Treadmill tips and the return of the serving size bowl of salad.

I have a great idea, if you are bored right now and you kind of like my blog….

I was nominated at Fitness Magazine for Best Running Blogger and you can vote for meHERE. My mom can only come up with so many different names to sign up under so that she can vote for me over and over again…help her out:)

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Random things that I found yesterday when I cleaned out my car include: 19 bobbi pins (I really did count), one bag full of garbage (including at least 30 gum/candy wrappers), yarn (I don’t know where it came from…Billy do you have a new hobby you need to tell me about?), shampoo, conditioner and body wash (must not be mine), 7 Habits For Highly Effective Teens (I like the teens version better) and black gloves (if you left these in my car let me know).

Photo 3

Thursday night used to be known as The Office night but now it has changed to yoga night. Why can’t every workout end laying down on a mat with the lights off?

All day long I had been thinking about making a ginormous sandwich for dinner. When I got out the lunch meat that expired in November and started to put it on my bread Billy made me throw it away, something about you should probably really follow expiration dates when it comes to meat.

Instead I made a salad with breaded chicken and everything else I could find with a yogurt (not my favorite flavor) and a grapefruit.

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From my last post about treadmill runs there were a few people that mentioned they really dislike the treadmill. I completely understand and agree 10000% that running outside is so much more fun than being stuck indoors. I thought I would post some of my treadmill running tips for when you are forced indoors to make it a little bit more fun.

1. Wear the right clothes: Since there is no wind while running on a treadmill you are bound to sweat big time. I usually wear a technical shirt/tank and shorts.

2. Have everything you need right there: Water, chapstick, fuel, more water, your phone, a towel, extra bobbi pins….anything you need so that you aren’t tempted to cut your workout short to go get something and never come back.

3. Test yourself: See what you can do. Play around with the numbers. I used to love doing a warm-up followed by increasing my pace each minute and seeing how fast I could go (don’t overdo it of course) then I would go back to my base pace for a few minutes and then try it again to see if I could go faster the next time. Try out some speed intervals, I think you will surprise yourself with your SPEED!

4. DISTRACTIONS: TV, music, podcast, rubix cube…whatever you need to distract yourself a little bit so you don’t feel like you are a hamster.

5. Play around with the incline! Here is an awesome pace conversion chart that shows you what the equivalent to running at a certain speed with a certain incline equals if you were running on a flat surface.

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6. Take this time to focus on improving yourSTRIDE RATE. You don’t have to worry about curbs or cars or dogs and so you can really focus on counting your steps and aiming for 180 per minute.

7. If running on a treadmill is extremely tough for you than as you are doing it remember that. Take advantage of it and think about how you are doing something that is hard for you and that it is going to make you mentally tougher if you stick it out and finish your workout. If you can run miles on a treadmill just think how easy it will be mentally when you are free to run outside again:)


What is the most random thing in your car right now?

Do you throw things away as soon as they expire or do go by smell/taste?

Thursday night= _________ night?

What are your tips for treadmill running? Ever play around with the incline?

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I used to hate treadmill running but now I love it! Speedwork and interval workouts are much easier for me on the treadmill.

My other trick on the treadmill is to break up songs into sets and count down. Like 4 x sets of 5 songs each.

Thursday night = tempo run (on the treadmill) while watching the Vampire Diaries!

Janae that salad looks awesome, I love putting pretzels on my salad as well =)

Have a great weekend! (p.s. I’m voting for you!)


YAY for tempo runs, way to go! Would I like Vampire Diaries? I have never seen it. GOOD call on breaking it up with songs, that is something I should totally try! Thanks so much! I hope you have an amazing weekend too!


Distractions are KEY for the treadmill. If I couldn’t watch tv or netflix, I’d go insane.

Random thing in my car: a baby gate. My parents don’t like Bungee to go upstairs in their house, so I always bring a baby gate when I go over there.


What did we do before netflix?!?! A baby gate…ha, Bungee should be allowed everywhere:) Have an amazing day!


You now have 90 votes girl!
I’m going to tell everybody I know to vote, vote, vote!


WAHOOO Thanks Lisa, you are awesome!


My car is such a mess! Probably the 12 pairs of shoes i have scattered around is the most random–some to donate and I am paranoid about not having running shoes for the gym, or the right shoes for work, so I just keep a variety in my car.

I always go by taste–things last way past their expiration date–I have eating highly suspicious looking yogurt, but I figure its spoiled milk anyways;-)


12 pairs…that is awesome. Good call on always being prepared with extra shoes! Hope you have the best weekend ever!


Perfect tips as I have been doing a lot of treadmill running lately! Love the conversion chart especially!


Isn’t it the coolest thing ever!? Enjoy your next treadmill run Sabrina!


