Good morning everyone! I hope your day is fantastic. If you are celebrating Thanksgiving I hope that you get in plenty of pie and cranberry sauce today.

Our day was mostly spent cooking but I’ll share the other highlights too!

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Josse and I finally got a run in together—> 8.28 miles @ 8:49 average and I’m pretty sure it was -192 degrees.

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Quick shower and then it was off with the kids to pick up a few more things for Thanksgiving…

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New Thanksgiving tradition = eating donuts before we cook, after we cook and Thanksgiving morning.

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We snacked throughout the day and had soup for dinner.

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We made it out for a little walk…

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The cheesy potatoes are ready.

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And then my sister and I watched Princess Switch on Netflix ha:)

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I wanted to tell you today how grateful I am for you. You guys are truly the best and I feel so lucky that we get to talk each day and share our lives together. Thank you for reading, for your comments/emails and most importantly your friendship! I hope your day is perfect.

…I am disappointed because I really wish I had a picture to include right here of all of us together but just picture one in your mind (or maybe we should all meet up this summer for some running and eating?!).


What are you thankful for today?

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Happy Thanksgiving, Janae! We are thankful for you, too!!!

我also thankful for my family, their health, my supportive friends, my sweet students, and my baby girl, whom we expect to meet in March! I’m overflowing with thankfulness! <3


Yes yes, I love the idea of an HRG run/brunch sometime! Happy thanksgiving Janae and family!


Happy Thanksgiving Janae! I am so glad you all are already settled in your new home close to your sister and get so much more family time (and it was already a lot so this is amazing)!!!

We are headed to my sister’s and parents houses for Thanksgiving! We get to have a preThanksgivi g dinner on the day with my parents, then add my sister and family for the real deal on Friday. Then Saturday my sister and family will join us in Nashville for a football game! Fall family fun!

Wish you lots of Turkey – Tonya


Have the best thanksgiving Janea!

I love and am thankful for you and your blog because I need a little extra positivity in my days and you are always so positive! So thanks for sharing that with all of us.


Happy thanksgiving to you and your family!!! Thank you for sharing your life & running with us!


Hi Janae, happy Thanksgiving!!! I’m grateful for everything good in life. I just went through a breakup from a long term relationship but I’m so so so much happier now and have been meeting amazing people recently. I learned to always lean on the community and goodness around you . I’m just so grateful that my year is ending with new beginnings and hope and I’m out of the rut that I couldn’t see a way out of, if that makes sense.


I m thankful you made me watch this movie Princess Switch :) Please keep us informed on this topic of romantic comedies dear



我thankful to be injury free and able to run!!!!!!!! Happy Thanksgiving Janae!


Happy Thanksgiving! Just got in from a 9 mile run with a group of friends! We our kind of goofy but we ran the path to spell the words gobble gobble….on Halloween we did Boo and for Christmas we will do hohoho…it was fun and I am thankful to have such an amazing group to run with. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!!


Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, Janae! Have a wonderful day.

我也感谢已经发现了这个社会supportive and uplifting! Also thankful for my friends, my family, and my new home–we may be spread out all over the country (and the world!), but I’m grateful to have people special enough in my life to stay in touch with.

And I am also thankful for pie.


Happy Thanksgiving to your family from mine! It was 11 degrees in Boston this morning and I am thankful I got out the door for a wonderful workout at 6am before the family festivities begin:)


Happy Thanksgiving! I’m thankful for my kids & family, and that we have plenty of what we need in life. A family close to us is dealing with some scary health unknowns with one of their children, and I’m grateful that they have an optimistic and grounded temperament, they are together and surrounded by love today, and they have opportunities for excellent care.


Happy thanksgiving!!

我thankful that the air has finally cleared in Northern California so we can safely run outside again. Although I’m sad to hear the death numbers go up every day from the Camp Fire….it’s devastating. But giving to charity makes me feel like I can’t help even just a little.


I am also thankful for our clean air – it has been awful & we are almost 2 hrs away from the fire area. I can’t even begin to imagine what the people there are going through – the lives lost & the destruction is unreal. I pray for healing & peace for them


Happy Thanksgiving Janae!
我很感谢我的家人和我们的健康!我also thankful for you. Every morning something you write or share inspires me!
Enjoy your day with your family ❤️?


Happy Thanksgiving, HRG! I’m thankful for the internet and places like the HRG blog and Insta, et. al. I’m thankful for the hormone topic here this year and nutrition, too. Especially in the area of iron levels and BCAAs.

Oh, tell us how you made that egg sandwich this week? Please.

我也喜欢接地。这是一个我们都可以练习use from time to time and maybe more than we think. Often we see/ hear parents telling kids “you’re grounded” and the kids can see it as something to strike against, rather than embrace as a practice. (Possibly because the parents don’t ground themselves. Ha, not.) If the striking kids really knew the practice of grounding and the benefits FOR THEM, I think their striking actions would go away. But this would be a holistic approach by all involved. So, I’m thankful for it and praying for it at the same time.



Happy thanksgiving Janae and family! And to all my fellow readers/commenters here! I’m grateful that we have a place to talk running, food, and life in general here. I hope everyone has a great day!
I think you should develop a “Hungry Runner Crew” race… maybe just a 5k or 10k so we all have an excuse to come run in the gorgeous area you’re always showing us, and a reason to eat and run together!! :)


I watched Princess Switch last night! It’s a very cold and white Thanksgiving here in upstate NY after getting a foot of snow last week. It’s rare we get a white Thanksgiving. The sun is shining though and I actually got some quiet time to myself this morning which I appreciate for doing some much needed cleaning and then some reading.


