Just a quick hello…

仍然没有感觉更好(不能吃一整天I finally tried something at 8 pm but it still wasn’t right..) but it happens. I wanted to fill you in real quick that I got to snuggle with my world a heck of a lot yesterday and I spent lots of time talking with my family. I have been super lucky to have my family here and to be with my two brothers and sister-in-law that I rarely get to see and they (plus my mom) sure give the best pep talks.

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Brooke is in heaven spending time with her cousins and between them and the weather here… I’m not sure she will want to go home.

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I will have the full race report up tomorrow morning but for now… I’m going to try to sleep this one off:)

Really, thanks for everything you guys have said this weekend. Internet friends are the best.

There is always another race and it sure is good thing that I love the training for these races because I’m going to keep on trying and trying (who knows… it might be marathon #14 or something before I get it but I will get it). I think one of the biggest lessons I’ve learned once again this weekend is to let go of the things I can’t control… time to move on and look ahead to the future with excitement for what is next (but first, agood amountof time off).

I feel like I haven’t heard about your world in a while! What did you do this weekend? Who ran? How’d it go?

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Lots of hugs Janae – glad you’re getting rest and getting great pep talks :) As for me, just trying to get back to running 4-ish miles after being sick so long. Getting back to it isn’t easy.


I ran the St. Jude marathon and it wasn’t my day as far as time goes, but the course was beautiful, it was a great cause, there was great weather and I finished, so I can’t ask for much more! You’ll get there and when you do all the little setbacks and disappointments will make it even better! Enjoy the time with your family and rest up! :)


I ran St. Jude too! Hi Sarah!


Hi! How did you do!?


I’m a back-of-the-pack runner, so my pace is nothing to write home about. But I finished! It was a great race.

The course went right by my house at mile 16! So I’m counting it as a major victory that I didn’t just call it quits and go home. I was thisclose.

How did it go for you?


I ran the St. Jude marathon on Saturday and was hoping for around 3:15, but that didn’t happen either! I seriously can’t believe you kept going for it after throwing up. It’s amazing to me and just proves that you absolutely have it in you!

I just couldn’t run emotionally disconnected and I’ve raced so many times this year that I was just mentally exhausted going into it. Racing takes so much out of you or at least it does for me. I still pulled a big PR so I’m proud of myself and so did you for running post-baby, which is amazing.

Great job and thanks for being such an inspiration and for not getting your goal time with me :) We’ll just keep chipping away!


Keep your head up – you will get there. And even though yesterday was not at all what you planned, you still managed to achieve a new post-Brooke PR, right? That is definitely something.


女孩,你是如此强大和聪明。我们仍然是all so proud of you. Enjoy some deserved time off, and have a great time with your family. Keep that pretty head up–we love you!!


I said it yesterday and I’ll say it again, I am beyond impressed that you dropped a 3:10 on a day that wasn’t going your way. You are awesome! I love following your training cycles, you put in so much hard work and are so dedicated. Looking forward to see you go for it again whenever you’re feeling rested and ready!


Enjoy your rest. Looking forward to reading about your race when you feel a bit better!


I was refreshing your blog/instagram all yesterday because I was so excited for you- and you did amazing! A 3:10? It may not have been what you dreamed but remember your time is someone elses dream and they would be so happy to have what you have! Plus you kept it up the first 20 miles!

我跳过一个公元前5 k周六我是一个懒鬼,也n’t sign up in time… and I ran 4 miles with my dog instead. It was freezing but it didn’t bother her so I didn’t let it bother me. December is always my “rest month” and I usually don’t run more than 4 miles. I checked my Nike App and last December I ran 22 miles the whole month. I may make that my goal this month just so I force myself to rest/relax/spend time with people.

So proud of you and your blog makes a difference in my life daily:)


So proud of you. I hope you feel better. You rock my friend.


You are so strong: a 3:10 on day where you’re not feeling well is incredibly impressive. I hope you feel better and are able to eat today! There is nothing that can discount all of the hard work and passion you put I into training. You will achieve it!


So sorry to hear you’re still under the weather. No run this weekend, just cross training and yoga.


Sounds like anxiety got the best of you. Based on your training times you post sub 3 should have been accomplished. Only weak spot is low mileage but if your body can’t handle higher mileage less is better.

Sub 3 is in your future!


You will get it! That’s the beast of the marathon – you really never know what will happen on race day. I know it’s hard, but keep your head up! You’ve GOT this! Rest up and enjoy family!


I ran a 5k on Saturday. The registration fee is a new unwrapped toy. They collect all of them for Toys for Tots. There were over 8,000 participants in the 5k. That’s a lotta toys for a lotta kids who might not have received a toy this holiday.


