Brooke really likes baby dolls all of the sudden. I just feel like I need to tell you every little new thing that she is doing and I hope you are okay with that.

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PS Brooke’s playroom is bigger than our entire old apartment was…she is in heaven.

My parents’ neighborhood always has a big block party each year just after school starts and I always went to them growing up but this was Brooke’s first time going to one. She had to be on my Dad’s shoulders to be able to see everything that was going on.

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最好的部分block party:

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They always have a big dinner at the party but Brooke and I had 3 hot dates to get to so we waited to eat dinner until we got to Awful Waffle.

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Megan 1,Megan 2andAsh(SHE IS DUE NEXT WEEK WAHOOOO!!!!)

This place gives you complimentary fries with your crepe (I had the bbq chicken crepe…aka bbq chicken pizza folded up and stuffed into a crepe) and even though it was only 6 free fries, they are still free and free food always tastes the best.

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If you ever come to Utah and you want me to take you somewhere for something you must eat while you are here I will take you for this waffle:

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And then Megan 1 gave these to me as I was leaving:

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I had no idea that they sold candy corn and peanuts combined for you. Brach’s must have read my blog last fall and saw my obsession with putting them together and then came up with the idea of selling them like this.

I know in the last post I said chocoalte and pb were the best food combinations ever but that is only because I forgot about candy corn and peanuts which really are the best food combination ever.

I am really looking forward to a trail run this morning, these legs of mine are currently begging me for a nice recovery run.


True feelings about candy corn (I won’t be too mad at you if you say you don’t like them)? Ever tried the peanut and candy corn combination?

Favorite Fall food that you are looking forward to?

If we all came to visit you in your city, what restaurant or dessert place would you take us to?

What type of run do you have today?

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Candy corn is amazing! I love the peanut combination. It’s JUST LIKE a payday!
I’m ready for bon fires this fall with the kids! And Halloween races! I’m making my bf dress up with me!


I cannot stand candy corn. The texture is too much for me, so dry.

Favorite Fall Food- Everything Pumpkin! I’ve already had my Pumpkin Spice Coffee and it’s not even September yet :)

Easy Mileage for me (8 miles) because I am racing this weekend.

That is one awesome block party Janae…super jealous!


I am pretty sure Brooke has more friends then I do LOL. I’m glad you are enjoying yourself. I like candy corn a lot. I think this Halloween I might go for making candy corn pancakes.

Right now in VA, I would take everyone (so erm all five people that would come) to Broken Egg Bistro because they have the best pancakes, waffles and eggs…and coffee. You can get French vanilla creamer! :-).


haha! This made me laugh out loud because I’m the same way…I always read Janae’s posts like man, Brooke has way more friends than me!!

And I love your waffle/pancake recipes…please make a candy corn one! :D


I LOVE candy corn. So, so much. That waffle looks delicious and love Brooke with her little dolls! I have such great memories of my own annual neighborhood block party growing up. Shame, one neighbor complained and thus it had to get shut down. So sad how one person can ruin it for everyone.


That block party is such a cute idea!!! Looks like such a fun neighborhood! Sorry….I am a big fat no for candy corn!
Fall food…hmmm….pumpkin bread! pumpkin scones, caramel apples. It is kinda hard to think about fall since it is going to be like 100 degrees and 101 tomorrow!
Today is a short easy run to gear up for my long run tomorrow…


Ewww candy corn! But NOT ew to that waffle.. omg it looks amazing! I wish my neighborhood was cool and had parties, but I don’t even know my neighbors! My run today is my first official high school cross country race!!


I want a waffle right this second!

I love candy corn but only in small doses. Reese’s cups are my jam.

If you visited Louisville, KY (we have a BQ marathon in April! You should come) I would totally bake my own treats for you but to eat, we have the best pizza here! Seriously, so delicious and dangerous.


I don’t hate or love candy corn. I can’t believe it’s almost fall! I’m looking forward to apple pie and pumpkin waffles (TJs has a great pumpkin waffle mix).

I’m not running today! It’s a rest day.


Our neighbors did a back to school block party last weekend and it was a blast! I LOVE candy corn. If you come to see me we are going to Lindy’s to get cake balls then sprinkles to get cupcakes :-)


Okay any place called awful waffle sounds like my kind of restaurant. It really does sound pretty fantastic. Personally I don’t like candy corn, I’m more of a twizzlers/Swedish fish kind of girl, but that means more for you, right?


