38 Weeks + HOW DID YOU KNOW!?!?

I can’t even believe I’m saying this (because during that first trimester I was positive that 38 weeks would take 10 years to get to;) but I am now in my 38th week (officially on Friday) of pregnancy!

*Getting out of bed is quite the struggle at this point! I have found a way to kind of roll out of bed because going from horizontal to vertical is harder than a 4 mile run for me right now;)

*This belly button of mine. I can’t tell you how many stares I get each day, especially while running because you can’t see it as much in my normal clothes.

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*Shark Tank got me… I bought one of the products they featured. I saw it and bought it two seconds later because I think it is such a brilliant idea—>SnoofyBee Portable Changing Pad! The pad makes it so that the baby can’t reach their hands down to their diaper while you are changing them. Brilliant.

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*The best time of my entire week last week, the massage chair:) I was in heaven. I lucked out because I don’t have back problems during pregnancy (except for when I am driving the car… then my back starts to hurt) but this felt like heaven.

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*We have another doctor’s appointment today and according to the internet, she should be around 6.8 lbs right now! Wowzers!

*My ankles have started to swell up a bit but nothing too bad yet! I remember with Brooke I started to really swell up about 2-3 days before I had her!

*I counted how many races I did while pregnant this time around—> She has done FIVE races with me. Look at her already crossing those finish lines left and right. Four of those races were half marathons (my last one was at the end of July ((in the picture below))… haven’t run that far since) and one 5k! I’ll have to make sure to save the medals we earned together and give them to her!

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*I bought amaternity/nursing robefor the hospital and I pretty much just want to wear it from now on until I have the baby!

*The nesting stage officially ended on November 26th, 2017. Up until then I was loving getting as much done as possible to prepare for the baby and then Sunday hit. The idea of doing productive things does not sound fun anymore but luckily everything is ready for her to come.

*Yep, hot chocolate is still very much a part of my life. I want all red meat, pizza and soda to explode but salads with fruit on top, bread and noodles are free to stay:)

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*Cereal continues to be a very big deal for me lately too. Easy, delicious, simple and satisfying… all I could ask for in a meal:)

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*My nephew was pretty shocked when he felt her kick the other night!

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I am pretty sure I have asked every woman that has had a child that I come in contact with over the last few weeks this question—> “HOW DID YOU KNOW YOU WERE IN LABOR or at least close to going into labor?” Now you get to add to my survey (aka my current obsession with knowing everyone’s story) of how they knew they were going into labor!

With Brooke, I remember losing my mucus plug and that being my realization that things were real and that I was going to have her soon! It freaked me out because it was earlier than I expected but I am still positive that Brooke came to me early because she knew I needed a buddy asap because hours earlier I had just moved away from my family to live in California. After I lost my plug, the contractions started getting stronger and stronger and closer together but even though it was a slow process, I knew it was game time. My mom was on a plane right away (even though I had just said goodbye to her in Utah) to come be there with me!

I was just a little nervous in the hospital;)

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As you can tell, because I love trying to control things I cannot control, I have been thinking a lot about how it will all happen this time. Thanks for sharing your stories and experiences with me… I can’t tell you how much I look forward to reading your comments about this kind of stuff!


Here is my IMPORTANT question for you… How did you KNOW you were in labor? Did your water break? Did your contractions start small (ps do they ever start as Braxton contractions and turn into real ones)? Any other signs that led you to believe it was baby time?

If you have more than one kid… how did your labor differ from your first to your next kiddos? I am wondering if labor will be way shorter this time around!

I was really nervous about going to the hospital too early and getting sent home so I tried to wait as long as possible before checking in… When did you go in to the hospital? When your contractions were 4-5 minutes apart?!

如果你现在怀孕——>是什么东西unding really good to you right now and really awful to you? Do you feel like you have a lot of energy right now or are you feeling drained?!

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米y water didn’t break, and I don’t think i lost my plug. I felt my first real contraction right after the season finale of game of thrones. All I can say about it is it felt DIFFERENT and SERIOUS. It was nothing compared to Braxton hicks. I was worried that I wouldn’t know when it was really labor, but I definitely did. I felt like my contractions were always very intense, they just increased in duration and frequency over time.


米y daughter was born a month early. I thought I was having braxton contractions but then I got a bad back ache and I was worried that there was something wrong. I went to my doctor’s office to just have them check to make sure every thing was ok. Well they checked and I was already dilated to 10! So I went straight to the hospital (it was on the same block fortunately) and 10 minutes later I had a baby in my arms. Point of my story – I have no idea how you know when you are in labor or close.


With my first he was a week late and I was running out of fluid and failed a non stress test so they induced me. My second I went on a very long walk (curb walking, where one foot is on top of the curb and the other is in the gutter and you walk uneven) and I woke up in the middle of the night with a stomach situation (tmi?) but then the contractions started and didn’t stop. My third I also went curb walking and woke up around one am with tummy cramps that had me switching from side to side until I woke up enough to realize they were contractions so I showered and got ready and woke my husband up and he showered and we were off. My labor did get shorter with each one, not drastically but still shorter. I’m currently 25 weeks and feeling like the end will never come ? and I’m hoping this labor is the shortest yet. Best of luck!!


I just had my first baby Nov. 1st! I never lost my plug (my midwife thought I had been gradually loosing it a few days prior) I woke up around 11 on the 30th and thought my water broke- went to the hospital, they ran a few tests and sent me home. The minute I left the hospital I noticed a strong contraction- and that continued all night long- 5-6 minutes apart. I had an appointment the next morning so waited to go back in- I didn’t want to be sent home again. Sure enough my midwife said my water did partially break the night before, and when she checked me the rest of my water broke! They wheeled me over to labor and delivery. 25 hrs. later (from when my contractions started) out little boy Gus Maxwell was born!


I was in active labor with my first two without even realizing it. Both times I had a doctor’s appt and was already dilated to 5 with my first and 7 with my second. The doctor sent me to the hospital and broke my water and they were there shortly thereafter. My third baby was a homebirth and I was woken up with contractions. I took a warm bath to relax my body and the contractions picked up :) Then I had twins and I just knew. I was feeling tons of pressure the day before and when contractions were stopping me the next day, I knew it was time to go in – I was also at a 7 when I got to the hospital. Whew!

Good luck!!!!


At my appointment a couple days before my due date, the doc stripped my membranes. I was already having contractions, but nothing major. That night, I started timing them a little but they were still not regular. I went to work the next day and timed them all day…I could see and feel them increasing slowly. Once I left work, I went home and called the hubs that they were getting worse and I needed to get my blood pressure checked (GD is no fun!). When we got to the hospital, I was a 3 or 4 so they kept me for the night…I walked, I laid, I soaked in a tub,…and then I got the big shot. I was around a 7 at this time… I rested for a few hours, then I peed myself…or so I thought… I miss thinking about little man’s birth :)


That diaper bad is amazing!

与我的第一个我知道我是在现实劳动当我water broke. My second I knew when I started to get the shakes after a few hours of contractions (same thing happened right before my water broke with the first. My third I was induced because the kid was not coming on his own. The first labor was about 12 hours. The second was around 18 and the third was 6!(again, induced so it was way faster but also way more intense until the epidural started.