I did a short training run of 13 and now I’m trying to not go crazy with tapering madness. It didn’t feel that great but I kept up pace, so I’m just hoping I feel better on race day.


Sleeping and resting and loving up with your family sounds like a fantastic recovery. You are so wise and brave to know that sometimes things are beyond our control. The fact that you finished is remarkable! And you finished in an over the top amazing time. I thought of you as I was toughing out a beautiful 20miler with my brother-he and his wife came to Germany to visit all the Christmas markets so he and I ran to my son’s swim meet. Of course we hit up the bakery the 1 mile from the pool so we ran with bags of pretzels and pastries to gnosh on the rest of the day. I’m recovering from a hamstring/pelvic bone wonkiness so soreness and moving slow is my MO today.

You are one tough mama runner.


Sending you lots of love Janae. You will hit that goal! Enjoy your time with family!


Your positive attitude is an inspiration!


Sending so much love your way!!


I’m really sorry about yesterday Janelle. I thought about you and couldn’t wait to read your post last night and felt so bad after I read how it went. You still ROCKED it and should be proud. As for me, my first marathon should have been yesterday but hip issues sidelined me about 10 weeks into my training. I had an MRI the other day for a labral hip tear but like you, know that I WILL be back. Hang in there!


OF COURSE you’ll get there! Because you won’t give up until you do – and even after that ;) Look after yourself really well, and keep smiling Janae!


I bought a new (used) Honda CRV, made some caramel puffed popcorn to giveaway to friends, teachers and neighbors AND watched Christmas Vacation with the family to kick off the Christmas movie montage for the season!!! Plus, the fact that we are in the 40’s in DECEMBER in MINNESOTA just makes us all happy, happy, happy!!


Janae – It’s Barb from every-so-often I leave a comment…(single mom, husband suicide, etc) I love what you accomplished! I love how you handled your set back with St. George. And I already love how you are handling this minor bump in the road. That’s all it is. Big picture. You are amazing. Enjoy this time with your family. xoxo


I’m so sorry to hear about your race. You will definitely get to that point some time for sure though! I’m still so very proud that you even ran that far on an upset stomach! That is very strong and brave of you. 3:10 after throwing up is quite impressive. I think that should be a record in itself!
This weekend my mom and I got to attend a cycling class together which was really fun. I am really glad that she is starting to exercise more with me. I also went on an amazing hike with my fiance. We started to run the trails but there were a lot of roots that we tried to dodge but after a while of that we decided to just walk. We also got to go back to our college town and hang out with friends :)


I am glad you’re surrounded by family as you rest and recuperate. I know you will get to where you want to be with all that drive and heart you have! Enjoy the rest and I hope you feel better soon!

Still running outside around here so I am happy about that!


I am so impressed that you even continued to run despite being so sick, and then to finish with that time is absolutely amazing! I hope you’re feeling much better & enjoying this time with your family!


Sending you lots of love Janae. You’re so lucky to have such a loving and supportive family.


You surpassed your pre-Brooke PR time while you were crazy sick/depleted. You are truly amazing! Better even than your speediness is your positive demeanor. Hope you recover quickly and always know how inspiring you are for others : ) Go Janae!!


Feel better and rest up. It’s impossible to run a marathon on empty, absolutely impossible, so the fact that you got a 3:10 is impressive even though it isn’t what you trained for. You’ll get there eventually but for now enjoy some r&r and recover well!


Hope you get feeling better soon. Sometimes when these things happen better things are on the horizion. I was in Scottsdale running the hot chocolate 15k yesterday. I had a great pace of 11 min a mile ( normally 12:30 ) until mile 7-8 when it got really tough ( dropped back to 12:00). I ran with all heart to the end. I’m glad you are surrounded by family and friend while you recoup.


Janae! A couple of comments:

1) I think you’re a rockstar. Holding that pace for one mile after throwing up would be an impossible feat for most, let alone 26.2. 3:10 is an incredibly impressive time & I know you have a sub-3 in you, it just was not your day.

2) I know you’re taking your nutrition a lot more seriously than you have in the past which is awesome, but have you considered hydrating differently? I noticed in one of your posts leading up to the marathon that you hydrate a lot with Powerade Zero. There are a TON of artificial sweeteners in that stuff which wreak havoc on intestinal bacteria. Plus, like any sugar-free food or drink, consuming them in excess (not that drinking that much liquid before a marathon is excessive at all, just in terms of being sugar-free) will almost always lead to GI issues. This is just my two cents, I’m sure you know what’s going on with your body a lot more than I do;) haha. I’d be interested to hear what your coach thinks about those drinks, though!



