Skye! 3ish MONTHS!

Time for another update. Skye was pretty excited to share with you all of her latest updates. She likes having the spotlight;)

*It sure is crazy how many changes happen in the first year. In just three months of life her little personality is coming out strong and she is so much more interactive. She has also almost doubled in weight since she was born and gained some amazing thigh rolls that I can’t get enough of. I also think it is beyond remarkable how our body’s heal up after having a baby. Three months ago the idea of ever running again sounded so painful and while my recovery was great, I still preferred being in bed most of the day with Skye. Three months later and I’m back to running and feeling like myself again. My body is still much different than it was before getting pregnant with Skye but that is normal and expected! My body feels strong and running is clicking but I’m being cautious to train smart between having a coach and going to my chiro almost weekly. I am still very happy that I took the six weeks completely off after having Skye (this is different for everyone but for me it was the right thing) because I think it has helped me mentally and physically to get back into running again.

How was this three months ago?


*Skye is against the binky, not so much into just sucking her thumb and all about trying to suck her entire hand.

*Besides sucking on her hand, she is EXTREMELY fascinated with her little hand. She will stare at them for quite some time trying to understand them.

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*Breastfeeding is still going really well. My milk has not dropped with my running and I’m at about 40 miles and twoish speed workouts per week right now. I wrote about why I think I’ve been able to keep up a good supply with my trainingHEREin case you want to check that out. I’m freezing an extra 5-10 ounces a day too. I LOVEMY PUMP(it is small, powerful and does a great job). I think a big reason breastfeeding has been a success this time is because Skye is just a really good eater. We follow the eat, play, sleep routine for her and she is sleeping at night usually from 9 pm to 4-6 am. Every now and then she wakes up earlier than that to eat and some nights the other kids are waking up for various reasons but overall we are getting in some good sleep. I try to go to sleep each night just a little bit after Skye goes to sleep so that really helps me to get in some solid sleep each night too.

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*She loves her little baby massage at night. I talk to her and give her a little massage at night and she gets the biggest smile on her face.

*Her little neck is getting stronger but I don’t see her rolling for a bit longer. She doesn’t really try to do it yet either. She doesn’t love tummy time but we are working on it.

*Skye is quite the charmer. I always think that she must save her best smiles for me but then I see her charm everyone else she comes in contact with and I realize she just loves smiling for all of us.

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*This is Brooke when she was three months old, do you think she and Skye look alike?


*You can’t really tell in this picture but Skye loves her little blankets already. She holds them with her fingers and rubs her fingers back and forth on them. PS Brooke the other night was very upset because she is worried she is getting to big for her blanket… our kids (like most kids) are very attached to their blankets.

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*I do not know how she blows these little bubbles so well but I’m always very impressed.

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*It’s fun to see how the older kids are taking all of this baby stuff in! The other day I found them giving a doll a bath in the sink ha.

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*Skye (like most babies) just loves any and all attention. She wants to be held as much as possible, talked to, played with, carried around while I do chores/attempt cooking… She just wants to be included in what is going on with everyone and we all love giving her the attention.

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*She has started to make little squeaks and I think they surprise her a bit each time she does them:

*Postpartum hormones are interesting but luckily much better for me than pregnancy hormones. I look back to my pregnancy with Skye and see that those hormones were really rough for me… I just did not feel like myself, at all. I felt sad a lot and now both Andrew and I are more aware of that happening for me if we do get the chance to have another baby together. Postpartum hormonal changes for me have included some hair loss (or maybe I’m just losing the thick hair I gained during pregnancy), some skin problems and some anxiety whenever I’m not with her but that has been a lot better than it was with Brooke. Long story short the hormonal changes weremuchharder for me during pregnancy… what about you?

*Her grumpiest times of the day are still around dinnertime so Andrew and I trade off during that time helping her out. She is still not loving the idea of taking a bottle so that is something we are working on (any tips?)! PS I read a while ago about how baby’s like to have their feet covered or close to your body when they are breastfeeding and Skye is totally that way… she eats way better if her feet are wrapped up in a blanket and pulled close to me.

