Tuesday Tangents + Tempted

A RUN WITH JOSSE! It’s been ages since our last run together (she has had some lame injuries but is back now) and it was so nice to get caught up on everything with her. I’d love to know how many miles we have logged together over the years because I’m guessing it is a lot.

12 miles @ 8:26 pace. I have a bit of a head cold which I’m not loving and I’m hoping it magically disappears because this week is a BIG week. I got an email yesterday that said St. George is just 33 days away so things are getting real over here and I should probably start going to bed at 7 each night because of all of the miles/workouts leading up to the race.

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I was very excited to have a running shoe selfie (Saucony kids sent the kids running shoes) with both of the girls.

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Brooke got in a mile (I didn’t run with her… she just ran up ahead of me and then back to me) and she makes sure to splash in every single puddle that she can. I love that her school is providing the ‘marathon in a month’ program and I hope a lot of the kids at her school are also doing it.

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Andrew got back from his run around the same time. He is training for a half marathon in November and wanting under 1:40. I’m really excited for him!

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Smoothies with almond milk + spinach + frozen bananas + peanut butter once we got back inside.

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We decided to have a pretty low-key day. We made burgers (on asiago bagels) and watched Aladdin.

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And then after awhile we went out on errands.

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Two very important things were picked up while we went out on errands:

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Leftovers for dinner and an early bedtime for a massive speed workout today! 3 x 3 miles… this is going to be fun!


Just a few tangents to share before I let you go:

*I definitely had a GROAN WORTHY moment yesterday but I tried to laugh instead and it worked out much better that way.

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*I’m trying to learn how to wear mascara again. I had fake eyelashes on for about 5.5ish years but just recently stopped getting them because I haven’t been able to keep up with the maintenance at this current stage of life. I’m still going in to have my eyebrows waxed and tinted every 6ish weeks because that is something I can just bring Skye to but I’m really working on somehow not getting mascara smeared all over my face now each day. It’s hard. Makeup is hard.

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*Lovedthis articleabout Eliud Kipchoge and especially loved seeing how he takes his easy runs pretty much double the pace of his marathon pace!

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*I came across a picture of my first Garmin and it made me miss it:) I loved this Garmin but I don’t miss waiting 5 minutes for it to locate satellites for each run.

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*I’ll try to rememberthisnext month at St. George;)

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Did anyone else have the Forerunner 305? What was your first GPS watch?

How long does your make-up routine take in the morning? Do you enjoy putting on make-up or not so much?

Who have you logged the most amount of miles with in your life so far?

-Josse, Brooke and Skye (I ran a lot of miles while pregnant with them;) and my sister!

Are you good at taking your easy days easy or do you tend to push the pace on those easy days?




I have the hardest time with mascara but just discovered the Clinique Workout 24 hour mascara and it actually stays on me!! This is a first for me so I recommend it!


Really?!?! I will totally buy that one. Thanks so much Emily! My mom is Clinique’s biggest fan so I need to join in:) . Have a great day!


Just chiming in about Clinique: They also have a lash primer that you put on your lashes before your mascara and it makes all the difference. Not only does your mascara stay on so much better, but your lashes look a ton fuller and longer. Magical stuff!


Well, I’m going to have to order that right now. THANK YOU!


Good morning! Happy Tuesday!

My makeup routine is literally 5 mins, ha. My coworker is like how do you run before work?! And I’m like….uh cause I get ready in 15 mins with a shower and just brush my hair, foundation, a little blush, mascara, done!

This morning was my first day post-injury adding speed back! I got to do 8×20 sec strides:) easing back in slowly but it was so fun to be at the track again. During the comeback I’ve done most of my runs at aerobic range, no speed or recovery runs really just building a base. So now that I’m adding speed back I’ll definitely be focusing on taking easy days slower again than I have been now.

I need to make burgers on asiago bagels asap. Especially with those red potatoes, yum. Looks great.

The peaches look amazing too, but I found figs this weekend and it made my heart SO HAPPY. I’m so ready to channel Fall, even tho its a couple months before we get Fall temps here in Florida;) How do you feel about figs? Or fall fruit? Or would you rather have summer fruit forever?!

PS. Can’t wait to see Andrew crush his 1:40 and I love the girls new running shoes those are SO cute.