I actually used to DREAD the treadmill, but I’ve really grown to like it a lot. I am terrified of running outside when its dark out, so in the mornings I’ll typically sprint the .6 miles to my gym and then run on the treadmill….that may be weird, but it makes me feel safer, haha. I have never really played around with the numbers like you suggested – maybe I’ll give that a try!??!

Thursday night = Project Runway/Vampire Diaries (not my choice…)/catch up on Modern Family on hulu night. (I loooove the Office, but haven’t been a huge fan of this season).


I am glad that you are liking it more and that sprint to the gym is awesome! Play around with the numbers next time for sure! MODERN FAMILY IS AMAZING! Have a great weekend!


Congrats on being nominated on the Fitness website. I actually voted for you yesterday before I even read this!

The weirdest thing in my car right now is probably lost baby socks and Hot Wheel cars.

I throw things away the second they expire. My husband thinks I’m crazy, but it’s a mind thing. To me, if it’s expired, it’s bad.


THANKS HEATHER!!! Yep, those are pretty random ha! Hey, at least you are being safe about the expiration dates. Have an amazing weekend!


My car is full of completely random junk, mostly lots of crumbs from kids snacks! THat’s a great chart, thanks for putting that up. I always wonder what the pace equivalent is. Thursday night is usually absolutely nothing going on night. We will sometimes watch a movie, but there usually nothing in the schedule. I like to do the same thing with the incline and the speed, switch it up and keep my mind off the actual running. Have a good day:-)


I bet kids leave some nice surprises in cars ha! Nothing better than a free night!


I’m voting for ya :)! I’m a fan of treadmill running- its kind to my joints :)


Thanks girl!! Yep, it is kind on my joints too!


Hmmm I guess the most random thing in my car is millions of empty chapsticks… I have a little of an addiction and have a hard time throwing the empty ones away. You never know when you will have an emergency and forget your chapstick and have to dig out the little bit at the bottom with your finger nail… not that I have ever had to do that or anything….

Thursday night = Bible Study with a couple of my girlfriends =] Last night we had buttermilk blueberry muffins with lemon zest as a treat…mmmm….

I would feel a little ridiculous giving YOU tips on the treadmill lol…. I don’t play with the incline as much as I should.

OBVIOUSLY I voted for you for Best Running Blogger! ;)



Thanks HEATHER!! HAHAHAH okay we are incredibly alike with the chapstick thing. I do that with my other make-up containers too…you can always scrape out just a little bit more!!! Um, I need those muffins right now.


A garden hoe has been sitting in my car for about a year. I live in an apartment, I have no yard. There is no explanation for this.

P.S. voted for ya! :)


THANKS ALYSSA!! Hey you never know when a garden hoe will come in handy hahahah!


i log most of my miles in on the treadmill. i love to listen to comedy albums as i run! i concentrate on the jokes and then i dont realize how boring it is!


That is a great idea, I will have to try out some comedy albums..brilliant!


Just a quick comment about incline. I was told that I needed to run at a 1 or 2 % incline to equal my pace outside so I did this for months and eventually my calves and hamstrings were so tight and overstressed I couldn’t run anymore. After some time in PT I am getting better and learning to stretch better but she told me to leave the incline at 0.

Her reasoning:

你的速度在不会是不同的than outside and you probably are not going to be doing the majority of your training inside anyway. You do not run uphill the entire time outside and if you were to do that you would be hurting your muscles by not giving them a break from that training and that is what you are doing when you run with the incline on the treadmill ALL THE TIME.

I agree that hill work is good and fun – but you gotta get a good mix in.

Maybe not everyone would get hurt doing this, but I sure did and it sucked so I will avoid the incline for now unless I am doing hill work later on once I am stronger.


TIFFANY!! Thank you so much for your comment. That is scary about your calves and hamstrings due to the incline on the treadmill! I can definitely see how that makes sense…definitely need a good mix! Thanks for the warning, I really appreciate it!


I think I’m one of the few people who actually likes the treadmill. I like being able to play with the speeds, and sometimes feel motivated by those around me. But I agree, there’s nothing quite like running outside, and the feeling you get when you finish.


It really is fun to race the person next to you at the gym on the treadmill ha!


ps I TOTALLY agree with this:
If you can run miles on a treadmill just think how easy it will be mentally when you are free to run outside again:)

Mentally a 5k SUCKS on the treadmill but if you can get used to that, you can kick it out outside no problem :)


You are so right…if you can do it indoors you can easily do it outside!


Most random: Medicine ball! Had to take my own to the gym.

If it’s expired, it’s in the trash.

Thursday night = Date night with hubby every week!

Treadmill running: ugh. I try to stay off it. Road running rocks!


Your gym doesn’t have them…booo! I want to buy a medicine ball for at home. Glad you had date night last night. You are right, road running does rock!


