I am very afraid!

Today Brooke gets her shots. I am afraid I am going to cry more than she does and so I probably won’t wear mascara for a while. I am also afraid that I am not going to see her smiley bubbly personality for a few hours after she gets her shots and that might make me go crazy.

Photo 2

Part of moving away from your family involves homesickness but that homesickness can be eased by a fun Skype conversation with the whole family on Sunday night. Yep, this was the highlight of my week (oh yeah, and running the race yesterday) and in ONE month I will be hanging out with all of them and eating my mom’s homemade lasagna (Mom, I am expecting that at least 4 times while I am home). PS Utah friends… clear your schedules completely for the two weeks that I am home. I will be offended if you choose to go to work/school/your obligations when I want you to go to Yogurtland with me.

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Curly kept telling billy to ‘get out’ and what she meant by that was GET OUT of the computer and come play with me.

Last night Billy and I had barbecue chicken sandwiches with some peppers cooked in olive oil. The best part of the meal is that we have a ton of leftovers and so that means I had them for bfast and lunch today.

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In case you have been wondering about what Billy does during his study breaks….


They had a petting zoo on campus the other day and I am pretty jealous he got to play around with miniature horses, goats, lizards, pigs and bunnies.

By the way, do you ever think that Billy looks like the guy from Dashboard Confessionals?

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As far as workouts go, I did a few minutes on the elliptical. I am figuring out more and more that my main motivation for training and exercise now (didn’t used to be) is races. I love everything about races and having one on the calendar is what excites me to train and become a better runner. I MUST FIND A RACE ASAP!! Maybe even one for this weekend. I am addicted.


What is your number one motivation for working out lately? Anyone else with the main motivation being RACES?

Is there a celebrity that people tell you that you look like?

Do you ever use Skype?

Will you be going anywhere for Thanksgiving break (I do realize I am asking this 5 weeks in advance but don’t tell me you aren’t looking forward to Thanksgiving foods and family too)?

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I love Skype! It’s the only way I communicate with my family in Italy.

So glad you get to go home and visit with your peoples. I will be working (retail).


Oh. And I hope you (and Brooke) handle the shots ok. Sending hugs to both of you! Who knows, maybe you will both get a lollipop! ;)


Races are my main motivation right now too! It totally helps to have a goal and a date.

We will be staying close to home this Thanksgiving, and I am super excited about the Thankful 13 race at Thanksgiving Point this year! A half marathon on Thanksgiving is so perfect!

Skype is a definite must in our house since we live in UT and my fam is out in CA. Love the picture of your family! So cute!


LASAGNE IS THE BEST! that is all


I’ve had people tell me many times I look like Mandi Moore…even two different dentists that I went to. Why they knew who she was is beyond me. :) We’re staying here for Thanksgiving and running the Turkey Trot 10k with my son Jaxon. What keeps me motivated lately are a few things. Races, lose 5 more pounds by my birthday (Halloween), and all the motivation I get from reading blogs and writing one. xo, Jess


Not to worry the shots aren’t that bad. My girl cried for a minute and was fine, she didn’t seem off at all the rest of the day. Good luck!

Yes we use skip to connect with my husbands daughter from his first marriage, they live in Germany so we don’t get to see her often. Skype is amazing, love it!

Thanksgiving will be 5 minutes away at my sisters house. ; )


If you can get into the Big Sur 1/2 , Nov 18. . . dunno if it’s full or not. I’m running it :) I’ll send you the most updated race list i got from the run group.

My husband used look like James Van der Beek (guy from Dawson’s Creek) I find both pretty sexy.

Dunno how to skype.


oh my gosh he totally looks like chris carraba. hahaha. i love it. i hope the shots went okay!


Races are my main motivation. I have realized that now more than ever since I don’t have anything coming up. There is a lack of races right now. I always do a Thanksgiving race – but since I will be on a cruise ship this year on TDay – that won’t happen. Maybe I should have one by myself ;)

I love the Skype picture of your family. That is precious! I had my frist Skype (very late to the party. Makes me feel old) last Friday. They had my friends out of state friends Skype in to her surprise party. So I talked to some of our friends for a bit.

