
Maybe it is just me but whenever I finish my run and sit down to stretch or sit in my car I sweat like crazy. I sweat pretty moderately throughout my run but as soon as I sit down… that is when my body realizes that it is overheated and it tries to cool itself down big time. Just a fun fact. Or maybe not a fun fact at all but I wanted to see if that happens to anyone else?!

星期一早上的第一件事我们见面在一起,log some miles together.

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The drinking fountains along the trail are turned on again which helps big time. It is always sad during the winter months when we run by them, think about how thirsty we are and then remember that they are turned off for the season.

It feels so right to be running with the girls again and Josse’s ankle is slowly but surely getting better. Hallelujah because St. George Marathon training starts on MONDAY!!! I’ll be doing a 16 week training plan (my coach sends me the plan one week at time) for the marathon. 16 weeks feels just right for me when marathon training—> not too long and not too short.

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I did the first 6 miles with the girls and then finished the last four on my own. 10 at an 8:00 pace. I was convinced yesterday that the treadmill is easier for me compared to running on the roads. I ran 11 last Friday @ a 7:18 pace on a 1% incline on the treadmill and then did 1 mile less yesterday at an 8:00 pace (pretty flat route too) and it felt way harder. It could have been one of those days that just feels harder but who knows… maybe the treadmill is easier for me!?!

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Fast forward to dinner.

Pineapple should always be a salad topping.

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It turns out that I am rubbing off on Brooke just a little bit. She’s just taking pics of our friends across the table.

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And because I have nothing else to do with my life on Monday nights… I choose to watch the Bachelorette while eating TJ’s cat cookies. This show just makes me mad lately but I can’t stop.

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We made an executive decision on the way home that we needed to stop for an ice cream cone. Neither of us were mad about it.

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Just posted my favorite summer running songs over atWomen’s Running!

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Do you normally go faster or slower on the treadmill compared to your outdoor pace?!?!

Are you a sweater or a glistener while you run? Anyone else sweat way more after they finish running like me?

When training for a marathon——> how many weeks is your training plan usually? What about for 1/2 marathons?

Thoughts on the Bachelorette this season?

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I also sweat buckets if I try to sit down at the end of a run, better to have some sort of breeze going for a while! For a marathon I’ve done between 14-16 weeks, still trying to figure out what to do for the NYCM! I know I’ll start in July, haven’t figured out when. I tend to feel like I peak early so maybe on the shorter end.


I do the same thing! I feel like I don’t sweat until I stop working out. And then it’s like a waterfall!

I tend to run slower on the treadmill, mainly because to me it feels so much harder!

My marathon training plan is about 10-12 weeks, depending on when I want to start.


ThE running outside probably felt harder because of the heat.?? Just a though .
But treadmill running is always wayy harder for me. Idk how you do it girl.!! :)
Sooo much drama on the bachlorette. It’s crazy.!
And I am a total sweater. It’s gross. Lol


I normally go faster on the treadmill but in Florida when you take out the humidity factor anybody would go faster!

I also sweat like crazy and I mean I could literally squeeze the sweat out of my shirts. Yeah, that might be a little gross but honest to goodness it happens.


I just sweat consistently during and after my workouts. It’s never pretty but always makes me feel like I worked hard! For marathons I usually do a 16 or 18 week plan. And for halfs, I usually just figure out a 4 or 5 week prep that I do to increase speed and milage.


Running outside always feels so easy after treadmill runs. Which is nice because I feel like I’m working harder on the treadmill and that’s where most of my runs end up happening!

I sweat. There is no glistening here. I usually train for 12-16 weeks, but it just depends on how my races are spaced out. I usually do about 3-5 marathons a year so sometimes it is hard to do a full 16 week plan (but I already have a base built up so as little as 12 works too!)

The Bachelorette is very dramatic this season. The guys are dramatic, she is a bit dramatic, though probably less so than the men. It’s unusual.


