Insecurities and why runners really need to pay attention to their skin!

Good MORNING everyone! I’m excited to share some new products I’ve found and am LOVING! I have a killer deal (like a HUGE percentage off) on a starter set so you can try this out for yourself! This post is sponsored byNxN.I hope you are having a beautiful day! Would love to hear your thoughts on some of my topics today too!


I don’t know about you but my teenage years were not the years where my skin was bad. I remember very rarely dealing with zits or skin problems but whenever I did, I made sure to be very dramatic about it all (sorry about those teenage years Mom, I’m sure karma will come around for me on this one). It wasn’t until I was in college that I started to really struggle with my skin. I went straight to a dermatologist and wanted the most intense treatment possible, which you wouldn’t believe the side effects that came along with that. You see, in my younger years whenever I had an insecurity, I would go over the top and do whatever it took to try to get rid of that insecurity. Skin problems—> extreme treatments with who knows what kind of ingredients in them. Body insecurities—> over-exercising and cutting out food groups (or drinking DIET drinks like crazy ((I don’t remember my last diet coke:)) or chemical filled fat-free/sugar-free foods). In my younger years I just wanted to fix the problem asap and didn’t worry much about all of the side effects that came along with my way of dealing with insecurities. I’ve told you this before but becoming a mom really helped me to change my brain, a lot. I don’t know what it is about motherhood but for me it helped me to think a lot more clearly and to want to be the best example possible. I stopped caring so much about what others thought about me probably because I was too busy caring about Brooke. I stopped with the extremes (well, minus whatever food I’m currently obsessed with) and worked a whole lot harder to take care of myself. Between trying to be a good example and wanting to take care of myself so I could take care of Brooke, motherhood really helped me to cope with and let go of my insecurities better.

While I still have times where I’m insecure with my skin (mainly around that time of the month when the world suddenly is against me, I cry a lot and my face reacts accordingly;), it’s not like what it used to be. I care MORE than ever about WHAT I am putting on my skin. It’s less about HOW AM I GOING TO GET PERFECT SKIN THAT LOOKS LIKE A MOVIE STAR’S SKIN and more about what is my skin’s current health? How can I help to improve that by using products that are all-natural and help it to feel and look better.

I think as runners it is especially important that we pay close attention to our skin’s health because we sure expose it to A LOT every day on our runs. We sweat A LOT, we are in the sun, we are sometimes in polluted areas (Utah in February is the worst = inversion) and we do this almost every single day of the week.

I started trying outNxN(a new innovative formula!!!) recently and wanted to let you know about what I think about it so far! Brooke was clearly very excited to be included in this picture.


First, and most importantly to me,NxNis powered completely by NATURAL INGREDIENTS.NxNis free of artificial colorants/fragrances and it is NEVER tested on animals. Beretta was pretty happy about that fact too when we told her:)


NxNis paraben free (aka preservatives that are used in a lot of cosmetics and skin care), sulfate free, hypoallergenic (giving this to my mom because she HAS to have hypoallergenic products) and it is made in the USA. They offer both the Total Moisture Kit and a Zero Shine Kit. I went with the Zero Shine Kit along with the Glow Remedy, an awesome exfoliator because naturally my skin produces a lot of oil and a lot of shine;)


Let’s chat about the four products that I’ve tried and am loving so far. The Fresh Start Foaming Cleanser is such a great way to start the day… it definitely helps me to wake up in a great way:) This product helps to balance skin tone and to create a healthy glow (especially useful on those mornings when Brooke wakes me up 3 hours earlier than normal). It instantly foams and removes any dirt, oil or shine on my face. My skin feels fresh and ready to start the day after using this product.


The Flash Matte Perfecting Primer is another part of my morning routine lately. I use this first before putting on my makeup in the morning (ehh sometimes afternoon on those crazy mornings). This has some amazing antioxidants in it to nourish our skin before we put on our makeup. It helps to even our skin tones (AKA MY NEED) and I love how smooth my face feels after using this! Goodbye shine.


Okay, the Glow Remedy Powder to Foam Exfoliator feels SO good. I have been using this at night a few times a week and boom—> it helps get rid of anything on our skin we don’t want to be there, such as dead skin cells. It also buffs our skin to smooth it out and firms up our skin through a natural retinol. After a long day of running/chasing kids/feeding kids/working/doing who knows what… I can’t tell you how good it feels to use this and wash off the day! Add a little bit of water to this powder and you are good to go!


The Power Detox Clear Complexion Mask FEELS GREAT! It includes anti-aging properties, helps to soothe skin and draw out any toxins in your skin. I have been trying this out at night a few times per week and leaving it on for about 5-10 minutes while I get my running clothes and electronics charged for my run the next mornings. I wash it off with water and feel like a million bucks. I haven’t used many masks over the years but at the ripe ol’ age of 31, I’m now hooked on how my skin feels once I wash it off and climb into bed.


GiveNxNa try and be sure to tell me how much you are enjoying it (you are going to really enjoy the discount I have below for $30 off).