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*If Brooke or Knox is in the room, Skye has her FULL attention on them.

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*Skye loves to be outside. She is so calm and content if she is just on my lap outside. Brooke was the same exact way and just loved being out in the fresh air.

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谢谢你让我与你分享这一切s! I love connecting with any of you that are in the same place of life or that share their experiences with everything. What did people do before the internet?


父母阅读- >你小家伙多大了(或ones if you have more:)? What are some of the things they are doing right now?

Anyone reading expecting? How far along are you?

Hormonal changes—> were those harder for you during pregnancy or afterwards?

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I have a four month old and she loooooves her hands! So funny!


Oh I love it Anna! Seriously, those hands are quite fascinating. I hope you are getting plenty of sleep!


Hormones were SO much worse during pregnancy than postpartum! After the baby came (and that absolutely awful hormone drop on day 4 PP) it was like a flip was switched and I felt like myself again. I still had some PP anxiety but nothing compared to the first trimester depression. Our bodies are incredible! XO <3


I’m not alone!! Yes, that is exactly how I felt! Thanks for sharing Raegan and I hope you are having a great day!


Hi Janae!
I love reading your Skye updates! I have a one month old so it’s fun to read about Skye’s milestones and know we’ll be there soon too! :)
Will you share any tips you have for the eat, play, sleep routine? We are working on doing that too, but sometimes she wants to do things her own way :) Anything specific you did to help keep Skye awake long enough to get the most out of the “play” time?
Thanks so much! Have a great day!


Great question Betsy! It was definitely a lot harder when she was one month old to keep her awake (CONGRATS!!). Some of the things we did were baths (that always kept her awake), tummy time (that keeps her wide awake ha), strip her down/change clothes, change diapers, engage with her, play with her feet, take her on a walk… those were the things that we found to work the most with Skye. Good luck and please keep me updated with how you and your little one are doing!


Her little smiles are so cute! We’re currently expecting our first in August and I’m 18 weeks along!


AHHHHHH MEAGAN!!! I am so so so excited for you! Please keep me updated with how your pregnancy is going, I hope you are feeling well and energetic!


My kids are 13, 10, and 7. It’s been a long time since I’ve had a newborn! I love seeing updates about Skye! Enjoy because it goes by so quickly!


Oh thank you so much Erin! You are in a fun stage of life with your three kids and I hope those teen years are easy on you;) Thanks!


One thing I had to do for my little one to take a bottle was to completely leave the house. He could tell I was still around and want to nurse instead of taking the bottle. When they get hungry enough, the baby will take a bottle! It could take some experimentation with the type of nipple as well. Good luck!


I will definitely try some different types of nipples and leaving the house completely (they are smarter than we think and know when we are still there ha:)! THANK YOU Michelle, I really appreciate you!


What is this eat, play, sleep routine that helps Skye sleep through the night? I have a 3 month old and have been trying and trying to get her to sleep later into the mornings! No matter what we do she is always up between 1-2 am wanting to eat! She is always asleep by 8 pm but Hormones for me were much worse the first four weeks postpartum than they ever were during pregnancy! The anxiety by far has been the most challenging for me! It’s amazing how much they change in just 3 short months and it’s so much fun to watch them discover their surroundings daily!


Hey Courtney! I hope your little one starts sleeping later into the mornings… you must feel like a zombie! Plus the anxiety, I am SO sorry! I hope that the anxiety gets better and better for you. So for Skye I feed her right when she wakes up and then we ‘play’ (aka carry her around, talk with her, have her play in her gym, sit on the couch with her etc) for about 1.5 hours right now (a chart like this one will give you an idea of how long they should be awake for different ages and then she starts acting fussy because she is tired and then I put her down for a nap. Basically it’s just a routine:) At night though I feed her, play with her for a little bit longer than during the day and then feed her again before she goes to sleep to fill up her little tummy so that she sleeps longer. Let me know if you have any other questions and keep me updated with how you guys are doing!


I’m 36 weeks today :)! And yes the pregnancy hormones are raging…
Thanks for sharing!


