A LOT can change in just a few hours.

Somehow this morning was tank and shorts running weather…

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and just a few hours later it turned into 5 layers and hot chocolate weather.

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Today’s run was a rough one for me. It shouldn’t have been but it just was. I took a break half-way through because I was sure that my legs actually were dead and I checked my phone.

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My cute friend just broke three hours (2:57) in October and she sent on over a text just at the right time. I love being friends with other runners because we all get it and know the ups and downs and we can relate and remind each other that it is normal to feel this way sometimes!

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I think today’s hard run had something to do with my mental state too. I said goodbye to Brookers right before and as hard as I try to not let it affect me (COME ON JANAE… it’s less than 2 days apart) it just does. But I have definitely improved… I remember our first Thanksgiving apart two years ago… it wasn’t pretty.

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Got to spend lunch with my college bff.

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We went to our old stomping grounds——> Pizza Factory. When we lived together we ate this same salad bar at least 3 times a week together.

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PS I loved this comment from Jade and it was just what I needed. Such a good reminder to not be afraid of the pain because I KNOW it is going to come. Love her perspective!

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I really want to go see The Intern tonight… who has seen it? See that or a different movie?

WHO HAS A RACE TOMORROW? Running with family and friends?

What type of running weather did you have today?

Restaurant that you went to a bunch when you were in college?

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It is cold here in Ottawa – we had a bit of snow and it hasn’t melted away yet!

No racing for me tomorrow – work instead and track practice. But in Canada-land we have already had our turkey day!

I wish I could hop across the border tomorrow and have a turkey dinner!


Come on over for dinner… we would LOVE to have you:) Enjoy work and track practice tomorrow and stay warm!!!


What app do you use for your training? I like how your phone tells you what is the workout for the day etc. I am starting to train for my 4th marathon, first post baby! So excited for your race and always use your commitment as motivation to reach bigger goals!


Hey Chelsea! I use this one:

My coach inputs the workouts and I put in the completed workout! AHHHH YAY for your 4th marathon training starting and congrats on the baby:) You’ve got this girl!


Thanks! Just downloaded it. He’s a year so not so baby anymore :). Today I’m going for a run in -10C and snow!


Hey… I called Brooke a baby until she was 3;) I kid but still… juggling marathon training with a 1 year old is pretty amazing! STAY WARM!!!


My go to restaurants were always brick oven, Olive Garden and joe Vera’s or some other Mexican restaurant. Add Texas Roadhouse and not much has changed from that. Also arctic circle for milk shakes but now we have JCW so that changed.


Are we the same person? Yep. Those were mine too. And now I really want an arctic circle milkshake.


I loved the Heath bar milk shake! But JCW has a chocolate Heath bar and it’s delicious. But it’s always good to have a raspberry or plain chocolate once in a while too.


Turkey Trot 5k tomorrow.

It was cold this morning, around 50 and sunny this afternoon. But it’s supposed to be upper 50’s tomorrow and 62 on Friday!! crazy, I froze at last year’s turkey trot.

We went to a local Italian place often and we with friends we went to TGI Fridays and Chili’s. Chili’s really did make a great margarita…


Good luck tomorrow Nina!! Oh TGIFridays and Chili’s… so many good memories! So glad that tomorrow’s weather will be good for you!! Enjoy!


I really enjoyed The Intern! Have fun!
Happy Thanksgiving!

That comment from Jade is perfect. That’s my old coach used to say and what I now tell my athletes. I am pulling for you in re: this upcoming race! :)


Good to know! Hey, I’ve missed you! Let’s talk soon! Thanks for pulling for me… you are the best!


Doing a turkey trot 5 miler tomorrow! I was really excited about it then woke up with a messed up back yesterday..everything hurts now (even walking) so I might have to DNS if it doesn’t feel better in the morning :( The weather was PERFECT today in Pittsburgh – 55 and sunny! What!?


OH NO…. I hope your back feels a million times better tomorrow!!! Enjoy the beautiful weather!


The intern is such a cute movie. Yes go see!
I always do a half with friends on Thanksgiving but ran a half with some other friends today too. I’m calling it my “2 day marathon” :). It was super cold this morning. Temps said it felt like 19 and it did because it was so windy!! I miss tank and shorts weather!!
My favorite college restaurant was called Fireside Pizza in Orem. It’s now a pizza factory I think. They had the best pizookies! That’s where I went on my
first date with my husband! :)


Pizookies are what dreams are made of and I love that was where you went on your first date with your husband. AHHH congrats on your 2 day marathon… that is awesome and have a blast tomorrow (STAY WARM!!!)


Today was nice- sunny and mid 50s. But tomorrow is supposed to be gorgeous, sunny and 60 degrees! Warm for Northen Virginia! Tried to convince my husband and daughter to do a Turkey Trot, but no luck. I plan to run 6ish miles by myself tomorrow.

I hope your next two days are filled with so much family, laughter, and good food that they fly by! Happy Thanksgiving!


Enjoy the perfect weather tomorrow and enjoy those solo 6 miles! Thank you sweet Leanne! That means a lot to me!


Thank you as always for your honesty. You’re such an impressive runner, and I really appreciate these posts. You’re going to do great.