I went to work for a half day over the summer to get things ready for my sub. I remember barely eating because i had no appetite, and feeling tired. I came home from work and napped. When i woke up i went outside with my dog and sat on the porch while talking to a friend on the phone. When i stood up after the call ended my water broke. I went to the hospital to get checked and was already 4 cm! My baby boy was born the following day – 9 days early :)


You’re getting so close!

Both of my deliveries were induced. Apparently I have a great uterus because the babies never want to leave it. :-)


I had dreams for weeks beforehand that I was giving birth but in my dreams it didn’t hurt :) But in reality, I had no clue what to expect because I hadn’t had ANY Braxton Hicks. I equate it to the dreams I used to have before I had ever had sex – that I couldn’t really dream about it because I hadn’t experienced it. I just kept waiting and waiting for Braxton Hicks and they never came. And then 36 hours before my induction my water sponteously broke at midnight. And even then, when we called the doctor, and they said if contractions hadn’t started at 8 am to come on in. Even then the contractions hadn’t started. And then 15 minutes later, wham!
We stayed at home until 4 am (so about 3 1/2 hours) – my husband slept, I took a shower. It wasn’t so much the spacing of the contractions, it was that I was really in pain and wanted an epidural and we had quite a drive to the hospital (a drive I had been dreading having to do in rush hour). I think I was 4 cm by the time I was checked (but I had been 2 cm since they started checking).

With #2 I had a ton of Braxton Hicks (I was also on modified bedrest from 22-25 weeks and 28-36 weeks because my cervix was shortening (determined by ultrasound) and when they checked me at 32 weeks I was 2 cm dilated so I was given shots to mature the lungs in case I went into labor early, but I never did. I walked into my planned c-section (#1 ended up being a c-section after 22 hours of labor) at 39 weeks. The doctor was thinking that the 2 cm at 32 weeks might not have been anything to worry about – I was never checked with my daughter until 37 or 38 weeks, so all we know I could have been 2 cm with her for a long time too.

A couple of times the doctor said “the next time…” and I just looked at him with the look of “there will not be a next time!” – 2 is plenty for us! (I also didn’t have my kids until I was almost 36 and 38 1/2).


I have three kids. With my first, I lost my mucus plug and Started having contractions. They progressively got worse and I had her that night.

米y second child, I went all natural. I was 11 days past my due date :( I started having contractions late at night and went all night having contractions. I delivered him the next morning.

我的第三个孩子,将近两个星期,我开始having contractions early in the morning. I went natural again and knew I needed to wait until the contractions were close together because it’s not fun waiting it out in the hospital. I waited until they were a few min apart and headed to hospital. He was born within an hour of getting there, in a giant bathtub:) My third was the fastest delivery.

Each delivery has such special memories. Cherish each stage, it goes so fast!!


I was getting into bed for the night and just didn’t feel right, that was my first contraction. I was a week over due so I knew this had to be it. And it waswe went to the hospital at 3:00 am and she was born that evening!!


40 + 4的时候因为我打电话给医生的线I wasn’t feeling right (no contractions, just… weird) and they said to come in and they’d check me… I went in, was already 8 cm dilated, and had my baby girl two hours later! It was a whirlwind, ha! I told the sweet nurse that it was VERY important for me to have an epidural because this was supposed to be a VERY large baby. She patiently explained to me that I would have to sit up on the table and I probably couldn’t, but I was determined to try and so I did and then my water broke and pushing began! Funny: I was so concerned that I would be hungry during labor and not be able to eat that I stocked up on yellow popsicles, but we forgot to bring them to the hospital. I tried to send my husband home for them but I’m glad the nurses kept him there because he might’ve missed our daughter’s birth!


I have two kids and had two VERY different labors.

米y first Brooklyn (Brooke cookie) who is now almost 3 came 23 days early. 25 days before my due date on s a Thursday I lost my mucous plug in the middle of the night and then contractions started. I went into the hospital and they sent me home that Friday morning but as I walked out the door the midwife looked at me and said, “I think I might see you again this weekend”. Boy was she right. That night I went in with horrific irritable contractions (every 1-2 minutes no break really) and I was begging for an epidural. I got my epidural at 6am and then my labor slowed waaaaay down so by 3pm they have me pitocin. It kicked things up but I spiked a 104 fever so at 6:29 when they had me start pushing they had an entire team of people ready to take her (technically early plus fever) and by 6:31 she was out! The whole thing was a little traumatic because they took her away even though she ended up being completely healthy. The funny thing is I think she just wanted to come early. It’s totally her personality – strong willed and intense!

明天我的儿子詹姆斯(6个月,啊!)和我t was wildly different. My water broke at 38 weeks and 6 days (basically from 36 weeks on I was like he’s coming but nope). I jumped out of bed because that never happened with Brooklyn. Went to the hospital and within a few hours got my epidural (won’t lie while waiting I threw up, got the shakes, etc.) but once I got it I felt awesome! The experience was SO different. I had my midwife, nurse and husband in the room and a doctor on call if needed. The midwife turned the lights low and slowly guided me to push. It was the most peaceful, amazing experience. He came out and I got tons of cuddle time. The crazy part is he weighed practically 3lbs more (B was 7 even he was 9lb 14oz) but the whole experience wasn’t bad and TMI but my body has been absolutely fine in recovery!!!

Also breastfeeding did not work out for more than 2 months with B and I was crushed. Going 6 months strong with J and it’s been easy going. I’ve truly learned every baby is so, so different!!


米y first and second times were pretty different! Both times I lost my mucus plug a few days beforehand but that was the only thing the same. With my first, my water broke when I woke up one morning and that’s how I knew! I had him about 12 hours later. He was born at 37 weeks. With my second she was born at 40 weeks. I started having contractions but then they went away, came back, went away, and it wasn’t til a day later when I really went into labor. The way I knew it was real was because my contractions started to hurt and they were getting closer together. I went to the hospital at 8pm and she was born at 12:30!


Just after midnight 2 days before my due date, I had just fallen asleep and in my dream, I heard a loud pop and jolted up and realized my water broke. Up to that point, I had no only indications and at my 39 week appointment 5 days prior, my OB said that telling me I was half a cm dilated was being generous. 12 hours later, my daughter was born!


Well I was sitting in the pew at church right after sacrament meeting. A new couple had moved in and we were talking to them. I felt terrible. They asked when I was due and then asked if I had been “feeling anything”. I kid you not, within a few seconds I felt a pop and then a gush. I turned to my husband with a bright red face and said, I think my water just broke. It had. We bolted out so fast and luckily there was just a small bit of water on my GREY dress ?. I was so embarrassed but we laugh about it now! Pretty sure that couple will never forget our first conversation. Haha


With my first the night before, I started losing my mucous plug and was having Braxton Hicks that never seemed to stop. That night around midnight I started getting some back pain and knee it was the real thing. So I got into the tub and everything basically stopped or at least slowed down which made me think I wasn’t really having her yet. As soon as I got out, I got on my treadmill to start walking and that’s when things got real. I had wanted to do most my Labor at home because I was going natural and didn’t want to be hooked up to machines and what not for long. Needless to say I almost had my first at home because I waited so long. Oops. All in all Labor was 12 hours and she was 2 days late.
With my second, I had been losing my mucous plug for a couple weeks and had been dilated at a 4 and fully effaced, two weeks prior to having her. My husband and I went out To a movie one night since my parents had my oldest and that’s when the consistent Braxton Hicks started. This time though those constant Braxton Hicks lasted over 14 hours but they were coming every two-three minutes so we thought maybe I was in actual labor. As soon as we got to the hospital, the real contractions started and I was at a 6. Less then 3 hours later she was born. Had she not been sunny side, my midwife said she would’ve been born much faster.