YOU ARE SO CLOSE GILLIAN!! I am thrilled for you! I hope these last few weeks feel as good as they can for you and I bet you are just so excited to meet your new little one.


I have a 7 month old. She’s starting to sit up for longer periods (10-15 minutes) on her own which is so fun to see. She rolls around all over the place but no crawling yet. My hormones were the worst the first two weeks after she was born. I had A LOT of anxiety and sadness, much worse than anything I experienced during pregnancy. Luckily I started feeling much better from about 3 weeks postpartum on. I love reading Skye’s updates, she looks like such a happy, thriving baby! Have a great night Janae!


My son refused a bottle for the first 6 months. The only way we started getting him to drink it was to make sure the milk was super warm. Like almost hot. I think because it was more like fresh milk coming straight from me that way.


Hi Janae! How sweet is that first pic of skye smiling ear to ear!!

我想读一篇关于跑步和沥青stfeeding and your experience with it! I have my six week apt this week and I’m hoping to get back to running this weekend :). However, I have already had mastitis twice and it seems to be set off by relatively minor changes… slightly longer spacing between bf/pump sessions, new bras, etc. I can see these things becoming an issue with running so I was wondering how you plan your bf sessions around runs, bra suggestions, and anything else you can think of that’s helped you as a breastfeeding , running mama!


Thank you for the updates. ❤️ You all!!


I love reading your updates in Skye! My second daughter was born about 3 weeks after her at the beginning of January. It’s always fun to see what other baby’s about the same age are doing. Your running updates are also helping me stay motivated to get my workouts in even if it feels impossible with a toddler and newborn. Solidarity! Keep loving on that sweet baby?


Thanks for sharing! I love watching Skye grow! I have one and a half year old twins and they are into everything and starting to say a lot of words.Enjoy the baby stage :)


I felt completely fine emotionally during my pregnancy … afterwards I was hit hard with post partum depression. If you don’t feel like yourself after pregnancy …are sad … crying … don’t feel connected with your baby …. YOU’RE NOT ALONE!!


She’s adorable! I think she looks a lot like Brooke ? your such an inspiration for all those mamas out there who also are runners. I’m curious, and if it’s TMI then don’t address it, but have you had any running induced incontinence while running postpartum? It’s definitely something I still struggle with and I’d love to hear another Runner’s suggestions or tips lol.


That is so funny. Pregnancy and post-pregnancy hormones didn’t bother me at all… A tiny bit of sadness anytime my family was getting ready to go home (they live 10 hours a way and I don’t see that often) but other than that no changes. However, my very first cycle post babies and breastfeeding (6+ years later) let me tell you about the hormones … holy smokes batman, they make me feel like a different person … YIKES! Give me a baby stat!


I’ll be 39 weeks on Friday with my first (a little boy). I love reading your Skye updates (pregnancy and baby updates!) and am getting so ready (more like super impatient) to meet this little man. Fingers crossed he will come soon!


Good morning! My daughter just turned 2 in February and my son will be 7 months pretty soon. They definitely keep me busy!

For me, my hormonal changes have been awful postpartum with my son. They are slowly getting better and I’m starting to feel like my old self, but man, it’s been rough! They definitely weren’t like this with my daughter – crazy how each pregnancy and postpartum experience is truly very different.

I see so much of Brooke in Skye! You have such a beautiful family :)


I have a 2 year old and she is in her terrible twos! It is definitely a rough stage. She’s doing great lately at using words and sentences to explain what she wants…but then she thinks that because she expressed in words what she wanted that she automatically gets things to go her way. We have a lot of tantrums :-/

My pregnancy with her was a dream! I felt great and absolutely loved being pregnant! Postpartum was super hard for me, the first 4 weeks I was completely miserable and cried every day. I felt much better by 6 weeks postpartum. It will be interesting to see how things go when I have another baby!

The video of Skye’s little squeaks was PRECIOUS omg, she is just SO cute and yes I think she looks a lot like Brooke!!


I have a 6.5 month old, who does little kung-fu hand moves all the time! She loves staring at her hands.

I NEED to know where that little white flowered hoodie jumper is from – so cute!!