Our gym only has ONE! Three of us workout together so I always have to tote mine around. I’m sure when people see it in my car, they’re thinking “wtf”. But oh well!


Haha, now I’m imagining someone running on a treadmill while doing a rubix cube.


ME TOO and I can’t stop laughing. I want to make billy try and do it:)


An air inflator and a can of spray paint.
I throw things away if it is even close to the date. I don’t take any chances.
Thurs night is usually gym or hockey night.
I play with speed on a the treadmill, but not the incline. It makes the time go by faster.
The Kidless Kronicles


Yep, those are definitely random!


Thank you so much for that pace conversion chart! I have always wished I had one, I didn’t know it existed. I am pretty much a treadmill only runner. I love the convenience of it. I use google maps and run all over the world. I love that the incline/decline automatically adjust. I also love that my mill has a decline!


You are welcome!! It really is so convenient and the google maps function is SO SO COOL! I don’t have a decline though, I am jealous:)


Hmm. Most random thing would be a kite. I keep it in my trunk and it has been there since I lived in Ohio (3years ago) I kept it just in case there was a beautiful day and I wanted to fly one. I bought it at the Dollar Tree and used it about 4 times. Weird? Yeah I know. Makes me smile though when I think about the times I actually used it. You never know when it might be a good time to pull that baby out.
Thursday night = Singing Group at church (group of musicians that get together to just do our thang together)
P.S. I keep trying to vote and it won’t register me. Help! I have 5 email addresses I would like to vote so you win!


AHHH NOOOO That is so so weird. Maybe try again in a few hours, they may be having problems. Let me know if that doesn’t work again!! Signing group, that is SO COOL! A Kite, hey you never know when you will want to use it…that is awesome!


Great post! For me, I have a love-hate relationship with the treadmill. While it’s definitely more interested to run outside, being on the treadmill pushes me to try speeds I wouldn’t normally attempt. So I think it can be a good thing! :)


You are so right….it really does push us to new levels!


I’m so glad you did this treadmill post. I have an older treadmill that I only use when it’s raining/snowing or my kids are napping and I want to run and not pay a babysitter. I feel like it is totally inaccurate and it makes it even harder for me to run on it because I feel like I’m doing so much more than it says I am. I ran for an hour the other day and it said I only ran 3 miles:( I’m not a speedy runner but when I’m outside I usually run 9/10 min mile. Do you think my treadmill is that ‘wrong’ or am I really running that slow? I’m also training for a 1/2 marathon and so I just want some reassurance!


WHAT?!?! Yeah, that is probably just a little OFF…you are not running that slow…that is like a walk! WAHOOOO for your 1/2 marathon. I have heard of older treadmills being off a lot!


I will throw things out a couple days BEFORE the expiration date. Drives my husband nuts.
I don’t mind running on the TM, my is in the middle of my house so I think of all of the other things I should be doing. I always play with the incline/speed while on it.
Congratulations on your nomination.


BEFORE…you are just like my dad ha! Thanks Amanda!


honestly, treadmill running doesnt bother me if its shorter runs from 5-7 miles..but anything over that and im like UGH. i’m still in disbelief that you ran a marathon on a treadmill! either way, my ipod shuffle and iPad is necessary for treadmill running, otherwise i’m deadly bored.

most random thing in my car right now is a penny on my its still new so i’m trying real hard not to have garbage around.

i tend to go by smell/taste…sometimes milk is ok after it says its expired…and bread def lasts for a while. and i’m poor, so whatevs. :)

thursday night= jersey shore night for now. but its also date night for us too!


哈…我不知道我在想什么。你读while you run on your iPad? GOOD for you to keep your car so clean! Glad you got your date night last night!


i have read on it before but usually i burn a movie to it and watch movies while i run…makes the time go by so quickly :)


The most random thing I have in my car are some muddy leopard print rain boots. I had to buy these because one of my clients lives on a farm where he owns horses and goats and its full of mud. I also have a ton of bobby pins around my car….but I always leave them in there because you never know when you may need one.

Thursday for me included going out to dinner with some gals from church. Ate the most delicious goat cheese and french bread combo….my mouth is watering now.

When I am running I do like to run on the treadmill….but that’s different if I have someone to run with. Then I’d much rather be outside!!


Um….I want those rain boots, they sound hot! Best Thursday night ever, that sounds delicious!


The treadmills in my gym don’t have TV’s…I wish they did! If that were the case I think my runs would go by SO much faster!


BOOOO they really need to change that!


What an awesome chart, Janae! Thanks for posting it.

I think the things in your car seem pretty funny. Hmm the most random thing in my car is probably a cooler with an ice pack (may still be frozen!) from a trip I took at the end of January. :)


BAHAHAH I love that you leave things in your car from month(s) ago…makes me feel a lot better. Hope you have an amazing weekend Mallory!


