Hips Forward, EESE & A PR in a Month I Think….

Another run in the books with the neighbor. It’s so nice to just walk out the door and start running together. We did 7.25 miles at a 7:55 average and I haven’t used headphones (wahoo!!) in a very long time because I’m running with people again… I need to catch up on my podcasts while I clean or something now:).

Before I left I did some glute activating with lunges, squats and marching (shown in video below) to wake up those muscles and make sure they work during the miles so my hamstrings don’t do all of the work.

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PS this movie is such a great one to explain how to use your glutes while running.

Along with glute activation I’m working on some form problems too. During my ultra training and the race I found myself really sitting into the miles if that makes sense. During ultra training I wasn’t pushing the pace, just trying to endure as long as possible. I found that I changed my form a lot while training for the ultra.

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But now I’m wanting to focus on getting faster and part of the road to getting faster is working on my form to make sure I’m more efficient and that I’m putting my body in position to go faster!

* * *略微lean forward (from the ankles, not the hips), driving my knees forward, running tall (without slouching), light on my feet and pushing my hips forward rather than down is my focus. I notice when I start sitting into my stride lately so I readjust and I instantly feel like it is easier to speed up. It’s amazing what our form can do for our speed.

Oh and I’m trying to get back to moving my arms back and forward rather than across my body and touching the opposite shoulder:)

Run Tall Posture 1How to run uphill

Just the normal craziness of trying to get them to school on time over here. Knox’s day was made when I was holding Skye and she reached for him as he was walking by. It was so sweet.

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Andrew has a new running goal… the 1/2 marathon is his favorite so he wants to train for a pr in that distance.

Also, Skye started saying ‘eese’ when I take a picture of them.

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These kids are earning their cross-country beads like crazy. They did a little over 2 miles yesterday!

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Andrew grilled up hamburgers for lunch and then we had these chicken burrito creations for dinner!

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Time for a few tangents!!

*I think (well, I’m telling myself that I do:) I have a PR happening in about a month. I signed up for theUtah Valley 10k on June 1st.I cannot wait (if you want to join me and run the 10k, 1/2 marathon or marathon ((I have done both the half and the marathon and they are incredible))—> use the codeHRG15 for 15% off!

上次我跑10公里KristinandSummer Sandersin 2013!! My fastest one was a few months before that in 43ish minutes with a 6:51 average and I think I have a chance breaking that PR so that’s exciting.

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*Just having some deep life conversations while using Beretta as a pillow.

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*When I first looked at the Indy elevation chart I thought that there were some hills that will be happening on Saturday… and then I realized that the markings are 10 ft intervals. I can’t wait for this flat as a pancake course… it’s going to be so much fun!

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*Andrew and I split a Kronut the other day. There was a lot of happiness packed into this round circle.

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*Did I tell you that there are triplets just a year older than Brooke and Knox living right next to us? The five of them have quite a blast in our backyards.

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*But really.

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*Did you see Hayley Carruthers finish?!?


What race distance do you do the least?

-The 10k but maybe that will change this summer!

What is the flattest race that you have ever done?

-The San Jose Rock ’n’ Roll 1/2 was really flat!

Absolute favorite (can’t live without) baked good?

-I think a donut or a homemade roll.

What’s your run today?

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That’s so interesting about the gluten and form changing during an ultra. I guess it’s kind of similar but I’ve alwas felt the strongest when I’m training for shorter distances. I feel like I could go forever for marathon and long events but I’ve always felt the strongest when I train for shorter stuff.

I think the flattest race I’ve done is the Phoenix marathon Which was downhill. I will say it taught me I didn’t necessarily love net downhill races and my quads took much longer to recover from that.


I totally see what you are saying… that speed stuff really makes us strong and the ultra made me a different kind of strong. Ohhh I bet that took a while! Phoenix is definitely a marathon I want to do though:) . Have a wonderful day Hollie!


Thanks for the video. I am wanting to be smart in my form and getting my big muscles to push me when I run. This will help a lot!
I have only raced 3 10k’s. I’m not sure why, because they are so fun! I can’t wait to follow along with your training for that. It’s been a few years since I’ve done that distance.
I absolutely love a good cinnamon roll! That is a baked good I won’t ever turn down.
Have a great day Janae ?


