Healthy Nachos.

Somebody said the word ‘nacho’ about two weeks ago in front of me and ever since then I have not been able to get the idea of the beautiful creation of nachos out of my mind.

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我被两个红薯,把一些橄榄油oil and garlic salt on them and baked them for 40 minutes at 425 degrees. Topped them with black beans, corn, sharp cheddar cheese and put them back in the oven for 5 minutes and then topped them with tomatoes and avocado. It really was one of the best dinners I have had in a long time and it will be my new go to meal. If you like nachos, you have to try these. I want to add chicken and roasted red peppers next time… also I forgot to top it with my plain greek yogurt and I want to next time.

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I have been having jamba juice more in the last little while than I have my entire life… it is because of this Isis coupon… a free smoothie EVERY DAY until Dec. 31st, kind of the coolest thing ever.

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I had the all-fruit peach one and drinking a smoothie while sitting on the grass on a summer night is the way to go.

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After Easter I put Brooke’s basket away and forgot all about it and where I even put it. Somehow this little girl found it and I caught her red-jelly-bean-handed.

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Kind of a beautiful sky last night.

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Fill me in on what is going on with you lately!!!!

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Sweet potato nachos are one of my FAVORITE meals right now. I also highly recommend this soba noodle slaw from Cookie and Kate:

PS – Good luck on Saturday – you’ll rock it!


Yes! Cookie and Kate is one of like 4 blogs I check regularly, and my go-to every time I need to make a salad for some sort of gathering. Her best ever brownies are, indeed, the best ever too!


谢谢你的网站,我爱它!要让those black bean burgers soon! They look so good!


Those nachos look delicious! I had nachos for lunch yesterday, but they were definitely not as healthy as yours! And that Jamba Juice coupon – pure heaven! Their smoothies are like paradise in a cup.


You can definitely do this! A marathon is more mental than anything else :-)

I actually took today off from running because my shins are feeling funky! I figure one day off now is better than a few weeks in the future….right?! I’m still feeling guilty about skipping my run but I’m trying to remind myself that it was the smart decision.

Happy Wednesday to you!


Also I just posted a smoothie recipe on my blog yesterday if you are interested in making your own!


You are going to rock that marathon!!! You’ve just inspired my dinner for tonight… sweet potato nachos… those look incredible!


You can do it! You will be great, and you will carry-on during the marathon regardless of all things.


I think you might pleasantly surprise yourself in the upcoming marathon. I can see why you would worry, though. We will see what happens very soon!! I’m excited for you and will be there cheering you on in spirit.

FREE Jamba Juice? So jealous!


Sure hope you didn’t have the gual to drink that smoothie while driving!!! The horror! ;)


OH how I love that blurb from that article! (I’m off to read the entire thing right after I hit “submit” here) And those nachos! Way to work the system, missy!

Me: I have this week off for “summer break” from the year-round school where I teach. As of 9:00am Monday morning, I have been B-O-R-E-D. :\ It’s also the first week of marathon training. I mean really? :D


Best of luck this weekend, Janae! I’ll be rootin’ for ya from the bay!


Gooooood luck this weekend!! Whatever you do will be amazing because you will do your best, and that’s all anyone can ask of you. Beyonce is a great companion for the last stretch, you know, reminding us who runs the world and all that ;)

Right now I’m in London for work and I saw one of my cousins from Australia last night which made me SO HAPPY. International families have their pluses, but being so far away from each other is NOT one of them!!


Those nachos look SO good. I have extra guac, pico, and beans lying around my kitchen, so it should be a pretty easy thing to whip up. :)

Best of luck on your marathon! Regardless of what happens, it’s comforting to know that you’ve done everything you can leading up to it.


Sweet potatoes can do no wrong in my opinion. Nachos are no exception!

Off to my daughter’s preschool graduation today!

It is so natural to have doubts, it’s part of life and running and just shows you’re in touch with feelings. Whatever happens will work out okay. You’re strong!


you got it! for my last marathon i felt totally undertrained and had to have a coach tell me/force me to run the race. i ended up PR-ing by 5 minutes. ? sometimes, less is more!


You are so incredible Janae, and I know that you are going to do amazing girl! And those nachos look so good! I too have been craving nachos, and these will do perfectly :)


I’m in the same boat right now! My half Ironman is 11 days away and I’m in taper madness questioning all my training. Good luck on Saturday. I’ll be cheering for you!