Don’t worry, I so voted for you! And there’s nothing in my car, because I don’t have one! I did leave an empty water bottle in my brothers car a couple weeks ago.. shhhhh don’t tell him. He won’t notice with the other million that were there.


KATIE, thanks!! I definitely won’t tell him hahaha!


haha! that totally sounds like my car… i collect all sorts of things throughout the week. i finally decide i need to clean it out when i can’t find anything in it anymore. :) great treadmill tips! i definitely have to have a distraction like tv and/or music, and i really like to do intervals to make it interesting!


Intervals with music =much better! hahaha that is why I decided to finally clean mine out!


I have a love/hate relationship with the treadmill. It’s great because I can do hills, sprints, etc. but it is so boring! I definitely have to be in the mood to be on it.
最随机的事情在我的车…嗯m that’s a hard one. Roller blades maybe?
Usually as soon as they expire. I’m a freak when it comes to that stuff, I feel lke everything is bad on that date!
Thursday night is my friday :D
When I’m on the treadmill, I always have to play around with either incline, speed, or both.
CONGRATS on the nomination!!!! Ahhh you totally deserve it!! I hope you win, I’m going to vote :D


Brittany, thank are way too nice. I LOVE to roller blade, wish I could go with you…so fun! You are right, definitely have to be in the mood for the treadmill!


I have a rental car right now so it is pretty clean but usually you do find some clothes and shoes in it.
I throw away dairy products as soon as they look/smell bad, but some other things at the expiry. My husband is the worst for eating things past their due dates. Yuck!
Vampire Diaries and meal planning night :)
My secret on the tmill is switching up the speed and incline every few minutes to make the time go by quicker.


Why do you have a rental right now? It really is all about switching things up on the treadmill! I need to watch Vampire Diaries…do you think I would like it?


My husband got hit by a semi – believe it or not! He was okay but the car had a lot of damage so its in at the doctor ;)
I think you’d like it! It is kinda a crazy story line but always exciting I think. My husband watches it too :) But that is supposed to be a secret! haha


Oh my goodness that is so so scary! So glad he is okay!!! I need more details!


他已经把车从工作相关的errand (we work beside each other and carpool), and was in a industrial area of town when a semi rolled through a stop sign a clipped the back end of the SUV spinning him around and also denting the entire passenger side of the vehicle too. Since it was drive-able (or so he thought) he did not call the cops, and just came back to work and came and told me, acting like it was no big deal…I almost cried when I saw the car, we will leave it at that. Good news – it was 100% the semi driver’s fault, the company has been great and the car is being fixed (about $12k in damage).


Wow! That is seriously so scary! I can’t even imagine….a semi!!!! I would have cried too! So glad they are paying!


I have old towels in my trunk, incase my dog jumps in the bog on our walk. I also have first aid ice packs, twice we have had someone trip on a run and no one had an ice pack, I now have them, watch no one will need one for years.

I may keep and smell something for a few days after an experiation date, but that is all, then it is trashed.

I do not own a treadmill. I have used one maybe 5 times in the past year. I get so bored even with tv and an ipod.


Good call on having the ice packs!


1. I am terrible about abiding by expiration dates. I’ve been told that I have an interesting interpretation of what still passes for edible. I view expiration dates as suggestions.

2. I also joke that my car is going to be featured on an episode of Hoarders because, while I clean it out often, there is always the weirdest stuff in there. Tons of clothes (for donation!!) were replaced by a stack of towels and 50 bananas (I was cheering for people for a mud run!!) and then there was about 100 rolls of toilet paper (I like to stock up!!). There’s always a good reason but I’m not someone who immediately takes weird things out of my car. And then I drive coworkers home who are exposed to my car-hoarding. :)


1. Once again we are so alike.

2. 50 bananas…that made my day and all of the toilet paper…you have everything you could ever need. HILARIOUS!


Woohoo! Thanks for the tips! More than once I have cut me run short (given up) because I just couldn’t take it any more. I am definitely going to get me more distractions. I didn’t know your pace was different when you ran uphill (dumb blonde moment). Cool!! I usually try and tell myself stories and not focus on what I am doing to help me last longer on treadmills. But I WANT to focus on being better and stuff, so this post was very helpful!

I usually throw things away as soon as they expire. My stomach is super sensitive, and I just feel better mentally knowing that what I ate won’t make me sick because it has gone bad…but sometimes with yogurt and eggs and other stuff I can make them last a little longer.

We are getting a new yoga studio where I go to school, and I CAN’T WAIT to take classes!!


It really is so easy to cut it short because it isn’t like you have to finish your workout to at least get home ya know? AHHHH SO EXCITED you are getting a new yoga studio, ENJOY!


