I found out why I have been so tired…


Well, I figured out why I have been so crazy tired lately. I haven’t fallen asleep sitting up or anything like that, but I have just felt more fatigued this month. I thought the overall fatigue was because I was overtrained/overcooked from running.

周日,安德鲁看到我过敏medication and asked why I was taking Zyrtec. I thought for SURE it was a non-drowsy medication, but nope, a common side effect can be fatigue. As soon as I stopped taking it daily, I felt like myself again. I’m so glad Andrew noticed and now I have switched to non-drowsy Claritin and feel like a new human. It feels great not to want to take six naps a day.

We had a ladder workout—> 2 mile, 1 mile, 800m, 400m, 3 x 200m for a total of 12 miles @ 7:34 average. Each recovery was a bit different, and these different segments are done on courses we always do. I had a pr in the 2-mile (5:46 pace wahoo) and my 2nd fastest time ever on the 1 mile (5:16), but both include downhill in them, so they are not official times but fun to compare them to every other time I have run the segments.

I did my best to focus on what Sarah Sellers said about focusing on effort. I enjoy running more if I am just present in my effort and not letting my watch dictate what I should be running. I run so much better when I rarely look at my watch.

As soon as I got home, I did a 20 minute leg workout in the garage. Once I go inside, it’s a lot harder to get it done so I just went for it.

We jumped in the car in the afternoon to head to St. George. Brooke’s family reunion on her dad’s side was down here, so we are picking her up today (I am giddy). I knew that when I moved back to Utah during my divorce, it would mean a lot of back and forth traveling around to get Brooke to her dad…. but nine years later, it is still working out well!

This Brooke pickup is extra fun because it means we get to vacation for a few days too:).

First stop = Pita Express!

Followed by a bike ride and ice cream.

Skye is ready to adventure… we went with thecamelback kids pack!


Do you notice side effects from medication easily?

Going anywhere this summer?


How do you split up your strength training days?

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所以你就不吃普通冰淇淋但you have other kinds of dairy? Ice cream really bothers me and pizza and lasagna does too. So I’m staying away from dairy right now but I’m wondering if I can do this forever?


It really is so crazy, it’s just ice cream that gives me a stomach ache. Cheese is totally fine for me. Good luck Mary and I’m sorry you are dealing with this!


If I’m ever on a doctor prescribed medication I have to take it with food or I will be SO nauseous. Discovered this on my way to work one time when I was put on an antibiotic and almost had to pull over because that nausea was so bad I thought I was going to throw up. Now I don’t even bother seeing if that’s a side effect for me and will take any medication with my breakfast.

In the middle of July I’m packing up the car and the dog and I are going to my parents for two weeks! It’ll be nice to see family, friends and even meet my friend baby boy! Plus I get to eat at all the Chicago spots that I miss so it’s a win all around. Have fun in St. George!


I can’t even believe you were doing all those crazy hard workouts and taking allergy medicine that made you drowsy!!! How were you even getting through the day? Glad you solved that mystery!
All the non-dairy Ben and Jerry’s flavors are so good. We have Cherry Garcia in the freezer right now, but my kids also love Americone Dream these days.
Have fun in St. George and please post more pictures of that beautiful area!


I have no issues with Zyrtec, thank goodness, as it works like a charm for me, especially Zyrtec D. We are going to California and doing an epic National Park tour – Joshua Tree, Kings Canyon, Sequoia, Yosemite, and Channel Islands. I am going to a gym now and we do total body one day, legs one day, and upper body another day. Seems to work well.


Janae, you’re a lifesaver. I’ve been taking Zyrtec AND I’ve been incredibly fatigued….I never put the two together. This isn’t the first year I’ve taken it, but I don’t remember being quite this tired when I was. So, maybe things just change as we get older. Any which way, no more Zyrtec for me.


No way!!!! Oh I hope this helps you and please let me know if you start feeling like yourself again. I can’t believe the difference. Good luck and have a great day, Karla!


