The time I climbed a mountain after some speed work.

The long dirt roads that run along the canals are one of the many things that I love about Arizona. They are flat and carless (well, you have to cross the street every now and then) and I just love how good it feels on my joints/body to run on the soft dirt.

Clearly I am into taking shadow pictures lately.

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我开始小以我的速度工作,世界卫生大会t better day than a Tuesday to get the job done.

20 min warm-up (8ish pace)

10 x 1 minute fast (somewhere in the 5:40-6:10 pace) w/1 minute recovery jog.

20 minute cool-down (8ish pace)

My legs felt pretty jelloish after the 6th fast minute but it was fun to get myself to try moving fast again. Lots of work to do and plenty of time before Boston to do it.

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I knew that we were planning on going on a hike yesterday but I was thinking more along the lines of a nature walk.

Nope. We climbed a mountain.

We climbed to the very top and this picture was taken when we were already at about 68% up the mountain.

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At the top. We all wanted to quit multiple times but we endured.

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7 miles/6 hours of hiking and rock climbing was fueled by these KIND Bars (my favorite), sour patch kids, apples and all sorts of variations of trail mix.

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Attempting to do some serious faces at the top. I also found a tarantula (not even kidding) just a few moments before this picture was taken so I was feeling pretty serious.

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Climbing a mountain just brings people together.

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Oregano’s is a MUST if you are ever in Arizona. A must. We went straight there after the hike. They have pizza in the front for you to eat while you wait for your table.

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Marshmallow popcornfor dessert. Popcorn is quite addictive.

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And by the end of the day I felt like I could never move again. Hiking is legit.



What are your New Year’s Eve plans?

-The man is flying in today to hang out in Arizona!

You into hiking? Into camping?

Favorite type of protein bar/granola bar etc?

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Awesome and amazing pictures at the top! I would love to get into hiking more, I’ve always wanted to and whenever I get a chance I feel great.


It’s been several years since I’ve done much hiking, but I loved it then! Kansas tends be be pretty flat, so not too many hiking options! Your hike photos are beautiful!

I think we are going to a movie, then just hanging out and hopefully still being awake at midnight! Might have to celebrate with the New Yorkers!

I’m allergic to nuts, so I’m pretty limited in what kinds of granola bars I can eat.

Have a fun NYE!


We’re having a low-key night of pizza and champs! I’m sure I’ll fall asleep early.
I love hiking, but I’ve never camped. I really like nice hotels.
I LOVE Picky Bars!


Seriously?? 6 hrs of hiking?! You’re amazing. I would have died.

For some reason I can run for miles but when it comes to hiking…I last about 20 min and my legs are dead. So weird.

Happy New Years Eve!


That mountain is BEAUTIFUL!

Happy 2015!!


I love hiking and the trails here in Phoenix are the best for it! The only snag is the critters. I can deal with the big bugs but not rattlesnakes. Make my skin crawl!


I would kill to be that close to mountains to hike regularly!


What Garmin model is your watch?

My daughter is having a friend spend the night and we are all going to Benihana’s for dinner. :)


That sounds brutal!!! I bet you’ll be sore tomorrow!!


我喜欢徒步旅行和露营。我真的很想去Arizona some day myself to do some trail running and hiking. That mountain looks beautiful! Happy New Year!


Happy NYE!!

I hope you and the man have a great time in AZ :)

I love love love hiking! I’ve grown up hiking because I used to live in Southern Cal when I was little and my parents would take us all the time. Now I live in NC so there are mountains all around us :) My in-laws have a condo in Blowing Rock, NC which is in the mountains up by App State University and it’s GORGEOUS!

My favorite protein bars are Clif Bars!!


First of all, I don’t go to states that have tarantulas. My sister went to TX once and said they were driving along and saw what looked like a black patch in the road and it was a tarantula crossing! I will never, under any circumstances, ever, go to Texas. And now Arizona is off my list, too. Plus Australia… have you SEEN the spiders in Australia???
Second… how do you hike for 6 hours without a potty? I just couldn’t…

Happy New Year!!!


Will spend the evening eating more party food (been going since Christmas eve) with my 5 year old son and his dad (my ex).
Love hiking and camping…wish I got to do it more often.
Happy new year!!


