the office as needed so I do have some flexibility for when school has to close b/c of a case. It’s going to be a poop show this year if you ask me. Plus, I’m just not built to be a teacher. Teachers need a massive pay raise!



I fully agree with you on so many points in your comment! I am so glad you have some flexibility with your work during this all! Keep me updated on how it all goes. Thank you so much!


Oh man, my heart hurts for your friends family!
Our district announced kids will go to school 2 days a week and do remote learning 3 days a week. I’m not sure how I feel about that since that might mean we don’t see my dad for a very very long time since he has a slough of health issues. We’ve been toying around with the idea of homeschooling and that might mean I quit my job to do that.
I have to be in the right mood for olives. And even then I can usually eat just a few before I’m over them.
The only speed work I’m doing is when I run Strava segments! There’s only 2 in my neighborhood and I’m slowly chipping away at them. I should be doing more speed work since I MIGHT actually have a race Aug 1 in the Olympics!!!!! It’s a super small trail race – 50 cap – and in a county that I believe is in phase 3 so fingers crossed!
Have a great day!


Thank you so much Jenny. That is a very tough decision that you guys will be making. You have to let me know what you end up doing, I am so sorry. I love that you are rocking those Strava segments, they really are great motivation! I really really hope that you get to do your race in a few weeks, I’m cheering for you. Sounds like a blast!


You can sit next to me and give me all the olives anytime! I eat them right from the jar or can ;)

All my hard work is happening on the bike these days. Our plan is to ride a metric century on Les’ birthday, August 19th. I’m still running shorter distances, but speed work isn’t on the radar.

Your friend’s story is heartbreaking, praying for them and donating now.


我完全接受你的邀请将提供和胃肠道ve you my olives. AHHH I am so so excited for your 100k next month. That sounds like the perfect way to celebrate Les’ birthday.
Thank you so much for donating. You are just the best.


Thank you for making us aware of this family – my heart goes out to them. We will be happy to contribute.

Re masks – I found these on etsy:https://www.etsy.com/listing/798631961/kids-face-maskcotton-masks-kids?ref=shop_home_active_1&crt=1

They look cute and there’s a lot of variety!


Thank you SO much for doing that Colleen, it means the world to me. My friend is so thankful for what you are all doing. THANK YOU for the link, those are amazing and Brooke will love the bedazzled look. I hope you have a beautiful Monday Colleen!


I use to despise black olives but over the years I’ve grown to like them in certain things. I’ve always liked green olives.

We are still waiting to hear on our school reopening. They sent out a survey to parents so hopefully they will put the parent’s thoughts and feeling into their decision. There has been talk of the kids wearing shields instead of masks thinking/hoping they would keep those on better. Our kids will be going to school if they do open back up.


That is so interesting about the shields idea… I definitely think my kids would keep those on better and I would love for them to be able to see facial expressions etc (plus, I have a hard time understanding what people are saying without seeing their lips too so I wonder if that will be hard for kids). Let me know what they decide. Have a great day and I hope you have some good olives soon. Thanks Erika!


Wow that is such a sad story!! My heart goes out to them, and I Definitely donated!

I will send Allie to kindergarten in the fall no problem… fingers crossed our schools reopen here in Ontario!! We won’t know for awhile since they aren’t due to go back until sept 8


Thank you so much Andrea! I hope you guys are doing well. So because you and your husband had Corona does that mean that Allie probably did too? I just have so many questions. Let me know what Ontario decides. Have a beautiful day!


My heart goes out to your friend and her family.


Thank you Christine! I really appreciate you all. I hope you have a wonderful evening.


Donated–my prayers are with her!


Thank you so much Damarys, that means so so so much to me. I hope you have a wonderful evening and thank YOU for the help.


Just donated! Sending many prayers for your friend’s family! ??


谢谢你克莱尔如此慷慨的帮助people you don’t even know. You are an amazing person and your help is so appreciated. I hope you have a great week and thanks again.


Donated, and will definitely be praying for your friend’s family! I read their background story on the Go Fund Me page, and they live near some of my family members in California, which makes their story seem that much more personal for me. I pray they reach their monetary goal, and that Jeremy continues to heal!
My husband and I recently moved from SC, and they’re giving parents the option of full-time virtual school (with teachers assigned to only this, who will not be in classrooms) and a mixture of face-to-face/online school. With SC’s recent increases in COVID, I could see more parents choosing all virtual if it’s possible for their family.
We’re in Logan now, and I heard that our district here will also be going back to full-time in-person, though I haven’t heard if masks will be required! Such crazy times. I hope you have a great week!