YES!!! I love the way she explains it… it makes perfect sense to me! I hope you get a good cinnamon roll soon too… I craved those so much during my pregnancy with Skye! Have a beautiful day Wendy!


How do you get Skye to smile for pictures?! My son is 16 months old, and starts whining immediately because he wants the phone we’re using to try to take pics.


I think your son is more normal than Skye:) . She has to be in a REALLY good mood to do it and I think she has learned from the big kids to say cheese and smile every once in a while. We take so many pictures over here that is probably why! I hope you have a fabulous day Jessica and our kids are so close in age.. wish we could have a playdate!


The examples of proper running form you provided in this post look exactly like Brooke’s form. She’s a natural!!


I totally agree! I seriously love watching her run so much:) . Have a wonderful day Sarah!


Janae…first I wanted to say thank you for praying for my citizenship test and for celebrating yesterday that I passed!! You are such an encouraging friend:)

I’m so excited for your 10k, I think you’re going to love it! I prefer to run halfs but I’m working on some shorter distances this season too!

Flattest race I’ve ever done->Pensacola Beach race! The beach roads are super flat haha.

I RAN TODAY!!!! I got to get in a run on Saturday (3 miles) and I got to try out some speed work today. My treatment is going super well and my foot is really responding and I’ve had minimal pain. I’m actually considering a 5k Saturday which probably sounds crazy since I’ve been injured for 5 weeks, but the treatment is just going really well and so my doctor wanted me to try some speed intervals this morning and see how my feet did. She said if they felt fine->I could race Saturday because we don’t know until we know! I’m so thankful for a doctor that works with me and encourages me to try out things when she knows it won’t really hurt me. So today I did 1 mile warmup, 3x 2 min tempo, 1 min recover, 1 mile cool down. I guess time off helped because I hit my fastest mile EVER from my interval repeats (including my recovery!!!). I was so shocked and I feel great. I did all my rehab and icing after and I’m excited to see how my body responds tomorrow and if I can race this weekend! I’ve been so patient coming back from this injury and I’m so so thankful things seem to finally be clicking!!!!


ELEANOR!! Oh my goodness… I am so so happy for you:) . This makes my morning! You passed and you ran today! Such a great day:) . Way to go on your fastest mile ever… you are on FIRE!! You’ve got this girl, you’ve been so patient and smart throughout this injury!


Your neighbor’s braid is on point! I noticed in one of your pics last week, and it’s awesome :)
Such cute pics of the kiddos today, too.
Wow! Hayley Carruthers! The announcers were so kind and reassuring, but I was a little curious how they were so sure “she’s OK” in those first couple of seconds. That was somewhat scary to watch.
I’ve never raced a mile, and 5K is probably least frequent for me. More distance, less speed. My flattest race was probably Atlantic City–just one “hill” on an exit ramp, but that boardwalk sure is flat :)
Cookies are probably my favorite baked item. Mmm!


我需要她来教我怎么做!这是真的…how did they automatically know she was okay?! She really put it all out there! I bet that Atlantic City race was so fun on the boardwalk. I hope you get a cookie soon Corey! have a wonderful day!


The only “hill” to watch for on the Indy Mini is the pitch of the track when you get there! Get down to the bottom as quickly as you can and stay there otherwise you will be running super crooked ?


Good to know hahah!! Send any other tips you can think of for this race please! Have a wonderful day Kaylie!


10k is probably the distance I do the least…for good reason. It’s the worst :) but I’m trying to get better at it too. I race it so infrequently that PR’ing at this year’s Bolder Boulder SHOULD be relatively easy (famous last words).

I think the flattest course I’ve ever run is the Baystate Marathon in Lowell, MA. It’s known for a ridiculous BQ rate and there’s hardly any incline at all. To this day, it was the best marathon I’ve ran, not for time at all, but I didn’t hit the wall until about mile 24 which had never happened before and has never happened since!

Favorite baked good has to be cookies, I think.

I ran 5 miles this morning and it was TOUGH. I’m so sleepy this week and the weather is so gloomy. I could not get those legs movin’ but I at least got it done :) p.S. I’m so jealous of a neighborhood running buddy, I desperately want one of those!!


