Friday Favorites & Skye’s Bday Celebration!

We celebrated Skye’s birthday!

The whole family was home yesterday so we decided to make her dreams come true with presents, sugar and Frozen.

I can’t believe this little girl will be 2 on Sunday. She has brought so much excitement, energy and happiness to all of our lives. She has us laughing so hard multiple times a day and the way she says ‘mama’ melts my heart every single time she says it. I feel very lucky to have Skye!

Brooke and Knox dressed up like a few of her favorite characters for her celebration…

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We did presents and she was SHOCKED over each item that she opened.

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Skye happily changed into her new dress-ups the second that she opened it.

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We finished things off with cake and then we watched frozen while she changed in and out of her new dress-up shoes a million times.

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I have a few Friday Favorites to share today. Affiliate links included!

*I bought a pair of jeans that I’m obsessed with (they are the ones in the above pictures from the birthday) and they are still 40% offHERE!

*How in the world I trained all year without this thing… I do not know. I went over to my friend’s house the other day and she hadthis PUREWAVE massager.I tried it on my hamstring and calf and oh my goodness, it loosened everything right up. I’ve seen these types of massagers for a long time now but didn’t want to spend $400 on one. This one is $125 with amazing reviews on Amazon too so I bought it. It is incredible, has so many different speeds and tools to choose from depending on what area you are working on and I feel like every runner needs one… it feels SO good on my plantar too.

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*Every morning there is a lot of hair to be done at our house andthis little continuous water misterhelps so much. I always need a little water when doing all three of their hair and this mister is just super convenient. I have a drawer in our kitchen with all of the things I need to do the kid’s hair because I’m usually doing it while they eat breakfast:)

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*I have had a lot of questions about Skye’s new boots and they are definitely her favorite thing this week! I got themHERE!

*The other day I went to TJ’s and asked where their melting hot chocolate snowmen were and they let me know that if I wanted any of those that I had to show up and stand in line before the store opened. So I did, along with other crazy foodies in Utah and I bought a few. The kids loved them. Not sure if I’ll stand in line again for them but if your TJ’s has them, grab them to try.

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*THIS DOCUMENTARY WAS AMAZING (It’s on HBO and they offer a trial week which is what we did)! It was about Lindsey Vonn the professional downhill skier. I felt every emotion possible (along with very sweaty hands… 80 mph downhill on skis?!) while watching it. It was so interesting to see everything that goes into their training, lifestyle and sport. I really enjoyed it!

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我们最喜欢的基础层,the kids. This stuff is magic and keeps us all so warm for pretty cheap—>HERE!

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I love hearing the incredible things YOU are doing! If you want to share then just send them to[email protected]


Blair!!!“Last month I ran the New York City Marathon with two of my best friends Grace and Amy (who both just got engaged!!) . We logged a million miles together all summer and fall- Grace and I were actually doing a 20-miler together while you were running St. George and tracking your location really got us through!!

We were planning on splitting up after the start (It was Grace and Amy’s first marathon and I had a time goal in mind) but when I was running on the Queensboro I opened the app on my phone to track them for a boost of motivation. When I saw that they were still running together I got so jealous I ended up waiting for them to catch up with Amy’s family on First Ave so we could run the last 10 miles all together! The last 10 miles were the most fun I’ve ever had in New York and we crossed the finish line holding hands in a flying V!”



Loribeth!!!“我跑14半程马拉松赛11月2日the Harvest Half in Brentwood, Tennessee just outside of Nashville…….and I got my 3rd fastest time…..less than 3 minutes from a new PR! This is even more exciting because I had just done a full marathon 13 days before. Maybe some folks might think that was too soon to race, but I felt recovered and I didn’t let myself get stressed at all. That was key for me setting a great time in my marathon and it helped again at the half. Mental toughness and calmness seriously helps. I kept thinking “yes this is hilly (BIG hills in middle Tennessee) but it’s not hard” & I kept thinking how fast it seemed to be over….because the marathon is so long it changes your perspective. I came in at 2:00:09 and finished 85th out of 242! It was freakishly cold in the morning and several people asked me where my clothes were (ha!) but I loved it. Warm cookies at the finish and a surprise from my sister in law being at the end with my husband made it so wonderful!! ”

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What are your weekend plans?