Wow, I didn’t realize it had been so long since your last marathon! I’m coming up on a half Ironman that I am not prepared for because of having to take 8 weeks off, so I know all about the worrying that ensues. :)


Sweet potatoes are just the best. With anything.


Love that rocking chair reference. Yep. Just got back from foot doc who “reccommends” another 2 weeks of not running (which will basically mean i can start running on July 1st but my marathon is july 27th. RutROW! I’m telling myself over and over that I will just make a decision the night before. No sense worrying now. I’ll either drop to the half or crawl for 26.2 miles and hopefully i’m a fast crawler since it’s got a 6 hour time limit. LOL.
Enjoy some mind exercise the next couple of days. Focus on clearing your head of all anxiety and filling it with every positive mantra possible.

And whatever the outcome is this weekend….it doesn’t change anything. You’ll still be a runner and a marathoner and a mother and a blogger and all that jazz…


You totally got this…. sometimes we can be our own worst enemies… You have put in the work, now just let it play out… if it feels good go harder, if it doesn’t slow down… you know your body best so listen to what it tells you;) (Not that you don’t already know all of this)…

I’m trying to get myself back into running… it’s the end of the school year and I’m still feeling some effects from the last marathon… ugh… oh well summer is right around the corner… hooray!

ps… you TOTALLY got this…


Even after 18 weeks of training on the Hansons Marathon Method, I had my doubts. My running group friends had no doubt, but I still didn’t believe in myself fully.
Turned out I was able to get a huge PR and BQ, just like my friends knew for sure.
I believe in your abilities, Janae! You’re going to rock it :D


Hi Michelle, i’m just beginning training for my 2nd marathon of the year (Chicago) and i’m a first-time Hansons Marathon Method user. I’m a little concerned about my longest training run being only 16 miles. How did HMM work for you? Had you run any previous marathons using a different training method? 6 days of running seems like a lot and i’m worried a bit about injuries. Would you recommend HMM after having gone through it? Thanks, and great job with the PR and BQ!


YES, for sure, I would recommend it to someone who has been running a few years and has run at least one or two marathons (just so you know that the goal you are setting is reasonable). It may depend on your past history and how injury-prone you are. I would say I stuck to the plan about 70 to 80%. Some of the easy runs turned into cycling or elliptical sessions. For the most part, I tried to stick to all of their key workouts (the SOS workouts). As long as you keep the easy runs EASY, you’ll go through the fatigue that they describe in the book, and still be able to run at race pace. I’ve tried other programs, but always hit the wall for past races. Believe it or not, I never hit the wall during this recent race after HMM. Not going to lie though… a lot of the workouts were tough to get through!
If you’re interested, here’s a full recap of the race, and some other discussion about what contributed for the perfect race experience:


Your nachos look AMAZING!! I’m definitely going to have to attempt a version of that.
I think you will rock your marathon this weekend. I think your pool running will pay off big time. And if you do need to drop out because your leg is bothering you… there is no shame in that! Better to take it easy than to risk making things worse, right? You have a fall marathon to look forward to as well… so don’t put too much pressure on yourself!! Personally, like I said, I think you’re going to do awesome this weekend. :)


You will be great ! We are all sending you tons of good vibes. You should be proud that you did the right thing and took care of that leg.


You know you’ve done everything right to get to this point Janae. I’m very excited for you and your marathon…but take a step back tonight and think about your race. Think if it doesn’t go as planned, what will happen?

We will still support you if your leg hurts and you have to drop out. Brooke, your friends, your family will all still love you. There are still plenty of marathons and you said in another post you do have your next fall full to get 100% healthy and crush 3 hours. (You also said which I love and fully agree, that you exist outside of running). I can relate to you so much on that. I feel like some people don’t exist outside of running and individual races and splits crush them. Your life is a collection of moments whether it’s family, running, friends, or whatever. One single moment does not make or break you nor does it define you. One race does not define your running career either. After you walk away from the race remember…it was one race…and now it’s done (good or bad).

Finally (this might be my longest blogging comment ever and longer than half my posts), I love how positive you have been. I know how much this has sucked but you have been truly positive and your cross training has been awesome. I hope that is not sappy or intrusive but I think you are truly awesome and I cannot wait to see how it goes. :-)

Finally part 2, Since I over post on the internet so I don’t have too many updates…lolz problems.


Those sweet potato nachos are pure genius!!! Going to make them asap! And you are going to be amazing this weekend. We all believe in you. All of that pool running is going to pay dividends for you :) You are so much stronger than you think!
And I love this excerpt. I am tearing up just reading it. I am training for my first full marathon right now and this makes me so excited for race day.