Talk about major food envy from this post!

If you came to my town in England, I would take you to a cafe called Flat White cos they do the BEST rocky road there. Chocolates, marshmallows, cookies all in one awesome goop blob.

Yesterday I tried something called MetaFit which seriously destroyed my legs, so today’s run will be a gentle one enjoying the scenery and loosening up my poor quads!


I do NOT like candy corn, I feel like it is one of those things you either love or hate. I have tried the combo and they are slightly more tolerable in that form but chocolate and PB are the way to go!

I’m looking forward to pumpkin flavored thing and enjoying hot coffee again, it has been so hot here that drinking anything warm has been repulsive.

There are so many restaurants we’d go to, hitting up cupcakes and ice cream first of course.

No run for me, considering some yoga or a bike ride.

Brooke is getting cuter every day!


有几个我obse的万圣节ssed with candy corn. Since then, though, I don’t really have any desire for them! My favorite fall food would just have to be anything and everything pumpkin flavored! I’m excited for my boyfriend’s mom’s homemade pumpkin pie/pumpkin cheesecake, depending on which one she will make this year! And lastly, in Duluth, MN, I’d have to send you to The Duluth Grill (look them up!) for dinner and their homemade pies – which are AMAZING.


I only really like the candy corn pumpkins. However, candy corn is sugar, so I would never say no if someone offered it to me.

I’m so excited for fall, just for the sake of the weather!


I really do not like candy corn sorrrrry. When it comes to food my favorite dessert place here is alexandria cupcakes, mmmm. And when it comes to running… I will probably be rowing and lifting today!


I love candy corn. I especially enjoy the candy pumpkins, or the candy corn that is maple flavored. It’s hard to believe, but the other night I actually had TOO much candy corn. I really enjoy all foods that are fall. It’s not even just the taste, but the smell of fall foods.


I enjoy candy corn, but couldn’t eat an entire bag or anything. I actually want to start trying out new local restaurants because you are always talking about how delicious they are, so Pittsburgh has to have some, right?! I probably would’ve eaten at all three places you went last night! Haha I have a speed run today, but my legs are awfully sore from lifting yesterday so I’m not sure how this will go!


I moved to Pittsburgh in January and I have tried a few places downtown, but haven’t found any cool, local places yet…if you find some, let me know :)


A block party sounds and looks awesome! I love candy corn! I will be looking for the combination at my grocery store. I’m not really looking forward to any fall food, but I am looking forward to the foliage changing. Will enjoy that a lot. If you came to visit me, I would cook my famous chicken enchiladas for you, they are better than anywhere I could take you to eat. I was given the green light to run, but a very slow run. Have a great day Janae!


Hooray for Fall Candy!! The don’t sell candy corn here in England (at least, I can’t find it!)– they are all about gummy-type candies. Yuck! I love peanuts, so I’ll have to try the Candy Corn combo. I like that block party idea!


I like candy corn, but it quickly becomes too much. And I quickly have a belly ache. I’ve never tried candy corn and peanuts.

I live in cincinnati. So. We have skyline chili, LaRosas pizza, graeters ice cream, but there is also a little place just up the street from us called kolorkones that has the best waffle cones ever (homemade like 30 minutes before consuming- I’ve had them still be warm before) and be sure to come during the summer and I’ll definitely take you there.

I had an easy 3 mile run today that wasn’t so easy. I twisted my ankle yesterday morning on my run and actually came home a quarter mile into my run. But it felt fine this morning so I went ahead and ran. About a mile in, it was aching. Add that to 99% humidity and I felt like death when I got home. Yuck!

Oh favorite fall food? Gotta be starbucks pumpkin spice latte. I heard they’re out, but I haven’t had one. I can’t bring myself to get one when it it 90 degrees outside.


Janae – if you really want to take your candy corn and peanuts to the next level you MUST try them with Reese’s pieces. Trust me. My husband and I struggle to find the perfect ratios all season long :)


That sounds heavenly!


Fries with your crepe? I’ve only had crepes for breakfast with fruit in them so the idea of all these weird random combos makes my stomach question the sanity…. and so does the candy corn with peanuts but Popeye would be all over that jazz.


I like candy corn but can only eat it in small quantities!! I’m most looking forward to pumpkin EVERYTHING!


I love candy corn and I love peanuts I can’t wait to try them together!