My hormones were much, much worst postpartum than during pregnancy. I felt totally normal during pregnancy, but struggled with some PPD and PPA up until about the 4.5/5 month mark. Like you said, it’s good to remember and take note of how you felt after the fact, so you can keep it in mind next time!


Hey Jessica! I am sooooo sorry about what you have gone through postpartum. Those hormones are something else! Haha I can’t wait for Skye’s Kung fu moves! It is from old navy, I’m obsessed with their baby clothes! Have a great day!


Tell Brooke she will never be too big for her blanket. I’m 33 and still sleep with mine nighly (although it looks more like a rag than a blanket now…)


有人可能提到过但我没读through all the comments — as far as Skye taking a bottle — have someone try when you are 100% out of the house and it may take a couple of days to do this until she gets the hang of it. She is (and so are Brook and Knox) simply adorable! Thanks for keeping it real (hormones, etc) with the highs and lows of situations!


I am currently expecting. I am at 20 weeks +1 day and we find out the gender TODAY! I cannot wait, but I am also super nervous.

As far as hormones go, I feel pretty much the same. I do get aggravated a little easier (so far, nothing towards the husband). Every few weeks something extremely funny happens, or I say something so random that my husband and I sit there and crack up for a good 10 minutes… but my laughing turns to full on SOBBING and then back to laughing with tears just streaming down my face. It is ridiculous, but I always feel great afterwards.


I feel like she has grown so much and her little personality is coming out more and more. I need to come visit you both.

Evan sat up on his own by 6 months and STILL hadn’t rolled over. The dr said not too worry and that it was probably a combination of his super chill personality (he just didn’t CARE to roll over) and because he was so huge! Ha!

All my kids loved being outside. I would try and prep dinner in the morning so I could go for a walk right before I started making dinner to calm them down because that was their most ornery time of the day for sure.

I am so glad you are doing well with all the things and recovering great! I am a much happier/less hormonal person once the babies are outside of me too ;)


that is great that the B-feeding is still going so well and so strong. way to go! hope it continues with no hiccups.
这很难晚饭时分,她脾气暴躁。good luck and keep trying things!
ours LOVED baby massage. when she got to the toddler age, we called it “baby exericise” to get her body awake and ready for the new day. she still loved it when she was 6. at 7 she doesn’t ask for it anymore :(

父母阅读- >你小家伙多大了(或ones if you have more:)? What are some of the things they are doing right now? Ours is 7 and she’s partaking in her school’s march for safe schools, along with many others across the nation. she started out the day at her school’s book fair.

Hormonal changes—> were those harder for you during pregnancy or afterwards? hormonal swings were much more prevalent DURING pregnancy. i was definitely crying at the drop of a hat at ALL times. post-partum, i think i was just too tired and too enamored to notice anything awry.


They are sisters for sure – they totally look alike! I’m not a mother but one of my dear friends had to bottle train by leaving the house. Her baby would refuse the bottle is momma was around. So, she’d leave and have some “her” time and leave her husband and baby to have one-on-one time with only breast milk bottles. It took a few times I believe but it worked! Baby got hungry enough to eat and she realized it was the same stuff, just different delivery method. She always preferred the breast but ended up taking the bottle just fine. They started earlier with baby #2 and it was a smoother transition. I hope this helps! :)
Thank you for your brave honesty about the highs and lows of pregnancy!


I am pregnant with my first and expecting a little girl at the end of May. I’ll be 30 weeks on Thursday! I love reading al of Skye’s post!! I haven’t really experienced many pregnancy hormones.. yet, but I do tear up during any montages, like show casing athletes hard work to get where they are and anything about a dog… especially when they play sad music!! So we’ll see how post pregnancy is! While I’m excited to meet her, we have sooooo much to do beforehand so she needs to stay in there for a while!


I have a 10 month old and he loves: pulling up and standing, lots of crawling, babbles A LOT, loves to grab toys and bang them against things to make noise. He also loves PB&J, bananas, and various fruits.