Keep on running and keep on taking care of that beautiful skin of yours with natural ingredients that make you and your skin happy!



I’m really excited for you to tryNxN! The first 100 READERS will receive the Zero Shine System for Oily/ Combination Skin or the Total Moisture System for Dry/Sensitive Skin for only$9.99 + free shipping. That is $30 off which makes it less than $4 for each full size product… such an awesome deal for everything that you will be getting! ClickHEREand enter the code HUNGRY to get this fabulous deal!


What type of insecurities have you dealt with over the years and how did you/do you deal with those?

How do you protect your skin with all of your running?

What is your bedtime routine… how long does it normally take you?

What’s on your running agenda today? Would love to hear your workout!

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嗨Janae,我喜欢你的博客,关于生命的故事。I wonder if NxN is available in the U.K.? My run for the day was just 20 minutes but I am finally starting to enjoy running again after almost a year out with shin splints! Meg


Just emailed them!!! I’ll let you know asap! Meg, I am SO beyond happy that you are dealing with shin splints anymore… congrats on the twenty minutes today!!! You are amazing!


Hi Janae! I really enjoyed reading this post! I struggle with acne and am currently using some pretty harsh stuff to try to keep my skin clear but it is great knowing there are better options for me. Thanks for sharing this!


Hey Torrie!!! Thank you so much for writing me! Keep me updated with how you are doing… thinking about you! I totally get it!


哇!感谢这样一个伟大的交易等不及try these products!

I’ve dealt with insecurities of not feeling pretty enough. My sister is absolutely GORGEOUS, and so are all of my friends, so it’s sometimes hard to have to stand next to them. Plus, I’ve never had a boyfriend or even been on a real date, so it’s caused me to feel like guys will never like me because of the way I look. It’s been a struggle at times to try to overcome this, and I still have hard days with it, but over the years I’ve learned that my value isn’t found in what I look like.


I’ve been wanting to try some new skincare products, these look great!


Do you have to join the monthly subscription to try out the products, Janae?


HEY JULIE!!! The monthly subscription is part of sign-up BUT you can cancel at any time, get a 100% refund if you aren’t happy too! So you could just try for one month and cancel! I hope you are having a fabulous day!


sometimes I am so tired at night but I never ever ever skip washing my face! I can’t imagine going to sleep with makeup still on. I use skinceuticals sunscreen while running to protect my skin – I love it!


My skin has always been an insecurity if mine. I’ve never had wonderful flawless skin and if I forget to wash my face once, I break out like a 13 year old. I might need to try these. Thanks for sharing.


I’m curious, why did you stop using Dermalogica? What makes NxN better?


I had the same question…currently using dermalogica, wondering how these new products compare??


HEY ESSIE and MELISSA!!! Both are amazing products! I just love trying new products out and seeing what my skin loves and does love ( I’ve tried a few others that I haven’t blogged about because I didn’t love them)! I do love that NxN is a cheaper all-natural product which I think allows more people to give it a try!


我的皮肤是干燥和苍白,所以防晒霜是必须的while running outdoors.

My biggest insecurity is my legs. I think they look oddly big for my body type and height. I have solved this by not having a full-length mirror. If I can’t see it, it doesn’t exist, right?


For a minute there I thought I was reading an old post. Your Dermalogica post is really, really similar


Hey Jenn!!! My story hasn’t changed about why I was excited to try an all-natural skin care product:)


This has been so hard for me to remember! Until recently, I’ve just been making sure I’m using spf jackets but now that it’s warm, I’m going to need spray sunscreen to make sure I get my back! It is SO important and the one thing I would tell me 15 year old self.


My bedtime routine takes less than 5 minutes haha. Brush teeth, wash face (if I wore makeup, if not, I don’t) swipe on some Primrose Eye Creme, and done. I need a basic nighttime routine and over washing my skin just makes it angry.


Hi Janae!! I wrote to you about a week about my 10 mile race I was worried about on Sunday. Well, I race and conquered! It was the most fun race I have ever run. It was the Broad Street Run in Philadelphia. I wasn’t necessarily fast and I wanted to do negative splits and have a fast three miles to finish but my body wasn’t having it. I ran a pretty steady the pace the entire ten miles but I had fun!!!! And I ran the entire ten miles. In my first half marathon in March – I psyched myself out at mile 11 (!!!!!) and felt like I was running out of air and stopped for water and walked for a minute. I was SO disappointed with myself. This race, I learned my lesson. Grab water at each water stop and just relax. At mile 9 in this race, I had the same thing happen where I felt like I had no air. But instead of stopping, I just mentally talked to myself and said just slow your pace down and relax — you’ve run longer than this and there is no need to freak out! It worked! I kept running. I am in the middle of moving to a new apartment, having the worst allergies I’ve ever had in my life and going through some personal issues of change and anxiety due to moving so I am sooo happy to be able to say I accomplished this during such a crazy time in my life. Thanks for your advice – it really helped. Also your post on a run rut is SO relateable to me right now. I am not getting enough sleep due to what I mentioned above and it is REALLY affecting my work outs and it’s super frustrating. I will get through this week doing the best I can with my work outs and hopefully catch up on sleep this weekend and be ready for a fresh start on Monday next week!!!


