A Simple Running Truth (that really helps me) + Our Weekend!


我不知道发生了什么,但是对于我上运行年代aturday I felt better than I have in FOREVER. My plan was running 4 miles before I met my sister for a walk (her back was hurting ((not running related)) and with each mile my body felt like going faster and faster—> 9:25, 8:43, 8:08 and 7:49. Im not expecting any more runs like this this year but it sure felt good to run a bit faster than I have in a long time.

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The rest of our Saturday was spent up north at my in-law’s house. They always have the absolute best fruit there that they get from a farm nearby. I could have eaten this entire bowl.

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Andrew’s mom had pumpkin pie for us from Sam’s Club and we all agreed that Sam’s Club pumpkin pie > Costco pumpkin pie.

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We have another 8 year old in the house! We picked up Knox on Sunday morning and got to spend the day with him.

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He is just like Andrew and loves everything to be Halloween themed.

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His favorite present by far was this magic set!

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And then we had family over for dinner… Pizza of course (extra pepperoni for Knox).

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My mom completed Knox’s drawing (she is doing a drawing of each grandkid) and I just can’t believe how good she is at this…

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This is the photo she used for the drawing…. I can’t believe how good she is.

After dinner we did our traditional piñata for the kids.

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And then the kids made tickets for a magic show for everyone to attend.

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My mom brought a bag of peaches and I’ll be eating these all week!

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Now this idea is pretty much as simple as it could possibly get but it works for me and has for years now. I even remember the first time this simple idea really clicked for me and on the days I really don’t want to get out the door or start what I know is going to be a really hard workout… This always works.

***Don’t think… J.U.S.T. S.T.A.R.T.***

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One crazy cold morning I met these two girls above (I think this was in 2014) to do THIRTY SIX x 200mW. I am all about the longer stuff and so of course the 200m intervals really intimidated me when I found out about the workout (we were doing 36 of them for Josse’s 36th birthday). We did the warm-up and I was coming up with ALL of the stalling methods (<— so that’s where my kids get it from) before starting the actual workout. I remember my friend Rachelle said that the key to doing these crazy types of workouts was to JUST START without even thinking about it. Get rid of the stalling or the dreading or the doubting yourself or the long breaks in between intervals… and just get to work. Get your mind thinking about anything else than about how tired you are or how it’s too hot or that the workout is going to kill you… As you are going out the door think about things like what you are going to have for breakfast afterwards or about your dog or anything but the running.

It’s so simple but sometimes I forget out how to do this and spend too much time thinking about what I am about to do rather than actually just doing it. You’ll have all of the time in the world afterwards to stretch, get drinks, tie your shoes again for the 500th time or think about ALL OF THE THINGS but if you can just get dressed and get started with your run without even thinking about it… Once you get your legs moving and the fresh air in your lungs, you are just going to keep going with it and hit your goal for the day.

Next time you are just not wanting to run (for reasons other than burnout or injury)—> just STOP thinking and start running. Don’t let your brain talk you out of anything or delay the process, just go.


What are your thoughts on pumpkin pie? Can you eat it without whipped cream?

Procrastinating a hard run/workoutis this something that happens to you often or are you good at just getting going?

What was the best thing you ate this last weekend?

How many days a week have you been running lately?

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Would it be possible to have a gallery-edition post of your mom’s art sometime? She is so talented and I’d love to see more!

I’m not really a pumpkin person, but I love sweet potato casserole. I found a lighter version recipe that I like a lot, so I make a batch just for myself and take it for lunch as if it were my little pudding-cup dessert. It’s a good balance between healthy and a treat.


I love that idea so so much… absolutely! I’ll post them all once she has a few more done. You’ll have to send me the sweet potato casserole version when you get a chance. Have a beautiful day Tracy!


Totally off topic, but I remember one time you talked about a board that your dad made with different gadgets and latches and such on it. It looked like such a cool “toy!” I think my son would love it and was hoping my husband could replicate it. Could you possible post a picture of it again?
Love the blog!


HEY JESSICA!! Yes yes yes.. I’ll post it tomorrow! Thank you so much and I hope you have a beautiful day (ps you’ll have to show me what your husband makes)!


Love pumpkin pie! But yes, need whipped cream or something on it.

I definitely procrastinate on workouts if I’m alone- if running with friends, I’ll be fine. But sometimes dragging myself out of bed or out the door is hard.


年代eriously, running with friends takes out all of the procrastination (unless everyone involved is feeling awful haha). I hope you get some pumpkin pie with whipped cream soon! Have a beautiful day friend.


年代o true that just starting and going is the answer a lot of times. And not just with running!

