How long does it take to lose your running fitness?

I am just going to go ahead and add this hummus to myTop Favorite Best Stuff at Trader Joe’s list. Brooke refused to let go of it.

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Chipped fingernail polish… story of my life.

It had been way too long since we had gone to Trader Joe’s so this morning Brooke was beyond excited to be there.

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When we got home it was lunch time and I spent 10 minutes of my life trying to decide between an egg sandwich for lunch and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch. The decisions I have to make these days…..

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Today is day NINE for me of not running. I am 99% positive I will run tomorrow but I am being overly cautious about starting up again. It has been 1.75 years since my last real running injury (not just something that I took a few days off for) where I had to take 8 weeks off and I am not about to have that happen again.

I always wonder how long it really takes to lose your fitness when you are taking a break from running. I think that is one of the hardest parts about injuries for me…. thinking about all of the hard work that you have done and how you are losing what you have worked so hard for!

All information from theHansons Marathon Method.

Adjusting for illness or injury:

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(I thought I would throw in a random picture of me exhausted… not injured but just really tired)

1-2 days missed: “Training can resume normally without scaling back mileage or intensity. You lose a couple days of running; no harm done. While a number of missed workouts can spell your doom for your marathon goals, a single lost workout will never be your demise.”

3-6 days missed: There will be very small physiological regressions from taking this many days off. “After 3-4 days of missed training, come back slowly by running easy for 2-3 days, then pick the schedule back up and follow it as usual. If 5-6 days are missed, run easy for 3-4 days and then revert to the previous week’s training regimen.”

7-10 days missed: “At this point the body starts to lose some of those hard-earned physiological gains you have made. Keep in mind that if you can still manage to run some short, easy runs during this period and have the go-ahead from your doctor, the time it takes to return to normal training will be significantly less. If running isn’t possible, commit to cross training to prevent a drop-off in fitness. Upon your return to running, you should run easy for the same number of days that were missed.”

More than 10 days missed: “After two weeks of lost training, the decrease in physiological gains are quite significant- as much as 3-5% After 21 days away from running, 10% or more of fitness is forfeited.”

“The key to cross training during injury is to find an activity that mimics running as closely as possible, such as using an elliptical or a stationary bike.”


When was your last running injury that you had to take a lot of time off for?

What cross training have you done during an injury?

Last grocery store that you went to?

Favorite kind of hummus?

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Interesting topic ;-) Tomorrow afternoon’s should be… how long it takes to regain it. In my mind 3-5% doesn’t seem like that much. It seems like your fitness on any day could vary that much based on sleep, how you feel physically, nutrition, etc. You are golden when it comes to racing still, and in fact, in my experience taking a short time period off can REALLY help!!!


HAHA seriously… I was laughing when I got that text from you because I was working on the post as we were texting ha! You are so right girl! Can’t wait to see you soon.


Great minds think alike! Clearly!


My last real injury was close to a year ago. (I hope I didn’t just jynx myself) I couldn’t do much cross training except for some weights because my IT band was so angry at me. I was a new runner and had no idea what was happening. I hope my next injury waits for at least 10 more weeks and I can get through my marathon injury free.


I don’t have a ‘running’ injury ….but…went bowling over wknd and feeling a fit sore. Apparently I can carry my 30lb 4yr but try throwing a 7lb ball as fast as possible down a bowling lane…sore afterwards.

Love Tribe’s roasted red pepper – my little guys like it too – Brooke may enjoy licking some once in a while :)


HAHAHA I get sore from bowling too! Roasted red pepper sounds amazing and I might let her have a little try:) Have a great day Deana!


I haven’t had an injury from running in a very long time. But I was on hospital bedrest when I was pregnant and pretty much lost all fitness whatsoever. It took a long time just to get back to normal and I never got back into racing shape before I got pregnant again. I’m looking forward to training again after this one is born!

My favorite cross-training is SPINNING!


Hospital bedrest…. wow, that does not sound fun! You will rock your training after you have this baby!


That list of what happens when you miss days is great!

Last grocery store I went to might have been Trader Joe’s. I’m not sure since it’s been so long and my fridge is currently empty… which is why I’m going to Costco tonight!


I was literally just thinking about this same topic, having been couch-ridden with a concussion for the past two weeks. Here’s to hoping I can be back in action in the next week or so!


CONCUSSION…. oh no! That is awful! I am so sorry Emma!


Last running injury was nine years ago. Had two tibial stress fractures and I needed to take 12 weeks off….yuck! Worst time of my life. But I kept active by pool running, doing elliptical and spin classes. This allowed me to maintain cardio fitness so that coming back to running was fairly seamless. Love ALL hummus…now I’m hungry!


does pregnancy count as a running injury? ;) it’ll be around 4 months off for me by the time I get back to running, so i don’t even want to know what my fitness will be like then!
i was just at Trader Joes…picking up some Powerberries for my husby’s backpacking trip. if you haven’t had Powerberries before, and don’t want to be addicted to them, don’t buy them:) they’re SO GOOD!!!


