第一天上学picture and cake.

Yes, I did made Billy take a ‘first day of school’ picture for me from the car. (Billy….make sure my afterschool snack is ready for me when I get home complete with a crustless pb and J and some fruit snacks).

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I’m not going to lie, I was not looking forward to going back to work after a summer ofbeach,popsiclesandDisneyland.

For some reason as soon as I got to work all of that changed and I became thankful and EXCITED to be a there because………..

-I found out I am teaching one less subject than I thought…..now only 4 different subjects instead of 5:)

-I was put in charge of a big project that I have really wanted to head because I have a strong opinion about it.

-I set up my snacks drawer (very important, more so than preparing the rest of my classroom).

-I secretly really love waking up at ridiculous times in the morning to workout while the rest of the world is sleeping. (More details onTRAINING PAGE)

-A co-worker brought a ginormous red velvet cake. Don’t be suprised if I start sweating cake crumbs tomorrow.

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What was your favorite after school snack growing up?

-A bowl of cereal!

What’s in your ‘snacks’ drawer?

-TJ’s pretzels, nature valley bars, my tub of pb, popcorn, apples and bananas.

If you could have ANY dessert right this second (calories and cost do not apply), what would you have?

-A brownie sundae from the Ghiradelli shop in Vegas with extra ice cream and whip cream.

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Love the back to school photo! Woot.

I’d organize my drawer of food too in my graduate office–important business, that is!!

I’d eat a huge bowl of caramel fro yo with salted caramel on top. YUMM.


haha omg i love your back to school photo girl :) so cute!


I would love fried balls of fresh mozzarella cheese! I make these sometimes and they are fantastic! (Yes I have eaten them for dessert) Or I would have a giant tub of flavorburst ice cream!


Cute pic, you should have one taken every year you teach! It would be fun to look back on!

I can’t believe you are teaching 4 subjects – and were about to do 5. That is total insanity! I like to teach two different subjects – just one is too monotonous, more than two makes me a scatter brain!


That cake looks incredible Janae!

Favorite after school snack growing up – probably a bagel with cream cheese. I know those are not ‘good’ for you but I love them so much, especially cinnamon sugar!

My snacks drawer at work has 90 calorie fiber one bars… and sometimes I bring fresh fruit.

If I could have ANY dessert right this second (calories and cost do not apply) it would either be a slice of the Lemon Raspberry cheesecake from Cheesecake Factory (which I only get once per year!) OR fresh Strawberry cake made with real strawberries!!

PS I love that you took a first day of school picture ;)


that is awesome you took a back to school photo! I try to keep my snacks drawer always stacked with luna bars, mojo bars, candy, chocolate, rice cakes (whoa how did those get in there), and condiments (for when I forget my own in my lunchbox. Oh yes, and I am a 9-5er at a software company, not a college student….


I should have been a teacher – I love back to school time. Sounds like your year is off to a great start.

My favorite afterschool snack was a pb and grape jelly sandwich.

Right now my snack drawer has some raw almonds and granola bars. I really need to add some more.

If I could have any dessert right now, I think I would pick either lava cake or some kind of chocolate-y/nutty/caramel-y cheesecake.


my favorite after school snack was always chips and salsa, and then I would randomly go for cool whip and chocolate chips.

i dont have an office, so i dont have a snack drawer, but my fav go-to snack is coco roast almonds and fruit…of yogurt if there’s a fridge around :)


Crazy! Someone brought in red velvet cake for our first day of school too!!


my favorite snack growing up would have to be a toasted bagel with butter or fruit roll ups.

and if i could have any dessert right now it would probably be a ginormous piece of cake (either yellow, carrot, or red velvet) with cream cheese frosting and a scoop of ice cream. ahhh i’m making myself hungry!!


My fav after school snack = goldfish. My sis and I could put away a huge Sams Club size container in no time.

My snack drawer has a container of Mighty Maple PB, several larabars, Luna bars, and apples!

嗯此刻任何沙漠……我就去佛r one of those triple chocolate Pizookies at BJ’s Brewhouse. A description from their website: “A rich chocolate cookie made with chunks of Ghirardelli® chocolate. Topped with two scoops of double chocolate ice cream with Ghirardelli® chocolate chips and a Ghirardelli® SQUARES dark chocolate.” Enough said.


