CIM Training Summary!

Happy Sunday! I am spent after yesterday’s run and so thankful that today is a rest day. We have another week of high mileage and then we will start dropping down our mileage leading up to the race.

24 miles with friends yesterday and a monster workout in the middle. Andrew picked us up at the end (he took the picture) because we did a point to point course. The last few miles were near our old house and on the streets that I used to run on every day so that was fun.

All of the gels.

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Some gorgeous views!

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I’m addicted to the post-really-hard-run hot chocolate on the way home. It was 16 degrees at the start of our run and while it warmed up over the miles a little bit, I was so cold the second I stopped running.

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Andrew is in heaven that the kids are loving biking with him.

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And all day I ate the saltiest foods… my body needed it after that run!

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Here is how this last week looked:

Monday: 10 miles @ 8:40 pace.

Tuesday: 14 miles @ 7:23 average with MP miles sandwiched in the middle!

Wednesday: 14英里总运行som的挑战e trails that go STRAIGHT UP. I woke up the next day and felt like I had just finished a 5 hour leg day session at the gym haha.

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Thursday: 12.38 miles @ 8:29 average.

Friday: 5.62 miles @ 8:48.

Saturday: 24 miles total with 18 in this middle like this. I felt fine the first 13ish miles but then had to use every mental trick I have ever used to get through the rest. The goals was to do this a bit faster than what we did but between the cold air and just feeling awful the last few miles I am happy with what we did. EFFORT is what gets us to our goals!

The only stops we took were for icey bridges/tunnels because we do not risk it on the ice along with one short 30 second bathroom break.

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Sunday: Off!

80 MILES!!!


What was your best run last week? Hardest run?

What are your Sunday plans?

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Nice miles.
I let Chris sleep in Saturday so that last night I could say “your turn” for this morning with the time change. He was up e.a.r.l.y, and I got to wake up to chocolate chip pancakes cause that was part of their morning fun!


BRILLIANT Erica, that worked out perfectly:) . No better way to start the day!


Hi Janae! I really like that green gel too! I think that’s the best flavor of the clif gels.

我最好的俄文n this week.. I went to the track with my mom and she walked while I ran in the opposite direction. I was just going to do a tempo run but then she kept cheering me on everytime we passed each other and I couldn’t help but show off for her and so then I ended up with a new 10k PR! I was really excited because it means I’m totally on track to hit my goal for my half this December (I am trying to break 2 hours and I tell friends and family it’s my personal sub-2 ;)


AMY! This makes me SO happy! I love that having your mom there helped you to crush your workout and end with a new 10K pr! That sub 2 is YOURS and I better get to hear all about it next month!


Good job on your long run yesterday! I always love reading about your hard workouts and how you get through them ?
I’ll be heading out for about 6 miles today. It’s nice and cool, so that should feel awesome. Then I’m hoping to catch the NYC marathon! I love watching the finish of all the big races! After that, it’s bagels with the fam, Sunday yoga, and lots of laziness the rest of the day.
I hope you enjoy your Sunday!


Thank you so much Wendy and I hope your 6 miler was perfect (yay for awesome weather:). Sounds like the perfect day and I hope the NYC marathon motivated you too! Thanks friend!


Questions! Does your coach give you a set amount of mileage each week and let you hit it however you can (I.e singles, doubles) outside of workout days? How’s your appetite after taking gels? Does it mess with your tummy or are you just used to it? What’s your recovery routine like the day when you wake up feeling like the 5 hour workout in the gym (hah) – do you just run and ‘shake them out’?


Hey Jenni! I LOVE all of these questions… mind if I write a blog post about them this week? So many awesome topics! I hope you are having a perfect Sunday!


Thank you Janae!!


That is a serious run. I think I would be sleeping and eating the rest of the day after that.

I have a question- what do you do when you start to feel run down during intense training? I’ve struggled with this in the past and can’t seem to balance things well.


That’s pretty much all I have done today haha! I love this question so much (you are NOT alone!!!). Mind if I share the answers to this in a blog post this week (probably Tuesday)?! I hope you are having a wonderful day!


Looking forward to it!