You know they say that women can come back stronger and faster after having a baby….


My favorite hummus is TJ’s roasted red pepper! I took one extra day off (today) than I planned because my IT band it bothering me. Better safe than sorry !


Oh sad that you have to take some days off-I know that is tough!!

Fav hummus: jalapeno/cilantro. YUMM


I found spicy hummus from TJ last time I was there and it has become my favorite!!! I usually scale back the running and either walk or use the elliptical with an injury!


I can’t get over how cute Brooke is. Like, so cute. I literally smile every time I see a pic of her. :)

Good for you for taking it easy, I bet it’s hard but it’ll be worth waiting and not rushing into something that’s gonna make you hurt more.

Oh and mmmmm… hummus!


I’ve taken about a full week off from running, but I did put in some spinning or other cross-training here and there. I get really antsy if I don’t sweat for several days.


I actually had surgery on Feb. 25th to remove a very large Morton’s neuroma from my left foot (imagine running on an inch long rock…that is pretty much what I was dealing with). Prior to surgery I was having trouble with ITBS, so I really have hardly been running since Dec. 31…GAH! I was spinning and cross-training a ton up until surgery, so I know I was still pretty fit, but I can’t imagine where I’ll be when I get back to running in a couple weeks. I have half and full marathons on the calendar for summer/fall, so I’m hoping and praying that I won’t be too far behind! I miss exercise and most of all running more than I can say and can’t wait to get that part of myself back again :) Hope your IT issues are all better – good for you for being conservative and taking a little time off!


In 2010 i sustained a serious stress fracture to my hip. Unbelievably painful. I took 4-5 months off and did nothing. Once i started running again i was surprised how quickly my body came back (even at 50 years old). I was scared of any small pain i had in that area though and dont know that I’ll ever get over it mentally. I was back to running my favorite 5 & 10Ks by the end of last year and am currently training for my first half marathon in April! I think if you have a good base it comes back quickly. I learned a lot about myself during that time off.


been 3 weeks since I last ran.. first injury ever, felt good enough after 2 weeks but decided to wait a bit longer.. Now im so scared to run again, im scared i will get hurt… yet i feel the need of running, been way too stressed out without it…

I love Sprouts, they have awesome products…


Trader Joe’s horseradish hummus is Awesome!! Especially on chia seed tortillas, lots of spinach, tomatoes and grilled chicken patties!!

Kinda injured now, I believe it is hamstring tendonitis in the back of my knee. I know, should not run, but I have a Half in Lexington this month and the Kentucky Derby half next month. I’ve been to the PT, he never said to stop!!! I tried that for 2 weeks……didn’t help!!!!


I can tell you first hand it doesn’t take long to lose it all! :-P I went from running 10-15 miles like it was nothing to trying to run 3 and it being difficult… It seems like it takes much longer to regain it than to lose it ;)


就在一年多前,我仅用了一个月from running for some serious shin splints (I swear it was a stress fracture it hurt so bad on the inside of my ankle) then again in June I had soem foot pain and took 10 days off right before my half marathon. The dr recommended that I not run it, but if I did, that I take a break after the race. Well, I raced, PR’d and then did my marathon with no problems. Ha! But that is not the usual case, so I should be smart like from you from now on ;)

I usually step up the spin classes and force myself to ellipticize more when injured (totally a word)

I just got back from Costco (story of my life) where I bought some hummus. Twinners! But they don’t carry my favorite flavor (roasted red pepper). I bought some of that flacor last week, but then my dang husband ate most of it. Sometimes I still struggle with sharing. I am mature like that.

You will rock Utah Valley for being smart and training smart. Better to take these few days off (you still have been spinning and hiking, so no worries) than get injures and not even make it to the starting line!


I can’t remember my last real injury. There have been a few 2-3 days offers, though. Good luck with your run tomorrow!


哇,那是非常有趣的!谢谢你的莎丽ng. I took a week off from running after my half last week, but only took two rest days before I did cross-training. My last major injury was a dislocated kneecap in January 2012 that I took two months off for while I was in therapy. I went to Publix this morning, and I always have that same face when I walk into the grocery store, especially TJs (since I rarely get to go). I love all hummus flavors, but I think my favorite is just plain garlic. YUM! TGI Fridays has amazing hummus on their chip ‘n dip trio appetizer.


I am not sure about this. I have ahd to take time off in the past and sometimes after 10 days it seems like I came back stronger, maybe a little more sore after the first longer workout but if I was in good shape before, it did not seem to hurt me! I will have to say though there are so many benefits to actually taking time off. Since I started trying to train for a 1/2 marathon in May I have been bothered big time by my knee. I have been fooling with different things and then I got sick, I mean 104 temp, 14 days on antibiotics, etc. So I took 2 weeks off. I am back now, just racewalking, ditched the running idea for a bit, and no knee pain!! I am ecstatic. I am planning to do 8 miles on Sat and see what happens. I did a little under 7 miles on Sat at a 12:30 pace (keep in mind racewalking) and I want to do 11:45 pace for the 1/2 marathon. So not horrible!