I have been told that I look like a few celebrities. Pretty much anyone with red hair. I swear if you have red hair, doesn’t even have to be the same shade, then you automatically look like anyone else with red hair. What is up with that? I have been told Marcia Cross (hello, she is way older than me, her skin is flawless – ie. no freckles like mine, and her hair is way more red). I have been told Nicole Kidman, Donna from That 70’s Show (she is like a friggin giant and we look nothing alike), Isla Fisher (I wish)etc. I find it weird…if you cant tell.

Oh and if you cry when Brooke gets her shots, just know that it is normal. I totally do…almost every time. But they are back to normal in 24 hrs, well, mine always have been…if not, sooner. Plus, it always made them want more cuddles, which I totally soaked up :)


I have Skype on my phone but I don’t know how to use it!

I am looking fwd to Thxgiving…don’t have plans set in stone yet but it might involve going to Houston or off to visit family in San Francisco! Too bad you won’t be there we could have had a meet up :-(

Motivation for working out…eating all of the yummy fall foods…pumpkin all day every day baby! Oh and candy corn, of course…




I’ve actually thought that Billy looks more like Brad Paisley!


my number one motivation for running is my race in November, then after that it’ll be my races in February and March!!
no one ever tells me i look like anyone :( lol
i love love love skype, i believe it is what keeps me sane, you know besides running lol
i will be spending it with my fam bam and my bf’s fam bam :)


I’m naturally not very competitive but I love races. They are my biggest motivator by far. I have one Saturday and another one Thanksgiving. Can’t wait!
And skype is amazing. I don’t know how I lived away from my family before it.


Good luck with the shots! Check out this race in SF Nov. 4, I’m excited for it!http://www.ushalf.com/


Awww I hope the shots went okay!

I am SO excited for T-day too! My WHOLE fam will be together (except the bro who is in Swizterland-on a mission), and I am sooo excited. We’re throwing a baby shower for my sister too. So fun!

I have been told I look like britney spears, gwyneth paltrow, & uma thurman. I don’t see any of it AT all.


Baby shots are horrible! Thankfully my kids usually bounce back pretty quickly. That first set is the hardest.

All lot of things motivate me to workout but since my first race this weekend all I can think about is training for another one!

P.S. I LOVE skype, its the only way my kids know their grandparents.


Hi Janae! I hope little Brooke’s shots go okay. I’m sure she’ll do well!

Lately I’ve been working out for vain reasons..my 10 year high school reunion is in a month and I want to look awesome :-)

I don’t really look like any celebrity BUT my husband could be twin brothers with Seth Myers (the weekend update guy on Saturday Night Live). It’s kinda creepy. Even his mom thinks they look identical!

I use skype lots to talk to my SIL and my little nephew (he’s one) since they’re all the way in North Carolina! I love being able to interact with the little guy since I feel like we miss SO much.

We’re going to Vail, CO (two hours from where we live) to visit my in laws for Thanksgiving..should be really fun!

Super jealous of Billy’s break. That pig is ADORABLE.


Brooke is getting more adorable by the day (if thats possible :) ) ….. My hubby always came with me for the girls shots..he would stay in the room with them and I would leave. I’ll never forget this one time, Peyton was 3, and there she was up on the table, all smiles and talking and singing and laughing with the nurses…when one of them stuck her with the needle. She came to a complete stop, looked at them and just began crying and yelling at them “you hurt me, I was being nice and you hurt me! I don’t like this place..why did you bring me here…why did you hurt me” So, the other nurse came in with an ice pop and says “I have a pink ice pop for you” she came to a complete stop and again, just stops crying, yelling and really excited goes “Ice Pops? I love this place! mom..can we come here again?” the whole entire office was just dying laughing. So…rest assure, yes, she’ll cry and it will be really really loud..and then she’ll go to sleep to forget, when she wakes up next, she won’t even remember it. :)

每个人都告诉我,我看起来像艾拉妮丝Morisette和others tell me I look like Linda Blair…not sure how those two go together, but … whatever. :)

Thanksgiving is always at my house…but shhhhh.. I cheat. I get a honey baked ham and turkey from The Honeybaked Ham Company :)


Shots are hard :( I remember the girls first shots like they were yesterday, I was not a fan. I remember my mom coming with me and she almost tackled the nurse…poor nurse. Its hard to see your baby sad and knowing that its important for them at the same time. Lots of hugs and cuddles will be good for both of you tonight. Love your way!


