Running gadgets that I want to try!

Happy birthday to the most amazing Heather. From the moment I met her I knew we were going to be real good friends.

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Hmm, that’s weird… we all like to put 3 lbs of cottage cheese on our salads. We conquer the salad bar.

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Look how much snow my brother’s family got in Kentucky!! It seems way too early for all of this snow!

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There are so many creative people out there. So many. I love hearing/finding out about different running gadgets/gismos/accessories that are out on the market lately. Here are a 10 that I have been intrigued by:

****I’m not working with any of these companies, they just caught my attention!.

Click on the pictures to go to their website:)

1. Knuckle Lights! Easy way to light your path while you are running! And these might even be good for self-defense:)

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2.Hydrosleeve !我已经尝试过一次fore and it is pretty awesome. It goes on the upper part of your arm and it is super easy to drink from.

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3. The Runsie from Lululemon…. hmmmmm. No longer available but what do you think about them? There is no way I could wear this.


4. Ion! They offer a ton of different reflectives (and they do custom ones too) that you can add to your running gear. Perfect for night/early morning runners.

I think I would have them make me a custom apple fritter reflective to put on my shirt.

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5. Bluetooth (wireless) Headwear. The wireless headphones are directly in the headbands, hats or beanies! Such a good idea! Keep your head warm and listen to your music without any cords all at the same time.

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6. Stridebox! “Each month, as a member, you will receive a curated box of apparel, accessories, and nutrition products to fuel your training sessions, workouts, and races.”

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7. Your furry running partners need reflective gear too!!!

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8. Why not throw some run charms on your shoelaces?!?

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9. I love love love this idea. They take your race bibs and turn them into an awesome bag!

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10. Runner’s cookie cutters because we all like to run and we all like cookies. These would make great finish line presents for your friends and family after they finish a race!

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What are some gadgets/gismos/accessories that you have tried? Thoughts? Any you want to try out?

What kind of headphones do you use?

Cottage cheese on a salad—> weird or delicious?

How old are you?


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Love the reflective gear on the dog! I wear a headlamp but just heard about knuckle lights and want to try those since the light is so much closer to the ground. And no runsie for me :) And cottage cheese on a salad reminds me of something my grandma would do.


I don’t have any fancy running gadgets besides my garmin and iPod… I want to get a Road ID bracelet!

Cottage cheese on salads is amazing. Sometimes I just mix it with pb and spinach. Delish.

I am 15! :)


You NEED a Road ID! They are on sale right now for only $15, so it’s a great time to do it!


Yes, those road ID bracelets are such a good idea!! When I went away to college my folks got me one that noted important numbers and indicated I was an FSU student! Now, I need to get an updated one!! Great thinking Leigha! BTW love your blog too :)


I have the knuckle lights and they work great. So easy to slide them on and you don’t feel like you have to constantly grip them while you are running. I should turn all my race bibs into a bag! I have a stack of them and no idea what to do with all of them! The cookie cutters would be awesome too.

I’m 29, I’ll be 30 in a little less than a month. When did that happen?!

I used the Jabra sports wireless headphones during NYCM and they worked great!


Hi Sarah. You absolutely should create a bag! Right now we are having our biggest sale of the year! You can view the details at

Hope to see your order come across soon so that you can start carrying your achievements with you and sharing your story with others!

P.S. awesome to see you participated in the New York City Marathon! Mile 22 got its start in 2008 at the Las Vegas Rock N’ Roll Marathon. Checkout out our story

The Mile 22 Team


I want to try out wireless beats by dre. Why didn’t I think of headphones in a hat?


披萨的想法是天才。我可能需要做mething like that…how fun would that be! I’m not even sure what I am hoping for for Christmas. I think perhaps just some healthy running!


LOVE the iron on reflectives!

LOATHE the runsie. WTH lululemon?


That runsie is ridiculous, haha!


I love those cookie cutters!