I don’t really love pumpkin pie but this weekend I made pumpkin cheesecake brownies and they are very good. You should bring the family for a visit to try them.


We will be there tonight… that sounds UNREAL! You come up with the best creations. Hope your day is a bright one friend.


Hi Janae,
I am so glad that you got a speedy run in over the weekend!
I was thinking of procrastinating a run yesterday. I am so glad I didn’t-I did my fastest 5k for the last 4 months and then picked up my hubby for another 5 miles. Aren’t some of the best runs unexpected?!
Been running 5 days a week and that seems to be my happy place!
I will eat pumpkin pie no matter what, but whipped cream makes it so much better!
We got he Trader Joe’s pumpkin bread mix and added chocolate chips. It is sooo good! Thanks for the recommendation?
Have a great day and happy birthday Knox!


FASTEST 5k in FOUR MONTHS… plus another 5 miles! You are on fire Jenny! I am so happy that you loved the TJ’s pumpkin bread + cc! It’s just the best. Thank you friend and I am so glad you had that amazing unexpected run. Have a beautiful day and thank you!


我被风吹走了你妈妈的难以置信的天赋!年代o impressive. Happy Monday to you and your family.


年代he really is so amazing! Thank you Kimberly, you too!


Any time I have a speed work out, I want to stall! Haha I just dread them so much but love the feeling when their all over with!


年代eriously, that feeling when they are all done… I wish we could just bottle that up and keep it forever. You are not alone with stalling the speed! Hope you have a great day Colleen.


Wow your mom is such a talented artist! That is an amazing drawing of Knox.


年代eriously, we are all shocked over how good she is! I hope you have a really beautiful day, Mona!


Your mom is so talented! I wonder how many people have found a new talent/hobby/exercise during this quarantine. Someone should do a news story about it.
I run every other day but would love to eventually push it to 4x every week. Coming back from my heel stress fracture is slow but ok. I am getting bored of my route!! When i was averaging 6 to 8 miles at a time, I could venture further from my house!! I don’t procrastinate workouts in general but I find myself not hopping right out of bed in the morning and I regret that! I always end up then wanting more time.


Right?! Maybe I need to do a blog post about this and share everyone’s new talents. I do the same… I always wish I would have just gotten up when the first alarm went off. I am so happy that you are able to run every other day now and I hope that you get to go longer soon and get some new routes! Have a beautiful day friend.


Hi Janae! I’ve been running six days a week for a while now but my plantar fasciitis is flaring up right now (noooooooooo!) so we’ll see how that goes.
Pumpin pie demands whipped cream!
Have a great day!


NOOOO to plantar! I hate that pain so much. Have you tried sleeping in one of the boots? They are the most annoying things ever but they always take care of mine. Have a fabulous day!



Wow. Not only does your Mom seem like such an amazing person, she’s a naturally gifted artist TOO?!?!?! No fair lol.
Have a great week!


I agree! What can’t she do!?!? Thank you so much Jocelyn and I hope you have a great week too!


Hi Janae! I meant to comment after seeing your mom’s amazing drawing of Brooke… today seeing the one of Knox just blew me away!…she is super talented and I am so impressed she used the Covid time to teach herself!! And her efforts with the grandma school are equally as admirable. What an amazing woman! Keep talking about her because she is a role model and deserves all the love.
Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy! So happy your body is allowing you to keep running!


年代eriously, my mom is just the best and she continues to impress me every day. Thank you for what you said, it means a whole lot. Happy Monday Wendy!


Okay mama janae is incredible. Wow.

I have not run in ages!! I’m walking these days… usually 5 k 2 or 3 times a week. Plus YouTube strength videos a few times a week!

Best thing I ate was this amazing pizza my friend made us on Sunday!


I forgot to say one more thing… the JUST START is so so important for me with exercise. I’m naturally a couch potato type so I can talk myself out of anything!! Lol but if I just START without thinking about it, it always works!!


HEY ANDREA!! You’ll have to share with me some of your favorite YouTube strength videos soon! Friends that make friends pizza are the best friends to have:). Yes yes yes.. it always does work and way to go on your walks and strength, you are doing amazing.


I made apple cinnamon scones for breakfast—yum! I was given a fantastic scone recipe years ago and it’s my go-to now because it can be easily adapted to any flavor combination you want. This time of year it’s apple cinnamon, at Christmas it’s cinnamon eggnog, and other times it might be orange cranberry or lemon poppyseed or just chocolate chip.


Now I am craving scones more than anything. I need to make some apple cinnamon ones today. They all sound so good! Hope your Monday is a beautiful one Cynthia!