I have never seen so many people in one Skype conversation! Impressive.
Races are basically the only way I can get myself to run anymore. I love them!


My #1 motivation for working out is to get faster. In the past year, my half marathon time gained 15 minutes. I’m including track, tempo, and ballet into my routine to shave those 15 minutes off! I need to find a race to test my 12-week plan in 10 weeks! I would LOVE to do races every weekend, but it’s so costly! They should have a frequent shopper card like donut shops do!


When V would get his shots, I cried way more than him.

I don’t Skype, but I should get my Mom on board. I completely train for races. I want to do another (did a 5k over the weekend), but they are so expensive.

I have been told I look like a young Meryl Streep…I don’t see it.


Races and time goals are my motivation too. I think it is because we have finally moved beyond our anxiety, or body image stuff, etc. etc. and that is an awesome way to live. Go find your next race girl!


Hey I’m doing my first trail race in Woodside (near Redwood City) on Dec 15th…the Woodside Ramble. There’s a 10k (which we’re doing) and a half marathon. You should do it@@@

Shots are pretty grim, especially the first time. Hope Brooke does/did okay and you too. I cried a bit.


Races are motivating. So are the bragging rights that come with putting in the hard work. And the fun. There are so many races I want to do, I don’t know which ones to do next. I have nothing I’ve registered for for the rest of this year! I need to change that!


Shot appointments are soooo hard. When my babies were tiny I cried every time. Poor things got soaked from my tears. But after a day or two of the grumps and some Tylenol they were back to themselves again! It’s not easy even with big kids! They get much stronger and harder to hold.

People have told me I look like Tia Leoni but I don’t really believe it at all.

My motivation for working out is being fit but races are fun too!

We are going home for Thanksgiving too and I can’t wait! Lots of family and friends to squeeze into one week!


Haha Billy really does look like him from that album cover. Is Billy hiding something from you? In particular, a guitar in the back of your front hall closet haha!!

Too funny. I can’t even imagine how I’ll be when my baby has to get shots too. I was thinking about how you said you’re not going to wear mascara, well, I’ll need to bring pillows in case I faint! haha


Whoa!! The resemblance is insane! That’s crazy!!
I’ve never been compared to a celeb, and honestly don’t know if I’d want to … I like looking like ME!! :)
I love racing too — but I’m starting to get REALLY nervous for my next one. It’s a 10k, which is shorter than I’m used to, and I’m much better at running slightly less quickly over longer distances than slightly more quickly over shorter ones. It’s a fundraiser for the hospital I work for though, so I’m just trying to keep that in mind!!
I’m Canadian, so our Thanksgiving has already passed. But I’m looking forward to celebrating it again, living vicariously through all my favourite bloggers and American friends!!


That pic of your family is really cool!
If you didn’t tell me, I would have totally thought the 2nd pic was Billy!


I want to see a little petting zoo! I’ll bet Brooke handled vaccinations like a champ…but I definitely remember being stressed myself on those days. My main motivation for working out is to feel good. It’s all about the feel good :) my son told me I looked like Arnold Schwarzenegger the other day. I was kind of bummed ‘cuz I totally felt like I looked like Elle Macpherson :/


Sending good thoughts for Brooke today — and for her mommy, too!


Ack! I hope everything went okay with Brooke’s shots! As someone who’s absolutely terrified of needles, I can’t imagine how hard it would be to watch my baby getting them. Hope you’re both doing well!


a petting zoo!?!? My law school never had a petting zoo! I’m super jealous. And I’m going HOME to Kansas City for Thanksgiving! It’s my favorite holiday.


That family Skype night made me tear up a little! Living so far from family sucks sometimes.