I’m planning to hang out with friends and not focus on my little guy who’s with his dad! :(

I like hiking but don’t do it nearly enough!

I LOVE Kind bars- especially the sea salt and chocolate ones :)


Tarantulas are my biggest fear in life!! Ah! I love Kind Bars as well. The blueberry one is my favorite. Happy new year!


I’ve only hiked small mountains before but I really want to do a hardcore hike!! That KIND Bar is my absolute favorite!! In fact, I’m looking at one on my counter right now :)

New Year’s plans are having a fish fry (<3) and going to a friend's! Lots of fun!


Happy New year’s eve to you and Brooke too. I can’t brlieve you hiked for six hours. The last time I took a really long run, I died after three hours of walking.


I am hanging out with the hubby on NYE. We’ll watch some movies, eat some food, and enjoy each other’s company :)
I’d love to get into hiking, but there’s just not many places to do it here in the city.
I love Larabars (snikerdoodle). But I’m pretty much a granola bar lover in general!


Hiking is not for me (it’s a wonder I even run outdoors!) but those views are amazing..Happy New Year to you and your family…Tonight I will be in the city for dinner at The Sugar Factory — I will eat dinner just to get to the desserts!


Okay I am dying to know where you got your cute polka dot leggings? and your friends striped leggings? I HAVE to have those!!

Hope you are enjoying the arizona sun! I am enjoying some snow and extremely cold temps….just kidding.. It’s not very enjoyable.



I love to hike! I love when my arms and back are sore because running never gives me that upper body workout. Hiking sticks and rock scrambles add to the workout. And nature is my favorite place.

I’ll be spending the eve with my boyfriend. Our first together! Unfortunately my dog is very sick and I have been tending to him. Poor little doodlebug has a stomach bug that ripped up his stomach and intestinal lining. Waiting patiently for the doggie pepto to kick in. So it will be a low key eve. But I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else :)

I love the canal paths in az too!


LOVE hiking and camping! I just need to do more of them both! :) And i’m addicted to the maple kind bars. Seriously. One a day. Like a vitamin.


I looooooove hiking! I’m in the Scouts (it’s co-ed here) and so I’ve done a lot of hiking with them and since my dad is a scout leader he loves it too and we go on family hikes a lot. Doesn’t hurt that we live maaaaaybe 15 minutes from a gorgeous trail! It connects with a bunch of other trails so you can take anywhere from 20 min to 6 days which is AWESOME.


I’m actually thinking of spending New Year’s Eve on the couch with the cats!
我喜欢徒步旅行和露营。I can’t wait to go on my next camping trip.
KIND bars all the way!


I love Oregano’s. Their pesto pasta bowl is amazzzing.

嫉妒的天气在凤凰城。我们期待着g 8 inches of snow today in Flag.

Happy New Year! I’ll be at home this evening with the boyfriend. Unfortunately, I’m working today and tomorrow. Womp womppp.


Today is my birthday!! Happy 33 to me! :). Started off with crossfit, spending the day with my 2 kiddos & then dinner/bowling tonight.

We love to camp but have only been once with the kids.

I am a huge fan of Kind bars & love Larabars! I live the PB/choc chip Larabars.

Enjoy your NYE!


How fun you get to ring in the new year with your man. Always a great way to start the year! I’ll be heading to my grandmother’s and getting ready for a feast to celebrate 2015.


Have a safe and happy New Year’s Eve!

As for my {very pregnant} New Year celebration, my husband and I are staying in tonight and will be playing card games like “Cards Against Humanity” with another couple of friends. OH, and we’ll eating some yummy food, of course! :)


What mountain did you hike!? Just curious because I’m from AZ :) and Oregano’s is the best!!


ERIN!!! It was Flat Iron! AMAZING but super hard. Have a blast! And eat some more Oregano’s for me!


AHH cool! I’ll add that one to my list for when I visit. I live in MO now and definitely miss hiking the mountains!!


haha I was going to ask if it was Flat Iron!! That hike is INTENSE!