发夹在我的车总是下降之间的座位and the console, which is essentially a black hole. If something falls down there you’ll never have it again. Most random thing in my car right now is probably a champagne cork, and I also have a fire extinguisher in there. Before I cleaned it I had about 3 pairs of shoes, a pair of socks, a million empty water bottles, and a ton of gum wrappers. I also still have a criminology book in the trunk of my car that’s only been there for about 4 years.

I go by taste when things expire. Expiration dates are just there as a guideline anyway, right?


A cork and a fire extinguisher, you are set with everything you need especially with the criminology book in the trunk! Definitely just guidelines!


Ohh I like today’s random questions :)

Most random thing in my car… That’s tough, there’s a LOT of crap in there! I have a trunk full of legal textbooks.. I moved to a new firm a few months ago and never got around (aka haven’t figured out how to bribe my bf) to carrying them all up the flights of stairs to my new office. So I’ve been driving around with about 75 lbs of textbooks in my trunk. Hello, fuel efficient!

I’m a bit of a loonie about expiry dates.. Things get thrown away when they’re within 3-5 days of their expiry because I’m paranoid.

Thursday night = Lost and Scrubs night with boy! We’ve recently gotten into watching old seasons of both shows – I’d never seen Lost and I’m completely obsessed with Scrubs – that show is hilarious the 15th time you watch it!

Happy Friday!!


在主干HHAHA离开他们…如果你住在snowy area that is great to help you not slide (I think). AHHHHHHH SCRUBS….best show ever in the whole wide world. Thanks for the reminder, I will have to start watching that again!


Hmm I never even thought of that! I live in Cape Breton and we get an insane amount of snow :) Now I don’t feel so bad about my laziness!

Scrubs IS awesome – I’m so addicted to that show! I have a really random weird sense of humor and Scrubs absolutely kills me! The Janitor is the BEST. And it’s STILL funny no matter how many times you watch it!

PS – thanks for posting the treadmill chart- it’s awesome! I’m going to print it and take it with me when I use the treadmill


Thanks for that conversion chart! It explains a lot! I always feel like I’m running at a slower pace on the treaddy than I do outside, and then I PRed at my last 5k with a pace of 8:23. I was wondering what was up with that because I usually run slower than that on the mill. Turns out I was running fast the whole time and didn’t realize!


WOW, that is awesome about your PR!! So glad the conversion chart helped you out!


YAY I VOTED!! I’m going to haunt my friends this weekend to vote for you too!


Karla…you are the best….thank you so much!


Okay, so my problem with the treadmill is everytime I run on it (incline/no incline, no matter what speed) my shins burn. Like on fire burn. I stop stretch them, then within another minute same thing. And then they proceed to hurt for days after. I started running on a treadmill. Then moved outside after two months, ran outside for about a year, then this past winter when I went back to the treadmill this happened. Every. Time. Anyone out there have the same problems?


Hmmmmmm that is strange…it never hurts when you run outside! I am going to have to look into this, I have never had this problem. I will get back to you!


Never outside (unless its the day after a treadmill run!) SOOOOO weird!


I can’t lie- I’m not a treadmill fan at all but it’s been useful for me recently! I’ve been using it to test out my injured hip. 5 minutes into a run, if it is painful I can just hop off the treadmill and jump onto the elliptical, no problems. If I was running on the road then I’d have to limp all the way home. No bueno!


That is really nice that you can go back and forth easily. Hoping that hip heals FULLY ASAP!


I love cottage cheese on my salads too–especially when you stir everything up! So good!

I always manage to get a huge bag of garbage when I clean out my car, too. Tons of granola bar wrappers and receipts from the gas station.

我对东西吓坏了到期,通常toss it before it expires to be safe! Andy gets mad when I do this lol.

Thursday night = fend for yourself dinner night. Last night I had eggs, green beans, and apple sauce for dinner. Followed by two apples with PB. Random!


YES, the stir is the best part! Your dinner sounds actually really good to me. I am a two apple eater too!


You have toliet paper in your car lol that cracks me up. But indeed very handy to have… because you never know! ha


You caught it ha….it has come in handy:)


谢谢你的跑步机tips!! And I’m voting for you now!


Thanks Kay….you are awesome!


Last night I volunteered at the library and then relaxed, ate dinner.. It was a great night!
I throw everything out if it’s a day over the expiration date. I’m too scared I’ll get sick!


Thanks so much gorgeous girl!! Good for you to volunteer…you are my hero!


Voted! I had to register for an account just to vote but your blog is like crack for my eyes. Seriously, one of the reasons I started my blog was so I could start commenting on your and other running blogs instead of lurking. I love your writing, you should consider writing a book someday.

I have dog leashes, muzzles, and other dog-related stuff in my car, not to mention dog hair and slobber everywhere. I need to get my car detailed. I throw stuff out as soon as they expire! I thought I would hate the treadmill but I really enjoy it because I can catch up on my shows, plus it’s nice to put on shorts instead of bundling up to run outside. Thanks for the treadmill chart, I’m downloading it!