Racing is my life! I start to get anxious if it’s race “season” (spring/fall here in DC) and I don’t have anything on my calendar for the weekend. Heck, I’m so bad that sometimes I try to fit in 2 races in one weekend (I have 3 next weekend!) I’m addicted, too. Glad I’m not the only crazy one. :) As far as celeb look alikes, when I was my natural brunette color, I got Audrey Hepburn allllll the time. Now, as a blonde, I get Carmen Electra. Makes no sense. Haha. Love your blog. :)


Hi Janae! i’ve been a silent reader/lurker on your blog for a long while, and I finally came across something I need to share with you. A guy ran an entire marathon IN FLIP FLOPS. You should totally do it. The guy wasn’t even wearing rainbows, so I bet you could break his record.
PS I’m sure you have no recollection, but I used to be in your ward at Alpine. In fact, I was FHE grandma and I’m pretty sure I put you and Billy together in the same family. So you can thank me for your relationship, marriage, child and all ensuing happiness. Also, you should know that I was in SF this weekend, and I was totally looking for you. I’m creepy?


Oh my goodness!!!! I owe you the biggest thanks ever for putting billy and I in the same group! Thank you!!!! We should have hung out in San Fran! Where are you living now? I am totally going to talk about that guy in my post tomorrow! You are the best!


Ok, i have to confess that I’m not 100% sure I put you in his family. ha. I remember like 10 girl apartments requesting to be in his group. His apartment was apparently a hot commodity.
我活得像一个小时北东部的科幻,但花电动汽车ery weekend there visiting my new baby nephew! We have to get our little girls together someday, though. It would be hilarious and amazing.


Hahaha they sure were! Yes! I would love to get together!


I’m going to be in SF a few times over the next week…I’ll FB message you and maybe I’ll treat you and miss Brooke to a delicious lunch!


Awww sad about her shots! I’m sure you’ll both make it through. Races are a huge motivator for me, I actually get a little anxious when my main race for the season is over!

I have only used Skype once to bring my boss in for a presentation but I recently FaceTimed with my 2 month old nephew and it was amazing – I need to do this more! I can’t have him growing up not knowing who I am!

My parents and in laws are out of town and traveling during Thanksgiving is so awful, so we are having fake Thanksgiving a few weeks early at our place. On actual Thanksgiving is so random – we met a couple at a wedding in San Francisco that is from near where we live in Maryland. They invited us to their family Thanksgiving and so that’s what we are doing! Crazy, huh?


I agree.. races are the best motivation!


You are the best! Seeing you embrace your new home, deal with homesickness, and come back to running are all so applicable to my life right now. You’re such a rockstar, catching up on yours and Brooke’s shenanigans is my fave part of the day!


Yummmy homemade lasagna is definitely something to get excited about!! Billy TOTALLY looks like the Dashboard guy! My husband kinda does, too, now that you mention it.. haha. As for me, I used to get Lindsay Lohan a lot (you know, before she got all…. crazy….) and recently it was Princess Kate (I blame my name mostly on that one) and sometimes Emma Stone (don’t get that one attttt all!)
Have YOU ever been told you look like anyone???
You should enter my giveaway!! :) $100 to a cute boutique!!


awww, big hugs to little Brookie!! don’t worry she’ll forget all about the pain after a few minutes and be find! XOXO

omg, now that u’ve pointed it out, Billy is a total doppleganger for that guy!! can’t say it’s a bad person to be looking like. :)


Brooke just looks like the happiest child…she’ll forget the pain quickly and as you you…maybe have a little extra candy on hand for support lol

Training motivation these days is to keep myself and baby healthy for next 6 months and hopefully come back even stronger and ready to train for half, after I deliver.


Awe! Poor Brooke! It just gets worse, 4 year old shots are much more difficult in my book because the kiddo knows what’s going on and you just stand there in tears because they think you are letting the nurse hurt them. Broke my heart!!! Just prep yourself momma!!!

我倒计时天感恩节!我需要several days off in a row and family time. I’m excited for you and your first holiday with Miss Brooke!! Great memories.

I am the crazy person who always wanted to look like a celebrity AND have a nickname and unfortunately neither do I have. Well, I have been told Jennifer Love Hewitt, by a couple of people, but then I ask if they have had their eyes examined lately. I wish that was true……she is gorgeous. I think I get that because of my face shape and my eyes squint when I smile. Other than that, no clue why anyone would think that.

哦,我训练比赛,放松和sanity……(btw, sorry for my lengthy email I just sent you!!)


“get out of the computer and come play with me.” That is too classic and cute!