I was worried about this exact thing. I was just getting to the point where I could run a full 5k when I found out that I was pregnant. I was told that I wouldn’t ever be able to get pregnant so this pregnancy is a complete miracle. Because of that, I decided to basically hold perfectly still. Now that I’m in the third trimester (31 weeks!) I’m getting back into walking and has definitely been harder than I thought it would be.


I used to be an Athenos original flavor hummus girl but my new favorite is the one they have at Jason’s Deli on the salad bar – YUM!!


I just had surgery on Feb. 25th to remove a Morton’s neuroma (imagine having an inch long rock in your foot and that is pretty much what it felt like). I can’t do much of anything right now since I am in a surgical shoe, so I’ve been doing crunches and leg lifts like nobody’s business :) Prior to surgery, I had a wicked case of ITBS so my last real run was a 10K on New Year’s Eve…I can’t believe it has been that long!! I was spinning and using the stairmaster and elliptical like crazy during Jan/Feb., so I’m hopeful that I haven’t lost *all* my fitness, but we’ll see…I haven’t gone this long without running in years and am really nervous to start up again.

商人乔的是我第一次重新郊游week :) I stocked up on their white bean basil hummus, and their triple layer hummus, which is my favorite.


Sorry for the double post – my computer froze the first time and I didn’t think my comment went through, but now I see that it did….


Last running injury: plantar fasciitis. It’s better but of course I’m still running (just fewer miles).
X-training: spinning, Body Pump, elliptical
Last grocery store: Whole Foods and Target (same day)
Favorite hummus: homemade creamy garlic! I adore this Sabra-clone recipe but I use the reserve liquid from the garbanzos instead of water, and about half the oil:


I’ve only been a certified running coach for about a year and a half now, but the rule I’ve always heard is that you lose a lot of fitness after 2 weeks if you’re not doing other exercise. Some things like pool running will allow virtually no loss in fitness. I know you always are proud of your 7:xx and 8:xx mile times, but honestly, I’d suggest you start back real easily and at a 9:xx or even 10:00 pace for a few miles. Give it a few days in the 9-min mile range, less than 5 miles per day, then go back to your usual pacing. Just my thoughts for what it’s worth!


Great advice! Seriously thank you so much!


You are so smart to take time off at the first sign of IT band trouble. I’ve been battling ITBS since December and have not been able to run at all. I’ve done everything from PT, ART, massage, glute/hip strengthening, corstisone shot and just started iontophoresis. It’s such a stubborn little injury. Keep babying that IT Band so you don’t end up in my predicament. BTW, I’ve been reading your blog for a while now and I have never commented, but just wanted to say I absolutely love it. You and your daughter are just too cute and I put a smile on my face whenever I read about your adventures.


Can’t imagine fitness or speed like your’s but this mum of 3 is training for her 3rd marathon (whilst living temporarily as a single Mum, Monday-Friday) and having had a forced break of 3 weeks due to illness, I came back to a scheduled week with 17 mile long run at the end. Tough going, but totally possible and the 8 miler I managed without pushing number 3 (thanks to a lovely friend’s help) felt like a little bit of heaven. This week the thought of the 18 miler made me cry, literally but I did it and as much as it hurt I don’t think it was worse than it would have been. I do believe that taking a (TOTAL) rest for longer than is mentally comfortable for, 2-3 times a year, does the physical a great deal of good. Having the kids is the main reason for me finding this out, but now I have done I will make a big effort to make it happen from now on. You’re amazing. Be well and happy. x


Thank you for posting this today. I am on day 7 of mandatory rest for a minor surgery I needed to have. I didn’t find out until right before the surgery that I would be out for possibly 4 weeks while I heal. Talk about depressed. I am in week 9 of marathon training. I was suppose to run a half next weeknend and I guess that is out. Still trying to figure out if I will be “trained” enough for the Marathon on May 19th. It’s nice to read all these comments. I hope that you heal quickly and come back stronger.:)) Brooke is absolutely stunning. I smile everytime I se her happy face. She reminds me so much of my 7 year old who had the same hair!


I took off months of any kind of run further than 4 miles, and a whole 7 weeks off running all together. I’m still working my way back up mileage wise, but at a much faster pace (10 min mile versus about 8:15). I was shocked at first how hard it was, but I’m trying to just enjoy the shorter runs right now. Going for 5 this weekend!


Great information! I always wondered how long it took to lose your running fitness.

I know what it’s like to have an IT band injury. My last bad running injury was back in ’10. Three days before running my 2nd half marathon I injured my left IT band. Stupidly I still ran the half because I paid all that money and didn’t want to lose out on it. I was in tears by the end but I did PR that race. Then 2 weeks later I ran a 10K. Needless to say I’m extremely lucky I didn’t permanently hurt my leg.

The only other injury I’ve had was a pulled groin muscle. Thankfully it happened 4 months before I ran my first half. To keep somewhat up with my fitness I’d go walk at a local state park and mainly did upper body work. By the time my half came around my leg was about 95% healed.