I need to try Sam’s Club pumpkin pie if it’s even better than Costco! CAN I eat it without whipped cream? Yes. Do I want to? No. No way. :-)

I can’t believe how good your mom is–is that your stomach Knox is leaning against in the picture? If yes, I love that the future baby gets to be in the picture!

I’ve gotten pretty good at just doing it and getting out to exercise–I don’t feel any better when I focus on all the excuses, and I’ve gotten good at finding some motivators, or sometimes just forcing myself out the door! I’m way more likely to regret missing the opportunity to move than I will be about taking it.


Hahaha the CAN I vs the DO I made me laugh so hard. Let me know what you think of the Sam’s version. That is my stomach! Oh I love what you said about the excuses not making you feel better. I’ll remember that next time I am stalling. Have the best day Kristin!


Your mom is so incredibly talented! And what a special thing she is doing for the grandkids, and the whole family really.
I love pumpkin pie! I sometimes will have whipped cream with it, but I definitely prefer it without. Now I am craving a slice!
I have been running 6 days a week, and loving it. Normally I run 5 days, but this month 6 days has been my comfort zone. However, when I was running with my group on Friday, I could feel my right achilles…. Nothing bad, just felt it. So I will definitely be very in tune with that for a while.
Have a great Monday, and happy birthday to Knox again!


I totally agree, she really is just so great. Prefer it without whipped cream… interesting (I hope you get a slice soon). So happy you are getting 6 days in (and one with your group wahoo) and I hope your achilles stays happy! Keep me updated and thanks, you too Wendy!


Your mom is amazing!!!! Happy birthday to Knox — the “service dogs only” on the ticket made me lol.

That is a very good tip on not procrastinating! I might need it on a poster for frequent reminders haha.


Hahaha I’m glad you saw that… It made me laugh too! Beretta wasn’t very happy that she wasn’t invited;). Oh a poster would be awesome… we can put it on all of our ceilings and see it first thing when we wake up. I hope you have a really great day Julie!


你的妈妈是一个了不起的艺术家!哇喔哇! And Happy Birthday to Knox!
I used to love pumpkin pie…. until I had sweet potato pie. My husband makes his mom’s recipe and it is to die for!
I got it into my head that my body doesn’t like speed work so I haven’t done it in months. Well, I’ve been listening to David and Megan Roche’s Some Work All Play podcast and they’ve inspired me to incorporate a few strides in to the end of every run and it feels amazing to finish strong when I’m usually super pooped out. I’m only running a few days a week but doing these strides makes me feel like I’m putting in more work.
Have a great day!


HEY JENNY! Thank you so much and I totally agree! Well, now I need to get your MIL’s recipe for sweet potato pie, that sounds amazing. I love that you are starting to add in some strides, they really do make a big difference (my coach is BIG on them too). Keep me updated and way to get them in. Thanks, you too!


“Service dogs only” ??? I can’t stop laughing at how cute that is.


Hahaha for some reason he didn’t want Beretta involved in the magic show;). Hope you have the best day and I’ll SEE YOU SOON!!!!!


I definitely procrastinate my runs…..but I love running, so why do i do that?!!?

I branched out and tried a new sandwich at a local restaurant. Ham, white cheddar, strawberry jam, then they brush the bread in egg and grill it……..SOOOOOO GOOD!

I am doing a run streak, but there are at least 1 or 2 days each week where it is just one mile:)
And I hit a mile pr on my garmin saturday, then beat it sunday!!!!!!!

have a great week!


Isn’t it crazy how we forget right before we head out each time how much we love it and how good it feels when we are all done ha. I NEED THAT SANDWICH NOW. That sounds so so good. You are rocking that streak and MILE PR… you are AMAZING! Thanks Loribeth, you too!


WOW! Your Mother’s talent is beyond AMAZING!!
P.S. In my heart I feel like Knox is going to get the little brother he has been praying for ??


ME TOO!! I can’t wait to see his reaction if it is too:). Thank you friend and I hope your day is off to a great start!


1. I ADORE Knox’s cake! It’s cool, beautiful, and I bet it was delicious!!!

2. YOUR MOM’S DRAWING!!!! Wow, wow, wow!!! There are no words!!!!! Incredible.

Okay, questions—pumpkin pie. I can honestly take it or leave it. Hiding my face in my hands, I don’t love pumpkin!!!! I’m more of a peppermint girl, so my season hasn’t started up just quite yet. ha ha

Best thing I ate this weekend. Hmmmmm. I’d have to say sushi or the cookie dough cupcake I had last night :)

I’m running 5 or 6 days a week now. During the quarantine, I was up to 6 days a week, but when school started up again, I’m kind of alternating 5 days and 6 days for my own sanity and to feel good. At first I felt that, “Ack! I don’t want to pull back! I’ve been running 6 days! I need to still run six days! feeling, but I know that some weeks running 5 is just better for me right now!!