I just use the regular old Apple earbuds. They are the ONLY ones that will stay in my ears! I’ve tried so many different types out! If Apple ever changes the shape of those earbuds I am in trouble (because my cat chews on them a lot and I keep Apple in business by buying replacements a million times a year)! I wish I could use a cool bluetooth kind!


Hmmm the runsie…I have a hard enough time pulling off rompers as it is, so I don’t think I’ll be running in them anytime soon. But I love the race bib bag idea!


Hi Christa,

Glad you love the Mile 22 Bag idea! Which style is your favorite?

The Mile 22 Team


I have seen someone in the Runsie and trust me, it is NOT a good look…. I feel like the hydrosleeve might make you feel uneven!
I want my own giant purple coat back!


Pizza in the shape of your age, yes!! Runsies, no.
I’ve never tried cottage cheese on my salad before, but it sounds good! I love to add hummus or avocado for a ‘dressing.’


But today isn’t my birthday ;)

My favorite headphones are Yurbuds. They don’t budge at all while I am running. Love them!


I want that 26.2 cookie cutter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just bought new headphones at the expo at Richmond and so far I love them :)
I am 34


Those would all make great holiday gifts! I wish I werr creative enough to think of something like this to make up!


I had those running shoe cookies at my wedding!! We sent the bakery that cookie cutter and they made them- they were so cute!!


Love those cookie cutter!
Cottage cheese on salad…absolutely!
Age: 33!


I got the knuckle lights for Christmas last year, and they have been a life saver! And I have thought of using them as brass knuckles if I need to!

Have to buy those cookie cutters!
No to cottage cheese!

And I am 50!


I subscribe to StrideBox and I love it! It’s a great way to try new nutritional products and you never know if you will find something that works and taste better. They also include an accessory as well. Plus it always feels like Christmas when the box arrives because you never know what’s going to be inside. I too would love to try knuckle lights. I’m not sure about the hydrosleeve, 7.5 oz doesn’t seem like a lot. However, I do love my simple hydration water bottle which is 13 oz and will last me through about 8 miles in the winter and 5-6 miles in the summer but it’s easy to refill so I plan my routes accordingly.


我想试试stridebox…我总是thought it would be so cool to get to try a bunch of new running products every month! And I don’t run with music anymore so I haven’t had to worry about headphones in about a year. I never really found ones that I loved anyway.


These are some great Christmas gift ideas! The bluetooth headgear, knuckle lights, and StrideBox sound really great!

I looooove my Yurbuds. It took a while to find a great pair of headphones that worked for me, but now that I have – I’m in love!


I love the running cookie cutters! They’d be so fun to use to make cookies for a training buddy :)


I HAVE THREE RUNSIES!! Yes, they are pretty fabulous. They are SO lightweight and you don’t have any awful band from your shorts digging into you. The only downside is when you have to pee you practically have to get naked.

I am 21!


I am 29 and cottage cheese is Weird!


Um, I like cottage cheese on, in, or with ANYTHING. Is it weird that it’s one of my favorite foods?


LOVE that the dog has a reflective vest! When I was training for a marathon in 2012, my Walker Hound ran EVERY run withe me! He was such a great running partner, but I too got him a reflective vest and paw booties bc the Las Vegas heat is intense and his little paws would blister :/ I fell pregnant during training and had pre-term labor so we both stopped running, but if he comes out on an easy run with me now, he wears his vest…he seems quite proud to wear it too :)

Cottage cheese: YES!
Runsie: Ummm…no
Lights: need to try some of these. I heard knuckle lights are great
Wireless headphones: MUST try. The cord of my head phones bugged me for exactly 13.18 miles of my half last weekend.
Age: 27


I need one of those wireless hat things! My earbuds bother me SO much under a hat or headband.


That StrideBox is my version of the best present ever. I need that!

I know I’m going to get some funny looks, but I’ve NEVER tried cottage cheese. The texture scares me.