I’m not huge on candy corn, but I’m definitely looking forward to fall foods. No specific one really, but just all the warm comforting bowls and pumpkin/apple flavoured deserts in general. And speaking of desserts, if you ever visited, I would definitely take you to Duchess Bake Shop. Their scones, cookies, and pastries are just out of this world.


Candy corn & peanuts are one of my favorite combinations. I am obsessed with the candy pumpkins in the fall. My favorite fall food is pumpkin anything. I LOVE pumpkin. I got my e-mail from Einstein’s that their pumpkin bagel is back and I will be enjoying one within the hour :)

Today is an off day since I have class tonight…and that is fine by me. I need a rest day.

That block party looks like so much fun! My new goal is to live on a block that has block parties!!


whoa. was that a waffle with nutella and strawberries?!?! remember yesterday when you were eating a boring lunch and your brother sent you a pic of his more delicious looking lunch? haha, that’s how I feel right now while eating my boring oatmeal :(


I’m not a huge fan of candy corn, but if you put candy in front of me–no matter what kind it is–I’ll eat it. :)

If you came to visit us, I’d take you to the ice cream shop that’s right down the street from us. They make their own ice cream, and my favorite is the toasted coconut!


good food combo, always: pb&j. these bars were sooooo good, i made them for my students at school:

LOVE candy corn, can’t wait to try with peanuts. looking forward to pumpkin anything/ everything.

i’d take you up to parker pie where they make amazing gourmet pizza but it’s WAAAAY out in the woods, so a total hidden gem. the last one i got was caramelized onions, bacon, spinach, garlic (lots!), lots of cheese, olive oil, and a drizzle of… wait for it… maple syrup!!! (we’re in VT… obvis)

no run today! rest day! xx


Ugh….I went to school in VT and seriously dream about the food there! I miss it so much. Sugar house breakfast please!


mmm. come back and visit!

sugar on snow… nom nom nom.


Look at all those desserts! I would have parked myself between those two tables and remained there all night.

Candy corn is just okay to me. Definitely better when combined with peanuts.

My Favorite Fall food is anything in a crockpot. I really want my veggie chili but it’s like 100 degrees this week so that’s not happening anytime soon.

We are kind of known for our BBQ. So I would probably take you there. Of course, I would just have the fries dipped in BBQ sauce, cole slaw and strawberry pop. No meat for me!


I am also a candy lover :) if you love adding peanuts to candy combinations you definetly need to try red apple Jelly Belly jelly beans with salted peanuts! OMG they are delicious together, almost like a peanut butter covered apple but its candy instead!


I will be honest and say I don’t really like candy corn. It just has never been my thing. BUT I was at the store the other day and I saw S’mores flavored candy corn and that caught my eye because everything s’mores related is amazing to me!


I went to the track for the first time since high school. The way sun hit the track reminded me of my cheering and track days. I told my gf with me I wanted to bust out a toe touch but I figured I might hurt my almost 30 something body. I also looked at the track markings for the hurdles! I remember my coach yelling at me for not taking 3 steps between each a hurdle which was 15 ft and I would always take 5 steps and 11 years later….still 5 steps. The speed workout was amazing. So on the weekly agenda for now on. I was high on life.


I want another waffle right now. :) It was so delicious! Oh My YUMMY!

So glad we got to hang out before Baby Urie makes his arrival!


I never liked candy corn growing up, and then I tried it again last year and LOVED IT. I have to limit myself to one bag during the season otherwise I would probably turn into one.


WHAT! i made candy corn + peanuts my snack of choice after reading about it on your blog last fall, so this is the BEST NEWS EVER. i mean seriously.
also, yo baby just keeps getting cuter. :)


I love learning new things about Brooke :) True feelings about candy corn, I remember one year for halloween, since I didn’t want to go trick or treating, my mom got me a bag of candy corn, I finished the bag that night….I kind of love them :) I’m pretty sure I would love the combination of peanuts with them too! Well since my town is so small, and there isn’t really any restaurants here, I would take you to one of the bigger ones near me, probably a place called De Veres. They make reallly good authentic Irish food, my heritage :) Long run is today! I couldn’t be more excited!!!


Truth about candy corn? I really hate it. I also think I’d really hate cottage cheese, but you always used to rave about eating it with grapes, so I’ve actually been considering trying it.

If you came to Louisiana – in the fall/winter, we’d eat gumbo. If it was crawfish season, we’d have to have that. No questions asked.