Ohhh any dessert… I’d have this HUGE chocolate layer cake from Max and Erma’s (A restaurant in Ohio, although I’m not sure if it’s anywhere else) and a GIANT scoop of chocolate ice cream from Jeni’s. I think I’m craving chocolate. That Clif Z bar just ain’t cutting it…


That reminds me…my first day is in less than a week! Eek. Favorite after school snack!? This will probably sound gross but…
Microwave taquitos with a tall glass of milk! Sometimes I just crave some ghetto in my beeelllyy

I could totally do a pazookie right now! To die for! Have you had one before?


Oh, the pazookie is amazing! I so want to get one of those little cast iron pans so I can try to make one at home. Good call!


That red velvet cake looks amazing! My co-worker brought in a homemade carrot cake on Friday, and I’d love another piece of that right now. Actually, I’d love anything right about now … I’m about to make dinner and I’m starving!! :P


after school snacks were toasted bagels and hummus with sprouts, rice, butter, and mango (together) , and almost frozen apples and grapes with carob chips…. I was SUCH and odd child :) Your back to school pic is adorable!


i love how much you love your job. you really seem like you love the kids and all of your involvement with them. :-) your positivity is always infectious. :-)

my favorite after-school snack was, and is, always changing. i love pb&j on crackers, chocolate chips and peanut butter, wine & cheese (but only more recently, hahaha), berries… it’s basically a weekly rotation.

dessert right now: maybe all side-by-side: frozen yogurt from spoon me with mochi, peanut butter sauce, and marshmallow; chocolate chip paradise pie from chili’s; peanut butter chip sundae from friendly’s… and i’m going to stop before i get to a fourth because i’m already thinking i should make a big loop and go pick all of these up.


Paradise pie is SO, SO good.


Happy back to school! I love this time of year. When I was a kid my best friend’s mom used to make us grilled cheese after school. It was the best.

Snacks now? Gala apples, wheat thins and laughing cow cheese, and trail mix.

Any dessert? Pots de creme from Hatch Family Chocolates in Salt Lake. Yes. Please.


Dessert…drool. peanut butter ice cream pie. Swoon. My fave after school snack as a kid was corn. My mom would give energy frozen corn with butter. Weird but tasty and I still have this snack every now and then. Snack drawer- Lara bars, TJ’s lentil curls, and homemade trail mix. Happy back to school!


PB&J sandwich for sure!
In my snack drawer right now is Larabars, green tea mints, teas, Starbucks VIA, and then I bring fresh fruit every week too.
A big, warm chocolate chip cookie with vanilla ice cream and chocolate sauce!


Yay for a new school year!

If I could have any dessert right now it’d probably be the $7 s’mores covered apple I saw at the farmer’s market OR Godiva chocolate cheesecake from The Cheesecake Factory OR an entire pan of tiramisu.


My snack drawer has soup, crackers, oatmeal, bananas and clif bars. Always fully stocked.

Congrats on your first day back at school! I bet your students LOVE you!!


I totally cannot keep snacks in my drawer at work because I would know they were there and would want to eat them all in one or two days.

If I could have any dessert in the whole wide world it would have to be my version of the Baltimore Bomb (pie crust filled with chocolate chip cookies, fudge chunks, and held together with that gooey filling in a pecan pie). I’ve made this for birthday’s and parties and everyone loves it. So decadent. I’ll have to post the recipe. Ohh, I just drooled a little.


I pretty much always have snacks with me in my purse…..bananas, apples, crackers, granola bars, etc! hahaha Glad you had a good first day back!

If I could have any dessert right now, it would be a hot fudge brownie sundae!


Such a pretty picture!!

Dessert…hmm. I really want to try the DQ nutter butter blizzard. I used to be OBSESSED with nutter butters!! But due to my laziness and calorie-watching, I’ll go for a skinny cow strawberry shortcake ice cream sandwich. Still yum!


Woohoo for the snacks drawer! Hope you have a great year (and man do you go back early!)


Happy First Day! I love first days!! And I love snack drawers. I always kept Better Oats in mine! I would love to have a huge piece of carrot cake! YUM!


If I could have any dessert right now, I’d have mint chocolate chip ice cream over a nice, warm brownie!


I loved nutty bars or cosmic brownies as a kid. As a teen, I loved bagels with strawberry jelly.

My dessert choice would be…well, if calories and cost don’t count, I’ll have one of everything! Specifically [chocolate] cake. With lots of [peanut butter] icing. Mmm :)


I am a full-fledged sugar addict and I can verify that red velvet cake is the best “Thing I Shouldn’t Be Eating” on the face of this planet. I would be sweating crumbs and icing too.