One running gadget that I like is a wrist band that I can put my house key in! I have some pants that have a pocket too, but the wrist band is much more secure.

I’ve tried cottage cheese on a salad and it’s pretty good!


I have been wanting knuckle lights! I am going to put them on my christmas list thanks for the reminder!


Omg the runsie is a terrible idea! And a horrible name too, it’s too like the word ‘runny’. Eww.

I have actually never tried cottage cheese before, the texture looks so gross to me! Sorry!


AND the bag has been on my wishlist for a while now!


Hi Nicole,

Cool site you have. I see you are an ambassador for Skirt Sports. Did you know we have a Mile 22 Race Ambassador program?

Recognizing the accomplishments we all have and the desire to help others in what is often their most desperate time of need, Mile 22 is proud to announce the Mile 22 Race Ambassador Program. This program is extended to unique individuals across the United States who believe that sports are more than just a competition. Our Race Ambassadors believe that more can be accomplished together than could ever be done alone; and they have a burning passion to “run their race” on behalf of others!

Mile 22 Race Ambassador Coordinator


I want to try the wireless headphones. And I must have the running themed cookie cutters!


The Runsie! Haha, that totally sounds like a spoof, Saturday Night Live type of thing.

I would love to have wireless headphones (when I ever start working out again). I used to rip my earbuds out alllll the time while lifting or running and it made me sooo mad!

Cottage cheese on salad is delicious!

I’m… this is hard to say… 35 & 3/4’s years old… (better than saying “almost 36”?)


Cottage cheese on salads is an excellent idea! I haven’t done it in such a long time though… I also love fruit on salads!


The one that I’m most interested to try is the custom reflective gear. That’s such a cool idea! I think I’d get a penguin or something cool like that!


I’ve used a camelbak during some of my super long training runs. And I use a reflective belt/vest thing, it’s awesome.

I use JayBirds and I kind of love them.

Cottage cheese is delicious on salad, I use it instead of dressing.

I’ll be 33 next month. It’s so weird. I don’t feel that old. I look at myself in the mirror and I feel like I look exactly how I did when I was 17. I only realize that I’m getting older when I talk to other people my age and I realize how old they look. So weird.


Love cottage cheese on salad! This post reminded me how much I love that. I am 26.. still feel 18.


I just turned 41! I am not a cottage cheese fan so it definitely won’t be on my salad.
I have plain ear buds that squish in my ear. I tried Bluetooth wireless ones that were like ear muffs but they kept moving around and got on my nerves.

Hmm gadgets and gizmos? I love my road ID shoe pocket. It goes on my sneaker with Velcro. It has room for my key, some cash and has my emergency contact info on a metal plate on the closure. :)


The runsie…I went to the Lululemon outlet and guess what they had A LOT of???evidently NOT a big seller…I can’t imagine trying take a quick pit stop in one of those!
I have made a change purse with my race numbers… :)


Seriously- the runsie? I don’t even wear one piece bathing suits because of the hassle.
Those Bluetooth hats and headbands look awesome. I’m using yurbuds but I’d love to get some wireless ones.
I turned 40 last month. Except in my head I always pronounce it foe-ty. It’s more fun that way:-)


Cottage cheese on a salad?! I say ew! But I’m willing to try new things.


I despise cottage cheese. I won’t go near it ever, I can’t even look at it! Those cookie cutters are adorable and I would love the Stride Box out of all of the monthly box things out there.


I get stride box and I LOVE it!! It’s like getting a Christmas present every month with awesome goodies in it. It’s such an awesome way to try different things and I definitely think you get your money’s worth. This month I got a cool reflective armband that was worth the price alone!


I shared most of my gizmos & accessories on last week’s post about reflective gear, but I do also wear a Road ID bracelet.

Yurbuds all the way – I apparently have very small ear canals and absolutely nothing else will stay in place. Where I live is often EXTREMELY windy, and Apple earbuds actually blow out of my ear!