The last grocery store was Smith’s today. We picked up veggies for the lentil chili I made, and it is amazing! Oh, and we also picked up (most of the) fixings for a special dinner for the hub for tomorrow.


My last injury was about 8 months ago and it was my ITband, oh how it hurt. I didn’t know what it was and I would take one or two days off and run again until I couldn’t. I started strength training and putting some real focus on my hips and the foam roller has become my friend. I use the elliptical is what I use during injury.
The last grocery store was today and it was Trader Joe’s, I love that place.


I am probably going to have to start from scratch on running, after the pregnancy. But that’s OK. I started from scratch a couple of years ago, so I guess I can do it again! ;)


Brooke looks so happy!! I think you’ll bounce back fast after really taking this time to recover. You’re training smartly and that’s important.


I love Brooke’s white knuckle grip on the hummus!

I haven’t had to take time off for an injury for over two years, but I’ve gotten a lot smarter at taking a little time off here and there to make sure I never have to take forced time off. I even took an entire month off last year after an intense (for me) summer of racing.


When I had my cyst cultivating in my foot for about 2 months, I took off exactly 2 months (due to all the growth in there it also caused my 5th meta to snap off the bone as well). I cross trained through the injury most days via elliptical, weights and water jogging. I essentially missed the entire season.

I ran for one week prior (taking it very easy) and then ran in my conference championship and PRed in the 6k. Am I am abnormal case? Maybe…but I think there are a lot of things you can do to maintain that fitness. I also think you are extremely smart for taking off time…even to heal other parts of your body.


Brooke’s ponytails are too cute for words! Thanks for sharing the info you found on losing running fitness after being out for injury/etc! I was on vacation for 2 weeks to Kenya and couldn’t run once while there, so I dug into research on losing running fitness and blogged about it a couple of weeks ago… I learned that we keep a lot of our long term fitness (yay!) but take a hit in our VO2 max. Anyways, here’s my post about it if you wanted to see what I found:

You’re so fit and in great shape right now, you won’t lose much of your running mojo! Don’t worry! Fingers crossed for a quick jumpstart back into running soon!


Great post! Thanks for the info as it is something I’ve wondered.

When was your last running injury that you had to take a lot of time off for?
I took off just a week for some IT Band issues.

What cross training have you done during an injury?
Mainly biking or walking. The elliptical never felt good when I was injured

Last grocery store that you went to?
I shop Target. I am able to stretch my dollar moreso there than anywhere. But I do love Sam’s Club!

Favorite kind of hummus?
Roasted Garlic and Herb! Mmm


-Yep, that hummus is amazing, especially with pita chips and on wraps.
-love that list! I occasionally have to take days off because of work/scheduling reasons (I can only run at the gym right now–it’s too icy outside and I don’t own a treadmill), and I always wonder about the “damage” I’m doing by taking that time away. Not my favorite thing to let happen!


Definitely an interesting post! I have had my fair share of running injuries so I know how much it sucks to have to stop running to recover but it’s always worth it!


I have been dealing with an IT Band for awhile now. But nothing too bad. I use the elliptical and my bike as crosstraining.
Favorite hummus is any kind of garlic.

The Kidless Kronicles


I’m still off from running fully for about two years. Oof. Stupid knee surgeries. My last run was probbbbably about 8 months ago on a knee stress fracture. Hey! At least it was the color run haha! It’s good to be smart, lady! Good job! And I love red pepper hummus or extra garlic-y so everyone is afraid to talk to me.


Knock on wood I’ve never had a serious running injury that’s caused me to take a significant period of time off. It’s really scary how quickly your fitness starts to regress though…thanks for sharing!


Im recovering from my last real injury–pelvic stress fracture. it was 6 month off consistant running (I kept trying to restart so I probably had about 5 runs/month for those 6 mos)–at first I biked by that made it worse, I didnt have a swimming pool so I took about 2.5-3 mos COMPLETELY OFF exercise. I added in 30 day shred and then started up running again in January!! I jumped in too fast (no one need to run an 8 mile tempo at 6:42 after 5 weeks of training after several months of NOTHING) so lucky me–my knee was way out of whack (IT band? Overuse of some other sort starting up too fast?) and then I sprained my ankle standing at church. Soooooo I am trying to SLOWLY build back into running after those setbacks and not overdo it. :) If that means 3 days of COMPLETE rest, so be it! I am finally getting over my compulsive exercising that has been plaguing me for the last several years.


I love the Sabra roasted pine nut hummus. Or anything with lots and lots of garlic. I think that it takes time more than two weeks to lose any significant gains. I’m sure you will rock it when you get back out there!


Funny! Trader joes was my last trip and I love their hummus. Original for me!! Also, I highly recommend buying the jack Daniels running formula. His book covers a-z with training methods from the 800- a marathon. He uses a v-dot calculator which gives you training paces, etc. I mention it because I was hurt with an IT injury and his philosophy to coming back smart was great. There is an equation that will tell you where you are based on so many days/ weeks/ months off. Lifting and spinning (if pain free) was my go to cross training!!


favorite hummus: Horseradish hummus from trader joes… o.m.g.