I actually run significantly slower on the treadmill than I do on the roads. I think I just get really bored and have a hard time distracting myself or something. As for marathon training, I start “training” for my first one next month but I know if I seriously train for too long I’ll get injured or burnt out, so the shorter the better for me. I already have a base so I just need to increase my long runs!


I tend to go slower on the treadmill which is weird since I can you know control the pace. I guess I’m just less motivated on the treadmill!

last summer I did a lot of my marathon training on the treadmill because it gets so hot here in the summer but this year I’m really going to try to commit to doing all of my training runs outside.


I think it’s definitely easier to go faster on a treadmill, because you set a pace, and then you force your body to go that pace. Running on the road is more challenging in that you are unable to do that.

I’m like you when it comes to sweating–it’s always worse as soon as I stop. I’m sure there’s some scientific/biological reason why this happens, but I certainly don’t know what it is.

我没有很长时间跑马拉松,所以I have no idea what my plan would look like. For the half, however, I feel like it’s just constantly part of my training plan and that there really isn’t a set amount of weeks. Or maybe I just don’t notice it? My coach usually just sends me the plan a week or two at a time.

I’ve never watched the Bachelorette. There was an intense College World Series game on last night, though!


I usually go faster on the treadmill. It feels a little easier and I usually want to get it over with!
I sweat more when I stop too.
I like to have at least 16 weeks of training for a marathon.


I usually run faster outside than on the treadmill, especially for long runs and easy rums.
我汗一些杜ring my run but then once I get to my car and out of the breeze I’m a sweaty mess.
My marathon training plan is 18 weeks. The first two weeks are mostly base building just to get used to running six days a week, and then the next 16 weeks are hard work!


I feel like the treadmill is sooooo much harder for me. And sweat… it’s so bad. From now through October I can forget about having dry feet for anything over 7 or 8 miles. Squishy sweaty soaking wet all the way to the shoes. It’s pretty gross but I blame Florida. 1/2 marathons I don’t feel like I do any specific training for because I keep my long rain base about 12-15 all year long. Marathons, 16 weeks. :)


My pace is always way slower on the treadmill for some reason! I don’t run on it very often, but I’m always afraid of tripping and falling or something so I’m always much slower. It also feels harder for me for some reason..

The Bachelorette is also making me SO mad!! It seems so fake now. And I hated Nick before..so angry that he’s back! Have you heard of the show unREAL? It’s a drama on Lifetime that goes behind the scenes on a fictitious show that’s similar to the Bachelor, and shows how the producers create drama and edit everything like crazy. It makes everything in the show seem so much faker now!


I find treadmill running easier too!!

I definitely sweat more after my run. I don’t even sweat that much when I’m actually running it is once I stop that it just pours out of me.

I’m training for my FIRST marathon (NYC Marathon!!) and start my 16 week plan in a month! I’m scared but excited!

I like the Bachelorette but Kaitlyn is a Vancouver girl (where I’m from) so that makes me like her automatically. I haven’t watched last nights episode yet…


My legs seem to turn over faster on the treadmill, even at a 1.5% incline (<– my treadmill is STUCK on this incline. Maybe a blessing in disguise?!).

I literally sit through the entire Bachelorette episode like, "whyyyy is this season so horrible and not about romance anymore?!?!" ….though, I am still watching it. ;)

Have a FABULOUS morning!!


我以前只在跑步机上运行但2萨默斯ago w/ broke up for good. I remember that the first month of running outside was awful. I felt like a total beginner and that I couldn’t possibly go any slower while being completely out of breath. Now I can’t imagine anything different!


As soon as I get back to the house from my run I sweat soooo unbelievably much! I sweat a little during my runs, but afterwards it is so much worse.


I normally HATE treadmill running (run slower and it makes me dizzy) but it’s all I can do while pregnant now.

My marathon training is typically 16 weeks.


I’m actually the same way. I don’t sweat until a little bit after the run…then I feel like the sweat just pours out! It sounds like you are having an enjoyable time Janae! I always love the photos of Brooke, she is like a mini you.