I put a scoop of cottage cheese NEXT to my salad, but I do pile it on top of baked potatoes instead of sour cream.

I’m 45.


I want to try compression leggings – I saw them at the running store and they feel amazing! I’d also like those cookie cutters – so fun :)
Cottage cheese on salad – I use to eat that before giving up dairy – yummy!
I’m 46 (not sure when I got to be this age – I was just 22!)


That bag idea is amazing. I totally want to do that.

Cottage cheese on a salad is the best!

You know my thoughts on the runsie. If I have to completely undress to pee – deal breaker.

31 years old. word to your mother.


Have you checked out these lights?

We use them for trail running and XC skiing in the dark. They are light and have 700+ lumens :) Head harness stays put when you are moving.


Thanks for giving me more gadgets to add to my Christmas list!
I have really enjoyed using the FitBit while running. It is very satisfying when I see that I have burned my calories for the day before breakfast! I am trying out the FlipBelt tonight, so we’ll see how it goes.
I use Sony earbuds. Not real picky. Might try bluetooth ones at some point.
Cottage cheese almost anywhere=>delicious
I am 23!


Ooh the gadget that I am most excited about getting ( I backed them on Kickstarter) are the new FreeWavz COMPLETELY wireless headphones. They even track your heart rate and pace and are developed by an ENT physician so they are safe for your ears. You can mess with the incoming/outgoing sound balance so that you can hear road noises as well. Awesome!!

Cottage cheese is something I can only eat for breakfast, with pineapple, it is good. :)

I’m 25 but will turn 26 in March! I was supposed to run the Rome marathon (26.2 for my 26th birthday) but then I injured myself :( So, I’ll be in Utah running the Utah Valley Marathon in June! Yay!


Those cookie cutters are adorable! I’m turning 25 on Monday (ahh when did this happen?!). And YES to all the cottage cheese :)


The Iron-on reflective decals are cool, and I didn’t know those bluetooth hats existed – I might have to check them out!

I have a pair of philips headphones that I like, but I also have Jaybirds that I constantly forget to charge! :)

I turned 30 in October – it’s not as scary as I was led to believe ;)


That Lululemon onesie, I would so wear it! How fun haha. I actually saw a running dress before. Can you imagine running in a dress? I would feel so…free.


Great list! I’m definitely looking into a few of these. Here’s a nifty idea I just heard about, too: It’s a way to change out of your sweaty exercise clothes (or into them, I guess) without exposing yourself!


Iron on reflectives are such a good idea! I will definitely have to check those out. And the Stridebox looks amazing. Maybe I will put that on my Christmas list. :)


Aghhh 13.1饼切有一个隐藏的米奇n it!! Now I NEED it!!!


I am 22, and I can’t eat cottage cheese for some reason it looks horrible to me.
I love the bib idea I am going to start saving them!


I am in love with my headlamp and flashing jacket! Since I run my first mile with my dog I would consider putting reflective gear on her.

I think cc on a salad is yum. But since I am lactose intolerant I will just have to wishfully watch from the sidelines on that one.

I am 42.


Ok, I seriously need those running cookie cutters! I have about a billion other ones, I’m going to put those on my Christmas list ;) Ions sound so cool, such a neat concept. My mum is a huge safety freak and makes sure I always have something reflective on when I go running in the dark! I’m 17, 3 months till I’m 18!!! I’m counting down the days :)


31 years old here! It’s a good age. Old enough to be semi respectable but young enough to still get acne. I mean young enough to be adventurous.

I’m a pretty low key runner, I don’t really use many gadgets. But I hate, hate, hate having to bring water on my runs (which is a real problem when I’m marathon training) so that water cuff looks interesting to me!


Omg that pizza cake! LOVE! Happy birthday to your friend!