I also experienced times of sadness, “you don’t love my anymore or care about me”. Which is so so irrational because I have a loving husband and a great marriage. But in the moment, I couldn’t help shake the emotions even when I KNEW I was being irrational! I was also extremely irritable. I couldn’t stand repeating myself twice (like if husband didn’t hear me or understand) which is strange… Post birth I had a little bit of baby blues but I think it was more of being tired and cabin fever!


I just love Skye! She is so cute and just seems like the happiest baby! :)

I found out I am pregnant with my first baby not too long ago and am now just about 7 weeks (I can tell you this right now cuz` this is the internet and also I am just dying to tell SOMEONE, lol). Reading about Skye now takes on a whole new meaning! Hormones up to this point have made me really irritable and flat out ANGRY wayyyy more than my usual personality. It has definitely been strange. I am hoping the anger doesn’t stick around. :-/

Anyways, love Skye and your updates!


I think you & I have the same baby… just different genders! haha! What brand is your pump? Did you buy it from somewhere specific?


No way… I love it Lexi:) Here is the pump that I have and I LOVE IT!

Have a wonderful night!


Our baby, Adelynne, was three months on Monday! Skye and Addie are just a few days apart.
I feel that my hormones are more out of whack postpartum. I have a lot of feeling high then all of a sudden feeling low. I normally snap out of the lows quickly though. I understand the hour around dinner time. It’s so hard. For me it’s hard because my husband works nights so I don’t have someone to trade with. We make it though. Every night!


That is WAY hard Catie. You are amazing for doing that tough time of night without your husband there! I hope that those hormones normalize soon for you! I’m always here if you need to chat/email with anyone… I love how close our babies are. We will have to keep in touch! I hope you have a great night of sleep tonight!


Hi! My son (our first) was born on 30 November so I think I he’s just a week or so older than skye–I have loved following along with her updates! Callan is sleeping 8-5 these days thanks to about one night of “sleep training”… our naps seem to be hit or miss unless I’m holding him or wearing him. Skye seems to be such a great napper!! Do you have any tricks? Congrats again on a beautiful baby girl !


I LOVE the name Callan and I am so happy he is sleeping so well at night! As far as naps goes, we are kind of hit and miss too! Her morning naps are stellar but as the day goes on they are not so great and usually in her carseat because we are out and about. I think for her she takes the best naps when she is swaddled, the sound machine is on and the room is very dark (we have great black out curtains in her room). If I can think of anything else I will let you know!


For the bottle I just wanted to recommend the Kiinde system… you can freeze, warm and attach the nipple directly to the milk pouches. My daughter did really well with those nipples and the convenience of the pouches was worth the slightly extra cost. For her bottle I always had to leave the room at first but she got used to it from her sitter and my husband and eventually she would take a bottle from me too.

She is 16 months now! I sent you a picture from when she was six months and I had done a race. I’m actually not running as much now because of injury and other issues. Haha also since we weaned she just wakes up wanting to snuggle when we would normally nurse and I could put her back down and go for a run. I think I’m calling it a break from serious running and just running to enjoy myself. It’s crazy how much more time/room in my head I have leftover now to do family stuff. I think it’s temporary but a nice change from how the last few years have been so focused on running.


She is just too cute! Love reading the baby updates, it is so great to know that others out there struggle with pregnancy hormones too. I am expecting our first in September, I am 14 weeks right now.


I’m 25(.5) weeks with my second – my first is 2 years old. My pregnancy hormones are INSANE. I know post-partum will be sort of crazy too, but I’m ready to be done with pregnancy hormones. Only 15 weeks!

Luckily my daughter wasn’t too picky about her bottle, and in fact loved it a little too much sometimes – made breastfeeding a bit touch and go sometimes. I have friends who had to try a lot of different types of bottles and nipples to find one that their babies would take. And definitely try leaving the house (or at least the room) when it’s time for a bottle. The other thing we did was try to make sure she wasn’t TOO hungry when first introducing the bottle. And we found my daughter was very picky about the temperature of the milk in the bottle, especially at first. Too warm or too cold and she would freak out. We broke down and got a bottle warmer so it was the right temperature every time. Good luck!


Lovely baby.

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