I am so much slower on the treadmill! A solid minute per mile- I hate it! I think the lack of forward motion messes with my stride.


I have read that the reason you start sweating like mad shortly after you STOP running is that 1. you aren’t getting convection-based cooling from movement and 2. as your heart rate drops, your blood isn’t moving as much and you stop cooling as efficiently. I TOTALLY get this.


How much I sweat really depends on how hot it is outside…or how humid…It can be 50 and 90 % humidity and I will be sweating like crazy! New England humidity during the summer makes me a much tougher fall runner!

Brooke’s hair is SO long, its crazy!


I’m like you, most of my sweat comes out post run.

I usually do a 16 week marathon training program. I have a half this weekend that I haven’t trained for at all. This should be interesting. I’m already mentally preparing myself to be mad at the time!


I agree, the treadmill is easier! Sad there are no treadmill races. Haha

I am basically one big sweat fest during and after… Sometimes even before. Attractive.

I have not yet run a full but i usually do 8-10 week half marathon training plans.


I struggle on the treadmill. I almost never go as fast or as long as ISO outside. I get bored or tired and know I can just turn it off. But outside runs, I have to run home anyway so I do much better. Plus there are more things to look at.

I never used to be a sweater when running. Sometimes i would sweat in my elbow creases (weird I know) but after having kids, I sweat way more now when I run. I’m not sure if it’s during or after but I notice it way more when I stop.


The whole bachelor/bachelorette franchise is starting to make me mad! I want the feel good seasons like Trista and Ryan with the happily ever afters. But I’ll probably want next years train wreck too.

And pineapple should be a topping for everything! Don’t discriminate. ;)


Yes! I start pouring sweat when I stop my runs as well!


Unless I plan on doing sprints on the treadmill I’m always faster outside. Not by much but a good 15 second per mile usually.

For my first marathon I did a 16 week plan and for my second I did an 18. I’m leaning toward a 16 (or less) this go-around. I don’t start until end of July!


I’m slower on the treadmill, and not by a little bit. By a LOT. I saw that 7-something pace of yours on the TM for 11 miles and I was just like, well, I’ll never be at her caliber. I can’t even hold that pace on the TM for more than 2 miles, unless I poop my pants. But outside? No problem.


Marathon training plan is 16 weeks and I am definitely a sweater! Yesterday was a rocking 83 degrees and humid for our tempo run and had sweat in the eyeballs. :) But I agree with you, when I stop running the volume of sweat goes way up.


It is ridiculous how much I sweat when I stop. I am fine when I run up to the house, but the second I properly stop it’s incredible. I presume the air moving over my body keeps me cool when I am moving. Glad to know it isn’t just me!


I sweat HUGE after I stop. It literally pours off me!


I’m a sweaty runner!

I almost always go a bit slower on the treadmill. I think the treadmill still freaks me out a bit.

Marathon training = 16-18w, Half = 12 :-)


I go faster outside because I’m scared I’ll fall off the treadmill! ;) I love that your coach only gives you your training plan one week at a time. I imagine that it doesn’t seem super overwhelming if you do it like that. My training is very haphazard, but I prefer a 12-14 week cycle. Otherwise, I get burnt out.


I can always go faster on a treadmill. I think you’re doing less work on a treadmill since the belt is moving you don’t need to push off as much as you do outdoors.


I’m good friends with the Timeflies guys…my husband is their manager! Love seeing them on your playlist. Check out their song ‘Beast’…great for working out!


I am loving Brooke’s braided pigtails :)


Funny, I was just noticing the same ‘”sweating pattern” (haha) myself!
I’m a bit faster on the treadmill and prefer to do my speed workouts on the treadmill.
I like a 12 week half marathon training cycle,


I am totally with you. I go much faster on the treadmill. I think it is because there are not as many factors involved to slow me down like hills, wind, etc.


