Running Funks, Girls Weekend and Shape-ups

Today’s post is going to turn into a tangent post, I can already feel it. I have way too many random thoughts on my mind. Let’s start with the most important thing first:

It really does only take $1.99 to buy my happiness. I did not buy Butterscotch Chips at the store last night because I am planning on baking something but I bought them to sit happily next to me on the couch while watching the Wheel of Fortune. Any guesses as to how long these will last me? (answers should be in hours not days)

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How in the world did my nephew fall asleep with a donut in his hand? I always fall into a deep sugar coma after eating the whole donut but definitely not in the middle of it. My future children will know to never fall asleep with a donut in their hand because it will be gone when they wake up.

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My classroom is very sad looking. I have started to move out all of my stuff and it is hurting my heart. I am going to miss these kids a lot.


I am definitely in a running funk this week. I did three miles this morning but they weren’t fun. This is a great thing though because every time I have one bad week of running I usually have two AWESOME weeks of running after. Bring it on.


Well, that’s a lot of money……….

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A few months ago a group text message about how much we missed each other and how we haven’t eaten 33,000 calories at Cheesecake Factory followed by watching Mean Girls together for years turned into planning a girls trip.

With this girl:

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And this girl:

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We decided to meet up in California so I guess I will be forced to spend a sunny weekend with them in Santa Monica. If you can’t tell, I am trying to get in as much traveling as possible before the baby:)

Anyone in the Santa Monica area have suggestions of where to eat and play?!?!

Who else is in a running funk? Who is have an AWESOME week of running?

What was the last job that you had to quit from? (Does that question make sense?) Was it easy or hard to leave?

What are you up to tonight?

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I am sort of in a running funk this week and have been since my half marathon. I wish my legs would never be sore/tired/and I could run forever because this weather is perfect!
Tonight I am babysitting and taking them out for ice cream :) mainly because I want some!


FUN!!! Taking kids for ice cream is even more fun than going for ice cream by yourself. I am sorry you are in a funk too…let’s hope next week is awesome!


I am totally in a running funk, running has been like a chore since last week. I need to get out of it fast because it is making me sad.
You and your friends are so pretty! The only things I can think of in Santa Monica are the promenade and the pier. lame suggestions I know, but that’s what I’ve got =)


What is going on with us?!?!? It better be over soon! Whatever..those are great suggestions, thanks so much Grecia!


What a fun-sounding girls trip! I love Cali–and getting together with BFFs is always a good idea….especially when yummy food is involved. Haha.

I am not in a running funk, I just need to get running again to start training for the Half Ironman! Woot!


Our goal is to see how much we can eat ha. I am SO HAPPY you aren’t in a running funk and you are my hero for signing up for your half ironman, you are going to rock it!


I live in SM and I have a TON of great ideas for you! email me! and maybe we can take a run too while you’re here!

Andrea @ theMFDre
[email protected]



Mean Girls! Yessss. That is one of my fave movies! Have so much fun!!

After not doing weights for a week while in Florida (which was SUPER fun, by the way. Thanks for asking :) My kids were in heaven!), I did them yesterday and my legs are pretty sore. Then I did a fartlek run today and my legs feel like trash. Should be fun to run Ogden on Saturday. lol. Oh well. I am doing beginning of the marathon in a relay with friends and then help pace a friend at the end of her marathon so it will just be fun anyway, right? That is what I am telling msyelf anyway.

I just made chocolate chip & butterscotch cookies, so my plans for the night include trying not to eat all 4 dozen of them and the mr and I catching up on the DVR after the kids go do bed.

My last job I quit was American Eagle. And it was easy to say good bye to allthe teenagers and lame boss I worked with, but not so easy to say good bye to my discount. Are you going to teach wherever you and B$ end up?


Major running funk over here! It’s been almost 3 weeks. I blame part of my funk on the awful heat and humidity of Florida.


Father’s Office in Culver city has the best burgers and fries EVER. There are a ton of yummy places on Abbot Kinney as well as in the promenade. You guys are going to have so much fun!

I am in a total running funk. I fell on Tuesday, jogging stroller and all. We are fine though. And today I had ankle trouble, presumably from the fall, and a tummy ache. I think I’ll take a few days off and push the reset button on Sunday.