Bahaha that’s probably why I haven’t done it for so long… it’s such a long amount of time to hold onto that speed! I’m cheering for you at Bolder Boulder and you better let me know how it goes! That marathon sounds amazing… you have me wanting to try it now! I hope you get a really good cookie asap and way to get out there and run on a hard day! I ran by myself today and it made me remember how hard it can be on your own somedays! Have a beautiful day Annie and come run with us:)


Thanks for posting the video; I need all the glute help I can get! Ha! Speaking of, did you see that Gwen Jorgenson posted on her YouTube channel glute exercises? I may have mentioned it before and if so – sorry!
I definitely do 5 & 10k the least. When I was afraid of long distance running, I would only do 5 & 10k’s. The I found the 1/2 and I dropped 5k’s. The I found the marathon and dropped the 10k’s. I’m excited for the time (whenever that will be) that I dive back into 50k’s and tackle a 50 miler. My ultimate goal is 100k but I have no idea when I’ll pull the trigger.
Flatest race … I don’t recall … maybe the Snohomish Mother’s Day 10k. I think the gain was maybe 10ft total as it went along country roads with stinky farm land on one side and the river on the other. I like variation – if the Seattle Rock n Roll half had a couple less hills, that would be my favorite type of road course.
Favorite baked good … right now it’s cookie bars!
My run today was an easy 5k. I’m still working on building my ankle strength and this is only the 2nd week since October I’m going to run 4x/wk! I haven’t ran without some ankle pain/discomfort since before last summer so I’m taking my time building and I’m loving it!
You are so lucky to be able to run with friends so often! I’m lucky if I can do it 1-2x/week with our current schedules so when I do get to run with them I just soak it up!
Have a great day!


I need to check out that video of hers! Time to get our glutes strong! I’m so so excited for you to get back to the 50k, 50 miler and do a 100k! That is impressive! 10ft gain, that sounds wonderful! I need a cookie bar right now. I am so so happy you are running pain free for the first time in a while! Seriously, running with friends just takes running to the next level. Thanks Jenny, you too!


What race distance do you do the least?

Haha, the full! I have only done 2 of them (the 1/2 being my favorite like Andrew)… that will go up one in October though!

What is the flattest race that you have ever done?
Fox Cities in Wisconsin. Loved it!

Absolute favorite (can’t live without) baked good?
Lemon pound cake…. or banana bread (fruit in both so its healthy lol ;) )

What’s your run today?
No run as I did a 1/2 on Sunday. I have tight IT bands so lots of stretching and ice and rest… grrr :)

Have a great day!


Which full in October are you doing?! Those are both absolutely healthy:) and now I need both. CONGRATS on your 1/2 a few days ago and I hope your IT bands recover nicely. Thank you so much April and I hope you are having a wonderful day!


我很感兴趣,当你分享关于你的孩子的cross country because we don’t have it here but my kindergarten loves to run and I wonder about trying to recreate something like it here. So do they have races? Or just run after school? How many times a week? Do they get something after putting beads on their necklace?


You totally should do it at your school. There isn’t a race that I know of yet besides the one that the entire school does (a fun run). They meet twice a week for about 35 minutes! They just get the beads at each practice and I heard on the last practice they bring popsicles. Let me know if you guys end up doing something similar!


I’ve been working a lot on form too. I still catch myself when I get tired having bad form but I think it’s starting to become a better habit of good form now.

I love that your kids school does that! I’m going to look into starting one up for our elementary school!


Way to go Jenny! I think everyone loosens up on their form when they are tired.. you are doing awesome! You should definitely start one up at your school… it’s so much fun. Have a beautiful day Jenny!


Glute activating so hamstrings aren’t doing all the work–>I need to do that! My hamstrings have been SO sore lately. And I’ve been running more and not doing as much strength training, so that’s probably why! I did a bunch of lunges and squats yesterday so that is a good start.

Flatest–I did a 5k road race that just went 5k in one direction on the street. SO flat.

I really love muffins. My mom has this healthy muffin recipe that we used to eat for breakfast every day and I definitely steal extras when I go visit now. They’re amazing!


