5-4-3-2-1 on a Thailand Treadmill

如果你心情重新观看视频ally shaky (I haven’t figured out how to make a non-shaky movie while running) then here is one that I took from my Monday workout.

I am a vacation exerciser. I like to run and keep up with my training at least a little bit while I am away because it makes my vacation even better. I love to explore the area in my running shoes and I feel kind of weird when I don’t run so I keep up with it when I am away. The key for me is getting up and going (luckily, I didn’t deal with any jet lag) early before everyone else is awake so I don’t miss out on anything.

Yesterday I threw in a little speed by doing a 5-4-3-2-1 workout. Warm-up followed by 5 minutes fast (1 minute recovery pace), 4 minutes fast (1 minute recovery pace), 3 minutes fast… etc etc. I was planning on climbing back up the ladder but I was wasted by the last one so I finished the rest of my nine miles at a 7:45 pace and called it good.

Running on a treadmill that goes off of km instead of miles means that at least 70% of my run consists of me doing math conversions in my head.

Back in time for our normal breakfast over here (we have made it a goal to eat at this fabulous bakery every morning that I am here).

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What we ended up getting—> almond croissant, berry french toast, a chocolate croissant (my first one ever) and a sausage croissant. 2 people and we demolished these.

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And just because it is random, I had to get my picture with Ronald in the mall. My other goal is to not wash my hair the entire time I am here.

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Next up= a day at the Grand Palace and around 4 more watermelon smoothies.


Do you usually work out while on vacation?

If you could vacation anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?

What was the last speed workout that you did? Details!

Ever had a chocolate croissant?

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I always try to get a run or two on on vacation. I really love exploring new places by running too! Makes me feel less like a tourist :)


YES! Chocolate croissants are the best! :) So good as breakfast or as dessert or as a snack… definitely the most versatile and delicious food!

I do workout on vacation. I give myself permission to cut a run short if I’m just not feeling it (it *is* vacation after all), but I definitely still run even if its just on the hotel treadmill.


Watermelon smoothie? That sounds like heaven! It looks like you are having a great time :) I just read on the internet that Kim Kardashian is also in Thailand right now.

Yes! I do exercise on vacation so I can eat all the delicious food. And my family plans vacations where we travel to do a half marathon in a new city. We did that in San Fran and ran a half marathon across the Golden Gate bridge!


I like the way your family plans vacations! I bet that half was amazing! Have a great day Melanie… now I need to go find Kim;)


Thanks Janae! It was the coolest half I have ever done. I hope you have a great day and good luck finding Kim!


I think I lived on chocolate croissants when I was in Paris. I run on vacation and love it. I think its such a great way to see the area and I always feel so much better when I start my day with a run.


I always run on vacation and if I could go anywhere right now I would go to Hawaii or Costa Rica and surf.


I’m going on vacation to California in 10 days and I can’t wait! I’m looking forward to sightseeing runs while I’m there – both in San Francisco and San Diego. It’ll be my first time in both cities!

Chocolate croissants were my favorite in Paris!


Exercise on vacation is hit and miss for me. It depends on the purpose of the vacation and if I have my kids with me or not.


I want to go to Thailand!! Someday. I am settling for Maui this summer (#firstworldproblems).

I love runcations! We do one or so a year. Last year we went to San Fran and this year we are going back to NYC for my 3rd NYC marathon!! I am taking my 7 year old son and he is *so* excited!!


Yes, I always run on vacation. In fact, most of my vacations in recent years have revolved around races. :)

Loved the video of your run! That was neat to see and fun to hear you narrate. :)


Vacation anywhere….France or Italy. Especially now. It has been freezing rain here for 22hours straight and another 15 or so hours in the forecast BOOO!
Did a speed workout yesterday 2k warmup with 8×1k @10k race pace or better with 8×500m recovery and 2k cool down……nailed it and boosted my confidence for my race in 6 weeks!
Chocolate croissants, yes, love them and I have a yummy recipe for them :) The perks of being a baker trained by a french pastry chef.


LOL I have the same picture with Ronald Mcdonald when I was in Thailand hehe


Did you eat the McDonalds? I hope it still tastes the same. USA vs CAN mcDonalds tastes a bit different – and not every McD’s has Root Beer here in Cali! WHY NOT.


I love working out on vacation. Running in new places is always exciting, except when you accidentally run into a not safe place… that is motivation to go even faster!


Absolutely run on vacation. I love being a tourist on foot! I feel like I usually see more than others when I head out early… and I already know the lay of the land (a little!)


今天早上有一个巧克力羊角面包breakfa吗st! I LOVE them!


Wow! You look so happy and vibrant! I always feel so much better when I change life up and step outside of my comfort zone (like a different activity not necessarily a new country!) Keeping up some exercise is great on vacation! Have fun and bring some of this mindset back to the US! Enjoy!