A couple of my meds can make me drowsy but years ago my doc told me “if it’s a once a day med that might make you drowsy, just take it at bedtime”.
One of those obvious yet mind-blowing ideas!
I honestly couldn’t tell you if Zyrtec or anything else makes me drowsy cause I’m getting in bed anyway.


zyrtec is the only allergy meds that really work for me, so I just take them before bed. That way I’m drowsy when I’m already asleep, and by the time I wake up I’m okay :)


Oh really! I am so glad it helps you! Definitely should have taken it before bed rather than in the morning ha. I hope your allergies start getting better soon and have a great day. Thanks Tamara!


I’m glad you figured out it was the medicine making you tired!! I was taking medicine that made me nauseous and had to stop taking it.

We are going to Anna Maria island, FL in a few weeks and staying at a house across the street from the beach!! We are so excited!!! My 17 year old daughter is having major back surgery on August 1st and I’m so nervous about it so this vacation will be a happy distraction before her (and I) go through surgery and recovery.

I just love reading your blog daily


Uggg some meds make me nauseated too! Ummm can we come join you on your trip! Sounds incredible. I am so so sorry about what your daughter is going through. That must be so scary for both of you. Please keep me updated on how you are all doing! Thank you so much, that means a lot. Happy Thursday, Erin!


Glad you found out why you are so tired! My aunt had been taking Tylenol PM for her afternoon headaches and could not figure out why she was so tired. She was about to go into the doctor when her husband looked at the bottle and noticed it said p.m.;-). I am extremely sensitive to medications and supplements. The last time I had an antibiotic for my sinus infection, I decided the sinus infection was better than the stomach troubles from the antibiotic.

I am horrible at scheduling my strength training. It is the first thing that gets dropped when I am pressed for time. I might need to try getting it in the afternoon/evenings.

Have fun in St. George! Fun to make those memories. We always to the family cabin twice in July. I am also taking my middle child to Orlando in August. We are going to skip Disney, but we are hoping to pack in some other fun adventures. It will be her first time on a plane and she is ether going to love it or we will be driving home from FL….

Have a fabulous Thursday Janae!


Oh I am SO happy your aunt has it figured out now, it is crazy to feel so tired and not know why. Antibiotics are so hard on our stomach, I’m with you on taking the sinus infection over the stomach problems. It’s almost time for you guys to go to your family cabin and Orlando in August. You guys are going to have the best summer… I am so excited for your triathlon too. Thanks Becky, you too!


我喜欢以下页面。这是一段时间以来I commented. I thought you were going to say you were so tired because you are pregnant. Glad you figured out the medication. Have fun in St. George!! You inspire me to get outside and move!! It’s so good for the soul!!


HELLO ANN MARIE! Hahaha I am not going to lie, for a while there I was worried that I was ha. Not sure I could handle Beck and pregnancy at his current stage;) That makes me so happy, keep enjoying the fresh air and movement. Have a beautiful day.


Allergies have been intense this year! Glad you figured out what was causing your fatigue.

I’m currently 35 weeks pregnant and the other day I forgot to take my prenatal in the morning with breakfast, when I usually do, so I took it in the evening before dinner. A half hour later I felt so incredibly nauseous and went to sleep feeling incredibly I’ll. I couldn’t figure out why nausea had made a resurgence in the third trimester. I figured because I have such an active babe in utero (my son who is a wild child hardly moved at all in utero and I constantly had to eat sweets or poke him to make sure everything was okay… so strange) who seems to like to dance all the time haha. Anyway, the next day I realized I’d taken my prenatal on a mostly empty stomach and it must have made me sick. At least I hope that’s what happened because I’m not prepared for third trimester nausea


CONGRATULATIONS… you are so close to meeting your little boy. I am thrilled for you, Tara. I am SO happy that you realized it was from the prenatal and not something you will be dealing with for the next 5 weeks. I hope you are feeling as comfortable as possible! Keep me updated with it all!


Wow! What a simple med fix. Glad Andrew discovered that.
Should we start a Sarah Sellers fan club? I need to focus more on effort as well. I admire how she went out in the marathon this weekend.


LET’S DO IT! I am so happy you saw her on Saturday and she really is just the coolest! Thanks so much, Molly and I hope your day is off to a great start!