Im excited for anything with pumpkin in it!


I hate candy corn! I am most looking forward to everything pumpkin! I think I will need to bake something pumpkin this weekend :)
The Cool Beans bus downtown, it is a converted double decker bus into a coffee and sandwich place, plus they always have great baked goodies too.


oh my…..candy corn and peanuts are so good and throw in some m&m’s….. over the top yum! I’m most looking forward to pumpkin muffins and pumpkin lattes!


Once a kid holds a baby doll they start looking so much older!!

Right now I’m getting my legs and mind ready to go do some 400s and then collapse!


I do like candy corn!! I have tried random flavors of it every season too…like there was a fruity pink kind around Valentine’s Day and an Easter blend too. Have you ever had the caramel apple candy corn??? It’s really good too.

My favorite foods that come out in the fall are pumpkin spice marshmallows (I buy BAGS every fall and honestly don’t use them in cocoa much, I just eat them like a snack haha!) and candy corn M&Ms (<–soo good! I don't think they taste like candy corn but I love them anyway). I think I am the only person on planet earth who doesn't like pumpkin spice coffee or whatever at Starbucks. I just think it tastes like cinnamon. Not a bad thing but not a pumpkin-y enough for me!

我住在匹兹堡附近,我觉得其中的一个most interesting food things they have around here is the Primanti Brothers' sandwich…fresh Italian bread, whatever kind of meat you want and then they throw fries and cole slaw on it! I don't like cole slaw so that part is lost on me but they are still pretty good :)

Have a great day, Janae!!


在一袋玉米糖和花生吗? ?我们是上帝en? I can’t believe I’ve never seen those before. Florida needs to get its act together. And Megan 2’s and Ash’s blogs are so adorable! Thanks for sharing :D


I don’t like candy corn or peanut butter. What is wrong with me? I can do chocolate all day though.

If you came to Austin, I’d have to take you to Gourdough’s or Hey Cupcake! Both are very awesome dessert places.

I don’t think I’ll get a run in. I’m so sore that it hurts to walk. Maybe towards the end of the day I’ll feel better and go to spin class?


I love love love candy corn & candy pumpkins. I try to make myself wait until October but they’re already in the store. It’s getting harder & harder to wait. But I’m starting to think they would make good running fuel!

That waffle puts my smoothie breakfast to shame this morning… :(


candy corn and pumpkins as running fuel = best. idea. ever. I’m training for a half right before halloween and as soon as it’s september I am going to buy myself some.


-I honestly don’t like candy corn, I just never have. Chocolate and peanut butter, like you said yesterday, is still my favorite combination : )

-I’m excited for all things pumpkin and apple!!


Candy corn is pretty good, though it’s a good thing it’s only around once a year.

My favorite fall food is probably apple cider.


In the words of Noggin, “I don’t like Candy Corn I don’t like candy corn, I would even eat my own feet, I bet they taste better”

I do love me some fall apples.


No run today…had an accident last night and broke a toe :( Sitting on the couch pouting.


I had a nice 5 mile run this morning. I ran super speedy because it looked like the sky was going to open up and pour down on me at any minute. My neighborhood used to have a block party every summer and the highlight of it was the bouncy castle!


Omg I love candy corn, have you ever tried dipping them in peanut butter? I know everyone thinks I’m crazy when I say it but it actually tastes like the inside of a reese’s peanut butter cup and once people try it they completely agree!! Just try it!


I think Brachs must read your blog. They probably realized that you’re a genius and will now follow all of your suggestions. You should suggest they sell single serving bags of candy corn for those of us with zero self control… Oh and they should make more shapes. Like bats! And cats! Brooms and witch hats! So many ideas…


I LOVE candy corn! I try to only eat it in the month of October lol. I will have to try it with peanuts this year!! My run this morning was 3 miles moderate pace. If you came to my city, I’d take you to Keke’s. It’s my favorite breakfast spot!


I LOVE candy corn, it’s one of my favorite candies but my husband won’t let me eat it because he calls it “headache in a bag”. I always always get a migraine from it. I can eat a LOT of sugar and not get a headache but something about candy corn…bam. migraine.



I love candy crack (because frankly, we all know that’s what is basically is) but I never thought to combine it with peanuts. I’ll have to try when I pick up a bag, which inevitably will be soon!