Hearing about people going back to school really makes me miss school! Strange I know, but I totally miss that first day of school feeling.
Anything chocolate and I am there!


Oooh! So exciting! Please do share this exciting project you are taking the lead on.

Favorite after-school snack: Popcorn. And, not the kind you pop in the bag. I’m talking oil-in-the-pan, kernels-are-going-to-go-everywhere, find-the-largest-stockpot-you can, on-the-stove, a-bit-of-melted-butter-and-salt-on-top kind. Love.

Snack drawer? I like the sound of this…

Any dessert right this second? Cupcake. For seriously.


LOL I think the school you work at is near my house! Don’t worry I am not creepy and I won’t disclose it (I could even be wrong), but whenever me and my hub drive by we are like… that is such a weird building. As far as desserts go I would love a million brownie slivers right now. Good luck with your new school year!


You are just too cute! Glad you first day went well. Did Billy have your snack ready? ;)


I love first day of school pictures! You look so cute!!


any dessert right now…..chocolate moussee cake x10!
and i love the first day of school pic :) hahaha your hilarious i love you


Aw you look so pretty! Nutty bars were my favorite after school snack! If I could have any dessert right now it would probably be a piece of my favorite cake with buttercream frosting and a side of fro-yo topped with reese’s peanut butter cups :). Yum!


as an ex-treacher, i am sighing a sigh of relief for you on one less prep! that is GREAT news!
love the back to school photo idea!


Oh my god I’ve had that ghiradelli sundae and it is AMAZING like… the ice cream and the brownie and.. it’s perfect (ok i need to stop salivating over desserts… I’m not even an “ice cream” person)

I’m actually pretty content right now because we just went out for the creamiest frozen custard ever… but if I could have ANOTHER dessert right now it would be a three layer slice of carrot cake with cream cheese frosting mmm mmm


So, just out of curiosity, what’s the big project you feel strongly about?


My snack drawer tends to be the entire kitchen since I work at home fulltime, but I make a concoction of animal crackers, mixed nuts and PB M&M’s. YUM. If I could have any desert, it would be Sticky Finger Bars.

The Kidless Kronicles


I just want some chocolate in any form! Yes I may be hormonal!


Right now my snack drawer has goldfish, wheat thins Stix-fire roasted tomato, pretzel M&Ms and gobstoppers!


That cake looks soo goood!! :) Love red velvet!!

I loved to eat bowls of frosted flakes or cinnamon toast crunch cereal after school. Sometimes top ramen with an egg!! :)

Serendipity’s frozen hot chocolate in Vegas!! Sooo goood!

I guess your back to being a responsible adult! :) xo


Favorite afterschool snack back in the day was hand full of cheetos and a bite size twix…….and then possibly a pickle. not a lot of health happening there.

snack drawer: trail mix, raw almonds, saltines, dry cereal, gum

Happy first day. Love the pic!


I used to love peanut butter crackers, oreos, cereal, and anything with tons of carbs after school because I usually would go straight to a three and a half hour gymnastics practice after school! :D

Hope you have a great school year! :D


I always had a bowl of soup and fruit growing up, gotta love Russian grandmothers.

When I go back to class in 3 weeks I’ll probably just carry around granola bars and oranges.

As much as it pains me to say this, I think I may have to swear off dessert for the next 10 days or so. My doctor has me on anti-inflammatory meds and they are wreaking havoc on my stomach atm. And sugar is not making it any better.
If my stomach wasn’t being so uncooperative right now though, I could go for a lava cake and whipped cream. Or a cupcake. Cupcakes are always welcome :)


Can you believe summer went so fast and we had to go back to work today? It’s just plain ca-razy! Our first day back was filled with meetings and more meetings, and no red velvet cake! Welcome back to Utah and to teaching! It’s gonna be a great year! :-)


Cute “first day” picture, you just needed a lunch box and then it would’ve been even more legit ;) I don’t have a snack drawer but my coworkers always refer to my purse and my food satchel b/c there is always something in there in case of emergencies!


haha I love the pic! :-) and I always loved having a bowl of cereal after school too !!


Cute school picture!

Favorite after school snack – sliced apples and peanut butter
What’s in my snack “drawer” – apples, bananas, pretzels, almonds
Any dessert of my choice – Chocolate Chip Pizookie (half baked thick cookie from a restaurant in Arizona called Oregano’s) with vanilla ice cream on top…yummmmm


I just wanna say I am loving the long hair down :) very pretty! and I DID eat a massive piece of the frozen pb cheesecake recipe I just made and posted online MMMMMMMMMMMMM



When I was a kid…I loved to eat Chips Ahoy cookies when I got home, but I would dip them in my glass of water….weird…but delicious!

