The time I thought I was going to die while in Thailand.

The hours of 3 a.m.- 1 p.m. hurt so badly. I got food poisoning from an Indian restaurant and I have never been so sick in my life. I will NEVER be able to even look at Indian food again.

幸运的是,我现在感觉更好一点nd we are headed to a tiny little island today. I am loving how we have split up the trip between spending time in the city of Bangkok and the rest of the time will be on the beach. I feel like it will be the perfect amount of both. PS people have been telling me that Kim Kardashian is in Thailand right now… I will do my best to find her.

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Pre-food-poisoning extravaganza of 2014:

Add another fun night exploring and eating through the city to the list.

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These malls are outrageous, I am not even taking this picture from the top floor.

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Mango and yogurt blended to perfection. The rest of the meal is what did me in and so I deleted that picture asap.

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Throw in another hour of walking around the mall and then we ended up at an ice cream parlor.

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Please note that that is a chocolate dipped cherry on the top. America really needs to start doing that too.

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And a few hours after the last picture is when I got really sick. No running for me today but I am hoping to get in some good runs on the beach tomorrow and friday!

Once my stomach is feeling back to normal I will be back to eating as many mangoes and watermelon smoothies as humanly possible.

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And a hello from Brookers. I can’t wait to see her again. We have a fun week planned out for when I get home.

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Ever had food poisoning? Where from?

Did you get in a run today? How far?

When is everyone’s next race?

-Not until the beginning of May for me!

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I love how you’re all, oh so casual, “I had food poisoning and felt like death. Tomorrow I run and eat everything!” LOL! You are one strong-willed chica.

I have not done my run today yet, and not sure if I will swap it out for weights (which I never, ever do and really, really should). I ran yesterday and Monday, and I generally don’t run three days in a row because my hip needs to rest. So we shall see! The weather might be too nice to ignore.


Oh man food poisoning is never good, but I’m glad your feeling better. Food still looks delicious and I cant believe the malls that you have been to. Beach should be a welcoming site.

Food Poisoning – Yup, chicken from one of the grocery stores. No Bueno!
Run Today – Just woke up, but run yesterday. Struggled through 4 miles.
Next RAce – Starting 4/26, Fiance and I have 4 races in 4 weekends, yikes what were we thinking lol


Oh no! I think Thailand is suppose to have food/water better for American stomachs than other Asian countries, but I was amazed at how you were coping with all the street food. My husband and I went to Bali (I know, very different), and got Bali Belly from what we think were ice cubes or fresh fruit. It was very ugly. I hope you feel better today!


The last time I had food poisoning, I was 9 months pregnant, it was over Christmas, and my husband and 2 year old also got it.
I’m about to do my run this morning, I’m shooting for 3.5 miles speed workout. And stalling by reading blogs and commenting, because I really don’t want to get started. Although I know I’ll be fine once I start going and will be glad I did afterward.
II haven’t officially signed up for any races yet this year! But I want to do a couple 5ks through the spring and then the AF Canyon Half in June.


I have a race every weekend for the next three weeks and i’m REALLY looking forward to all of them!

I have never had food poisoning but it is no joke so I hope you feel better!!

Enjoy the beach area!! Soooo jealous…it is going to be 50 here today and i have hearts for eyeballs over that because its been SOOO COLD lately!! :)


I’ve never had food poisoning but I know who had it real bad and now will not eat in restaurants at all ever that’s how badly he was traumatized by the incident.

Thankfully it wasn’t that ice cream that did you in because that looks beautiful…


Oh no! I’m so sorry you got sick! I hope you are feeling 100% soon! I got super sick on our honeymoon in Punta Cana. Luckily, it only lasted one night and part of a day, but man was that unpleasant!

PS I CANNOT wait to see beach pictures!


I’ve had food poisoning twice – once in Cuba (drink was bad I think) and once eating a bad cheesecake from some takeout chicken place. It was awful! Especially the time in Cuba – it ruined my last day there!

My next registered race is in May, but I might do once in April


Oh, I’m so sorry you got sick! I hope you recovery quickly and can FULLY enjoy your time on the beach!! My brother went to Phuket when he visited Thailand last year, and it looked like an amazing place!


I had food poisoning one time and it was the worst experience of my life. It was from some bad chicken and it was the reason I went vegetarian. Ugh. My next race is next Sunday and I’m so nervous!


Food poisoning is so bad – I had it from a sushi place once. You’d think that would be enough to make a person dislike sushi. It wasn’t.

My next race is Mothers Day. It’s a trail 10 in the Rockies. It was the first race I ever ran (2 years ago) and one of my favourites.

Brooke will be so excited to be reunited with you!