Billy looks EXACTLY like Brad Paisley. Seriously, it’s uncanny. Look up some pictures of him and you’ll see!


I hope Brooke did ok at her appointment today and that she is feeling better ): I know exactly how you feel. My little girl is just 11 weeks (my first baby) and received her shots a couple of weeks ago. I was dreading that day and literally cried before I had to take her to the appointment especially since she was so smiley and happy. I felt horrible that I had to put her through something so painful. She definitely cried once she got her shots. I gave her Tylenol once we got home which seemed to help. I also cleared my whole day just to cuddle with her :) which meant no chores or other responsibilities. I seriously refused to put her down the whole day.


I hope her shots went well!

Hahah that’s so funny I always think that he looks like the lead singer of DC whenever I see your photos of him on here!!!


My motivation is to eat and drink. Not really the races since they cost more money that I could be spending on food and wine.
I do Skype. We have virtual wine nights!
My FIL tells me I look like Diane Keaton. But it is not exactly the compliment that he intends since she is like 30 years older than me.
We are going back to the East coast for thanksgiving. My husband for his family and me for our friends!

The Kidless Kronicles


Love your blog. I now live in Utah but used to live in the Bay Area. It made me really homesick to see all your San Francisco pictures. Congrats on the 1/2 (both of them!). The Nike 1/2 is on my bucket list. I’m afraid the hills would kill me!! Just FYI (maybe you already know this) there is a new 1/2 on Thanksgiving morning at Thanksgiving Pointe. thankful13.com


My wedding is motivation to work out, finally having the figure and tone I’ve always wanted and wanting to maintain that, my health, and that I just feel lighter, both mentally and physically, after a hard run.

During that whole Facebook Doppelganger thing I tried to upload my photo to some site and see who it came up with and I got nothin’! I’ve been told Emma Watson (don’t see it, but I can dream!)

我不Skype。如果我要,我就——就像再保险cent job interview. I feel so awkward!!

No plans for Thanksgiving other than to eat. I’ll be going into a food coma, if that counts.


Skype makes living away so much easier! I get to go home for Thanksgiving as well. So excited!


We Skype with my in-laws who live in Florida for the winter (we are in Boston), just so the kids can see them.
I am sometimes told that I look like Halle Berry…I think it’s due to the short ‘do! Shots are the worst. We are doing flu shots on Wednesday….not sure if I should tell the kids yet.


i hope brooke’s doctor appt went well – i’m sure she’s still smiley and bubbly!! :)

i don’t know who i look like celeb-wise, but yes, billy does look like chris from dashboard confessional!!

yes, races completely motivate me to be a better, faster runner. i’m currently signed up for two (rock ‘n roll los angeles half & the LA marathon), so i need to get my butt in gear!


You should sign up for the Morgan Hill half. It is on 10/28. I will be running it again this year and it a pretty course.
I love Skype. My son is in the Army and it is so nice to see his face. Last year he was in Afghanistan and it made me cry every time I got to see him. I love love love it.
Hope Brooke’s shots went well :)


Skype is a lifesaver for me! When I’m home in Illinois, my boyfriend is super far away in Cali. When I’m in Cali, my family is in Illinois! I hate the distance, but Skype makes it so much more bearable. It’s a million times better than a phone call.


Haha OMG he does look like the guy from DC. Definitely not a bad thing. ;)



Janae, you should do this race! I’m debating between the half and the full this year. I ran the half last year (my first!) and it was such a cute local race with beautiful views.


Brooke is adorable!!! It always brightens my day to see pics of her on your blog:) I hope that you both survived her shots.


YES I DO THINK THAT BILLY LOOKS THAT THE DASHBOARD CONFESSIONALS GUY! i’ve noticed that since you first started blogging but i didnt want to mention it :P


You can give her Tylenol before and after shots (it can be given every 4-6 hours) and that helps a lot! Dosing for Tylenol for infants is not on the box but either your pediatrician or a nurse at the office can give you the correct dosage based on Brooke’s weight.

I am SO jealous you get to go home for Thanksgiving! We live too far away to go home for Thanksgiving and Christmas, of course we chose Christmas. But I actually get there for Christmas on Nov 30th and will be there the whole month of December. I can’t wait!! We are invited to some friends house here for Thanksgiving though so it will be okay.