I was an interior designer before I had my son and haven’t done anything since, so I guess I quit ;)

And my plans for tonight are to sleep as much as humanly possible with a sick kid.


Totally a running blah week. Not really motivated to do it.

When I gave up coaching swimming…….my heart hurt, but I also knew it was right. I think as soon as you get to summer Whooohooooo, it’ll go away……it’s just in the closing the door process. Everything is happening exactly as it should, even when it hurts to say goodbye.

Santa Monica……never been but wish I was your travel companion.


Don’t know the Santa Monica area well but I am sure there are tons of yummy places – get on

I haven’t run since my race on Saturday and have only done one small workout since. Major funk going on here.

当时我很想离开,但我确实如此me regret afterwards. But it has been almost 13 years and I have been very lucky to have wound up at the job I am now. Close to home, no stress and I get to bring my baby with me. Everything happens as it should!

Plans. Try to motivate for a short run. Hang with baby girl. Cook dinner. EAT CAKE. It’s my birthday ; )


This post made me feel so much better. Ever since that darn Provo City 1/2 Marathon my running has been no bueno. I went out and actually did 5 today, but it was HARD. At one point I even stopped and “stretched”, which mostly meant I sat straight on the pavement. Nice. Oh well, if it means I have a better running week next week that will be worth it!

And by the way, totally jealous you get to go hang out with Ashton! She’s hilarious and awesome.


Aww sorry you’re sad about leaving your students. I would imagine that would be hard. :(

I’m waiting for my hubby to get home right now. I’m making paninis with pepperjack cheese, tomato, basil, and roasted red peppers tonight. And yes, we’re still in the hotel room while I’m making these. Just call me ‘super-wife!’ ;) Just kidding. Don’t call me that. Because then I’d actually have to live up to the title! ;)


I am sort of in a funk too! Just tried to run 4 miles (7 months preggers) and it was SO hard. And I was going SO slow….depressing. But better that I get some exercise then none! I have been really loving the elliptical machine lately though :)
The couch has my name tonight…and I am reading the Hunger Games- just started!


Janae, have you ever had a tito’s taco!? go to tito’s tacos. the only thing better than a tito’s taco, is two! Crumbs in Beverly Hills (okay, so it’s not that close, but close enough) makes THE BEST “squiggle” cupcake – aka a homemade hostess cupcake. so good! You can even visit the cupcake ATM at Sprinkles (which is on the way to Crumbs, conveniently!) You’re probably already gonna hit the pier and 3rd street. I love LA! :)


PS: If you make it to a yogurtland you better tell us!


Had an awesome week where I rocked a 20 mile run that I feared I wouldn’t finishe and would come crawling home from, tail between my legs and unused Gu in my pockets. One month from today is the Ann Arbor marathon.


Running…? Oh ya I remember when I used to be able to do that. Like last week. I don’t know what is wrong with me this week, but my legs don’t want to have anything to do with running. I have been going to classes at the gym instead and that R.I.P.P.E.D. class is fantastic.

My plans tonight are to play with my cute little niece.


Besides a terribly bummed hip.. which i’m not sure what’s going on :(, i’ve found out it’s wayyyy to hot to run here in kuwait. i think i would probaby pass out after a couple miles. I have managed to take some walks though, does that count??


Im having a good running week! 5.5 mi monday, tuesday sprints, wednesday abs, thursday 8mi and it was good! Hard but good.

I last quit a carehome job . it was tough because I felt like I’d got to know residents and that they almost relied on me.

Now im off to bed because in the UK its a shocking half past midnight!


Oh my goodness–that picture of your nephew is absolutely adorable!!!!


If you want a change of pace (or don’t feel like running) while you’re in Santa Monica, check out Revolution Fitness on Montana for an awesome Spin class. There is also a Venice studio. Could be a fun group activity!

I’m from Malibu but live in NYC – let me know if you want to head out to Malibu and need suggestions!


I didn’t know you shopped at Kroger! If I would have known I would have suggested one of my favorite ways to eat cottage cheese!!!! Mix cottage cheese with Kroger Carbmaster vanilla yogurt—seriously Janae, SO good! Just make sure each bite has more cottage cheese than yogurt..about a 2:1 ratio ;)

I’m in a running funk too…I swam today instead. I think I might be getting shin splits so I’m trying to play it safe.