You are so spot in about doubt. Once you reach a certain point, ouve done the work, it’s there, why hould you believe that all of the sudden some horrible magic has occured and it’s erased.
There are so many more interesting things to think and worry about anyways :)


WOW those sweet potato nachos look amazing. I am DEFINITELY going to make those for dinner soon!!!

Don’t sweat the small stuff when it comes to the marathon. I really hope you reach your A goal, but there will always be other marathons. You are YOUNG and will have plenty of years to get the sub-3! You are such a talented runner I know that if it doesn’t happen for you this time, it will happen at some point!!!


Wednesday is looking good! I have had a sinus infection for the last few days, but my legs are itching for a run. Here’s hoping I can breathe enough to get through at least a mile or two!


Why have I never thought of sweet potato nachos before??? Wednesday started off very sluggish but is going well. I’m hoping the rain holds off here so I can go do some speed work outside instead of on the treadmill. PS- you are going to do great at your marathon no matter what time the clock says!!


You better believe I’m making those sweet potato nachos for dinner tonight! YUM!

Our mind and attitude most definitely make a huge impact on us, don’t they?! Stay positive. You got this!


That article excerpt gave me the chills! It’s really awesome to realize that what unites us all as runners are not only our strengths, but also those moments of self-doubt. We have ALL been there, and we believe in you! I know you’ll do what’s best for you and your health, and just being in a place in your life where you can do that says so much about you!

UM, sweet potato NACHOS?! You just combined two of my favorite things. Those would be INCREDIBLE with some shredded chicken on top. Oh man, going to have to try!


Oh my goodness those nachos look amazing! That is the best idea!

你是强壮的,你有大量的擅长跑步ience. For sure you have the guts to rock this marathon if your leg cooperates, and you also have the guts to recognize if it’s going to hurt your recovery and stop if you need to. And you have another chance to try for a PR this fall! No matter what, everything will be okay :)

What’s new with me? Counting down the days until I leave my job and go back to school this fall! So excited/nervous!


i’m definitely making these sweet potato nachos soon. any recipe that includes sweet potatoes, black beans, and avocado is a winner in my book :)

good luck on saturday! i’ll be cheering for you from southern california!!


Wow, it’s been 2.5 years since you’re last marathon? How did I not realize that? I’ll be thinking of you this weekend! Good luck.


Ooooh – you are a cruel cruel person! I’ve been living in a hotel with no way to cook for myself since the beginning of April. Those nachos look so beyond amazing that I am literally salivating. And it won’t be until mid-July that I get to go back home! Gah!!

But with all my training and being on the road, I’ve started a blog. It’s just a little thing that a couple of friends and family read, which is all I wanted it to be – a place to keep folks updated on my life while on the road. But I’ve noticed an increasing amount of pressure on myself to be *more* – whether it is more interesting, more funny, more disastrous, more whatever. It just goes in the blog better.

Now you have a very big blog with a big readership. We know your training issues and your goals. But we are here because we are interested in YOU. So even though we are pulling for you, because you are posting times most of us only dream of (or don’t even aspire to dreaming about!), because you go through hard times just to come out and eat some junk food on the other side, we still really are rooting for just Janae. So go out and run your race. If you have a great race, that’s fantastic. If you have to drop out, that sucks, but don’t further your injury. If you have a horrible race, that’s ok too. If you just have a very mediocre, un-bloggable, can’t-make-it-funny-no-matter-what kind of race, that is fine. Don’t let the dog-and-pony show of being a blogger mess with your head. Even though you have a lot of eyes on you, they are mostly very sympathetic eyes who are truly rooting for the best for you. Just Janae. Just do your thing. Whatever happens, it will be your thing. And if anyone thinks less of you for that, even if it’s the little voice in your head, sit them down and give them a piece of your mind. Or don’t give them your time and energy, if it’s a virtual person that you don’t even know… Oh, wait… ;)


Unfortunately, it’s human nature to doubt ourselves–we all do it at some time or another. Just remember that you have already accomplished incredible feats during your training alone!


I haven’t commented in awhile, but let’s just say on repeat: giardia is the WORST! Been there and wouldn’t wish it on anyone, ever. I felt awful for you when I saw you got it. Wishing you the very best on Saturday with whatever happens with your no-plan marathon.


Two words for your race…roller blades. If you’re in, let me know and I’ll be on the next flight up there to join you. Boom. :)


Bwahahahaha, Ditto! I’d so be there!