Hahah I’m right there with you… I’d rather get in another mile or two then spend a lot of time getting ready;)
YOU ARE BACK to speed. This makes me so so happy. I am thrilled about this, you have been so smart coming back. Yep, try the burger/potato combo. Hmmmm I need to try some figs, it’s been way too long. I just want summer fruit forever because I don’t like getting close to winter but I am sure you are more than ready for winter in Florida. Thanks so much Eleanor and I hope you have a really great day!


Yes, I had the Forerunner 305 – it was my first GPS watch. My husband had one too and it just died. Not the watch but the band. And it is so old that it is almost impossible to find the band!

I have ran the most miles with my dog, Rosemary. She is ten and has ran with me since she was about 10 months old. She is slowing down and that makes me sad. But I guess that I will really slow down by the time I am 70 too!

I just switched to Younique Epic mascara. Luv it. My lashes are really long so I always have to clean up around my eyes after I put it on…

Unfortunately, my pace doesn’t change dramatically. But I am not racing anymore and just trying to get the cardio in.


Hey Janae!
Try the Maybelline Dramatic Push Up mascara—it’s my very favorite, and I’ve tried many many kinds! lol I’ve always loved the look of lash extensions, but I know I can’t do the upkeep. I used Rodan and Fields LashBoost for a bit, but I think it was making my lashes fall out actually! Yikes. SO, right now I’m using Latisse to grow them out again, and it’s working fabulously!

I love putting on make up because I love art/creativity. I don’t make myself up to look like a clown–ha ha, but I love the act of doing something creative with my make up!

Excited to be back at school and following your journey closely again!!!!! :) I did over the summer, but it was more sporadic :)


JEN!!! It’s so good to hear from you and I hope your summer was perfect. Wait they made them fall out?! Ahhhh maybe I need to try Latisse. Do you just buy it online? Thanks for sharing… I will have to check it out. Happy school year!


My first Garmin was the Forerunner 305 too. I have logged the most miles with my son Logan.
Got the same email from the St. George Marathon too. The race is coming fast!!


AHHHH SEE YOU THERE DIANE! How cool that you have done so much running with your son. I love that so much. Have a beautiful day and happy peak week!


Love that pic of the shoes! And Brooke has some serious ups–that jump in the puddle looks so high!
My only GPS watches have been Nike+ TomTom. I wasn’t wearing mine for a while, so I was surprised when I found out they discontinued all online support :( Now that the memory is nearly full, it will stop logging new workouts, and I haven’t been able to download or program any workouts recently. So bummed.
My makeup routine is pretty quick, and I put it on while at red lights too often on the way to work! BB cream, a little foundation around my eyes, powder, blush, mascara, and brow pencil.
Since my running is inconsistent, I tend to push too much when I get out for a run instead of giving each workout a purpose. That needs to be my fall goal: run workouts with purpose :)
Hope you feel better fast!


WAIT A SECOND… they discontinued all online support?! That doesn’t seem fair… you bought the watch thinking that was going to be part of the deal for the rest of the time you had the watch?! That is frustrating! Sounds like the perfect makeup routine to me! Thanks so much Corey and I love that goal, I need to be thinking about the purpose of each run more often too. Have a beautiful day.


I still have and wear that Garmin. I’m envious of everyone’s newer watches but can’t justify upgrading. And five minutes of waiting for satellites is my life in a nutshell! Haha!


It seriously is the best Garmin… I was depressed that mine broke after like 6 years of using it. It really is such a good watch. Don’t upgrade until it breaks!


I was just reading on an Instagram (pedsdoctalk) from a of pediatric doctor that I follow that she creates this concoction at the first sign of an illness and it works wonders…1 glass warm milk + 1/4 tbsp turmeric + 1 tbsp honey…hope you feel better soon!


I WILL TRY THIS TODAY! Thank you so much Colby!


I am starting to think I need to push myself a little on non easy runs because I feel like I am going easy and look at my Garmin and it is literally the same pace as on other days!!! My garmin is an oldie, no clue what model but I bought it used and yes I sometimes have to wait those 5 min!! For now it works…
I am a solo runner and love it, my quiet time.
My make up routine is super quick but due to my age I likely should add somethings! My eyes are so crazy sensitive that I only sometimes wear mascara, never eyeliner or shadow. Last year I tried eye shadow and a coworker asked me what was up with my eyes. I looked in the mirror and had two very swollen eye lids, sigh…


There is something so wonderful about those miles where all you can hear are your own feet hitting the ground and your breathing. I love those quite miles too! Oh that is too bad about how sensitive your eyes are… I have no idea how to wear eye shadow so I never use it. I hope you have a fabulous day Carrie!