SARAH!! ‘Crack for my eyes’ that just made my day, you are absolutely hilarious! I am so glad you comment!!! I WISH I had dog stuff in my car, that is awesome! What would we do without hulu!? Hope you have an amazing weekend!


Thanks for the tips! We are getting a major snow storm here in southern wisconsin so I will not even be able to make it to the gym! I’m stuck on the treadmill in my apartment building and am dreading it…and I still have 7 more hours until I get to use it!


STAY WARM and enjoy that treadmill run of yours:)


Thursday night = Waffle Night. Went with cinamon waffles last night! It’s also “catch up on TV my husband doesn’t like” night since he goes to play basketball with his friends.


Can I join in on your waffle night tradition…cinnamon…yum! HA hope you enjoyed your fave tv shows (I do the same thing when Billy is gone)!


I think treadmill running can improve your PR for races as well. You start to really see the benefits when you keep the incline up.

For example when I was scheduled to run a half marathon I ran 5-6 miles on a TM with a 3 incline at 8:47/9 min pace. However when I ran the half marathon I was a on a 7:37 pace. You truly appreciate the “downs” or declines in a course outside after training on something that has no decline option!


WOW, Liana..that is awesome!!! I am going to copy your 3 incline on my next runs! YES, nothing better than when you are really trained for going up and then the course has some down!


I am personally not a treadmill runner, I’d rather run outside in a foot of slush (and often do). Yesterday I went to the Olympic Oval and that was my first time running indoors in about 10 years… but we had a discussion about treadmills the other day on my training blog and a friend of mine (who is a very knowledgeable runner / coach / and one of the best master’s runners in Utah) had the following to say about the benefits of using a treadmill for certain workouts – he makes some good points so I figured they were worth sharing:

-For cardio vascular fitness it is just as effective to run on a treadmill.
-For acclimating to heat stress they are great.
-From a neuromuscular standpoint it’s a tradeoff. On the positive side, your legs get dialed in to a specific rate of turn-over. On the negative, you don’t have to do the explosive push off the ground to propel yourself forward.
-If you don’t use music or entertainment you can build great mental focus on a treadmill.
-They are best viewed as a tool. You think of a tool in terms of what it can do for you, not what it can’t.


LOVE THOSE TIPS from your awesome friend. I need to work on getting rid of the distractions to work on my mental focus. I can definitely tell from the amount of miles I do on there that I do lack in the explosive push…good to know, thanks so much Jake!


voted 4 you b/c you REALLY are the BEST running blog. great advice, encouragement and randomness. thanks for doing an awesome job. glad that you are over your injuries and running smart!! you are the real deal genuine , kind person. kudos to your parents!!


LIBBY!! Thank you so much, you made my morning! WOW…I am printing this out and taping it to my shirt:)


We have a safe in our car at the moment. We cleared out our old storage unit and it is so heavy to move and we are lazy. I might win for the most random item…

I am diligent about dates, especially dairy and meat. Medication and sunscreen…not so much.

I just agree with everything you said. Maximize the number of distractions and it gets enjoyable. Also use a good treadmill that is nice to your knees.


Yep, a safe is definitely win ha! That is true about using a good treadmill….those old school ones kill me!


I love that hill incline chart. I definitely mix things up a bit on the treadmill doing speed work and incline unless I feel like completely zoning out.

Voted for you because you are the bestttt and my favorite!!!


LAUREN…thank you so much!!


yarn is random, if you don’t knit ;) maybe it was left over form one of your moms cool crafts?!?!? :D I love her crafts.

the most random thing in my car right now is bodyspray – I say that b/c I haven’t worn perfume or body spray in a long time. I find I don’t need it – I really only used it when I was a dirty smoker – and it’s been ONE YEAR of non-smoking!!!!!


ONE YEAR….CONGRATS GIRL!! That is so so awesome. I definitely need body spray ha!


I love my treadmill because I can catch up on all my favorite tv shows while I’m running. I do have to cover up the screen though so I don’t see the minutes ticking by :P

Congratulations on the nomination :)!


Thanks Lisa! Isn’t it great that we can watch tv for a while and not feel lazy because we are doing it while we RUN!! Good call on covering the screen!


I did my first treadmill run last week for the first time in probably ten years. Physically it was fine, mentally it was super hard because I didn’t have all the distractions I usually have when I run outside. That said, I am looking forward to more treadmill runs because my husband is buying me a treadmill for when the weather is too nasty or for when I can’t get out of the house. I am super excited. I’ll be watching this post for more tips for my treadmill runs.
Oh and I totally keep things until they go bad. In my mind the expiration date is more of a suggestion and not so much a rule.


IN TEN YEARS…wahoo, that is awesome you are able to get outside so much. What kind of treadmill are you going to get?


