Silentish Saturday!


A few miles before and a few miles after the above gym.

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Everyone got ready and we headed over to the St. George Children’s Museum.

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Stopping at every mister we see.

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Breakfast was needed at Bear Paw Cafe.

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So much joy in one photo.

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Always playing doggy at the splash pads.

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Beck is ready to get back to his normal napping schedule.

Pool time + pizza + a movie.

“Mom, my eyes keep trying to make me go to sleep.” -Skye


Tell me three things you have going on today!

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Aww my eyes are making me go to sleep- she doesn’t want to miss out on any fun??

好工作做力量连续2天! !

I am doing some errands today (getting my garbage disposal and internet fixed, everything on one day haha). And then some friends are having a cookout, but they live over an hour away, so trying to pump myself up to drive over 2 hours today! Without driving much while working from home, I find myself getting lazy when driving anywhere.


She experiences fomo just like Andrew hahah! I’m okay missing out on things if I am tried and want to sleep! Have the best time at the cookout and I couldn’t agree more, I am so lazy with driving these days too. Enjoy!


Hi Janae! Today I’m doing my long run and then making ice cream! Also watching the Olympic trials. It’s super hot here this weekend, high is 110! Got any got weather running tips? I’m super impressed that you can break up your run with the strength training since it must get hotter for the second half.
Happy weekend!!


Making ice cream… how fun and the perfect post long run activity! 110 degrees ahhhhh… either go super early or hit the treadmill! I would die in that, it was 75 for my run today and I thought I was hardcore ha. Happy weekend, Amy!


Sometimes my eyes make we want to go to sleep too Skye! Sweet girl doesn’t want to stop having fun.
Awesome job on doing strength 2 days in a row!
Heading out for 4.9 birthday miles (I wanted to run my age, but 49 miles is way too much, ha), then yoga, then the pool. ?
Have a great weekend in St. George!


Happiest happiest birthday Wendy! I wish I could join you on those 4.9 miles. I am thankful for your friendship! I’ll eat a cookie to celebrate you!


It looks like you are having so much fun!!! Summer is the best:-) Too funny about Skye’s eyes making her sleep. It fascinates me how kids (and adults) differ in their sleep patterns/attitude towards sleep!

1. long run, done
2. finish unpacking/organizing the house after coming back from FL and start packing for the cabin later next week.
3. nap;-)

Have a fabulous day Janae!


Way to go on your long run today! I hope Florida was a blast and that you have an amazing time at the cabin too! Enjoy that nap❤️ Thanks Becky!


Skye is funny! I hope she and her eyes came to an agreement on sleep.
Strength training is tough when all you want to do is run. I’ve made peace with it knowing that I won’t be doing any running unless I keep up with the strength training. I think that’s why my knee has continued to cooperate. I got the helper muscles in shape to help.
Three things: long run and strength, farmers market, and pool!
I meant to comment yesterday. Utah looks like the cookie capital of the world. You are always raving about different bakeries. I need to move to UT or the shops in UT need to open branches in MD.
Enjoy St. George! It looks like alot of fun.


Lee, I am so so happy that your knee is continuing to let you run and I’m sure strength training is helping so much.. you inspire me to get those helper muscles going. I feel like that is what I am realizing, in order to continue to run, I have to do this! I think you need to move to utah and come eat cookies and run with me!


OK so that picture of all the kids together ready to head to the children’s museum: BECK LOOKS LIKE A 7 YEAR OLD!!!!! Holy moly!!!

St. George seems to be treating you well. I love to see you strength training again! YAY STRENGTH!

As for me, today I:
1. went back to a barre class at a studio I found & fell in love with when the sea change in my life was beginning, then could not afford AT ALL for about 2 years, and recently decided to start treating myself to 1 class/week, so I can still have it back in my life, even in the middle of other priorities (yoga, teaching my spin classes, strength training…)
2. This afternoon I am meeting a former student for coffee. She was in one of my writing classes right after we moved to ATL and right before Tom and I got married.
3. I am spending some time rounding up clothes to donate to Goodwill–in the continuing effort to root my life around all the things that spark joy and make me feel most grounded in who I am and what I value, there is a lot I can get rid of. :) And when I break up that endeavor in digestible chunks, doing something ‘good for me’ doesn’t at all become too much or too overwhelming and lets me really make sure I am making the RIGHT choices for what will feel best for me. :)


Hey Stephanie! I am so so glad you went back to your favorite gym and I love that you are going to continue to go once a week! Have the best time with your former student and I need to follow your lead with donating all of the things that don’t spark joy! Happy Saturday friend!


Your aunts gym looks so tiny, too bad she has to work out in that cramped dark room ?

We are in the car on way to visit my parents, hoping they have the Olympic channel I need to watch the women’s 10000!


Hahaha I didn’t clarify that well! Her community gym! Have the best time with your parents and I have to watch that today too!


I would love to hear more about what you’re doing for your strength training!


I’m going to put together a post of what I am doing once I get a bit more experience if that is okay! I hope you are having a great weekend, Leslie!


I am totally borrowing Skye’s line there…regardless of being 30 years older than her ??
And misters are entirely underrated, they need to be in more places!
? aloha!


Hahahah I’ll be using her line too! Aloha to you Amanda, I hope you are having the best day!


我来自圣乔治,我很幸运有一个瑞士nd home there now- I love St. George so much! How early did you have to get to Bear Paw to get a table?? That place is awesome but I always have to get there sooo early! I’ll have to try Angelica’s!


I’d be interested in learning more about your strength-training regimen.

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