Any great documentaries that you have watched lately? Id love to hear about them so I can watch:)

Last type of cake that you ate?

If you want to tell Skye happy birthday I can read your comments to her:)

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Herzlich Geburtstag to Skye!!!!
Love the funfetti cake-it’s my favorite, too!!!

The Biggest Little Farm is a wonderful documentary. I watched it on our overseas flight to USA last summer. I love documentaries.



Happy birthday Skye! Her face opening the present is priceless..
Kick some ass at CIM Janae, leave it all out there and when it hurts think about Skye and you will smile.


I’m traveling to St. Louis tomorrow for a cousin’s wedding – nothing better than time with the extended family!
I don’t eat cake since I cannot tolerate gluten – but that doesn’t stop me from stealing frosting!

And Happy Birthday to beautiful Skye! Your light shines so brightly and you keep all of us smiling.


Good luck this weekend! I’m so excited for you. CIM is my favorite race I have run it 10x – my PR and several BQs have happened on that course. The people and town are amazing. I was so looking forward to running this year, but had surgery last year and not quite back.

some tips: start up front..stay right for 1st mile, the 1st right is a sharp one and bunches of congested. More rolling through through 17 than you would expect.. (16 Is the hill usually bothers me) very easy to get super excited at 13 lots of crowds, stay calm, also lots of relays going on so keep an eye on that too) very easy to even split this race due to last 10k being relatively flat to down, lots of crowds down the last 3 miles and beautiful homes and tree lines streets focus on that the last miles…have a plan for the finish..I would walk the last 800 to 400 so you know exactly what do to – it’s longer than you think and seconds may matter…use tangents since the road is closed…

documentary: same as the reader before ..Biggest Little Farm..really makes you rethink the sources of our food and the relationship to our land…

Again, I’m so excited for you to experience my favorite race and I only wish I was there with you!


VERONICA, I want to hug you for all of the help and I am SO sorry that you won’t be racing on Sunday. Let’s both go back next year:) . Thank you for those tips, I had never even thought about those things. You are the best and you are right, each second counts!


Happy Birthday Skye!!
Oh her face while opening presents is so sweet!! What a fun celebration!
Have a great Friday ?


Happy birthday, Skye! I can’t believe you’re already 2 years old!

Good luck at the CIM, Janae!! You are going to show them what you’re made of!! All good thoughts heading your way!


Happy birthday Skye! The joy and excitement for life through the eyes of a two year old are so fun!
Good luck at CIM, Janae!


I am so glad you got it and it came in time!!

Nothing but a party this weekend ? So excited for you to crush this marathon


Thank goodness for overnight shipping hahah! Thanks for helping me so much, don’t know what we would do without you! Have the best day and see you soon!


Weekend plans, shopping shopping and more shopping.

I just watched The Game Changers on Netflix yesterday, about plant-based diets and elite athletes (and regular people haha). I’m not sure how I feel about it yet but it was super interesting and gave me a lot to think about!

Strawberry cake at Thanksgiving!!

Happy Birthday cutie! My puppy Rose said to tell you happy birthday too can you believe it!?!?! :)


Happy BIrthday, Skye!! You are a precious, perfect gift from God and your family is so absolutely blessed to have you. You will never wonder if you are loved with the amazing family you have. I hope your momma lets you have cake for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. :D


Happy Birthday to Skye! Hope the whole weekend is magical!!

Last cake: cookie cake…mmmmm


Happy Birthday Skye!

I have a 32 degrees coat, so warm without being bulky. But… my 12 year old has stolen it!!

Stressing over weather predictions for my half marathon. I know the weather could change (its on 12/15), but I hate seeing rain and snow there!!


Carrie, I am crossing all of my fingers that your weather for your half is perfect and that the weather changes. Keep me updated on it all!