Thank the Lord, I’ve never had food poisoning! The hubs has, and it was no good.
I’m doing hill repeats tonight while my munchkins are in AWANAS.
My next race is 4/27! Woohoo!


I’m sorry you got food poisoning! No fun! I’m about to go out on a 6 mile run. I’m feeling a little iffy, so hopefully it turns out okay. Have fun the rest of your time in Thailand!


Ugh that is the worst – I am glad you are starting to feel better!

I had food poisoning once recently, and can you believe it was from a package of Romaine lettuce?? So crazy.


Thanks so much for sharing about your trip. It feels like we are traveling along with you. I was surprised at how much I adored the picture you posted of Brooke at the end of the post. I even said “ohhhhh” out loud! I guess I have just gotten used to seeing her beautiful face in your posts. Isn’t it weird how that happens in the blog world, when I don’t even really KNOW you?? There’s technology for you!
Enjoy your trip and your reunion with Brooke and your family!


我得到了一次食物中毒从橄榄园d it was the WORST. I was out for two days. It took about 4 years before I would eat there again, and I will never eat the dish that got me sick again!


I hope you continue to feel better Janae! I am sorry to hear that you were so sick.

我今天没有得到一个运行但天居st beginning here on the East Coast. Well, if you were here, you would have gotten in your run 4 hours ago haha. Enjoy the island that you are going to! Maybe Kim K will be there. I saw another post on Facebook that Kim was trying to take a selfie with an elephant.


I think I had a round with food poisoning yesterday, but I’m not so sure. It may have been a new supplement I started taking as well. Either way, it came on quickly & was violent and horrible. Feeling better today, just trying to get through the lingering stomach queasiness. Hope you’re feeling much much better too!

I was supposed to run 4 yesterday, but the whole stomach thing squashed that. Going to do 4 tonight after work. I have my first half marathon this Saturday!!! So excited (need to get my strength back too).

Good luck finding Kim K… would be totally hysterical if you did cross paths with her!

Are you seeing any activity regarding the search for the flight #MH370 while you’re there? Just curious as to how the media within Thailand is covering that horrible situation.

Have a great day Janae!


That last picture of Brooke! She looks like such a big kid. So adorable.

I’m about to attempt today’s run, but sticking to the treadmill because I’m feeling lazy and not sure how far I’ll make it. I figure any run at this point is a good one…only a few more weeks til the baby!

I’ve had food poisoning a few times and it is horrible! I really hope you’re feeling better!


Awww! Hope you are feeling better. Food poisoning is no fun at all. While I was living in the Middle East I got food poisoning from tuna. It was terrible! Hope you enjoy Phuket!


Oh I can relate to your food poison misery. I had while in Mexico years ago. It came on sudden during the middle of the night and last almost 24 hours. A doctor had to come to my hotel room to give me a shot to make it stop. It was horrible! Hope you feel better!


I got food poisoning from a friend’s house.

Next race is the end of May. Maybe my calf will heal by then.


Janae!! NOOOOO!!! Food poisoning is the worst! And to have gotten it from Indian food? #sads I could not live without Indian food so my heart especially breaks for you! Why couldn’t it have been over olives or something you hated anyway? ;) I have had food poisoning a couple of times. Once was with my favorite soup – minestrone. It took me a good 3 years before I could eat anything with kidney beans in it again!

I ran 6 miles today. Woot. I really hope I can run this whole pregnancy! No races planned until after the baby. Though I do think it would be fun to run one while pregnant :) If not I will just be at the finish line of all my awesome runner friends races!

我很确定他们去岛在海中son of The Bachelor/Bachelorette. I want to say it was Ashley’s season. I remember it being so beautiful. I kind of hate myself a little for remembering that and bringing it up. Can you please go back to Thailand again and take me with you? K thanks!


The worst food poisoning I ever experienced was in Thailand. Fortunately, it was my last day there so it didn’t ruin the vacation (our honeymoon) but I had to endure a 13 hour flight back to London and it was one of the worst journeys of my life. The pharmacy in Bangkok was brilliant though – great drugs to help alleviate the worst of the sickness!

I have a 10k this weekend and a half marathon scheduled for the end of the month.

Have a great time at the beach…I’m jealous!


Got it a couple of times in college… definitely not fun. I still can’t eat spanikopita.


I have gotten food poisoning multiple times. One was on our anniversary and the other was the day before thanksgiving. The one that happened before thanksgiving was awful and I didn’t fully recover for at least five days and had to go to the ER. I am glad you’re feeling bad and that it isn’t ruining your vaca!


OMG! I hope you are starting to feel better! I haven’t had food poisoning but I’ve had my share of stomach issues. Not fun!