The best tip I’ve recently learned for mascara is to have a folded paper towel nearby and wipe about 90% of the mascara off the brush before applying. This was from a make up artist, who said that you should replace your mascara every six months so the amount you lose by doing the wipe method isn’t really noticed as long as you replace your mascara as recommended. Anyway, it’s the best thing – I never get those clumps of mascara in my eyelashes, I rarely even need to use a mascara spoolie to clean them up…and I don’t get mascara on my cheeks and eyelids anymore, woohoo!

Also, I had the same first Garmin and yes, it was special to me as well. I moved on to the 220 but I still have the 205 because I can’t get rid of it. :)


Well, this is BRILLIANT! I have never thought of this and I’m sure it will prevent all of the clumps. Thanks for sharing Shelley!


Yes I had that watch too! It was my first gps watch when I trained for my first marathon in 2009 and i used it until last year when it died!


AHHHH it really was the best watch. ZERO problems. I was so sad when it finally broke. It was with me fore my first marathon back then too. I hope you have the best day. What watch did you end up getting once it broke?


And I love that marathon in a month at her school. She had that cross country last year too. So cool how running involved her school is. It makes me want to start something at my sons school but I wouldn’t know where to begin??
Are there prizes or anything for the marathon. In a month or what is the incentive?


你真的年代hould. I think it is so fun and motivating for the kids. They get a cool bracelet at the end and that is incentive enough for Brooke:) Have the best day Mary!


我有前身305 -这是我第一次GPS窟ch. I’m on my second Suunto watch now. Waiting for GPS signal still happens when we’re in Hawaii – all the tall buildings make it tough to connect.

I’m terrible about taking easy days easy. My marathon PR happened when I rode my bike on my easy run days!


Oh I bet it still happens there! It sounds like most of us had the 305 in the beginning:) Good memories. OH that is super interesting about your marathon PR! Hope your day is a beautiful one:)


I love Eluid so much, I think he’s my new favorite runner to watch and read about. His outlook is just so beautiful and inspiring and I love love love how he smiles while he runs!

I absolutely loathe putting on makeup, but I have super duper fair and blonde features, like if I don’t pencil in my eyebrows, it looks like I don’t have any. So I rarely leave the house without at least my “eyebrows on” as I say. And while I don’t wear too much face make up, mostly tinted moisturizer and liquid blush, my entire skincare routine takes an embarrassing amount of time in the morning. That’s how I know I’ve gotten older ;)

I’ve probably logged the most miles with my fiance! I’ve never really had a running bff unfortunately, though I’m always on the lookout :)

And I’m the worst at running at different paces in general. I need to start incorporating speedwork into my training cycle and I’m so scared! Right now I just have a race lined up every weekend to make sure I’m pushing myself, but for some reason going to the track alone is so intimidating to me this time around. I used to do it all the time! Any advice other than JUST DO IT?!


He really is the best example of how your attitude can change your life. His smile is infectious. GOOD FOR YOU for taking such good care of your skin. As I am getting older my skincare routine increases too! I think races provide the perfect speed work… I get my best workouts in at races so keep doing what works for you! I hear ya… doing it alone is hard so that’s why your race solution sounds perfect! Have a wonderful day Annie!


I just read about tori belle lashes! It’s magnetic eyeliner and the lashes just stick to them! I’m a recovering lash extension addict too! My friend is a high fit instructor and she swears by them! She says they stay on and don’t move through her whole work out! I’m going to try them!


Well, now I need to go research these more and will you PLEASE let me know when you try them what you think about them!


I got my first GPS watch about a year and a half ago… after being a consistent runner for 12 years before then haha! I got the Garmin Vivoactive HR and I love it! It doesn’t have a ton of bells and whistles, but it does everything I need it do which is great! Also, unrelated, but… I FINALLY GOT MY 5k PR! 23:17 as of this weekend! I’ve been dying with excitement for days now!



PAIGE AHHHHH huge huge huge congrats on your new pr. That is SO exciting and you killed it. Keep feeling on cloud 9, you deserve it!