I second staying away from sugar free or sports drinks with sorbitol. I have a fructose and sorbitol intolerance and can’t have many sports drinks or fuel/gu’s that are so prevalent. Many companies are taking note so options are out there.


Ah Janae, you are one blessed girl to have such incredible support. Don’t discount what you DID achieve. I think in this “good time off” you should really give yourself a rest and sort out what is wrong with your stomach and how to get it healthy again for life, not just depending on the meds. I know eating out while traveling kills my stomach even if it seems to be ‘healthy’ food. But that’s just a tidbit, nothing to worry about now.


Our weekend was full or rest and family parties. The girls got to see Santa and run around. I skipped my work out this morning though, because they both woke up several times last night. 5:30 seemed way too early. Hopefully a run tonight


I had you in my thoughts this weekend. I am so sorry to hear about your unexpected flu but I am proud of you for pushing through. You are incredible and I am excited to see what is next for you.

This weekend, I finally got out on my new bike and rode it like crazy! I also wrapped up my first week back to formal training and it is awesome.


Love your positivity! Yes – you WILL get there. Rest up! :)


I’m glad you are able to spend some time with your family. :)

I had a 14 mile run this weekend. Pretty soon, all my long runs are going to be “the longest run I’ve ever done.”


Congrats Janae! Can’t wait to hear all about your race! We all have those races:) Keep your chin up!


Even though you didn’t reach your sub 3 hour goal, be incredibly proud of all you have achieved so far! 3:10 is a great marathon time, and I can imagine when you do get your sub 3 hour marathon (there is no if – you will!) that moment when you cross the finish line will feel even more amazing when you think about what it took to get there. It is times like these where it helps to try and learn what you can from the experience, but also embrace the journey because certainly training for a marathon can seem like a long journey right?

I was on pace for a 3:22 marathon this weekend and completely blew it by racing too fast in the beginning. I kind of fell apart at mile 19 and never really got my pace back. Though I didn’t reach my goal time, I looked around after and felt incredibly blessed to have my family with me cheering along the way. It also didn’t hurt that we drowned my sorrows in champagne and chocolate covered pretzels when I actually did feel like eating and not barfing later that day! Oh well, you live and you learn.


No matter what I think you’re amazing! Can’t wait to hear all about the race!


We stuck close to home so my husband stayed healthy for today’s treatment. We put our tree up, decorated the house and did a lot of cooking for the week. It was pretty fun.

I ran on Saturday, my other hip hurt so much I cut the run short. It should be fine after a few days.


So sorry that you’re not feeling well. Rest sounds like the best thing right now. Feel better soon!


You will get it. I have no doubt.


Your outlook is the right one, and that alone says you will get this. Some day, when the timing is right.

Yesterday held a short hike, lunch with some new family, making homemade jerky & relaxing on the couch. It was just what I needed.


Just had to chime in (((big hugs))) I’m like a decade older than u but you’re struggles and triumphs have helped me with mine too. You have many many more triumphs ahead.


I ran 14 miles yesterday. It was beautiful weather. I was thinking about you while I was running hoping that you were having a day like I was having. It was my fastest training run ever!!! I’m sorry it didn’t workout but I know that you will get there because you believe that you can and that’s all that matters.
Happy Rest Day!!


i know you’re disappointed about your time, but i think 3:10 is amazing, and i would kill for that time in a marathon.


Hang in there- you’re amazing and tough.

This week I ran the longest run of my life which was cool but what was cooler was I was completely surrounded by fog, so no one could see my mouthing the lyrics to Carly Rae Jepsen and Jay Z songs. So, that’s fun and not at all embarrassing :)


I’m sorry your race didn’t go as planned! I suppose that is why running is such a good metaphor for life…we plan plan plan (or, train, train, train) so that when things go unplanned we are a little more able to deal with those challenges. I’d say you did an amazing job of that yesterday, pressing through major GI upset, hitting amazing paces, and accomplishing a 3:10 marathon time! Goodness, your worst marathon is soooo so far from what my best could ever possibly be!!!! You are an inspiration. Now enjoy some rest and good food!


You are so strong – can’t believe you finished in the time you did while being sick! Amazing :) You will get this sub-3, I have no doubt!!


UGH!! Tummy troubles are the worst. It’s frustrating and annoying to have think about everything you eat or drink. Enjoy your rest and recovery and hopefully you will figure this out. Hooray for AWESOME brothers!!! You are definitely a winner when it comes to family.