I haven’t run in about a week because I didn’t feel well last week and then I hurt my neck over the weekend. I’m finally going today. I’m leaving work early and we are supposed to have 50-60 degree weather so yay!

My next race is on 5/17.

Continue having fun in Thailand!


I got food poisoning from a Chinese restaurant on Friday and spent all weekend feeling like death! I’m so sorry you had to go through that :(. Make sure you drink a lot of water!!! I took a few days off from running and did an easy 5 miles today to get back into it, and it felt so incredibly difficult, haha. It’s amazing how much energy your body takes to repair itself!


Glad you are recovering from the Thai flu ;). I love Phuket! It is absolutely gorgeous. Try to get out to some of the smaller islands if you have time. I spent time on Koh Phi Phi pre-tsunami.

Ran 5 miles with the dog today. Snow made a return to Utah, ugh.

Running a full marathon in June.

Keep the pictures from Thailand coming. I love living vicariously through you!


I will be forever jealous if you bump into Kim Kardashian. I’m such a Keeping Up With The Kardashians junky (please don’t judge me…) it’s not even funny. You have to snap a pic if you happen to bump into her. ;)

I’ve had food poisoning once from a chicken salad with honey mustard dressing. Never again will I eat honey mustard dressing. Sick.

I ran 5 miles yesterday (Tuesday). It’s getting warm in Dallas, I love it!

I am running a 5K this weekend with my husband and in-laws. It just so happens to be in my neighborhood and the race route is on my normal running route, so I am beyond excited.


Hope you’re feeling better! I’ve loved living vicariously through your blog to explore Thailand. Thank you for sharing your adventures with us!


Have had food poisoning many times, sadly. I’m so glad to hear your energy and enthusiasm haven’t been too adversely affected!

Got in a great 6 miler with a girl friend this morning. Feeling good. Next race is a small, local half marathon on April 27!


OMG. I had food poisoning for the first time this past summer (cole slaw that had been out of the fridge for too long at a pig roast) and yes, I thought I was going to die. The most horrible experience ever. I’m so sorry you went through that – especially so far away from the comforts of home.


Oh sad! Food poisoning is the worst! Hope you feel all the way better soon! :)


I hope you feel better so that you can enjoy the beach! Love that pic of must be missing her like crazy! <3 Do you get to talk with her at all? (and sorry if that's too personal, I was just curious) <3
Have you had any close encounters with elephants?? please tell me this is in the dream!! (although I saw a pic of Kim K FREAKING out over a little baby elephant, ha!


I had a really terrible food poisoning 2 Super Bowls ago. Beyonce had performed and I hallucinated that she was in the bathroom with me and offered to hold my hair while I puked. But she didn’t, so I nailed my hair. It was horrible. So if you hallucinate about Kim K, don’t trust her! :) But precut fresh fruit can be a horrible item as far as food poisoning goes, so keep that in mind!


Heavens to Betsy. That has to be my only fear while traveling to a country like Thailand. Seriously.

It was a glorious morning for a run today. Four short miles, easy paced, with roller/hill sprints (and SO MANY BIG HILLS!).

My next race is the beginning of May!


Glad you weren’t in the city today. Was this anywhere near the area where your friends live?


Glad you weren’t in the city today. Was this anywhere near where your friends live?


奇怪,我们Swensen’s in the town I grew up in near Dallas, TX and I would have never thought they were the same until I saw your sundae with the chocolate covered wafer and cherry and the logo. It has to be the same, but unfortunately it’s no longer there! :(

Hope you are feeling better!


Sorry you had food poisoning. I had some from Taco Bell. Yeah, i don’t go to TB anymore. Yes, KK is there! Have a great rest of your trip.


You poor girl, that is awful :( drink as much water as you can and rest up. Yep i got food poisoning from an indian diner also, it nearly killed me, went to hospital in the most worst pains ever, couldnt stop being sick and now when i smell curry i nearly want to puke ha ha ha ha my hubby loves his curries but the poor boy had to change his taste buds because of me ha ha ha. Take lots of care hunni xo


I got food poisoning from a bag of spinach – didn’t even know that was possible till it happened!

I got 1.5 miles in today and 2 miles on the spin bike.

Next race is hopefully in October (St. George marathon) with a few small races in between.


Oh man. I haven’t had food poisoning but my husband did and I’ve never seen anyone that sick. It was horrible. I was so helpless watching him and I DID think he was going to die. I’m SO sorry you had to deal with that. :(

Thanks for the Brooke fix! I’m glad you are otherwise having a great time. You deserve a break today. …wait. That’s McDonalds.