I just made sweet potato nachos for the first time a few weeks ago! So yummy… I added black beans, mango, green onion, avocado, and made a cilantro greek yogurt dipping sauce! Laura said it right with her last paragraph there. We all will love you no matter what happens!


Don’t worry, I know you’re going to do fantastic with the marathon! I’m sending your positive vibes!

Those sweet potato nachos looks yummy!!


The sweet potato nachos look amazing… Thanks for sharing!

Have fun on Saturday. I think you have a great attitude towards it.

PS (Since you were talking about food labels yesterday) Remember to check the sugar content of the Jamba Juice products, if you are watching out for sugar. I know that they are so, so good, but some of them have loads of sugar. (Sorry to preach — I just know lots of people who always thought that store-made smoothies were the ultimate health food! :)


I’m sorry your training could not go as planned due to injuries! I’ve been there, for sure. Maybe just focus on running and having a good time and coming out of it uninjured?


Those nachos look aaaaamazing. And good luck this weekend! Regardless of the outcome, you’re amazing for everything you do!


Good luck Saturday Janae-I know you can do it!!
Those nachos look really really good! I’m going to fix those ASAP.
That look on Brooke’s face is priceless!


Thanks for the sweet potato nachos recipe. It sounds delicious, and I just pinned it for future use!


My husband and I had homemade sweet Potato fries lastnight and they were delicious!
I did a marathon on May 25 and spent more time cross training and water running then I did land running. For three full weeks in April I didn’t land run and did lots of cross training. Longest water run was 3hrs, which was tortourous. Longest land run was 3hrs 20 mins, which only happened once. Only did one day of speed work.
I did what I could that was in my control. I ate well leading up, slept well, pampered myself, hydrated well, topped up the sodium, carbs, and no sugar.
I wasn’t sure what time I could pull off for the marathon so I looked at it with curiosity. Did what I could do and threw my expectations out the window. My secret goal was under 4 hrs. I did it in 3:54, and managed alittle dance before the finish.
Janae your smart so all u need is a smile on your face on race day! Have fun, and run for all those people who can’t!
Ps love your blog!


You are going to be great this weekend!!!

The sweet potato nachos look amazing…I will definitely be making that in the future :)

I’m running a 10 miler this weekend, and other than that I’ll be studying (the pre-anatomy material for physical therapy school came via email a few days ago!).


你要走出这个马拉松更好than you went in, regardless of the outcome, because you had the courage and fortitude to do it in spite of all the changes and uncertainties you’ve faced. In other words, you’re a rock star! :)

Also, that quote from Karnazes gave me chills. I think it can be applied to SO many areas of life in addition to running!


You’ve got this marathon! It will be great and you’ll wonder why you even bothered worrying. Worry doesn’t change anything, other than taking up your time. (notice how this sounds good, and don’t let me fool you, I do plenty of worrying) I’m still working on worrying less. Those sweet potato nachos look amazing! I didn’t like sweet potatoes for the longest time (gasp), but somewhere after having a kiddo or two, I really like them. That picture is going to be stuck in my head until I make some.


Hello Janae,
It could have been my website that you saw the Nachos recipe made with Sweet Potatoes I posted this: Although, I know since then, several others have posted recipes for theirs. Anyhoo, no biggie! I’m glad you were “inspired” (whether from my post, or someone else’s) to whip up a batch of your own. Aren’t they so yummy…and healthy to boot?!

As for commenting on you doing/finishing the marathon…here’s my 2-cents (and you can take it or leave it). While I love your positive attitude in believing in yourself, a part of me wonders whether you are putting too much pressure on yourself for this race. You are suffering from a pretty serious injury (I’ve had my fair share, too), and running that many miles on it, after not running on it (yes, you’ve done pool running….but it’s not the same as road running)…well…I would encourage you to give yourself the permission and grace to just bow-out if you find yourself in a lot of pain. Hurting yourself more just to say you finished one race is not worth it. Think about all the previous races you have finished…and potentially many, many more you can finish (if you keep yourself healthy). Also, nobody will think you are a failure, weakling or quitter if you don’t finish this race.

Perhaps I’m completely “off” with regards to where you are with all of this, but something in my heart…just with reading this post (as well as a few previous ones the past 3.5 weeks) have sensed that you may be putting undue pressure on yourself. I’m only saying this because I care. People who care say honest stuff.