Now comes my miracle baby which I’m currently almost 28 weeks with. The plan is to haves water birth with this one at the birth center. I’m just hoping (it’s 20 minutes to get there) we leave in enough time so she is not born in the car because like I said, had my second not been sunny side, she probably would’ve been born at home.
So excited for you. Wishing I was that far along. I’m so done with liking food one day and hating it the next, the heartburn, and random nausea that comes and goes.


I just had my fourth at home in the tub! This one was my first to turn sunny side up (he turned during labor) and the pain was nothing compared to the first three. I’m so thankful I had the tub for it. Good luck!!


I have two daughters, 17 (on Sunday!) and 14. My first was a week overdue and I was convinced she’d never come out when I went into labor right after dinner one night and less than 5 hours later we were holding her! Certain #2 would be even quicker I was shocked when I was still in labor 8 hours after my water broke. (I kept wanting a time-out for a sandwich or something :). She finally came after 10 hours, twice as long as her sister. Bottom line—every birth (and child!) is so different so, while planning it is impossible not to do, it’s all up to Baby!


I was induced, but for the first 24 hours the Pitocin did NOTHING! I went from like 3 cm to 3.5 lol. Then, right when the staff was about to give up on me, my water broke! Suddenly the contractions were PAINFUL and that’s when I knew it was time! I went from 3.5 to 10 in under 3 hours and then my daughter was born!


For the Braxton Hicks question – check this video out, it blew my mind in helping understand themhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URyEZusnjBI

I never went into labor and was induced 3 days after my due date (the baby never dropped and they had to break my water). I was bummed about having to be induced but really it was great. I got to have a little bit more control and the day before I was induced I slept ALL day and we stayed in bed and just talked about how cool it would all be – and then everything WAS really cool. So if labor doesn’t start and you have to be induced, enjoy it.Enjoy it all!


Our little one was born on November 11th. I was scheduled to be induced on the 14th so my husband and I planned a date night. I was in restroom one last time before (bc 39 week pregnant and that’s what you do) and I felt a little trickle. I told my husband that my water might have broke but he said no that’s not what happens in the movies it’s nothing.
So we started driving to the restaurant and contractions started. I started timing them and they were every 4 minutes but only lasted about 30 seconds (we had been told not to call the doctor until they lasted a minute). Once we got to the crowded restaurant, the contractions got more frequent and more intense- we had to change our order to go. The whole time I still wasn’t sure whether I was in labor or not but I for sure wanted to eat because once you go to the hospital you can’t eat.
We finally got home, ate our Indian food and then I called my doctor. She told us to go to the hospital sure enough – my water had broken and our baby girl was born at 5am the next morning.
Long story! But all that to say I didn’t know for sure until I was at the hospital but I knew it was not just Braxton Hicks. Love your blog – I’ve loved following along as we were pregnant at the same time. Wishing a smooth delivery and recovery. The recovery has definitely been the toughest part for me.


It was 3 days before my daughter’s due date and while I was watching the Bachelorette, I kept feeling these cramps. Then I realized they were coming in intervals! Lol! So my husband started keep track of them and throughout the night they became much stronger and closer together. Finally around 7:00 we went in and I was dialated to a 5. My daughter arrived later that day!

I am currently pregnant with my second and am totally wondering how things will be different this time around!

Praying you have a smooth and easy delivery! :)


I had some Braxton Hicks and I was worried I wouldn’t be able to tell the difference. I did a lot of googling and asking. One person told me real contractions wrap all the way around, back to front. I’d agree with that as an ok description to a point.

Yeah, it turns out it isn’t hard to tell the difference. After putting baby’s room together, I went to bed around 10pm, and it seemed like I wet myself. Then the contractions started. Ultimately, a real contraction was intense enough I didn’t need to wonder at all if it was a Braxton Hicks contraction. We just went to the hospital.


I had all back labor for my first daughter. That was rough because there was nothing I could do to stretch out the area that hurt during a contraction. That labor was 36 hours and then I ended up having a c-section because I stopped dilating at 5. My second daughter was a little faster at 21 hours (I was induced) and everything went as planned and I was able to have a successful vbac. The contractions were all in the front this time and that was so much better. Plus the recovery was easy peasy.

Today is my “baby’s” birthday and she’s 20!!!! How did that happen??? :)


I can’t help. I was induced with both (5 days late and a week early). It’s crazy that I have 2 kids and still don’t know what normal labor feels like.


米y water broke at home both times (both at 38 weeks). With baby #1 I had just a couple of light contractions before my water breaking. With #2 I had been having harder than normal braxton hicks contractions for a couple hours before my water broke. But those contractions had been very irregular and not strong enough to stop me from normal life so I didn’t know it was coming.


With my first, I didn’t have any Braxton Hicks, so the first mild contraction l felt, I knew it was real. They stayed mild (in retrospect) all night and even when I decided to go to the hospital. It was too early!

2, 3, and 4 labor started exactly the same way. Some
mild, inconsistent labor for a day or two before hand but nothing painful. Then absolutely nothing. Than BAM! One painful contraction followed by another and another and then baby arrives hours later (1.75, 4, 2.5 hrs, respectively). For 3 and 4 (which just happened on the 18th) I knew after that first contraction labor had started, beyond a shadow of a doubt. :)

Good luck!


永远与我第一次我在劳动。我等待着在home until that ‘magic’ 5-1-1 rule (contractions 5 minutes apart, lasting at least 1 minute for 1 hour). When I went to the hospital they gave me the option to go home or walk around a bit since I was dilated only 3-4 cm. Contractions came closer and closer as I walked around for an hour or so. They admitted me and I had my epidural shortly after. I was 39 weeks and a few days. This time, at 40 weeks and 5 days, I had a NST at my doctors appointment which I failed. They sent me to labor and delivery for more testing, and ended up keeping me. I ended up being induced. At 3:00 pm I was dilated 4 cm, Pitocin was started at 10 pm and I was 6 cm dilated. I had my baby girl at 9:00am.


Both my boys were about a week late! With my 1st contractions started and I was convinced he would be here in a few hours- my mom came down and 40+ hours later + 3 hours of pushing he arrived via c-section. My second contractions started during my prenatal yoga class one morning. Thinking it would be another 40 hours I walked home, told my hubby I wanted to go out for a family lunch, took a shower and came out realizing contractions were non stop and lunch wouldn’t happen. We still thought it would be a while so we waited and went to the hospital a few hours later- when we got there I was already 10 cm dialated and my water broke when we got there!


真实故事:我不知道我在劳动!耳朵ly stages began while I was doing my background investigation interview. I just thought, you know, pregnancy kinda sucks. I didn’t realize it was little contractions! I had a rough night, lots of pacing around, and then in the morning there was blood, and that’s what made me call the doctor. (It was two weeks early, btw.) She laughed and said I was in labor. But I also had HELLP, which made everything more painful, but again, I just thought pregnancy sucked, nbd.