Last year I tore my adductor in my right leg. Weirdest injury ever and I got it doing yoga of all things! I couldn’t run, had a hard time walking, but had no trouble in spin class and kicked ass doing the elliptical backwards (never forwards). All in all, I do not recommend it, and I’m still trying to rebuild myself even though it has been healed for nearly a year.


I have been battling injury for almost a year now.
I NEVER thought I would be, “that person” who was injured for so long. I stereotyped people who were out so long as, “dramatic.”

Ohhh how God works in strange ways.

Here’s to running and taking care of your body :)


I like hummus with a little red pepper in it. I have a friend who normally wouldn’t eat hummus, but when I bring that kind he’ll eat it.


I am currently injured with a hip flexor strain and IT band referred pain issues. I’ve been doing everything wrong. I was taking breaks then hitting it hard, and it was a vicious cycle. I just took this last week off completely and hope to SLOWLY progress back this week :) great post janae!


We love hummus & have strated to make our own with this recipe, it’s so good & we know exactly what goes into it! We even roast our own red pepper first & add that to the mix- yum!


Great topic! Thanks for the info, I am always concerned about how my running abilities will decrease if I get injured or have to take some days off from running


我并不期待重建工程r this pregnancy – but I am SO FREAKING EXCITED to start running again, so I guess it will be worth it, right?

Grocery store? Publix Hummus? Anything lemon


I feel the same way! I’m 31 weeks pg and haven’t ever craved running more in my life.


I recently found out I have bursitis in my hip. I got a cortisone shot today and am on the mend but my doctor recommended NO pounding exercises for at least 2 weeks, and that I may not be built for distance running. :( thanks to reading your blog I know it’s not worth it to push it when you’re injured and if I can’t run long, long distances I am grateful to be able to run at all. She recommended swimming and spin class/cycling for now, as well as weight lifting. All things I love! Glad to be able to work out even when I’m healing :)


I had take take 8 weeks off for a foot injury…like, I wasn’t even running when I got my injury! I was sanding a bed for Willow so I could paint it purple (her favorite color!) and I sat on my foot to long! I got “drop foot” and it was not fun at all! I was so upset with myself!
所以,我最喜欢的鹰嘴豆泥必须大蒜!圣ay far away from me after I’ve devoured it because once I start, I can’t stop! At least I know the vampires will stay away ;)


I’ve been dealing with Runner’s knee since October. Was back to running 1.5-2 miles at a time without walking and then had a flare up and took 2 months off. Currently trying to get it back. Luckily I do a lot of cardio and I’m a swimmer so I don’t really lose my fitness level. I do lose my long distance legs though!


I am battling an injury right now and I took yesterday off and then today it wasn’t feeling much better so I decided that it would be better for me to take today off also instead of irriating it more. I like mediterrian hummus and I went in the grocery store part of Target today.


Last injury I had was early 2009. I didn’t start running until late 2010 almost 2011. I had many fractures all up and down both shin bones. I swam for a while. Walmart :D, had to get some supplies for cupcakes!!


I hope you are feeling better soon!!

I can’t leave Trader Joe’s without looking at EVERYTHING and making sure I don’t miss anything new!


It’s crazy that you lose 10% after less than a month.


I just tried a lobster hummus. It was pretty much lobster on top of hummus, but it was something different!


I’ve never had an injury. (knock on wood!!!) I’m pretty lucky! The last grocery store… Supervalu. I literally just bought hummus for the first time EVER today! So I just stuck to original! I’m super excited to try it! Any recommendations for what to eat it on?


This breaks my heart. I’ve been nursing my ITB syndrome for a month now, and the PT told me today it may be another month. My first 1/2 marathon WAS in May but I will have missed too much training by now. I can’t bike or do the elliptical anymore, so I’m going to start swimming too.


I’ve had that hummus before too… I’m not AS big of a fan as it seems Brooke is :)
I like making my own hummus… it’s actually not that difficult and it tastes DELICIOUS!


I’ve been to a TJ once while we were out of town, and I picked up some cilantro jalapeno hummus, and it was awwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeesome!!!!!


THAT is my favorite hummus! Def one of Trader Joes top 5 items in my eyes.

I’m taking the week off from running due to injury. I think I did something to my hamstring. It hurt a bit last week so I took Friday & Saturday off, but after 8 miles yesterday it’s hurting :( I hope taking this week off will fix me. I have 3 races in April I want to be ready for!


Hi there! You are a running queen and I need advice…I’ve been running a lot and hurt myself a couple of weeks ago. My foot/ankle/heel area started hurting while running on the treadmill. I don’t even know how I did it. I recently started cross training more with spin, which I thought would help but not make it worse. I mostly run on the treadmill, but I was incorporating one 6-7 mile run outside on the weekends to get ready for a race this weekend…well it’s gotten worse. horrible pain. It doesn’t appear to be a stress fracture, but possible tendonitis. I have just been doing spin, elliptical, yoga, and stairclimber, but so bummed I can’t run and especially this weekend (docs say it’s a bad idea). I can’t understand why it’s not healing. How do you get over the grief of working up to something that you can follow through with.