As far as the worrying goes…I agree that it’s not going to help. Just keep planning on doing the race for Saturday, yet on that date, as you begin running, I encourage you to just bow-out if it hurts too much and if you have that “ping” in your heart (b/c those “pings” aren’t there for no reason) to wrap-up the race early, then just do so. Playing it by ear now…and through then…is most likely your best bet. In the mean time, I’ll be saying a little prayer for you…your heart…and listening to your inner voice with all of this.



We’re all rooting for you, Janae! I know you’ll do amazing! You got this. :)


Omg those nachos look AMAZING and I will 100% be making them. What an AWESOME alternative to fried tortilla chips!


that sweet potato creation looks awesome.

Rooting for you on Saturday!


I absolutely love that idea for nachos! I’d probably have nachos more often if corn chips were a better source a nutrition but the sweet potato idea totally solves that problem. Good luck on your marathon, you’re going to be great!


Ah so exciting- I can’t wait for your marathon, you’re going to rock it!


oh my goodness. those nachos are brilliant! Def going to have to try those :)


I’m absolutely loving that quote on self doubt! I’ve been struggling a lot with it lately in regards to my abilities as a runner. I keep finding myself thinking about how “slow” I am and how I will never be “a real runner.” Nothing good can come from self-doubt!


Brooke is so cute! That is totally something I would have done when I was little with Starburst jelly beans. Oh they’re the best!


well now i have nachos on the brain! and friend, you will do great. walk, run, hop, skip to the finish line. stay healthy, focus on the main goal! <3


I love everything about this! I have been trying to fight the self doubt lately, and it is incredibly hard! I have my first marathon this year, and worry about my training and being “good enough.” But all of that worry doesn’t help me at all!

Those nachos…I am so making those :)


First full mary, mile 20, oh yeah, I so wanted to DNF. But, there were people at the finish line waiting for me and I didn’t want to miss that part. So, I keep imagining the moment I crossed the finish to help me get through. You’re a seasoned vet J. You know that doubting comes with the territory. If by chance something physical happens and you DNF, there’s really nothing you can do about that, right? You’ve done enough races to get past the mental part. What happens will happen. The outcome has already been written J. Have a great day and try to relax =).


In regards to your upcoming marathon, I just have to say YOU CAN DO IT!!! I am sure you don’t remember me, but I emailed you once in the past after experiencing multiple stress fractures. You responded with such kind and encouraging words. Since the injuries, I have now been able to complete two half marathons. I’ll probably never be a marathoner, but my love for running and my confidence in myself has returned.

I know you can run this marathon! You have trained as best as you can and properly fueled your body. I know all your readers are routing for you. And remember, whether you think you can or you can’t, you are right.


You can do it!!


Those nachos just blew my mind! I need to make these like now.
Sending positive thoughts on your upcoming marathon!!


上周我做了几乎同样的晚餐,例外ept I added ground turkey that I seasoned with cumin, coriander, and chili powder. So good and way more satisfying than using chips.

自我怀疑是一个杀手。我在黑桃my last two marathons and consequently, they were the worst times of all the marathons I’ve done. I need to up my mental game, that’s all.

Good luck on the race! You totally have the mental strength to get through it. Heck, if you’re doing pool running for 2 hours, you certainly have it to spare!


Nothing too big going on – but going to a sports awards banquet tonight and now really wanting nachos….



You are going to rock your marathon :D:D:D:D




You got this, lady!


The nacho’s look fantastic. I am going to try roasting the potatoes with taco seasoning. As for running; we wouldn’t be human if we didn’t worry about outcomes. And we wouldn’t be disappointed if it didn’t mean anything. So thank goodness you ARE concerned and DO want to be well prepared. Ask yourself why you run and go to that place in your mind. The rest really doesn’t matter. Best wishes.


I started a new training program this week. The speed at which I was supposed to complete today’s run sounded daunting. I was making excuses in my head before I even started about why I wouldn’t be able to do it.

And then…I did (and even faster than I was supposed to!) It gave me new found confidence in my ability to do hard things.

You will rock your marathon this weekend! Whether it’s your fastest or slowest, completing it will be such a huge accomplishment. I’m crossing all digits that your quad and shins behave.


Don’t even be silly girl…of course you CAN finish this marathon…it was not that long ago that you ran 23 miles and that is practically there….
but please be careful! :)….I mean this in the nicest way, but if you are anything like me even if it hurts you will push and that could in terms of your long term goals be devastating. Know that no one would think any less of you whatsoever if you don’t finish this one..sometimes we just put too much pressure on ourselves. Do they have a 1/2 you can drop to if you are nervous about your injury?
But…if you are feeling great then GO GET EM’!!!!!