I had been 3 cm dialated with both pregnancies at 36 weeks. My water broke both times, but with the first I didn’t know it broke. Everyone said oh, you’ll know when it breaks, it will be a huge gush. It wasn’t. A tiny pop and some liquid as I sat to use the bathroom, both times! My first came at 38 weeks with 6 hours of labor and my second at 38w5d and 3 hours of labor. I wasn’t brace enough to have a 3rd!

Best wishes for a speedy delivery and recovery.


在37周,我有月经痉挛和spott等ing, so when I called my Doctor, she sent me to the hospital. They sent me through triage and said it was time. They hooked me up to an I.V and pole with a gown and running shoes and sent me out in the hallways to walk. This was before cell phones, so I went to the lobby to call my Mom on a pay phone. While on the phone, my water broke and the fluid was running down my legs and onto the carpet. So I hightailed it back to the nurses station and that was the end of my walk. My son was born the next morning, 19 years ago!!!!


米y water broke with my first when I was lying in bed watching 90210 on Netflix. Haha. I texted my husband and was like…I THINK my water broke? Should we go to the hospital? Big mistake. I should have savored that last night of sleep–instead I was awake all night having to use the restroom because I was hooked up to fluids in the maternity ward while I made zero progress until they induced me! THEN I had to have a C-section! I hope yours goes smoothly. ;-)


米y daughter was breech, and i had a c-section scheduled for Thursday morning. I worked a full day on Wed from my couch wrapping everything I could up before maternity leave, and finished my last conference call at 5:30 pm. I stood up at 5:45 to go pee, and my water broke. Because she was breech the midwife said I should to go to the hospital quickly, but I could take a quick shower before. Well I decided to take my time, and by the time we were driving to the hospital contractions started. They felt like really bad period cramps right in my lower abdomen. Also i would only leak fluid when I contracted…which was WERID. I felt like I peed myself every contraction. We I got to the hospital i wasnt dialated more than half a cm. So we decided to wait for our schedled time for our c-section so my dr. could do it. They checked me sporadically throughout the night, and even though i was having contractions, I never dialated at all! My daughter was born at 9 the next morning. I thought i was going to get to skip the labor experience, but as I have learned in the 1 year since my daughter was born…She does everything her way!!!!!


Second labor was much faster & easier (bc I knew what to expect) than the first. Also with my first I had to push a Long time (almost 2 hours), but my second was like 10 minutes of pushing. I had both my boys with no drugs, and with a midwife in a birthing center for my second.
米y second one I was so swollen and felt just awful all day, and had no energy and went into labor that night. I actually had gone to bed early bc I felt awful, then woke at 11 pm with bad, bad pain……and (TMI) diarrhea. My body was emptying itself before labor (normal, but didn’t have it with my first). Then my labor turned fast and furious. It was a RUSH to get to the birthing center before he was born at 1:15 am. So 2 hours after I woke in pain….I had a baby;) Then we left the birthding center about 5am, and got me a whataburger breakfast on the way home;) LOL. We got home and woke up my 4 yr old bc my husband couldn’t wait to show him his new brother;) That labor was super exciting. It had my mom and sister rushing to the birth center to make it in time. It was pretty much like movie drama!
米y first was slow….started with braxton hicks that just kept going and got worse all day long….by 10 pm we went to the hospital and I was a 7 already…. But then I stalled out and didn’t have him till the next day at noon. And that was after almost 2 hours of pushing.
So very different labors! I would say expect yours to be different than your first;) But who knows? It might be similar?
Good luck Janae! Thanks for sharing so much with us and bringing us on this journey with you!


我爱出生的故事,这是我的一个困扰。米y first, my water broke in the middle of the night over a month early. She was born after a quick 4 hour labor and delivery. With my second, my dr wanted to bring me into the hospital at 38 weeks to induce me bc I was 5cm dialated and didn’t want my 2 year old delivering me on the side of the road, well the night before I was scheduled to go in, I started having contractions (that I had had all pregnancy and was on meds to stop) and didn’t think anything of it. Well after talking on the phone to my mom, she encouraged me to call the dr. I called the dr who encouraged me to come and get checked. Right when I told my husband to get in the shower I started bleeding heavily (turns out I was going through transition and I had a small placenta abrution – had it with all three). My husband hopped out of the shower we ran to the car and after arguing with me to not drive – raced to the hospital. the 1 hour trip took 30 minutes and I delivered her in triage 5 minutes after arriving. My third, they brought me in at 37 weeks, the dr had one quick visit with someone else before they were going to break my water, well as soon as she walked away I went into labor on my own. My son was born 15 minutes later … So you just never know. My best advice be prepared and throw all expectations out the window. A healthy happy baby and healthy mommy are the only outcomes you need however that happens is okay :)


Um… 15 minutes later?!??!? CRAZY!!!


So my first labor was contractions! They came rather quickly and my whole labor was start to finish 4 hours ?

米y second the contractions hit and didn’t get regular for a couple hours. Once they were regular and I really was in labor, it lasted 1.5 hours before he was here! Totally different experience.

I actually just posted my birth stort on my blog that you can go check out :)

You’re gonna rock it momma! Just relax, and trust me. You will know. I’m a labor and delivery nurse and I always tell my patients “if you don’t know that you’re in labor, you probably arnt!”

Praying for a smooth and easy labor and delivery ❤


That’s true for a lot of people. And yet in so many of these posts, pregnant people are sharing that they truly didn’t know they were in labor. Their experiences count too. May be worth revisiting your standard patient messaging.


Wow, 39 weeks really has flown by (for me, the reader. haha!!) I had both my kids as scheduled c-sections so I never went through labor. No complaints from me on that! :) Glad you are doing so well, and continuing to get out there and keep moving. It keeps you strong!


I had my first on June 6th of this year, (2 days early,) at a birth center with midwives. I had never even had braxton hicks contractions so I was really nervous I wouldn’t know what a contraction felt like. They started on the Saturday before, feeling crampy which wasn’t unusual, but I slowly started to realize there was a pattern to the crampiness. We were out to dinner when they started to get really intense, and we went in to the birth center later that night when they were every 3 minutes, lasting one minute. Well, turns out I was not dilated at all. I was in a lot of pain, (which the midwife was able to see, and she told me she was surprised the contractions were that intense with no dilation,) so she gave me a prescription for a pain killer and sent me home. Long story short, the “false labor” continued for 4 days. You’re supposed to get a break with false labor, but I never did. The contractions were so intense, going from every three minutes to every 10, back to every 3, and it was honestly awful. The most sleep I got in those 4 days was an hour. I just paced around my house, laid on my couch, and moaned a lot lol. I ended up heading into the birth center three times before I was finally dilated to a 6 and admitted. When she told me I was a 6, I started crying and was like, “does this mean we can stay???” They filled up their giant, amazing tub and I stayed in there for 7 hours laboring. I ended up pushing her out on a birthing stool about 12 hours after we were admitted, and she was a chunky little 9lbs and perfect. She snuggled right into me and fell asleep. I know she was exhausted from the long labor just as much as I was, but thankfully I was able to make it through the natural labor and delivery that I had hoped for. I’m not sure I could do it again though lol.


I just had my first at 39+1 on 11/19. I woke up at 2:30 am with cramps and noticed a lot of stringy discharge. I went back fo bed and kept waking up with cramps and more discharge (which was my mucous plug). I got in the bath at 4am and stayed there until 6am, in denial that anything was happening. When my husband got up at 6, he stated timing my cramps… Which turned out to be contractions. 19 hours later, Lyra was here. ? In the days leading up to labor, i didn’t have many signs other than insomnia. I delivered her on only 12 hours of sleep over a 3 day period.