That popcorn looks SO good – wow!!! My favorite bar is the Clif Mojo, peanut butter pretzel bar, it is SOOOO yummy! I just ate it for breakfast on the go!


Beautiful pictures! I love hiking and really want to head out west for mountains to hike.
Spending NYE with my husband and sister! We’re going to keep it low-key and just have some drinks while playing board games and watching movies.

Happy New Year’s Eve!


I’ve never gone hiking and I’m sure it would feel so challenging! I would imagine that your legs are dead after that tough run and a hike!
Have a great New Years!


I am running a 5K tonight and then going to eat a burger – that is about it!

I’m not the biggest fan of hiking…..

I really like Kind bars, I just don’t like the price of them :-)


We have some trails near our apartment, so we’ve been trying to walk those before it gets too cold…but have never really hiked up a mountain. I definitely have no desire to go camping though. I don’t like to work on my vacations and would rather be sitting on a beach somewhere haha. KIND bars are awesome :)


How fun! I love camping and hiking – which is good because in my family of all boys we do it a lot!! It’s so great!


Popcorn IS super addictive! We’ve been in the habit of making some every night for the last week or two. It sounds gross but the bf picked up a couple of popcorn seasoning shakers at Target and they are amazing. White cheddar is the best.

His brother and gf are staying with us, so they’ll probably want to do something crazy. I’m wondering if I can get away with spending the evening in with the dog and some ice cream…


Going on a hike today with my best girlfriends and spending NYE at a farm house! Hiking with best friends must be trending right now??!? ;)

Happy NYE!!!


That hike/mountain is beautiful! What a great way to spend time with friends. Happy new year Janae!!


Looks so pretty there! My new years day plan involves going to a spa for massages so we are doing dinner with some friends and then hittin’ the hay


失去的荷兰人迷信小道!我居st did that hike in October :) Glad I didn’t know about the tarantulas.
Cute outfit too!


The weather looks SO NICE there! What an awesome hike – there were sure a lot of you that joined in the fun! I absolutely LOVE hiking and know what you mean about “feeling it” later on. Hiking is no joke. My husband and I go on a few epic backpacking trips a year around Central Oregon. So yes, hiking and camping are my thing! ☺

NYE plans are to get dressed up and go to a friend’s house. There are going to be 10-12 couples and we are all going to bring in the New Year with champagne, desserts, and lots of laughter. Can’t wait. P.S. As long as my hubby is feeling better by then – he has been feeling under the weather.

Happy NY!!! Have fun with your man!!!


You hiked Flat Iron! Way to go! I love that hike. The Superstitions are beautiful. They full of so many trails and great hikes.


That looks like such a pretty hike! I love hiking and ending it would pizza would make it even more amazing!


Those views are amazing! I’m adding hiking and trail running to my workout agenda for the new year, and can’t wait to climb some mountains here in West Virginia.

Happy New Year to you, too!


KIND bars are my favorites! I used those for fuel during June Ragnar. I’m pretty sure I would have passed out if I had seen a tarantula. Spiders are SO creepy!


Where did you get that adorable pink jacket? I want one!!


Thank you Rebecca! It is from Lululemon about 3 years ago:) I hope you are having a great day!


Thank you for not showing the picture of the tarantula. Not even kidding.

I was totally into going to warmer ground until you said that. I’ll stick to Colorado. At least we have Gorgeous freaking mountains and snowy peaks and an untold number of sunshine days a year. Totally worth it.


WOW! What a beautiful hike! Happy New Years!!


What mountain is that?! You guys killed it – way to go! It was such a beautiful day to be outdoors too. Glad you got to take advantage of it! Three cheers for Oregano’s – one of my top favorite restaurants!


Hi Janae,
Where did you go hiking? I live in Phoenix and this didn’t look familiar to me. Thanks!


Hey Bailey! We went to Flat Iron and it was amazing!! GO!!!


Marshmallow popcorn sounds like just my cup of tea! And those are my FAVORITE Kind bars! Love the sweet and salty combo!

Have a wonderful new years! 2015 is going to be a good one!


A hike sounds wonderful right now :-)


I actually like making my own granola bars…but when I can find them on the shelf, I LOVE QUEST bars. Love, love, love.