Not sure what kind. I’m open to suggestions. We have about $700-800 to spend. I’m looking at the ones on right now. I wish I could try a few of them out before I commit.


Do you have a costco by you that you can try them out at? If not, they have a great return policy in case you don’t like the one you end up getting!


Congratulations on being nominated! You ROCK! I hope you win! :-) And your salad looks delicious, I kind of want it right now! I hate the treadmill, and I’ve tried all of those things. No dice.


THANKS GIRL!!! I will send you a salad in the mail ha! I bet you would like the treadmill if you ate candy while you ran or we got to run together and talk the whole time…I know I would!


My car is filled with all of my aerboic class stuff (cases of CDs, multiple Ipods and docking stations, 5 notebooks with choreography/ideas, 12 towels, 3 pairs of Nikes, 1 pair of spin shoes, and too many magazines to count). All those items are in organized bins in my trunk, though!!
Treadmill run = NO!!!! I power walk at 4.5 max incline 3 mornings a week while reading/watching TV, but I just can’t run on it.


I figured you would have a million workout things in your car ha. You are so organized!!!


1 million is correct. Funny story….last spring we had horrible tornado outbreaks and I was always so worried about my car sitting in my school’s parking lot during the tornado warnings. Worried about the car…no….I was worried about my 8 years of accumulated aerobic gear in my trunk. Well, today we are having horrible weather and in anticipation of it I emptied all my aerobic bins into my garage this morning for (hopefully) safe keeping!!
Oh, and I have voted for you! :o)


Great tips Janae! I totally have a love/hate relationship with the treadmill but for the most part I love it.

Do you have to create an account to vote for you? I am so confused.


HEY GORGEOUS!! When do I get to see you again? Yeah, you do but seriously don’t even worry about it!


i am obviously voting for you, janae! I LOVE your blog so much!

i am weird and love the treadmill. i can zone out w/ music,tv, people watching etc that it doesnt bother me at all! of course i like running outside too,but if i had it my way i would have a treadmill in my apartment!

thursdaynight = pancake night for some odd reason. but last night i went on a DATE so it was date night!AH!


The most random thing in my car is probably a mini-box of frosted flakes. Just in case!

I used to hate treadmill running but have grown to enjoy it. I just have to have some form of entertainment. I usually “save up” my favorite TV shows during the week so I can watch them on the treadmill.

支持你! !


THANKS MICHELLE! FROSTED FLAKES–yes, that makes my day!


Ummm….last week I was cleaning out my car and found Christmas wrapping paper and Christmas presents. One of them was definitely a tin of fudge from a student…OOPS!

I typically go by smell/taste on most things.

Thursday night is ZUMBA night (every night really), and last night it was regional champtionship game night at our school. We lost by 4, but are still going to sub-state. :)


投票支持你! !周四晚上是大爆炸理论night at our house – it’s the only TV show I watch. I clean my car out every day when i get home from work, so there’s nothing in there but re-usable bags, rain jacket and a bar towel for spills… I really, really dislike the treadmill. Good thing i live in SC, so i’m not stuck inside much. I strictly obey expiration dates – always!
Have a great day, and thanks so much for your blog, i LOVE it!!


THANKS LAURIE!! Okay, we are obsessed with that show! I am glad you get to be outside so much for your running! Thanks for your sweet comment, you made my day!


Most random thing in my car, IKEA sheepskin throws in a Home Depot reusable bag. (left in there post-photoshoot)

Dairy I give a couple days, meat by smell.

Thursday night= Yoga night/ Gray’s Anatomy night

I really like HIIT treadmill workouts; I used to love max incline workouts also, but ever since I sprained my ankle last April steep inclines are a no-go.


I want to go to yoga and then watch Grey’s with you!!


Fantastic tips as always…i used to loathe the TM but now I look forward to mixing up the workouts.

You have my vote I hope you know. ;)


You are the best…thanks my dear friend!


I used your tip of increasing pace every minute and it was great! Thank you! It made the time fly on the treadmill.


I AM SO GLAD YOU LIKED IT!! It makes the work out harder and time speeds by!


I tend to go by smell/taste with expiration dates. I don’t like wasting money or food, so unless something is REALLY far beyond its expiration date I am reticent to just toss it. Unfortunately my husband is just the opposite – he is very cautious about expiration dates and will even toss things a little in advance, just in case. He has a weak stomach, which I think may be both the cause and the effect of his food safety cautiousness.

Most random thing in my car… I used to have a rubber Gumby-type figurine. I hung it upside down on my rear-view mirror by its bent legs. My mom used to say that it made her uncomfortable to look at it because nobody wants to hang upside down for extended periods of time.


Random thing in my car? Hmmm prb some kind of old apple core in the back somewhere. I throw out stuff by smell or date. I have no tips other than I need good, jamming music to run on them!