I love candy corn! Such sugary goodness!
Fall food: I love how everything is suddenly pumpkin flavored. Plus I love making soups so it will be nice to make those again. Summer is just too hot!
Today I’m thinking of doing a 5-6 mile run. I want to do a reallllly long run on Saturday so I don’t want to wear out my legs too much during the week.


Yes! I also love candy corn and peanuts together. My friend also put puppy chow in with that combo one time. That was even BETTER!

Favorite fall food?! Pumpkin EVERYTHING! I’m kind of obsessed.


I think we all know that if candy corn is the only thing available, I’ll take it but I won’t be happy about it.
And I can’t wait for pumpkin pie, apple cider, soup… I already have my glade apple spice scented candles ready so I can be sitting at home hungry all day long.
I think we need to go to Baked & Wired. Or Sprinkles. Or just do a Georgetown cupcake crawl.


I’m going to a fun run. It’s my birthday so they better give me the race entry that is being raffles off tonight. I didn’t run this am because in quite sore from a fall down the stairs yesterday. Tonight will be an easy run.


I’m not a HUGE fan of candy corn, but I think I might really enjoy the peanut/candy corn combo.

I live close to Baltimore, so we would have to take an eating tour so you could taste all of the great crab cakes in town :-). Dessert would be graham cracker ice cream from a local place…it’s seriously the best ice cream ever.

8 easy miles are scheduled for today! Enjoy your trail run!

PS感谢马king me have food envy this morning.


I like candy corn but try not to buy it because I will inhale the entire bag in approximately 20 seconds.

If you came to Rochester, NY I guess there are a few places I would have to take you- but one is a tapas restaurant walking distance from my house with amazing food, drinks and a really yummy Chocolate Stout Guinness cake for dessert.


OH MY GOSH… I’ll have to tell everyone around the office..We’ve been buying bags of peanuts & candy corn & combining for YEARS!!! This will be big news around here!


I am still laughing at my stand off ish picture. #soawkward
And that waffle was amazing!

The picture of Brooke with her baby is adorable. And that block party looks legit….along with all those treats. Your parents neighborhood knows what is up!!

I never really liked candy corn. But Ross does, so I would buy it for our house as a ‘safe’ treat. You know, one I could keep in the house to appease my husband, but that I wouldn’t eat the entire bag in one serving. That is, until the day I ate some with peanut m&m’s….and then my life changed. Then last year you introduced just peanuts with candy corn. So now they are no longer safe around me. lol. Plus, I have learned baking with them is always delicious.

Pumpkin is one of my favorite Fall foods, especially in baking. However, when I was pregnant with Evan my 1st trimester was during the Fall and I baked A LOT of pumpkin treats and then the nausea set in and it took me a good 3 years to want to think, look at or smell pumpkin again. I am glad that aversion is finally gone.

Have so much (or I hope you had) fun on your trail run this morning! I did turbo kick this morning, just got Anna off to school and I am planning on doing some weights now. Let’s see if I get motivated enough. I want to try your sisters arm work out! I want to be sore for 3 days!! :)


omg I am so excited about that candy corn peanuts combo. My family has been eating this every fall since middle school. Love it!!


I do not like candy corn unless it is combined with peanuts- and now I must hunt for that bag of premixed deliciousness!

I LOVE fall foods. Anything pumpkin, apple cider, hearty stews. Although I am so sad for summer to leave I am looking forward to fall.

Rest day for me, saving my legs for a new PDR this weekend (16 miles!)


Today, I have a track workout with my running group.
Fall Favorite would have to be all the pumpkin flavored things (I just walked by Peet’s Coffee and they have their pumpkin lattes!).


I don’t like peanuts, so I mix candy corn with dark chocolate M&Ms.

If you come visit me (Tri-Cities in southeastern Washingston state), I’ll take you to Frost Me Sweet – great little bakery & lunch bistro with awesome appetizers, panninis, salads, (plus parmesan garlic fries!), etc.; and UH-MAY-ZING cupcakes like Salted Caramel, Lavendar Lemonade, Peanut Butter & Chocolate, and more than 150 others (not all available everyday, of course).


I’m not a fan of candy corn – at all. But I’m glad we can still be friends.

That waffle looked delicious. So good.

My favorite fall food I look forward to is corn on the cob. So delicious.


I have to try the candy corn/peanut combo!

I am really looking forward to pumpkin-everything. And chili.