I love gadgets! I use the Handana. Like a bandana around your hand only awesome. Place to wipe sweat or snot. My favorite thing is to find a cool running gadget and give it to my friends for birthday presents.
It scares me to death when I see a runner out in the dark on a busy street without ANY reflective gear or flashlight. WHY???
I love cottage cheese and fruit. Which makes me old…says my nurse friend.


I definitely need those running cookie cutters in my life ASAP. Also those knuckle lights, because I haven’t been able to bring myself to wear a headlamp!! And I’m 18 :)


Cottage cheese on salad is amazing!! I’ve never been a big dressing person so I started using CC in lieu of …. haven’t ever looked back! :)

Wireless headphones sewn into hats is genius! So are the iron on reflectors!!


No headphones! I used to run with music but lately I have really enjoyed it not being there.
Cottage cheese on a salad for sure! I require black pepper with it though. I cannot eat cottage cheese that doesn’t have 6 lbs of pepper on it!


I cannot believe that running onesie is real! How awful. I feel like that would drive me nutso. Would love one of those beanies! What a neat idea.

I saw a pair of lights you attach to the back of your shoes that I thought was a neat idea. Definitely a nice way to be seen!


Those cookie cutters are great! I really want road id, but otherwise I’m pretty boring when it comes to running gear. I like yurbuds inspire headphones for running on treadmills, but outside I typically don’t listen to music.


I die over that onesie!


I subscribe to StrideBox and it is so much fun to get in the mail every month! I’ve only gotten a few items that I haven’t been brave enough to try, but I have been introduced to some fantastic new brands and flavors.

I need those cookie cutters – how fun.

I’m 26 but will be turning 27 in a month!


我左ove cottage cheese, but i’ve never tried it on salad! it might taste really good mixed with some type of quinoa salad, though :)

正在运行的主题饼干刀具是太可爱了!我左ove anything neon or reflective so you can be seen when running outdoors.

i’m 28, too :)


I love cottage cheese! I’ve had knuckle lights for about 2 years now and they are amazing. It seems I don’t see much daylight in the winter as it’s dark when I go to work and dark when I get off so they definitely help me at night once I make it home. I’m celebrating turning 41 (gasp) in January with a trip to Costa Rica!


What regular headbands do you wear in the cold, besides those you list above with blue tooth? I rarely run with music, so don’t need those, but do need some good head bands!


Of course lululemon would come out with a runsie. I personally am in love with the Oiselle Yeti, but this would be worn after a winter run to warm up.

I must get my hands on some of those cookie cutters. Also, I am a huge fan of running/triathlon Christmas ornaments. :)


I’m ordering those cookie cutters now, hahahaha! Perfect post-race celebration food!

I’m 31 :)


Funny that you would post about the BE Headwear… that is my old boss’s new company! Looks like he is doing pretty well with it :) You just made me really want to bake up some sugar cookies.

I haven’t tried too many cool running gadgets but I do love the Nathan’s Quick Shot water bottle which is just a handheld bottle with a pocket for Gu.

I just use my regular Apple headphones to run with! I only listen to music/podcasts on Saturday runs though.

Not a cottage cheese fan, so I wouldn’t put it on a salad or anything.

I’m 25!


The runsie seems weird. What do you do when you need to go to the bathroom? Maybe I’m missing something.

The knuckle lights though…might need to get some of those.

I love cottage cheese and usually get it at a salad bar — but it’s usually a side thing not mixed.

I’m on the older end of your readers. I’d probably break the internet if I typed it out. :)


I haven’t tried any of those but definitely considering the knuckle lights. We did some off road running last night and my head lamp just wasn’t cutting it.

I use Yurbuds and LOVE THEM

Yes yes yes to cottage cheese on a salad. I’m not a huge fan of salad dressing so I will use that + salsa instead.



I’m 26! So, I love all cheese EXCEPT cottage cheese. I don’t understand why and I wish I did enjoy it. I still use the Apple headphones that came with my iPhone. Am I alone on this?