米y water broke in the middle of the night when I had my first baby almost 16 weeks ago! Mind you, I’d been having Braxton Hicks since my second trimester, and in the weeks leading up to labour they got stronger and more frequent, but nothing consistent. The night I had him, I woke up to a REALLY painful contraction, heard a pop, and felt a gush of water once I stood up. Baby was born less than 6 hours later, after an INTENSE labour!

Good luck, and I can’t wait to hear all about your experience this time around :)


1st baby was 3 wks early, woke to strong contractions around 3am and water broke right after arriving at the hospital. Didn’t have an epidural because I felt pain relief when I started pushing. Labor was a couple hours. 2nd baby was 2 wks early, felt like garbage when I woke up and was in pain, but I was checked that day and told I was 0 dilated. Had the baby at 8 pm that night. This one I waited a little too long to get to the hospital. I was in nightmarish pain when I arrived but they wouldn’t give an epidural. Baby was born less than 30 min after I checked in and my doc almost missed it. 3rd baby I felt literally nothing except what I thought were a few Braxton hicks here and there, no pain at all. When I was checked at 38 wks I was dilated 7+, and they sent me straight to hospital where I got a spinal, a little pitocin and a baby shortly thereafter. Best of luck Janae for an amazing delivery! So excited for your family!


米y water broke so that was that… BUT… The week leading up to my water breaking, here were some signs:
– Body started to clear itself out. Like going to the bathroom several times a day when that was never the case during other months.
– Super swollen feet and ankles.
– Craving so so so much milk. I mean. Ridiculous amounts.

Good luck! I am so excited for you. And of course, giving me baby fever when I have a 6 mo old… which means I am basically insane lol


I had prodromal labor from weeks 35-39 which is REAL contractions that don’t make you progress, not just Braxton-Hicks. Like bad menstrual cramps all the time. But then on a Sunday morning around 3am I woke and they were much more intense and coming 5-10 minutes apart, and I just knew it was “it”. I couldn’t stay in bed which was a big difference. Hubby and I took a 5am stroll in the dark! But I had a long labor. We went to the hospital that night at 10pm because contractions were 3 min apart, and I was only 1 cm so they said I could either stay or go and we decided to go home. Labor stalled, contractions spaced out again to 5-10 min apart all through the next day until we went back to the hospital at 11pm Monday night, and I was still only 1 cm but my water had broken. I didn’t progress on my own so they started Pitocin around 5am Tuesday. I only got to 4cm in the next six hours. Finally I gave in and got the epidural at 12pm Tuesday, and 2 hours later I had progressed to 10cm, then they waited for the baby to labor down and I only pushed for 20 minutes before he was born after 62 hours of labor before the pushing!


you are so close! good luck :)

Here is my IMPORTANT question for you… How did you KNOW you were in labor? Did your water break? Did your contractions start small (ps do they ever start as Braxton contractions and turn into real ones)? Any other signs that led you to believe it was baby time?

i was having contractions every 7-8 min. no my water didn’t break and yes they started out small and simply noticeable enough for me to mouth to my husband that it’s starting. i never felt my braxton hicks contractions, but i would see it visually. then after starting out small, they got a little more intense. i then knew i was in early labor for sure a couple hours later.

If you have more than one kid… how did your labor differ from your first to your next kiddos? I am wondering if labor will be way shorter this time around!

we have just the one, but i think if you have the average experience, your labor will be shorter this time around! everyone one of my friends experienced that!

I was really nervous about going to the hospital too early and getting sent home so I tried to wait as long as possible before checking in… When did you go in to the hospital? When your contractions were 4-5 minutes apart?!

at some point i just knew. my contractions were alternating between 5 min and 2 min apart, but they weren’t strong enough – then suddenly they became strong and i said okay, it’s go time! so we went. my contractions started at 8 am and we left the house at 2 pm.

如果你现在怀孕——>是什么东西unding really good to you right now and really awful to you? Do you feel like you have a lot of energy right now or are you feeling drained?!

not pregnant right now but i had a slice of cherry pie yesterday and it wasn’t bad :)


Be prepared for a short labor/birth with your second. My first was 15 hours of active labor and then a csection. With the second, my water broke and labor got REAL in about 30 minutes. We called 911 and the paramedics offered to deliver the baby in my kitchen. I declined and took a ride to the hospital but I *could* have gone from eating dinner to having a baby in less than hour. Be ready to GO when you have the first signs of labor (water breaking, mucus plugs, strong contractions). Second babies are impatient in my experience! Good luck!


I was scheduled for a c-section but at my last appointment, my blood pressure had gone up and I was swelling, so my doctor moved up my surgery by a week and scheduled it the next day. The next morning, as I went to shower, my water broke so we head to the hospital and it’s dripping the whole time. For some reason I thought it was like the movies where it’s just this huge rush of water. Anyways, not pretty at all. Haha. I was sitting on towels, etc. So, I experience the contractions, etc. and then went into surgery and had them. :) I have heard that multiple ones are easier and faster, so hopefully that is the case for you! :) Much love!


我的小男孩今年10月。我是38 + 5周along. I had given up running at 37 weeks but had been going on long walks. I felt like I was in labor every night for about 5 days but it would go away just in time to go to work in the mornings! They call this “false labor” but it felt the same as the beginning of real labor. Finally one night they got harder and longer. Labored from 10pm-6am and was so scared to go to the hospital because I thought they would quit again and I would be sent home! I didn’t even wake up my husband until 5 am. Thank goodness we decided to just go in at 7am because I had him just a couple hours later. I wish I could say, “you just know” but I didn’t! Looking back I realize it’s not that big of deal if you get sent home! Can’t wait to hear your story! Good luck!


I have been predicting that you will have her today…so we’ll see haha :-)

With my daughter I had an intense need to clean the day before and the day of my water breaking. I cleaned like I’ve never cleaned before! When I was done cleaning I sat on the couch and told my husband that I was ready and she could come now. He laughed and said we needed to wait a few weeks (I was 37 weeks and 3 days) but a couple hours later I had a contraction that felt different than my usual braxton hicks. I noted the time (6:35pm!) and told my husband I was going to see if another one came. About 5 minutes later as I was walking down the stairs from our second floor, fluid started trickling down my leg! I thought maybe I had just peed myself?? But then it all started gushing out like a giant waterfall! My contractions came every 7 minutes and they never sped up but I guess if your water breaks you get a free pass to go to the hospital and stay there :-) I did end up having to get pitocin later in labor because my contractions stayed 7 minutes apart and I didn’t have an urge to push. The pitocin made them come every minute! My labor experience was amazing and I can’t wait to do it again some day! I hope you have a really great experience and I can’t wait to read all about it!!


