Wanna go to the city and eat crab sandwiches and clam chowder?

That was the first question that Billy asked me when I woke up this morning. Next thing we knew it we were in the car on our way to go eat our favorite foods in our favorite city.


仍然游荡在城市和喝热曹colate. See you in the morning with stories about sea lions, people scaring Billy and a full detailed description of the best clam chowder in the world. I hope you have an amazing weekend!

What are you doing tonight?

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Love going to the city. There’s no place I’d rather get clam chowder bread bowls! Have fun!


Celebrating that I finished my finals. DONE :)


are you at boudins??? love it, love san francisco


Awwe, that sounds like so much fun! I’m going to my first holiday part of the year tonight!


San Fran is my favorite city, too! And I’m so jealous that you live closer than I do! I am an 8 hour drive away! Hot cocoa sounds perf right now!


You look gorgeous and so happy in this picture!


Sounds like a wonderful time!

I opted for a quiet, evening home alone in my pajamas. Perfect end to my hectic week!


OMG looks amazing! Have a great weekend with Brooke and Billy!


date to Target.
Beautiful picture!


Was the person scaring Billy the guy behind the bush on the pier?


IT WAS!!! It was hilarious, I have never seen Billy so afraid in my life! Has he scared you before?


YES!! We laughed so hard! Well…after freaking out for a minute. And then we totally took a picture! I am so jealous you are in the greatest city ever!


I wondered the same and was desperately hoping it was the bushman. Now I’m going to giggle all day!


That three- or four-week break after fall semester law school finals is as good as life gets. It’s such an amazing combination of relief, gratitude, and freedom, and it just so happens to occur during the most wonderful time of the year. Enjoy!!!


Glad you are enjoying your Billy time! Can’t wait to drool over all of your pics :)


I love a good clam chowder!!

I don’t think I will ever get sick of seeing little Miss Brooke. With 3 boys in the house….I have mentally adopted her as a niece (I only have nephews). That isn’t weird, right?!?! :)


Not weird at all.. consider her your niece!


I have been following your Blog for about 2 years now. You seem to really be coming into your own with being a Mommy. You are glowing in this pic. Thanks for letting us in. :)


Wow! Candice! Thank you so much for your comment! You are so sweet!


I love that picture of the two of you!

We’re doing some last minute Christmas shopping which would be more fun if we didn’t have to drag 3 little boys along. {we’re celebrating Christmas tomorrow before my BIL leaves Monday and we won’t really see him again until his wedding Jan 5}


It’s ‘Friday Family Fun Night’ at our house so we’re making cookies and watching a movie.


Hmm it’s Friday so naturally I’m… studying for finals #collegeprobs #imaprocrastinator #ishouldprobablygetoffbloggernow

have fun tonight out on the town!



Mourning with those who are suffering loss due to the tragedy in Connecticut that happened today. :(


I cannot even imagine what those poor families are experiencing right now. It breaks my heart. I cry every time I think about it. Now that I have Brooke I can’t even imagine the hurt and sadness these families and the community are feeling!


Um roaming cities and drinking hot chocolate during Christmastime is my FAVORITE thing to do!!!!! I’m babysitting right now. I couldn’t have asked for a better way to spend my first night home :) Love these girls!


Went to two malls and almost finished Christmas shopping! Now I’m relaxing on the couch reading the new runners world :)


You met the Bush Man of Alcatraz didn’t you! Oh that man has been there doing that for years. When we lived there, we used to go down to the city just to watch him. And eat soup in bread bowls, of course.

我们挂和苏看着他跳起来rprise a couple of passersby, and then saw an older couple approaching. The Bush Man jumped out and the man was visibly startled, after which his wife turned to him and said, “Charles, he got you again.”

So glad you are enjoying SF and CA!!


I love San Fran! Best clam chowder at the pier!


OMG can I hang out with you and Billy and eat delicious food?!


Have a great time with your fam. :)


Such a stunning pic of u :)!


I love a man with a sense for adventure! Have a blast!


That definitely looks like amazing chowder!


That is such a sweet picture! You really are glowing. Love your scarf, too!


SF is one of the best cities ever. I loved it there. And the bread bowls are to die for.


It looks like you had a great day!!


Oh my goodness Janae, that first picture of you is absolutely GORGEOUS!!!!!! <3

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