Girl youre smokin on the Best Running Blog! You have my vote fo sho!

As far as the dreadmill,oops, i mean treadmill goes, I bow down to you for being able to run more than 20 minutes on one! I am strictly a pavement pounding chick :)



Already voted for you – was reading Fitness magazine on the elliptical (favorite distraction while on cardio machine = fitness, fashion, and gossip magazines – very shallow, I know) – saw the article on voting for a blogger, turned toy husband on the elliptical next to me and said “I have to vote for hungry runner girl in this fitness blogging award thingie!” This is the first time I’ve posted and I have to tell you I love your blog – it motivates me, makes me laugh, and makes me feel normal about my love affairs with running and cottage cheese!


BRITTANY!!! You are the sweetest thing in the whole wide world. WOW, thank you so much for commenting and telling me that story it made me smile so big! YES, running and cottage cheese are meant to be obsessed with:) Have a great day and keep me updated on how you are doing!


Going to vote for you! Yumm, that salad looks awesome… Now I’m hungry again :)


I have been doing an incline workout at 10% recently. Thank you for posting this chart, it has been really helpful! I’m going to pin it. :)


WAHOO!! Girl, you are incredible! 10%…WOW!!!


谢谢你的跑步机tips. I ran the treadmill for the first time since November Thursday and was so bored :/. That is my least favorite of cho-cho too – but the only one left in my fridge. I had some blood orange cho cho sprinkled with Chia seeds for a snack today!

I go by smell/taste. Most random thing in my car? A chain saw + random tools (bf works on constructions sites)….


血橙是最好的人…我obsessed. Yep, that is some random stuff ha!


Voted for you!


Oh I love the pace conversion! Thanks girl! :)


I use that same chart! It helps to be accurate when doing a lot of running on the treadmill. :) I love my treadmill! I think I say that a lot…


Most random thing in my car = a neon orange plastic beer stein. I drove my boyfriend and a few of his friends home from a bucks night a few weeks ago….. at least I’m ASSUMING that’s where it came from! If not, I’ve got nooo clue!

I usually eat everything long before its expiry date…. solves that problem! ;)

Thursday night= spin class with AMYYYY (one of my fave instructors), and a chill night at home getting into relaxation mode for Friday :)

I’ve only just learnt to enjoy treadmill running… after coming back from injuries, I found the idea of going outside, thinking of a route, being out on my own, etc etc scary and overwhelming. I liked using the treadmill because it meant that if something happened, I wasn’t like… out in the wilderness by myself or anything! Also, if I found I couldn’t keep going, it didn’t mean my whole workout went to waste… I could easily find something else to do at the gym while I was there! That made it so much easier on me mentally :)
ALSO you are 100% correct about being faster than you think you are… I push myself speed wise on the treadmill (which i NEVER do outside), and it’s so exciting to discover that I CAN run fast. Super encouraging and makes me excited for when I’m able to run longer distances again :D


What is the most random thing in your car right now?
鞋。我不断切换他们开车,working, going to the gym, meting people, but never take them back out!

Do you throw things away as soon as they expire or do go by smell/taste?
I go by smell/taste and will happily eat most foods (except meats) days after the expiration dates. Especially yogurt, I kind of like it when it goes all sour…

Thursday night= _________ night?
Television night! I’m studying for an MA at the moment and have no lectures on Fridays so its my chill out evening! I should do something productive, like weights, which I ‘never have time for’ :-)

What are your tips for treadmill running? Ever play around with the incline?
I never change the incline, I’m new to running so scared to run up hills… I do like to try and run a certain distance, then walk and gradually decrease the latter. I also love watching TV shows on treadmills, it makes the time go much faster.


Tips for Treadmill Running: I usually save my shows for the treadmill and watch them online, like Showtimes “Shameless”. Its about 54 min of time to kill. I never watch them when they air.
Most Random thing in my car: A red corset from halloween years ago that fell out of a box when I was moving and I still havent taken it out.
I throw things away when they expire. I’m weird like that.
Thursday Night: Used to be party night in college, now it’s just like any other weeknight!


Ooh! I made my treadmilll workout into a “game” by running to music and going really fast and increasing the speed each time a chorus comes around, and during the verses and other stuff, running at a base pace.
That chart for hill-running is great! I’m always boring and run it at 1%… maybe I’ll be brave and change it around once in a while.


I usually have five or more sweaters in my car and a few empty water bottles!! I voted for you so I hope you win!


I just saw this post & I’m so super glad that you were nominated for one of the bloggers in Fitness Magazine! Because a couple days ago I was reading my copy and saw that you weren’t on the list and it disappointed me so much because now everyone’s missing out :) So I’m glad that someone did nominate you and I bet you were really close to getting in the magazine :)

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