I loooove almond croissants and that one looks amazing! If I could vacation anywhere right now it would be Cambodia :) I usually run on treadmills on vacation, I don’t always feel safe running by myself in strange countries. I tend to only do half my normal volume though, I like taking days fully off to do every little thing I can since I’m not always traveling.


It looks like you are having so much fun!!!


I just came back from NYC, but I’d go back in a heartbeat! :)


I usually do workout/run on vacation but I always just let myself do whatever I Feel like. I don’t do crazy workouts and I just try to enjoy it! It’s a great way to see a new place :)


You look EXACTLY like Curly in the pic with Ronald!!

我总是工作——它使度假时vacation even better!

My last speed workout was 8 x 400’s with a 400 jog in between. My garmin died on the 2nd one so I had to base it off of effort – ugh! Looks like you’re having so much fun!!!


Pastries are a must have for me when I travel out of the country (ok… and in this country too!)- these look yummy! When I travel most of the time my workouts are mostly walking.


I usually try to work out while on vacation, but it can be hard to stay motivated if I’m the only one who wants to work out.

If I could go anywhere right now, it would be New Zealand! Totally top on my travel list!

Chocolate croissants are amazing! There’s a little patisserie by my grandma’s house that we always go to when I visit her. We get coffees and split an almond paste croissant and a chocolate croissant. It’s kind of the best. :)


参观浮动市场时爆炸kok area. So neat!!


I’m SO JELOUS looking at all these photos. I just got back from Thailand as well and agree that the best part was the food. Worse was definitely attempting to run outside, I don’t think I’ve ever described air as chewable before. Just a tip, in addition to the smoothies, try the “pancakes” they usually sell at the same place..life changing. Specifically peanut butter banana. If you’re a spicy fan check out some of the massuman curry too. My fave! If I could vacay anywhere right now that’s exactly where I’d be again. Enjoy your trip.


I LOVE working out/running on vacation. It’s so cool to get to explore while running!
Vacation anywhere would probably have to be Italy.
I did speed this morning. I did about 12 400s @ a 6:30 and then ran another 3 with the hubs. He’s pretty new to training so we did 3 regular jogging minutes then 1 fast for 3.2 miles.
I had the best ever chocolate croissant at a place called Black Bird Bakery (I think?) on Bainbridge Island off of Seattle. OMG, amazeballs.


I count walking all over the place as my exercise! Although sometimes if I am at a hotel, then I do make time to use their machines (since they are usually better than my regular gym). You’re on vacation; you deserve a break!

Keep up all the entertaining photos!


I love running around new vacation spots. It really gives you a chance to see parts of new areas that you would never see by car. I have run through the vineyards of northern Italy, along the Thames outside of London, along the beach in the south of France and through many other awesome places! I can’t wait for my next running adventure! Thailand may need to be added to my list.

Oh, and chocolate croissant were my breakfast food every morning while I was in France? Yum!


We always workout on vacation.
We also have eaten at McDonald’s in every foreign country we’ve been too, yet we never eat there in the states.


I’ve never had a chocolate croissant but I need one ASAP now!


I try to stay active on some way while on vacation. Not sure how much running I’ll get to do on my upcoming trip, but I don’t want to lose all my fitness! I did 8×400 repeats last week and I really wanted to quit after 4 but I stuck it out!! I need a chocolate croissant, right now.


I’m glad you are enjoying your time in Thailand! I desperately want to visit there! The fact you had a water bottle on the run says a lot about the heat. Can’t wait for the next post :)


I have a picture with Thai Ronnie too! You should see a movie in the theater while you are there. It’s an experience :)


Mmmm a watermelon smoothie!

Gotta love the km to miles conversion! hah. Have a fun trip :)


Thanks for taking the video. I loved seeing a little of the area u r in.
Those pastries look so good.
Iove the pic of u and ronald. U r too cute!


Thanks for taking the video. I loved seeing a little of the area u r in.
Those pastries look so good.
Iove the pic of u and ronald. U r too cute!
I have to workout on vacation so I can eat all the yummy food!


Morocco! I’m hoping to plan a trip there after graduation. I love running when I’m on vacation–best way to explore a new place!


I definitely work out and run while on vacation. Running on the beach is the best. One of my best memories is picking up a game of doubles with some French guys in St. Maarten. I definitely want to go back to that island with my wife. Another great memory was running on a treadmill on a cruise ship as the ship pitched up and down. That was fun and hiking on the various islands we docked at was a blast. I definitely want to hit Europe next.


I’m quite happy for you to use kms instead of miles :-)
I can’t believe you’ve never had a chocolate croissant!! – I’m sure it won’t be your last.
I love to run when I’m holidays – I’ve usually got more time and as you say, it helps to really see the place.
I would love to take an Autism on the seas cruise with my family – the Disney one would be awesome.
Janae, did you feel safe running in Thailand?


So jealous- so want to be in Thailand again >.<

My last speed workout was with my running club last night! Totally tiring but totally worth it!! I started the session cold, tired & hungry! Wasn't cold or tired by the end!!


