Excited for Snack Time.

The secret of how to know if a peach is good: it drips everywhere and somehow it ends up in your hair and all over your ankles. Don’t worry, I had papertowels within 20 steps of my desk but was too lazy to stand up and get them, kleenex it is.

Photo 1 copy

My grandma (we call her Mer) is my peach addiction enabler. Everytime I run out, she goes straight to the peach stand and gets enough to take over half the fridge. Billy really loves that especially because let’s just say I am not the best peach sharer in the world.

Please do not be creeped out by my eyeballs and sorry that everything is backwards……when my computer camera takes the picture it turns it around)

Photo on 9 1 11 at 7 58 AM

These are two things that get me really excited for lunch and snack time lately at work. TJ’s Raspberry Vinaigrette salad dressing is heavenly and I am pretty sure I could put it on anything and love it.

The other food happiness that I reach for roughly at 2 pm everyday is that Nature Valley granola thins (with dark chocolate as the base).

A student brought in a whole box of them for me because her fam didn’t like them but she knew I would (for some strange reason my students think that if they bring me food they will get a better grade….I don’t know where they would get that idea from). Anyway, the combo of granola and chocolate is so good but my only complaint is that 3=1 serving in my book…not just one.


Talking about Running Pressure on theTRAINING PAGEtoday!


What are some current favorite food items you are loving?

What was the last delicious piece of fruit that you ate?

What time do you usually grab an afternoon snack? Are you a snacker?

-At two I have one and right when I get home at 5:00 or so I have one:) I can’t make it through the day with a smile on my face without snack(S).

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I love when you ask all food questions!

My current favorite food item is caramel corn that my mother-in-law bought me. I can’t wait to dig into the s’mores caramel corn next.

The last delicious piece of fruit I ate was also a peach. It was yesterday, but I’m getting ready to have one again now. Love peach season!

I always need a snack at 3 and then again at 6, otherwise my husband might divorce me.


I eat a snack or mini meal every afternoon. There is no way I can go from lunch to dinner without it!!


I usually eat a hb egg and an apple with almond butter, or a homemade protein bar. I eat 5-6 times a day, so I am all about the snacks!
I am loving DH’s turkey burgers. He puts chopped onion, oats, egg whites, and chopped red bell pepper in them.


Totally with you on the peach love! I ended up standing over my kitchen sink while trying to eat my peach today because it was so gosh darn deliciously juicy.

Also, are there Trader Joe’s out here in Utah?! Because I haven’t found one, and I would love you forever if you told me there was one around.


those granola thins are SOOOO good! currently, i am rediscovering my love for cereal. bowls and bowls of cereal. too delicious.


The mirror image picture totally makes me dizzy!! :)


I’m a multiple times a day snacker too. Usually 10:30am or so and then 3 or 3:30pm. Depends on when the hunger monster arrives. :)
We’ve been enjoying yummy strawberries that we grew in our garden. They’re so easy to grow!
Lately I’m loving toasted english muffins. lol I’m so boring!


I love those granola thins too!! So good!


I’m definitely an afternoon snacker! We eat dinner around 6:30 so I usually have one around 3. I don’t know how people go from lunch until dinner without them. Even more mind boggling is how many people go without breakfast! Seriously, why would you every chose to go WITHOUT a meal ?? :P


I HAVE to have an afternoon snack. I teach aerobics from 4-7 every pm, so fuel is a necessity. What I actually do is have a snack for lunch around 11:30 (pb and some kind of fruit) and then eat my lunch at snack time (2:30ish).


I am currently loving smoked gruyere cheese…so good! I was loving some peaches…but I ran out!

The last delish piece of fruit I ate was a mango:)

I am 100% a snacker. My pantry and fridge would not be safe if I ever worked from home! Haha. I usually grab an afternoon snack between 3 and 4.


I am a huge snacker!

我有the best nectarine the other day. I think it tasted so good because it was organic!

I love Annie’s Honey Bunny Grahams and my Trail Mix Granola Bars.


I also love those Nature Valley granola thins! And today I just had a Kashi TLC bar and it was delish!

我有a fresh peach in my oatmeal this morning…yum!

I’m totally a snacker! It’s dangerous when I’m home all day because I constantly want to eat. When I’m at work I sometimes have a snack about 3:00, usually almonds or whatever I have in my desk that day!


我有a delicious, drippy peach at lunch that was pretty darn good too :)


Those granola thins look so good – I may have to try those!

I am loving Corozona chocolate chip oatmeal squares, nutritional yeast, black beans, special dark cocoa powder, and all my regular favorites!!!

