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So so close yet my lack of patience is making it feel far away at the same time… *I had a doctor’s appointment yesterday and the baby is doing great! The doctor said I am 50% effaced, 2 cm dilated and the baby feels low. *I had my first leg cramp in the middle of …dota2雷竞技

35 Weeks and What Pregnancy Teaches Me

I cannot believe how close we are getting to meeting this new little one. I think the reality of it is just now setting in because it was feeling so far away for such a long time until now. *Cereal is happening around the clock again. It’s just so easy and delicious that it happens …dota2雷竞技

#33 Weeks & What Do You Need?

Less than 7 weeks to go (that feels good to say). *We had a doctor’s appointment and everything is looking great. We will have appointments every 2 weeks from here on out. We still don’t know if we are having a boy or a girl… I am shocked over how I am sticking to this …dota2雷竞技

31 Weeks + Hormonal or Not So Much?!

Less than 9 weeks to go! Let’s chat about a few things that have been happening the last few weeks. *The baby is around 3.5 lbs right now which is crazy to me because that means it still needs to double in size (Brooke and Skye were both just a little over 7 lbs) and …dota2雷竞技

#29 Weeks + An Emotional One.

The third trimester is here! *So far this third trimester has been an emotional one. I have cried more in the last week or so than I have the entire pregnancy leading up to this trimester combined. I’ve been crying about the smallest things that normally wouldn’t even bother me. I’m learning—> It’s okay to …dota2雷竞技

27周&如何was it any different?

I am so close to that third trimester I can feel it (literally, I’m starting to feel very uncomfortable). *Andrew has been trying to find the baby’s heartbeat with the stethoscope but we haven’t had any luck with that yet. *This is kind of ridiculous but during my first trimester I couldn’t stop thinking about …dota2雷竞技

26 Weeks & Scale Backwards!

26 weeks wahoo! Just 14 weeks to go and if by chance I’m early like I was with both girls (Brooke about 2 weeks early and Skye about 1 week early) then we are even closer than that. *Sleeping is getting more rough! I wake up a ton each night and I have a feeling …dota2雷竞技