I have never tried running in a onsie before, but I’ve tried wearing a romper, and I hate it every time i have to pee! I could only imagine wearing one while running. Those cookie cutters are definitely going on my Christmas list!

我用普通老耳芽,我想try some wireless ones though! I am the most boring salad maker, I never would’ve thought to put cottage cheese on a salad, it doesn’t look too bad.

I am 26!


I have Knuckle Lights, and love them! I use a headlamp to see out in front of me, but use the Knuckle Lights to see the pavement where I’m about to step. They’re also good for pointing toward the bushes if I hear something along the side of the trail.

Have you heard about Race Dots? They are magnets to hold your bibs in place so you don’t put holes in your favorite shirt with safety pins. Genius!

I turned 57 on Friday, and got a GoPro for my birthday…. It’s another great runner’s gadget!


I love the knuckle lights. If someone came at you, you could blind them with one hand and then pop them with the other. Thankfully, I haven’t had to do this, but during my early morning runs, I am always planning for worst case scenarios.


I have never tried cottage cheese on a salad, but it sounds pretty good actually. I love the idea of wireless headphones, but have yet to spend the money on them. I am 23, almost 24, and I am beginning to wonder when I am going to feel like a real “adult” haha!


Aww, I love the running cookie cutters, too cute!


I saw the salad picture on MC’s instagram and knew which one was yours right away.

I love these gadgets, I like this stuff alot. Thanks for posting J.


Great list! Super great gift ideas for all my running friends. I might have to gift them all knuckle lights!

Honestly I couldn’t remember the last time I had cottage cheese. Because of you, last week I grabbed a tub from Costco. Now I can’t stop eating it! I did have grapes in the fridge too but just couldn’t go there.

37 for now.


I’m putting those runner cookie cutters, the doggie reflective vest and Stride box on my Christmas list :) I’ve tried putting a human reflective vest on our dog and it just doesn’t work… Poor guy needs to be seen on our dark runs, too!

I’m 27 but keep forgetting my age… sometimes I think I’m 26 still, then I think I’m 28. Maybe it’s pregnancy brain, or maybe there isn’t anything earth-shattering about being in the late 20’s.


Those cookie cutters would be perfect for a runner baby shower I am hosting! Thanks for posting!


I want the cookie cutters!

I’ll be 35 in January. WHAT?!?

No thanks to cottage cheese on a salad or anywhere. Yes please to cheese!


Cottage cheese is good on/with anything, especially fruit!

I use plain apple headphones- nothing fancy or expensive!

I am 28…! When is your birthday?


1) I’m very glad to see that someone else likes to put cottage cheese on their salads! I always get strange looks when I do it…
2) The runsie from Lulu is such a funny little number! My friend ran the Lulu Half marathon (Seawheeze) in vancouver this past august and considered getting it, but then realized: what if she wanted to pee? She’d have to take the whole thing off! Talk about inefficient! haha


I love the idea of turning bibs into bags! Very cute! I also love the point set forth ny Nicole @squash the squash about needing to pee while wearing the runnsie ;) no cottage cheese for me dirty lactose intolerance! But I do love chickpeas!
I’m 31 :)


I have the knuckle lights and I love them. They work really well.


Don’t laugh at me, but I totally wanted a Runsie…but not for running, just to wear- like a romper :) I think they are cute! (I know, I know ;) )


As far as gadgets, I could not live without my yurbuds bluetooth headphones. I kind of want that armband water thing now. Cottage cheese = not my thing on a salad.

I’m 35!


I have used Knuckle Lights for years and LOVE them. You can easily shine the light where you need it. I use one for the road and one for the cars heading in my direction.

I’m probably too old to be reading your blog 49.


These gadgetshould are so quirky and fun! If my head didn’t get too hot I would love to try the wireless Bluetooth hats. Oh the bib bag is absolutely genius! Super creative.


The Runsie is horrible. Horrible. *no offense to anyone to actually bought one. :( Sorry.