Ahh home stretch! Good for you for being able to run all this time :) I’m still steadily getting back into it with an almost 4 month old :)
I actually had no idea I was in labor for the first few hours because I had been SO uncomfortable during the past week (this was at around 38 weeks). The Sunday I went into labor, I’d gone out to lunch in town with my parents and was starting to feel crampy after days of no symptoms besides being super heavy, sweaty, and tired At around 5 pm I went for a 3 mile walk after still not feeling great, thinking I was having some Braxton hicks/false contractions, and had heard walking/moving can alleviate this. After the walk they keep amping up…so I made a trip to the store at around 7 to make sure we had snacks for the hospital (I came home and watched Frozen for a bit first…). Around 9 p.m. I texted my boyfriend, who was at his part time job at a local restaurant, and started timing contractions/calling the on-call OBGYN (who was actually my doctor anyway). We left around 10 and got to the hospital a little after 11 pm, when things started ramping up (contractions were maybe 2 minutes apart by then).

Long story short, for me it was a sudden uptick in cramping/contractions, and a weird sense of “knowing” (had a sudden urge to set up a crib an hour before contractions really got going, and was so miserable I decided I was calling in to work the following day-which I ended up not having to do anyway!)


I never felt any braxton hicks. I knew I was in labor when I stood up and my water broke. My contractions started within an hour and I was at the hospital less than two hours after my water broke because my contractions were already a minute and a half apart. Going from never having felt one to painful contractions that close together was scary! My son was born via emergency c section 11 hours after my water broke.


For my first, my doc told me on Saturday it would be max 48 hours before she was born (I was then a bit over 38 weeks). Well on early morning of Thursday around 2.30am I couldn’t sleep anymore as there were these annoying pains which kept waking me up. I got my husband up and he was convinced we should go to the hospital. I said to him it was not bad enough yet. At 7 am we had to decide whether we should go before or after the morning traffic jam. We decided to go before, which ended up being a good decision since I was 10cm dilated when we got to the hospital and she was born 1,5hours later.
With my son I walked to the delivery ward telling my husband that we were ridiculously early and they were going to just send us home. He was born 2 hours later. So I’m not that good at telling…


米y daughter was born on her due date., May 23, 2014. We joked that she was a good professors’ kid and was really wanting her A+, because my husband and I (both professors) submitted final grades at 9pm on May 22, went to bed, and my water broke around 12:30am (May 23). I knew I was going to have the baby that day and they would keep me in the hospital because when my water broke there was meconium (my water was kind of cloudy/muddy looking in color). I was really fortunate because I arrived at the hospital in Boston with zero traffic, started feeling contractions, asked for my epidural, and after a little snooze I labored for just 45 minutes and she was born at almost 8lbs and completely healthy. They had a NICU team waiting in the room in case she inhaled meconium but thankfully she did not and they gave her right back to us. I also had a tiny tiny micro tear but that was it- no stitches. I felt very fortunate. We are a one and done kind of family because I had Hypermesis Gravidarum (HG) or (what princess Kate has) and vomited the entirety of my pregnancy about 5-6 times a day. It was so hard and not at all what I had hoped my pregnancy would be like- as a runner I thought I would be running like you! In reality, I had to get weekly IVs for all 40 weeks and barely gained 10 pounds due to the extreme sickness. My husband says that God gave me an easy labor because the entire pregnancy was such a challenge. I am just so glad we were all healthy and magically, the moment I gave birth the sickness went away and I gained back all my weight and was able to nurse easily too! I hope and pray you have a smooth healthy delivery. Those newborn snuggles are the best! PS- Sorry for writing a book but I love reading and writing these stories.


NEVER EVER APOLOGIZE for writing a ‘book’ … I wanted to read these so bad so thank YOU! I can’t even imagine what you went through with Hypermesis Gravidarum, that must have been the longest 40 weeks of your life! I am SO glad that you had such a great labor, delivery and recovery though! She really is good at following directions and coming right when you wanted her too! Thanks for sharing and I hope you are having a beautiful day!


With my first, my water broke before I had a single contraction. My second and third, I was induced a week early, so no labor with those either. My fourth I decided to do unmediated and I felt like a first timer waiting for labor to start and not knowing what to expect! My contractions started at about 11:30 pm and got stronger through the night. I was in denial because it was a week before my due date….and we were moving that day!! Of course that’s the day he was born. ? We left our house at 5 am and barely made it to the hospital before he was born at 5:27. Quite the adventure!

我是(现在仍然是)完全沉迷于听觉other wonen’s birth stories, and I love the podcast called The Birth Hour. Every episode is a woman telling her birth stories. I actually was on an episode (#120 I think?). :) If you need something to listen to these next few days before baby comes, you might enjoy that podcast! So excited to hear the news of your little one’s arrival!!


I never had Braxton-Hicks throughout my whole pregnancy, but the week before I had my daughter, I just started to feel kind of crampy. I had read that contractions aren’t real until the pain radiates, like through your whole abdomen or to your back, but that never happened to me! It was always just my low belly, starting like menstrual cramps and getting worse. Once I got to the point where there was no way I could sleep through them (labor started getting bad for me at nighttime) I knew it was real!


米y water broke with both of my babies and the first labor took 8 hours and the second only 3!!
I am so excited that you are going to meet your little baby girl very soon :D


Well since you asked lol…all 3 of my kids were very different but with all I never lost my plug and my water never broke (Dr did at hospital).
First son: he was only 2 days early contractions happened at 2am and I waited until they got unbearable and went on the hospital at 5:30am I had him at noon after pushing for an hour (I pushed through the pain) I did not have an epidural.

2nd son: I had contractions at 8am but they went away. Then I kept having them literally throughout the entire day very painful (NOT like a Braxton hick) But they stopped like they never were minutes apart. I tried to sleep in between at home (didn’t work) so I went for a walk after ALL day on and off contractions. Finally I took a shower and then bam I couldn’t walk they hurt SO bad went to hospital at 9:30pm I pushed him out in 2 pushes he was born at 12:30am. No epidural. He was born 2 weeks early but weighed exactly the same as my first born 6pounds 2 ounces.

3rd child daughter: she was 2 days late. Contractions at 10pm went on until 2am drove to hospital got there and my contractions hit hard so I got an epidural then things slowed down. Slept a bit. I was ready to push but my contractions were 10 minutes apart! lol she was out in 3 pushes but took forever in between was so funny had some great conversations with the Dr and nurse in between pushing because they were 10 min apart! She was 7 pounds 4 ounces.
You will know when you are in labor even if your water doesn’t break. The pain will tell you. Your mother instinct will kick in. And it will be glorious! You will feel like you literally can do anything hard.


女儿出生的前一天,在温和的cramping on and off for about 20 hours (8-12 minutes apart) we went to the ob/gym to hear that we would probably need a c-section, because I wasn’t dilated or effaced at all, and our baby hadn’t dropped yet, so an induction would only lead to a 30 hour labor followed by a c-section anyway. She said we were still good to wait though, so I decided to give her a few more days. I had (menstrual like) cramps during the night, but was able to get a good night sleep. The next morning I went for a long walk with my husband, and when 4pm rolled by I decided it might be time to go to the hospital (contractions had been 5 minutes apart, but still felt like regular “strong” cramps). We got there a little after 5pm (rush hour right before Easter’s long weekend) and I was terrified I would be sent home again. When they examined me I was 4cm, and the nurse told me it would be a while for her to get here, so I could either go home or wait at the hospital. Given the holiday and horrible traffic, we decided to stay.. They sent me to a room and the waiting started. Thankfully we didn’t go home, because by 8pm I was 10cm and ready to push. Apparently all the babies decided to be born that day and there were no doctors available to deliver our baby – our own private doctor had had emergency surgery that morning and wouldn’t be able to perform the deliver. They got another doctor to come to the hospital, but given the traffic it would take him 3 hours to get there. I wanted an unmedicated birth, but there was no way I could wait for 3 hours without pushing, so I got an epidural. My water had not broken and the baby had her arm/elbow up (besides having the cord around her neck) so we needed a doctor to deliver. After the epidural things calmed down and we patiently waited for the doctor to arrive. He got there a bit before 11pm, and after breaking my water and rotating her a bit, it was time to push. She was born at 11:28pm, on April 14th, after pushing for only 2 contractions. It was the most magical thing I have ever experienced, and I can’t wait to do it again! Our daughter is currently 7 months old and we are trying for baby #2.
I hope you have a great and healthy deliver and get to meet your baby girl soon!!