I am so dealing with this right now! And I would love the answer to this question too!

我觉得完全粉碎,我不能训练y half marathon. I think mine is tendonitis too (and it does HURT!).

I am so sorry you are going through this too :(
I feel like I am grieving!


I am so sorry, Larissa! It’s such a bummer. Even walking hurts…mostly right when I get up in the morning. Of course the docs “aren’t sure” it’s just a guessing game. Advil is the only way I can get through a spin class. I don’t want to lose fitness all together!! Total grieving!!


It’s kind of scary that we lose our fitness so quickly! I’m always worried about that too when I have to take a few days off for one reason or another. Favorite hummus: roasted red pepper.


I can TOTALLY relate to this post. I have been battling running injuries since Novemebrr of last year when I was training for a Decemeber marathon. All the miles that I was running really took a tole on my Knees and I developed a cysts in the joint where my IT band connects. I took a month off in January to heal and when I started running again in feb, my other knee got injured! So frustrating. I am finally injury free and I ran my 3rd run tonight which felt amazing!


I was always told: it takes three weeks to lose it and three months to get it back.


I’m dealing with an injury now… my favorite XT is elliptical.

Except to day I literally almost cried on that thing watching everyone running on the treadmills. One of those injury days where you just want to cry, eat chocolate and sleep it off. Haha!


Eeep! I’m dealing with a new injury right now :( Trying to be smart and nip it in the bud with lots of rest and ice before my 1/2 marathon this weekend! Boo!!


I cannot believe it has been almost 2 years! Feels like yesterday you posted the injury. e


Aw, Brooke looks cuter every day.

I’ve actually been injured for the past 8 weeks and am just coming back. I crosstrained a TON, though: swimming, pool running, and biking, along with intense weight-lifting and physical therapy. So wish me luck! I just did an easy 3 this weekend at a glacial 9:00 pace and I’m going to run again tomorrow. I don’t think I’ve lost TOO much fitness, and my body composition has actually improved, but running is such a specific activity. Eeeek.


You are a mind reader. I JUST typed up a post about how I completely lost my running endurance… and actually referenced you without even reading this haha! It will be published in the morning :)


I’ve only tried hummus once, and I guess it wasn’t very good hummus because I didn’t like it. I feel it’s one of those things that you have to find the right flavor for you. I think I’ll be trying some different flavors and experimenting. I’m bound to like it!


I saw your lunch and had to make the exact same thing for dinner. Thanks for the idea and the visual. Both sandwiches did not disappoint.


Favorite cross-training –> Deep Water Running! I figure if I can’t run, I might as well immerse myself in a totally new medium, in this case water! I actually enjoy it quite a bit, especially with company.

Unfortunately I’m injured right now. It happened on Sunday night. I dropped a pyrex cover on my foot while removing a dish from the fridge. Next thing I know there’s glass everywhere…and blood. Got 5 stitches in, crutches, and doctor’s orders to stay off of running for at least 2 -3 weeks. I’m bummed (I spent Nov. and Dec. 2012 off running, had spent Jan and Feb building a solid base and just completed week 1 of my 18 week half-marathon training cycle!) but determined to use my off-time constructively :) Positive thinking!


Aww bummer that you still aren’t feeling 100%! I hope tomorrow you can run again. I know how much happier you are when you’re hitting the roads (or the treadmill, whichever).


Last March I managed to get a severe stress fracture. I walked using a crutch for about 6 weeks and I could only do the stationary bike. I couldn’t run for about 4 months. This was my fourth injury that put me out for an extended period of time. It’s really hard to hear that kind of news, so I completely understand being safe rather than sorry and taking some time to rest. Good luck if you run tomorrow!


I took two months off after my last marathon (not injured, just needed a mental break) and it took a solid 8 weeks to get back into shape. However, I do feel like taking breaks can be extremely beneficial mentally and physically – although maybe not two months off at a time ;-).

I looooove the jalapeño cilantro hummus from TJ’s!


I had to take 6 months off of running after having the ACL replaced and my meniscus trimmed in my left knee. I tore it while doing martial arts. I opted for the cadaver achilles tendon as my replacement instead of existing patellar tendon or hamstring, since the recovery was easier and the likelihood of re-tearing was less. BUT the recovery was longer. That was 6 years ago and I haven’t regretted it. It took a good 6+ months to get back to running shape and not be afraid of re-injury. It also permanently changed my running gait, so I had to be refitted for custom orthotics and running shoes.
3 years later, I had meniscus tear in the right knee that kept me sidelined for about 3-4 weeks. This one was harder since I had to overcome the pain in my knee. When I first started running (actually jogging) again, it hurt a lot. The ramp up for any distance running took a couple of months. I relegated myself since then to running only on the treadmill and when/if I race is when I go outside. Since that meniscus tear I have run only 1-2 long distance runs outside because my knees hurt when I’m done. I’m only 45 and want to continue to run for a long time, so I get probably 1 outside distance run per year and I’m good with that.