劳拉,我不会谢谢你enough for helping Jules and her sweet family. Oh I bet that does really make it feel more personal and I think they will reach their goal! I hope you are loving Logan and your new neighborhood. You’ll have to let me know if masks are required! That is so great that SC is allowing parents to choose! Have a beautiful evening and thanks again.


I got some smaller masks on Amazon on the label says PM 2.5 …sorry I can’t remember what exactly they are called but they have an air filter on them and I have a small face and have been using them too. They have cute patterns. My sons will be going back to school full time too. They attend smaller schools my high schoolers is private. They will have sneeze guards on all the desk and socially distance. (Middle school and high schooler) , my 9 year old daughter I’ll be homeschooling but mainly because she has dyslexia and has done well with me since home.

I’m so very sorry for your friend and their family. Prayers they make their goal. And prayers with recovery. What a blessing you are to them to spread the word.


Thank you so so much and your prayers mean the world! Thank you.
Those masks sound perfect. I am so glad that your three kids will all be able to learn in the best/healthiest way possible. Thank you for sharing and my oldest brother has dyslexia and my mom worked so much with him just like you do with your daughter. You are amazing!


Donated. I couldn’t help but not in reading about such a precious family…


Thank you Kelly! That means so much to me and Jules is so grateful for your help. Have a beautiful evening!


My sister’s boyfriend has an Etsy shop with awesome handmade masks for adults and kids :)

And your friend sounds truly amazing. I’m an intensive care physical therapist. So I know the work, dedication and love required to get him where he is. Will be keeping them in my thoughts and prayers


THANK YOU for sharing this! I have to get the horse one for Brooke.

Thank you for what you said about Jules, she truly is and thank YOU for doing what you do to help others. You are amazing. Have a great night Lauren!


So sad that people in the US have to pay for treatment after a road accident. Where I’m from everyone pays a compulsory levy each year when we register our cars, which pays for care for anyone who is injured in a car accident. Such a good system, everyone gets the care they need paid for as long as they need it. I feel so sorry for your friend having to worry about money at this time.


Really?! I didn’t know that was even an option in other places. I really wish we did the same thing. Thank you so much and I hope you have a wonderful evening!


Donated. Thank you for sharing her story.

Thank you for also asking mask questions. It is interesting to read what different states or planning for this school year.


Rachael, I can’t thank you enough for helping out Jules and Jeremy. It really is interesting to see what each state plans on and I wonder how much it will all change? I hope you have a beautiful evening and thanks again!


Our high school district that my husband and I work for and 2 of our children attend have a special board meeting on Wednesday so I’m sure we’ll know more then. My youngest son’s district will make a decision on 7/20. Our union is proprosing full distance learning. We’re in a weird spot in that our kids are too old for a sitter but I’m not 100% comfortable with them being home every day by themselves if I have to go back in full time. I’m really trying to lean into the Lord and trust that it will work out okay. This is hard.


Donated earlier today! Your friend’s husband was in podiatry school at almost the same time I was. I went to podiatry school in Chicago, but I did a rotation in San Fransisco and worked with other students who went to the same podiatry school he did. I have a lot of late night drives through bad weather coming home from the hospital, so I know how terrible those drives can be. I’ll be praying for him and his family daily and I know God is going to turn this tragedy into something wonderful.


So sad for your friend, her husband and their family. We are praying for them. As for masks – can only recommend n95. It seems kind of horrific to get your kids excited to walk into a dangerous situation unknowingly. My teenage boys will be doing school from home.


Donated & sending ❤️ to your friends family. What happened is heartbreaking and I am hoping for the best possible outcome. Thank you for sharing her story.

I think the kids are safest attending a virtual school at least for the rest of 2020 because we know COVID isn’t going away anytime soon. ? I trust science and facts when it comes to this NOT politics. Sometimes when I listen to the news it’s like I am watching a reality tv show. ? Speaking of reality tv have you been watching any of the bachelor “greatest seasons” ?

Good job training Andrew! Keep up the good work! You got this!?

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