The other stuff would be great stocking stuffers! And I like the bag. Very cute. I have a box full of bibs.

Cottage cheese in and of itself is bad. I would never put it on a salad. Just say it. Cottage cheese. Cottage cheese. ::shudder:: no thank you.

I am 47! I know, right?


hi Janea! Love your list! I have a few of those things, myself.
But can I address the Lululemon Runsie?
I have one in solid black. I got it last spring. It is so cute on! Adjustable straps make it not ride up on you. It is so much cuter on. But I have to say it’s not made for a guy! I think that guy in the pic ruined it for everyone!

One gadget I would like to suggest are the SPURS that clip on the back of your shoes. They are great for running in the dark. I prefer the green lights over the red ones.


I’m 15 :) I love the running beanies and the sweet knuckle lights – in all seriousness, I really need reflective gear because I really want to start running before school, but it is super duper dark!


OH MY GOOSES @ The cookie cutters!


I’m going to check out those ion iron-ons. I can just picture myself going all 1980s on some running clothes as if they are puffy paint.

I love the You Saw Me vest, which has LED lights, and Yaktrax. Because I have more snow than your brother does. I also got a rad Polartec cap from Athleta that has a visor to keep blowing/falling snow out of my eyes.


I have a Mile 22 bag and i am OBSESSED with it! I get comments on it all the time, and so many of my friends are starting to get their bibs together to get one of their own! It is such a sweet company too, very small business and just the sweetest people.


Hi Mary,

So glad you love (are OBSESSED) with your Mile 22 Bag! Our aim is that our customers LOVE their bags. It seems that you do! Your race and your story doesn’t have to end at the finish line. You can carry your achievements with you via your Mile 22 Bag.

– Stacey
The Mile 22 Team


I love cottage cheese on my salad! I actually like lettuce, cottage cheese, and peaches (just those three things). It sounds weird but it’s so yummy!


I love cottage cheese on my salad! I take that for my lunch at work a lot and my c0-workers think it’s sooo weird. I’m going to tell them tomorrow that they’re weird and lots of people eat cottage cheese on salad.

Has anyone tried the Stride Box? I think I mostly like the idea of getting surprises in the mail.


I’ll be 27 tomorrow!! Can’t wait to get my free Starbucks drink, one grande white chocolate mocha please :)…that is my present to myself for getting up early and going to the gym before work on my birthday! Have a great night, Janae!


I love those knuckle lights, my running store has them, I want to try them..


Love my knuckle lights!


I love stridebox! You should definitely look into it.


I love the idea of the cookie cutters


That bluetooth beanie looks really cool!


Cottage cheese – deeeeeelish!
Running cookie cutters – LOVE! NEED!
Dog reflectors – BRILLIANT. Even though I don’t have a dog. :( But I WILL one day and it will be my running partner. :)
Stridebox – I’ve heard of this and I think it sounds pretty cool.


Cottage cheese should be with everything…well, almost! LOL!

I am REALLY curious about those knuckle lights. I’ve seen them in the stores but I don’ t know anyone who uses them…hoping you get them and then give us a review! :))


Those cookie cutters are hilarious! xoxo, ganeeban


The Knuckle Lights are awesome! My husband bought some several years ago and we’ve bought more (since they did an upgrade on the design) after the first pair. We love them!


I got too excited commenting about my love for Knuckle Lights and forgot to answer the questions :)

I am a Yur Buds fan! My ears have a weird shape and not much else fits securely.

I do not like cottage cheese on a salad. I only like it with sweet pairings like fruit.

I’m 34.



Thank you so much for thinking of Mile 22 Bags on your “wish list”! What do we have to do to be number one on your list?!? HAHA!

We believe that people need a way to share their story. A way to start a conversation. For so many of our customers this is exactly what a Mile 22 Bag does; it allows them to share with others why they are running and for whom they are running life’s race with.

We sincerely appreciate the mention!
The Mile 22 Team

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