Definitely a sweater. While I run I look at it as a badge of my hard work, or maybe I’m out of shape (?!) and then after it’s like a shower… Super gross. My gym ran out of sanitizing wipes and I grossed myself out after my run on a treadmill.
As far as half training, it varies. I just started running again in Feb when I realized I needed a goal so I signed up for RnR Seattle so that’s about 14 ish weeks of training I would say. I didn’t have much of a base so I had to work on for most of my training. Just recently I’ve been doing hills and speed; the route for he half doesn’t look to hilly but Seattle is pretty hilly overall…


So here’s my med student guess at why you sweat buckets right AFTER you stop running, which is exactly what I do too. While your running, your sympathetic nervous system is activated and blood gets diverted from your GI tract and skin to your exercising muscles (I believe this is also why your stomach feels so cold when you run hard). Then, when you stop running and your leg muscles are no longer demanding every ounce of blood in your body, it gets redistributed to your skin, increasing the body heat at the surface and increasing sweat.

Note that this is a mere postulation and I do not actually know what I’m talking about…


Jamie, that sounds right on to me! Thank you for explaining it to me:) Love it and I hope you have a fabulous day!


I alway go for 16 week plans.
I sweat a ton! Even a quick 3 miler in the winter and I am soaked thru and thru.
I can run faster on a treadmill but I don’t enjoy it so I use it for speed work only.


I sweat more when I’m at rest because I think I’m not raining it down onto the ground and spitting it everywhere haha! Also, it BURNS MY EYES SO BAD. The after burn is real.

I get mad at the Bachelorette, but I can’t stop watching it either. At first, I thought bringing on the new guy was bad but, at the same time, if she never tries to date him the thought will ALWAYS be in her mind and likely cause her to doubt whatever relationship she gets into on the show.


I always end up sweating like mad after I’m finished running! I feel you there. I think this season of the Bachelorette is hilarious! There’s so much male-drama it’s ridiculous. I don’t know where they found these dudes!


I used to think I was a lot faster on the trail than the treadmill… then I found out that my GPS app wasn’t working right and I wasn’t running as far. Whomp whomp


i sweat like crazy during any kind of workout! When I’m running my clothes are always drenched, thats why I never understand how people don’t have to shower right after a workout. I’m also the only one ever dripping sweat in Pilates class. I brought a friend with me to spin the other day and after she was sweating normally and looked at me and told me that I looked like I had just gone swimming. It’s ridiculous.


I absolutely sweat more after my run than during. I thought I was just a weirdo. LOL
I’m sorry but Brooke is looking VERY grown up lately. I think just in the past two months she has grown up way too much.
Good thing children are great for different reasons at every age kinda softens the blow a bit I think.
My girls are 27 and 25 GULP……. it goes too fast for sure.


I also feel like I sweat more when I stop running. Last weekend my run was super hot but as soon as I stopped that’s when the sweat started pouring down my face and into my eyes. I’ve done 14, 16, and 18 weeks for training plans but I think I liked shorter training cycles better.


I sweat buckets during and after! I’m definitely faster on the treadmill… At least it’s easier for me to go faster on it. I usually do my speed work on the treadmill.


好家伙,我有想法的未婚女子。I really like Kaitlyn a LOT, but she should NOT be the Bachelorette. I was 100% #TeamKaitlyn, but now it’s obvious to me that she’s got a bad boy issue and shouldn’t be there. She’s got great guys like Shawn, Corey, the Bens and Ryan who are vying for her attention but get straight up ignored for jerks like Clint (glad she finally saw the light on that one), JJ and NICK. Ugh, Kaitlyn – get it together!!!


I’m definitely faster on the treadmill, especially in the crazy heat of summer!

Brooke’s braids are TOO MUCH. So cute!


Always slower outside vs inside. The elements are a factor like wind, heat and changing elevations. I actually think flat surfaces are harder than hilly ones. I’m not sure why I think that though. Does anyone know why that would be? As for sweat, I always sweat way more towards the end or after a hard workout very rarely during one.


