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Hobble Creek 1/2 Marathon Recap!

Get ready for a long one—> Lots to say today and let’s start off by saying that I think the girls are looking SO OLD all of the sudden. This picture kind of put me in shock when I saw it! I slept like a rock on Friday night. I don’t think I moved the …dota2雷竞技

Timp 1/2 Race Recap + 26 Miles for TRAINING?!

When our coach texted us the plan for our Saturday LONG run on the Thursday before it I literally thought we were going to get a JK text right after. There was no JK text right after;). My coach knows his running stuff more than anyone I have ever met so he has my 100% …dota2雷竞技

Deseret 10k Race Recap + Had to Happen

Another race in the books for the year! Race #7 of 2019 and it took first place as my sweatiest race ever. PS Skye dropped her water bottle on Andrew in just the right place;) Always a fun time to set your alarm clock;) I’ve kept my 50 miler race alarm caption on my phone …dota2雷竞技

AF 1/2 Race Recap + You are GOING to face pain… so how are you going to face it?

That final sprint to the finish line= so much lactic acid filling up every inch of your body. The morning started at 3:30 a.m. when my alarm clock went off. I slept horribly but that is to be expected on race night, right? I ate 1.5 bagels on the way to the start but made …dota2雷竞技

Utah Valley 10k Recap.. A New PR!

It might seem like I’m racing a lot this year and that’s because I am:). I’m enjoying running more than ever before and have some big goals for the fall. Building up our speed in the shorter distances is going to really help us to turn over into a fast marathon later on this year. …dota2雷竞技

Lavell Edwards Memorial 5K Recap + Our Day!

This race was a different level of pain. I’m not sure if it started hurting so bad after the first twenty steps into the race because that is just the name of the game when you are wanting to really push yourself in the 5k or if it was an off day for me? Either …dota2雷竞技

Indy Mini Race Recap!!!

雷竞技类似的APP比赛要点写,因为是我最喜欢的文章it means I get to relive the entire experience again when I write them and the Indy Mini was definitely one of my favorite race experiences. Thanks Lindsey for having us and thanks Tina for running with me! The night before the race Tina asked if …dota2雷竞技