Stories from my iPhone #2

I did a nice and easy 60 minute run this morning. It was rainy yet the perfect temperature and it felt so good to get out.

下面的图片是一个跑步者的噩梦在race morning or before a speed workout;) My Garmin was dead but I was just going out to run easy so I didn’t mind not knowing my pace… my phone died too half way through the run so I just got lost in my thoughts for a while (a lot of those thoughts were about your sweet comments this morning and hoping that things improve for those of you really struggling right now).

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Andrew and Beretta went out for a run too. I wish you could see how fast her tail is wagging in this picture because she knows she is about to go out.

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*At about 11 pm last Friday I saw an ad online for a new cookie place in our area. I had to try it. It is called Chip and they deliver fresh cookies to you in between the hours of like 10 pm- 3 am. Brilliant. They also bring milk too and they delivered fast.

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We paid $14 for the four huge cookies and milk and while it won’t be an order we will be making all of the time, it will happen from time to time. The cookies were amazing and cooked perfectly (slightly doughy on the inside).

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*My dad and mom wanted to take the kids out for Costco pizza and they were pretty thrilled about it.

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*They pretended to be happy again to see us afterwards;)

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*CHRISTMAS LIGHTS ARE UP!!!! My first time ever having Christmas lights:)

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*They are in one of toys at the park that spin around a bunch. They love it. I cannot understand the love of spinning around like crazy.

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*I was going through my pictures on the airplane last week and realized that I did take one picture from my first date with Andrew. When the waiter came over and asked if we wanted dessert, Andrew asked me if I wanted to split one or get my own.

He knew from the first date that I would want my own. I snapped a picture of my dessert while he went out to his car to search for his wallet (he found it:).

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*Target tradition of climbing over the big red balls outside.

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*Their facial expressions these days make me pretty happy.

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*I’m very sorry Andrew (the above Chip cookies helped with my mood;):

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Love this video:

*Not sure if Beretta is trying to give him a kiss or lick off any crumbs.

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*MY BROTHER RAN HIS FIRST 10 MILES EVER!!! So so proud of him!

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*Lunch today was delicious. A mountain of eggs/squash/zucchini/avocado on toast with this Tabasco sauce!

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*Andrew sent this to me because it turns out I am that person that would LOVE to have the below outfit to stay warm this winter.

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CONGRATS TORRIE on winning the $250 thredUP giveaway wahoo! Email me:

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I hope the rest of your Monday is a great one! Feel free to tell me what you’ve been up to, your running, your food… whatever you want. I love hearing what you are up to!

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I am currently bundled up like that full body sweater pic. It’s super windy and cold here today.


I have a huge blanket wrapped around me right now haha:) Hopefully we stay nice and warm this year Sally!


1–Those cookies look insanely delicious. That’s a dangerous service. 2–I know about fast tail wagging! Such an adorable dog. I have a lab that loves to run, too.


I’m highly influenced by pictures when I’m hungry. I’m at my daughter’s swim lesson but when we get home I’d like eggs and toast for dinner followed by fresh baked chocolate chip cookies! ?


Brooke’a sweet face and buns are almost too much!

Today was 8 treadmill miles (it rained!) and a walk to and from lunch with my fam. This is the most I’ve ran since my marathon last weekend and other than a sore toe nail, it felt pretty great! Tomorrow will be trail miles and a movie with my Mama. I love being off work!


I changed my winter wardrobe to consist of fleece lined leggings, soft sweat shirts, and fuzzy sweaters. I hate being cold! I need a cookie that big! And a cookie delivery service.


CHIP COME TO LA PLEASE!!!!!!!!!! I could totally use this service when I get my sweet tooth urge and it is already later in the evening and we are bundled up cozy inside. TOO DANGEROUS!!!!!!!!!!!! Great idea.

Happy Thanksgiving Janae. I hope you and your entire family have a beautiful holiday season. Long time reader and your posts always make me happy as you exude a love for family and life! Always so happy and uplifting.