And, girlfriend, those paces you ran?! Fire!!!! Good for you!!!


Thank you so much Jen, seriously my mom is just incredible. I will fully agree with you that peppermint (with chocolate) is better than pumpkin and you’ll have to share your favorite recipes/treats with me in the next few months. UGGGG I WANT SUSHI SO SO BAD! And that cupcake sounds like heaven. Good luck figuring that 5/6 day thing out. You sure have a LOT on your plate right now and I am cheering for you big time. Thank you Jen, it felt so good. Hope your Monday is off to a great start!


Hi Janae! Your mom’s drawing looks like an effect in photoshop, it’s that good! I am so happy that peaches are back in your life. Last week I had off work so I ran almost every day. I am coming back from an injury too and so I just ran easy and with friends when possible. It was a real treat, so many endorphins. I hope you have a good Monday and great start to the week!


说真的,我不敢相信她是多么的好tit! I am SO happy that you had that week off of work and I hope you are feeling energized and refreshed. So happy you got in those easy runs with friends too. Thanks friend, you too!


WOW!! Your Mom is amazing! Please post more of her pictures. I would love to see all the grandkids!!
Happy Birthday to Knox!! Looks like he had a fun weekend :)
I’m not a fan of pumpkin pie. I prefer pumpkin bread or cookies!!
年代ometimes I’m really bad at procrastinating. I’m going to tell myself “JUST START” from now on.
I had the most delicious soft pretzel this weekend. I can’t wait to get another one.


Off to get a soft pretzel with extra salt… that sounds so good! I totally will post more of the pictures from her drawings… she is incredible. Thank you so much and I hope you get some really good pumpkin cookies asap. Thanks Elizabeth!


Your mom is SO talented!! I feel like people are so hard to draw!
Pumpkin pie requires whipped cream, although I’m strange in that I only like the filling and always leave the crust. My family thinks I’m crazy haha!
我只是运行一个星期2 - 3次,但我想要的目标for 3-4 times a week at least. Running with friends makes it much easier to get out the door since I don’t want them to wait for me and when I would go into the office it was easier since I knew I had a window of time available… now that I’m working from home, I easily say to myself, maybe i’ll run at lunch time or after work, etc… and it gets harder as the day goes since my calendar gets busy with work.
My husband made grilled buffalo chicken tenders yesterday and they were cooked to perfection!


My son got that magic set for Christmas last year and we still haven’t done all the tricks Because I can’t figure them out! For some reason reading that book for instructions isn’t explicit enough. I hope you guys figure them out and make a video to show me!!
Can’t eat pumpkin pie without whip cream!


I totally use the ‘just start’ for other hard things too. Like jobs that I don’t want to do, I find it’s easy to spend so long thinking how I really just don’t want to do it and if I’d just done it it would have already been finished! But definitely a good one for hard workouts.

Your mum is so talented!


thank you for this reminder!! it totally works. when I’m laying in bed I try to just kick my legs over and stand up literally thinking in my head “don’t think don’t think” haha and before you know it you’re out and about and almost done! have a great week!


Your mother is incredibly talented! I was already impressed by her Grandma School set ups and plans and she can draw too?!!

Whipped cream is a must on any kind of pie, but especially pumpkin.

I run really early in the morning before work, and I just don’t have the time to procrastinate starting my run. So I’ve kinda by default been forced into the “JUST START!” mentality. Sometimes I’ll be thinking about running easy instead of doing the scheduled hard workout, but I make myself get through the warmup before deciding to bag the hard stuff. I almost always feel better and ready to run hard once I’m warmed up.

Best thing I ate this weekend – back to the pie discussion – was banana cream pie from a local bakery yesterday with ALLLL the whipped cream on top. So good! And I’m not normally a big sweets person.

I run anywhere between 4-6 days a week but lately 5 days a week is my sweet spot.


Happy birthday Knox!! Your mum’s drawing is *amazing*!!


OMG…your run! So FAST. Good for you.
To be honest I am not a pumpkin pie fan but I do love apple:-) With ice cream though.

I love my easy runs but a hard workout does make me feel like a badass once a week or so…

You look great!


Your mom’s talent is amazing.


I cannot believe how on point the drawing is! Can’t wait to see more of your mom’s art–so incredibly talented, and what a thoughtful project to complete for the grandkids.

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