Oh my gosh, what a relief! Thank goodness Andrew saw you taking the medicine! It’s so hard to function, let alone do all the training, when you feel exhausted all the time.
Yay for a trip down to St. George! Lots of pool time I’m sure.
We’re heading to Vegas today for my 50th () birthday on Sunday! We’re not really Vegas type people, but wanted a quick getaway. We’re seeing a couple of shows, and will be doing a lot of relaxing by the pool.
We will probably be going up to Lake Arrowhead a couple times this summer too. My brother-in-law and his wife rebuilt their mountain house, and love having family up there. It’s beautiful and a great way to escape the heat.
Off for a quick run in my new shoes, finish packing, then on the road.
Have a great day Janae


Ahhhhhh Wendy! Your 50th birthday! I want to come celebrate with you guys in Vegas. I only know you through the internet and I just think you are the best of the best, I can’t imagine how amazing you are in person! Enjoy your time there and Lake Arrowhead. Hope your plantar was happy on your run!


Haha dr told me to switch from Allegra to Zyrtec at night and it completely solved my insomnia problem. If the allergy meds I thought only benedryl was sweating but apparently not.


Glad you found out what was making you so tired. I have done that before with cold medicine…took the night time in the day. I find even the daytime stuff makes me feel a little weird.
I was trying to find the outdoor voices tee you shared a little while ago. What Color’s do you have in it again. I need some new t shirts.
Have fun in St George


Thank you Jane! I was very relieved to figure it out and I’m with you, the daytime stuff even gets me with cold medicine. You are going to love the tops! I have it in….
Pink punch, mango and mellow! I am wearing the mango right now!


Your message on Zyrtec made my day! I have been taking Allegra forever and on a whim purchased Zyrtec two weeks ago. I have been exhausted for the past two weeks (like could take nap after nap) and was worried something was wrong with me HA! I am switching back to Allegra and hopefully be more awake HA!


Ahhhh you are not alone, Pam! I was worried something was seriously wrong with me! Get back to Allegra and let me know how you are feeling!


As someone who lives in St. George, it always make me smile when I see you guys are in town and visiting again! It’s great you come down here so often–St. George is our favorite place. (Hence why we live here haha!) Enjoy your family time. :)


Haha dr told me to switch from Allegra to Zyrtec at night and it completely solved my insomnia problem. If the allergy meds I thought only benedryl was sweating but apparently not.


That bike ride sounds fun!
I prefer either half baked fro yo or the milk & cookies from ben & jerry’s.


I love Zyrtec – its the only allergy medicine that actually does something for me! BUT but but but…. I take it AT NIGHT and it also acts as a sleep aid because I am not a very good sleeper. Glad you solved that mystery – have fun in St. George!


So glad Andrew noticed, he’s a catch!

How fun to get to go to St. George, we have been there a couple times and just love it. My hubby raced the Ironman there a few years ago while I chased him around with our 1 and 2 year old kids at the time LOL.

We are headed to the Oregon coast next week to see family and I am pretty excited. In August we are taking the kids to France, Italy and Switzerland. It’s going to be pretty great (hopefully).

Where is your next big trip?


I never seem have a lot of time to hit the weights, maybe two times a week, so I just do the basic/multi things like squats, bench, rows…and I take a few spin and strength classes every week, so I guess that helps…
I try to ignore side effects even if I know….I’m taking something right now that is supposed to make me a bit dizzy, I’m 63, so that’s not something new lol…….but yeah, I usually have the other problem, trying to sleep after taking something that says it’s non-drowzy….


That ice cream is the best! I love watching your growing family! I remember reading since before you had Brooke! Anyway, just wanted to say hi! So glad you are doing well!


My friend did this! Because of her medical history she had tons of lab work done and tests. They were afraid it might be cancer. For weeks all of her friends and family were worried sick, but everything kept coming back clear. Finally her husband discovered she bought drowsy allergy meds. We laugh about it now but it was so scary at the time.


I recently stopped my cetirizine for exactly that reason! I had to take it for spring allergies otherwise I couldn’t function but once pollen dropped enough I was like this has gotta go. I can’t take Claritin though, it makes me kind of manic-esque after a prolonged period. So like the other commenter suggested, taking cetirizine at night definitely helps a bit with the warding off the fatigue a bit. Also stopping cetirizine always leaves me itchy AF for a day or two. Not sure if that affected you but be warned it’s a real thing!

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