Sentence per picture!


7 miles @ 8:42 average on the roads.

Really into puzzles right now.

Hit up the mall with these two because we NEEDED another puzzle.

Too lazy to cut my veggies up these days.

We had cookbook club last night.

The host chooses which cookbook/blog to have as the theme, and we all choose a recipe to bring.

I broughtHalf-Baked Harvest’s Greek Watermelon Feta Salad with Basil Vinaigrette.

I have a newfavorite cookbook… everything was amazing.

Important PSA.

Another important PSA for Utahns, Cubby’s new beet, avocado and goat cheese salad is the best salad you will ever eat.

We bought anothershotgun seatfor our bikes so that we can take Beck and Skye simultaneously on a ride (this decision was motivated by the fact that Beck screamed anytime he had to get off so that Skye would get a turn;).

IMG 1386

Time for a speed workout and I picked up some more of my favorites to get me through a week or two of marathon training;)

Loved this reminder fromSarah Sellersin her recap of her 2:25 (6+ minute pr) at Grandma’s!


Have a sentence for the day?

Who ran Grandma’s Marathon? HOW DID IT GO?

Cookbook or cooking/baking blog that you use the most often?

什么是凝胶/燃料你的goto these days?

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I love Half Baked Harvest!! Glad you all enjoyed!! Any favorite recipes from the new cookbook? I haven’t tried any yet.


I seriously loved it all! The Buffalo cauliflower, creamy sun-dried tomato chicken pasta and soft herb garlic cheddar cheese bread were just so so good. Let me know what you end up loving, have the best day, Mariah!


Going out to dinner with a girlfriend tonight at a place with a beet salad, probably need to order it now.


I ran the half and it went well just not as well as I had hoped.
The best part of the day was sticking around to see the elite marathoners come in. We cheered around mile 26. Sarah did so awesome. She was grunting it out to finish.

What’s Gaby cooking is my favorite blogger right now. Her chicken larb bowls are truly epic.


Congratulations! I loved seeing your pics from the day so much. I love Sarah Sellers so much, so happy you saw her. I will have to go find that recipe, yum. Have the best day, Mollie! Hope you are recovering well.


我爱斯凯summe她穿雨靴r, ha ha, too cute.
Someone else was just mentioning that cookbook. I guess I should try it. My go-to right now for recipes is Pinterest.
I love that insight from Sarah! And I had forgotten that Grandma’s was this past weekend. I’ve heard that’s a great race.
Off for an early run with friends . And we could get a thunderstorm. Strange for us out here, but that would be so cool!
Have a great day Janae.


Hahah rain boots are just a necessity for her;). Seriously could not believe how good each recipe was… you will love it. Enjoy the run and thunderstorm! I think that means you need to curl up with a good book at some point if you have time. Thanks Wendy, you too!


Lately I’ve been getting a lot of recipes from the Cozy Cook on Instagram.
Have a great day, Janae!


Just started following her, thank you so much for the recommendation. Everything I saw looks incredible. I hope you have a great day too, Allison!


Hey there :)
I need to try this watermelon salad, I’ve been seeing similar version all over and it looks delicious! :D
My favourite cookbook is “Veg” by Jamie Oliver
I have exams at the moment so my motto for the day is “Just keep going until it is over”… No matter what I do, these exams will come so I might as well use my time wisely and study hard…
My favourite running fuel are dates but during races I use Maurten gels as well because I am running too hard to chew anything without inhaling it :p


Let me know what you think of the watermelon salad! Cheering you on for those exams, you’ve got this! One hour at a time! I really need to bring dates on the trails or easy runs, that sounds delicious. I hope you have a few study breaks and get everything done that you need to. Thanks Moni!


I started Grandma’s, but it was a DNF. I dropped out right before mile 14 and honestly, it was the best decision. I have rarely been so happy to be done running. There was a variety of reasons, but I think mentally, I was not in it. I was hot–it wasn’t hot, but they sun was strong and it was a tailwind. I couldn’t get in my ‘zone’ and the more I thought I about it the more claustrophobic/defeated/frustrated I felt. My IT band was starting to hurt. I had no one in person cheering for me, so if there was a year to drop out, this was it;-). I also went in with the thought if I wasn’t on pace for a PR, I would drop. I have a lot I want to do this summer–my daughter wants to run with me, I have a triathlon coming up and I didn’t feel like taking weeks off to recover since I have 2 injuries as well. So besides a DNF, it went great, haha.

Sentence of the day: we have no water (pressure problem?) so no showers, flushing the toilet…I am thinking we might have to go camping so we can use a bathroom!

Happy Wednesday Janae!


I’ve been wondering about you! You were so smart to call it when you did. You know you better than anyone and you took care of your body and brain! I am SO excited for your summer up ahead and proud of you for the decision you made. Wish me and Brooke could join you for a run too. AHHHH good luck with the water issues, boo! Thanks Wendy, you too.


Where is that cool puzzle from?!? Cute kids and family!


这是链接,我们狐狸版本也it is so fun!

Thanks Samantha, I hope you have a great day!


Good morning, Janae!
So cool that you have the cookbook club and that watermelon salad looks delicious!! Also, the watermelon buying guide is genius – thanks for sharing :o)
My two current cooking/baking inspirations are Nikki Vegan (YouTube and a website) and Shane & Simple (website). They are both vegan, but it would be just as easy to “non-veganize” a recipe as it is to “veganize” one LOL :o) Although, I have surprised a number of hardcore carnivores with how delicious vegan food is (not at all like cardboard as many suppose!!).
I’m not training for anything these days that requires fuel, but when I do, my preference is pink lemonade stingers.
Have an awesome Wednesday, Janae!


I hope you have some great watermelon this summer! I will have to check out both of them, thank you for sharing. I have never tried that flavor but that sounds delicious in the summer months especially!


I need a new cookbook, I’m in a bit of a rut lately! My favorite cookbook is and always will be Rosalie Serving Italian. There is no such thing as too much pasta ;)

I’ve tried a lot of fuels but always go back to Hammer Gel. The nutritional info is very similar to Maurten, which I’ve never tried, but Hammer has never given me an upset stomach.


I fully agree with that statement. I must get that cookbook, I could never be sick of pasta. SO happy that Hammers treat you so well. I’ve always loved those too when I have tried them. Happy Wednesday, Kathy!


Ok, I have everything to make that watermelon salad except for balsamic/basil. I may be stopping at the store after work because I NEED to try it! I tried the beet salad at Cubby’s just the other day and it was good…but I still think the beet salad at Blue Lemon is the best! Also I love that Sarah Sellers is back!!!


Okay so for cookbook club, what do you do if you don’t have the cookbook the host picks? Does everyone look through the hosts cookbook and choose a recipe?
I would love to do something like this for a group at church!


You should totally do it! Most of the cookbooks have a lot of their recipes online or the host will send out a recipe! Let me know how it goes. Thanks Sloan!


I ran the half at Grandma’s and my husband did the full. It was a special race for me as I was coming back to running after some serious health issues. I got to run the whole race with my best friend and the weather was awesome. It couldn’t have been more fun or beautiful. Come visit us in MN next year!


Congratulations Laura! YOU ARE BACK. You have overcome some really hard health issues and you are back running 13.1 miles with your best friend. I am so happy for you and Grandma’s is 100% on my list. Have a beautiful day and happy recovering.

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