我喜欢实习生。这样一个甜蜜的电影和漂亮clean. It was 60 this morning in Dallas but going to be rainy and cold this weekend. I miss summer. A lot.
I’m working tonight so no race tomorrow. Keeping my fingers crossed for a slow night but 9 months ago Dallas experienced the baby making trifecta of Valentine’s Day, an ice storm, and the 50 Shades of Grey movie. Needless to say it’s been a baby factory ?


这是如此令人鼓舞!我现在有一个受伤that I’m trying to lie to myself and say I don’t have… I didn’t run for a week and then just went out for a run today. The break did wonders for my muscles and my pace, but afterwards my foot was acting up again. I’m racing Dallas in a little over 2 weeks and I’m a bit worried about hitting my goals – so thank you for the reminder that pain WILL come… but ultimately it will probably be worth it. If you have any tips for how I should treat this taper/injury-resting time, they’d be MUCH appreciated.

I’ll be praying for you tomorrow separated from Brooke. I’m home with my mom and I can only imagine how strong you are. I know God only gives us the challenges he knows that, with Him, we can handle.

Also, Mockingjay Part 2 is fantastic!


I want you to take the next 2 weeks and totally baby that foot Emily. No workouts now are going to make you stronger. The fact that your foot is sore but you can still run on it is awesome! If you want to go into that race as healthy and strong as possible.. don’t stress it. Slow jogs or preferably none at all til race day…really. (I’m old and wise) :) Good luck!


Jade, thank you so much for the advice! It’s scary to take so much time off – so I needed to hear that. I’m the type to just grit my teeth and bear it, so I need to be reminded that taking rest can be better. And I don’t want to do anything to my foot that would take me out of the game for even longer. Thank you thank you!


I haven’t seen The Intern. My husband and I just watched The Martian a couple nights ago and loved it! Long, but worth it! If you go, you’ll have to let us know how it was.

We had 17 inches of snow last night so there was no winter running today. I just got screws put in my shoes, so I am hoping to get out the door in the morning for a jaunt around the neighborhood roads (they are at least plowed) before the big feast!

My college restaurants were Q’doba, Ruby Tuesdays, and Pastini!


Let us know if the movie is any good! I’ve been on the edge about whether I really want to see it or not. I did see Mockingjay on Sunday though and it was alright. Good to finally be at the end of a series.


I saw your instgram and oh my goodness I can SO relate! I get so frustrated when workouts that I know should be easy aren’t easy at all. It must be some part of the training cycle because that’s what happened to me in my 13-mile taper run last weekend. It was 30 seconds slower than marathon pace and obviously half the distance, but I was done at the end. It’s pretty scary, but I take heart in the fact that you’re going through the same thing and I have no doubt in my mind that you’re going to absolutely demolish yours!


I am seeing the Hunger Games along with the rest of the world probably! Thank you for being so honest always about how you’re feeling with your training even when it’s not going so well. Sometimes its just hard and for no apparent reason either. Trust yourself, you’ve got this girl!


That picture of you and Brooke is so cute. Made me smile. :)


Tomorrow I am doing a 5k turkey trot with my cousin :) I haven’t done a race in a while so I am super excited!!


I have a race tomorrow (8 miles) and am trying not to stress about it!! As my dad always reminds me, I need to go out there and have FUN!

In College Station, I frequented a place called Blue Baker. They had daily bread specials with free samples. :) Plus, the sandwiches and soup bread bowls are AMAZING!!!!


Running a 5k Turkey trot with my brother and his gf! This is my first race I will have done outside of Florida and I’m going to try my bestest not to freeze my tush off out there!

I’m pretty sure I went to chikfila at least once a week with my friends in college. On certain days they had a buy-an-8-pack-nuggs-get-one-free deal and we took #eatmorchikin to the next level.


My running weather tonight was perfect – 38 and clear, no wind. I love this time of year if I can get out before it is dark. No race tomorrow, but yes to eating.


Where did you find that coat that looks like purplish with snaps at the collar? It is so cute!!


Hey Danielle!! Thank you! I got it at Madewell last year and I checked for it online just now and can’t find it:( I’m sorry!


Turkey trot in the morning with the family, including my 83 year old father in law and 11 year old niece!


I think it’s totally normal to find time apart from your baby difficult, and boy do I feel for you. You’ll be holding her again in no time and it will be awesome.


Thanks so much Penelope! That means a lot to me. You are right… she will be back to me in no time! Hope you have a wonderful day tomorrow!


I went to the deli more often than not in college for chicken noodle soup a bag of pretzels and a Diet Coke. Stellar. Lol.
它实际上是11月下旬的温暖。50s and 60s. I’m going to to run a few miles now to make space for my apple pie later. :)


Totally normal to be sad when Brooke is gone. I don’t have kids yet (although I’m 19 weeks pregnant so soon I will!), but I love my dog like a child and I get bummed when I’m away from him….tell me that’s normal too ;)

I want to see the Intern too! Did you see it? Like it?

Restaurant I went to a lot in college? Ummmmm does Taco Bell count as a restaurant?!

I would love nothing more than to run in our local Turkey Trot, but I’m on modified bed rest due to complications with my pregnancy so I’m sidelined…BOOOOO! Next year I will def run in a race on Thankgsiving…hopefully pushing a stroller :)


Where’d you get your necklace in the first picture?

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