Speaking of delicious…that red velvet cake is hands-down what I would eat for dessert right now…yum!


okay, u win for the cutest back to school picture!! though that cake is trailing by a close second…yum yum and yum!

speaking of, dessert of choice right now, i’m sort of torn so i’ll go with a smorgasbord. i want a fat slice of thick chocolate cake with choc icing with a side of cookie dough ice cream and on top one of those fat costco m&m’s cookies. :)


I used to go to my grandma’s after school when I was younger and she would have like legit Italian food waiting for me every day. I’m talking lasagna, pizza, rice balls (have you ever tried them? Sooo good). She always had nutella in the house too so I could have a good old nutella sandwich on some days!

If I could have any dessert right now I would probably choose warm waffles piled high with ice cream, brownies, bananas, nuts, hot fudge, caramel, skor bits, and sprinkles!!!! Mmmm my mouth is watering :)


我妈妈让我们每天放学后吃一个水果hen I was a kid! that habit as stuck haha :)


My favorite after school snack growing up was making a bowl of popcorn and tossing in some Goldfish, pretzels, and topping it all with some shredded cheese- I don’t know where my best friend and I got the idea, but we loved it!

A snack drawer is such a good idea [I also think I am going to bring a mini fridge?!]… At school, I plan to keep: light string cheese, yogurt, Luna and Clif Mojo bars, popcorn, and fresh fruit and veggies :)

If I could have any dessert right now… A CHOCOLATE LAVA CAKE a la mode- mmm!


You just had to post that picture of that piece of red velvet cake, didn’t you? ;) Now I want some…


Fave after-school snack: Poptarts!

Snack Drawer: Empty. Oops – need a refill stat.

Dessert I Want Right Now: Oreo blizzard with chocolate ice cream from Dairy Queen.


My snack drawer is currently depleted…looks like I need to take a trip at lunch time.

Happy first day of school :)

There is peanut butter pie in the fridge at work. That will be my snack today :)


Ok, since becoming a food nazi we don’t have a snack drawer. If they want junk we make it homemade. I know terrible right? You’d starve here! LOL!!!! I bet you are such an awesome teacher! Have a great day!


My favorite after school snack that I remember eating the most was Stoffer’s french bread pizza baked in our toaster oven and dipped in ranch dressing.

My snack drawer is pretty bare; 1/2 a clif kid bar, 1 clif builder bar, various tea bags and a few grammie sammie snacks.

I could really go for a brownie sundae w/ hot fudge, nuts and whipped cream.


My friend and I would always make Annie’s Mac and Cheese AND turkey sandwiches with mayo. It was sooo good. And then I’d go home and eat dinner. I don’t know how I ate so much.


My favorite snack growing up was actually something really weird (but delicious!) they served in the lunchroom. They had two really thick grahm crackers, and PILED on PB and jelly between them (so it essentially looked like an ice cream sandwhich) and they froze it. Uhm- those things were absolutely delicious!!


Favorite After-School Snack:
Graham Crackers with Frosting sandwiched in between. (I <3 my mom!!)

Snack Drawer:
Currently – nothing. :(

Dream Snack:
GINORMOUS HOT FUDGE SUNDAE with all the fixin's! (Ghirardelli Hot Fudge sounds good since it's so thick and rich…..rrawwwrr!)


As a kid I don’t think I had an afterschool snack. NOW though afterwork I must have a spoon of PB. I have a nutbutter problem :)

Pretzals, some kind of protein or granola bar, fruit, peanut butter or almond butter, cereal. Then yogurt, cottage cheese, and string cheese in the fridge.

Either a big slice of tirimisu or BIG bowl of fro-yo with Reeses, peanuts, chocolate chips, brownie pieces, and clumps of peanut butter. I did say I have a problem right?


You are so cute on your 1st day back to school! I’m so glad you have a long list of things you are looking forward to this year. :) My snack drawer would include bananas, almond butter, larabars, Vega protein energy bars, fruit fruit and veggies. And some salty things, too, and always some chocolate.


eeek! back to school already?!?! come to yogurtland tomorrow at 430 so i can see you before we leave for OHIO on monday!!?!?! i miss you !


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