Making our own is fun because I know exactly what goes into it, and we call take turns making our favorite flavors.

Funny thing…my kids like homemade better. Win!


We’re having friends over to play board games in our pj’s. Super low key.
I love hiking and camping except for the spiders. I seriously could not handle running into a real tarantula. shudder
My favorite bars have tons of chocolate and peanut butter and taste like dessert. I’m less about the brands than the flavors.
Trail mix is just candy with obstacles. Annoying.


Hi there,
我要阿兹和我的家人在几周内(2daughters 4 and 6) and have no idea what to do that, or what would be fun for kids. Do you have any suggestions on fun places to go. The more outside the better since we are coming from MN where it is -5 right now.


I’ll have to try out that popcorn. Popcorn is my favorite food.

Happy New Year’s Eve!


You did Flat Iron in the Supers, thats a beast of a hike, but one of my favorites! Have a great New Years!


Great active day for you.! Mighttt be sore tomorrow. Lol pizza yummmm

And no plans for new years, just chill.


Looks like a gorgeous hike! I’ve never been to Arizona, but hope to visit one day. I love most protein bars, even though I know you’re not supposed to rely on packaged good. I like Clif, LUNA, KIND, Larabar, you name it! :)


I love Kind bars as well! The dark chocolate sea salt are my go to flavor!

Happy New Years!


New years is going to involve beer and a bonfire – and hopefully not being too terribly cold.

I like hiking and camping, but I haven’t done either in a long time. I don’t know why.

我居st had my first Quest bar the other day – holy cow I want to eat ALL of them!


Today I am leaving work at 12 and driving to Tupelo, MS. I haven’t even been asked on a date the entire 2014 so I shall be kissing………nobody tonight.

I have never been camping; I am what you would like to call “indoorsy.”

And granola bars are one of the last things I like to eat. But that marshmallow popcorn sounds right up my alley. :)


That is one tough day. Speed work + hiking is no joke!!! I love hiking, but there aren’t any real mountains near me to hike. Darn midwest! :)


I’m jealous of that mountain! I love hiking but haven’t gone in over a year. And I live in Colorado-what’s wrong with me?!
Those are my favorite type of KIND bars too. Any with the sea salt are yummy!
No plans for tonight, just hanging out at home with the boyfriend. We’ll see if we make it to midnight. I’m 23-again what’s wrong with me?!


We’ve had two sick kiddos so we are staying in for New Years and keeping it pretty low key. Maybe we will play the wii. Last time we played was New Year’s Eve so maybe it can be a tradition?
I love hiking and camping. There is a killer one in Utah (Mt. Olympus) that is 3.5 miles straight up with a rock scramble at the end. I was sore for days afterward but the views are amazing. I also love camping although it is decidedly less enjoyable with babies. Can’t wait til my kids are a little older so we can do all the hikes/camping I used to love:) sorry for the novel.


Looks like a beautiful spot for a hike.

My favorite protein bar is definitely Clif Bars. So many delicious flavors!


That boy is a keeper! Enjoy this time! :)


My plan is to relax and drink chai in my sweatpants like an old (white) Indian lady. I haven’t been into going out for the past few years.

I do like hiking and camping, but haven’t done as much as I’d like. I just moved out of VA to the city, so there will be even fewer opportunities.

Right now, my favorite protein bar is the Perfect Bar and it has all sorts of magical ingredients. I can’t stop eating them!


Only recently started to follow the blog, enjoying the running inspiration and cutie Brooke photos. Very jealous of some of your food pics especially everything from a Trader Joe’s …. We NEED that store in the UK, and we need more protein / granola bars, more expensive here.
Tonight I will be eating a French style raclette which is a mound of broccoli and potatoes with melty cheese. And watching a box set in PJs. Have a great night!


Spending New Years with friends in a big house in the Outer Banks of North Carina. I’ve had two days of awesome runs here! Love the flat roads!

Enjoy time with your man:)


Aw have a great time tonight!! Planning on staying in with some friends tonight. Have a happy new year!!!


Those pictures remind me of my first hike I did in AZ at Squaw Peak. I’ll have to try Flat Iron next time I’m there!