Is there a way to avoid stress fractures? I feel like I’m at risk, because I’ve been too thin most my life and I’ve had an xray a long time ago for a fracture that unfortunately showed overall osteoporosis on xray.

Favorite Hummus – roasted red pepper. My all time fav is from Jason’s deli. I get a takeout salad from there and LOAD UP on the roasted red pepper humus so I can eat it for a few days!

Last grocery store: Target. I seriously NEED to get to Trader Joe’s! Its a bit of a drive, but so worth it!


Oh my gosh, that timeline makes so much sense. It’s so discouraging to a non-natural runner like me that I work so hard to be halfway decent and it could diminish so quickly. I hate the feeling of “starting over.”

A superstar like you should have no problem bouncing back though. Hope you feel better enough to run tomorrow!


After I ran my first marathon I got a Morten’s neuroma in my foot. Since I had that injury and no race to train for I completely got out of running for a long time. Like months! Now I’m training again for my second marathon and I’m really regretting that!


First off, I am new to your blog and LOVE IT. I sorted through many and yours if just so “homey” and down to earth so I look forward to it daily :)

我是一个空军的妻子和我们驻扎在Belgium, Europe (between Paris and Amsterdam) and we love it here (we will be here June 2012-2016) Upon moving here, I turned 30 and started running. I’m now suffering with an unknown knee irritation. It doesn’t hurt when I run but it gets puffy after and remains “tight” feeling. Went to Dr. And he was of no help. Since there’s no pain I hate to take time off because I’m scared to lose my rhythm I’ve worked so hard to build up to!

PS…NOTHING is better than a Belgian waffle, Crepes with banana and Nutella, Spiced German wine, or running the countryside here. I have to run to be able to eat here!


Last grocery store was Tescos. I really miss Trader Joes, Marks and Spencer is my replacement but I still prefer TJ’s!!!

I think I like plain hummus best but the spinach artichoke one is really good too!


This is so timely!!! My knee has been feeling strange. I think possibly runners knee although the information out there is a bit confusing. I haven’t exactly had pain so have kept at running but I’m taking tomorrow off. I’ve been really reluctant to and anxious but learning from you I will rest and see how I go. Good luck with your next run! I hope I’m back in no time!


Thanks for the info! I’ve been (so far) inconsistent with my running in 2013 so it’s good to know how all this has been impacting my running fitness!


Good decision letting that IT band heal completely. I am coming back from a 3-week running hiatus due to an injury—severely strained piriformis. I was able to continue teaching all my classes (with modifications). Injuries suck!


ugh, injuries are the worst! i got a tibial stress fracture last fall from overtraining and it took over 3 months until i could run a mile without pain. it was awful and i really felt like i was starting from scratch after! i did a lot of weight training while i was benched, because my doc said part of the reason i may have gotten the injury was too little muscle mass in my legs to support the amount of miles i was logging. i still weight train 1-2x/week now to keep from reinjury. i also spent a LOT of time on the elliptical.


非常有趣的话题。我认为这只是不同much based on the person, the reason you’re out (and, if injury– the TYPE of injury), how much other activity you can do while out, etc. I’ve taken a full week + off running every now and then just to avoid burn out or for a vacation or something and, while the next long run didn’t feel EASY, it definitely didn’t feel like I had lost any significant levels or anything. But, I swear sometimes after only taking a few days off sometimes it feels like I’ve lost so much. I just think our bodies vary so much reguardless. Silly bodies… if only we could figure out how to MAKE them do exactly what we want them to do, when we want them to do it. Til then… :)


This is an interesting topic and very timely for me. My last real run was Dec 30th 2012, although I attemped my comeback run 2 Saturdays ago and it didn’t go well…At thae time i went on my unplanned hiatus, I was only running about 5 miles at a time anyway, down from my peak of 8-9 last fall. What happened was that we were trying to get pregnant and doing fertility treatments, so i was advised not to “bounce around’ too much while on Clomid. I halted running and all exercise mid january. I got pregnant but it’s a crazy, long story (at one point they though I had 3 sacs in there!) and there was a lot of back and forth for 4 weeks not knowing what was going on until eventually I was told it was not viable. I didn’t work out during all of that and now that my miscarriage is almost over I have gotten back to low impact – tradmill, elliptical, stairmaster, etc but I literally feel like I’m starting from scratch, it’s tough. I don’t even think I could run a mile straight right now and I’m discouraged to build all that up again. It took me so long to become “a runner” and I’m scared I don’t have the patience or desire to build up to it again…Anyway, that’s my sob story – Being sidelined isn’t fun no matter what the reason!