MADDIE!!! HUGE HUGE HUGE congrats Maddie:) I am so so excited for you:) Congrats on taking over mentally when the going got tough and continuing to run! I am so sorry about everything that you are struggling with right now… I’m always here if you need to email with someone! Congrats and keep thinking about that amazing accomplishment! Keep me updated with how you are doing!


I am allergic to something at the moment and I’m not sure if it’s a food or a product. Weird because I’m not using anything new. I rarely had pimples but a few years ago my lower face started breaking out and it was food related. I am also allergic to some products and have cortisone for those unfortunate moments. (and it changes over time which is maddening, you think you have some reliable products and then you don’t).

I use sunscreen and in the winter I use a lipid barrier block so my face doesn’t chap. I also wear hats, sunglasses and a zinc lip balm (so attractive) when I’m out running.

I’m not sure if I’m running today or tomorrow.


For my bedtime routine, I definitely always take off my makeup (which is just mascara, eyeliner and blush) every day. Then I use nighttime moisturizers, which have all been geared towards “anti aging” lately, along with spot remover solutions too. Ah the joys of the late 40’s! haha I’d be a poster child for why you should use sunscreen on your face every day and start using it early!
我今天实际运行甚至让我受伤angrier because I have a Dr’s appointment for it tomorrow and I want to make sure I know what I’m talking about!


Can’t wait to try this product!


Yay thanks so much! I have been looking for something new to try with my skin and I just bought this :) Thanks for the discount!


I’m in secure about my legs (especially during the summer months) due to varicose veins. I’ve dealt with them since high school. Over the years I’ve had them removed but now on my second pregnancy they are popping up again, worse than before. I’m hoping to get them removed once and for all after this baby arrives because I do love wearing shorts, especially when running!

At 29 weeks pregnant I’m down to interval runs now. I did three miles today, after each mile I did a floor exercise for a little breather (and to get the braxton hicks to chill out!) Running with a baby belly is no joke, lol


Thanks for the NxN offer, Janae. I’m with you, I pay much more attention now to what I put on my face and skin than I did in the past. Most of my running is early morning before the sun has come up over the mountains, but when I run or ride my bike during the day I slather on the sunscreen now and wear a hat or helmet with the visor. This is definitely one of those things I wish I could go back and tell my 12 year old self!


I try to always run with a hat on, since I’ve had a lot of issues with melasma since having my daughter. Thanks for sharing!


What an amazing post today!!! Love these products! I have tried them in the past and was happy with them! I now use Mary Kay because my best friend sells it. . . love to support the small business community and my best friend! I run very often indoors so I do not have to worry about the sun beating down on me. But I always make sure that my moisturizer has SPF in it to protect me at all times.
In high school I was the same way with eating. . . I would go crazy over anything and everything that was fat free and sugar free. And to think now of ALL the chemicals I consumed. It was not until I was about 25 that I really starting focusing more on clean and whole foods. And now at 32, my body thanks me everyday!! Its so worth it. I am finally at a point in my life where my weight is not like a yo-yo. And I know its from truly exercising hard but also filling my body with truly healthy food.


My skin care products have changed over the years. I am sure most everyone has changed their brand or their routine. I used to use Clinique’s 3 step and liked it. I have no idea why I switched. In college it was usually clean and clear or neutregena because they were cheap. Now I use Cerave soap and just witch hazel as a toner, and I like it. I ran out a while ago and used Ross’ clean and clear cause it was there….bad move…it gave me a chemical burn! My skin wasn’t used to that anymore. I am now interested in trying this (thinking since it is hypoallergenic that it won’t burn my face off) and seeing if I like it more than what I am currently using. My skin definitely has some room for improvement. Once I embraced my freckles, my skin wasn’t an insecurity. Now if I could just do the same with my midsection ;)


How did you give up your Diet Coke addiction? I have done it once before 10 years ago, but I cannot this time around. Any advice?


谢谢你的这篇文章!挣扎的人with dry skin and eczema, I am always on the lookout for new products to try and alleviate these symptoms. My skin did okay at home in Massachusetts, but got worse in the dry air when I went to college in Ut. I will have to give this a try!


It looks like this signs you up for a shipment every two months when you place an order–that seems like something you should have mentioned.


I need to take more care with my skin care routine. I sometimes put on spf and sometimes don’t. Thanks for the good reminder of how important it is!

Bed time routine takes about 30 minutes if you include letting the dogs out and settling them in. Teeth brushed, alarm set, and I’m out.

I got in 5 hot miles on my treadmill after work. Feeling good!


I love the background of your running picture. It looks like a really cool place with the vintage signs and cars.


I was 27 or 28 when I got my Garmin. I Love it!!! Tracking everything makes me so much more motivated!

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