这是一个艰苦的跑步后,好好休息!我最好的俄文n was actually being able to run. I officially signed up for a half in December. After my horrible run the week before in which my knee was screaming, I was able to do 3 miles on Fri. I actually think it is my groan and hamstring as they feel sore. I think I aggravated something and it showed up in that knee. So I am slowing my speed way down and building back up. I did 3 miles run, 1 walk Fri and 3 today and I plan to train for the half with only running 3 to 4 days a week and cross training/strength training the rest. Hoping to be able to resume my long run schedule this Friday. I think my body responds well to that I forgot about it and was pushing myself. Always listen to your body!!


AHHH Carrie…. I am SO excited that you are figuring this all out and that you will get to your half in December. Keep me updated on it all and I am SO happy you have the perfect combo for your training to get you to that starting line soon.


Hi Janae !
I’m from France et I often read you. I’ve started running since the begining of the year (with my dog), so I can’t run as fast or long as you. But reading you is a source of motivation and inspiration.
I was wondering, when you say “had to use every mental trick I have ever used to get through the rest”, what are these mental trick exactly ? As I am (almost) a beginer, It’s sometimes hard to go on, not giving up.
Hope to read you soon. Oh, just one thing again, you have a really nice family :)


INGRID!! So so good to hear from you and I want to come run one of your local races:) . This is a wonderful question… mind if I answer it on Tuesday in a blog post? You are doing amazing and keep up the awesome work!


I LOVE LOVE reading your training summary each week and how you have been feeling during training. I’m in the process of building my endurance back after a break for surgery to repair a labral tear in my right hip and then I got pregnant a few months later. I resumed running a few months before I got pregnant but couldn’t really build up my endurance like I wanted. I’ve forgotten the difference between tired legs from training and injury and reading about your tired legs reminds me that there is a certain amount of discomfort in getting stronger and that it doesn’t necessarily mean an injury. I’m just so paranoid still after surgery but I’m getting better at trusting that my body is healthy and getting stronger. My best run this week was yesterday; 10.3 miles which is my first double digit run in almost 3 years! My legs are a tad tired today but in a good way and I’m getting excited for my first post surgery/post baby #2 in December ? Thanks for sharing your running journey with us, it’s very inspiring!


Erin! Thank you SO much for your comment and for sharing your story. You are incredible and you have sure been through a lot recently! I know that post-injury paranoia… it’s so hard to figure out what is hurting to make us stronger and what is hurting injury wise. You are doing an amazing job and HUGE congrats on your double digit run yesterday. You are coming back SO strong and I can’t wait to hear about how you rock your half in December. Keep me updated on it all! Thanks Erin!


Post surgery/post baby half marathon that is; still a bit sleep deprived!?


24英里! ? ! ?你是惊人的。我最好的运行是一个12miler in beautiful fall weather. When I got back, I wanted to run at least four miles more, but told myself I shouldn’t push it, not with a race coming up so soon. My hardest run was speed that I started out way too fast. I’m embarrassed to admit how often this happens to me.

My church had a potluck today, and I ate way too much! I don’t think I’ll be hungry again until Tuesday. I’m gonna take a nap now, and then take the yard to burn off a few of those calories!


I am SO happy you got that amazing weather Leah! You are not alone in that Leah… we all make that mistake over and over again! A full tummy + a nap = heaven to me! Have a great week Leah!


Sunday plans: ran a half marathon – and broke my personal record for worst calf cramps ever after a race ? This also was my hardest run of the week. I was traveling for work this week and caught a virus and didn’t realize I was dehydrated going into the race which led to cramps. Still had a fun time running! Now I’m doing as little as possible the rest of the day with my legs elevated!


JO… NOOOO I am so incredibly sorry about today’s race. That must have been miserable and you have had a crazy week! Please get recovered up and I’m glad you still had a fun time. Your next race is going to feel amazing after this one!


I ran NYC today! It was my first NYC Marathon so I took my time and just took it all in and enjoyed it and took lots of pictures. It was great! Thanks for your support earlier in my training!! The whole time though I was like NO MORE MARATHONS but of course as soon as it was over I thought maybe I should find a charity to run Boston with…


Hello! If I remember correctly you started doing your own Shellac. Could you share what products you purchased to get started and any helpful tips. Thank you so much. Love following your blog and following your sweet families journey.:)

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