No run today due to a broken ankle, but finally get to walk without crutches!! So walking around the grocery store will be my workout :)


I can take or leave candy corn. I always like the first few but I get sick of them REALLY fast. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Brachs company did read this on your blog because I NEVER saw them in stores before now!

My favorite fall food is homemade applesauce and everything pumpkin!


Ah no fair! Victoria BC is such a foodie place you’d HAVE to come for a month to try the best places!

Breakfast (there are way too many to choose from…) but right now Jam is my favourite… Soooo good!

Lunch- The Reef (delicious Caribbean food and awesome atmosphere)

Dinner- Pagliaccis (best pasta restaurant I’ve tried!)

Also… I love candy corn but can’t eat too much at a time because it makes me feel a bit sick. And fall foods are the best! But I will be sad to say goodbye to summer barbecues…


I have the best kind of run – the first one after an injury! :D


I love how your parents are getting so much brookie time! I think that’s the silver lining in everything that has been going on. Brooke is the luckiest girl alive!


I don’t like candy corn–sorry!! :(

Mmmmm waffles sound so tasty!

YAY for Ash!! I can’t wait to see her little adorable button of a boy! <3


What a fun day! Haha I am sure the Brach’s made that just for you, I always think of you when I see candy corn!


Love candy corn so much I hate it. I always gorge myself in the stuff until I’m sick to my stomach. Why do I do that!?

Ran my first 5k outside (as in not on a treadmill) in almost 3 years.


你应该完全得到分支给你的信用for the combo and pay you or send you a lifetime supply. I like candy corn, but generally try to stay away from it because my brain doesn’t stop me when I’ve had too much sugar and I will eat it until it’s gone. It’s definitely my brain and not a willpower thing for anyone who wants to disagree;)

I had an easy 10 this a.m. I am still trying to recover after my poorly planned training run on Monday than was supposed to be 18, but ended up being substantially more without eater/fuel because I decided I didn’t want to run a “boring” road. Not my brightest moment.

If you all came here to visit we’d definitely go to the Creamery on campus and Meyer’s Dairy.

Enjoy your trail run!


I like candy corn, but only in small doses. I haven’t tried that combo, but I can bet that I’d like it!

I’m looking forward to pumpkin pie…and pumpkin everything. pumpkin is a common theme in my kitchen in the fall.. If you came to Melbourne, FL, I would take you to the Tiki Bar, or to this little Thai fusion place downtown that is DELISH! Then we’d go to Main Street Pub and drink cheap beer and have a great time. Or we could just dance.

I ran 3 miles today and it was such a good run..much better than the last two runs that I’ve had :)


I love candy corn, particularly the pumpkin shaped ones. Except, then my teeth feel like they’re going to fall out.

My fav fall food I’m looking forward to is pumpkin pie and pumpkin lattes at Starbucks :) See a trend here.

Easy 7 miles today.

If you came to my town I would probably take you to Jake’s, a Tex-Mex joint, and force you to try their to-die-for frosting on either thier cake or cookies. Heck, I should probably just get your addess and mail it to you, because I’m pretty sure you would travel all the way back to central Cali to try more!


What??! I need that bag of candy corn and peanuts in my life pronto tonto!


Fall is all about the Pumpkin Spice Latte and Pumpkin Beer – YUMMMMM


I am not a fan of candy corn but I do love crepes. I ate them at least twice daily while in Paris. I am super pumped for butternut squash, pumpkin muffins and pumpkin beer. Fall food is the best!


The candy corn and peanut combination is delicious! I first read about it on your blog last year and I had to try it. My husband thought it was the weirdest thing in the world until he tried and now he’s hooked too. It’s so cool that they now package it together. You’re taking over the world, one candy bag at a time!


Brooke is absolutely the cutest! PS. That bouncy house looks AMAZING! Gotta love everything Disney :)


I love reading about Brooke apart from your everyday adventures. She’s simply adorable and her face makes and lights up the day. In fact, thank you for sharing with us! ((: Never get tired of hearing about Brooke!


Oooooo…I LOOVE candy corn until I inhale the bag in like 30 seconds and then I feel so sick I hate it and want to vomit and swear I’ll NEVER eat it again. If you came to town I would take you to Fenton’s for grilled cheese and AMAZING ice cream sundaes.