Hi Janae! I had tons of Braxton Hicks in the 3rd trimester, so I woke up about a week before my due date with similar contractions and just shrugged it off. But then they kept happeneing about every 10-15 mins for a few hours. And then they got closer together but just felt like strong period cramps. But then all of a sudden they REALLY hurt and were 4-5 mins apart. So we went straight to the hospital once that started happening. I was terrified of getting sent home, but I was dilated about 2.5 cm and was 50% effaced at the last doctor appointment I had, so I figured I had to be dilated more than that! Haha


I’m afraid I’m not much help as far as knowing when you’re in labor. I was induced at 38 weeks due to high blood pressure. I was kind of nervous because they kept turning up the pitocin and I didn’t feel ANYTHING. They kept looking at the monitor and saying, did you feel that? …no… It turns out I had quite a bit of amniotic fluid, so it provided a cushion. After my doctor broke my water (about 12 hours in), I did start to feel it a bit more. My doctor was asking me about how intense the contractions were and my sister told her “she’s having one right now” – because I would close my eyes and try to relax all of my muscles.

I really wanted to move around, but my little man was so active, he kept avoiding the hear rate monitor unless I was lying down (and because it was an induction, they wanted to keep the monitor on constantly). I actually ended up having the epidural due to the back and pelvic pain (from SPD – aka super-painful, loose pelvis). It was amazing! I had been in so much pain for the last three months that to finally be pain free was incredible. I ended up taking a two hour nap (and slept better than I had in months!).

The nurse woke me up to check me at 2 am and I was only at 4cm. I was kind of bummed, but figured I’d get some more sleep. But when they went to recline the bed, I got SUPER nauseous. Because of this, the nurse decided to check me again and quickly told the other nurse to call the doctor because it was time to push! What!?! She said that she’d seen it happen where the body decides to get ready all at once. Two and a half hours of pushing later, our little man was born. After a painful, exhausting pregnancy, the labor and delivery was the most beautiful part. **A bit of TMI, my “little” 9 lb 10 oz dude caused some tearing that required stitches and I was really scared that when the epidural wore off, I’d be in a ton of pain. Honestly, the muscle soreness all over from pushing was the most significant discomfort and it wasn’t bad – it just felt like I had a hard total body workout. :O)

I would like to try “all natural” with my next one, but we’ll have to see. I pray you’ll have a good experience and a happy, healthy new addition.


我真的以为我是在假劳动直到the time that I got to the birth center. My water never broke so the contractions were relatively mild (I also have really horrible cramps with my period so I think that changed my perception of how bad the contractions were, I thought they would be 10x worse than period cramps but ended up being pretty similar and manageable because I got breaks in between instead of constantly being in pain). We went to the birth center because we had our regularly scheduled 39 week appointment that day and when they checked me I was 9cm dilated. 3 hours after we got there she was in our arms!! Kind of a crazy ride!


So i did not really know with my first and apparently I did not follow the norm as we had a doula and I talked to her that day with questions as to if it was labor. She assured me that if I was able to do all I was doing that it was likely not labor. I knew it was labor about 90 min before she was born and that is likely why she was born in the parking lot!!! With my 2nd I knew I was in labor and it started with cramps and progressed. It was about 60 min of active labor I guess, 3 hrs start to finish


HA. I didn’t know! I sauntered into my 37 week appointment ready to schedule my c section for two weeks out. I thought I had mild indigestion from pizza I ate the night before. Turns out those were contractions and I was 5 cm dilated! They rushed me to the hospital so I did make my appointment but it was for an hour later;)


I went into labor with my first at 9 days overdue – actually the day before my scheduled induction (my daughter was a peanut and my amniotic fluid levels were fine, so my doc wasn’t in any big rush to get her out! Lost my mucus plug at 5am, contractions steadily increased from there until I finally delivered her at 7:45 the next day! My second was breech so as soon as I started feeling contractions at 39 weeks, I went in for a c-section – I was definitely progressing faster than with my first. Both girls weighed within an ounce of each other (6 lbs 7 oz and 6 lbs 8 oz) so I guess that is as big as I grow them!

Best wishes and enjoy these last days!!


HI Janae! I’m a labor and delivery nurse and this is what we tell patients… come into the hospital when your contractions are consistently 3-5 minutes apart for (typically) over an hours time. OR if your water breaks! The main difference between Braxton Hicks contractions and labor contractions is cervical change – essentially, both are contracting the muscle (the uterus). However, while BH are usually erratic and will dissipate, labor contractions will get closer together and progressively stronger over time. Don’t feel bad about going to the hospital too early! And you can always call your OB and ask if they recommend you getting checked out too. Best of luck with everything!!! <3


苏珊娜,我不能nk you enough for taking the time to comment! I really appreciate you explaining it so well! Thank you and I hope you are having a beautiful night!


I always had this same question – how will I know I’m in labor. With my first, I didn’t really know – at first. I hadn’t had ANY Braxton Hicks, and the day before my due date I started getting cramps. They slowly picked up through the day. I wasn’t really sure what it meant. We went for a short walk and went to bed. I woke up around midnight and just knew – these are contractions. I started timing them and they were already nearly 5 minutes apart. My husband kept telling me to “try to get some sleep”. haha. Yeah – I was asleep and the contractions woke me up. Anyway, we waited until the recommended timing and went in and I was only 3 cm. Going home was the worst. I had terrible back pains, went back in 3 hours later and was only 3.5 cm. I almost cried (actually I probably did cry). I was barely getting any rest between contractions. It turns out baby was occiput posterior (OP) position (head down but facing the wrong way). They did some work to get her turned and after that I was 4 cm. We got admitted and just 4 or 5 hours later, baby girl was born exactly on her due date! My water didn’t break until I was 9.5 cm. Now I’m pregnant with #2 (10 weeks), so we’ll see how things are different this time around.


It’s really hard to tell! If your contractions are 4-5 minutes apart and aren’t resolved by hydration, position change or putting your feet up It’s probably time to get checked out. Second babies typically come a lot faster, especially if you are not having an epidural and I’ve had a few patients deliver in cars or ambulances because they waited too long. We also send patients home regularly because they aren’t actually in labor. It stinks but is better than the alternative. Good luck!


Is it weird that I was thinking the other day that I wish you were my nurse? Maybe I’ll just fly down to Texas! Thanks Rene!!!


I am pregnant now with my first and am LOVING reading all of these comments with birth stories. Thank you so much for sharing ladies :-) I am also anxious about going into labor and not knowing when the time to head to the hospital is.