I’m right there with you… my hamstrings do a lot of the work! I bet that 5k was a screaming fast course… no turns and flat! You might need to send me that recipe:) . I hope you get some soon! Have a great day Kristin!


迷你绝对是最平的课程我的电动车er done! Chicago is the flattest marathon I’ve done and i have to say it was kind of boring. ? I can only remember two parts on the Mini course that even remotely approach hills—there’s a very short steep climb coming up onto the track and then the last half mile or so before the finish is a very gradual uphill (the kind where it’s not enough to mentally register as a hill and you just wonder why your legs feel so sluggish!). The last time I ran it was a really hot day and I seriously saw so many people who pushed really hard and then couldn’t do the final stretch—like paramedics taking them off the course bad! So so sad! So just be aware that you have to save more gas for the last half mile than you might think. ? My other tip is that sometimes the track gets really windy, so tuck in behind a group if you can find one! Good luck and welcome to Indianapolis!! Feel free to email me if you have any questions about the area—we live in the north suburbs (Carmel) right over by the temple.


REALLY… that is very interesting about Chicago. I’ve never done a flat marathon so I could see how that could get old towards the end. Good to know about the Mini and I will definitely save some gas and tuck in if it is windy, thank you Rachael. That must have been so so sad to see. Thank you so much and I hope you can make it to any of the get-togethers we are doing (I’ll post them tomorrow)! I’ve wanted to go to that temple! Have a beautiful day!


I really started to work on my form about 8 months ago, especially my hips, and I remember watching that same glute video! It was pretty helpful to me too.

I’ve actually never done a 10K, have fun! It sounds hard because if you want a good time you have to sprint but for like, 40 minutes. That sounds unpleasant. Nice that it’s flat though, the Jacksonville Marathon (which I run most years) is about that flat and it’s great!

Telling me to choose a baked good is like telling me to choose a favorite child. I guess I would have to go with some kind of cake… maybe coconut cake. Or maybe cinnamon rolls if I could have them fresh-baked every day.

I expected my run today to go not so great because yesterday I started having some knee and quad issues, but today was actually much better than yesterday! About 16 miles and I felt energized the whole time!


I should try the Jacksonville Marathon… although if it is a humid one then I might die! And now I am craving coconut cake! So happy you had such a great run Grant and I hope those knee/quad issues stay away for good!


I’ve only done 5K’s since I started running again. I am signed up for a 10K this August, which would be my first 10K since 1985, lol… We’ll see how that goes.

I think I have everybody beat for the flattest race – Aviation Days 5K a few years which is run on runways/taxiways at a local airport. It was soooooo boring. The cool part was that it was associated with an airshow – so having a P-51 Mustang buzzing the field while you were warming up was very cool.

No run today, seeing a Orthopedic doc for a weird injury near my right knee, which could be nothing or something…. I’ll know more this afternoon.

Gotta have my donuts, Bavarian cream with a huge iced coffee!


Oh I am so so excited for your first 10k in 34 years wahoo! Oh yeah, I bet that was extremely flat but awesome you got to see those planes! GOOD LUCK and please let me know what the doctor says. Maybe go grab a donut afterwards:) . Thanks John!


Janae你一定会打破你的10 k的公关your times for the half and full!!! I run a 10k PR of exactly 43 minutes a couple of years ago (have had a bunch of injuries and been living abroad and not racing as much lately) and I am not even closer to your speed :)

I have never really run a flat race because I used to live in Madrid which is pretty hilly but just moved to the Netherlands and I am racing the Utrecht half on the 12th (check the city out, so pretty) and this whole country is flat as a pancake so I am curious to see how my time compares.

To me ice cream> baked goods every time, but if I have to chose, brownie any time, I am a chocolate fiend

Love your blog so much Janae and love skye’s cheeky smile :)


Have fun with the 10k!! I’m so sad I don’t get to run that full this year, I could’ve maybe met you!!! Maybe next year! I can’t wait to watch you crush that PR :)


I am obsessed with podcasts! I especially love true crime podcasts. I just finished COLD and it was so good. What are some of your favorites that you could recommend? :)


Thanks for sharing such an amazing article, really informative!!

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