我有a GREAT pink lady apple yesterday. I’m just waiting for those honey crisp – I don’t even care that they cost my whole paycheck. Worth it.

Umm…my name is snackalicious and I am addicted to snacking. We have a 15 minute break in our school schedule 4 days each week at 9:40. That’s my first snack time. I have cheer practice after school, and I usually eat a banana or apple between 7th period and practice, and sometimes another snack (protein) between practice and Zumba since dinner isn’t until around 9. I LOVE SNACKS!!!!


i just discovered those and love love love them!!


Favorite foods…soft-serve ice cream dipped in chocolate, frappes, granola, large salads with pita bread from pizza places, iced shortbread cookies, cheerios…last fruit was a plum..and snackish around 330/4.


I have a built in snack time for the kids and I at 10:30 every morning, when Miss Long is hungry, the kids get to eat too :) I mean really, who can go three hours without eating (it is hard enough to make it to two without a break in between). By the time the bell rings at three, it is snack time again!


3:30 snacker for sure (love me a bowl of cereal or fruit and right now it is fruit ontop of cereal), and then after dinner I feel like I am in constant snack…..8, 9, bedtime.

Favorite snacks as of late: butter and jelly on toast, toasted cinnamon raisin bagel, melty pb on toasted english muffin, cheetoes………as you can see making some real health conscious choices.


LOL – sounds like my own list actually. Melt something on bread and I’m sold!


我爱南瓜、无花果、酸奶和桃子ly. I usually snack all afternoon and have a lighter dinner :)


I’m a total snacker. If I’m not busy licking up the crumbs from my most recent snack, I’m searching around for another snack. It’s a constant cycle.

The last super yummy fruit I had was some fresh pears from a farmers stand. So yummy.


I’ve been jammin’ on the overnight oats lately and CRAVING salty things like it’s my job… I housed a bag of pumpkin seeds in 45 seconds earlier today.

My school schedule has been nuts, so I’ve been snacking whenever I have a chance between classes- today is my program’s long day (all the MFA Actors take all our classes together) and we had 3 classes back to back in the same room with NO lunch break! WHAT?! We got a few minutes to chow down between classes, though…


I love peaches/plums when they’re THAT juicy!! It just shows you how delicious they are by how much juice spits out at you. :P
Current love interest: SunButter. It’s AMAZING.
Last piece of delicious fruit I ate- two oranges and a banana. I didn’t have any grapes :(

For an afternoon snack, I usually have a protein shake. It’s delicious and filling. :D


My last piece of fruit was also a peach!! My friend just brought by a huge basket of them…I’m searching for recipes right now. Oh the choices…


I got some amazing clementines from TJ’s the other day. They are amazing and I could eat them all day every day.

And thanks to you, I’ve been living on TJ’s honey wheat pretzels. I thought I found good ones by another company, but after you obsessing over them, I had to try them. Never. Looking. Back.


我有a peach, a banana, and some fresh black cherries tonight! yum.

I am totally a snacker! Have to eat every 2 hours… I had dried figs when I got home from work today and a handful of dark chocolate chips ;-)


Now that I work until 6 pm if I don’t grab a snack at 4 I start eating my seatbelt on the way home.


I am loving PLUMS right now. Just bought a box of them and they are so so SWEET. Love them. And I snack ALL THE TIME. All hours of the day.


I always have a snack between 3 and 4. It’s usually fruit with PB or coco roast almonds. LOVE those granola thins, and I totally agree on the portion size, 1 isn’t enough


I have a small obsession with oatmeal squares lately…I blame you. ;)

我绝对进食者。我的午餐是这么早this school year, that I am super hungry by the end of the school day, but I try to make myself hold off until 3 pm so I don’t feel like eating dinner super early too.


You’ve changed your blog! Yay – it’s easier to comment now :) Snacks are my life…unfortunately I eat too many (or much?) – and I’m still full for meals. Of course – I still eat my meals ;)

I love yogurt with berries and granola, oatmeal muffins (with chocolate-chips), bread with almond butter, fruits!! I haven’t had a peach in FOREVER! I’m all about berries (bloobs and strawberries) this summer. Like a pint of bloobs…that’s normal right? Oh and frozen mango – new find, new love!


Oh those granola things are sooooo good! I have one right around 2:oo every day too. It’s the perfect mix of crunchy and sweet. We may or may not go through an entire Costco size box of them each week.