I think I tend to run slower on a treadmill actually. My pace is a little erratic outside, but when I am inside I tend to not challenge myself as much.


I was literally just thinking thus yesterday. I went on a semi fast and warm walk yestersay and after sitting in the car for only a few minutes I was soaked. Pretty gross.


I tend to run faster on the treadmill. I find I can’t do too much treadmill running, or I’ll misjudge what kind of paces I can actually handle in a race. Glad to see you’re keeping up your trend of a cold treat every day!


totally with you on sweating more post-run…unless i’m indoors on a treadmill, then i’m sweating more during the run too. i muchhh prefer running outdoors and try never to use the treadmill unless it’s so frigid or snowing tremendously here that i might die. i tried to watch some of the Bach last night and i’m sadly losing interest in this whole dynasty as well, even though Kaitlyn doesn’t bug me!


Trader Joes cookies! <3 And pineapple on salad is where it's at!


I absolutely sweat like crazy as soon as I stop running, especially in the summer. I actually like the feeling :) And yes, the treadmill so often feels easier when I am running fast paces vs. those same paces outside. Love a giant salad and pineapple on top is definitely yum.


I sweat a lot when I run & a ton when I’m finished. I’m also red as beet when I run in the heat. I live in south Louisiana so that’s the majority of the time. I run slower on the treadmill. I try to speed it up but it feels so much harder than when I’m running outside. Another reason I hate the treadmill!


I sweat A LOT when I’m done running. I thought it was just me. Thanks for making me part of a community, yet again.
I have a post coming tomorrow about the madness that is the bachelorette. It’s pretty irritating but I’m watching to see what happens.


i ran a 5k on the TM last night and it felt so hard! outdoor running is much easier for me.
i think it just feels like you’re sweating more at the end of a run b/c you dont have the breeze created by your forward motion to help evaporate the sweat


the bachelorette is making me mad! um..did she not watch Andi’s season..nick is a huge jerk!…I don’t know what she is thinking anymore, I feel bad for the guys who were already in the house to have to deal with an additional guy they don’t like!

-however, the date where they went to the school and taught the students was hilarious..some highs and lows to the show this season but it’s still overall too dramatic!


I sweat like crazy as soon as soon as I stop running. It feels like buckets pouring out of me! I’m doing a 20 week training plan for St George. It’s my first marathon so I felt like I needed those additional weeks to adjust to mileage. Also- so happy the drinking fountains are back on too!


I sweat like an absolute pig while I’m running, so I haven’t really noticed if that continues or gets worse when I stop. I think I run faster on the treadmill because I don’t really have to think about my pace. When I’m running on the road I can unconsciously slow down, whereas on the treadmill I have to stay the same pace or risk falling on my face…


I’m definitely a sweater!


I always do yoga after my runs and I don’t start sweating until I’m about 10 minutes into it and it’s like I’m standing in the shower. LOL. It’s pretty bad! :)
I don’t like running on a treadmill. For me if I’m having a hard/bad run it’s always too easy to just get off. Whereas if I’m running outside I actually have to finish.


I always sweat more when I stop moving – I think it is because your sweat evaporates more quickly due to air flow while running, but once you stop, the sweat doesn’t evaporate as well? That’s my only guess :)


Thank you for reminding me of Monsters by Timeflies! Just started training for my first marathon which is 17 weeks and I love emotional songs while running so I can just zone out! Such a great one for that keep the new songs coming I need recommendations for basically every long run and our taste in music is like exactly the same lol


我喜欢你,我不工作时出汗多. I think it’s mostly a blessing but sometimes I wonder if I wouldn’t feel better with a little more cooling action ;) And, like you, I start sweating more when I stop working out (or maybe I just notice it more because I’m not moving and getting a breeze anymore?).

After several seasons of watching the Bachelor/ette, I gave up this season. If the episodes weren’t all 2 hours long maybe I’d stick with it. But it just felt like so much time down the drain.