Okay, can I come to your parent’s next block party? THE DESSERTS HOLY COW!!!! I LOVE candy corn and cannot wait to buy some. You know what’s better than candy corn? The little pumpkins. Those are the best. And I’ve never tried them with peanuts… I always put peanuts in my chex mix, though. Now THAT is amazing. It’s made it so that it’s impossible for me to eat chex mix sans peanuts now. It always feels like something’s missing.



Ha! If you came to Austria I’d hike up a mountain with you. The food up there tastes even better than down in the valley. One of my favorites is “Kaiserschmarren” ( just google it…)

favorite fall food: roasted chestnuts!

run of today: just 30 min hilly (my high hamstring tendinopathy is killing me…)


I cannot wait for pumpkin bread and chili! Those foods scream FALL to me. No run for me on the schedule because I did my long run (19 miles!!) last night! Anyone who visits Chicago NEEDS to go to Lou Malnati’s pizza. I’ve already decided that’s my post-long run reward dinner tonight.


That waffle looks delish!!!

I absolutely love candy corn. However, given the choice, I would choose candy corn pumpkins over the OG candy corns.

I am really, REALLY looking forward to apple cider donuts (the only donut I will eat), apple cider, apple crisp, pumpkin pie, and my mom’s pumpkin cookies with cream cheese frosting. OMG i’m starving now.

I’m supposed to do some speedwork today, so I will probably do some mile repeats, since those are my fave :)


The candy corn/peanut combo is sheer genius. I’m most looking forward to pumpkin chocolate chip cookies which my friend makes on the first day of fall. I can’t wait.
There are so many delish restaurants in the Dallas area but if I had to choose one it would be Durkin’s Pizza – best pizza around.


I do like to eat candy corn around Halloween, and I always have to eat each section separately.

Favorite Fall food that you are looking forward to?
Pumpkin Pie- I make myself wait until Thanksgiving Day to eat my first piece!

If we all came to visit you in your city, what restaurant or dessert place would you take us to?
Graeter’s Ice Cream- I don’t know how they do it, but the chocolate chunks in the ice cream stay soft like fudge. So delicious! Black raspberry chip is my fave.

What type of run do you have today?
I did a 5k on the treadmill during my lunch hour.


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The fall foods that I am looking forward to the most are spaghetti squash, pomegranates and pumpkin beer (that’s a food, right?)


I can’t eat candy corn anymore. I put it out last year in a cute little candy dish and we for about a week enjoyed a few here and there. Then a few months later, we bought a new dishwasher and when we pulled the old one out, there were several candy corns under there. I got so freaked out that some sneaky little mouse had been helping himself to our open bowl of candy corn and stowing them away. I will forever be traumatized now and can’t bring myself to buy more yet even though I would put it in a covered dish from now on. Never saw any other signs of mice anywhere but still freaked out. I can only imagine if I had peanuts mixed in there. The mouse would have been thinking he was in heaven! Enjoy your day!


I love your blog and love hearing about Brooke, she reminds me so much of my daughter Brianna.


That crepe looks so good! Pretty sure you wouldn’t find a BBQ chicken crepe in France, but it works for me! ;)


I used to HATE candy corn. But once I was pregnant with my daughter, my taste changed. I needed candy all the time and now I love candy corn. Especially with peanuts. it’s that sweet & salty combo that gets me.

I would have totally done some damage to that sweets table at the block party!!!


No way!
They totally got the idea from you… for real!
I have to try.

Ps- We (yes, I speak for the masses) love hearing about Brooke… keep it coming!


I love candy corn. The pumpkin shaped ones are my favorite because you get more candy corn in each piece!

I am more looking forward to the fall weather. Hello jeans and sweaters!!

If anyone is in Orange County, CA, I highly recommend Bruxie. They make waffle sandwiches that are out of this world. They also have really good ice cream and shakes! Here’s the link if you want to check them out:

I have a very hot/sweaty run this afternoon with some friends from college. If it is too hot to run, we are going to aquajog instead.


Every time I read a post you put up about dessert or candy I can’t decide who likes them more, you or me.
Candy corn is my favorite fall candy! I have never put them with peanuts but will have to try the combo.
I am really looking forward to Sea salted Caramel Apple pie that I make only in the Fall. It is to die for! I also really like Stuffing with gravy.
If y’all (I’m a definite Southerner) came to visit I would have to take you to this place that has the best burgers I’ve ever had. It is called Sesame and isn’t in my town but worth the trip. Where I live I would have to say a little place that has the best ever Chicken Wings and Raw Fries with Ranch of course! I like the Asian wings but they have a house and special flavors each week that are amazing.
I had a 6 mile road run this morning. I was able to get in 2 miles of running with walking in between. Getting back into running form after an injury is a real pain. But each day I see little improvements. A trail run would be devine these days.