我没有任何的欲望,但没有广域网ting eggs this pregnancy. I have tried and tried, but they just don’t sit well so I am listening to my body. Lots of other protein instead (almond butter!!)

Thinking of you Janae! I know your baby is loved already and will be born in the best possible way.


米y first pregnancy my water broke. I honestly thought I had used the restroom on myself. Thankfully my sister in law happen to be at my house and told me what was really happening.
With my second son I was really worried I wouldn’t know when I was in labor. Because my water broke I never felt any contractions so I had no idea what to expect. When labor first started it felt like menstrual cramps. It felt like day 1 or even the day before I would get my cycle. I googled it, and google overwhelmingly told me that labor felt like menstrual cramps. I still didn’t know what to think and whether or not to believe it. That was about 9 or 10 at night. I woke up around 2am with strong contractions about every 8-10 min. They felt completely different than Braxton hix. There was no mistaking what they were. I called the doctor around 6am when they were about 6 min apart. He was born around noon.
As scary as the unknown is, you’ll know when it’s time. You’re in my thoughts and prayers!


So exciting you are getting so close! So I had kind of a crazy delivery with my second kiddo. Contractions started in the middle of the night the day before her due date and by morning they were still 10-15 minutes apart. Called the hospital but they told me I could wait to come in. Well 30 minutes later the contractions started coming every 1-2 minutes and suddenly I was immobile on our bathroom floor. Called the paramedics and my best friend who happens to be an L&D nurse and they were there within minutes, and my daughter was born minutes later on the floor of our bathroom. If we had tried to go to the hospital when I called she would have definitely been born on the side of the road! Luckily everything turned out well:)
I’m now pregnant with my third and my doctor is planning to induce me early this time around, ha!


How fun to read all these! With my first I was only 35 weeks and just wasn’t feeling great at work (thought I was constipated ?) so went home to lay down. Got home and took care of the constipation issue but couldn’t lay down after using the bathroom because I felt so uncomfortable. Thought maybe I should go to triage to get checked so called my hubby to come get me but said no rush, about 10 mins later called him back to say come home NOW! I could tell it was different from my weeks of bh because i just could not bear to sit/lay down, I had to stand and sway through contractions. Had her about 20 mins after getting to the hospital with no time for an epidural!

米y second I had some bleeding at 34 and 6 so went in, they monitored me for a few hours but nothing was changing so said I could go. We decided to spend the night at my parents’ house because it was closer to the hospital and I just couldn’t get comfortable that night despite being exhausted. Early the next morning things got more uncomfortable and I just knew it was time. Was 10 cms by the time my dr got there to check me, she laughed at me when I said i wanted an epidural but I wanted to see what it was like to get one. So I got my epidural, rested for an hour then had the baby with just a few pushes. My first delivery was so intense it was fun to have this one be so relaxed because of the epidural!

With my 3rd I went into labor at 32 weeks and got hospitalized for several days while I got medicine to stop it. Was sure I would go early because of my prior two experiences but for me modified bed rest worked. At my appt at 38 and 3 I was 5or 6 cm and she recommended we induce that night because i was gbs positive this time and had such quick labors. Got admitted at 7, antibiotics till around midnight. She broke my water around midnight and then baby was born at 2. No epidural this time, I had the best nurse who would stand behind me and push in on my hips during each contraction. Made a huge difference! I have such respect for women with long labors, I’m so lucky mine are over quickly! I think we are done now but reading all these stories almost makes me want another one. Nothing can beat that moment when you meet your baby for the first time!


Haha I bet you could have laid in that chair in the store for an hour and no one would have stopped you seeing how far along you are! Take advantage ;)


I had Braxton Hicks with all three of my boys but labor contractions felt very different to me so no guessing. Each labor was different though – #1 was 25 hrs, 21 of them with contractions a minute long and a minute apart and the doctor broke my water at hour 23; #2 was 4 hrs long and started with my water breaking; and #3 was 5 hrs long and my water broke about 1 hr in. So I would say anything goes but you will almost certainly know. Best wishes!


米y water broke when I was cleaning the house 9 days before my due date. I felt like I wet my pants and was really confused because I was NOT expecting to be early. The contractions didn’t even start until a few hours later, but I knew once you lost your plug you’re sort of on a time crunch for having the baby. I took my time getting ready and tried not to get too excited, and 8.5 hours later he was here!! Having a baby was the craziest experience and so empowering. And then you get the best reward in the universe at the end! Good luck, and God bless!


Just wanted to say that I hope you are doing well and hanging in there! I have not had a baby yet and my husband really wants us to start a family. I am really nervous about it but reading your blog helps a little. So, thank you.


I’m going to answer lots of our questions, but trying to do it without writing a novel!

1st baby: 12 hour labor, water broke on its own, ended up getting Pitocin and then an epidural. Painful recovery.

2nd baby: 7 hour labor, induced at 39 weeks (my husband AND doctor were going to be out of town the whole next week). Had Pitocin but only some narcotics, easier labor and recovery.

3rd baby: 5 hour labor, induced at 41 weeks, Dr broke my water and I didn’t need Pitocin and I went completely natural! Went from 5cm to 10cm in 25 minutes, that part was painful but it was a SUPER easy recovery.

4th baby: 90 minute labor (!!!!), labor started completely on its own and we ended up having her in the bathtub (!!!!!) because she came so fast. Water didn’t break until the very end. Her labor was PAINLESS which I honestly truly thought was a conspiracy lie by super crunchy moms but it is true! No pain, and recovery was a breeze.

5th baby: Braxton Hicks daily from 37 weeks on. Went into labor at 38 weeks and 6 days. Woke up in the middle of the night with real contractions, not BH, and rushed to the hospital because of my precious speedy labor. Ended up having him 6 hours later. BUT (and it’s a big but), I would have had him faster. My husband had to leave for a few hours right after we got to the hospital (he had to take a test for school and the nurses had forgotten about me in triage and my contractions had slowed way down, so I thought they’d send me home with my doula. I told him to go take the test). After my husband left, nurses FINALLY checked me (I’d been in triage over an hour, ugh) and I was at 6cm. I was totally determined NOT to have the baby without my husband so for three hours I sat on the hospital bed and DIDN’T MOVE AT ALL while my doula kept me relaxed and distracted. Finally my husband walked in from his test and I had the baby 45 minutes later. It’s a crazy story. All natural labor, easy recovery.

As for me, I can tell they’re real contractions when they start in my back and wrap all the way around to my front. I only had Braxton Hicks with my fifth baby but BH were just in the front/over my stomach and real contractions started in my back and wrapped around.

And when the real contractions start, I book it to the hospital. I’ve had several quicker labors (7 hours, 5 hours, 6 hours) and one extremely fast labor (90 minutes) so no waiting around!!


With my first baby I woke up in the middle of the night just kind of feeling uncomfortable and restless. To be honest, I thought maybe I was bloated or constipated so I just tried to get comfy. After a few hours the back and abdominal achiness kind of started to turn into irregular contractions so it dawned on me that perhaps I was in early labor. It was definitely early labor and so I did a lot of walking around then my doctor had me return for a check, she broke my water, and things moved a bit quicker from that point on. It was sort of longish to me, but overall it wasn’t compared to some people. Consecutive labors/deliveries were much quicker. Now is a good time to stay hydrated, rest your body for the work it’s going to do, and remind yourself that you can do hard things and labor and delivery is temporary!

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