I love talking over video chat with my family, its so fun :). I’m glad you get to see them even if it is over the computer!


I don’t use Skype much but it’s certainly convenient for group meetings if everyone lives far away.
I know this race isn’t until Thanksgiving… and I don’t know if you’re flying back to Colorado for Turkey day, but it’s only 15 bucks per runner (if you’re interested):https://www.raceplanner.com/RegistrationWizard?raceid=aea6fa4c-4bed-e111-9a76-00155d40d06f


I’m hoping Brooke handled her shots like a champ! I do not recommend any acetaminophen after the shots as it can decrease her immune response – even if she’s cranky.


Races are BY FAR my motivation! I love them.

I’m running Healdsburg 10/27 and the US Half in SF 11/4 (I ran it last year and there are a few hills, but the biggest is actually running across the GG Bridge and it’s beautiful!) if you have any interest in those local races!


Poor Brooke and her shots-or maybe just poor you!
I wish my school had a petting zoo! I would’ve walked that little goat home like a dog!
I was planning on training for my first half marathon, but grad school is kicking my butt so I’m just running and working out for the stress relief right now.
I have a lot of people tell me I look like a brunette Kirsten Dunst. I can kinda see it.
Just made plans to go to Charlotte NC for Thanksgiving to see the family! So excited! I can’t wait either!


So much cuteness in this post! Hope the shots went well!


I was just thinking the same thing about racing. It’s such a passionate thing that keeps me motivated. :) can’t wait until we can run one together again! :) And,,,, I’m totally jealous of Billy’s study breaks. He he. Hope all went well with the shots!


I use google video chat sometimes, it’s so fun. I was watching tv the other day and that’s how some parents were talking to their kids at school. I felt so old. I mean, come on, I had to use a cell phone to talk to my family!

People tell me I look like Taylor Swift and Amy Adams…which is odd since neither of them look anything alike. Billy definitely looks like that guy from DC.


Billy is way cuter! :)


I always think ‘Brad Paisley’ when I see your hubby.
And shots stink! However, at this age, at least they don’t seem to remember anything about it the next day. Wait until she’s a few years older. Drama! :-)


我认为比利瞧oks like Brad Paisley too!

Yes, races definitely motivate me the most. I love looking forward to a race, but considering I was injured for 5 months and now I’m ok (knock on wood!) I hate to sign up for a half and then get injured again and lose that money. I already had to drop out before my first half and lost about $85. I don’t want to sign up too late and not have that motivation to train either, I’m stuck!!

I don’t mind shots..I used to work in a Dr.’s office, so I gave shots alllllll the time….to all ages…in fact, the older men cry worse and are more scared than the babies :)


One of the things that I LOVE about you is your relationship with you family! I think it’s awesome. Can’t wait for a Yogurtland meet up in one month! I’ll do my very best not to steal Brooke, but I can make no promises.


Billy looks just like “the ridiculously photogenic guy” that was all over the news a few months ago for taking such a crazy hot race photo! Google it. People tell me I look like the girl from Father of the Bride. I actually do! I hope Brooke did well with her shots, I usually nursed right after the shots and all was forgiven. Races are my main motivation too, if it weren’t for races I’d stick to 4 mile runs every day.


Random, but I would like to know what products & methods your sister uses to style her hair!


Shots are no fun…hope Brooke is back to her happy self today :)


Wow… Billy really does look like that dude. Crazy. Brooke makes the very best facial expressions. I can already tell that she has your fun… sweet… good-natured personality. What can I say… I’m psychic.


I LOVE Skype, it helps me to stay in touch with my family in Germany! I moved by myself to the US 7 years ago and Skype really helps to stay connected with friends and family and best of all, it is free!!


Come run the Napa Valley Marathon with IRUNLIKEAGIRL (http://www.facebook.com/IRUNLIKEAGIRLACTIVEWEAR) — March 3rd!


Billy looks just like Chris Carabba! I thought that when I first stumbled on your blog. You married a rock star. Haha! Does he think so? I bet he gets that all the time. Have you heard the new further seems forever album? It’s awesome!

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