Just got home from my first run of a new marathon training cycle. It will be my 2nd full. Woooo (I think, haha). Went with the treadmill at the gym because the wind gusts in PA are ridiculous today.

ps Today I repeated to myself something I think you said once….You can complain and scream all you want in your head, but stopping is not an option [provided nothing for real hurts]. It worked, so thanks for that!!


First ever Christmas lights?? What?? crazy madness must.have.lots.of.lights.
That toast, egg, avocado, hot sauce is making my mouth water.


Brooke’s facial expressions… they slay me!!! Such a cutie!
Just got home from work and I only have one more day until holiday time off! So excited!


First snow storm of the year around here! I need that wool suit, one of your cookies and hot chocolate haha


I think the cookie idea is brilliant! Why didn’t I think of that?
I had the same thing happen with my phone this weekend. It was at 65% when I left the house, stopped at a gas station to buy hand warmers a little over a mile in, and when I unlocked my phone to pause my running app, it died. So the rest of the run I counted steps. Forever. Then when I got home I plugged my phone in and it immediately said it was at 63%. Has anyone else had this happen? So bizarre.


We used to have Christmas lights on our house years ago. We just kind of quit doing it. I really want them this year! Also, a cookie delivery service? Genius!!


Unfortunately, I read the dog in the polar bear video was killed :(
SUPER sad.


I read the same thing- the story behind that video is actually really terrible :'(


Oh I had no idea!!! That breaks my heart. Thank you for letting me know, I took the video down!


Candice needs that human sweater outfit.

And I need those Chip cookies in my life. They don’t look like the kind of cookies Ross would like though…which is great cause that means ALL 4 COOKIES FOR ME! BOOM! Best idea ever.

We still have never had Christmas lights on our house. Sad. Why do they cost so much? It’s like pillows. Why are pillows $40? I like how I just said I would spend $14 on 4 cookies, but I don’t want to spend $40 on decorative pillows #ItsWhereMyPrioritiesLie


It’s a beautiful morning in Switzerland, I’m about to head out the door for a light jog by the river!!
Thank you for sharing the wonderful updates. :)


我总觉得the photos on someone’s phone tells the most about them. Now that I can draw all over images, I feel like my phone is a mess LOL.


I had an amazing run yesterday, just four short trail miles but it was cool and sunny. I’m officially less than two weeks away from Baby #2 and I’m finally starting to get excited instead of nervous….:)
I’m reallllllllllly glad they don’t make those chip cookies here. I would be ordering them every night. Chocolate chip cookies are my weakness. And tabasco.
Your post yesterday was so touching Janae. I started reading when you were single, and to see how open you are to letting happiness into your life and how much love you give to your family and your readers is really inspiring. I hope you have the best holiday’s yet with even better ones to come! XO


I’ve been taking a few days off from running because my knee is hurting a little bit. Hope it goes away fast because I’m running a 10K race in a month and need to start training for that:)

Btw those cookies look absolutely delicious. I’m a huge cookie person!


我一直在思考同样的事情-布鲁克的招牌l reactions are awesome these days!! She’s so animated and happy – I just love it!

I would love that warm cozy outfit as well…a few years ago, my boyfriend at the time got me a fleece onezie (with feet!) for Christmas…Best. Gift. Ever. (except when you need to pee!! lol)


Hi Janae! Unrelated to everything: are you still using Host Gator? Are you happy with them? Thanks and have a great Thanksgiving!


Hey Natalie!!! I no longer use Host Gator. Email me and I can give you the info of my new company I am using that I LOVE!


I like wine! Usually nothing too sweet. I go through phases but usually more white in warm months and red in cooler. I really like Pinot Noir for the reds! Sounds like a fun service. At first I was like “4 bottles per week – wow that’s a lot” then I clicked over and saw it wasn’t a subscription – that you just did it when you wanted. I might try it for a party!

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