The 305 was also my first watch. It was so comfy, but took forever to locate the satellites! Especially in the Cape Breton Highlands.
我通常在睡觉前把睫毛膏不哈ve to do it in the morning. That is my makeup routine. Period. Haha. I did the fake eyelashes for awhile but it was very expensive and time consuming!
Getting better with taking the easy days easy.
我肯定跑的most miles with my first dog. She’s since passed, but now I have a 10 month old running buddy who’s quickly getting up to my weekly mileages.
Looking forward to following this marathon training! Good luck


Interesting about the mascara before bed… I’ve never thought about that. Does it smear during your run? I am so sorry your first dog passed away but so happy that your new little pup is getting in miles with you each week. Thanks so much Julia and keep me updated with everything that you are up to!


So far it’s only smeared a bit if it rains heavily. Waterproof all the way


Long time reader, first time commenter here! I know you have a bunch of comments above about mascara + lashes so add this to the list. I recently switched to tubular mascara. It literally encases yours lashes rather than sticking to it like normal mascara. It takes a gentle pinch with warm water and it all comes off! I wear it through everything – CrossFit workouts, runs, work etc and it stays on until you’re ready to take it off and doesn’t smear… ever!!! Ive used Trish McEvoys tubular mascara and highly recommend!


I agree with this recommendation. Makeup is not really my thing and I manage to smudge most mascaras. The tubular mascaras are so much better, they can’t smudge and stay on much better over the day. I use the Kevyn Aucoin brand which is not super cheap but i think it’s worth it to avoid the trouble of regular mascara.


I took off my false lashed over a year ago and my new routine is so much more simple and does not require daily mascara! To regrow my lashes I used lash boost (and still do). It really works! And every 1-2 months I get a lash lift and tint (so much easier and less expensive) and the combo of the serum and lift and tint is awesome!


HEY RACHEL… that is awesome and sounds perfect for me. Would you mind sharing the lash boost link (to make sure I get the right one?) . Thanks so much!


I was going to comment yesterday because you looked so pretty in your pictures and I couldn’t pinpoint why, then I realized your eyelashes are gone! You look beautiful both ways but I think you look really pretty without, you can see your eyes and eye color more! :-)


You are the sweetest! My mom said the same thing! Thanks so much Caroline and I hope you are having a great day!


I use the Mary Kay lash/eyebrow building serum and I’m seeing big results with my eyelashes! You swipe it on every night and start seeing results in a week…super easy, and you can for sure do it with Skye around.


Ummmm this sounds perfect for me! Thank you! Looking into it now:) PS I’m assuming you can still use mascara with this serum the next day?


Yup. You put it near the lash line (and on your eyebrows I assume, I don’t use it for that) and go to bed…that’s it! 1 week later, longer lashes!


Here’s my one mascara tip! Whenever I get it on my eyelid, under my eye, or anywhere NOT on my lashes, I take a dry cotton-swab and just swipe it off of my skin. I don’t know why it works, but it does!


Edited to add…. I don’t use waterproof mascara, so I’m not sure if it works the same!


Really?!? Oh that is awesome! Thanks so much Allie! Have a great rest of your day!


I always love your posts but I don’t think I have ever related to you as much as when I read this sentence… “I’m really working on somehow not getting mascara smeared all over my face now each day. It’s hard. Makeup is hard.” ?❤️ #thestruggleisreal


We just get each other on another level hahaa…. let’s learn together!


I wasn’t even cool enough to have a 305. My first running watch was a Garmin 201 that was a hand-me-down from my dad when I was 24. He probably had it for 5 years and then I used it for another 5, so I can’t really complain!


You have great eyebrows. Just sayin’.


Oh, man. The Forerunner 305 was my first GPS watch too. I live downtown in a big city with lots of skyscrapers, so it would do the ‘locating satellites’ song and dance for at least 5 minutes and then flash a screen that said, ‘Are you indoors?’ No. No, I am not, Garmin, and I would like to start my run any minute now.

Ah, the good old days. I still have it in a box somewhere. :)


My 1st Garmin is the Forerunner 15 and I’m still using it !!
I am a make up minimalist. And only eyeliner in the summer months. Very light anyway the rest of the year.
Most miles logged are with myself. I’m pretty much a solo runner.


OMG THAT WATCH! i loved mine, too! i just moved and found it and put it away in my old electronics box….too sad to get rid of it. and if something happens to my current one, well, its a fab backup. but yes to the waiting and waiting for satellites…ha. but that thing is a gem :)

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