The last job I had to leave was my nannying job. I still miss the little 8-year-old so we text message and occasionally call each other! Kids are just plain hard to leave.


ahh running funks are the bane of my existence. I’ve come to find thats when I need to switch up my route or intervals on the treadmill.

Your nephew is too cute – I don’t know how he fell asleep half way through either haha.


I’m sort of in a funk because I’m battling a cold and allergies. I’ve been feeling blah and haven’t felt like running. I’m hoping it goes away soon because I’m ready to start training for my first marathon!


There’s a place called Diddy Riese ( right by UCLA that you HAVE to go to. You pick two cookies (any flavour) and add ice cream and it’s only $1.50 for the whole ice cream sandwich. I live right by and it’s so hard not to go all the time!


I ran 10 on Mon. and 9 today- felt AMAZING- and can’t wait to do it again.

Keep in mind people- I’ve only been running for ONE YEAR. I love it so much. Where has it been all my life????

I’m running the Chicago 10 mile next weekend. Can’t wait.

Kelly in Michigan


I live in Santa Monica, within walking distance of both a Pinkberry and a Menchies! Check out susiecakes (best cupcakes ever) in Brentwood (close by) on San Vicente, and M street on Main Street is great for yummy breakfasts. It doesn’t hurt that they’ve got the BEST and biggest cookies of all flavors as well. You can email me with any questions, I’ve got food on the brain all the time beau I just entered my second trimester!


Hey Janae, I live in LA near Santa Monica. I say go park at 3rd Street Promenade and walk around there (great restaurants/shopping), and the pier (rides and fried foooood), and the beach!!! Barney’s Beanery is my favorite cheap restaurant on 3rd Street Promenade. Their menu is literally a newspaper — everything in the world on it and it’s all great!! I have lived here forever and I still am so thankful when I get to have a full day in Santa Monica!!! It’s like, not real life over there!


running funks are totally allowed. I think you should get into aqua jogging instead. thoughts?


I left a pharmacy job I loved to go to pharmacy school. I’ve never worked with such a cohesive group since! I still miss them and it’s been seven years.


I am doing an online Bible study tonight with some of my favorite blogger friends. It’s awesome!

The last job I had to quit was at the law firm where I worked for three years before getting my teaching job. It was hard to leave the people, but I don’t miss my actual job. I’m thankful for the experience!


It’s so sad to leave awesome jobs! But you have even better things waiting for you, so that makes leaving easier!


I am in a horrible running funk, uhhhh I just want to feel great again!


I saw that about the Sketchers today too… I couldn’t believe it took someone this long to realize they don’t make you skinny lol.

I’m actually starting to feel better with my running. Not where I used to be, but better at least! yay.


嘿Janae !在我们搬到海湾地区,蒂姆·李ved in Brentwood…we love Santa Monica! Someone suggested Father’s Office and I couldn’t agree more. Wonderful place to grab a burger, fries, pretty much as laid back as you can get in SM. Not really a fan of the Promenade, as it’s very touristy, congested & unexceptional. If you do end up there, though- I like Cafe Crepe and nearby Fred Segal is always a winner! However, I highly recommend an afternoon stroll down Montana and/or Main- much more charm. Have fun! :-)


Awesome week of running with two runs on Tuesday and my first bike ride of the season this morning. Im already looking forwrad to this weekends’ workouts.

I heart butterscotch chips and highly recommend the oatmeal scotchies (oatmeal cookies with butterscotch chips) on the back of the nestle package. They remind me of my best friend!


我迟到了。本周为runni钻头ng. I attempted 16 miles on Sat but felt like Forrest. I just didn’t feel like running anymore. I stopped at 12. I struggled all week through little 3 mile runs. Today I started an 8 mile run and the fires kept me from breathing. I cut it to 5. On a last minute whim I decided to run the Colfax marathon on Sunday. I know I’m not at all trained but what the heck, carpe diem, right? So I’ll just go and have a good time. If I can breathe, that is.