I seriously HAVE to try sweet potato nachos!! They look DELICIOUS! Good luck you are going to do awesome – just do the best you an and that is all you need to do!


You will do great! Just try to think positive. You had some really amazing long runs in your training cycle, so as long as your leg doesn’t hurt I know you will do amazing!


You can do it! I can’t wait to see how it goes for you! You’ll have lots of people rooting for you no matter what!
I just joined a running club! Tonight was my first night and also the first night I’ve done legitimate speed work. It was awesome!


Love the sweet potato nacho idea! I’m going to try this. : )

You’re going to be great Janae!!


I want to make those nachos now!

I am doing conferences at work and getting organized because I’m going to London next week!


Those nachos look delicious and healthy! Win win!
Right now – report writing at work – blech.
In life lately – graduated early from post-grad to pursue some other dreams (with full support of my family and boyfriend) :)
You are going to be a rockstar at the marathon on the weekend! Good luck!


I loved this today about trusting your training! Getting very nervous for Saturday. Just what I needed to hear.


Oh my goodness…this post just made me super pumped up! I’ll be totally sending you strong speedy vibes on Saturday! I know you can do this Janae. You’re my hero! I’m running a marathon on Sunday and am hoping to finish after battling an on again, off again tendon issue. Reading this post is just what I needed. Thanks :)


It’s all mental and you WILL get through it. If for some reason you DNF, it wasn’t meant to be. Just listen to your body and it will tell you if you leg is ready. Another race or marathon will always be there so don’t pressure yourself to do this one.


好运!我听到了,我很兴奋。Also those nachos look super amazing


Whether you PR or DNF…you are still a killer athlete and have many, many years ahead of you to keep running. Be smart about it and you will be great!


I’m visiting Utah right now as my sisters family has just relocated to Draper and it is absolutely gorgeous. Id give up my florida palm trees if I could see these mountains every day. I’m excited to be getting back to running after having a baby and just got a BOB stroller and am having a blast with it.

All you can do on Saturday is your best. Whether that’s finishing and feeling good about getting another 26.2 under your belt, a shiny new PR, or a DNF or DNS to preserve your leg, it’ll be your best on that day and no one including yourself can expect anything more from you.


Good stuff. Yes just listen to your body and if it’s all healed up you will crush this. Nothing to worry about at all!
Brooke is too funny! Smart girl! That pic cracks me up!


Dude. No. Trust the taper!! Technically, that’s what you did! Just make sure to pay attention to your body, and you will be fine!! Good luck, I can’t wait to hear all about it!


I know you can do this on Saturday!! I am sending positive thoughts and you are going to absolutely rock it girl!!! Believe that you can, picture yourself crossing the finish line, and you wull :)


Dean has always been one of my inspirations to run! You are going to ROCK that marathon. Good luck and enjoy the journey. :)


I made sweet potato’s in a very similar way last night with my dinner- now I know what I want to make for dinner tonight! They were so good cut that way and kind of crispy.


sweet tater nachos are my FAVORITE and i cant wait to make them again once i’m done with this stupid move! my mouth is watering just looking at those.

excited to see what you do with the marathon!


Wow, this quote is amazing! I will be thinking of you on Saturday and refreshing all the social media frequently to see how you got on.


That sweet potato nacho idea is great! I’ll be trying that soon.


I so needed this. I’m starting to question myself and the marathon on Saturday. But I have to remember I did the training and I know I can do it. It’s all about finishing, not how fast you do it.


Thanks for the sweet potato nachos recipe! I made them last night after reading your post and they were awesome!! You are a food genius ;)


That makes me so so happy!


Yum!! When I make sweet potato fries I mix up some mashed avocado with greek yogurt and add a little lime juice. It is a delisssssh dip and I bet it would be perfect for these nachos too!


Okay…first you post the best Smore’s recipe ever and now this?! I just emailed the link to myself so I can make them for our Bachelorette Viewing Party Girls Night on Monday! DELICIOUS!!!

You’re going to ROCK IT tomorrow!! I just know it!!! You’re an inspiration! Finishing is going to feel so sweet… We are ALL cheering for you!


Good luck this weekend! I will be thinking of you and trying to send good juju to you!


I am currently eating your sweet pot nachos and they are AH-MAZING!!!! Thank you for the recipe and good luck tomorrow!!!! Can’t wait to read how it goes!!!!!


Mmm, those nachos look awesome!


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