Happy happy birthday sweet girl!!!!! I can’t believe how grown up she looks in these pics!
My weekend plans are Target, grocery shopping, cleaning house, doing laundry, packing up my mom’s condo, spending time with my mom, shoe & clothes shopping for my youngest and driving around to look at Christmas lights. If I’m lucky, I’ll find time for a trail run.
It’s been too long since I’ve had cake but I’m not going without sweets in any stretch of the imagination! Ha!
The last few documentaries I saw and LOVED are The Game Changers, Limitless (thank you for the rec!) and Free Solo. All super good!
Have a great day!


Happy birthday Skye!!! Embrace being two! Explore you world and test those boundries like every two year old should, but maybe lay off the hiding for your mom’s sanity.

Have a great race this weekend, Janae. While you are rocking CIM with Emilee, I’ll be running Bryan College Station marathon with my running buddy. Here’s to all of us reacing our race goals for this weekend!


Happy Birthday Skye! She is such a little sweetheart!



Happy Birthday Skye.
Love your little personality. Keep letting it shine, my dear.


Happy Happy #2 Skye!! I hope you laugh a lot, eat a lot of cake and get lots of hugs from your family and friends!! Keep making us all smile!
Good luck at CIM Janae!!! It’s going to be the best day! And enjoy the race weekend with Andrew :) Can’t wait for Andrew’s updates if he’s able to share.
My weekend plans include making my first trip to Costco! It will probably take me a few hours just to explore the store and another few to actually walk back through and purchase things ~ ha ha.


AHHH Yes! I’ll have Andrew post updates on my IG! Thanks for the reminder and for the support and for the bday wishes. I hope you have the best weekend at Costco… you are going to LOVE IT!


Happy birthday, Skye! Me and my little buddy (who I’m 100% sure would be your little buddy, too, if you ever get to meet him) hope you have a wonderful day!


Happy Birthday, Skye!!!

Today is my sissy’s birthday so I am taking her for a manicure and dinner and then I get to give her her gift. She has recently picked up running so I bought her a bib for a 5k in January. I am sooo excited! I’m a little nervous she will be a little freaked out but hopefully she’ll forgive me :)

I love documentaries. I watched one not too long ago called “Abducted in Plain Sight.” It was painful to watch but also so interesting.

I don’t eat cake often because of a gluten allergy, but I have a great recipe for a gf carrot cake and it is soo yummy! Nothing Bundt Cakes also makes a delicious gf chocolate chip cake!


Happy birthday, sweet Skye. I’ve loved watching you grow up here on your mama’s blog. You remind me of one of my daughters who is spunky, feisty, fun, and definitely a perfect mixture of sugar and spice!!! Xoxo

PS my weekend plans are running CIM like your mom (but much slower than her!).


AHHH GOOD LUCK KATE!! I HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE!!! Thank you so much for your sweet comment for Brooke:)


Happy Birthday to you!♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday to you!♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪Happy Birthday Dear Skye! ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ Happy Birthday to you! •.¸¸♥ •.¸¸♥ ¸.•*¨*•♫♪ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪Have a Stupendous day! ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ *¨*•♫♪

我买了纯波数我的按摩产品ths ago and I LOVE it!!! Weekend plans – i need to run! I fell off the wagon in September and haven’t been consistent since. I finally bought a lap counter and got it today from Amazon so i can count my laps on the indoor track. I can’t just run for time – I need to know the distance!


Happy Birthday to Skye! A sweet little girl who I enjoy watching grow and take on the world!! Have the best day!


Last type of cake I ate was Bavarian cream cake to my brother’s wedding!
Happy birthday to Skye!! I love seeing pictures of her—she is so adorable! And you can tell her that sounds like a fun birthday..I like Frozen also ;)


Hahahahaha Knox posing in that hoodie pajama to make the head in the right position is so cute!!! He did a good job!!
Happy birthday Skye!!!


Omigosh Jenae- I started following you when you were pregnant with Skye. I have so enjoyed watching your kiddos grow. My babies are in college in now – time goes by so fast. Enjoy every minute with your precious family. Best of luck in Sacramento!
P.S. My husband has been a big fan of the 32 degree-wear for awhile. I finally got some of the long underwear at Costco this year- love!


Happy birthday, Skye!! Wishing you all the best at CIM!! I wore that exact same outfit (Levi jeans + Madewell sweater) just a few days ago. :)

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