My last job I was a bank teller for two years at a credit union and I loved it. My husband was out of town and my son was throwing up at school. I told them I had to go get him and they told me if I left, I could consider it my last day. I left. Obviously.


Mean Girls and Santa Monica? Doesn’t sound like it can get any better! I love Rachel McAdams!
I can’t believe Sketchers has to pay people for deceptive advertising. The things people get money for these days…


Totally in a running funk this week. Downloaded some new songs and got some new candy and was much better. Also watching those harvard boys on youtube helps. Lol. Kidding. They are like 5 and i am like 100. Marathon training is making me nuts. A good nuts of course. :)


I’ve been in a major running funk ever since I found out my running buddy (my dog) has hip dysplasia. Heart broken, I am. I’m sure I’ll get back into the swing of things shortly but for now, it just plain sucks.

The last job I had to quit was one I had ten years. But I was moving on to my current job, which had a much better wage and benefits so it was exciting more than anything else. I miss the people but not the job!


When you’re in Santa Monica, you have to go to Eduardo’s Border Cafe. It’s this tiny hole-in-the-wall Mexican place but it is sooo good. I pretty much go just so that I can pile 1 pound of their pico de gallo on my food. It’s on the corner of Santa Monica Blvd. and Westwood Blvd.


I am LOVING running recently, each run seems to be better than the last..although I am most definitely in a weight-lifting rut…I just can’t seem to lift any heavier uff! So jealous about your girls’ weekend- have a blast!


Between knee pain on the treadmill and crazy wedding planning, I haven’t run in over a week and I am not happy about it! I am hoping to get out of this funk ASAP!


I love this question. I grew up in Santa Monica :)

Santa Monica you have to eat at: Urth Cafe, Titos Tacos (culver city) , Cheesecake Factory, Yoghurtland, PinkBerry, Raw Foods Daily, Wild Flour Pizza, for a legit mexican hole in the wall check out Marisco’s on Lincoln (by the drive thru starbucks),Chipotle, Panini Cafe on Main Street, The Counter ( build your own burger/salad-SO GOOD).



Tonight Mike is coming home from a week long work trip, so we’re planning on lounging and taking it easy.

I quit my last job at a consulting company about two months ago to work fulltime with Aspaeris. It turned out pretty awesome so far!

I’m sure your running funk will be over. I mean, after all, you are the Hungry Runner Girl.


after almost 8 years, i left my former company a month ago! i got a new job at my current company – and couldnt be happier!

i want cheesecake factory. adams peanut butter ripple fudge cheesecake – yes please!


Yes! I can’t wait to hear what it sounds like with vlcoas. The bridge, though, when that beat comes in, it’s a little overwhelming. I like the idea of it, but I would change the mixing. Especially when/if you have vlcoas over it, I just think that’s going to be distracting. Other than that, love it and love the progress you’ve made.


Quitting my last job was literally one of the most nerve-wrecking things I’ve ever done. I was so scared that my heart was physically hurting (left arm included). It was one of the best choices I’ve made though, so no regrets!


Raising my hand to join the running funk club. Tomorrow, I have a half, and then I’m giving myself a long break to fall back in love with running. I’m using my funk as an excuse to load up on bananas, maple syrup, and pancakes today (and possibly some skittles :))…oh, and your butterscotch chips just gave me an idea for my pancake toppings tonight. Hoping that will give me some energy tomorrow lol!! :) And, you’re right, after a funk, there’s always some great running moments….just have to endure it for a while :)


I always thought those shoes wouldn’t work! I mean… if it was that easy to “shape up” why wouldn’t everyone be wearing them?!?!

Have fun w/ your girls weekend!! S0unds like a blast!!!


FUNNNNN!!! Enjoy your girls’ weekend!!!


It’s awesome that you asked about Santa Monica, because I’ll be there in one week, visiting my husband!! His base is about 4 hours from LA, so we’re going sightseeing and I am so excited about the beach! I live in Cleveland, Ohio, so not much sun, surf, sand action over here. And getting to see my husband is always the best! And now I know the best places for us to eat. :-)


Ooh fun, have a wonderful time in Santa Monica!!!