Oh how timely this post is! I am just now coming off of a 7 week hiatus running break due to runner’s knee..bleh! The bike and the elliptical were my bffs during this time. My knee started acting up after my last marathon and I’ve been going to treatment and PT. It all stemmed from weak hips so I am determined to keep my hips strong now! Thanks for the post! :)


I should NOT have read this post. It’s adding to my sadness about not running. I’m finally in a walking boot following ankle surgery and it’s been since December that I was allowed to run. My physical therapist says I’ll run “this year.” THIS YEAR?!?!?! Heartbreaking, especially as I’ve had running dreams several times lately. I’ll have to live vicariously through your runs!


When I was training for my marathon, I got the flu and didn’t run for a little over a week. It was really hard for me to do absolutely nothing. Picking back up with my training was a bit difficult because my body still felt a wee bit weak, and I definitely felt I had lost some of my hard work. Pretty interesting to see how many days it takes to lose it.


I strained my hip flexor the week of my first 5k & I ran it anyway & finished & was sooo proud of myself, then I could barely walk. It was awful & I couldn’t run again for 3 months. Trader Joe’s is building a store here!!! (Baton Rouge). I’m soooo excited. I’ve never been to one before.


I’m dealing with Morton’s Neuroma now and trying to learn to run with a metatarsal lift in my shoe…My foot does not like it! The doctor has given me the go ahead to keep running as long as the pain isn’t too bad. I would have never thought a tiny nerve in the foot could cause so many problems! Grrrrr


Interesting read! Always curious to know the science behind how quickly you lose fitness when sidelined by an injury…. Hope you are back on your feet soon!


I actually have a running injury (hip tendonitis) right now and haven’t ran in a month. :( I’m going crazy with the lack of it. This is a very interesting post. I hope that I haven’t lost much fitness with the lack of running! I have done a lot of biking and core workouts as well as strengthening my hips. The last grocery store that I went to was prolly Kroger. I wish we had a traders jos by us! My favorite kind of hummus is the kind we make! I love to make it at home!


I’ve got 12 weeks left of this pregnancy and haven’t been able to run since week 12…so I’m basically going to have to start all over :( I’m still walking a lot and doing some weights, so hopefully that will help keep me in fighting shape…plus once little girl gets here, I envision a lot of walk/runs with the BOB!
Went to TJ’s last night – love that place!
Favorite Hummus is from Sticks Kebbab Shop – seriously, the best!


Very interesting info!! I´ve always wondered how much fitness was “lost” when I didn´t run for a couple of days! Thanks!!


I was training for the San Diego marathon and injured a butt muscle (lacking the name of it right now) 6 months before the race. I immediately started working with a trainer and got back into shape before the race!

I used the bike and elliptical during that time for my cross training and that elliptical kicked my butt! It kept me moving forward with training, I never missed a beat!


When was your last running injury that you had to take a lot of time off for?

I strained my calf, nothing too serious – that was almost 8 years ago, and I took a week off. After I had Elijah, almost 5 years ago I took 4 weeks off from running – per doctor recommendation.

What cross training have you done during an injury?

I have biked and used the elliptical. Also walking at a fast pace.

Last grocery store that you went to?

Hannaford :)

Favorite kind of hummus?

Roasted Red Pepper and Garlic yum


I loooove TJ’s hummus! We always buy it! As for injuries, I haven’t had any (knock on wood!) but I found that article really interesting!



Is Brooke rocking a side ponytail in that picture of her in the buggy at TJ’s? It looks like it!


我不得不花时间从跑步。长est 8 weeks for a stress fracture and the latest this summer I was off 4 weeks. Years ago I would have just trained through the pain but I think I finally learned my lesson. Heal completely now or it will take longer later. The wonderful thing is that I have came back stronger and faster each time. It really stinks not running. Hope you are back at it soon injury free!


I’ve never had to take more than two weeks off since I started running about 6 years ago, but I usually feel like I start to loose fitness after a week or so. I can still go out and run fine, but my body’s natural pace is slower than when I last ran. I had the flu for about 9 days in January and after I got back to running the motion felt awkward! It was so strange because running usually feels so natural to me.

Love your blog Janae! :)


oh girl, i usually love the foods you love – but that hummus. YUCK. i had it in the quatro sampler and i almost spit it out!! the cilantro jalapeno hummus is the best one, please go try that next time :) brooke will approve!


Currently my popliteal muscle in my right knee is causing me terrible pain. I’ve sen the physio and about all you can do is just stay away from running.

I had to mentally get away from running which was much harder than the physical part. I’m shooting for a April 1st restart which would put me somewhere in the 8-10 weeks off range. Going to be a slow restart.



I think I’ve just “diagnosed myself” with Achilles tendonitis. I’m gong to see a doctor on Friday. I’m so disappointed because I’ve finally gotten to where I’m running consistently and now this… Ugh. I don’t want to make it worse, but I also don’t want to lose my fitness. Anyone else struggled with this injury? What did you do while recovering?


你好,我爱你的博客!只是太好了,我刚刚发现it, and already its my fairouvte blog! Its like your blogging from my heart :-)Go ahead..I say it with a smile like this wonderful lady! smilla

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