My favorite snack is a big spoonful of peanut butter, and I eat it pretty much every day between work and my evening workout!


foods I currently enjoy are bad for me :( I somehow became addicted to sweets….

The last fruit I ate was some blue berries

2:30-3pm I AM a snacker. I’d rather eat small meals throughout the day then a few large meals ….I love a a handful of carrots or a piece of dark chocolate


Mmm, the peaches sound so good and so do the granolas!
I recently tried the Multi-Grain Crunchmaster crackers from Costco and love them! Last piece of fruit were Mangos from Costco; sooo good! And I snack around 2 when I get my kids up from their nap. ;)


I just wrote an entire post about Figs! SO YUMMY!


I love afternoon snacks – depends on my work schedule, but I usually have something between 3-4PM. Anything with dark chocolate as a base sounds good to me! :)


I am loving almond butter right now and sweet corn cut off the cob in chunks with loads of salt. Mmm.

Last REALLY good piece of fruit I had was probably a plum I had at home but I’m buying peaches either tomorrow or saturday at one of the local farms since my school is in the middle of nowheeeeere.

I usually snack at like 2 and 6 (before my workout), then right before bed I have something so I don’t wake up at 2 A.M. with my stomach empty. lol


Try putting the nature valley bar in the freezer. AhhhMazing


Brilliant!!! Thank you so much for that idea! Hope you have an amazing Friday!


I love Utah peaches, my neighbor somehow always scores us a couple of boxes each year. I can never move. :-)

I love those Granola Thins and a glass of milk for a snack.

I snack….a lot!


Since it is September 1st – I am loving having pumpkin anything back in my life :)
Since we are in Cali I have been looking for road side fruit stands and craving apricots but no luck yet! Peaches are super good right now too though!
I have to snack! One morning snack and one afternoon snack!


My last fruit was an orange today! I’ve been totally craving them. I stink at sharing food too! I <3 those Granloa Thins. Those are some goood students!


我总是吃零食!上午10点和下午3点和5点是我typical snack times. I am obsessed with TJ’s popsicles, especially the ones with 3 flavors all in one. Raspberry, pineapple and strawberry — made w/ real fruit!! to die for!

我有a pluot today and it rocked my world! :) have you had one of those before? amazing!


I am LOVING pineapple lately- it’s so sweet and juicy that I’m convinced someone has injected sugar in it ha! I’m so with you about snacktime- highlight of my day at work haha! Today I have brought in a homemade citrus oat bran muffin- it’s Friday after all :)…have a great day!


Peaches are amazingly a little slice of heaven! I currently have 5 20 lb boxes we picked last night at my house! Peaches with cream and sugar is the best!! Bring on the canning, jam making, freezing, and peach ice cream making!! I also got a new recipe to make homemade yogurt in the crock pot… Can’t wait!

I LOVE granola thins… PB base is my favorite though!

Favorite snacks right now… Peaches, cottage cheese and rice crackers… Oh and peanut butter chips


Favorite food items: Any fruit since we will be entering winter soon and be reduced to oranges. Nectarines and peaches (ask about my obsession with orange food)
Last delicious piece of fruit: a nectarine yesterday.
Snacks: Absolutely. I usually keep the piece of fruit from lunch for a snack and then add some sort of animal crackers or nuts (or both).

The Kidless Kronicles
Wag More, Bark….


Foods that I’m loving: Kashi Go Lean, Clif Mojo Bars, sweet little gherkin pickles, TLC Pita Crisps, and VitaTops… And the most delicious fruit [current favorite]: plumots! I’m def a snacker, no specific time, my belly just lets me know when its time ;)


Since we’re down to the last of everything at home, I’m craving fresh fruit like crazy!! I totally want a peach now.


I love peaches. I used to work at a farm market back in high school and I ate SO many peaches during my time there. We were only supposed to eat the “bad” ones…ones that were bruised or wouldn’t sell. They still tasted just as wonderful.


I literally JUST ate a peach! Juice everywhere! All over my hand, my arm, my face, think I have some on my foot, it’s hard to tell. Love love love them!!


People are yours alright! . We at the least should get these individuals stealing photos to start out running a blog! They most likely just did a picture investigation and grabbed them. They search very good although!


Oh my goodness, I love the granola thins! You HAVE to try putting them in the refrigerator or freezer-you’ll never be the same:)


Snackwells Vanilla Brownie Bites… YUMMM!!

Favorite fruit is grapes. frozen grapes.

I am getting to be more of a snacker as the training continues… string cheese and apples! crackers with cream cheese! anything i can grab to throw on a salad. ;)

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