Instead, I’m blogging now! Come say hi :)


PS — Blogging is way more fun :)


I’m glad I’m not the only one who sweats buckets after a run ;) I’ve just started training for my first marathon, which is in October. Do you have any tips?


I go wayyyy slower on the treadmill than outside… I just can’t get into treadmill running!


The post-workout sweat thing totally happens to me too! I always thought it was because when I’m running I’m getting “cooled off” by the wind, but who knows.


I definitely get what you mean- I start sweating way more AFTER the run than during! Also, The Bachelorette is totally making me mad this season- I loved Kaitlyn at first but now I’m just nottttt agreeing with her decisions, like at all. Buuuuut I still can’t stop watching haha!



I’m so glad Josse’s ankle is getting better! It’s *almost* as bad when your running friend has an injury as when you have your own. Knock wood.


I do slower on the treadmill because I dont feel as motivated. I love the changing scenery of the outdoors.

I dont sweat too much while I run but now that its getting warmer I sweat a little more. I dont sweat too much after which is great because many most of my runs I do during my lunch hour.

16 weeks is my normal training plan. I like the idea of your training sending them weekly so you stay focused on one week at a time.

I have not seen that show.


I have to agree with you! The Bachelorette is making me so mad this season too! Kaitlyn is kind of boring to watch and the new show format where they save the rose ceremony for the beginning of the following weeks’ episode is throwing me off. I’m glad she decided to keep Nick around though, even though he’s not my favorite either. She just needs to own her decision now and stop second guessing and complaining about it!


OMG. When I am in really good shape, I am always overheating…it’s like the engine inside me is constantly going!!

I love the treadmill, but I am definitely slower.

I’m a couple of episodes behind on my PVR of the Bachelorette but am kind of irritated by it all.


I’m exactly like that- as soon as I stop running and my body realizes it is over, the sweat just starts dripping off of me. Just in time to walk inside and sweat all over everything! Thought it was just me!

No thoughts on The Bachelorette.

Always slower on the treadmill b/c I don’t use it very often anymore and I’m afraid I’ll fly off the back. It’s one of those things like walking up stairs- totally normal until you suddenly think about what you’re doing and where you are in space and that’s when your feet get confused and you trip or miss a step? That’s me on the treadmill.

Never trained for a marathon, but plan to one day. :) Half marathon training should be 12 weeks, no more no less.


For some reason, the treadmill ALWAYS seems so much harder than the open road for me.
And I am exactly like that with sweating…not so much during the workout, but as soon as I stop, I immediately start profusely dripping sweat! So strange how that happens!
Marathon training plans are usually about 12-18 weeks long, depending on how much time I am taking between races (current plan is 12 weeks).
And no thoughts on the Bachelorette – haven’t watched since Meredith! LOL! Have I just aged myself?!?


I’m the same way! I only sweat the second I finish running!


I sweat pretty consistently on my runs but I am actually the opposite at the end of my runs when I get to the car I am freezing and have goose bumps everywhere!!


I pour sweat always. If I think about working out, I sweat. But yes, when I stop running, the sweat starts flowing even more- as if that is even possible!


I warn people that I sweat like a man!! It doesn’t help that it was 97% humidity today for my run! Treadmills make runs feel so difficult so I stay outside.
New to the half/full marathon training. Last year was my first half so I’m figuring out what I like and don’t like about training.


Interesting to see a lot of people going faster on the treadmill. I go slower on the treadmill, so it’s always a good feeling when I finally get outside and I see some good paces on my own. I do a lot of training on the treadmill, and my speedwork/hill workouts are exclusively on the treadmill.


I sweat the same way. Well, I mean I do sweat while I’m running, but when I’m done and stopped, a puddle forms around me!