My boyfriend is a French-speaker so I’m taught no to say chocolate croissant but pain au chocolat ;). Love it but it’s a tie with pain au raisin!

I work out during my vacation if the weather permits that – I didn’t while in Thailad cause it was way too hot for me to run.

Enjoy the Grand Palace! I loved it but mostly remembered how hot it was since you had to cover your legs and shoulders.


I have recently subscribed to your blog. Living in the UK, I get such a kick out of receiving it daily. It’s so inspiring to read your posts and learn how others combine running with life ……… hugest thanks for giving us so much delight and sharing your journey. Ridsx


I definitely work out on vacation, I like to run to start my day so I can eat my face off. I also love that vacations include a ton of walking!

Vacation anywhere… I’d go to California. I haven’t seen my best friend in 2 years because she disappeared to Australia for a while.

Last speed work was… 1.5 miles warm up, .5 miles fast, push ups / squats / dips / abs, 1 mile easy, .5 fast, repeat exercises, and 1 mile easy, .5 fast, and exercises. Solid 5 miles. AND it was on vacation (in Detroit for a wedding, not the best city but meh).

Glad you are having so much fun!


Chocolate croissants from Zabaar’s in NYC are the best! Always used to eat them as a little girl!


“It’s about 200 degrees now.”…haha. It’s awesome you’re running there! Enjoy your trip!


I always work out when I am on vacation, too! Two years ago when my sister and I went to Mexico we were training for Boston and ran 20 miles together in the torturous heat and humidity. It was great though! If I could go anywhere, it would be somewhere hot…I am so tired of this cold winter! Need warmth and sun. Last speedwork was last wednesday…I ran 6 miles with 4 miles at 5K pace with 1/2 mile recovery between each mile.

And… chocolate croissants are my favorite! Loved them when I was in France!


I too love to explore via running. So when we are on vaca I try to get a few runs in at least. If I could vacation anywhere right now it would probably be Bora Bora. I’m obsessed with the little huts on the clear turquoise water with endless sun (can you tell we have been sun deprived in upstate NY). What is the weather like in Thailand?

I run workouts with the track team at the school I work at… we did a mile warm up, 5X1500 at X pace with 2 min recovery in btwn each, an all out 400 and mile cool down…. I could barely drive home:(


Based on the food you’re eating alone, I’d take a trip to Thailand right now if I could.

I usually run on vacation. It’s usually scaled back from what I normally run, but I still get out there every morning before everyone else is awake.


Those pastries look divine! I would be demolishing them too and the fruit! Have a great day looking forward to your next post.


I did workouts while in Costa Rica a few weeks ago. I had to get up early to do them because it was hot out early.

I do love chocolate croissants but I would always choose cheese first.

If I could vacation anywhere in the world right now I would probably say Italy.


Janae, I would love if you would make a page of some of your favorite running workouts and instructions for them. I know you always do fun stuff but can never remember or find specifics when I want to spice things up. Think about it!

Glad you’re having a great time!! It looks amazing!


I do usually work out on vacations, because most of my vacations are spent in New Orleans with family. But if I am sightseeing, I don’t, because I figure all the walking counts.

Speedwork: Yesterday I did my version of ladders, starting at 5.5 mph and increasing my speed .1 mph every 2 minutes up to 6.0 mph and then back down. Stop laughing! I know I’m slow.


I would go to Australia!!!


I just took a cruise for vaca and ran on the track on top of the ship and it was AMAZING!!!! It is so fun to run other places!

What do you use to track your runs going from outside to the treadmill?

You are awesome, i am so happy you are having so much fun!!!


I love using my runs as an excuse to get out and explore new cities. That and to make room for all the food. Seriously though, half the time I just do it to make more room for the next meal. Here’s hoping you get lots of both throughout your trip!


Oh my lord all the crousaints and goodies. Sounds like a perfect breakfast :)


It all depends on where I’m vacationing! If I’m in NY or somewhere where I will be walking around non-stop all day long, I don’t run. If I’m in Hawaii, I definitely work out! Wish I had your discipline!


Oh my gosh the food is amazing, i can not wait to go and eat ha ha ha. I love running whilst i am on holidays but it depends where i am, i live in Australia and recently went for a trip to Queensland, wow the runs were freakin amazing, the beautiful scenery kept me running.


I’m just getting back in the habit of running more than 2 times a week, let alone running on vacation =\ Gotta get back into that habit! And I’m terrified of speed work since the last time I did one I messed up my knee.


I love going running while on vacation. I don’t really feel like myself when I don’t workout. I would love to go anywhere warm and relaxing right now!


Mmmmm….chocolate croissants. So good! I had my first one in Mexico – bakeries in foreign countries are just so amazing!


chocolate croissants are my favorite

I went to a fasttrackparty workout tonight and almost puked during the drills…thought you would be proud that I kept it in for my first time visiting ;)

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