I have had food poisoning REALLY bad one time. I had just got home from vacation in Florida (where I ate tons of fresh seafood) and was meeting my sister at Olive Garden for dinner, when I decided to get a shrimp pasta dish. I was fine until about an hour after I ate and the next 24 hours were pure misery. I feel your pain! And I hope that you get to feeling better soon! Enjoy your trip to the beach!


I got food poisoning from Parmasean cheese from my local college’s cafeteria. :( I was sick for what seemed like FOREVER! It’s the worst!

I’m running 5 miles when I get home!!


I got food poisoning from Parmesan cheese from my local college’s cafeteria. :( I was sick for what seemed like FOREVER! It’s the worst!

I’m running 5 miles when I get home!!


The 4 of us went to Thailand and Bali a few years ago and all of us ended up getting really sick. Two of us got hit just as we were traveling home, fin long plane rides. The other two didn’t get hit until we were home. It was the worst 3 days of my life. We called it Bali Belly and none of us will ever forget it. We looked like death. I do get food poisoning often, probably 2-3 times a year, sensitive stomach I guess, but this was nothing like I had ever went through.

I hope you feel better soon.


I have been very lucky and have avoided food poisoning so far. I’m sorry you got sick on vacation – that’s the worst!

Over ten hours of work today, so no run. Yesterday I did an easy 2 1/2 in NEW shoes :)

I’m not signed up for any races at the moment – I need to get on that!


My husband and I years ago had food poisoning from raviolis that we purchased at a grocery store. We think they defrosted and got warm and then refroze before we brought them home. It was terrible. My husband got it worse then me.

I didn’t run today because my training schedule is run Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and long run Saturday. My next and actually my first half is April 27th for the Nike DC Half. Can’t wait!


Oh no! Good poisoning is the worst! I actually got it after my work Christmas party this year – all of my co-workers too! It was awful and we all missed 2 days of work! No bueno!


Are you sure the food poisoning was from the food? When I got really sick in Thailand, it was actually from a smoothie with blended ice. Be REALLY careful in drinking anything with the blended ice or water, even if the locals tell you it’s safe! I’ve never been so sick in my life. Other than that, enjoy!


Hope you are feeling better! There is nothing worse than being sick- except for being sick in a foreign country.

Buzzfeed did an interesting post on Thailan-related things you should read :-p


This is an article about Taiwan, not Thailand.
Side note – did not enjoy reading it, seems prejudiced to me.


That sundae looks incredible! I had food poisoning once from shrimp and it took me yearssssss to even look at it again. Hope you are feelin gbetter soon. It is honestly the worst feeling in the world.


Oh no you poor thing! You don’t deserve that. I’m so glad you’re going to Phuket to the beaches. I’m looking forward to reading about it.
A very hot 7km this morning for me.
Next race -10km in a couple of weeks
food poisoning – its been a while -I don’t even want to remember.
Hope your tummy is back to normal soon – you need some froyo with probiotics :-)


I got food poisoning at Disneyland once (the Mexican restaurant!), but luckily didn’t end up getting sick until I was back home in Washington. Being sick on vacation is the worst. :( I’m glad you had a friend there to take care of you, though!

My next race is April 13th, the Seahawks 12k. I’m psyched for my first longer-than-5k run of the year! Plus I get to wear my Richard Sherman jersey like a boss.


OH NO! Food poisining is the absoulte worst! I’m so sorry…
Happy to hear that you are feeling better. Enjoy the beach! :)
Karen @karenlovestorun


Indian food! We were living in Shanghai and I got it bad. Seriously can not look at it still, and it’s been 5 years!


I almost died in India when I was 4 months pregnant, car crash + food poisoning! I have also been to Thailand and it was not my favourite place on earth. Phuket was awful, Bangkok was so so but Koh Samui a cheap 45min flight from either city is AMAZING! If you have the time … do eeet! Lots of beautiful beaches to run on.


It must have been the day for food poisoning! I’m still recovering after 30 hours if awful! At least the worst is over and I’m just fighting a fever now. I gave it to myself and my mother! ;(. Bok Choy was the culprit.

My next race is a super sprint triathlon on May 4th. I’m getting excited!


I had good poisoning from chipotle which was one of my most favorite places. That was 8 months ago and it still doesn’t sound good to me. And that makes me sad.


Omg! I got food poisoning from an Indian run restaurant in Portugal. (and I’m a huge Indian food fan)
Only get this, apparently I didn’t ‘throw-up’ enough (TMI?) So I was sick for the WHOLE WEEK. Luckily I was only deathly ill for two days, but still.
Food poisoning on vacation is the WORST!
Glad it didn’t ruin your experience!!

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