This wasn’t one of the topics in today’s post, but how did you end up finding your running buddettes? Everyone seems very much in sync with one another, and you post about the group quite a bit…but with different running habits, pace, schedules, etc. I just wonder how you all come together for training runs. Would love to connect with a similar group where I live/work here in the Dallas area! Any tips or recommendations are much appreciated :-)


I am always slower on the treadmill. Road running just seems so much more natural to me. I like to give myself a training cushion in case I am fighting an injury or get sick. I don’t want to stress out towards the end of a cycle and worry that I haven’t trained enough because of x, y or z.


I’ve just started a 15 week training plan for a half marathon, but it’s because I’m trying to get under 1 hour 25 min. I had been doing much shorter plans than this before, but I think this time it means I don’t have to panic, and I can address weak points and issues as they arise. I’m on week 2 now, hopefully this plan will work :)


After I stop running the breeze isn’t drying off my sweat as much so it appears that I’m sweating more. Now that it’s gotten humid again on the east coast I’m sweating tons!


I don’t sweat much while running but when I stop it runs off me, and getting in the car is the worst. I’m very unladylike with my sweating! Love all of the pics Brook is taking lately. She needs her own Instagram. :)


I definitely sweat a lot more once i’m done with my run. During my run it’s just a simple drip here and there but once i’m done it’s non stop! So yea i’d say it’s normal


– I usually go slower on the treadmill
-I sweat a ton, before…after..during LOL
-I am currently using a 20 week marathon training for beginners with my tweaks for my ultra training.


– I always go faster on the dreadmill. Who knows, maybe because it keeps things interesting!
– I’m not a big sweater, I glisten! The only time I sweat is on indoor cardio equipment. Hmmm, it’s very odd.
-My half training plans are typically 16-18 weeks! I have a bad habit of straying from them towards the end, though. I should probably follow one that’s a little bit shorter so I don’t end up completely abandoning the plan!


I am way slower on the treadmill than outside (about 2 min/mi)

I definitely sweat a lot when I run and even more after my run. I actually have to wait about 15 minutes until I shower, or else I continue to sweat after my shower, thus making the shower pointless. I think it’s because the wind isn’t drying it on my skin after I stop running.

I’ve never run a marathon but my half marathon plans are around 8-12 weeks depending on how long my long runs have been starting out.


I am waaaaaay slower on the treadmill. Self induced with my bad attitude about the treadmill, I’m sure.
Like you I sweat and sweat a lot after I run! I once heard that sweating more at the end of your workout mean your body is efficient at cooling itself down! Not sure if that is true but let’s go with it!


I also sweat much more AFTER cardio than during. I’m pretty sure that running on the treadmill is much easier on your body than running on the road outside. My problem is that I HATE the treadmill (so boring!!!) – I need to be outside in the fresh air seeing different sights. Bachelorette is our guilty pleasure around here, too. We were disgusted that she brought Nick on this week & totally agreed w/ the other guys’ feelings of resentment/uncertainty. We were happy that Kaitlyn was chosen for the bachelorette, but we’re starting to fall outta love…


I’m just a moderate sweater while I run, mostly around my elbows. Gross. And a light sheen everywhere else! But yes, as soon as I am finished…..super gross, dripping sweat. But don’t you think that it feels sooooo good after you have a shower and know that you got a really good sweat on!? Any my skin seems to look so good after my shower, at least for a minute or two. ;)


I sweat a lot especially during a spin class!


Lately I have been going slower on the treadmill, and the effort feels like a 1,000,000X harder than an outdoor run.

I am crazy obsessed with this season of The Bachlorette, I cannot get enough of the boy drama.


The treadmill is so hard for me!!
Last marathon cycle was 18 weeks, but it is usually 16 weeks!
I sweat a lot!


I feel like treadmill running I am slower but I can push myself to move faster.

I am the same way with sweating. I sweat a little while running but as soon as I am done it is as if someone dumped a bucket on me.

My training plans are 10 to 16 weeks, I started getting overwhelmed if it is longer.

My sister watches Bachelorette and I get sucked in right along with her. I like that she is kicking out the crazies from the beginning but still annoyed by it all.

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