I have been in a running funk since my marathon three weeks ago… I need my mojo back. It doesn’t help I’ve had finals and graduation looming over my head. And the identity crisis I’m having as not being a student anymore. Crazy!

Tonight I’m heading up to MN to do the Tough Mudder with my boyfriend and some Army people. I don’t know what to expect. This weekend is huge for me.. college graduation and commissioning as a Lieutenant in the Army. Yikes :)


I’m so sad for you that you have to quit your teaching job but you are going to LOVE being at home with your sweet little baby!! I tried to quit 26.2 Running Co. but I just haven’t been able to completely cut myself off…mostly because of the discount. Let’s face it running can get expensive!! I am in a running funk FO’ SHO’!! I sure hope our funks go away right quick!!


I love going to the Santa Monica Pier! It’s so pretty & busy & it’s right next to the beautiful beach with a view of the cliffs up the coast. What could be bad about that?!


I am so jealous that you are going to Santa Monica! I lived there last summer and had the time of my life! I would definitely suggest going to the Santa Monica Pier because there’s lots of fun things to do and see and you can walk on the boardwalk. Also, there’s bike shops on the beach where you can rent bikes and ride along the beach. There’s the Santa Monica mall by the Pier that has a lot of great shopping and performers usually go and play outside so you can see them play [it’s actually where Andy Grammar started playing! cool, right??]. Also, in the food court of that mall, there’s an amazing crepe place that I literally always sat by just to watch them make crepes and they have one that has nutella, strawberries, bananas, and CHEESECAKE in it and i NEVER got to try it! So seriously, if you’re there, try it for me! :] For other food, there’s endless possibilities, but for pizza and yummy salads Stella Rossa is amazing, Hole In The Wall for burgers [there’s also a doughnut shop just around the corner from it ;]], Angelato for gelato, Cielo’s has amazing almond croissants, and for delicious lebanese/greek/mediterrean food Sunnin is the best. So jealous you get to go, give a big hello to the beach for me, and I love your blog! :]


Oh my goodness! Thank you so so much for all the recommendations! I need you to be my tour guide! Mmmmmm donuts! Thanks for your sweet comment and have an amazing weekend!


I love Santa Monica! I used to visit as much as I could when I lived in the OC.

The Promenade (what Michelle refers to the Santa Monica mall) is the on 3rd street. If you walk about 3-4 blocks west, the pier is there. At night they have a couple of food trucks that show up in front of the gelato place.

我也看到有人说——父亲的上方Office (DELICIOUS YUMMY burger!) in Santa Monica gets super packed as it’s a smaller location so get there early if you choose this one and not the location in Culver City. If you can’t find parking, you can park across from Montana in the neighborhoods. It’s only a 2 minute walk over. Montana street has a bunch of cute shops.


Santa Monica, my home sweet home – or “SaMo” as we locals like to call it! Too bad I won’t be there to hang with ya’ll! But I can give you the down – lo even though I’m at the end of the world here in Western Australia. 3rd Street Promenade and the mall on Broadway are hands=down where it’s at: you got your Old Navy, lululemon, Banana Republic, Gap, Lush, American Eagle – to name but a few – and lots of great eats. At the top of the mall, there’s some great mexican, japanese, pacific fusion restaurants – with beautiful views. El Chollo on Wilshire Blvd and near 7th Street I believe is an old standby for Mexican Food, which I LOVE and miss terribly. There’s also a Border Grill on 4th Street. Lots of great Thai Food – Krispy Kreme Donuts, etc. Let me know if you need any help — you guys can also rent bikes and ride along the bike path – which is awesome! Should be a great weekend… the pier is nice to look at – but filled with tourists! And if you want an eyeful of interesting, then walk on down to Venice Beach — ENJOY! xxxx


I LOVE LA. I just moved to Wisconsin from LA less than a year ago. I am so jealous of anyone and everyone who is there when I am not. It may be too late for suggestions but you should definitely go to Diddy Reice (I can’t spell) in Westwood. You get to pick two cookies and one ice cream and get the biggest best ice cream sandwich in the world for $1.50! It really is the price that is the best. I love Westwood too, it is pretty cute. Don’t let the line outside of that place deter you either, it is pretty fast and TOTALLY worth the wait.

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