I had a good long run yesterday with my running club buddies. No more races this year for me. I’m doing some heart rate and stamina training before my next HM training cycle starts. I have several friends running BCS and Dallas Marathon this coming weekend…so I’m SUPER EXCITED for them.

Sending you lots of healthy, happy good vibes!!!


Aw, family is the best medicine. Glad you had your peeps there for you!


So sorry you aren’t feeling well still!

I hate to say it but this past weekend was so very stressful for me. So I’m actually ready to begin a fresh new week. I was able to run 7 miles Friday night and then Saturday was 18 in 3:43! I’m sore and did something to my Achilles’ tendon (much stretching and massaging the past weekend), but feeling that I could go out for a run again. :)


Congrats on finishing that marathon Janae, despite your illness! A huge accomplishment regardless of not meeting your goal #1. Keep on with your rest and recovery and if you need to take a break from blogging that’s ok too…Hang in there and keep hope alive!


I’m sorry it didn’t got as planned and you aren’t feeling well. But huge props for still finishing the race!!! I was dealing with 3 sick dogs all weekend. :( Luckily, today they are all doing much better. But it was a really rough weekend.


I love your attitude! You are making a huge impact on people by being yourself and staying positive. Your half marathon time is ridiculously impressive and there is no doubt in my mind that you will get that sub-3. That is my current goal as well. One day the stars will align (hopefully for both of us) :)


I’m sorry things didn’t go as you hoped but I love your attitude!


I am just starting a sub-2hr half marathon training plan (I usually don’t follow plans to a T, but this time I’m really going to try!) so today I have 1-3 miles race pace. I’m out in Utah too and it’s supposed to be pretty nice weather this week for outdoor runs (until the weekend), so yay! Enjoy the AZ warmth for as long as you can!!


Wow, i’m really sorry to hear about these problems, that’s just so disappointing for you. But dang girl 3.10 is amazing!! You are well on track for your sub 3 if you can pull that off with a bit of a walk in middle! Your gut hasn’t been healing for all that long, but once it’s back in business……look out 3hrs, you will sa-mash it!


Keep your head up!! You will be back at it soon enough! We just need you to get better! And just remember you have a ton of people rooting for you! :)


I ran 2 races this weekend, one Friday night and one Saturday morning. Both were excellent! (You know I just race for fun and because I love it).

Sending more hugs for you today :) Enjoy this time with your wonderful family <3


I had you in my thoughts this weekend. I’m so sorry that you were sick. It speaks volumes about the kind of athlete you are to be able to push through that much difficulty and come away with a 3:10. You are such an inspiring runner! Sending you lots of love today!


So many hugs. So much love. <3


I hope you feel better soon! Sending you positive healing prayers!


Oh my heart just sank when I read your post from yesterday. The unexpected crap that happens that will inevitably make that sub 3:00 goal even better WHEN you achieve it! Which you will!!! Keep at it, we’re all rooting you on from afar!:)


So bummed for you, Janae! Glad you have so much family to surround you with love and encouragement. Cyber hugs from Hawaii!


Sending healing thoughts your way! So sorry to hear that the race didn’t go as expected- but you finished with a rockstar time in light of the circumstances. Thank you for sharing this experience with us, although I’m sure it’s personally disappointing, a lot of people are rooting for you and know you will crush your sub-3 exactly when you are meant to :)

Also, something that got me through my first marathon heartbreak was hearing Aerosmith’s Dream On a day later- specifically the line “Sometimes you gotta lose to know how to win.” Everything that happens is setting you up for something BIG down the line, and more will be revealed!


i’m so sorry that the race was disappointing. Stomach troubles can be so frustrating, I knew when I ran cross-country I would get so nervous beforehand that I couldn’t eat a lot of times and I threw up occasionally.. That always made it a lot more stressful.

你刻苦训练,做你最好的,这就是something to be very satisfied with. Everybody is proud of you not for what you ran timewise, but for all the work that you put in to get where you’ve gotten. You’ve been working for this for years and the fact that you keep on trying is amazing. That’s huge. Many people would give up. So well done for perseverance and persistence – that is amazing.

我知道人之前提到过,但我t you’d really excel in shorter distances. The marathon seems to be really tough and with your competitive mindset and ability to build speed you should try 5K, 10K, and half!! You’d be amazing–your talent seems to lie more in The speed than endurance arena and it’d be fun for you I bet to try those shorter distances!! Mix it up! And those distances are fun because they’re run on pure guts–which seems to be your strategy! Just a thought/encouragement! I think you’d be awesome at those distances.