I MORE THAN FULLY APPROVE of your approach to donuts and Thanksgiving cooking! Donuts for everyone!!!
So this morning I ran my 5K for November. My time was bloody slow, even for me, but I don’t care. I ran just thankful that my knee was up to it and my right ankle (which has been sensitive lately) didn’t give me problems. And I felt a love for my Launch 4s–which I have been running in since last Spring–beyond what I had felt up until this morning. My iPod decided not to work when I reached the start line, so I sort of struggle-bussed my way through without music. But I didn’t give up or bow out of freak out when something that I have come to depend on was not part of the picture. My body–though I so often blast it for being so awkward–is SO strong. And my heart is so open and joyful. And my mind is focused, determined, and sharp. Throughout my run, I kept on reminding myself of this and to be grateful for my ability to run (instead of blasting myself for how I run, or how slowly I run, or how far I can’t run at this point in my life). And I finished my 5K with a ginormous smile on my face, picked up my personal-sized pie with my finish line snacks, and drove home with nothing but blue skies and clear roads (…and MAY have stopped at Whole Foods and treated myself to four cookies as “breakfast” because it’s race day AND a holiday and cookies that are each about 1/2 the size of my face are special and worthy of such occurrances, right?!?!?)

Today I’m grateful for everything. Even the times when I am struggling, because during those times I am taught a lot about friendship–the fact that I am *not* so consumed by my struggles that I can not hold space for the people around me and that even when I struggle and feel like I have so little to give to the world around me, I am open and willing to receive all the love that comes my way. Even the times when I am high on top of the world because *everything* is going right that it would be too easy to take my life for granted. Even my students when they’re acting like little sh*ts. Even my internet friends who I have yet to meet in person and give big hugs to and chat the afternoon away with over taco salads and mugs of tea. Even my small, new, fledgling blog that I don’t think anyone reads (yet?). Even the annoying administration at my university that is treating people in my professional designation not so well, because it’s reminding me that despite my passion for *teaching* academia *is not the whole world.* Even cruddy jobs I have had in the past as ‘survival’ to help me pay my way through some really tough times, because some of the bosses I have had have become friends and even mentors. All of it. Everything. The good, the bad, the glorious, the raw. :)

And right now I am grateful for a roof, a soft sofa to sit on, floppy oversized hoodies, my cats, my husband, and watching old episodes of Great British Baking Show on Netflix! Tom and I are far away from family and really just have the little world we create together and the down time before he is off to his store and I get myself focused on grading papers.

And I am grateful for you, your blog, the virtual group of kick-butt, strong, amazing women who read and comment and somehow have become a strange(ly awesome) sort of community! I hope you have an excellent Thanksgiving, Janae!

PS–ONE MORE 5K (which is on December 2, so just a few days away) and I will have completed my “one 5K a month in 2018” goal. Tom is running it with me, and I could not be more excited! We are turning the whole day into one great big “date day” and giving ourselves permission to press a serious pause on the outside world in the middle of a chaotic time with retail twilight zone/holiday shopping season and my end of the semester grading-tornadoes! I love that he has just given me space to find my own love of running this year (and to take time off of running when I have needed and he has reminded me to just trust the incredible amount of cross-training I do to see me through these 5Ks…) and that he is going to run this last one with me. He also ran my January 5K with me too. What a lovely thing to have this small endeavor bookended with a shared run like that! :)


Happy Thanksgiving to you and your beautiful family Janae!! Thank you for your awesome blog. It adds something to my days.


Wow. Thank you so much Kimberly for what you said. Keep in touch with how you are doing and thanks for your internet friendship:)


Thanksgiving has long come and gone here in Canada but I hope you enjoy a great holiday with you family.
Also wanted to include that a Janae’s Running and Eating Training Camp sounds like a fantastic idea and I would sign up in a minute!



Okay, completely serious here… would you do that?! It would be fun to maybe plan it around a race here in July…


I would for sure! I’ve always wanted to visit Utah and my boyfriend is a serious mountain biker who’s also wanting to go. There’s sn endurance mtn bike race in Moab sometime in July that we were talking about going there for!!


I am so thankful for my little family, especially my daughters. They are so amazing. I am so happy that my little one who was not feeling well yesterday morning seems to be okay and was able to celebrate part of her birthday with our extended family today (her b-day is Saturday).
I went out for a run/walk today and it was in the 20s but it felt ok!! I am also thankful that for now my knee is holding up to some running. I won’t push it but maybe I can do a 5k some day!


Oh I am so glad that she was feeling better. Tell her happy birthday for me and enjoy the celebrating on her birthday tomorrow! Way to get out in the COLD!!


Happy Thanksgiving! I enjoy reading your posts everyday so much.
I am grateful for another year that God has given us life and is alway merciful in taking care of us. Today we had the opportunity to celebrate thanksgiving at Disney Magic Kingdom Park and tomorrow it’s even more especial because it’s my daughters 2nd birthday can’t wait to celebrate!


Happy thanksgiving to you guys and your families! Enjoy! Xo

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