They totally stole that mix from you!!


Can I just say that Awful Waffle is a terrible name for a resturant, lol!


I need that candy corn mix!!!!

For Fall food I would have to say all of thanksgiving!!


I love candy corn. I prefer them without the peanuts, and yes, I tried the mix before. I love those candy corn pumpkins the best though..soooo much sugar..mmmmm.

My town seriously lacks good restaurants, so we go out of town for the food. We have an awesome sushi place nearby that we love. Our favorite restaurants are all in other cities lol.. Our favorite places to eat are actually 800 miles away in Charleston SC or several hours away in either Stowe, Vermont or Boston. Ma.

Fall foods… Pumpkin bread, pumpkin spice coffee, mashed butternut squash and I make a fall apple chicken dinner that involves chicken thighs cooked in apple cider, butter, chicken stock and cream. Super easy and so good…but not low fat. And I serve it with a jasmine rice cooked in chicken broth and cider and then mixed with sautéed apple, onion, celery and pecans . Easy and delicious.

My run was 11 miles this morning and was great… First time in a week and a half without hamstring pain on my run… Woohoo.

I love how fun that block party looks … Used to have them growing up in my neighborhood. They were fun. Brooke looks like she is having fun perched on your dad’s shoulders.


我loveee玉米糖! !这是我的福avorite but it makes my stomach hurt. They are AWESOME with peanuts!


Love candy corn!!! Don’t like peanuts lol
I love Starbucks pumpkin spice lattes and basically any baked good involving pumpkin. Ooh! And honey crisp apples ;)


I would take you to Georgetown Cupcake… the original Georgetown Cupcake in Georgetown! I love candy corn, and love Indian corn even more! Do you like chocolate added, or are you a purist when it comes to candy corn?


Candy corn and peanuts has been a staple in my fall diet for years!
My fave fall food is anything pumpkin. I simply can.not.get.enough.
As for my run today, well…….I was to do an easy 7 miler but bailed because I went to the Maroon 5/Kelly Clarkson concert last night and didn’t get home until 2 am. Excuses I know but I figure I’m doing my tired body just as much good by not running crazy tired than running overtired. Um yah……..ok convincing myself. ;)


I LOVE candy corn and you can not go wrong with eating them with peanuts! Every fall, I get so excited about eating candy corn that I eat it until I am sick of it.

That crepe sounds wonderful!

If you came to Marion, Indiana, I would HAVE to take you to JuJu Berry. It is our froyo place and sooooooooo yummy! Other than that, I would probably say Casa Brava…our best Mexican place in town.

Favorite fall food…CHILI!!!!!!! YUM!!!


The picture of Brooke cuddling her baby is precious-I can almost hear her saying “awww” or something loving to it.
I can’t buy candy corn because I eat too much of it, but I may buy some this year to try with peanuts-you have me curious.
Favorite fall food is any type of soup and beef stew (with cornbread of course)
If everyone came to visit me in Cincinnati the very first place I would take you to is Graeter’s for their ice cream. Best. Ice Cream. Ever.


No Wonder I did not see you later on. I was trying to find you and talk with you but you were gone eating waffles!


I like a few candy corns in the fall, especially the pumpkins. I don’t think I’ve ever had candy corns with peanuts, but I’m willing to try.


I seriously think they stole your idea with the candy corn & peanuts. I have NEVER seen that before, or even heard of it until I met you :D


You need to come and visit…I will start researching ASAP!


我喜欢玉米糖,但之前的只有这么多了s me sick. Fall foods? PUMPKIN EVERYTHING!!!!! And especially pumpkin cake donuts from Krispy Kreme!!! I’d take you to pattycake bakery. I haven’t been to actual bakery because its in downtown Columbus, but they sell their baked goods at our local health food store, so I get stuff there. It’s a vegan bakery and if I hadn’t told you that, you would never be able to tell! So you can eat more….! ;)


Love candy corn—anything I can eat by the handful is dangerous!


Candy corn and peanuts. LOVE!! I cannot keep them in my house because I have zero self control. I would eat that whole bag of yours in one day. Not kidding.

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