I’ve been reading a lot, but not posting. I just wanted to give you a virtual *hug*. It’s so hard when our bodies won’t cooperate. Hope you get lots of rest, and encouragement and laughter and whatever else helps you feel like yourself again. In the grand scheme of things, your health is paramount, and there will be tons of other races. ;)


Janae, you are an absolute inspiration to all of us!! Someday I hope to be as good a runner as you are, and I know that you will get that sub 3 someday soon. Plenty of rest for you!!!


You’ve got a great family there! Enjoy your time in the warm weather with them! Those are the things that matter most in life. ;)


I think you are amazing. The fact that you still beat your C goal by ~2 minutes after throwing up throughout the race, no fuel, and some walking shows how well you would have done with a cooperative stomach. It also shows how hard you trained and how fast you really are. The time alone is not your A goal, true…but all the puzzle pieces around it show how tough you are. *highfive*


Don’t forget to hydrate hydrate hydrate! You will feel like a new person!


I am so sorry to hear you were sick. If it’s worth anything: finishing at 3:10 is SO mad-respectable regardless of hitting empty or not. I’m proud of you and happy to call you an inspiration! So congratulations on being a winner in all of our eyes!

I ran my first half marathon this weekend (the SA Rock ‘n’ Roll). It was fun! I wasn’t really going for a time since this half was a training race for the Austin Marathon in February.

p.s We ran our races in the same shoes this weekend! And I thought of your just-keep-going mantras several times during my race, especially pump my arms harder so the legs will follow!


You still did incredible! I can’t believe you ran so strong with such severe stomach problems. I know it must feel terrible right now, but I think you are incredibly strong and dedicated. Feel better soon!


I’m sorry you still aren’t feeling well. Rest up and hydrate, you’ll be feeling better before you know it. There is no way I could continue to run that fast after throwing up. You are amazing!


I just want to point out that if you had problems in the last 7 miles of the marathon, and you STILL finished just ten minutes shy of your goal, you totally CAN do this sub-3. This just wasn’t your day, but you are absolutely capable of this!

Running was about the only exciting part of my weekend. I did a long run of 18 miles on Saturday that ended up being surprisingly easy. Very encouraging for me, with my first marathon just a few weeks away!


Oh Janae – my heart is so heavy for you….and girl, I have been there. I think I told you this before, but I tried 7 times to make my goal (which is a whole hour slower than you!! but my goal no less :) You name it, it happened to me. I finally did it at my 15th marathon – yes #15! And I had trained the same for many of them. Sometimes everything just lines up! Yours will come. I’m just happy you love the training part. I get that – I do too!! I know your faith is strong, and you have such an awesome supportive family! I love how your mom is always there. And Brooke….what a precious, beautiful blessing in your life! There are so many of us who love following you, and truly understand your passions. So let yourself grieve this one, and you’ll be back stronger than ever!! Love from Georgia!!


Hands down, YOU ROCK!!!!!!! You are such an inspiration!!!!!! And, yes, just look forward!!!!!! Your marathon time is wicked fast!!!! And, I do believe, that in in time….. that sub 3 hours marathon time will be yours!!!!! :D


You have the best followers! I am jealous :) Hope you feel better soon! I got new running shoes and ran for the first time in a while. Just testing out how my knee would feel and so far so good so I ran a short bit again today. I am excited to get back to running! I need it right now.


Feel better soon Janae! You are my hero! Your blog inspires me daily. Can’t wait to watch you continue your journey to finally getting that sub-3! My weekend included lots of recovering from my first long-ish run post-injury, aka constant foam rolling and icing!


请知道,即使它做的事情esn’t feel like it today, you are a ROCKSTAR to a lot of folks.

Continuing on my run streak:
8.5 Saturday with my training crew
2 with the dog Sunday
3.5 (unexpectedly) with some new friends at a run club

Take care of you, Janae!


you are an inspiration no matter what! you did amazing, and i know it’s hard to do, but be proud of yourself; you are amazing!
enjoy your family and get some rest :) your fans are behind you!


Congrats on your new PR since having Brooke!

3. Under 3:12:28—> my PR since having Brooke. (Around a 7:18 average pace)


Letting go of the things we can’t control is a tough one — but so necessary!! It’s a daily effort for me. ;) I hope you feel better and continue to enjoy family time!!


I ran Rock and Roll San Antonio, got a high five from Meb, saw Kara and Shalane, almost accidently PR’d even though I wasn’t running for a PR. It was a great weekend for me.
A few of my friends in real life and internet had really bad marathons this weekend. But everyone is keeping their heads up. That inspires me as much as a successful race.


Good Job, Janae!! We love you!


I hope that you are getting plenty of rest and enjoying the time with your family!

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