Happy New Year, girl!!!! You’re making me want to hike now! Minus the tarantula part… ;) Be safe and have fun tonight!!!



Hiking high in the mountains is my favourite thing on THE PLANET. Been exploring the west via foot since I was a kid. And the trail running you can get yourself into when spending multiple days *back there* can be pretty epic. I always take almond/coconut and almond/cherry Kind Bars. Happy Kind came along.

And the first shower when I get home is AMAZING!

Happy Happy New 2015 and really looking forward to more of your stories and adventures.


Your hike looks so gorgeous! I’ve always wanted to run the Lost Dutchman marathon and I believe it’s in that area. I’m not huge into hiking but my son is, he does week long hike/scrambles all over western Canada.

I’m going for a long run and then out with some friends tonight! Have fun with your man and Happy New Years Eve!


Yay for New Year’s Eve with your guy!!!! That hike looks gorgeous! We are big hijers and campers, being from Oregon, these are derigour :)
We are planning on family game night tonight and hiking in the snow in the am.
My favorite granola is the kind bars as well!
Happy new year janae!


LOVE me some Kind bars! :) Definitely ate way more of those than necessary while training for Boston last year!


Oh and definitely trying that Marshmallow Popcorn tonight! YUM!!


You are crazy fast… great run! I LOVE hiking though I’ve only climbed one mountain before :) Would love to do it more often. What a workout. Sour patch kids would be the best fuel ever!

I love both hiking and camping!

New Year’s plans… I’m hoping my hubby and I can have an “at-home date night” once our little guy goes to bed. Maybe if I’m crazy I could stay up until 10 but usually I pass out around 9 these days :( I sound so lame!


Flat Iron is SUCH a good hike, but no easy feat! Looked like a beautiful day for it! Did you all go up to the summit (about 30 mins further than the actual Flat Iron)? Such such good views out there! ❤️❤️


I love hiking and used to be into camping when I was younger. But I’m really scared of spiders and can’t imagine waking up to those critters in a tent!


I’m working at restaurant:( but I’m sure it will be fun no matter what:)

I love hiking! My goal this summer is to hike the top 10 peaks in NY:) I loved red rock in Vegas as well:)


6 miles of hiking after a morning of speed work. DANGGGGGG!

I love to hike and cannot wait until the spring when it is perfect hiking weather.


Texas is flat so no hiking for me :( Running any type of hill kills me every time.

Plans for tonight = fancy dinner with my man ;)

And OMG marshmallow popcorn?!? YES.


Ugh popcorn is so addicting!! My favorite combo = honey + coconut flakes + curry powder + salt. So delicious!!


New Year’s is already over for us Aussies (Happy 2015 Janae – I think this is going to be a great year for!). I had a family bbq close to the city and then my family went and watched the fireworks on Sydney Harbour. We call hiking bushwalking and I love it, especially in the Blue Mountains. Wish I did it more often.


I meant a great year for you :)


Hi Janae!
I recognize that house in your canal pic! I’ve run those canals quite often myself! You’re close to my hood! How long are you in town for??


Hi Janae!
I love your blog and I was so inspired by it that I have set up my own running blog, but more importantly I have started running! I know that each New Year’s Eve the have the same resolution and always fail, but this time I feel it’s different!
Thanks again,
Cindy @


Wow, it looks like an amazing place for runs… Good work with getting to the top of the mountain!


Which hike is this?? I’m in AZ right now too (I visit once a year to see my pops.) We usually always venture to Squaw Peak, Camelback, or Thunderbird Park. Looking for new adventures though!


Flat Iron at the Superstition Mountains! So fun!


It’s so fun to see your running pictures here in AZ! I live in gilbert and have been out running canals every morning. They’re my fave (besides the awesome desert trails!) Sounds like Arizona is treating you right!!


WHOA that is a hardcore hike! Especially after a run- you are a champ :) also that pizza looks sooooo good!


I want to hear about this new man of yours!!!


Wow that is a hardcore hike!


Where was your 6 hour hike? I am going there next week, my sis lives in Chandler and we want to do some hiking. Also, gonna try Liberty Market, looks great!

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